Acta est fabula plaudite:
Because aliens wear hats...
Farewell to instructor of Latin, Mr. Jonathan “Seven” Hills “of Rome”
If you have 4 pencils + 7 apples, how much will you miss Mr. Thayer?
See page 9
See page 9
Summit High School
June 2014
In the haus... History teacher and banquet chaperone, Mr. Lawrence Seid, with graduates (from left) Stephanie Ford, Colm Dougherty, and Katie Chase.
Photos provided by Josie Persson
Good food and good friends. Senior banquet was held at the Berkeley Plaza on June 4. FYI, There is a strict “no camera” policy for the hypnotist’s act.
Students dazzle at prom
125 Kent Place Boulevard Summit, NJ 07901
Photos by Verve staff and
Senior Banquet
Volume XIV Issue 9
Lookin’ sharp! Seniors and juniors, pose for pictures at pre-parties before heading to the venue
Retiree Roundup: bidding 6 retiring, 3 departing faculty adieu Mrs. Rogers-Shaw Future holds teaching
Photo by Anne Weisgerber
By Emily Gao Staff Reporter
Farewell!: June 2014 brought a slew of retirements. Teachers and friends who began their careers long ago in the 1980s are ready to pursue new paths. From left, at the faculty dinner at The Primavera in Gillette on June 5: John Schnedeker, Carol Rogers-Shaw, Gordon Sauer, Paula Rozan, Robert Kaplow, Arturo Lopez, and Tony Akey
Mr. Kaplow 34 great years
By Nate Bowyer Staff Reporter
When asked of what moment he’s proudest, as his time as a high school teacher comes to a close, Mr. Robert Kaplow responded in writing, “I sometimes feel my role at Summit High School has been that of court-jester—which is not a bad job. And, honestly, given the choice between being the court-jester and being the king, I’d always take the jester. “I’m proud of my teaching. I’m even prouder of my writing. “I’m proud that I retired from teaching as a gesture of political solidarity with Mr. Akey who I felt was treated unfairly.”
“I’m proud that my students from thirty years ago (like Ms. Donat) can still recite Sonnet 29 from memory. I’m proud that my students have learned how to solve British crossword puzzles; have learned about Dylan Thomas and William Butler Yeats; have learned about the Duino Elegies and cried at the end of Charlie Chaplin’s “City Lights.” They’ve learned who Cole Porter was—and Lorenz Hart—and Johnny Mercer. “They’ve learned what rule-utilitarianism is—and ethical hedonism of the present moment. I’m proud that I’ve never taught a work of literature that I didn’t love. And I’m proud that I’ve taught my students the value of the glorious present tense.”
Inside this month’s Verve....
Staff Page........................... 2 Awards of Excellence ....... 3 - 5 Last Will & Testament ....... 6 - 7 Class of 2014 Post-Grad Plans 8
Mrs. Carol Rogers-Shaw has been teaching Freshman and Sophomore English for 26 years. She loved teaching freshman and enjoyed the literature of the sophomore curriculum, especially Harper Lee’s “To Kill A Mockingbird”. “I enjoy teaching freshmen because they are excited about being in high school and they are enthusiastic about trying new activities,” said Rogers-Shaw. Besides the advancement of technology, another change since Rogers-Shaw began her career is the people. She reminisces about past supervisors and colleagues, like Alice Boyle, Eleanor Haugh, Elaine Cohen, Sarellen Shlala, Pam Ramsden, Joan Papio, Doris Fleisher, and Carole Cohen. She said, “The best thing I’m taking with me are my friendships with my colleagues and my memories of our time together. My wish for all my students is that they find professional role models, friends and family like I have found; these people are what makes life special.” Her greatest achievement in life is maintaining a successful marriage
with her husband and raising two wonderful daughters. For the incoming faculty, Mrs. Rogers-Shaw advises, “Don’t let the job take over your life. Before you know it, you will be retiring and the family, friends, and colleagues you have with you will be what matters most.” Rogers-Shaw will pursue a graduate certificate in Distance Education, is considering a doctorate, and plans to teach at the college level online.
Mrs. Paula Rozan Friend to many
By Anna Tselevich Staff Reporter
Paula Rozan has dedicated her career to teaching math to students here for thirty years, and will be retiring for the 2014-15 school year. She currently teaches Algebra 2, Algebra 3/Trig, and Pre-Calculus, with Algebra 3 being her favorite course to instruct. “I love seeing their faces when they suddenly understand a topic that was difficult for them the previous year,” said Rozan. In her thirty years of teaching, she says that the “kids and their problems are basically the same,” but over time, the staff has been more aware in helping students “integrate their differences” and become
more tolerant as well. Junior Montana Timpson said of Rozan, “I really like her. She really keeps her classes focused and has an interest in us.” Rozan considers her greatest teaching achievement to be “helping kids grow and mature on a personal level”. In the next few years, she sees herself tutoring and spending her winters somewhere tropical and warm, right on the ocean. Rozan will be missed, and she would like to leave a message to incoming faculty to “work hard at establishing relationships with your students and colleagues. Enjoy your time here!” and “when exasperated- learn the phrase ‘this too shall pass’.”
Dr. John Schnedeker A guiding light
By Jackson Sidebottom Circulation Manager
Dr. Schnedecker is retiring after twenty-nine very successful years in guidance and as its K-12 Director, which he “thoroughly enjoyed.” He will remember it as “a great place with many amazing teachers, leaders, and many terrific students.” He also considers his experience “ a real blessing” and he loves that he has “gotten to know so many great kids Continued on page 9
Class of 2014 destinations........... 9 Rejected Senior Superlatives......... 10 Class of 2014 Facts & Predictions. 11 Turf ................................................ 12
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Verve ‘13-14 Farewell
June 2014
Group Photo! Verve’s 2013-2014 Reporting Staff and Editorial Board. Pictured front L-R: senior Globe editor, David Meyers; senior Editors-in-Chief, Thomas DiSibio, Gwendolyn Rogers, Alex Arias, and Stephanie Ollom; senior Turf editors Jamie Macpherson and Niko Nyktas. Center row from left: sophomore Emily Gao, junior Anika Becker, junior Buzz editors Megan Shaw and Meredith Robertson, sophomores Anna Tselevich, Alice Kim, and Laura Pasquale. Back from left: juniors Opine editor Ellie Schaffer, Cameron Fuoti, seniors Bobby Moriarty and Photo Editor Nic Lalicato, junior circulation manager Jackson Sidebottom, senior Nate Bowyer, junior Dan Montgomery, sophomore Ethan Mandelbaum, juniors Ashley White and Screen and Sound editor, Carly Leiter.
...from the editors’ desks:
What an amazing year’s end! Seniors were treated to a visit from best-selling author Stephen Chbosky, thanks to Ms. Karen Ingram; best-selling author Mr. Robert Kaplow delivered a Hollywood scoop (see tease at right) with a sneakpreview of a new movie; Mr. Rapp won a Rising Star Award for Outstanding Performance by an Orchestra; Mr. Mallette brought an acapella group from Harvard for the benefit and edification of us all. We all cheered when Mr. John Kratch was recognized for his outstanding service with the Annual Faculty Award. We are a diverse and educated community, and “Verve,” even with its large and lively
staff, is often hard-pressed to cover everything. As we hand down the torch to the Volume 15 editorial board, we would like to take the time and thank Mrs. Anne Weisgerber for guiding us not only this year but for the past four. We would also like to thank Mr. Sears, Mrs. Grimaldi and Mr. Lapotasky for supporting and helping us. Morning meetings at seven are a sacrifice; we appreciate it. A special thanks also goes to Mr. Akey who was an integral part of our production long before we started four years ago. He is greatly missed. We were again recognized with a Silver Crown award by The Columbia Scholastic
Press Association, which has been an honor for sure in our quest for the gold. We also thank our monthly subscribers and readers, for supporting us every issue. We thank our dedicated and hard-working reporting staff, especially our graduating seniors: Nate, Nic, Jamie, Niko, Bobby, and David. Congratulations are in order to “Verve”’s rising executive editoral board: Editors-inChief Meredith Robertson and Ellie Schaffer, and Managing Editors Carly Leiter and Megan Shaw. Our beloved Core Four! You’ll lead with style! Congrats Class of 2014. We did it! Enjoy Issue 9; it’s our gift to you.
