Service Of Thanksgiving For The Life And Witness Of The Late
Service Of Thanksgiving For The Life And Witness Of The Late
BIRTH: March 24th 1939
DEATH: August 21st 2024
SERVICE HELD AT Miracle Church of God
Saturday September 14th, 2024 at 10:30 am
Bishop Cardinal McIntosh
Bishop Johnny Lowe
Other Ministers of the Gospel
Pastor Cambrell Poitier
Green Turtle Cay Cemetery
“Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain; but a woman that feareth The Lord; she shall be praised.”
Proverbs 31 vs. 30
Gladys Alsaida McIntosh nee Burrows, was an angel. An exquisite flower of nature; she was peaceful, considerate, devoted, loving, faithful and God fearing; a beautiful Christian soul.
Gladys possessed an independent spirit, embodying both femininity and fortitude. A woman of wisdom and conviction, she operated with a godly resolve and lived a life of simplicity and humility. Gladys was lovely and graceful. Her beauty was not limited to her physical appearance but shone from deep down in her soul. Her friendly personality very easily endeared her to those who were fortunate enough to meet her. With her compassion and grace, Gladys touched our lives as an angel and now she is in a better place. Today we pause to say thank you for the way she brightened our lives. We will miss her, but she has left indelible
footprints on our hearts and a trail of beautiful memories.
This service marks the end of an era for the Curry-Burrows family: the passing of a generation. As we intern Gladys, the last living of her siblings, we say goodbye to her generation. A generation of faithful, noble, courageous, and resourceful men and women, who by example and precept passed on their faith, laid the foundation for, and inspired their succeeding generations to embrace life, seize and create opportunities, and be all that they could be.
Today we shed no tears for this angelic soul, only for our loss.
A Time to Be Born
March 24th, 1939 was an unforgettable day for a dear couple, Reuben Matthew and Ada (Curry) Burrows as they welcomed a miracle bundle of joy from the Lord at their home in the picturesque settlement of Crown Haven, Abaco. This precious gift was the fourth child and third daughter of this union and her excited older siblings Lillian, Meltina and Alonzo (all now deceased) gleefully welcomed their new baby sister. With pride the parents christened her Gladys Alsaida at St Ann’s Anglican Church in Crown Haven.
A Time to Grow and Learn
Gladys had a happy, healthy childhood. Her parents were farmers. They were not rich, however, there was lots of love and they endowed their children with a treasury of priceless, timeless wealth in teaching them by example the basic
tenets of the Christian faith: love and reverence for God, the importance of family, respect for themselves and their fellow men and the dignity of honest labour; and by fostering a spirit of community service. These qualities Gladys displayed consistently throughout her life and passed on to her children.
Church and school were the parent’s main priorities for the children. As a child, Gladys attended the All Age Schools first at Crown Haven then later at Green Turtle Cay, Abaco. It was an era when children learned to obey orders without questioning and “children were seen and not heard”. Gladys was a cheerful, quiet, obedient and loving child. She engaged in all the typical activities of Island life. Gladys and her siblings helped at home after school. She assisted her mother proudly with preparing daily family meals and perfected her culinary skills. An exceptional baker, she was especially renowned for her bread which was her hallmark.
In addition to farming, Gladys’s mother Ada Burrows was a missionary and midwife. Her roles included monitoring expecting mothers and infants before and after birth, offering mental, physical and emotional support. She served as “nurse” and spiritual leader thereby occupying a prominent position in the community. Very often Gladys accompanied her mother in the execution of her duties. These experiences inspired Gladys and at an early age she conceived a liking for and sought every opportunity to relieve the suffering of others.
Gladys blossomed into a beautiful, compassionate, kind, well-mannered, unassuming and intelligent young lady; indeed she was a humanitarian at heart. If she became aware of a need, Gladys availed herself to assist. A very wise woman, from her exposure and experience navigating the challenges of life she demonstrated sensitivity, respect, sound judgement and a great understanding of human nature. She tried to support, encourage and motivate everyone in her life’s circle. Some of Gladys’s favorite sayings were “Only what you do for God matters”, and when something was particularly pleasing or delicious she would say “This things…things is things.”
During her early childhood, Gladys worshiped with her parents and siblings at St Ann’s Anglican Church, Crown Haven, Abaco. When Gladys was twelve years old her parents relocated to Green Turtle Cay, Abaco. In Green Turtle Cay, the family worshipped at St Peter’s Anglican Church. During the late 1960’s and early 1970’s an American missionary, Rev Talmadge Butler frequented the Abacos and held revival services at the Assemblies of God Churches. It was at one such service that Gladys felt and yielded to the conviction of the Holy Spirit. She made a profession of Jesus Christ as Savior and surrendered her life to God. Gladys was a zealous new convert. She trusted God absolutely and demonstrated deep faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ. She received the
baptism of the Holy Spirit and began worshipping at the Glad Tidings Assemblies of God Church and later at Sea Side Church of God, now Miracle Church of God. Her consecration and devotion to God was demonstrated by her commitment and dedication to tithing and giving to the work of God. At both places of worship she was an active, faithful and supportive member, and gave of her resources sacrificially for the furthering of God’s kingdom.
