Verve Vol XV Iss 2 Nov 2014

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Mr. Petrillo responds with a letter to the editors on Opine. See p. 3

Get the look! Key fall fashion is in style on Buzz. See p. 6

Summit High School

November 3, 2014

Volume XV Issue 2

125 Kent Place Boulevard Summit, NJ 07901

A Moving Image. Mr. Kevin Schauer tied the knot on Oct. 11.

BoE ironing out surprise PE exemption wrinkles By Anna Tselevich Opinion Editor

Last year, students in all grades but ninth were given an opportunity to replace a gym period with a study hall once a week. Gym exemption came about in response to many parents and student-athletes asking for extra study time. The belief was expressed that athletes, especially those practicing and playing a Varsity sport, should not be required to take Physical Education. The rationale was that most sports teams, in-season, practice daily and have late games throughout the week, leaving student athletes insufficient time to do school work. The gym exemption policy aimed to help students manage workloads during some of the busiest times of the year, and was trialed at the end of the 2013-2014 school year. Come September, students were disappointed to learn that

the policy ended in June. Physical Education Teacher Mr. Robert Grella said, “I do think it’s very possible that we will have our exemption policy back in place for next quarter.” The exemption was halted because students weren’t reaching the minimum hours of physical education mandated by the state. In practice, it turned out that many students were missing two gym periods a week: one gym exemption, and one science lab. Now, the Board of Education is considering reinstating the policy for the second semester and possibly as soon as the second academic quarter. The details have not been discussed, so it is uncertain to whom the policy will extend. This means it may be exclusive for athletes, and it is unclear how often exemptions would occur. The final decision comes to a vote at the Nov. 20 Board meeting in the High School media center.

Administration puts brakes on traffic trial

By Megan Shaw Managing Editor

A Traffic Study Pilot, planned to span Monday Oct. 20 through Halloween, was halted by Principal Paul Sears after only three days, ending on the afternoon of Wednesday Oct. 22. On that day, Sears sent a memo to the community that said, “We have observed the traffic pattern...” and, although the restrictive traffic pattern would be “lifted,” a new study might happen in the future. The study, intended to determine if Weaver Street, adjacent to the school parking lot, could function successfully as a one-way street during peak traffic hours. Vehicles could only enter via Kent Place Blvd. from 7-8 a.m. and 2:30-3:30 p.m., with egress limited to Morris Ave. Many students were riled up, including senior Adrian Wong. He created a petition, which quickly garnered the signatures of 298 students in all four grades.

Illustration by Sophie Lees

Wedding bells are ringing for some of the high school faculty. Here’s a roundup of some teacher milestones being celebrated. Mr. Kevin Schauer, who teaches a wide range of classes from Moving Image, to design engineering, to wood technology, can add husband to his list of credentials as of Oct. 11. Ms. Ashley Wollesen, English teacher, freshman class adviser and recently engaged, met her fiancé at Bishop Ahr, her high school alma mater in Edison, NJ. They decided to catch up 10 years after graduation over dinner. Fast forward three years, and their wedding is planned for July 2016. Mrs. Angela Wolkiser, formerly Dorstek, teaches physics. She and her husband, an analyst at JPMorgan Chase & Co, got married this past July at an inn in New York. The two met at the Stevens Insti-

tute of Technology. Other faculty members on deck to be married include Ms. Allison Cahott, the new athletic trainer; Dr. Kristin MacDonald, biology and environmental science teacher; Ms. Asha Bailey, English teacher; Ms. Elizabeth Barto, special education teacher; and Mr. John Procopio, also in the special education department.

Photo provided by Mr Schauer

By Caroline Phillips Staff Writer

Traffic jammin’! With pedestrian safety in mind, a memorable, short-lived traffic study happened. Weaver St. returned to normal when Principal Sears cut the study short. Students expressed relief.

The petition stated: “The following is a list of people who all agree that the new ‘traffic study’ is incredibly inefficient and is not beneficial to their commute in any way.” After seeing so many people interested in the petition, Wong said he brought it to the administration. Wong said, “The study tri-

pled the time it took me to get to school, from 5 to 15 minutes. “I was marked late even though I left at my normal time. The study slowed me down.” To the thought of any future studies, Wong said, “There are plenty of people who agreed with me: keep it the same.”

Our Chi: The man behind the stand

Photo by Ellie Schaffer

Bells ringing staff milestones

Snack time! Senior Lexie Perry, pictured with Mr. Chi, grabs a hot dog to go after a night soccer game against GL.

By Ellie Schaffer Editor in Chief

We’ve all seen him around. Many of us have been patrons to his service. Most of us have given him a high five, a passing smile, or a “cool-dude” head nod. But at the end of the day, how many of us actually know our neighborhood hot

This month’s Verve.... Globe.........2 New Teachers.....4 - 5 Screen & Sound....7 Opine.........3 - 4 Turf.......................8 Buzz...................6

dog man, Mr. Chi? Mr. Chi Shan Yang said he started selling hot dogs in 1992. “It all began in Morristown. My father was in this business as well. At first, I was in training,” Chi said. Chi was rewarded with his very own hot dog stand. But he isn’t alone. The Summit hot dog business is a Chi family affair. “My wife sells hot dogs by the [Village Green] park, and my sister-in-law runs the stand by CVS,” Chi said. When SHS students spy the familiar yellow and blue umbrella popping up around town, the response is unanimous: thrilled. Sophomore Cecily Stabler said, “I love Mr. Chi. Every time I see him I feel happy.” Junior Julia Persche said, “I go to Mr. Chi whenever I have money.”


Nov. 3: Maroon Room Nov. 6-7: NJEA/No School Nov. 11: Veteran’s Day Nov. 12: College Night

Chi has become a vital part of our community, after dedicating over 20 years of service to Summit. When asked for a fun fact about himself Mr. Chi giggled, “I give away too many free hot dogs. And chips.”

Mr Chi Fast Facts 1. He has 3 children 2. Middle daughter is an SHS sophomore (Hi Vivian!) 3. His favorite Summit team to watch: Baseball 4. Favorite sales spot: Tatlock Field “There is only one entrance. And a lot of hungry kids!” 5. On his dog? Chili and onions

Nov. 13 - 15: “Stage Door” Nov. 25: Hallapalooza Nov. 27: Thanksgiving Nov. 28: No School

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