Original Memory Book for Coretta Cooper

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SUNRISE: November 13th 1958 SUNSET: November 20th, 2020 62 YEARS OLD SERVICE HELD AT Faith Walk Church of God Cooper’s Town, Abaco, Bahamas December 12th, 2020 @ 11am OFFICIANT: Rev. Herbert Edgecombe ASSISTED BY: Bishop Terrance Strachan & other Ministers of the gospel INTERMENT Cooper’s Town Southside Cemetery

“…the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” Job 1:21 The home of the late Mr. Hastin & Mrs. Evelyn Russell was filled with such joy on the day of November 13th 1958 when a vibrant baby girl was born. This bouncing baby girl was the fifth child of that marriage and was given the name Evelyn. She grew up to be a very loving and outspoken person. Those close to her would affectionately call her “Netta”, “Evie”, “Ebby” or “Coretta”. Evelyn received her early education at Cooper’s Town Primary School and then later went on to Cooper’s Town High School. She was always independent and ambitious, therefore, after departing high school she immediately sort employment at Treasure Cay Beach Hotel as a waitress and later a hostess. It was here that she met the love of her life Anthony Cooper Sr. They dated for a very short period of time and tied the knot on December 5th, 1987. This union would have produced four children in addition to the two she already had. After so many years of gainful employment at Treasure Cay Beach Hotel she decided she wanted to explore a different avenue. She then ventured out and became a house keeper for Mr. Bush’s residence in Treasure Cay and a food caterer. She was a woman filled with ambition and the hustle never stopped. After she quitted her house-keeping job she opened her own restaurant, Eve’s Place in Cooper’s Town. She was always known for her scrumptious and delectable meals that she cooked with lots of love and served with heavy hands.

Evelyn accepted the Lord as her personal Savior in June of 1984 under the guidance of Pastor Joseph Norris from Full Gospel Assembly in Treasure Cay. She was later baptized by Bishop Calvin Saunders of Cooper’s Town Church of God and joined the church family there. She was an active and faithful member. She served on the Usher Board, the Council Board, the Fundraising Committee and the Hospitality Committee where her heart lied. She was also a faithful tither, sower and a great financial assistant to the kingdom. She was a woman of ridiculous faith and enjoyed worship, praise and prayer. She had a huge heart, a free spirit, and an agape love for people in general. She always made herself available to provide assistance even if not needed. Her children dubbed their home “The Restaurant” because she always cooked more than enough for her family so she can give someone in need a hot meal. She was a giver at heart and had a compassion for hurting people, the downcast, straying young men and family. Evelyn always spoke great about her God and she knew that whatever diagnostic she received it was not a death sentence. Been diagnosed with breast cancer, her crazy faith in her God never wavered, in fact, it strengthened as she continued to walk daily in Christ. She fought a very good fight but God’s plans for her life was complete. She peacefully slipped away on November 20th, 2020 to be with her Lord and Savior.

She was predeceased by her parents: Hastin & Evelyn Russell, son: George Knowles. Left to mourn her passing: Husband: Anthony Cooper Sr.; Children: Sanfa Knowles, Anthony Cooper Jr, Antoinette Cooper, Anthronique & Tevon Strachan, Samuel Cooper; Grand-children: Santonio & Krishna Knowles, Darien Evans, Iesha Knowles, Taylor Knowles, Dashawn & Quashawn Smith, Darvia Russell, Anthony & Aubrey Cooper and Angel Strachan; Great Grand-children: Sky, Santonio Jr. & Sloan Knowles and De’Mari Porter; Siblings: Florence (Elmore) Sawyer, Raymond Russell, Angelina (Hartman) Cooper, Nebra Russell, Errily Russell, Pete Russell, Hastin Russell, Gayle (Deolie) McIntosh, Damario (Patrice) McIntosh, Samuel Cooper Jr., Sidney (Barbara) Cooper, Conrad Penchion, Mable Pinder, Betty (Aaron) Johnson, Ellen Cornish, Genevieve (Vincent) Dean, Emily (Glen) Culmer, Elliot Cooper; Nieces & Nephews: Trevor Lightbourne, Templeton Sawyer, Chuck (Konica) Sawyer, Tara Sawyer-Moss, Amanda & Amico Sawyer, Jamal (Kimberley) Russell, Caramel, Andrew, Calivia and Arsenio Cooper, Angelo Poitier, Phenisha Baillou, Jade Russell, Latacia & Petra Russell, Kristin & Deandrea McIntosh, Kaysha McIntosh, Desiree (Kenneth) Stuart, Deniro Cooper, Leona (Tyrell) Russell, Jarrod (Ginger) Cooper, Todd (Stacy) Cooper, Quint Cooper, Faulsto (Shakera) Cooper, Leatrice Cooper, Shantell Cooper, Sophia Cooper , Anthon (Shakia) & Monique Johnson, Keisha (Patrick)