Gladys received the calling and anointing to a life of prayer. She
simply delighted in prayer. Gladys was always involved in some form of prayer, be it house prayer, church prayer, bound and loose prayer, deliverance prayer or breakthrough prayer.
As long as prayer was needed, Gladys could be counted on. She also sang in the choir and was a Sunday school teacher.
Early in her Christian life, Gladys felt the prompting of God to support the construction of Christian churches and schools in India and China, and to sponsor children in these countries through international ministries connected to such projects.
However, Gladys was a homemaker without the income to support such undertakings. She prayed about it and was directed by the Holy Spirit to begin selling popsicles and sodas. This enabled her to finance these ventures and impact many lives for the honor and glory of God. Throughout her life, she gave an unwavering testimony of her faith in God. Indeed, her life, love and faith was a great inspiration to us all.
In the early 1940’s the M/V Stede Bonnet was assigned to service the mail between Nassau and Abaco. On the days when the mail boat was due, there would be much excitement and the residents would gather to watch the vessel being unloaded and its cargo distributed. On one such occasion, Gladys caught the eye of the ships engineer, Cardinal McIntosh, a young, debonair bachelor from Fire Road, Abaco. Cardinal was instantly smitten with Gladys and he pursued her vigorously. A courtship ensued which culminated in marriage on November 15th, 1955, when they were joined together in holy matrimony by the late Reverend Emmanuel C. Grant in Nassau at the home of Ms Leotha Marshall. Gladys proved a godly and dutiful wife and set a stellar example of the kind of unconditional love required to see a marriage through good times and rough times.
She stood by Cardinal’s side to the very end. This model couple celebrated sixty six years of marriage. This union was blessed with thirteen children; Cardinal Jr, Andrew, Reuben, Christiana, Daril, James, Barbara, Arnold, Linda, Rose, Don and Ashrica. Gladys was also mother to many adopted children.
Gladys was a homemaker and cared for the well-being of her family with great love, devotion and pride, and was an excellent role model for them. She personified the woman spoken of in Proverbs Ch 31. She was a guiding light ,an example of what a Christian wife, mother and friend should be. God was the head of the home and family life was centered aroundservice to Him. Gladys made great sacrifices for her children. She very often denied herself to ensure
that their needs were met. She was always there for all of her children regardless of what direction their lives took or what happened in their lives.
She loved spending time with her children. Whenever they came to visit, there was much preparation and she would stay up late at night talking and bringing them up-to-date. It was a joy to watch her eyes light up whenever she saw one of her children or grandchildren.
On May 24th, 2024 Gladys suffered a stroke at her home in Green Turtle Cay Abaco and had to be airlifted to Freeport for medical attention. On June 3rd, 2024 she suffered a second stroke and was admitted again to the Rand Memorial Hospital.
Once again on August 11th, 2024 she had to be admitted to hospital for medical attention. In the early morning hours of August 21st, 2024 Gladys, quietly answered the call to a higher level with her Lord and Savior whom she trusted implicitly and served faithfully.
“The strife is o’er, the battle done. The victory of life is won; the song of triumph has begun; Alleluia!”
Predeceased by her loving Husband, Cardinal A. McIntosh Sr, 4 sisters: Meltina, Lillian, Frances, Emily “Titta” and 1 Brother: Alonzo Burrows
She is survived by her loving children: Cardinal Jr., Luella, Andrew, Reuben, Christina, Daril, James, Barbara, Arnold, Don (McIntosh), Linda (Baker), Rose (Johnson), Ashrica (Gardiner).
Sons-In-Laws: Floyd Johnson and Mark Baker
Patricia, Juney, Denise, Laverne, Giselle, Olive (Predeceased) Minerva(Predeceased).
Grandchildren: Crystal (Ryan) Flowers, Lisa McIntosh, Gail (Wenrick) Clarke, Gabrielle (Brinard) Sweeting, Solomon McIntosh, Timothy and Matthew White, Jason, Andrea, Amanda, Alexis, Alex, Vanessa, Eden, Whitney, Jasmine, and James McIntosh, Genovia and Spencer Simms, Phoenix (Nathaniel) Montague, Tyler and Gabriel Baker, Roxanne (Jamal) Russell, Cordell and Denzell Johnson, Donald (Kevanna), Makayla, and Danika McIntosh, Azaria Wood, Avery Minzie, Ondrae (Predeceased), Andrew Brennen
Great Grandchildren: Lacaisha Curry, Amaya Flowers, Kamille Mcclellan, Kaydon, Bryce, Dreu and Kamia McIntosh. Grace and Mekhi Clarke, Kairo Edwards, Brylee Russell, Nylah Johnson, Aden Brennen.
