Lutherdale Spring 2019 Newsletter

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LIFE CHANGING ADVENTURE FOR ALL ACA ACCREDITATION YEAR This summer at Lutherdale is our ACA accreditation year. There is always a lot to do in preparation for a summer of camp at Lutherdale. There are staff to be hired, program supplies to be purchased, menus to be planned, bible studies to be written, and many, many other tasks to be accomplished. This summer there is an extra item on the “to do” list; ACA accreditation visit. Lutherdale has been an American Camp Association accredited camp for over 25 years, and every few years we undergo an accreditation process which includes training, reviewing, and updating camp practices. What exactly does being an ACA accredited camp mean for our staff, supporters, parents, and campers? Most importantly, being accredited means the camp is held to high standards to be a safe and growth-inducing environment. More specifically, the ACA accreditation means that the camp upholds regulations and benchmarks in specific areas. These specific regulations and benchmarks are called “standards” and there are over 260 in the accreditation process. The following are a few examples of standards that are found at Lutherdale.

Putting systems in place to ensure top of the line staff is crucial for the safety of all who attend camp. With ACA, specific staff training topics are mandated to be covered with all staff, supervision ratios are set for each camper age, and certain companies are approved to certify camp supervisors in such areas as ropes course management, lifeguarding, and CPR and First Aid training. ACA checks to make sure the overall condition of the camp is clean, safe, and structurally sound. Emergency exits, water testing, electrical/utility systems, and more are checked regularly to provide another set of eyes to support our camp in being the best it can be. As per ACA regulations, there is a registered nurse or licensed physician on every ACA site daily as well as a ‘health care center’ for the campers. Staff is also required to do the appropriate health and safety training to be prepared for all situations. Hand washing facilities, proper refrigeration, and the presence of a food service supervisor is expected from the American Camp Association. If there are any concerns about the food that your child receives at camp, you can rest

assured that trained cooking professionals are preparing nourishing meals for your children. The directors and summer staff always approach the ACA visit as a very upbeat and affirming experience! Our feeling is that we simply have a quality program and we are excited to share it. ACA visits are a huge undertaking, make no mistake: every ACA camp knows this! But it carries with it a higher cause and purpose; education. Each time Lutherdale goes through the accreditation process and hosts the ACA visitors (typically other camp directors and staff), we gain invaluable knowledge about our program and site. We hear about the best practices of other camps and are affirmed that we are running a safe camp program. What is the end result of Lutherdale being an ACA accredited camp? A stronger, safer, and higher quality camp program for all of our summer staff, volunteers, campers, and guests that come every year. Lutherdale has a great program centered in the love of Jesus and will continue to learn and grow through wonderful partnerships, like the one with the American Camp Association and their accreditation process.

SPRING 2019 | 262-742-2352 |

LUTHERDALE: FULLY RETREAT SERIES TRUST:FULLY September 21 – 22, 2019 Elementary Retreat Grades 3 – 6, $90 Using the ropes course at Lutherdale we will learn about trusting in God and one another.

PRAYER:FULLY October 11 – 13, 2019 Focus on the Lord’s Prayer and all the unique and creative ways that we can talk to God.

GRACE:FULLY November 22 – 24, 2019 Confirmation Retreat Grades 6 – 9, $115 Look at Baptism and Holy Communion as our guide to how we are fully connected to grace.

WONDER:FULLY January 10 – 12, 2020 / February 21 – 23, 2020 / March 6 – 8, 2020 Junior High Retreat Grades 6 – 9, $115 Viewing the movie “Wonder” (2017) we will discuss inclusion, bullying, and how we are all wonderfully made in God’s image.

JOY:FULLY January 25 – 26, 2020 Elementary Retreat Grades 3 – 6, $90 Music is a huge part of praising God. At this retreat, we will make a joyful noise to the Lord.

PURPOSE:FULLY March 27 – 29, 2020 Sr. High Retreat Grades 9 – 12, $115 Senior High is a time of discernment about call and vocation. This weekend will focus on living a purposeful life, wherever our journey takes us.

WORSHIP:FULLY April 4 – 5, 2020 Elementary Retreat Grades 3 – 6, $90 There is no right or wrong way to worship God, so this retreat will explore the different ways we worship at camp and at home. Note: Deposit of $50 is due with registration form. Form and deposit are due 3 weeks prior to retreat date. One night retreats run 10am Saturday – 10am Sunday. Two night retreats run 7pm Friday– 10am Sunday. Chaperone Note: Church groups must provide one chaperone for every 8 campers of each gender attending. Campers register with church group for these events.

Help us plant a flower garden to represent the history of dedicated quilters who have blessed Lutherdale and continue to do so with beautiful contributions to our annual auction and by filling our annual quilting retreats.

SPONSOR A SQUARE FOOT! Group Sponsored / Family Sponsored / Individual Sponsored

Name / Group: ___________________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________________________ State _________ Zip _____________ Payment:




Master Card


Card #___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ Signature ___________________________________________

Exp. Date _____ /_____

3-digit Code (on back) ____ ____ ____

# of Square Feet ______________ @ $15 = Total amount due $__________

WILDERNESS ADVENTURE Join us this summer for our brand new week of Wilderness Adventure! We wanted to take some time to walk you through what your days might look like during your week at camp. Every morning will be spent in bible study and waterfront time. This allows campers to spend time as a village before breaking up into small afternoon group adventures. In the afternoon, campers will have a chance to sign up for their activities. The afternoon options include five action packed adventures!

