St. John's College 2016 Graduation Program Booklet

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School Pledge St. John’s, our Alma Mater, We pledge ourselves to thee, And pledge to your great name proclaim Our voices, proud and free! In this, we shall not falter, In this, we shall not fail, You taught us to uphold our faith And let God’s love prevail. You taught us to be honest, To have humility, You taught us to confront the odds Whatever they may be! Rich, poor or dispossessed, You always took us in, You taught us to display our skills, You taught us how to win! And now, St.Johns With heart and voice, We pledge ourselves to thee And pledge to your great name proclaim Into eternity! by Tyrone Sawyer S.J.C. Class of 1973

Principal’s Message Class of 2016, you are among the best students in the world. Use your God given talents and potential to make our country and by extension our world, a better place in which to live, grow, and work. Nevertheless, hard work is not over after today. It is just a short break before you enter a new phase of your life; be it tertiary education or the world of work. Follow the advice given by the American philosopher and poet, Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Remember, as Giants, “If opportunity does not knock, build a door” (Milton Berle). Graduates, do some wonderful, remarkable, positive things with your life. So, your new adventures begin… some have a story, however, St. John’s College Class of 2016, you are now a part of a precious and vibrant legacy. Respice Adspice Prospice May God continue to bless, guide and protect each one of you. Your Principal, Nevillene Evans (Ph.D)

Basketball Girls When I came to St. John’s in the sixth grade, I never imagined myself developing a bond with these students and becoming so engrossed in school activities. Joining the basketball team allowed me to discover a talent I did not even know I had. This taught me how to be disciplined and to work together to achieve one goal. As the residing senior girl’s basketball team captain, I am proud to say that we have done well making it into the championship games. Now it is your chance to make it all the way up as one.

Basketball Boys The great Michael Jordan once said “Champions do not become champions when they win an event, but in the hours, weeks and months and years they spend preparing for it. The victorious performance itself is merely a demonstration of their championship character.” So in other words if there’s something, You love. You have to dedicate yourself to it and work tremendously hard to perfect yourself in that area. But shoot for the stars, the sky has no limit it just has galaxies upon galaxies. Strive for greatness and don’t aim nowhere but up.

Softball Girls It’s been three years with our softball team. We’ve been through a lot. We’ve struggled and excelled together. I’m proud to call myself a member and to have met and known so many different people and personalities. After leaving this year, I wish them nothing but the best and that they only move forward!

Soccer Having such a tremendous honor of being apart of SJC’s soccer team; out of the many years I played the beautiful sport, I can proudly say that this is the best team that I have been a part of. We played with whole heartedness and confidence. However, our team consists of members who posses a humble nature. Although we were not the best team when compared to some other schools on paper, we fought until the final whistle and played with all of our hearts every game; leaving it all on the field. Many strong and everlasting friendships were built through this team. Thanks to our dedicated coach and others who assisted through the journey, we were able to learn not only about the beautiful game, but we were also taught important life values such as discipline and respect. As a team, we have created such a strong bond that can be characterized as brotherhood. I encourage those behind me to carry on the legacy going into every game with a fighting spirit and playing with all of their heart.

Track Boys Being on the track team most of my high school career, I can truly say pertaining to the boys, that we have been going no where but up. Furthermore, as the prestige captain of this years track team I have seen my athletes keep strong and persevere meet after meet. This was especially the case during thhe 2016 BAISS Track and Field meet where we acquired a third place finish overall. These members are like family. Though they fight and bicker, at the end of the day we realize that our mission is to go nowhere but up. So as your days increase and your body weakens, forget not that some gave a story, but we have a legacy.

Track Girls For the last 5 years, I have been apart of the St. John’s College Track Team, and I can tell you that it has been a great ride and an awesome experience. From the “ups” and major and achievements of my athlete career and the “downs” of great opportunities that have not been acknowledged. It is time to look forward to the future and realize that all disappointments are blessings in disguises. It is not time to end your story, but the time to create your own legacy.