Nieces: Erma Sawyer, Donalee Green, Jacqueline McIntosh, Veronica Burrows, Sandra, Lilymae, Rowena Burrows, Willadale Gaitor, Kenya Burrows, Mariam Rolle, Ethel Clairmont, Denise Adderley, Ada Tate, Ettagina Bain, Deborah Williams, Julie Russell, Roselyn Thompson.
Nephews: James, Wilfred, and Tony Russell, Willis Munroe, and John Albury, Jackson and Mervin Davis, Edward, Harrison, and Bearswellington Burrows. Zendal and Fredrick Jones
Adopted Children: Pastor Johnny Lowe, Sam Russell, Willis Leavrity, Eddie Bodie, Glen Culmer, Maxwell Russell Jr., Ronald and Sandricka Hudson, Judith Nesbitt, Maria Mills, Marcian Mckenzie and Frankie Nicholson
Godchildren: Violet Smith, Charlene McIntosh, Bridgette Levarity, Sara Roberts, Steve Pedican Special Friends and Family: Tina Lowe & Family, Fantasia Ingraham, Garth McIntosh Sr & Family, Adeline McIntosh & Family, Hettie McIntosh, Livingstone Bodie & Family, Margaret Reckley & Family, Sunan Jones & Family, Scott Lowe & Family, Martha Roberts & Family, Sandra McIntosh & Family, Geno Simms, The Cooper Family, Roberta Russell & Family, The Sawyer, Curry, Reckely & McIntosh Families, Arnold Newbold, Donnie Outten & Family, The Burrows & Fox Families of Sandy Point Abaco. The Crown Haven Community, Fire Road, and Cooper’s Town Communities, The Miracle Church of God Family, and a host of other relatives, friends, and acquaintances, The Grand Bahama Family Worship Center Family and Leader-ship, Rex and Edna Neely & Family, Olga Strachan & Family, Clarkson and Della Mack & Family, Wendell and Shereen Smith & Family, Sophia Carey & Family, Shawn and Sherry Thurston & Family, Ludell Whylly & Family, Mary Lewis & Family, and Kelly Russell & Family. Special Thanks are extended to: Grand Bahama Family Worship Center Family, Desmond Seymour, Deputy Nursing Officer Kathy Saunders, and Senior Trained Clinical Nursing Office Shrene Smith of the Grand Bahama Health Services. The Nurses and Doctors of the A&E Department, the Intensive Care Unit and the Female Medical Ward, the Patient Advocate Unit, and the Ambulance Unit, the Security Team of the Rand Memorial Hospital, and all who called or visited to extend their condolences and sympathies
OPENING SENTENCE | Bishop Johnny Lowe, Senior Pastor
Miracle Church of God
INVOCATION | Pastor Reuben McIntosh (Son)
Miracle Church of God
CONGREGATIONAL HYMN | ”Just Over In the Glory Land”
I’ve a home prepared where the saints abide, What a joyful thought that my Lord I’ll see, Just over in the glory land; Just over in the glory land; And I long to be by my Savior’s side, And with kindred saved, there forever be, Just over in the glory land. Just over in the glory land.
I am on my way to those mansions fair, With the blood-washed throng I will shout and sing, Just over in the glory land; Just over in the glory land; There to sing God’s praise and His glory share, Glad hosannas to Christ, the Lord and King, Just over in the glory land. Just over in the glory land.
Just over in the glory land, I’ll join the happy angel band, Just over in the glory land; Just over in the glory land, There with the mighty host I’ll stand, Just over in the glory land.
SCRIPTURE READING | Old Testament | Psalm 116:15 & Proverb 31:10
Lacaisha Curry (Great Granddaughter)
Jason McIntosh (Grandson)
SPECIAL TRIBUTES | Crystal Flowers, On Behalf of Grand Children
Floyd Johnson, Son-in-Law
SPECIAL SELECTION | Miracle Church of God Women’s Choir
REMARKS (2 MINUTES) | Bishop Anthony Campbell, Senior Pastor
Hawksbill Church of God & District Overseer Grand Bahama
Elder Shawn Thurston, G.B. Family Worship Center
Apostle Alex Archer, Latter Rain Ministries
SOLO | Pastor Christine Bostfield, Pastor Dundas Town Church of God
AS I KNEW HER | Margaret Reckley (Close Friend)
SCRIPTURE READING-NEW TESTAMENT | 2 Timothy 4:6-8 & Revelations 14:13 (Grand Niece)
Harrison Burrows (Nephew)
SOLO | Tarnah Newbold, Worship Leader
Latter Rain Ministries
EULOGY | Bishop Cardinal McIntosh Jr. (Son)
Senior Pastor, G.B. Family Worship Center
PRAYER FOR THE FAMILY | Pastor Wendell Smith, Associate Pastor G.B. Family Worship Center
RECESSIONAL HYMN | ”I Feel Like Traveling on”
My heav’nly home is bright and fair, I feel like traveling on; Nor pain nor death can enter there, I feel like traveling on.