1: FLOAT TRIP EXTRAVAGANZA. Campers will start

with a pontoon ride out on the Lauderdale Lakes and travel to a few different fishing spots. After some time boating and fishing, we will take a trip to the middle of Green Lake and enjoy a swim in the cool water. Afternoon snack will be brought with out on the lake for campers to enjoy.

2: HIKING EXCURSION. Join our group as we head to the Kettle Moraine State Park and hike through the beautiful scenic trails. We will get dropped off at our starting location and hike to a pick up spot. Participants are encouraged to bring their cameras with on this adventure because there will be plenty of wildlife to encounter. Afternoon snack will be brought with for a break on our hiking trip. 3: HIGH ADVENTURE-PALOOZA. Spend the afternoon getting a full tour of our high ropes course. Start with the climbing tower and zip line, then transition over to our high ropes course. Campers will have a break in the middle for an afternoon snack in our camp canteen. After our break, head back out to the ropes course for the flying squirrel and leap of faith.

4: CANOEING EXPEDITION. Come on board one

of our canoes and take a trip through the Lauderdale Lakes. Canoers will get to explore all the lakes up close and personal. After our canoe trip is finished, take an afternoon break in our camp canteen before finishing the afternoon having time on our waterslide and at the waterfront.

5: WILD WEST TREK. Head down to Dan Patch Stables in Lake Geneva for an afternoon trail ride. Campers will get a one hour ride and some time to visit the farm animals at the stable. When you get back to camp, take a break in our canteen before heading down to the archery range. The villages will rotate sign up for each afternoon, so each camper will have a chance to get the adventure they are most excited about at least once. There will be enough options that they will always find an activity of interest. Campers can sign up as an individual or with a group of friends. YES, campers can do the same activity every day! There is no restriction on how many times someone can do an activity, the only factor will be when it is if there are spaces still available or not. Every afternoon activity will run from 2-5pm with time to rest before and after our adventures. Consider joining us for this brand new, action filled week. All campers are sure to have a good time! Sign up now for the best rates available and to make sure you save your spot!

SPRING 2019 | 262-742-2352 |




Lutherdale Bible Camp, Inc. N7891 US Hwy 12 Elkhorn, WI 53121


JUNE 2, 2019 1 – 4 PM You’re invited to meet staff and experience... • • • • • • •

Tour of camp Archery Climbing tower Waterfront activities Slip & slide GaGa ball The farm

AND IT’S FREE!!! Come check out all of the opportunities Lutherdale has to offer your family! Shop in the camp store & register for camp before June 5, 2019 to receive a pre-summer discount! RSVP at or call (262) 742-2352

AUGUST 10, 2019 8 AM – 4 PM

Live Auction starts at 10 AM Over 300 Quilts to bid on! Food Concessions • Fresh Baked Goods • Crafts • Fabric Sale • Honey, Jams & Garden Produce • Pontoon Rides On The Lake



Fresh Baked Goods • Silent Auction Items

2018 DONORS & FRIENDS ORDER OF THE LOG MEMBERS (GIFTS OF $250 OR MORE) Walnut Level ($10,000 OR MORE) Anonymous Gordon Beyerlein Steve & Pat Foltz Mike Herman Tom & Amy McAdams Evans Ronshausen Melvin & Penny Roth Ron & Donna Schlender Tim Somers Alan & Marilyn Sorenson

Hickory Level ($5,000 OR MORE) Harold & Carol DeBack Carol Gillmore Ann Kurtz Roger & Almira Myhre John Nason Judy Nelson Mark & Anita Rumage

Maple Level ($1,000 OR MORE) Anonymous Anonymous Pete & Dawn Anderson Sandy Armstrong Bev Bergendahl Thomas Biddick Jeff & Karen Bluhm David & Jen Box Diane Brockmann Art & Marie Brynildson Roger & Barbara Bucholtz Sandra Daugherty Brian & Susan DeYoung Duane Ehresman Ken & Diana Endress Dick & Marian Gielow Aart & Patricia Gilissen Adam & Andrea Godson Richard & Diane Halom Bill & Roxanne Hamilton Douglas & Jane Helmers James & Nichole Hermann Cindy Ingwell Dale & Lynn Johnson Jim & Carol Krauklis Bruce & Gladys Kubitz Jane Kunzie-Brunner William & Karen Long Dennis & Arlene Lyons

Dave & Mary Nelsestuen Jim & Krista Olia Jack & Sandra Olson Karl & Peggy Otto Ruth Peters Gary & Diana Rickard Herb & Jan Sharpless Betty Stavenhagen Jeff & Jordan Thompson Janice Ulrich Gerald & Joyce Weiner Dave & Judy Weiss Jesse & Kelli Weiss Dick & Joy Willrett Ellen Woodard-Colletta Erwin Zuehlke