Ulrica Armbrister Nicole Bethel Lauryn Brown Marissa Brown Ta’Karris Bullard Amina Clare Paige Davis Danica Deveaux Olivia Forbes Tristan Hanna Bashar Isaacs Jessica Johnson Grace Lightbourne Roesha Lightbourne Ashley Mackey Deandrea Miller Sheldon Morris Elizabeth N’Jenga Zantae Pellitier Scottasia Roker

Re-constructive Surgeon “Ask yourself if what you’re doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow” Psychologist “ Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars” Offshore Accountant / Banker “You are essentially who you create yourself to be and all that occurs in your life is the result of your own making.” Psychologist “Very little is needed to make a happy life, it is all within yourself in your way of thinking” - Marcus Aurelius” Software Engineer “ Faith, consistency and hard work is key.” United Nations Ambassador “You may tread me in the very dirt, but still like dust, I’ll rise.” - Maya Angelou Pediatric Cardiologist “When life give you lemons make orange juice and leave the world wondering how you did it” Neuro - Psychiatrist “The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.” Advertising Manager “You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.” - Friedrich Nietzche Mechanical Engineer “Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it.” Anesthesiologist “Vision without execution is hallucination.” - William Bastian Marine Biologist “Ambition is the path to success. Resistance is the vehicle you arrive in.” - Bill Bradley Midwife “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do and how you do it.” - Maya Angelou Forensic Scientist “I live to succeed not to please you or anyone else.” - Marilyn Monroe Cosmetic Chemist / Entrepreneur “Let your failures add fuel to your fire; and treat your successes like such.” - Anonymous Pharmaceutical Research Scientist “Being powerful is like being a lady if you have to say you are then your are not.” - Margaret Thatcher Orthodontist “Nothing last forever but atlas we got these memories.” - J. Cole Pharmacist “Be fearless in the pursuit of anything that sets your soul on fire” Gastroenterologist “Be a fruit loop in a world of cheerios.” Governor of the Central Bank “Jeremiah 29:11”

Eleanore Simmons Britanie Taylor Alliyah Thompson Samia Thompson Alyssa Williams

Everette Anderson Simeon Beckles Kyshana Bonaby Chante Butler Dominic Butler Ian Curry Kristen Dean Antonishka Deveaux Safari Dryden Ajani Fernader Joel Forbes Moreice Forbes Uriel Gibson Angel Hanna Sherelle Hutcheson Nicholas Huyler Deontela Johnson Kenneth Knowles Tyrese Miller Trevez Pratt Danielle Reckley

Undecided Corporate Lawyer “A flower blooms paying no attention to competition.” Marketing Consultant “Vision is the ability to see potential in what others overlook. “ - Rick Warren Graphic Design “Let go and Let God.” Culinary Arts/ International Business “Don’t worry about being successful but work toward being significant and the success will naturally follow.” - Oprah Winfrey Artst; Engineer; Scientist “What is fair in men, passes away but not so in art” A&C Technician “If God is for me, who can be against me” Social & Child Psychology “Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift that’s why it’s called a present” Entrepreneur “I believe I can fly” Aerospace Engineer “The best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing and the worst thing to do is nothing at all” Psychologist “The journey does not start at the beginning but at the end” Lawyer “At first they will ask you what you’re doing, later ask how you did it””” Kinesiologist; Veterinarian “Beauty isn’t about having a pretty face, it’s about having a pretty mind, pretty soul and a pretty heart” Environmentalist/Marine Tourism “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.” Political Science/ Law “believe in yourself like a five year old believes in himself ” Civil Engineer “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get” Software Engineer; Criminologist “Forget what harm people in your past did you just look to the future because they will never be in your lane…and I mean never-obviously me” Entrepreneur “Average is the new broke” Biology Teacher “Reach for Greatness” Photographer/ Artist “I will die for the art that I believe in, the art won’t always be polite” Entreprenuer; Physical Therapist “Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard” HR Manager; Plastic Surgeon “Build a life, don’t live one” Tax Attorney; Anglican Priest “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not harm you; plans to give you hopeand a future” Marine Biologist “Today I do what others don’t, so tomorrow I can do what others can’t” Psycologist/Community Developer “Creation is the destruction of nothingness.” Entrepeneur/Interior Designer “ The question isn’t who is going to let me, it’s who is going to Real Estate Agent stop me”