Yes, I feel like traveling on, I feel like traveling on; My heav’nly home is bright and fair, I feel like traveling on.
Its glitt’ring tow’rs the sun outshine, I feel like traveling on; That heav’nly mansion shall be mine, I feel like traveling on.
Let others seek a home below, I feel like traveling on; Which flames devour, or waves o’erflow, I feel like traveling on.
The Lord has been so good to me, I feel like traveling on; Until that blessed home I see, I feel like traveling on.
COMMITTAL | Bishop Johnny Lowe
There will be a happy meeting in heaven I know, When we see the many loved ones we’ve known here below, Gather on the blessed hill tops with hearts all a-glow, That will be a glad reunion day.
Glad day, a wonderful day, Glad day, a glorious day, There with all the holy angels and loved ones to stay, That will be a glad reunion day.
There within the holy city we’ll sing and rejoice, Praising Christ the blessed Savior with heart and with voice, Tell Him how we came to love Him and make Him our choice, That will be a glad reunion day.
When we live a million years in that wonderful place, Basking in the love of Jesus, beholding His face, It will seem but just a moment of praising His grace, That will be a glad reunion day.
When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more, And the morning breaks, eternal, bright and fair; When the saved of earth shall gather over on the other shore, And the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there.
When the roll is called up yonder, When the roll is called up yonder, When the roll is called up yonder, When the roll is called up yonder I’ll be there.
On that bright and cloudless morning when the dead in Christ shall rise, And the glory of His resurrection share; When His chosen ones shall gather to their home beyond the skies, And the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there.
Let us labor for the Master from the dawn till setting sun, Let us talk of all His wondrous love and care: Then when all of life is over and our work on earth is done, And the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there.
It is impossible to overstate the blessing that a godly mother is in our lives.
When you entered the world on March 24, 1939, the world was forever changed. They named you Gladys, meaning ruler and princess, and that you were!
Proverbs 31:10 asks, “Who can find a virtuous woman/ wife/ mother of noble character.? For her worth is far above exquisite jewels.” My mother was the embodiment of this scripture. She meant so much to so many—a source of encouragement, wisdom, relief, rebuke, edification, love, and laughter. The list of her gifts is endless, and her impact on our lives is immeasurable.
She exemplified the qualities that we all aspire to. She was:
G - Good, Gracious, Gorgeous
L - Loving, Loyal, Lively
A - Affable, Available, Accessible
D - Determined, Delightful, Dependable
Y - Yearning, Yielding, Yummy
S - Straight-talking, Strong, Stable
As I reflect on her life, I am reminded of 2 Timothy 4:6-8, which speaks of a life well-lived: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” Mummy you have done just that.
For those of you who have been touched by my ministry, know that it is a testament to the faithful love and unwavering faith of a mother who kept her eyes on eternity. She served Jesus with devotion, both in the small moments and the grander gestures, embodying the spirit of service that we all aspire to.
She was the matriarch of our family, a venerable woman who commanded respect.
Psalm 116:15 says that “Precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of the righteous.” Today, we honor her journey, knowing that she is now in the presence of her Lord.
So, go wear your crown, girl. Love you mummy, see you in the rapture. Your first born,
Bishop Cardinal McIntosh Jr.
Grammy, the whole world may not be fortunate enough to remember your name, but we are certain that all of heaven does. We knew what it was to watch you fall asleep reading your Bible, and there was never a time we spoke when you wouldn’t find a way to mention Jesus. Because of you, our faith is strong.
And many will never know the strength of the prayers you prayed daily, but the proof that God surely answered you is evident in all of our lives. We all know what it means to pray, lean on and trust God because of your example.
We are blessed to experience the kind of love you showed us. Both tough and gentle in nature, it was also unwavering. There is no question in our minds that you loved us and we surely loved you right back.
Grammy we have faith that will see you again. We hope that the lives we live will continue to honor the legacy you left us.And we love you, forever.
Love, Crystal, Lisa, Gail, Gabrielle, & Solomon
1 Corinthians 13:13, ‘Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.’
Even though you are no longer with me, gone from your earthly toils to your Heavenly reward, your love and light will forever shine, and in my most cherished memories, you will always reside. In quiet moments, I feel your embrace, your spirit pure and bright, like a guiding beacon through my days and nights. You were not just my mother but also my best friend and confidant.