Birch Level ($500 OR MORE) Marilyn Abbott Mildred Anderson Richard & Loriena Bluedorn George & Solveig Carlson Matt & Nikki Coddington Stanley & Jodi Dabrowski Jane & John Easton Amy Ehlers Wayde & Mary Fausett Norah Guequierre & Ben vonFischer Robert & Pamela Haley Richard Halvorson Ward & Cheryl Hearn Donald & Joanne Jacobson James Jacobson Dave & Sandra Johnson Rich & Bonita Kingsley Tom & Jen Lee Bill & Joyce Leopold Courtney Nelson Rodger & Barbara Nelson Neal & Gerry Nottleson Irene Paape Robert Pederson Phil & Joann Ramsey Bob & Ann Marie Rantanen Patrick & Lynda Ryan Ed & Cheral Sadler Dick & Barbara Sayther Norman & Barbara Schultz James & Beverly Schwarz Ron & Jerrilynn Sleeth Merton & Luanne Sorenson John Stalbaum Cynthia Tobolt

Ralph Tollas Richard & Jacquelyn Walters

Cedar Level ($250 OR MORE) Walter & Marilyn Arnold Tom & Sheila Beatty Jane Boorse Neal & Mary Cannon Donald & Vada Cartwright Ryan Chapin Dennis & Nathalia Christian Bill & Sue Chwala Jeff & Paulette Clements Constance Cole Ramsey & Sarah Donnell Jeremy & Kendra Eppler James & Marlene Frehner Donna Hanson Earl & Marlene Hodek Carol Jantz Caroline Johnson Janet Kehe David & Susan Keller David & Laurie Kliemann Donna Knurr Larry & Lynn Kocha Kenneth & Donna Krause Louis Krueger Scott Larsen Douglas & Deon Lien Martin & Valerie Lincoln Doris Malchine Tom & Nancy Massnick Gary & Angela Mogensen Mike & Deni Naumann Lauri Paddock Bill & Nancy Petri Faye Pohl Jay & Kristine Quinn Bob & Marnie Rourke Wilbert & JoLaine Sass Ryan Schaible Jan Schuren Charles & Carol Smith Chet & Lois Smith Barb Stallman Mike & Sandy Stratz Karla Thompson Faye Underdahl Charles & Barbara Vallone Arnold & Carrol Vollmer Dwight Wyse

Members ($100 OR MORE) Lynda Adas Howard Anderson Judi Armstrong Stuart & Kristin Arnett Gretchen Bachman Mary Bakken Thomas Banker Marcia Becker Kathie Behm Philip & Barbara Berg Bev Bergendahl Marne Berndobler Tony & Roxann Betko David & Alice Beyer Nathan Bluhm Hubert Boje Rodney Boriack Carl & Diane Braaten Linda Brazin Diane Brown Jerome & Sue Buchman Larry & Sherry Bucholtz Lon & Deborah Buss William & Joan Butler James & Judy Button Paul & Kristin Cannon Lois Carlson James Carrington Bradley & Rebecca Carter Jeff & Sandra Cech Jerome & Nancy Clauser RuthAnne Copeland Sandy Crossman Rose DeRossi Tom Dowling & Kalen Barkholtz David Drexler & Ann Edahl Sue Drilling Richard Druckrey William & Jan Durell Nils & Nancy Ekstrom Gary & Jan Ellsworth Kimberly Enders Carl & Karen Engelhardt Leif & Mary Erickson Mark & Janet Fisher Elizabeth Flitcroft Glenn & Connie Forrest Jon & Merry Freedlund John & Carol Freidheim Marlene Furo Patricia Gallo Karen Garvin

SPRING 2019 | 262-742-2352 |

Amanda Giacomelli Wayne & Dorie Giese Thomas & Nancy Gniot Charles & Patricia Gohs Ray & Jackie Good Elizabeth Gooding Bob & MaryLee Handel Stan & Julie Hanna Bruce & Barbara Harmel Patrick & Margaret Haugen Jeff & Deb Herbers Don & Sally Hohlstein Jean Hulslander Thomas & Pat Isaacson Tom & Phyllis Jacobson Robin Jacox Tina Jacox Leo & Susan Johnson

Walker & Carolyn Johnson Marjorie Jothen Marie Kallman Diane Kane Rusty & Sandra Kapela Joan Karneboge Donna Kelling Tom & Lynn Kevern Robert Klitzke Tim & Laura Krueger Amy Larsen Paula Larsen Ruth Larsen Craig Leifheit Mark & Linda LeMahieu Dorothy Lockard Tom & Chris Lorden Robin & Joyce Lovely Robert & Deborah Maday Dean & Marie Marin

Frank & Faith Masek Ronald & Yvonne Massen Judy Mattern Carl & Carol Matthews Ethel McConnell Sylvia McDonald Pearl Merritt James & Margaret Meyer John & Kelly Meyers Jim & Kim Miessler Katie Mikulak Lewis & Ann Milam Scott & Cozette Mofatt James & Judith Moldenhauer Don & Jean Motsinger Scott & Kristine Nandory Mary Ann Nawara Andy & Ruth Newman Juanita Newman