Artwork provided by Robert Kaplow
farewell from Gwen, Steph, Tom, & Alex
Kaplow powered! The senior class of SHS was invited to host an advance private screening of Richard Linklater’s new film “Boyhood.” Linklater, the director who brought Kaplow’s novel “Me and Orson Welles” to life in 2008, agreed to let the seniors be some of the first to enjoy his new film on Friday, June 13--a month before “Boyhood”’s national release from IFC! -- as a gesture of friendship towards the retiring English teacher. Linklater, in London, will join the audience and Mr. Kaplow in a Skype discussion after the movie. The film is a work of fiction about a boy named Mason (portrayed in a breakthrough performance by Ellar Coltrane), and features a single cast (including Ethan Hawke, Patricia Arquette, and newcomer Lorelei Linklater) filmed over the course of twelve years. All seats have been filled for the event. Seating was first-come first-served for seniors who signed up with Mr. Kaplow.
Summit Senior High School 125 Kent Place Boulevard Summit, NJ 07901 Editors-in-Chief Alex Arias Gwen Rogers Managing Editors Tommy DiSibio Stephanie Ollom A1 Editor Tommy DiSibio Staff Page Niko Nyktas Last Will & Testament Carly Leiter Facts & Predictions Ethan Mandelbaum
Awards of Excellence Meredith Robertson Megan Shaw Ellie Schaffer Post Grad Plans Stephanie Ollom Sports Editors Jamie Macpherson 2014 Destinations Anika Becker Rejected Superlatives
Cam Fuoti Anna Tselevich
Staff Reporters: Jackson Sidebottom, Emily Gao, Cam Fuoti, Alice Kim, Nate Bowyer, Ashley White, Bobby Moriarty, Nic Lalicato Anika Becker, Laura Pasquale, Dan Montgomery Principal: Mr. Paul Sears Assistant Principals: Mrs. Stacy Grimaldi Mr. Michael Lapotasky Adviser: Mrs. Anne Weisgerber English Supervisor: Mr. Corey Walsh
June 9, 2014 Volume XIV, Issue 9
Verve is funded by a grant from the Summit City Board of Education and print subscriptions. As of publication, Verve’s circulation is 600, including 320 print subscribers, up 25% from a year earlier. Verve is printed at School Publications Company in Neptune, NJ, and digitally archived at Issuu as shsverve. Verve is a publication open to the opinions of its readers. Please submit all letters to Letters must be signed, and will be subject to editing for space, grammar, and factual accuracy;
however, all efforts will be made to preserve the writer’s intent. Libelous and inappropriate writing will not be published. If Verve has made an error and a correction is warranted, the editors take reader feedback seriously and will promptly deal with concerns. Reader corrections welcome at shsverve@ Views expressed in Verve do not necessarily reflect those of Summit Senior High School’s administration, faculty, staff, or other students.
Awards of Excellence
Connor Hanley Carnegie Mellon University
haven’t seen since the days of my previous professional life.” Miller, who is extrememly grateful to have been presented this award, wishes to give her mentor Dr. Greene a special thanks. She will be attending Washington University in St. Louis.
Kristen Miller Washington University in St. Louis
Photo by Peter Wallburg Studios
Dr. Benjamin Greene, on behalf of the Science Department, presented Kristen Miller with the Award of Excellence in Science. He said, “I have come to view Kristen as an ambassador from a foreign land; a land where people are positive and perky, busy and energetic, capable, determined, generous, moral, and selfaware.” While at SHS, Kristen attended the Governor’s School in Science, entered the Intel Talent Search (where she won the highest award possible, the Student Initiative Badge), and won prizes in the North Jersey Regional Science Fair three times. Greene added, “I have worked with many famous scientists,” and he expects that Kristen “will be counted among their ranks in the future.” Greene goes on to comment, “She has an intensity and a focus that I
Instrumental Music: Chris Pohl
Chris Pohl received the Award of Excellence in Instrumental Music from Music teacher Mr. Steve Rapp. Pohl, a trumpet player, has exceeded expectations in the school band over the last four years. Pohl said, “Receiving this award feels amazing. I have worked very hard in the past couple years practicing multiple hours every day to make a prestigious music school and make my dreams become a reality.” Upon being bestowed with this honor, Pohl also stated, “I would like to give a special thanks to my parents for setting me up on the right path with music, and my private trumpet teacher, Nathan Warner, for showing me what it truly means to be a musician.” Rapp praised Pohl’s musical dedication, saying, “His dream is to become a professional trumpet player, I truly believe that he has the ability to make that happen. During ‘42nd
Street’ this year there was a huge number at the end of the second act, and in that number is the coolest trumpet solo you will ever hear--and Chris just nailed it.” Next Year, Pohl will study music performance at the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University.
Photo by Peter Wallburg Studios
By Ethan Mandelbaum Staff Reporter
Chris Pohl Indiana University
The 2014 English Award of Excellence was awarded to Zoë Patrick. Patrick felt both “humbled and flattered” for being recognized and honored by the English department. Literature and creative writing classes have been great influences for Patrick throughout her four years. She credits most of her improvement in English to Mr. Robert Kaplow. Patrick said of him, “He has always given me fantastic feedback on my work and encouraged me to pursue the craft. He is, quite honestly, the best teacher I’ve ever had and part of the reason I want to be a writer.” Kaplow had been impressed with Patrick’s talent since her sophomore year, “Such talent can’t be taught; it can only be applauded and recognized and encouraged. I’ve been teaching AP English and Creative Writing for 34 years, and usually when I tell a student her work is good, I mean that it’s high-
school good. In Zoë’s case, I mean that it’s real-world good. I look forward to attending her first book-signing. I’ll be first in line.” Zoë said she is excited to attend school next year, where she will have more opportunities to refine her craft.
Zoë Patrick New York University
World Language: Claire Harrison
Science: Kristen Miller By Meredith Robertson Buzz Editor
By Ashley White Staff Reporter
By Anna Tselevich Staff Reporter The World Language department awarded Claire Harrison the 2014 Award of Excellence. According to Mrs. Aurora Hermo, the department usually struggles with deciding on a single candidate for its award, but that was not the case this year. Hermo explained that there was “No debate here: Claire Harrison is indeed the pride of SHS’s World Language Department.” Harrison finished the Spanish program in three years, the French program in two, and is now pursuing an independent study on the cultural and linguistic connections between the Arab and Spanish worlds. “I would like to thank Señora Hermo for being my mentor and a source of constant support over the past two years, Ms. Marerro for helping to guide me, and of course my mother for her unconditional motivation and sup-
port,” Claire said. In the fall, Claire will be attending L’Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris in Menton, France to pursue International Relations and Peace and Conflict Studies with a concentration on the Middle East.
Photo by Peter Wallburg Studios
The Mathematics department is honored to present Connor Hanley with the Award of Excellence in Math. He is excited and honored to be recognized for his hard work. He will be attending Carnegie Mellon University; he is also the recipient of the competitive, elusive, and illustrious CMU Charpie Scholarship. He plans on majoring in Information Systems. Currently, Connor is enrolled in AP Statistic and Multivariable Calculus. Mr. Michael Thayer, presenter of this award, said of Hanley, “I am very glad we chose Connor and we, as the department are all excited to see how he will succeed next year. He always enjoyed math and I am gratified to give this award to someone who’s in love with the subject.” Hanley also credits Mr. Pease for his success, praising him for supporting him in his studies and stating that
he made math more enjoyable for him when he was a freshman. Hanley commented, “He really got it rolling for me in the first year.” Along with excelling in math, Hanley was also the defensive end on the state championship football team, and won the NCTE national writing award.
Photo by Peter Wallburg Studios
By Alice Kim Staff Reporter
English: Zoë Patrick
Photo by Peter Wallburg Studios
Mathematics: Connor Hanley
Page 3
Claire Harrison L’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris
Vocal Music: Gregory Archer
By Anika Becker Staff Reporter
Greg Archer was awarded the Vocal Award of Excellence this year. Greg has been incredibly involved in the theater program throughout the entirety of his high school career. Archer credits much of his success to his chorus teacher, Mr. Wayne Mallette. Upon receiving this award, Archer commented that he feels unbelievably honored that Mr. Mallette has picked him for this award. Archer feels that he has, “grown tremendously as a musician after being in Mrs. Mallette’s class for the past four years.” Thankful for Mallette’s role as mentor, Greg stated, “he is truly a remarkable teacher who inspires me everyday.” Mallette praised the Tenor SectionLeader, saying, “He is one of the kindest and most sincere individuals whom you would ever work with. Never leaving an ensemble member behind, he leads with musicality and grace that
can not be questioned. He is no doubt one of the most talented actors and singers to grace the stage here at SHS.” Next year, Archer will continue his study of theater and acting at Marymount Manhattan, studying to receive a Bachelor of Fine Arts.
