Vol 15 Iss 4 Jan 2015

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Turn to pages 4-5 for 2014: a year in review!

Turn to Opine, page 6, for insight on the school’s LGBT Community.

Summit High School

January 5, 2015

Volume XV Issue 4

125 Kent Place Boulevard Summit, NJ 07901

Follow for follow! If you like action, like “Warriors being dropped off in the heart of the battle #summit bowling” you should follow @summit_bowling on Instagram. While you’re there, like some pics posted by Varsity bowlers. Photo Credit: Anna Tselevich

Parking K-Turn:

Back to assigned spots By Carly Leiter Managing Editor & Ashley White Features Editor

Winter is coming, and the senior parking system has been changed yet again. There will be no more free-for-all parking for students with parking permits. According to Assistant Principal Stacy Grimaldi, the first-come, first-served parking system originally put in place was rolled out in an attempt to get students to arrive to school earlier. Now, the old method of assigned parking spots has been revived. Senior Brady Olcott said “I thought the new parking policy was working well, I don’t see a reason why it should be changed.” There will be a rotation of spaces when the inevitable

snow comes and the spots against the curb are covered. The snow is typically shoveled against the sides of the parking lot, making those curb and end-of-lane spots vanish. The new institution of the old method aims to create a system where the opportunity to park in the lot is equal, regardless of whether or not your spot is affected by the snow. All seniors will have the opportunity to park at some point during the winter. However, due to the snow there will be times when unlucky students will have to find alternate rides to and from school. The assigned spaces are an attempt to make the parking situation fair, however some students are displeased with the change. Turn to Opine for more insight on this issue.

Advanced topics class fuels academic curiosity

Turkey diesel! (L-R) Josh Osborne, Hunter Wyckoff, Leland Jones, Jack McCarthy & Luke Kerkham celebrate next to the VW experiment.

By Kaitlin Stewart Staff Writer

Chemistry teacher and funactivities maestro extraordinare, Mrs. Christine Stelmach is working with her first period Advanced Topics in Chemistry class on an incredible project: powering a car using studentproduced, chemically-reacted vegetable oil. Stelmach said, “In this class, students explore ways to use chemistry to solve realworld problems. Besides making biodiesel and soap, we’ve made biodegradable plastic from a potato.”

The science behind the biofuels project is interesting. Restaurants, like McDonald’s, regularly produce waste oil that is either shipped back to the manufacturer or thrown away. Stelmach’s students utilized oil from their own Thanksgiving dinners, collecting turkey grease to make a fuel capable of powering a car. Seniors Chelsea Dillon and Zach Rissman were integral to the experiment. Dillon said, “It’s a very gross process, and it smells really bad. It takes a lot of time and effort to make just a small

amount of it, but it is very cool that it worked.” So, how exactly does it work? Stelmach said the leftover turkey oil was reacted with methanol to form biodiesel. When biodiesel is put into a car with a diesel engine it makes fuel. The waste products of this reaction are glycerol, sodium hydroxide, and methanol. With the leftover glycerol, the class is planning to make soap. On Dec. 6 the groundbreaking students, including seniors Leland Jones, Josh Osborne, Jack McCarthy, Hunter Wyckoff and Pat Beljan, tested their homemade biodiesel by driving a junkyard car. Senior Josh Osborne explained, “This past Saturday, we drove 42 miles to Oak Ridge, New Jersey and successfully used our homemade biodiesel to power [freshman] Luke Kerkhan’s 1998 Volkswagon Jetta.” Aided by Stelmach, these students are paving the way to an eco-friendly future. These advancements are just the beginning.

Verve asks: can you spot the difference?

The class of 2015 won the annual hallway mural contest with its award-winning “Welcome to the Jungle” painting, but not without administrative censorship. The student’s rough draft of the mural, according to administration, did not match the final copy. This forced them to take action. Can you spot the difference between the two editions? Turn to Opine, page 6, to get the full story.

This month’s Verve.... Globe.........2 Year in Review...4 - 5 Turf.......................8 Buzz.........3 Opine..................6 - 7




Photo by Megan Shaw.

High school bowling teams are rarely formed, and even more rarely celebrated. But not here. With the biggest team in SHS Bowling History, a total of 23 bowlers, there is no doubt the Summit Bowling Team is on the path to glory. Already winning majority of their matches, the team is one to watch. Coach John Kratch said, “The season is going swim-

mingly; we have a lot of new and inexperienced bowlers but they are all enthusiastic to get better and have fun.” Senior Captain Will Cassin said, “With great coaching and great leadership by our seniors, we have been able to create a team that is currently ranked second in our group and shooting for a state title.” The team is showing its spirit by recently starting their own Instagram account for everyone to be able to keep up with their progress.

Photo by Meredith Robertson.

By Anna Tselevich Opinion Editor

Junkyard Jetta rolls on chem class biodiesel

Photo provided by Josh Osborne.

Bowling team strikes SHS spotlight

Mid-Term Schedule: 1/3: Fruitcake Toss Day 1/22: Per. 1 & 2 1/23: Per. 3 & 4 1/8: Bubble Bath Day 1/26: Per 5 & 6 1/19: MLK Day 1/27: Per 7 & 8 1/30: Semi-Formal

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