But most importantly, my spiritual mentor, who guided me with your wisdom and faith that echoes in my soul – that steady voice that made me whole.
You embodied the Provers 31 woman, and everything I am today is because of you. You will forever hold that special place in my heart.
So take your rest, my QUEEN, until we meet on Haven’s golden shores.
Love and miss you, Mommy,
Your girl, Lue.
With a heavy heart, I write this tribute to you, my beloved Grammy.
Your strength and unwavering support held our family together, and it is hard to imagine a world without you. I remember when, as a little boy, you would spoil to no end during our Summer visits.
As I reflect on your life, I am filled with immense love and gratitude for all you have done.
Your presence was a constant source of inspiration, and I always believed you would be there for us. Nevertheless, the Lord had other plans for you and called you home to your Heavenly resting place. I yearn to express my deep affection for you once more, but that is not to be.
Grammy, you were a queen in every sense, and your absence leaves a void in my heart that will not be filled again. I take comfort in knowing you are watching over us from your Heavenly realm. Your values and teachings, which will continue to guide us, will remain ingrained in our hearts, reassuring us as we continue our journey without
Love and miss you, Grammy.
Forever in my heart, your boy, Timmy.
Losing a parent is never easy, but, in His word, God assures us that He will never leave us, nor forsake us. Mummy, as we lay you to rest, we are comforted that you are in a better place; free from all sorrows and pain, resting in the loving arms of your Heavenly Father. We love you, but Jesus loves you best.
~Andrew and Patricia
Ever since I heard the news of your passing on that fateful morning, “Mumma loves you” are the words stuck on repeat day in and day out. It was how you finished every conversation in my adulthood; yet, in my childhood it was spoken after every reprimand. To the sweetest soul, and my most cherished neighbor; I will always love you too. Although it’s hard to fathom that you won’t be here anymore, my resolve is strengthened knowing that you’re at peace with your Lord and Savior. Heaven surely couldn’t wait for you, my sweet girl! May your soul rest in peace.
~ Manda
“Grandparents hold our tiny hands for just a little while, but our hearts forever.”
My Grammy, the epitome of all things divine in this world & most importantly, love for and devotion to God. I’m truly grateful for your unfailing love & constant prayers; prayers that kept all your loved ones covered in God’s grace & mercy. I was very blessed to have you. Your unconditional love will forever remain in my heart, and I’ll miss you always.
Until we meet again; with all my love, ~Drea
Pops, it was your day, but I’m guessing you asked Grammy to join you and meet you in the sky, where there’s no more pain! You were loved by so many. I am honored and blessed to have been your first grandson! Grammy, may you rest in Heavenly Peace. ~ Jason
AVisionary, Missionary, Counselor and a World Changer, that’s who Gladys Burrows McIntosh was. Truly a Proverbs 31 Woman. That’s our mother. You never saw a hungry person that you did not feed, a sick person that you did not visit and care for, a naked person that you did not clothe. Mummy, you never met a stranger that wasn’t a friend. You know, Mom, you kinda remind me of that Man called Jesus. You taught us that our first priority was Love and to put God first. You taught us humility, honesty and integrity, to treat others with love and respect. To be compassionate, and to take care of each other. We are who and what we are because of yours and Daddy’s training. You could not know the legacy you’ve left behind, but your Father will show you. We love you so much. Juney won’t stop crying, and I can’t stop smiling when I think of my Long Island Peach.
We love and miss you. It hurts to have to stop the book, as it is not long enough. Enjoy your Lord. Please, Mrs. Glady’s, you and Daddy behave, God is in Charge, not you. Mom, Juney, Alexis Alexander, and Reuben, forever cherish the day you become mother, mother-in-law, and grandmother. Rest in our Lord. We love you. -Reuben
Our hearts are heavy as we gather to say goodbye to our beloved Grammy Gladys. She was more than just a grandmother; she was a pillar of strength, love, and wisdom for our entire family. Life without her will never be the same, and with her passing, she took a piece of each of us with her.
Grammy, you filled our lives with love and guidance, always knowing just what to say, even if it was a little embarrassing at times. I still remember that day in high school when someone gave me a single flower for Valentine’s Day. You sat me down and gave me a lecture on why I shouldn’t accept gifts from just anyone. At the time, I was mortified, but now I look back on that moment with a smile—still a bit embarrassed, but also so grateful. I knew it came from a place of love, support, and care. You always wanted the best for us, and for that, I am forever thankful.
The world feels a little darker without you in it, Grammy. Your light, your laughter, and your unwavering support will be deeply missed. As we lay you to rest, we find comfort in the hope that we will see you again one day. For now, we hold onto the memories and the love you left behind. Enjoy your freedom from this earthly plane, Grammy. We love you now and always. Love, Alexis and Alexander
My dearest Mother, I can’t begin to express my sadness now that you are not here. There are no words to express the inspiration of love and devotion you were to your God, family, and friends – What an honor to be called your daughter and you, my Mother.