Photo by Peter Wallburg Studios
June 2014
Gregory Archer: Marymount Manhattan College
she relishes the joy in the journey, not just the accolades. This time next year, Allison will be finishing her freshman year at Montclair State University, studying Fine Arts in Musical Theatre.
Allison Scott: Montclair State University
and Mr. Fern. “I truly thank them for that,” he mentioned. Mr. Schauer, who presented Rob with his Award, said, “Rob exudes maturity, critical thinking skills, and an eye for design and detail both in and out of class.” .
Robert Ticzon Johns Hopkins University
Photo by Peter Wallburg Studios
As the 2014 winner of the Industrial Arts Award of Excellence, senior Robert Ticzon was quite excited. “I’m honored to receive this award and I’m glad that my work has been used for different events and occasions,” he said. Next year, Rob will attend Johns Hopkins University, where he plans to major in International Studies. When asked about his post graduation plans, he answered, “After college, I have a commitment to the military, something that I have chosen and look forward to.” Not only does Rob make contributions to the education circle, but also his intelligence and creativity will serve him well in whichever field he chooses as part of his military service. He affirms that the best influence on his passion for industrial design has come from the three awesome teachers he’s had - Mr. Standing, Mr. Schauer,
ing program. He will pursue his interests in the Culinary Arts at Morris County College in the fall.
Fumnaya “Chuks” Jon-Emefieh Morris County College
Photo by Peter Wallburg Studios
Fumnanya Jon-Emefieh, whom we all know as Chuks, received the Award of Excellence for Vocational Studies. Chuks has excelled at both Summit and the Union County VocationalTechnical school, where his interests have run toward the culinary arts and the world of food preparation. Dr. John Schnedeker praises Chuks for his insightful and caring abilities, stating that “the first word that comes to mind” when Chuks is concerned, “is gentleman.” Schnedeker added, “You can count on him for a friendly hello, a warm smile, a kind word and any help you may need.” At the Union County Vo-Tech, Chuks was nominated for a Shop Award, and he has excelled in the bak-
Drew Schwendiman University of Southern California
By Anna Tselevich Staff Reporter Some of the most beautiful art that is seen hanging in the hallways for the last four years belongs to none other than Deborah Lee. The Visual Arts department has awarded her the 2014 Award of Excellence. Award presenter, Ms. Kelly Coyle, explained the choice, and said, “I would say she’s one of the most talented high school students I’ve ever seen. Her talent has continued to grow because of a tremendous amount of hard-work, and she is constantly trying to better herself.” Deb wants to thank “Ms. Coyle for supporting me in every way possible during all four years of high school, Ms. Choi for college portfolio help on early weekend mornings, and Anita Banks in Alabama for introducing me to art as a young eight-year-old. Overall, these people contributed to my love of not only drawing/painting but also animation, design, and experi-
mentation in general.” She plans to study at Carnegie Mellon as a Communications Major. Ms. Coyle added, “Deborah is the true definition of an artist, and I can’t wait to see where her talent takes her in the future.”
Deborah Jung-Jin Lee Carnegie Mellon University
Family & Consumer Sciences: Khayani Reese
Vocational Education: Fumnaya Jon- Emefieh
By Carly Leiter Entertainment Editor
Drew Schwendiman won the Technology Award, presented by Ms. Carly Kutsup. Kutsup praised him for his hard work and dedication, and said, “Drew always took initiative in his broadcast work. He introduced a segment into last year’s brand new monthly news show, “The Summit View,” which featured students excelling in their careers of choice.” Mrs. Kutsup explained that Drew was responsible for all writing, interviewing and editing for these segments. “In addition, he was also involved in producing segments for Bravo TV reality as well as being involved with Grammy Camp in Los Angeles,” explained Kutsup. Drew said, “Two years ago, I met a woman who was reporting at the Associated Press named Natalie Rotman. I have been lucky enough to call her one of my mentors.” He added, “She
really pushed me to learn all the skills a modern TV reporter needs, so I spent a lot of time on my own learning how to use all these complicated programs.” Drew will be studying broadcast journalism at USC.
Visual Arts: Deborah Jung-Jin Lee
Industrial Arts: Robert Ticzon By Dan Montgomery Staff Reporter
By Meredith Robertson Buzz Editor
Photo by Peter Wallburg Studios
Drama teacher Mrs. Anne Poyner presented Allison Scott with the Award of Excellence in Drama. Scott excelled in the drama program at the high school. Over the last four years Allison appeared in all of the musicals,was nominated for a Rising Star award for best actress in two shows, and was also the 2014 President of the Forensics Team, as well as a national qualifier for all four years. Allison said, “Receiving this award makes me feel proud of everything I have accomplished and very grateful for all of the support that Summit High School Performing Arts has given me.” Teacher and mentor, Mrs. Poyner, praises her for her dedication and effort and said,“Allison is the role model of a consummate actor. Whether she is a speck of dust in the chorus or a Disney princess, Allison spends hours researching, analyzing, and perfecting every nuance of her characters because
Technology: Andrew Schwendiman
Photo by Peter Wallburg Studios
By Ethan Mandelbaum Staff Reporter
June 2014
Photo by Peter Wallburg Studios
Drama: Allison Scott
Awards of Excellence
By Laura Pasquale Staff Reporter
The Family and Consumer Sciences award went to Khayani Reese, in recognition of her exceptional fashion design work. Even as an underclassman, Khayani received awards for her commitment to the art of fashion. She was influenced by her mother as a child, and reminisced, “She used to take me shopping, and we would play dress up. It just became something special to me.” The presenter of the award was Mrs. Robin Hardesty, who teaches the Fashion Design electives. She said that Khayani is, “an extremely hard worker, and was very pragmatic as well as creative in fashion design.” She added that Khayani has taken every Family and Consumer Sciences class offered at SHS and has succeeded in excelling in each and ev-
ery one of them. Her post-graduation plans include attending the University of Delaware with a major in Fashion Merchandising and Management.
Photo by Peter Wallburg Studios
Page 4
Khayani Reese University of Delaware
Awards of Excellence Service: Max Graeb
Photo by Peter Wallburg Studios
Alex Arias has received the 2014 Publications Award of Excellence for her work on “Verve.” Alex has been an active reporter throughout high school and plans to study journalism and communications at Fairfield University this fall. Alex accredits much of her success to those around her, including the other editors on the Verve staff, as well as her father and Mrs. Anne Weisgerber. “My love for journalism was influenced by my dad. He worked for “Sports Illustrated” in the 1980s, and growing up, he showed me the magazines that he and his team were able to publish.” Alex adds that much of her enthusiasm came from encouragement in school, explaining, “Mrs. Weisgerber has always been there to correct my writing, and when I was starting to make my own breakthroughs with cer-
tain stories, I caught the excitement of being the first to break news.” Mrs. Weisgerber agrees, and said, “Not only does Alex have a knack for distilling complex events into essential lists of newsworthy topics, but she also does it with style and enthusiasm.”
Alejandra Arias Fairfield University
Social Studies: Shirley Gabber same about Shirley and her talents,” Donat added. Gabber said, “I love to travel, so I am motivated to learn history to better understand the places I visit.”
Shirley Gabber: Dartmouth College
Max Graeb Miami University (Ohio)
By Cam Fuoti Staff Reporter Madeleine Gramigna, devoted three season athlete, received the 2014 Physical Education Award of Excellence. This multi-sport athlete has excelled both in P.E. class and team sports, playing soccer, basketball, and her best sport-lacrosse. Madeleine will be attending Yale University next year, where she will be playing lacrosse. Madeleine, honored, explained, “It was nice to be thought of for this award,” and added, “As an athlete, I think it’s important to stay active.” Madeleine has excelled in all aspects of her sports as well as in P.E. Many people think this award is just an award for P.E. class. It’s actually for much more. The winner needs to show leadership in sports and leadership in class, while also stepping up to be the best they can be. Mr. Brian Erickson presented Mad-
eleine with the Physical Education Award of Excellence, and said of this athlete, “her tireless pursuit of perfection is uncommon.” He praised her for her work in Project Adventure, lacrosse, and basketball.