Rolle, Anechka Cooper, Romero & Leonardo Cornish, Rodney (Massawe), Audra, Dexter (Diamond) and Julian Dean, Nadia, Jeremy (Santia), Javano, Inderia and Cordell Culmer, Eliandra Cooper, T’Mark, Rashad and Darnika Farrington, Dwayne (Kia), Latoya and Isaiah Penchion, Terrica (Jhevasse) Mitchell, Tamika (Leroy) Jennings, Devon (Alfred) Laing, Driscal (Teddy) Woodside and Drexel (Dominique) Pinder; Adopted Mothers: Cleotha Sawyer, Cleotha Edgecombe & Jenniemae Humes; God-parents: Joy & Erma Duncombe; Godchildren: Ebony Rolle, Lerman McIntosh, Ashaka Sturrup, Khadera Wright, Jovette Archer, Special friends and relatives: Paige Archer, Daneisha McIntosh, Shaneka Russell, Bishop Terrance & Co-Pastor Shoine Strachan and family, The Honorable Darren Henfield and family Other relatives and friends: The Right Honorable Hubert Ingraham and family, Administrator Terrece Bootle-Laing, Bishop Archilaus Cooper and family, Rev. Herbert Edgecombe and family, Pastor Samuel Cornish and family, Pastor Rudolph McKinney and family, Pastor Stafford Symonette and family, Pastor Ronald McIntosh and family, Pastor Leslie Cornish and family, Pastor Carlton McIntosh and family, Pastor Edward Laroda and family, Joseph & Beryl Norris and family, Clint (Wendy) Laroda and family, Catechist Euclid (Marjorie) Baillou and family, Bishop Cedric Bullard and family, Eleanor & Everette Bootle and family, Joseph Russell and family,

Lufrunia Jordan and family, Judyann Adams and family, Estelle McKinney and family, Vivian Cooper and family, Terry & Rudy Rolle, Gaylene and Carrol Laing, Frankie Evans and family, Hartley Bootle and family, Delrosa Russell and family, Pastor Saveleta Fowler and family, Gordon McIntosh and family, Dolly Mills and family, Mildred Murray and family, Patrice Cox and family, Victoria Bootle and family, Theresa Albury and family, Mona Bain and family, Annella Adderley and family, Melissa Hardy and family, Pastor Elizabeth Nixon and family, Hon. Miriam Emmanuel, Anna-Ruth Bootle and family, Deolie & Sam McIntosh and family, Donna Collie, Anne Russell, Adean Degregory, Marshall, Ivan, Glen and Brian Russell, Ettamae Austin, Max Russell, Burnell Williams and family, Ornell (Melvern) Cornish and family, Cleotha Sawyer & family, Cleotha Edgecombe & family, Samuel Cooper & family, Graham & Tegwen Hastedt, Cooper family, Russell family, Bootle family, Cornish family, Adams family, Edgecombe family, Baillou family, McIntosh family, Rolle family, Nairn family, Williams family, Reckley family, Lewis family, Lowe family, Staff at Southern Community General Clinic and Oncology Consultants, and numerous others whose lives she has touched along the way.

Order of Service Entrance of the family | Faith Walk Church of God Choir / Praise Team Moderator | Bishop Terrance Strachan Hymn | Be Still and Know That I am God Be still and know That I am God Be still and know That I am God Be still and know That I am God

I am the Lord That healeth thee I am the Lord That healeth thee I am the Lord That healeth thee

In thee, O Lord I put my trust In thee, O Lord I put my trust In thee, O Lord I put my trust

PRAYER | Pastor Jensen Edgecombe OLD TESTAMENT READING | (Psalm 91) – Frankie Evans (Cousin) PRAISE & WORSHIP | Faith Walk Church of God TRIBUTE | Antoinette Cooper (Daughter) CONGREGATIONAL HYMN | When Peace Like A River When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll; whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul.

My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! My sin, not in part but the whole, is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more, praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!

(Chorus) It is well, it is well, With my soul, with my soul, It is well; it is well, with my soul.

And, Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight, the clouds be rolled back as a scroll; the trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend Even so, it is well with my soul

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, let this blest assurance control that Christ has regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul.