Bill & Lorraine Norem Mike & Sue Nubbymyer Ron & LaMay Nybroten Ken & Barb Olson Jon & Mary Palomaki John Patch Herb & Judy Payer Thoma Petersen John & Shirley Pierson Matthew & Rebecca Poock William & Virginia Reardon Jodi Riddle Glenn & Kathy Rindfleisch Jeff Ruby Richard & Jean Rydecki Alex & Donna Sadowski Steve Salemi John & Bev Samuelson

Carl & Mary Scheie Cindy Schenk Don Schieve John Schneble Howard & Rosalie Schroeder Dennis & Evelyn Schulz Jeff & Sandy Sikich Jeff & Lori Simonton Margie Slavik Gary & Teresa Sommers Anton Spatz Lois Stangeland Mark & Beth Stibbe Beverly Stobber David & Karen Strauss Pat Stuehler Charles & Lorraine Taylor Seth & Lydia Tost Dean & Ellen Tucker Peter Uttech

Bud & Pauline Vance Vera Verwiebe Janice Vigdahl Jeff & Debbie Vogt Robert & Mary Walker Skip & Julie Webb James & Maureen Welch Millie Welke Jerald & Nancy Wendt Jeffrey Werner Charles & Deanna Winegar Jean Winfield Terry Witt James & Mary Wolter Donald & Connie Woolever James & Joyce Wright Marv & Chris Wunder Delores Yerges John & Dona Zsori

2018 THRIVENT CHOICE DONORS The Thrivent Choice program continues to be a great blessing to Lutherdale. During 2018, members directed Thrivent to make donations to Lutherdale totaling $13,407. Thank you to the following Thrivent members: Sandra Armstrong Karen Banky-Livasy Kara Baylor Sheila Beatty Tom Beatty Matthew Bentz Gordon Beyerlein Loriena Bluedorn Richard Bluedorn Jeffrey Bluhm Karen Bluhm Marie Brynildson Paul Brynildson Erwin Bunge George Carlson Solveig Carlson Bruce Cawkins Lora Cawkins

Archie Christensen Elizabeth Clark Ellen Woodard-Colletta Doreen Davidson Kimberly Domke Anita Drake Janice Dullam Steven Dullam Richard Edahl Janet Fisher James Garbrecht Phyllis Garbrecht Diane Gioe Linda Godson Charles Gohs James Graser Barbara Grenawalt James Grenawalt

Pamela Haley Robert Haley Diane Halom Gerald Halverson Marcia Halverson Susan Haugland Jean Helom Barbara Johnson Richard Juul Lori Kampa Anton Kapela Sandra Kapela Richard Karneboge Diane Katt Jeffrey Knutson Katherine Kodiak Kenneth Krause Louis Krueger

Ronald Larson Sandra Larson Nancy Limbach Robert Limbach Brian Long William Long, Jr. Carl Luedtke, Jr. Penny Marten Gale Martin Mark Molldrem Dave Nelsestuen Marian Nelson James Olia Delwin Peterson Darlene Pieper Dorothy Pratt Kristine Quinn E John Rabe

Duane Rhoades David Richards Dale Robinson Casey Rohde James Rohde Jeff Romskog Arlene Scheel Cindy Schenk Diane Schlesinger Paula Seffrood Julie Sevig Charmaine Sheppard Margie Slavik Ronald Sleeth Jerrilynn Sleeth Charles Smith James Sommerfield Marcia Specht



General........................ $252,576 Glenn & Lois Port Estate Campership................. $ 57,958 Phyllis Garbrecht Estate Somer Staff House....... $195,667 Phyllis Springer Estate

SPRING 2019 | 262-742-2352 |

CHURCH LEGACY GIFT Grace Lutheran Church Elmwood Park

Betty Stavenhagen Mark Steinke Mark Stibbe Dean Sukus Deanne Sukus Jacob Teshka Seth Tost Janice Ulrich Charles Vallone Sara VanDeberg Karen Walker Paul Watson Lori Wernicke Diana Winger Eugene Woodward Judith Woodward Janet Yakes Peter Zalinski

2018 IN MEMORY OF/IN HONOR OF GIFTS In Memory Of Given By Jeff Bucholtz............................................... Larry & Sherry Bucholtz Gloria Krueger............................................ Peter & Linda Krueger Angie Willms.............................................. Tom & Sue Johnson John Albert Malchine................................. Donna Hanson Alan Kehe................................................... Janet Kehe Lois Blair..................................................... Susan Verrengia Alwin Brockmann........................................ Diane Brockmann Mae Herman............................................... Mike Herman Cathie Lee Luedtke Beyerlein.................... Gordon Beyerlein Ken Morton................................................ Scott & Kristine Nandory My husband, Don & my son, David ........... Donna Hanson Bruce Stavenhagen.................................... Betty Stavenhagen Forrest & Charlotte Christian...................... Phil & Joann Ramsey Steve Ingwell.............................................. Cindy Ingwell Pastor Paul Watson..................................... Barb Stallman Dick Dalbke................................................ Daryl & Darlene Pieper ................................................................... Tony Menneke ................................................................... Kelly & Shawn Kelly David Cockfield.......................................... Dave & Sandy Johnson Bob Woodard............................................. Ellen Woodard-Colleta Grandparents & Great Grandparents......... James White Shirley Budziak........................................... Harriet Kummerow ................................................................... Ron & Geri Hennessey ................................................................... John & Janell Walsh ................................................................... Nick & Gayl Zuardo