Madeleine Gramigna: Yale University
Photo by Verve Staff
Shirley Gabber, who will attend Dartmouth College in the fall, received the Award of Excellence in the field of History. Gabber has been an outstanding history student throughout her highschool career. Her teacher and the presenter of her award, Ms. Wendy Donat, described Gabber as having a “strong work ethic, a keen interest in history, and a love for learning.” Gabber took the challenging AP US History class during her junior year, and enjoyed every minute of it. “I feel honored to be recognized by the History department,” Gabber said. “Shirley has the perfect mind for history,” Donat raved, “She is insightful, has a wonderful memory, and is able to connect historical and current events with skill and ease.” These chief abilities are what sets Gabber apart from other history students. “All of her teachers feel the
Student Council President Max Graeb received the 2014 Service Award of Excellence. Thankful, he said, “I am very honored but more importantly I am glad to have had a positive impact on the school. I hope I have influenced others to attempt to help create an even better environment for years to come.” After graduation, Max plans to attend Miami University (Ohio), specifically in the Farmer School of Business. Many people influenced Graeb’s involvement in community service, he explains, “I was encouraged by Abby Beier to try and make more of an impact. Without her encouragement, the help of Mrs. Caetta, the student and class councils, and especially the student body for going along with my ideas and events I wouldn’t have been able to achieve anything.” Mrs. Winifred Caetta, who has
come to know Max very well since she is co-adviser of the Student Council, said, “Max has taken the position of president to a new level. His hard work, guidance, and integrity are examples for all future Student Council members and presidents to emulate.”
Physical Education: Madeleine Gramigna
Photo by Peter Wallburg Studios
By Ellie Schaffer Opine Editor
By Megan Shaw Buzz Co-editor
Photo by Peter Wallburg Studios
Publications: Alejandra Arias By Anika Becker Staff Reporter
Page 5
Photo provided by Gramigna Family
June 2014
All-star lineup! Here are the AoE winners at the May 29 awards dinner. From left: Chris Pohl, Drew Schwendiman, Allison Scott, Greg Archer, Kristen Miller, Max Graeb, Khayani Reese, Madeleine Gramigna, Zoë Patrick, Shirley Gabber, Deborah Lee, Fumnaya Jon-Emefieh, Alex Arias, Connor Hanley, Claire Harrison, Robert Ticzon.
Senior Last Will and Testament On the 25th of June, in the year 2014, the SHS graduating class respectfully leaves behind...
Jordan Aaron - I leave my bones to Zach Kaplan and my Chinese skills to Ryan Beier. Maria Victoria Abut - I leave Matt O'Hara an awkward conversation about the weather and Kara Zalk with reign over Woodcroft Road. Andrew Aguilera - I leave 7-11 runs to Andrew McGann and third base to Charlie Pacilio. Pamela Alvarado - I leave Alia Poticano and Ariana Tsanas my art skills and Stephanie Chaves Gilinsky. Ashley Amodeo - I leave my sass to Grace Bebout and Summit Sealions to Emily Hurley. Alejandra Arias - I leave my sister Karen my family legacy and Abigail, Maria and Jiara my cheer spirit and Ellie, Meredith, Megan and Carly The Verve. Anna Baumeister - I leave Clare my car and my parking spot. Asia Beamon - I leave my senioritis to Brittaney Beamon, and my "baby" to Ajahani. Sam Bebout - I leave Jay Winchell my toolbox, and Evan Kulpan the far left stall. William Berkery - I leave Matthew McGinn the Berkery. Andrew Boak - I leave my $1,000,000,000 on Make It Rain to Will Lycan. Fiona Bowen - I leave my track skills to Meredith Robertson, gossip Tuesdays to Maddy Ashmun and my heart to Chris Giangiulio. Tyler Bowlin - I leave my shared wisdom to Vinny Bonomo and the crazy memories of Loaf's house on that spring day to my boys Will Huck and Vinny B. Albert Nathan Bowyer - I leave the lovely Margot Murray to my dashing younger brother Andrew and I leave Pat Beljan to the school. Brianna Boze - I leave Andrew Bowyer my captain position on the bowling team, Diata Cannon my 22 minute walk home. Cara Brenn - I leave the pole vault crew to Conner and Curtis, the Multi Eventing to Eowyn and Kara, and the sprint leadership to Karina and Sarah. Jordan Brown - I leave Johnny Cordrey my place in G-squad. To Mason Wiesner I leave all my swag and devilishly good looks. Carolyn Burns - I leave Kate my burned Cross Country warm-ups and Margot our Friday night sleepovers. John Burns - I leave Corey McManus and Riley Flynn the spot as the hockey team enforcers. Laura Burvill - I leave the distance crew to Miena and Megan. Julian Cardazone - I leave the School of Rock to Andy Sipe. Meaghan Celmer - I leave Kady Glynn my locker and Liv Kelly my really important spot in 232. Katie Chase - I leave my little baby brother a small portion of my brain and Will Huck an engagement ring. Emily Chicules - I leave my car to Emma Osborne, my Pittsburgh Penguins jersey to Teia Ross and my driving skills to Sophie Lees. Daniel Childers - I leave the rest of the school my brother (have fun with that) and Connor Murphy's lax number to Peter Hubbard. Aja Christian - I leave Leslie Stone the Key to the YMCA, Tanai Hines my open the curtain dance moves. Benjamin Colao - I leave Alex Filiault $10 because we're two times better than Eric and Liz. Holly Confalone - I leave Claire Dephillips my Puerto Rican mom and Kathleen Morano the chonga title. Jennifer Coviello - I leave the flute section to Melissa MacPherson and DI Love to Emily Lima, Dylan M, Laura P, Haley Myers, and Grace DePhillips. Caroline Cranley - I leave the Car to Jack and Ted and my spot on the bench plus fun Friday nights to Kathleen and Sam Forsyth. Kyle Crotty - I leave Samantha Forsyth all my love and Sean Crotty the leaf raking business. Peter Cummins - I leave Emma Osborne all my love and I leave Mary Fischetti Justin Imperatore. Alessandra Rose De Fonzo - I leave my awesome track meet nests to Alex Filiault and the volleyball team to Julianne, Margo and Jessica. William Delaney - I leave Colin Andrews his position of side line captain and Teddy Cranley a bottle of Ravage. Abigail DePhillips - I leave the paint gels to Catie, Imogen and Brynn and the cake to Josh. Maria diMayorca - I leave my tickets for the Fritzie Show to Matteo and Caterina diMayorca and my red pants to Brady Nelson. Thomas DiSibio - I leave Stern, Gangi and Ingerman the swim team, Carly and Ellie the Verve and my sister Anna the pleasant mornings before school. Samantha Donohue - I leave my super parking skills to my sister Emily and I leave my heart to Keller Gordon. Sneha Dontha - I leave behind Emmy and Sneha-ing to Emmy's next stand partner, my future suturing skills to Noa and my gangster flow to Liam. Colm Dougherty - I leave my heart to Erica DelTosta and a bar of soap to my brother Liam in the hope that he uses it. Emily Drake - I leave my radiathor bottles in the closet to Liz Kenny and Morgan can have Marcel. William Elia - I leave @MalletteQuotes to Dana Goodstein and gc&ts to Gtot and Selia. Enrica Fabricant - I leave my brother to Kayla Hoesly. James Farley - I leave Alex Roduit the crazy playboy life he was meant to live, and to the Daney's and Tommy Gilbert the URL of our favorite website. Hannah Feeney - I leave my basketball legacy to Jenny Martino and to Griffin Feeney I leave all the Magic Fountain I will be missing next year. Ian Ferguson - I leave the machine to Grant Ferguson and the funk to Billy Dietze. Conor Ferriso - I leave Regan Britt my SoulCycle bike and Jack Meister my lacrosse skills. Matthew Fischetti - I leave Evan Kulpan a bottle of bubbles and my sister my mint condition Nissan Altima. Jeffrey Flanagan - I leave my common sense to MaryJo Araya. John Floegel III - I leave my heart and soul to Ben Henning and my PBA card to Brian Cantillo, he'll need it. Camille Ford - I leave Jenny Martino my spot on the bench and Tom Ellison and John Dorer my heart. Stephanie Ford - I leave Catherine Cordrey my shoe laces, Julia Persche my dance moves. Taylor Ford - I leave Emily Kalin my minions and Sophie Kull our pet Micro pig Phil to take care of. Kayleigh Fowler - I leave the role of Fearless Leader over the fabulous costume crew, and the unofficial proprietry rights to the costume shop, to Liz Wilson. Tanner Fulton - I leave the baseball team to Kyle Brown and Cam Fuoti and to Mike Brown, the "W". Julianna Fusco - I leave Shirley to Christian Fusco, my wisdom to the Miller twins and cat toys to Jess Regan, Megan Picado and Dylan Quesada. Shirley Gabber - I leave my navigational skills to Maddy Ashmun and my ability to count to Zachary Kaplan. Thomas Gargiulo - I leave Will Cassin my car, Teddy Cranley "G-Squad" and Matt Newman my ambition. Nicole Giangiulio - I leave civisna to my brother and Jake O'Dowd and my track skills, Elia Cupo and Sarina Musallam. Rachel Glick - I leave my underclassmen track buddies all the no sweats days they could wish for and Hannah Coates cheesesticks and fruit smiles. James Gonnella - I leave Alina Patrick a diamond ring and Hope Kovera and Sterling Sidebottom some doughnuts. Max Graeb - I leave my flow to Corey McManus and I leave my pillow polo skills to Hunter Wyckoff. Madeleine Gramigna - I leave Tyler Gramigna control of the radio on the way to school and Liv Kelly the name of our midfield line. Danielle Grosswald - I leave my car to Matt Grosswald and my math skills to Dana Goodstein. Eric Guarino - I leave Whit Cummings my pencil to make the words and Liz Tenny five bucks. Kelly Haberl - I leave Tyler to Jenny Martino. Brian Hadley - I leave Brian Hagan and Andrew Chase early morning Summit Bagel runs and Evan Kulpan a nice, luscious mustache. Connor Hanley - I leave the library to Claudia Hanley, Doug Huneke and Zach Kaplan. Kerri Hannigan - I give Audrey and Emi Zanelli my clothes, Adriana Yozzi carpools and Leila Paytas Chipotle and Urban Outfitter runs. Helen Hardiman - I leave my unusual music taste to my freshman forensics sweethearts and Molly and Megan my warning "don't go into the woods". Claire Harrison - I leave the debate team to all of you dorky, awkward, intelligent kids. James Holzer - I leave the 24 jersey to Brent Jacobs and my tilt to Andrew Chase. Dyami Jasdanwala - I give my sister all my lates to school. Blaise Johnson - I leave Andrew Weiss everything I own, and I leave Morgan Strabley my heart <3. Thomas Kane - I leave Danny Kane my car, Mr. Highway and all the love in my heart, and thank you for becoming a man who I am so proud of. Emma Kelly - I leave my empty closet and carpool to Olivia Kelly, and Julia Persche, I leave you my job of babysitting Olivia. Timothy Kostolansky - I leave the swim team to Gangi, Ingerman, and Stern. Alexandra Krain - I leave my make-up book to Stephanie Kostolansky and my Spanish skills to Karen Arias. Elizabeth Kulpan - I leave Jenny Martino Evan, Liv Kelly my Netflix password, and Evan Kulpan shotgun and bagel runs.