Our prayer warrior, Mommy, how I loved and long to hear you pray again in the early morning hours, calling out your children’s names one by one and for family, friends, and loved ones far and near. I can only imagine you in Heaven calling our names one by one. Mommy, I will forever carry you in my heart. Sleep on, my Queen; rest in your Savior’s arms until we meet on Heavn’s golden shores.
Love and miss you, Mommy, Christina
We want to honor our mother and grandmother, a woman who was the true meaning of essence, love and kindness. Her life was a testament to her deep faith, always putting others before herself and sharing. Her warmth with everyone she met, she was a loving, caring and giving Christian woman who taught me the meaning of grace and compassion. Although she is no longer with us, her spirit will continue to guide us; reminding us every day of the power of love and the importance of family, being thoughtful and giving as she was. You will definitely be missed and because of your love and guidance, you will always be a part of our life. We will cherish the moments we spent together, our conversations our laughs. Until we meet again.. We love you, now and always!
Love…your son Daril and Grandkids, Vanessa and Lacaisha.
One who had a stellar smile that was pure sunshine, An illuminating and uplifting spirit made of solid gold. Her beaming presence undeniable, Her gentle grace inviting and benevolent energy a blessing. We all felt loved, blessed and highly favored to have you in our lives.
Rest in Peace Mommy. You will truly be missed.
We love you! I love you.
Gone, But Not Forgotten
Don’t think of her as gone away Her journey’s just begun, Life holds so many facets This earth is only one.
Just think of her as resting From the sorrows and the tears In a place of warmth and comfort Where there are no days and years.
Think how she must be wishing That we could know today How nothing but our sadness Can really pass away.
And think of her as living In the hearts of those she touched For nothing loved is ever lost And she was loved so much.
My beautiful Mother and Queen, I am today because of your grace and love. Some say I was lucky to have had such a wonderful mother; I say luck had nothing to with it; you were simply a blessing that God placed in my life.
Though we are now worlds apart, we are near; the love we shared will never fade. The moments of grief I cannot explain; it saddens my heart that you’re not here.
You were my rock, consoling me no matter my state. Unconditionally, from birth, you loved me and taught me to stand firm in faith on my feet; because I followed your way, I learned to love myself and know my self-worth. Yet I fell to my knees on your final day; the sadness of your absence has left a sorrowful hole, yet I hold onto the memories that connect me to you. Mommy, you will always be my inspiration, my guiding light. So take your Heavenly rest in the arms of your Savior until we meet on God’s Heavenly Golden shores, never to part. Love and miss you, Mommy.
Your girl, Barbara
Mrs. Gladys! our songbird, Gladonna, our whole heart. Words can’t describe how much we miss you down here. My Lord, Grammy, you have gone too soon and said you would dance at my wedding; I know you are now dancing in the sky. From the day we were born, you were there.
Sometimes, it felt like you didn’t love us by how you whooped us, but I guess that was your way of showing tough love. We will miss sitting in the old kitchen, watching you make bread because we were always the first to get our share. Grammy, we will miss your singing even though you were a little off-key; you said you sang better than Madonna, hence the name Gladonna. You were there for the good and bad times. Fond memories of when you would send us to get coconuts to make your famous coconut bread continue to dance in our minds. But with all that being said, we will miss you. We hope you are dancing and singing as you did here.
We love you, Grammy. Continue to SLEEP IN PARADISE.
P.S. We know we were the favorites. Genovia and Spencer
My mother, the most unselfish, caring, loving, and hard-working woman I have ever known, was the embodiment of grace, strength, and dedication. She didn’t just teach us about how to live a good life— she lived it every single day. Her actions were a testament to the values she held dear, and she demonstrated to me what it means to be truly selfless. The memories we shared together are some of my most cherished treasures. I will always remember her warm smiles, the heartfelt talks that uplifted me, and the countless moments of encouragement that helped me through difficult times. Her words were always filled with wisdom and love, guiding me to stay strong no matter what life brought my way.
Thank you, Mommy, for the endless sacrifices you made for our family, for the love that never wavered, and for the guidance that continues to light my path. Your influence on my life is immeasurable, and I know that the lessons you’ve imparted will lead me for the rest of my days. As I move forward in life, I carry your spirit with me, a constant reminder of the woman you were and the legacy you’ve left behind.
I am so grateful to the Lord for blessing me with such a remarkable mother. You will always be in my heart, and I will strive to live a life that honors the love and teachings you so generously shared.
With all my love and gratitude, Your loving daughter, Linda
To our dearest Grammy, words cannot fully express the gratitude we hold in our hearts for all the wonderful memories, prayers, love, hugs, and kisses you showered upon us. Our time with you was nothing short of amazing, and the lessons you taught us will remain invaluable throughout our lives. You were the light that guided us to the Lord, the steady hands that kept us from making the same mistakes.