June Nelson............................................... Mike Herman, Carol Gillmore, ................................................................... Matthew & Susan Mierta ................................................................... Russ & Arlene Maxwell ................................................................... Faith Pfeiffer ................................................................... Karla Wojtecki ................................................................... Neil Guttormsen ................................................................... Phyllis Borger ................................................................... Dennis & Grete Parkinson ................................................................... Scott Muhlenbeck ................................................................... Richard & Beth Schwartz Orville Peters.............................................. Ruth Peters ................................................................... John & Margery Larson William Leopold......................................... Louis & Darlene Halverson ................................................................... David & Carol King Jean Shuler................................................. Ralph & Julie Lee ................................................................... Gary & Teresa Sommers ................................................................... Carol Sabin ................................................................... Leo & Susan Johnson ................................................................... Eugene & Julie Laschinger ................................................................... Carol Ladwig ................................................................... Mary Carlson ................................................................... Steve & Julie Hay ................................................................... Gary & Linda Shuler ................................................................... Kristine Shuler DeGrace

In Honor Of Given By Kathryn & Julianne Brunner............................Jane Kunzie-Brunner Vera Boriack.....................................................Rodney Boriack Our Children....................................................Stuart & Kristin Arnett Louis Krueger...................................................Tim & Laura Krueger Peggy Otto...........................................................Zion Lutheran Women, Belvidere Roger & Barbara Bucholtz...............................Larry & Sherry Bucholtz Louis Krueger...................................................Peter & Linda Krueger The Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit.............Sandra Daughtery Our daughters, Sarah & Karen........................Jim & Krista Olia

Elizabeth, Sarah, & Emily Haley......................Robert & Pamela Haley My Granddaughters........................................James Jacobson Sugar Creek Lutheran Church.........................Tom & Jen Lee My Grandchildren............................................Jan Schuren Harold DeBack’s 90th Birthday.......................Darcel Milbauer .........................................................................Ruth Peters .........................................................................Wayne & Arlene Salentine .........................................................................Dorothy Pratt ................................................................... Don & Joanne Jacobson

2018 DESIGNATED GIFTS Harold & Carol DeBack for Norway Lutheran, Wind Lake Youth Scholarships Melvin & Penny Roth for Trinity Lutheran, Ottawa Youth Scholarships Camp Odayin for Waterfront Lily Pad First Lutheran, Janesville for Tree Nursery Tim Somers for Sidewalk Improvements and New Glass Doors for Watson Retreat Center NEW TABLES FOR DEBACK LODGE Lutherdale Quilt Retreaters: TC Wiley Jeannie Hertz Barb Vallone Carol Jantz Mary Wolter Karen Banky-Livasy NEW REACH IN COOLER FOR KITCHEN: Jane Kunze-Brunner Diane Kane Janet Kehe Janelle Bols Chris Parmley Mark & Janet Fisher Anonymous

ARCHERY EQUIPMENT: Karla Thompson Ben Spiering Ryan Schiable Kristin Gumbinger Capron Lutheran, Capron MARION GROEN-STANFIELD BUNK BEDS FOR MILWAUKEE CABIN UPDATE: Donna Hanson Jon & Merry Freedlund Jeff & Karen Bluhm Jeremy & Sonja Beyerlein Lydia Ramsey Karla Thompson Howard & Rosalie Schroeder Rodney Boriack

Harold & Carol DeBack for Sidewalk Improvements Giuseppe & Ellen Woodard-Colletta for Bell Tower Landscaping & Gardens Dave & Judy Weiss for Cabinets in Somers Staff House Matt & Nikki Coddington for Ropes Course

Donna Kelling John Nason Caroline Johnson Ron & Jerilynn Sleeth Kenneth & Paula Spengler Tim & Julie Blume QUILT GARDEN Norway Lutheran Quilters, Wind Lake Capron Lutheran, Capron John & Darlene Clauson Janet Fisher Geri VanderLeest Beverly Bergendahl Mary Ehle Tom & Sue Johnson Michael Rehak & Pira Mueller

Faye Pohl Patrick & Lynda Ryan Ed & Cheral Sadler Dick & Joy Willrett Melvin & Penny Roth Donald & Vada Cartwright Quilters at March Quilt Retreat FOOD PACKING EVENT Central Lutheran, Edgerton Grace Lutheran, Woodstock Sugar Creek Lutheran, Elkhorn Williams Bay Lutheran, Williams Bay Grace Lutheran, Richmond Faith Lutheran, Janesville Jeremy & Sonja Beyerlein Family Rodger & Barbara Nelson

SPRING 2019 | 262-742-2352 |

2018 ADDITIONAL DONORS Anton DiGiovanni Trust Kellogg Family Foundation Milwaukee, WI Lauderdale Lakes Improvement Association Elkhorn, WI