Page 6
Senior Last Will and Testament On the 25th of June, in the year 2014, the SHS graduating class respectfully leaves behind...
Nicholas Lalicato - I leave Pat Beljan my George Clooney Batman coin bank. Christopher Laughlin - I leave Andrew Chase some chapstick. Deborah Lee - To Phoebe Li, I share my snapchat skills and to Maddy Ashman I give her all the cacao I got from my Portland trip. Meghan Lees - I leave the Daney twins my legacy, Zach Rissman my science skills, and Kim Enriquez Lucy and all her memories. John LeGoff - To Keller Gordon, I leave my goofy sense of humor and to Erin, I leave nothing. Nicholas Lioudis - I leave Dan Hicks my sick hockey skills and I leave Vinny Bonomo and Will Huck Mainstreet. Albert Lord - I leave the Lord dynasty to Henry and Echo to Josh Osborne and Andrew Weiss. Eric Lyman - I leave the offensive line to Waltzy and my poorly defined calf muscles to William Cassin. Amy Macdonald - I leave Operation Smile to Sarah Elia and the sailing team to Grace Totman and KK Newsham. Tyler Macdonald - I leave Back of the bus to Mark, Mike and Danny and I leave lane 3 Caboose to Luke Mahoney and Peter Gangi. Jahiyah Manning - I leave my nonexisting parking space to Emma Mencke and volleyball skills to Julianne Smolyn and Margo. Jessica Martins - I leave Sophie Pollinger spaghetti and Lauren Diaz "our" car along with Alex Brown, Kevin Gettings, and Chris Heckleman. Jessica McAloon - I leve the euphonium section to Tom Ellison. Madeleine McCaffery - I leave The Story to Liv Kelly and contacts to Sara Szynal. Elizabeth McIlroy - I leave my red "lipstick" to Victoria Novo, Olivia Bergman, and Taylor Matheson and all my movie tickets to Griffin Feeney. Gillian McIlroy - I leave the Charlie girls and Riks banana splits and Jolana and SM sandwiches from Chipotle. Austin McKee - I leave my height to Brian Hagan. Liam McLaughlin - I leave my brothers, Kyle and Owen, my good looks and my good, long talks with Sim-Dog to Chris Zanelli. Julia McNally- I leave Lexie P. and Emma F. the chevron and Jenny M. my footsteps to follow in all the way to college. Erin McNany - I leave Jenny Martino a jar of jam and a hammer and Sophie Kull my studio art skills. David Meyers- I leave Mike Brown and Brian Cantillo talks on the bench and my ability to speak to Charlie Pacilio. Kristen Miller- I leave the pit foam to Dan, Patrick, and Alex and my tennis hairstyling skills to Nicole Del Rosso. Richard Miner- I leave President of the Planting Club to whichever member is worthy of the position. Lina Mockute- I leave the gym volleyball championship to Team six and my running skills to Leland Jones. Jordyn Mooney- I leave the soprano 2's to Brynn Johnson and the "Whipping Post" by The Allman Brothers Band to Nicole Trone. Charlotte Moore- I leave Maddie Krupnick my side kick and poomsae koryo and to Jessie Salter and Hannah Coates, I leave my awesome dance skills. Robert Moriarty - I leave Matt Siler my ball and Dan Montgomery the last seat on the bench. Stephanie Mosakowski - I leave Peter Mosakowsi my work ethic and Megan Picado swim practice and drama filled stories. Christopher Mulinos - I leave the drumline to John Berardi. Matthew Muller - To my nephew, I leave my grain at the fieldhouse and to Timothy Muller I leave the thing we talked about. Connor Murphy - I leave Josh Imperatore to Mary Fischetti and the last leg of the Murphy legacy to my little sister. Marissa Murray - I leave Andrew Bowyer to Margot Murray. Nicholas Nyktas - I leave my brother the debt I've accumulated and Alex Roduit something but I don't think he wants anything I have. Martha Ollom - I leave my brother Jon my creative writing skills and Dylan Glasser sailor the horse. Stephanie Ollom- I leave Jeff to Margo Riegle, my spot on the track team to Jhaneel Allen and the Verve to J3. Matthew Oristanio - I leave my business ethics to Liam Dougherty and "Nii Dude" to Peter McKinlay. Meghan Owens - I leave Nicole Owens the spot as the favorite child and Tim Muller my heart. Zoe Patrick - I leave Alina Bob my room, Emmy and Becca the Hair and Makeup Crew, and John Dorer my knowledge of all things nerdy. Michael Perillo - I leave my heart and soul to Morgan Strabley. Josephine Persson - I leave Lexie Perry my rollerblades, Bennett Hermann my heart, and Maddie Simko and Callie Humphrey the girl power playlist. Christopher Pohl - I leave the reins of Wind Ensemble Trumpet section to Mitchell Booth or Chris Kelser; whoever wins the battle. Christine Porr - I leave the alto section in choir to Dana Goodstein and Kelly Reynolds. Aidan Proshuto - I leave my speech giving skills to Matt McGinn. Halie Proshuto - I leave my supposedly proclaimed "crew mom" title in our theater company to Emmy Zobitz, as well as my prolonged procrastination on art projects and cr@ppy cockney accent to Brooke Murphy. Tristen Proshuto - I leave Karina the title of Cap and Alex F all the 400s she could never want and to Sarah K, I leave the responsibility of annoying Mr. O. Caroline Rafizadeh - I leave Keller a daily beet juice drink and I leave Lelander my Theory snacks. Bridget Rath - I leave Kate Dotten in charge of organizing all the wood in the shop and I leave Kendall Codey all of my emo music. Alexandra Riba - I leave the amazing Summit girls swim team to Maddie Simko and Emily Vlass, and I leave my heart to my sister, Dana Goodstein. Matthew Richson - When I came in here I was a bit shy, but now thanks to the swim team and friends, I'm more social than ever. Keylan Ruiz - Corey McManus can have my subscription to "I Love Cats" magazine. Isabelle Sacks - I leave Kelly and Paul Sacks to Emma Flannery and Post-rehearsal carpools to Louisa Fowler, Claire Fitzpatrick and Keegan McManus. Annabel Sangree - I leave the girls' Ice Hockey team better practice times and our long lost state championship rings. Carolyn Saxton - I leave Panera runs to Krissi Miller and Dylan Quesada and I leave all the concerts I'll miss to Danny Kane. Jack Schaefer - I leave Mrs. Stelmach's weekly french toast bagel to Hunter Wyckoff and Jack McCarthy. Benjamin Schwartz - I leave the drumline to Johnny Balls and the tennis team to the future SHS Tennis Stars "Fin Barret" and "Bwendon MacDonald". Andrew Schwendiman - I leave behind my car and amazing personality to Sean McManus, and my lasagna with Claire Fitzpatrick, Elise Molleur, Louisa Fowler to anyone who wants lasagna. Joanna Scott - I leave Margo Riegle my position and the outfield handshake, Katherine C. the pit piano and our kitchen and Julianna Smolyn a bag of ice. Ryan Sebastian - I leave Andrew McGann the right to wear PacSun to school. Lauren Sormani - I leave the Gossip Tuesdays to Maddy Ashmun and the viola section to Grace Kim. Marissa Tarashuk - I leave my brother Thomas our dog Bambi, I mean Maci, Jenny Martino my love for the Australians and Brits, and I hope Kim Enriquez picked up on my amazing parking skills. Serena Thomas - I leave Julianna Smolyn and Margo Reigle my great love of volleyball, Mitchell Booth my car so he can drive me places and to Jake McGrath, I leave my common sense. Robert Ticzon - I leave Owen Fern with the faith that he will one day throw over 180'. Angelica Trindade- To Sandra and Nicole Bazalar and Juliana Nociari, I leave my awkward faces and embarrassing shenanigans. Erin Trindell - I leave Senora's snack stash to Molly Richardson and my baby's car seat to Steph Kostolansky. James Tully - I leave Mary Fischetti Justin Imperatore and to my brother Patrick I leave all the incoming freshmen girls. Josh Veloso - I leave Grace Murray to Cooper MacPherson and Katie MacPherson to Kyle Murray. Ulyana Volodin - I leave behind my 2-month junior year experiences to my younger brother Nikita, who will fill the missed 8 months in the following year. Julia Washburn - I leave leadership of Team Turn Up to Megan Ophel, Kendall C. and Kim E. and Jack Washburn my position as hottest ginger in SHS. MacHenry Wiesner - I leave Matt Greenstein my razor so he can shave his chest. Michael Williams - I leave Mary Fischetti to Justin Imperatore and Bennett Hermann in charge of making sure that Jack doesn't order things online, jump into pools or snapchat. Ellie Winter - To Katherine, I leave the Director's binder; to McGann, I leave a medium smoothie. Anna Yurkova - I leave my car to Leslie Stone to drive herself to work and Nick dela Salla my hope to see Lana del Ray one day at a concert together. Nicholas Zachara - I leave my sister Izzy my "parking spot" and my spot on the sideline to Alex Dadourian.
