Year in Review Special
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Summit High School
January 2014
Volume XIV Issue 4
125 Kent Place Blvd. Summit, NJ 07901
Verve exclusive: Meet Assistant Principal Lapotasky Out of 172 applicants, 10 candidates, and 3 finalists, Michael Lapotasky will be the new assistant principal, effective Feb. 21, 2014. Lapotasky was introduced to and welcomed by the Board of Education at its Dec. 19 meeting. When asked why he wanted to come to the district, Lapotasky said, “Summit has a proud past tradition, well known outstanding students, and is a high-achieving district.” He will be leaving his position as Supervisor of English and Social Studies, grades 6-12, at Warren Hills High School. Prior to this role, he taught English at Manville High. Lapotasky graduated in August 2002 from East Carolina University with a degree in English Education, and was inducted into Kappa Delta Pi
in May of 2009. He recently graduated from Seton Hall University, with honors, in May of 2010. Lapotasky has been very involved in extracurricular activities and clubs, and has experience coaching football, advising yearbook, and student council. “I want to improve student involvement, to make efforts to do something they enjoy outside the classroom,” said Lapotasky. He added, “Something that I really want to focus on is to keep an extensive level of security, its really important in this day in age.” “Summit High is such a terrific school and community, I believe it takes a different pair The new administrative team... The Board of Education has approved the recommendation to hire Mr. of eyes to help find areas for Lapotasky, seen here far right with Assistant Principal Grimaldi and Principal Sears. improvement, the administraGrimaldi adds, “I look forward ing the Hilltopper team, “I’m tive team is very collaborative cy Grimaldi are very excited to to collaborating with him to honored to be joining such have Lapotasky join the staff. we will indeed help Summit make Summit High School a great school community, “We believe he will bring a High make improvements,” I hope that together we can different experience and value better than it is.” said Lapotasky. Lastly, Lapotasky comment- move forward and accomplish of an outsider’s point of view, Mr. Paul Sears and Mrs. Staed on how he felt about join- bigger and greater things.” “said Sears Photo Provided by Alex Arias
By Alex Arias Managing Editor
Football squad defends title to earn season win Friday Dec. 6 the football team defended its title of State Champions against Parsippany Hills with a final score of 16-13. Though the weather was undesirable, cold and rainy at Kean University in Union, students and parents stood through the downpour to support the team and celebrate their victory. The team was lead by senior captains Charlie Terry, Andrew Masterfano, Colm Dougherty and Eric Lyman. Masterfano said, “ Maintaining the title of State Champions was a great way to end my last season with Summit Football.” The last few minutes of the game had fans and players on the edge of their seats, as Parsippany Hills had opportunities to score. However, senior Mac Wi-
esner defended Parsippany, with an essential sack, leading to a fourth down. At the end of the final quarter, Masterfano had an interception that sealed the victory. Junior Matt Greenstein said, “We came out on top this year because of hard work that we put in during the off-season, the help from coaches, and leadership from captains and seniors.” Head coach, Kevin Kostibos stated, “The moment the clock finally ran out will be a memory that lasts a lifetime for me.” Kostibos, extremely proud of his team added, “These seniors worked incredibly hard to achieve all accolades that will be bestowed upon them. They were doubted from the beginning and used that as motivation to win 24 straight games and repeat as Group 3 State Champions.”
Photo by Peter Gangi
By Ashley White Staff Reporter
Inside this issue of
Champs! Photos from the North Jersey, Section 2, Group 3 state football championship at Kean University 12/6/13
MidTerm Exam Schedule: 1/23: 8:00 Exam 1 10:30 Exam 2 1/24: 8:00 Exam 3 10:30 Exam 4 1/27: 8:00 Exam 5 10:30 Exam 6 1/28: 8:00 Exam 7 10:30 Exam 8