Lutherdale Retreat Quilters Elkhorn, WI

First Friday Quilters Racine, WI

Siebert Lutheran Foundation Milwaukee, WI

Rainbow Quilters Racine, WI

Webb Foundation Winthrop Harbor, WI

Richard & Ellen Leuenberger Family Charitable Fund

Matching Gifts Received Thrivent Financial Andis Foundation

THANK YOU TO THE FOLLOWING CONGREGATIONS FOR THEIR FINANCIAL SUPPORT Adams Lutheran Church Argyle All Saints Lutheran Church Palatine Bethany Lutheran Church Crystal Lake Bethany Lutheran Church Leland Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church Muskego Bethlehem Lutheran Church Brodhead Bethlehem Lutheran Church Chicago Bonnet Prairie Lutheran Church Rio Burke Lutheran Church Madison Capron Lutheran Church Capron Central Lutheran Church Edgerton Christ Lutheran Church Belvidere Christ Lutheran Church Spring Green Covenant Lutheran Church Stoughton Cross Lutheran Church Burlington Cross Lutheran Church Ixonia Deerfield Lutheran Church Deerfield Dekorra Lutheran Church Poynette Dr. Martin Luther Lutheran Church Oconomowoc East Koshkonong Lutheran Church Cambridge Edison Park Lutheran Church Chicago Evangelical Lutheran Church Mount Horeb Faith Lutheran Church Columbus Faith Lutheran Church Janesville First English Lutheran Church Whitewater

First Evangelical Lutheran Church Lee First Lutheran Church Beaver Dam First Lutheran Church Janesville First Lutheran Church Plano First Lutheran Church Stoughton Galilee Lutheran Church Pewaukee Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Menomonee Falls Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Janesville Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Naperville GPS Faith Community Church Machesney Park Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church Monroe Grace Lutheran Church Cambridge Grace Lutheran Church Richmond Grace Lutheran Church Westchester Holy Communion Lutheran Church Racine Hope Lutheran Church Milton Immanuel Lutheran Church Earlville Immanuel Lutheran Church Mount Horeb Jefferson Prairie Lutheran Church Poplar Grove Lake Edge Lutheran Church Madison Living Faith Lutheran Church Racine Lord of Life Lutheran Church Schaumburg Luther Valley Lutheran Church Beloit Lutheran Church of the Atonement Barrington Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit Lincolnshire

SPRING 2019 | 262-742-2352 |

Lutheran Church of the Resurrection Racine Messiah Lutheran Church Madison Messiah Lutheran Church Twin Lakes Mt. Carmel Lutheran Church Milwaukee Mt. Olive Lutheran Church Mukwonago Mount Pleasant Lutheran Church Racine North Cape Lutheran Church Franksville Norway Evangelical Lutheran Church Wind Lake Orfordville Lutheran Church Orfordville Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Beloit Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Oconomowoc Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church Arlington Heights Plattville Lutheran Church Minooka Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Milwaukee Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Schaumburg Redeemer Lutheran Church Hartford Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church McHenry Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church New Glarus St. Andrew Lutheran Church Mundelein St. John’s Lutheran Church Brookfield St. John’s Lutheran Church Creston St. John’s Lutheran Church Evansville St. John’s Lutheran Church Hebron St. John’s Lutheran Church Mendota St. John’s Lutheran Church Oconomowoc

St. John’s Lutheran Church Somonauk St. Mark Lutheran Church Cudahy St. Mary’s Lutheran Church Kenosha St. Matthew Lutheran Church Palmyra St. Matthew Lutheran Church Urbana St. Michael’s Lutheran Church Hustisford St. Paul Lutheran Church Beloit St. Paul Lutheran Church Kenosha St. Paul Lutheran Church Villa Park St. Paul’s Liberty Lutheran Church Deerfield St. Peter’s Lutheran Church Janesville St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church Monona St. Stephen the Martyr Lutheran Church Greendale Sugar Creek Lutheran Church Elkhorn Trinity Lutheran Church DeKalb Trinity Lutheran Church Ottawa Vernon Evangelical Lutheran Church Mukwonago West Blue Mounds Lutheran Church Blue Mounds Williams Bay Lutheran Church Williams Bay Zion Lutheran Church Belvidere Zion Lutheran Church Tinley Park


OPENING PHASE PROGRESS 71% RECEIVED $2,046,000 5,984 adults came to Lutherdale in 2018. They came seeking opportunities for fellowship, faith, and fun. They came with the expectation of being welcomed with Christian hospitality, a safe experience, and comfortable and accessible facilities. As the number of adults utilizing Lutherdale continues to grow, so does





PLEDGED $2,614,000


the need to provide a comfortable and accessible experience. Through the Share the Adventure campaign, we look forward with great anticipation to early 2020 when we will be able to welcome adults into our new hotel-style Lodge. The new adult and family friendly building will

meet the needs crucial for the next generation of God’s ministry through Lutherdale. We have been honored and humbled by the many donors who have come together in support of our Share the Adventure capital campaign. With 90% of our Phase 1 goal pledged and construction underway, we are getting closer and closer to opening new ministry at Lutherdale!