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Jordan Aaron Victoria Abut Angie Aguilar Andrew Aguilera Jocelyn Allen Pamela Alvarado Steven Alvarado Ashley Amodeo Gregory Archer Elizabeth Arellano Alejandra Arias Tyler Bailey Anna Baumeister Asia Beamon Sam Bebout David Berardi William Berkery Andrew Boak Gerber Bolanos Fiona Bowen Tyler Bowlin Nate Bowyer Brianna Boze Yurlandy Brenes Cara Brenn Amanda Bringewatt Brianna Brown Jordan Brown Mark Brown Carolyn Burns John Burns Jasmine Burton Laura Burvill Melissa Campuzano Julian Cardazone Gregory Casagrande Marcela Castro Meaghan Celmer Katie Chase Emily Chicules Daniel Childers Aja Christian Alexis Ciccarelle Haley Coates Benjamin Colao Angelica Colino Holly Confalone David Connolly Jessica Corrigan Abraham Coull Jennifer Coviello Caroline Cranley Kyle Crotty Peter Cummins Carol Cunha Frank Cupo Oscar Dawson Kanya Dayananth Alessandra De Fonzo Olivia De Santis Dillon Del Tosta William Delaney Abigail DePhillips Maria diMayorca Thomas DiSibio Samantha Donohue
Ithaca College Vassar College Deciding University of Richmond Deciding Temple University Deciding Muhlenberg College Marymount Manhattan College Kean University Fairfield University Deciding Cornell University Temple University Union College New York University Gap year then George Washington University Franklin & Marshall University Monmouth University Dartmouth College Indiana University Clemson University North Carolina A&T University William Paterson University The College of New Jersey College of the Holy Cross University of the Arts Syracuse University County College of Morris Boston College University of Maryland North Carolina University Boston University Deciding
Sneha Dontha Colm Dougherty Emily Drake Patrick Drummond William Elia Dana Engstrom Harold Esquivel Enrica Fabricant Michael Facchinei Erik Fallas James Farley Hannah Feeney Ian Ferguson Conor Ferriso Matthew Fischetti Jeffrey Flanagan John Floegel III Camille Ford Stephanie Ford Taylor Ford Eboni Foushee Kayleigh Fowler George Francis Emily Franco Kristine Froseth Tanner Fulton Julianna Fusco Shirley Gabber Anthony Gallardo-Vega Federico Garcia Thomas Gargiulo Nicole Giangiulio Rachel Glick James Gonnella Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Max Graeb Madeleine Gramigna Virginia Tech University Jonathan Gray St. Joseph's College Jake Groskoph College of the Holy Cross Danielle Grosswald Gettysburg University Eric Guarino College of William & Mary Sean Guida University of Notre Dame Alex Guior Penn State University- Harrisburg Kelly Haberl Monmouth University Brian Hadley Rollins College Robert Haley American University Elizabeth Hallenborg New York University Nicholas Hand Boston College Connor Hanley DeSales University Kerri Hannigan Deciding Annika Hansen Ohio State University Helen Hardiman Muhlenberg College Claire Harrison Trinity College James Holzer University of Notre Dame Kyla Houston University of New Hampshire Ryan Hughes Deciding Patrick Hurley University of Massachusetts- Amherst Syed Hussain The College of New Jersey Drew James University of Pittsburgh Dyami Jasdanwala Penn State University Blaise Johnson University of Southern California Fumnanya Jon-Emefieh Quinnipiac University Thomas Kane Muhlenberg College Emma Kelly American Musical and Dramatic Academy Timothy Kostolansky University of Michigan Khory Kotowski Colgate University Alexandra Krain Hamilton College Elizabeth Kulpan
University of Connecticut Nicholas Lalicato Gettysburg College Christopher Laughlin Emerson University Michael Le George Washington University Deborah Lee Georgetown University Mary Lee Montclair University Meghan Lees Drew University Ryan Leever Franklin & Marshall College John LeGoff West Virginia University Nicholas Lioudis Deciding Maxmillian Loeffler College of Charleston Robert Lombardi Fordham University Shota Lomsadze Lehigh University Albert Lord Roanoke College Eric Lozada College of the Holy Cross Eric Lyman Tulane University Simon Ma Babson College Amy Macdonald Boston College Tyler Macdonald College of the Holy Cross Benjamin Machlin Catholic University James Macpherson Centenary College of New Jersey Kathryn MacPherson Tulane University Jahiyah Manning Deciding Jessica Martins County College of Morris Andrew Masterfano Working Jessica McAloon Lynchburg College Madeleine McCaffery University of New Hampshire Maxwell McDonald Dartmouth College Ryan McDonald Joining the Marines Garrett McGowan Union County College Elizabeth McIlroy Wake Forest University Gillian McIlroy American University Austin McKee Dickinson College Liam McLaughlin Binghamton University Julia McNally Miami University (OH) Sean McNamara Yale University Erin McNany Belmont University Christopher Melka St. Lawrence University David Meyers Tulane University Pari Michalopoulos James Madison University Kristen Miller Roanoke College Richard Miner Tulane University Lina Mockute Colgate University Lizmarie Monserrate Wagner College Nolister Montas University of Hartford Val Montero University of California- Los Angeles Jordyn Mooney New Jersey Institute of Technology Charlotte Moore Carnegie Mellon University Robert Moriarty Marist College Stephanie Mosakowski Penn State University Christopher Mulinos Bryn Mawr College Matthew Muller L'Institut d'Etudes Politques de Paris, campus de Menton Aldana Munoz University of Virginia Connor Murphy Spellman College Marissa Murray Lehigh University Elimelec Nieve Clarkson University Denzel Norris Deciding Nicholas Nyktas West Virginia University Martha Ollom University of Miami Stephanie Ollom Lehigh University Matthew Oristanio County College of Morris Meghan Owens Skidmore College Marco Paparatto Loyola University Zoe Patrick Williams College Jake Paytas University of South Carolina Michael Perillo Gettysburg University Josephine Persson Marquette University Christopher Pohl Gap Year University of Maryland University of Richmond Carnegie Mellon University Pratt Institute Trinity College Muhlenberg College New York University Hobart and William Smith College High Point University Deciding Sacred Heart University Villanova University Deciding University of Maryland Rutgers University Bates College Colby College Tufts University Franklin & Marshall College Mount Holyoke College Montclair State University University of Maryland University of Delaware Boston University Colgate University Prep School Emerson University Gap year Ithaca College Cornell University Lafayette College Hockey then college University of South Carolina Deciding Johnson and Wales University Lafayette College George Washington University Bucknell University Washington University in St. Louis New England University Rutgers University Lynn University Montclair State University Montclair State University Purdue University University of San Diego College of Charleston Florida State University New York University Cornell University Rowan University Dickinson College Georgetown University Deciding