Verve Vol XIV Iss 8 May 2014

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Congrats to winners in Senior Car Expose!

Spring fashion Trends that make you want to shop!

See pages 4-5

See page 7

May 2014

Volume XIV Issue 8

Summit High School 125 Kent Place Boulevard Summit, NJ 07901

Fluctuating best school Winners pocket prize money; ranking sees slight dip

Opine: Teen drinkers get shaken, stirred by local PD

By Nate Bowyer Staff Reporter

April 9 was a sad day for some students. As most enjoyed a quiet, uneventful Wednesday morning, others were trapped in a woodenwalled purgatory some like to call municipal court. It was a sad day indeed. High school students have parties where there is underage drinking. Whether one agrees with it or not, it is a fact. What is also a fact is that it’s illegal. In my opinion, the Summit Police have generally been forgiving when it comes to underage drinking, keeping the safety and wellbeing of their city as their main priority. Recently however, Summit Police have started cracking down on underage drinking, and have increased enforcement drastically. They have been randomly showing up at parties,

surrounding the house to make sure nobody escapes, and then issuing severe fines and punishments to students involved. Although unlikely, rumores have some students believing there is a NARC (Narcotics Officer) in the school, leading the police to the busted events. Senior Nick Lioudis says, “I understand it’s wrong and illegal, but I think the police are focusing too much of their time on underage drinking, when they should be focusing on more important issues.” Summit police officer Matt Buntin said in a recent “Verve” interview, “I’ve known most of you since fifth grade, and we have a vested interest, because we don’t want to see you get hurt. We want to protect you, even if it’s from yourself.” Continued on Opine page 3

This month’s Verve.... Buzz...............6 Globe......... 2 Entertainment....7 Opine......... 3 Expose........4-5 Turf.......8

local charities benefit Photo provided by Ms. Itrieyva

Performance rankings of schools have become a source of curiosity and concern for students, parents, and taxpayers. While retaining a gold medal ranking with the “US News and World Reports” Best High Schools data, SHS has seen, like other local schools, its numbers fluctuate from year to year. Before analyzing the study, one needs to keep in mind that the numbers are based on two-year-old data. This essentially means that the 2014 ranking reflects 2012 conditions, so advancements made in the past two years are excluded. The 2014 ranking, 24 in NJ, is a lower ranking than 2013’s number 18 spot, yet the rank is still an improvement from the rank of 25 in 2012. Such fluctuation is charac-

teristic of other high-ranking schools. For example, Ridge’s ranking has jumped from 8 to 14 to 7 in the past three years. Within the public high school rankings, the USN&WR includes magnet and charter schools, which typically are low-enrollment (200-500 total) institutions. High Tech High in Lincroft, for instance, has had 258-268 students for the past three years (compared to 1K+ here) and has consistently landed one of the top two NJ spots while fluctuating between tenth and twentieth place nationally. Is it worth getting jammed up about statistical minutiae? Students as well as administrators should work diligently to ensure high achievement in the state rankings, but a oneyear dip is trivial; the big picture shows an upward trend.

Volleyball! The KHK Tournament champions, All Americans, pose for a picture after their victory on March 28. The winning seniors celebrate the first place title, as well as their $450 cash prize!

By Meredith Robertson Buzz Co-Editor The Kids Helping Kids Volleyball tournament, which took place in the gym on Friday March 28 at 6p.m., was a huge success. The Kids Helping Kids, whose club members volunteer their time to help with organizations like TryCan and the Homework Club, hosted the tournament. This year’s volleyball tournament was the first of a soon-tobe annual event, and president Claudia Hanley spoke positively of the results.

“I’m proud to see that such a fun event came together so nicely in the end,” Hanley said, “We worked really hard to set this up and to get teams involved, so I was proud when it turned out to be so successful.” There were seven teams total, including Team All Americans, which was the winning team of the night. There were about 90 people attending the tournament, including the participants, which is an outstanding turnout. Each team consisted of six to eight members,

and varied between grades and genders. A handful of teachers refereed the game in order to keep the scoring system fair. “The game was intense,” Hanley explained, “because the team Kiss My Ace defeated Team America in the preliminaries but the team came back and beat them in the final round.” The winning team, The All Americans, was a senior team consisting of Nollister Montas, Connor Hanley, Robbie Walsh, David Connolly, Rob Ticzon, Ben Colao, Gerber Bolanos, and sophomore Alia Poticano. This team received a monetary prize of $450 and the satisfaction of being the first ever Kids Helping Kids Volleyball Tournament Champions! At the end of the night KHK raised enough money to donate $700 to charity. So to all those who missed out on this event, be sure to come out next year to participate and help support a great cause while having fun at the same time!

230+ students take trip to Sunshine State

Disney! A handful of sophomore and junior girls pose above while enjoying rides after their fun performance.

By Anika Becker Staff Reporter Recently all music programs took a trip to Disney World to perform and display their musical talents to many other music programs from across the country. The chorus, band and orchestra students flew for a long weekend of sun, fun and music in the most magical place in the country, between

Upcoming Events

Photo provided by Brynn Johnson

By Megan Shaw Entertainment Editor

April 24 - 27. Sophomore Sophia Michalopoulos said “I knew going into the trip that Disney was a magical place, but I was so surprised by how close we became as a choir over the course of the four days. It really was a magical trip”. While in Disney, the chorus performed for a crowd in Downtown Disney, while the

Junior/Senior Prom: May 16 Award of Excellence: May 17 Senior Athlete Banquet: May 19 Senior Banquet: June 4 Graduation: June 25

band marched through Magic Kingdom and attended a recording workshop. Also, the orchestra performed at Epcot. All three programs performed outstandingly and earned their time exploring Disney World and all the adventures within. All of the students went to the parks, such as Epcot, the Animal Kingdom, and the Magic Kingdom, and Hollywood Studios. Junior, Brynn Johnson, said that a hot ride among the performers was Space Mountain. Johnson, also shared a story about students getting stuck at the tip of the Everest ride in Animal Kingdom! For both musical and leisurely reasons, each student who attended the Disney trip found great excitement and joy after their adventure to Disney World in Florida.

Final Exam Schedule Thursday, June 19 (periods 7&8) Friday, June 20 (periods 5&6) Monday, June 23 (periods 3&4) Tuesday, June 24 (periods 1&2)

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