We are forever grateful for the wonderful mother you blessed us with, shaped by your unwavering guidance into the remarkable person she is today. Though you are no longer with us in body, your spirit and memory live on in our minds, reminding us daily of the values and wisdom you imparted. There are truly no words to capture the essence of who you were—a devout follower of Christ, a steadfast prayer warrior, and one of the greatest human beings to ever grace this earth. Until we meet again, we will carry you in our hearts and strive to live in a way that would make you proud. Please hold our place in heaven until the day we can reach out and touch you once more.
With all our love, Phoenix, Tyler, Gabriel and Nathaniel
My Queen, My Angel! There’s so much I want to say, but “THANK YOU” is what stands out. Thank You for the unconditional love you showed and showered us with. Thank you for all the Godly principleS you’ve instilled in Me! My life will never be the same without you here, but having that assurance that you are with our Lord and Saviour makes it easier. You have left a Rich legacy for us and my prayer to Almighty God is to leave that same legacy for my Children & Family. My last whisper to you was, “I will continue in your steps; praying and crying out to God for our Family. Thank you for being a Godly Mother, you are truly the Proverbs 31 Woman. I won’t say goodbye, but THANKS UNTIL!
I love you My QUEEN, My ANGEL Your Baby Girl, ROSIE
In the quiet glow of twilight’s grace, We see your smile in every place. The stories shared, the love you gave, In every memory, we still find a wave. Your laughter was a gentle breeze, That danced through days with endless ease. Your hands were warm, your heart was kind, A guiding star, forever in our minds. The wisdom in your words still sings, Through every challenge life now brings. Though you’ve gone, your spirit stays, A beacon bright in our wandering ways. We walk the paths you gently showed, With love and light, your legacy flowed. In dreams you visit, tender and near, Your presence felt, forever dear. So here’s to you, dear Grandma, bright, In our hearts, you’re the guiding light. From grandsons who remember well, In every story, you live and dwell.
Love, your Denzy and Cordy
My dearest Momma, It’s hard to imagine life without you in it. We take for granted that our parents will always be there. Mommy, your children were your life, and you raised us the only way you knew how – by the book. And when I say the book I mean THE BOOK, God’s handbook. Because of that, I am who I am today. You led by example, always showing compassion, love – lots of love, grace, wisdom, encouragement, and caring (not only for us but for every child you encountered), understanding, truth and humility. The list goes on and on. Oh! discipline…. we can’t forget DISCIPLINE! It is not an easy feat to raise 12 children, but you did it and each of us are following the examples you set. All of us are successful in our own right. You set a high standard for us, and I strive to meet that standard every day and set the same one for my children.
Until the very end, you greeted everyone with a big smile, hugs and jokes! Oh, did you have jokes…. you were a little frisky in your old age. Whispering in my ear about my sexy wife and how I better hold on to her. Thank you for loving her as much as I do. Mommy, I will miss you always and forever, Momma’s baby… the most handsome one (so you always told me).
Love you! Don
It was an honor to marry Don and marry into this amazing family. From day one I was welcomed by all of you with open arms. You loved me as much as one of your own – at least I like to tell myself that! In my journey in life with Don, he has taught me a lot but what stands out the most is to be compassionate and selfless; and I know those attributes come directly from you. You exuded all things LOVE!
You were a woman of God, and you wouldn’t let a chance go by without sharing the love of God with us, with anyone, and urging us to live for Him. You were instrumental in my journey to Christ, and I know you were for my girls as well, and for that I thank you.
I am not sad that you are gone because I know you are rejoicing in heaven. But I am sad that I will not get to hear your voice telling me how sexy I am, LOL, (I could always count on you to boost my confidence) and telling Don to take care of me, and sometimes telling me to take care of him; and I promise I will. Thank you for raising such an incredible man!
I love you and I will miss you dearly.
I will miss you dearly and I still can’t believe you’re gone. The state of denial that your death has left me in is something I have never felt before. My biggest desire is to be as loving and caring as you were and all I can hope for is that I see you again one day. I wish I would have said bye, but God does all things for a reason.
I love you, Danika
Thank you for all the memories, smiles and laughs. I love every memory of you; watching you knead bread and grate coconut and making us take cod liver oil! I will miss you every day, but I know you are up in heaven watching over us with that beautiful smile on your face. I love you Grammy, forever and always.
If flowers grow in Heaven, Lord, then pick a bunch for me. Place them in my grandmother’s arms and tell her they’re from me. Tell her that I love and miss her and when she turns to smile, place a kiss upon her cheek and hold her for a while. Because remembering her is easy, I do it every day, but there’s an ache within my heart that will never go away.