County College of Morris Fairfield University Skidmore College Penn State University University of Scranton Bucknell University Union County College New York University Lehigh University Union College Clemson University Indiana University Christine Porr Aidan Proshuto Halie Proshuto Tristen Proshuto Caroline Rafizadeh Bridget Rath Khayani Reese Daniel Restrepo Phoebe-Anne Rhinehart Alexandra Riba Matthew Richson Jack Riela Gwendolyn Rogers Ariana Roncallo Jarrett Ross Keylan Ruiz Nicolas Ruiz Isabelle Sacks Matthew Sajer Alexandra Salazar Nicole Salazar Sarah Salter Annabel Sangree Carolyn Saxton Jack Schaefer Benjamin Schwartz Andrew Schwendiman Allison Scott Joanna Scott Patrick Scott Ryan Sebastian Caleb Sink Lauren Sormani James Strabley Nicholas Suffern Marissa Tarashuk Charles Terry Nicholas Testa Zacharie Theodore Andrew Thieck Serena Thomas Tanner Thomas Robert Ticzon David TLaPanco Kelvin Torres Angelica Trindade Erin Trindell Jacob Trobaugh James Tully Josh Veloso Ulyana Volodin Emma von Haas Zakayo Wabuyele Elizabeth Wagenbach Kyle Waldron Robert Walsh Julia Washburn Harry Watson MacHenry Wiesner Michael Williams Michael Wills Ellie Winter Xiaoying Yu Anna Yurkova Nicholas Zachara
Princeton University Whittier College St. Joseph's College Northeastern University Muhlenberg College Emerson College University of Delaware Deciding Harvard University New York University Animal Care Job Monmouth University The New School Southern Virginia University Georgetown University Deciding Montclair State University Arcadia University Trinity College Deciding Middlesex County College Rutgers University Hamilton College Syracuse University Vanderbilt University University of Richmond University of Southern California Montclair State University Penn State University Costal Carolina University University of Michigan Seton Hall University American University Bowdoin College Penn State University Union College Gettysburg College Middlesex County College Rider University University of Illinois Johns Hopkins University Deciding Johns Hopkins University Deciding Rowan University American University Elon University Albright College Muhlenberg College Temple University Pace University University of New Hampshire Deciding Hamilton College Manhattan College Swarthmore College Lehigh University Deciding University of Southern California Colgate University University of New Haven Vassar College SUNY Buffalo Susquehanna University St. Lawrence University
Each senior was polled by "Verve" at the end of May on what post-graduation plans lay in store. (Special thanks to Ms. Grill and Mrs. Mahler for their help!) Good luck to all of our classmates and best wishes for a future filled with promise and opportunity.
Class of 2014 Post-Grad Plans
2014 Destination Map
June 2014
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42 2
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France: 1 Photo from
Retiree Roundup (continued from A1) and to watch them succeed through high school, college and beyond.” He would advise his replacement to “take advantage of the fact that there is such a caring, energetic, and highly skilled group of counselors to work with – at all levels!” Kate Yarbrough, a junior who has been advised by Dr. Schnedeker for the past three years, wished him well, and said, “I hope you have as much fun in your retirement as you’ve had here at school. Good luck!”
Mr. Gordon Sauer Merci, gracias, danke
By Alex Arias Editor in Chief
“Just being a positive energy all around is what I will miss the most about Gordon,” says Mrs. Ana Ventoso, Supervisor of the World Language Department, regarding Mr. Gordon Sauer, who will be retiring after thirty six years of teaching. Currently Sauer teaches Spanish 1, and French 1, 2, 3. Over the years he has taught German, French, Spanish and ESL. “I really don’t have a favorite course. I love working with kids and have had great students,” says Sauer. Reflecting on how the students now compared to students back in the day, Sauer says, “the students are basically the same, but now know more about the world because they’re so well connected. As teachers, we have so many more tools than before, given the advent of the Internet.” One of his greatest achievements has been his relationships with his students and colleagues. “For me, being a good person to my students and colleagues has always
been most important for me.” Post retirement and five years from now, Sauer hopes to be “enjoying [himself] and realizing some of his dreams for the future.” “Some advice I would like to give to my replacement is to listen, be kind and patient, work hard, expect the unexpected and get ready to never have a spare moment,” says Sauer. As Sauer walks out of the building for the last time on June 26 his last words will be, “Merci, Gracias, Vielen Danke, Thanks for making the past 36 years a one-of-a-kind experience.”
Sr. Arturo Lopez A man for all seasons
By Emily Gao Staff Reporter
Senor Arturo Lopez is the Bilingual Liaison and has been teaching Practical Spanish and English as a Second Language for more than twenty years. Before that, he had a diverse career that included private sector, public education, college admissions, student services, university administration, government, and nonprofit management working experience. “My job was to connect our schools (primarily the High School and the Middle School) with the, then, nascent Summit Spanish-speaking community, and to provide needed support to the Spanish-speaking students and their families,” stated Mr. Lopez. Mr. Lopez’s favorite course to teach is History of Spanish Civilization. “It is a fascinating subject, relevant to World and American history, which is usually unknown,” he stated. Many things have changed since Mr. Lopez began teaching here, and he said, “Society is changing constantly
and SHS is part of it. That is inevitable. But I refuse to indulge in making comparisons guided by nostalgia.” There are many things he wants to do after his retirement, including traveling and volunteering activities. When asked about his proudest achievements, Mr. Lopez replied that he did not feel comfortable to talk about achievements. For the incoming staff, Mr. Lopez advises, “Do what you think is right, make a commitment, and do it with passion!”
Mr. Jonathan Hills Relocates to NY state
By Tommy DiSibio Managing Editor
Mr. Jonathan Hills has been the main Latin teacher for the past couple years covering all levels of Latin. “I can’t distinguish (one favorite) between any of my classes; I am blessed with wonderful students whom it has been a pleasure to teach.” Senior Danny Childers said, “Mr. Hills is a great teacher who was always eager to make learning Latin fun. We all wish him the best in his future endeavors. We will always remember QuACT NVADE”. The inside jokes between Mr. Hills, and his students were a delightful perk of Latin classes. Hills said his favorite part of school is, “the students: it really has been a tremendous pleasure to have been afforded the opportunity to be involved in their lives.” Hills has also volunteered his time to the boys cross country team. Running with some on New Jersey’s fastest, his team has loved him as a coach. Varsity runner, junior Ryan Blume, said, ““Mr. Hills is a really cool guy I respect a lot, so naturally it’s really
hard to see him go, especially after he helped out with our XC training so much. Sometimes, I honestly thought he was working harder than we were, and I think that speaks volumes about his character as a teacher and coach.” Whether it was his exciting suits, or his charisma, his students will miss him. Additionally, his runners will also remember the good times running through Bryant Park, or through town.