$25,000 - SLEEPING ROOMS 1. Jerry & Thelma Meyers

$300,000 - THE GREAT HALL The Kellogg Family Foundation

2. John Nason

$150,000 - HOUSING WINGS Available

4. Tom & Amy McAdams

$100,000 - LOBBY Anonymous Gift

6. Mark & Anita Rumage

$100,000 - ENTRY PORCH Mayfair and Messiah Lutheran Churches $75,000 - FIREPLACE Al & Marilyn Sorenson $50,000 - CONFERENCE ROOM Available $30,000 - WELCOME CENTER Mike & Mae Herman $25,000 - OUTDOOR DECKS 1. Sugar Creek Lutheran Church 2. Leroy & Penelope Hoekman

3. Tom & Amy McAdams 5. Tom & Amy McAdams 7. Melvin & Penny Roth 8. Melvin & Penny Roth 9. Russell Solheim 10. Gordon & Cathie Beyerlein 11. Evans & Arlene Ronshausen 12. Pat & Steve Foltz 13. Christ Lutheran Church 14. Les & Carol Gillmore 15. Glen & Lois Port

$15,000 – EAST SIDE LANDSCAPING Available $15,000 – WEST SIDE LANDSCAPING Cheryl Bluhm Estate $15,000 – MOBILITY PATHS Available $15,000 – NORTH ENTRYWAY Available $15,000 – SOUTH ENTRYWAY Available $10,000 – SUNRISE WINDOW Lou Krueger $10,000 – WELCOME SIGN Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church $10,000 – A/V EQUIPMENT Available

16-20. Available

SHARE THE ADVENTURE | 262-742-2352 |

CONGREGATION APPEALS In late 2018, we began Congregation Appeals to help Lutherdale climb to the top of Phase 1 of the Share the Adventure campaign and meet our $2.9 Million goal. The Share the Adventure campaign is an opportunity for congregations to help Lutherdale provide meaningful faith formation opportunities for people in all chapters of life through comfortable and flexible accommodations. Lutherdale provides training, materials, and support to congregations committed to opening new ministry. Sugar Creek Lutheran in Elkhorn kicked off the Congregation Appeals and Rev. Dick Inglett shares the following: Sugar Creek Lutheran in rural Elkhorn has a history with Lutherdale that goes all the way back to Lutherdale’s beginnings in 1944. Like the other congregations that had the vision and will to bring Lutherdale to reality, we have witnessed and supported Lutherdale’s transformation over the years. With each transition and growth opportunity, the people at Sugar Creek Lutheran have rejoiced that

faith in Jesus Christ is being formed and nurtured in people of all ages. Sugar Creek Lutheran wanted to continue its historic support of Lutherdale’s mission.


In September our congregation participated in the Share the Adventure campaign with a goal of raising $25,000 towards Lutherdale’s capital campaign. With a matching grant from our Endowment Committee of up to $12,500 towards this appeal, we exceeded our goal and raised over $39,000 in donations and pledges. Our hope is that other congregations with both historic and more recent relationships with Lutherdale will discover the joy of supporting Lutherdale’s current mission and future service to Christ’s Church. Please join us in prayers of thanksgiving for the generous gifts from the good people of Sugar Creek Lutheran, Elkhorn. We invite your congregation to join us. If you are interested in supporting the Share the Adventure campaign or would like more information about a congregation appeal process, please contact Sara Jonasen, Capital Campaign Manager, at

We have partnered with a new mobile app and website that allows you to automatically donate the change from your card purchases to support our work. It’s small change for you, but a game changer for us! You can check it out at and search for “RoundUp App” in the App Store or Google Play Store to download.



Lutherdale is partnering with ELCA Mission Builders on construction of the Lutherdale Lodge. In order to help make this project successful and to help lower costs, volunteers are needed to work alongside and support the Mission Builders, Tuesday to Saturday from May – October. Volunteers of all skill levels and abilities are needed, from experienced builders to jobsite rookies—there is a meaningful job for you. Come alone or bring a group. Come once or come weekly. Don’t want to volunteer on the jobsite? Consider volunteering to host a snack or meal for the Mission Builders or to host them at your congregation for Sunday worship. For more info on volunteering, contact Sara Jonasen, Capital Campaign Manager, at or complete the online form at SHARE THE ADVENTURE | 262-742-2352 |



TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2019 • 9:30AM – 4PM Keynote Presentation from: Ministry Consultant and Ambassador of Health, Hope, and Aging! (AH-HA!) for Lutheran Church Charities Dr. Rich Brimler


SEPTEMBER 18, 2019 COST: $30 PER PERSON In 2011, Lutherdale placed honey bee hives around camp, and since then, they have been very busy helping the trees, flowers, and the plants in our garden grow. Each summer campers enjoy visiting the bees and learning more about them and how they make honey. In September, we harvest the honey to use in our kitchen and sell to guests. We invite you to learn about the honey-making process from our expert bee keepers, Jeff Bluhm and Mike Seeley. Help spin the honey out of the frames and bottle it. Enjoy a lunch of Chicken and Biscuits with honey. A free jar of honey is included. Additional jars will be available for sale. Full payment due upon registration.