Love you always Grammy, Your favorite grandson, Donald. Ps: What I wouldn’t give to hear you say one more time “My Donald”
Ole Glae...Da Pebble....’ Hail- Um
Gal’...Our Doeshie, as we sit down to write this, we find ourselves overwhelmed with emotions, struggling to find the right words to convey how deeply we will miss you. We knew this day would come, but, boy, we weren’t ready. From the very beginning, you have been a guiding light in our lives. It is because of your prayers and unconditional love that we are the women we are today. Your love and wisdom shaped us in so many ways we will forever cherish. Even when we weren’t perfect or didn’t deserve it you loved us anyway; we were always your Rocky and Angel. Never once did you spare the rod, but always taught us right from wrong. Your presence was a constant source of comfort and joy. You were our shelter, our protector, our teacher, our provider, our love, but, most of all, our Momma.
As we navigate life without you, we know that your spirit will continue to guide us. We will carry forward the love and wisdom you gave us. We can never put into words how much we appreciate your place in our lives and the sacrifices you made to make sure we always had. We will always value the knowledge and principles you gifted us and that in everything we do, always put God first. We promise to honor your memory by sharing the values you instilled in us with our children.
As the tears continue to fall, we will try our best to continue on without you. We love you, we thank you, we miss you!
Your Rocky and Angel
You had a heart of gold and an affectionate smile. You will forever be treasured in my heart. Until we meet again.
Rest in peace, Aunt Gladys Love, your niece, Erma Sawyer
We are deeply saddened by the loss of our dear Aunty, whose presence brought warmth, kindness, and joy into our lives. Her generous spirit, wise counsel, and unwavering love will forever be cherished. Though she is no longer with us, her memory will con�nue to inspire and guide us. We are grateful for the moments we shared and will always hold her close in our hearts.
Rest in peace, dear Aunty. You will be missed more than words can express. With love from Lillian’s Tribe
My Grammy, although not by blood, took my family in like we were her own children and grandchildren. We often came to Green Turtle Cay and each moment with her was filled with joy, laughter and pure happiness. To be taken in and loved by such a wonderful woman impacted our lives in many ways. The laughs we would have shared, her giving us free salty and cups and all of the lessons she would have taught us. In the last conversation we shared, she kept telling me how pretty I was, and how I am going to succeed in life. Little did I know that it would be the last thing she would say to me. Every single memory made with my Grammy will forever be cherished and held close to our hearts.
We love you and miss you so very much.
Valisha Adopted Daughter and Family
Sister Gladys (Nicodemus) you were a true woman of grace, beauty, excellence, and integrity, knowing your purpose and destiny. No matter what circumstances you encounter in life, your faith in God never wavered. You were a servant of the Highest God, a Mother to many, a Visionary, Missionary, and faithful Steward to the end of your journey. You left a great legacy. As we can join in the hymn “May the Works that I Have Done Speak for Me”.
You built and supported orphanages for children, built churches, gave Bibles to those who were unable to purchase them, as well as helped to send many Pastors, Evangelists, and Missionaries to the mission field around the world.
Today I join with John the Revelator as I quote, “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord … Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them.” (Revelation 14:13)
Sleep on Sister Gladys (Tings is Tings, you got Tings), Nicodemus. Take your rest. See you in the morning.
Love your Pastor, Bishop Johnny and Sister Tina Lowe
Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies (Proverbs 31:10)
One such virtuous woman was, undeniably Ms. Gladys A. McIntosh A woman who loved her family deeply, her community, which was not limited to Green Turtle Cay and most of all, her Lord emphatically! She was truly the epitome of unconditional love. A true ambassador for the Kingdom of God, that had a profound and indelible impact on the lives of everyone she encountered. We at Grand Bahama Family Worship Center can certainly attest to that because she embraced us like we were her children and we felt special and loved. Her legacy of love and genuine kindness will live on through eternity. Rest well in the arms of Jesus, your Savior With immense love from the Leadership and Members of Grand Bahama Family Worship Center
We, the family, express our sincere thanks and gratitude to the numerous family and friends who have been a source of comfort and strength during this difficult time as we mourn the loss of our dear mother. We are grateful for the kindness shown through flowers, cards, telephone calls, and visits, but most importantly, for your prayers. May the Almighty God bless and preserve you. You are in our prayers.
Bishop Cardinal McIntosh Jr.
Andrew McIntosh
Reuben McIntosh
Daril McIntosh
James McIntosh
Arnold McIntosh
Don McIntosh
Bishop Johnny Lowe
Evangelist Floyd Johnson
Donald McIntosh
Cordell Johnson
Denzell Johnson
Timothy White
Matthew White
Willis Levarity
Queens High Way P.O. Box F-40288
Freeport, West Grand Bahama
Tel: 242.352.8118
Tel: 394-BOOK (2665) Mobile: (242) 818-3478