Dr. Michael Thayer Heads to Newark Academy
By Stephanie Ollom Managing Editor
Dr. Michael Thayer has spent the last eleven years teaching high level math courses. This year he is teaching Algebra I, Geometry and Advanced Placement Calculus BC which coincides with AP Physics C, taught by Mr. Mormon. While he enjoys teaching his current classes, over the years his most enjoyable course was Intro to Analysis, the prerequisite to Calculus BC. He says that it “was the most interesting to me” and there are “cool topics and math-curious students.” After eleven years of teaching, Thayer sees himself still teaching for years to come. Not only will he be teaching students, but he wants to continue to learn as well. He will miss his colleagues, whom he has learned a “ton” from, but will continue to learn from new friends as he takes a new teaching position at a different high school in New Jersey. While Thayer enjoys teaching and learning, his days are the best “any day [he] can make [his] daughter smile.” He confesses, “I am lucky – I have mainly great days.” To his successor next year he leaves simple advice. “You’re in a great public school with a lot going for it. Enjoy the ride.” Continued on page 10
Rejected Senior Superlatives
...all selections made by Verve’s senior staff
Best Facial Hair
Chris Melka
Most likely to be Wrongly Convicted of a Crime Thomas Gargiulo
Tommy Kane
Emma Kelly
Retiree Roundup (continued from page 9) By David Meyers Staff Reporter After years of faithful service, Dr. Benjamin Greene is partially retiring. Greene, a science teacher here at the high school for the past twelve years, and a scientist before that, will be discontinuing his time as a teacher of physics. He will however, stay on to teach the elective Science Research. Since Greene began working here in 2002, he has enjoyed every minute spent teaching, he admits that it is
Will Delaney
Most Likely to Never be Heard from Again
Most Likely to be a “Summit” Mom
Dr. Benjamin Greene Part-time bond
Most Likely to be Rudy
time for a change. He said, “I love teaching, but it is very hard work.” He also said, “I wanted to reduce my workload and not work such a hard day.” Even with this reduction in time spent in the classroom, Greene holds the high school in a very dear place in his heart. He cites the comaraderie with students and faculty among the most beloved parts of his job. Also, he said he loves teaching students new things. In his spare time, Greene said he plans on relaxing and “getting involved in the North Jersey regional Science Fair.” It is an annual competition that hosts about 300 students and
Harry Watson
Most Likely to be a Stay-at-home Dad Jordan Brown
has almost 400 judges. So withhold your solemn goodbyes: Dr. Greene will still be here next year, but he’ll be seen a bit less then than he is now in the hallways.
Ms. Kim Goldberg Bergen-bound By Stephanie Ollom Staff Reporter Ms. Kimberly Goldberg, a new computer lab aide, will be parlaying her past and present experiences into a new position at the Academy of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Tenafly. She begins her new position in September, with new training over the summer, so
Most Likely to Make it Big in NYC Abby DePhillips
Most Likely to Have a Viral Video Helen Hardiman
she will give up her post in Lab 107 this June. “I’m going to miss everybody. I love all the teachers, all the students here; and, having never worked with high school kids before, I was so surprised by how positive and great my experience has been this past year,” she said. “I was a little scared, and thought maybe students wouldn’t listen, or would be arrogant and wouldn’t want any help. But the reality was just the opposite. Everyone was sweeter, more willing, and more respectful than I had imagined they’d be. The myth of high schoolers has been busted.” Her parting advice for her replacement was upbeat. “Be
patient, and take the time to get to know people. That’s all you need to know,” she said.
Photo by Verve staff
Best Commercial Voice
Ms. Kim Goldberg. This friendly and helpful lab aide from Lab 107 is moving on.
Page 11
June 2014
The Class of 2014 looked into its crystal ball, and this is what it reveals in the near future...
• Jarrett Ross will sleep through the first semester of college. • Bobby Moriarty will move to California to marry his long lost love, Julianna Lyons. • Marissa Murray will be the next Yoga Girl. • Pari Michalopoulos will have a Big Fat Greek Wedding. • Nick Lioudis will take over Plaza Pizza and turn it into the best pizzeria in Secaucus.
Interesting Facts and Future Predictions
More than 200 seniors responded to Verve’s call to share interesting facts about their classmates... did you know...
• James Holzer is a descendant of Pocahontas. • Kate MacPherson sang for the Pope, twice. • Alex Guior is actually a very delicate boy. • Abe Coull is an ordained minister. • Laura Burvill is actually from Texas and her accent is fake • A certain senior made out with a hot dog. • “Made out with a hot dog? Oh my God, that was one time!” - Certain Sr • Matt Oristanio’s dad was in “Saving Private Ryan.” • Andrew Aguilera is related to Christina Aguilera. • Anna Yurkova is actually a Russian Spy.
• Connor Murphy will be a Summit Councilman. • Ryan Sebastian will go to the Olympics. • David Connolly will break the sound barrier.
• Julian Cardazone will cut his hair, go to Med School, and go on to become one of the leaders of Corporate America. • Matt Fischetti will create his own brand of toilets. • Nic Lalicato and Nate Bowyer will create a new social media app and be the only ones to use it. • Kerri Hannigan will be a “Real Housewife of New Jersey” • Kristine Froseth will be on the cover of “Vogue” • Deborah Lee will become a famous artist and will always wear a beret when she paints and draws.
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Turf Summit High School Recruited Athletes 2014
Verve joins the coaching staff in congratulating these senior male and female student athletes who have committed to their sport in college. Anna Baumeister - Cornell University (Lacrosse) Sam Bebout - Union College (Lacrosse) Brianna Boze - North Carolina A&T University (Bowling) Meaghan Celmer - College of the Holy Cross (Lacrosse) Holly Confalone - Boston College (Soccer) Caroline Cranley - Trinity College (Lacrosse) William Delaney - Muhlenburg College (Lacrosse) Colm Dougherty - Gettysburg College (Football) Matthew Fischetti - College of the Holy Cross (Lacrosse) Stephanie Ford - College of the Holy Cross (Lacrosse) Taylor Ford - Catholic University (Lacrosse) Tanner Fulton - Lynchburg College (Baseball) Madeleine Gramigna - Yale University (Lacrosse) Kelly Haberl - Colgate University (Lacrosse) Brian Hadley - Wagner College (Lacrosse) Timothy Kostolansky - Williams College (Swimming) Gillian McIlroy - Cornell Univerity (Cross Country) Connor Murphy - Dickinson College (Lacrosse) Matthew Sajer - Trinity College (Lacrosse) Ryan Sebastian - University of Michigan (Swimming) James Strabley - Bowdoin College (Lacrosse) Charles Terry - Gettysburg College (Football) James Tully - Muhlenburg College (Lacrosse) Kyle Waldron - Manhatthan College (Lacrosse) Robert Walsh - Swarthmore College (Basketball) Julia Washburn - Lehigh University (Field Hockey) Nicholas Zachara - St. Lawrence College (Lacrosse)
June 2014
2013-2014 SHS Championships Fall 2013
Boys’ Cross Country 2013 North 2 Group 2 Sectional; 2013 Mountain Division Cross Country Sailing 2013 New Jersey State Football 2013 North 2 Group 3 State; 2013 Mid State Raritan Division
Winter 2013-14
Girls’ Winter Track - North 2 Group 2 State Sectional Boys’ Swimming - North 2 Group 3 State Sectional Boys’ Ice Hockey - Union County Ice Hockey Girls’ Ice Hockey - New Jersey Public School State Boys’ Basketball - Valley Division
Spring 2014
Boys’ Tennis - Group 3 State Baseball - Mountain Division Boys’ Volleyball - Conference Champions Boys’ Lacrosse: Union County; Group 2 State Girls’ Lacrosse North Group 2 Sectional Group 2 State Girls’ Spring Track North 2 Group 2 State Sectional
Photo by Alex Arias
Photo by Alex Arias
Senior Athlete Banquet 2014
Photo by Alex Arias
Photo by Alex Arias
From Left to Right: Caleb Sink, Robbie Walsh, Charlie Terry, Max Loeffler, Jordan Brown, Colm Dougherty, Matt Oristanio, Will Delaney, Andrew Masterfano, Austin McKee, Tanner Fulton, and Eric Lyman.
From Left to Right: Alex Arias, Nicole Salazar, Marcela Castro, Emily Chicules, Erin McNany, Ashley Amadeo, Alexa Krain, Fiona Bowen, Kerri Hannigan, Nicole Giangiulio, Jessica Martins, and Carolyn Saxton.
From Left to Right: Matt Fischetti, Kyle Crotty, James Tully, Connor Murphey, Sam Bebout, Max Graeb, Tyler McDonald, Brian Hadley, John Burns, Tommy DiSibio, Matt Sajer, Garret McGowan, James Strabley, Tommy Kane, and Danny Childers.
From Left to Right: Madeleine McCaffery, Holly Confalone, Taylor Ford, Gillian Mcllory, Annika Hansen, Caroline Cranley, Meaghan Celmer, Stephanie Ford, Josie Persson, and Emma Kelly.