NEW TESTAMENT READING | (Job 14: 7-17) | Emily Culmer (Sister In-Law) SELECTION | Anthronique Strachan (Daughter) EULOGY | Rev. Herbert Edgecombe PRAYER FOR THE FAMILY | Pastor Rudy McKinney

CLOSING HYMN | It Is Finish There’s a line that is drawn through the ages On that line stands an old rugged cross On that cross, a battle is raging To gain a man’s soul or it’s loss

The earth shakes with the force of the conflict And the sun refuses to shine For there hangs God’s son, in the balance And then through the darkness he cries

(Chorus) It is finished, the battle is over; it is finished, there’ll be no more war It is finished, the end of the conflict; it is finished and Jesus is Lord

Yet in my heart, the battle was still raging Not all prisoners of war had come home These were battlefields of my own making I didn’t know that the war had been won

On one side, march the forces of evil All the demons, all the devils of hell On the other, the angels of glory And they meet on Golgotha’s hill

Oh, but then I heard the king of the ages Had fought all the battles for me And that victory was mine for the claiming And now praise his name, I am free.

COMMITTAL | Rev. Herbert Edgecombe COMMITTAL HYMNS | It’s Alright Now There was a time I travelled a lonely sinful road; Beneath a heavy burden bending low; But now all things are different, since Jesus took my load It’s alright now, I’m His I know. (Chorus) It’s alright now, for I am in my Saviour’s care It’s alright now; my Saviour hears and answers prayer He’ll walk with me, (He’ll walk beside me) Till I climb the heavenly stair, And everything (And everything is alright now)

A’ down a lonely pathway, without a friend to guide, I walked in sin and sorrow all alone ‘Till Jesus came and found me, and drew me to His side; It’s alright now, for I’m His own. No more in sin I wander, no more in darkness roam The Lord has placed my feet on higher ground; Each day new heights I’m gaining, my soul is nearing home, It’s alright now, I’m heaven bound.

WHEN THE HOME GATES SWING OPEN FOR ME I am on the upward road leading to that bright abode, Where forever my so shall be free, (shall be free) Won’t that be a happy time, Heaven’s bells will sweetly chime, When the home-gates swing open for me.

I’ll keep walking in His light, ‘Till my faith shall end in sight, He shall lead me to safe o’er the sea, (o’er the sea) I will find a welcome there, And a crown of glory wear, When the home-gates swing open for me.

(Chorus That will be, a happy time, When the clouds have passed away. From my cares, I shall be free, When the home-gates swing open for me.

Tho’ sometime the path may lead through the veil of sin and greed, Jesus ever my refuge will be, (will be) Soon at home my trials o’er, I shall praise him evermore. When the home-gates swing open for me.

Tributes To my darling wife, I was looking forward to your return this Christmas but the Lord had other plans. You were the matriarch of our family and I could never be more grateful for the privilege I had to walk hand and hand with you for over 33 years. No marriage is perfect but we were perfect for each other. We remained faithful friends to the very end. You were a great mother to our children and grand-children and the best wife and support system to me. To have you was indeed a gain and I will always cherish the time we spent together and the memories we’ve made. Our vows stated, “Until death do us part”, but even in death my love for you remains…until then my love! From: Devoted Husband, Anthony Cooper


rammy we prayed for you to be better but our better was not what God had planned. We are blessed to have known you and to have spent your last days together. We were happy to do the little things for you that meant the most to you; like praying for you and massaging your arm or even helping you up those stairs. We will always remember all the times we sang, prayed, laughed and talked together but we will always cherish the love you gave us and how you always spoiled us and made us feel special. You gave each of us a name; you named AnDre the Pastor, Darvia the Prophetess and Amina the Doctor. We will hold on to these names and make sure we continue our work for the Lord so we can see you again. We miss you Grammy but God needed you more. From: AnDre, Darvia & Amina (Grandchildren)


n this life we encounter many people, but none of them could even begin to match the spirit that belonged to my grandmother. None will ever be able to make anyone feel so loved just by a greeting or conversation. A woman who possessed such strength, you heard it in her voice. Surely she was more precious than rubies; she was energetic, strong and a hard worker. She was clothed with strength and dignity. She was a virtuous woman and that memory and her great lessons will forever live in my heart. “Those special memories of you will always bring a smile, if only I could have you back just for a little while then we could sit and talk again just like we used to do. You always meant so very much to me and still do too. The fact that you’re no longer here will always cause me pain. But you are forever in my heart until we meet again.” From: Loving Grand-daughter Taylor Knowles

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Family of Coretta “Evelyn� Josephine Cooper wishes to express sincere appreciation to the many family and friends for all of their support and encouragement during this time of bereavement. Your prayers, visits and acts of kindness will never be forgotten. It is during these difficult times that you recognize the power of love and its ability to bring comfort in the midst of anguish and despair. May the almighty god continue to bestow His richest blessings upon you.

PALLBEARERS Anthony Cooper Sr. Anthony Cooper Jr. Samuel Cooper III Santonio Knowles Tevon Strachan Raymond Russell

HONORARY PALLBEARERS Chuck Sawyer Trevor Lightbourne Hastin Russell Pete Russell Jamal Russell Angelo Russell

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