Savannah-Marie Russell Occupational Therapy “In your darkest hour, your family will shine” Kenisha Stubbs Chef “Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be” Ariyan Taylor Business Operation Manager Jeremiah 29: 11 Allison Archer

Chef “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear Is that we are powerful beyond measure. “ - Marianne Williamson Lavaughnte Charlton Chef/ Computer Technician “If you set your goals ridiculously high and it’s a failure, you will fail above everyone else’s success.” - James Cameron Stefan Clarke Chef “I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.” - Michael Jordan Tamika Culmer Computer Technican “Play or get played.” Khori Cumberbatch Pilot “I believe I can fly.” Stony Duncanson Professional Athlete “Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.” - Kevin Durant Ricardo Edwards Pilot “Don’t fall while chasing your dreams.” Leviticus Ferguson Entrepreneur / Veterinarian “Through God I shall prosper.” Anternica Frandieu Anesthesiologist “Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them. “ William Shakespeare Travis Grant Entrepreneur / Pilot “Don’t gain the world and lose your soul. Wisdom is better than silver or gold.” Richard Ingraham Jr. Entrepreneur Graduation is an exciting time in life. It’s both an ending and a beginning: it’s warm memories of the past and big dreams for the future. “ Troy Kelly Jr. Orthopedic Surgeon “What God has for me, I’m going to get.” Daniel Knowles Master Electrician “Work hard and keep a clean heart.” Jonathan McClain Video Game Design “ Success is key.” Edgarson Moxey Professional Soccer Player / Software Engineering Manager “ Your love makes me strong, your hate makes me unstoppable.” David Rahming Pilot “The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” - Oprah Winfrey Chad Russell Actuary Science “Hardwork x Dedication.” Aiesha Saunders Obsetrician “ Graduation isn’t the end of a taught journey. It is the beginning of a beautiful one. “ Aaron Stubbs Entrepreneur “Dreaming quiet trying to dodge a suit and tie.” Kellee Stubbs Hospitality Manager “I can do all things, through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4: 13 Xzavier Thompson NBA Star/ Automotive Engineer “Greatness comes at a price.” - Karl Towns Demonia Thurston Hospitality Manager “Through every dark knight there is a brighter day.” 2Pac Starron Wright Maritime Engineer “I am the Black Mamba # Mambamentality.”

Class of 2016 12J Ulrica Armbrister Nicole Bethel Lauryn Brown Marissa Brown Takarris Bullard Amina Clare Paige Davis Danica Deveaux Olivia Forbes Tristan Hanna Bashar Isaacs Jessica Johnson Grace Lightbourne Roesha Lightbourne Ashley Mackey Deandrea Miller Sheldon Morris Elizabeth Njenga Zantae Pellitier Scottasia Roker Elanore Simmons Britanie Taylor Alliyah Thompson Samia Thompson Alyssa Williams

12O Everette Anderson Simeon Beckles Kyshana Bonaby Chante Butler Dominic Butler Ian Curry Kristen Dean Antonishka Deveaux Safari Dryden Ajani Fernander Joel Forbes Moreice Forbes Uriel Gibson Angel Hanna Sherelle Hutcheson Nicholas Huyler Deontela Johnson Kenneth Knowles Tyrese Miller Trevez Pratt Danielle Reckley Savannah-Marie Russell Kenisha Stubbs Nolan Sweeting Ariyan Taylor

12N Allison Archer Lavaughnte Charlton Stefan Clarke Tamika Culmer Khori Cumberbatch Stony Duncanson Ricardo Edwards Leviticus Ferguson Anternica Frandieu Travis Grant Richard Ingraham Jr. Troy Kelly Jr. Daniel Knowles Jonathon McClain Edgarson Moxey David Rahming Chad Russell Aiesha Saunders Aaron Stubbs Kellee Stubbs Xzavier Thompson Demonia Thurston Starron Wright

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