Hands-On Learning Experiences Fun Activities & Discussion • Ever considered being a • Get up and moving with bee keeper? Join Executive music and team building Director Jeff Bluhm at the activities led by the bee hives to learn what bee Lutherdale staff. keeping is all about. • Join in deeper discussion • Learn hands-on with in a break out session Chef Mike and get a with the key-note recipe to take home. presenter. • Good News & Good Brews! Cost: Only $25 per person The Faith Fermenters will and includes a wonderful lunch lead a session on home prepared by Lutherdale’s Chef Mike. beer brewing! Please call 262-742-2352 to register by May 1. Visit for more information.

SILVER CAMPER DAYS 2019 TUESDAYS: JUNE 19 • JULY 10 • AUGUST 7 COST: $20 PER PERSON INCLUDES LUNCH AND PROGRAM SCHEDULE: •1 0:00 Arrive and check in at the Chapel • Morning Worship, Bible Study • 12:00 Picnic Lunch • A fternoon activities: Camp Tour and Pontoon Ride • 3:00 Head for Home Lutherdale invites all senior adults to spend a day at camp this summer! This day will awaken your child inside. Fun and safe activities have been designed just for you, our elder campers. Experience Lutherdale when it truly comes alive with the energy of the summer.

RSVP with the Lutherdale Office at 262-742-2352 or

TRAVEL WITH US! BREWERS VS TWINS, Twin Cities, MN MAY 26 – 28, 2019 $325 PP (double) / $425 PP (single)

Meals served 4:30 – 7:00 pm the last Friday of each month April – August. Each week has a new theme and a new menu! Adults $16, Children 10 and under $8.

2019 GREEK KATALOGOS April 26 Greek Keftedes Meatballs, Tzatziki Sauce, Mediterranean Chicken, Grilled Vegetable Couscous, Warm Pita Bread, Roasted Potatoes, Potato Mushroom Soup, Greek Salad With Feta, Lemon Mandarine Cake

2019 GERMAN SPARGELZEIT May 31 Kielbasa & Sauerkraut, Chicken Schnitzel, Beer Cheese Potato Soup, Boiled Red Potatoes, Seasoned Asparagus, German Potato Salad, Rye Rolls, Apple Tarts

2019 FESTA ITALIANA June 28 Italian Sausage With Peppers & Onions, Sicilian Chicken, Housemade Marinara, Assorted Pasta (Gluten Free Option Available) , Bread Sticks, Spring Vegetables, Housemade Soup, Italian Cookies

2019 SUMMER BBQ July 26 Pulled Pork On Pretzel Bun With Hot Mustard, Bbq Chicken, Grilled Polish Sausage With Peppers, Summer Vegetables, Warm Applesauce, Sliced Watermelon, Chocolate Brownie

2019 QUILT FEST FISH FRY August 9 Battered And Baked Cod, Roasted Red Potatoes, Vegetable Blend, Warm Apple Sauce, Fresh Cole Slaw, Warm Bread, Berry Bars (There Will Be No Salad Bar This Friday)

2019 SUMMER FISH FRY August 30 Battered And Baked Cod, Housemade Clam Chowder, Potato Pancakes, Vegetable Medley, Warm Apple Sauce, Fresh Cole Slaw, Warm Bread, Pumpkin Bars All meals include salad bar and beverages and feature generous portions. Guests are encouraged to try some of everything! Reservations requested for parties of 8 or more.

SPRING 2019 | 262-742-2352 |

Join Lutherdale Travel Ministry as we take a trip to see the NL Central Division Champion Milwaukee Brewers take on the Minnesota Twins in Minneapolis, St. Paul. Enjoy activities in the city and take in a ball game. Seats in Section 117 of Target Field. Includes: Round trip motor coach transportation, 2 nights lodging, 2 meals, and tickets to the game. $100 deposit due at sign up.

THE ARK ENCOUNTER & CREATION MUSEUM, Cincinnati Area AUGUST 19 – 23, 2019 $675 PP (double) / $854 PP (single)

Be inspired by the life-size recreation of Noah’s Ark. Venture through Biblical history at the Creation Museum. Discover the stories of freedom’s heroes at the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center. See Cincinnati from the Ohio River with a BB Riverboat Cruise. For full itinerary and more information visit: $75 deposit due at sign up.

BOSTON, SALEM, & CAPE ANN, MA OCTOBER 15 – 23, 2019 $1139 PP (double) / $1514 PP (single)

This trip is sights to see including four consecutive nights in the Boston area, a full day guided tour of Boston with stops at Faneuil Hall and Quincy Marketplace, John Hancock Tower, Trinity Church, USS Constitution, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Minute Man National Historical Park, and much more. You’ll also have a full day guided tour of scenic coastal Massachusetts. For more info, visit $75 deposit due at sign up.

CHRISTMAS COOKIES, Milwaukee, WI DECEMBER 12, 2019 $125 Per Person

Visit several bakeries in Milwaukee for sweets and treats. You’ll get plentiful samples along the way so you can try before you buy! Between stops, you’ll learn ethnic holiday traditions from your guide with a fully narrated tour. On the way home, we will drive through the Holiday Light displays! Please Note: You will enter/exit the motorcoach multiple times during the day. Lunch is included. $50 deposit due at sign up.

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