EUROPEAN AND EUROATLANTIC INTEGRATION OF UKRAINE Ihor Todorov professor of the International Relations and Foreign Policy Department, Donetsk National University The paper covers the modern state, factors and disadvantages of the policy for the European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine. It discusses the prospects for signing an Agreement of Association with the EU, factual replacement of the Membership Action Plan by the National Action Plan in Ukraine’s relations with the NATO, and evaluates the potential for deepening the Ukraine’s European and Euro-Atlantic cooperation in the security domain. Key words: The European Union, the NATO, the European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine, the Membership Action Plan, complementarity between the foreign and domestic policy.
Ukraine has no alternative to the course of joining the EU and NATO. The Orange Revolution gave hope to positive change, but qualitative results were not sufficient. For our Western neighbors – Czechs and Poles, Slovaks and Bulgarians, Macedonians and Croats, Romanians, Hungarians and Albanians – the issue of the European and transatlantic integration has been resolved. Almost all political forces in their states endorse this approach. In Ukraine, despite the external rhetoric, there have been no visible changes. Ukrainian tasks are much harder than those of the neighbors. Moreover, the power from time to time initiated and supported the projects that directly contradicted the European and Euro-Atlantic calling. Radical change in the public consciousness, structural changes in politics and economy are the necessary conditions for the Ukrainians to become worthy of European and Euro-Atlantic community of nations. The main problem that prevented the advancement of Ukraine towards the European and EuroAtlantic integration was the lack of clearly defined political will. That is, for almost 15 years, there have been expressed the intents, which have transformed in no certain and defined foreign policy steps. The content of the political leadership’s program speeches was determined by place of their publication. However, the need to integrate Ukraine into the European and Euro-Atlantic structures was appropriately stated in a number of domestic legal regulations. It is the realization of the European and Euro-Atlantic mission that gave Ukraine the only chance to maintain its own identity. The membership in the Council of Europe and concluding agreements with the European Union and NATO, which by their content are much broader than the classical international treaties on cooperation and contain detailed commitments to the development of political, economic and legal system, were essential for implementing a comprehensive Ukrainian modernization. So, from the beginning of the XXI-st century there appeared a specific phenomenon of Ukraine: the intention of the authorities to implement democratic reforms was most clearly and categorically recorded not in the domestic, but in the international documents. They marked the key policy positions. It was also essential that international documents, despite their diplomatic form, contained a much more adequate, truthful assessment of the situation in Ukraine. International cooperation provided specific mechanisms for monitoring the implementation of commitments, which made it impossible to apply disinformation and hoax, which are widely present in the internal political practice [1]. It is the European and Euro-Atlantic integration, by taking relevant international obligations, which gave Ukraine the chance to eliminate, or at least greatly reduce, such phenomena inherent to the domestic society as corruption, nepotism, window dressing. The 18 year practice of independence proves that Ukraine can not tame them itself. The major challenge is to achieve complementarity of the foreign and domestic policy for effective implementation of the state policy strategic objectives as a whole. Clearly, Ukraine has grown from the existing format of cooperation with the Alliance. The framework of the Intensified Dialogue has been already too tight for us. Objectively Ukraine is ready to raise the level of interaction with the NATO to the Membership Action Plan. It would be a logical step, which corresponds to the real situation and the depth of our partnership with this club. For Ukraine, the invitation to the MAP is also the issue of the seriousness of the Ukrainian authorities’ intentions to reform