Silak Media | Magazine | Vol. XLIII | No. 1 | Dec. 2021 - Nov. 2022

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About the Cover

In times of despair and ecstasy, we seek signs and affirmations from almost everything, hoping that they will be of assistance or are truly meant for us.

The cover depicts an angel hovering above a person’s head, where their worlds are in different dimensions — one here in our physical world, the Earth, and the other in a realm where our spiritual self transcends.

The chaos that we deal with is sometimes unbearable and we would cry for help from the higher order and question our existence. Fortunately, there will be someone, or something, that can hear our plea. These are the spirit and angel guides.

It is said that we all have at least one of these guides throughout our lives that would provide and support all of our endeavors. They communicate through synchronicities in numbers, thoughts, and situations. They can also be in the form of other people that surround us, or as our failures, that redirect us toward a better version of ourselves.

May this serve as a reminder that we are not alone in our own battles, and that learning to seek help with the things we are fighting with is sometimes a good thing. Even with our guides, we have free will as they would not meddle with our lives until we ask them for it, and with that, we are still responsible for the decisions we make and the choices we pick.

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Editors’ Note

Angels are all around us, all the time, in the very air we breathe.” - Eileen Elias Freeman once said these words. Despite being unable to see them, we feel their presence most when we are in need. As we have hope and trust that they are near us, we learn the most important thing to man— Faith.

Our worlds may be currently in chaos as darkness consumes our beings. The pandemic, home life, school life, and the ever-changing world continue to run as we lose our breath trying to catch up to it. Yet, we are not alone. Even in the darkest of nights, there is someone— a creature, a thought, a person, that is there to lighten the load on our shoulders. Our guardian angel can appear within anything, and it can be within the eyes of the person we love, the warmth of the sun, and even the wind that whispers in our ears.

In this edition, we unveil narratives about life, faith, and the journey of people who overtook adversities with the help of both courage and faith. These stories carry messages, numbers that form into messages which readers can reflect on or relate to. The sun does not always shine on the paths we take, as storms can rage and erase the trail we had created for ourselves, but with faith and courage, you will once again find the path— the light you so desire. We look forward to seeing this issue's capacity to invoke inspiration, motivation, and faith in our readers to reflect on their own personal journey of self-discovery.

We often wait or ask for signs from the universe. And most of the time, the universe does not disappoint us. We stumble

upon these signs in some coincidences, but in the metaphysical realm, there is no such thing. In fact, these coincidences are the signs that you get from the universe, and the most common ones are the angel numbers.

These angel numbers are number sequences, usually three or four, that contain repetition and patterns. These numbers are believed to be messages from the spiritual universe; they may mean to confirm that you are on the right path, shed insight into a complicated situation, or give a sense of illumination to some mystical happenings you're experiencing throughout your life. It is interestingly known that you may be followed by an angel number for years, or you may experience an angel number as a singular occurrence, and you should pay attention to it. What makes them more magical is that they appear in the most ordinary places. Angel numbers show up on clocks, timestamps, and alarms, or you can even see them in your random stuff in your day-to-day circumstances.

In this issue, we bring you a compilation of stories and their corresponding angel numbers. Inside, you get to read stories about acceptance, perseverance, luck, and escape. It will be revealed how some signs from the universe are just around the corner and waiting to be discovered, waiting for you to open that door, take the leap, and embrace the change. So, if you’re feeling stuck, ask for a sign, and the universe will make its way to you. Make that 11:11 wish come true.

With that said, my dear reader, take this as a sign to confess to your crush. Enjoy reading!

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SignsYou The and

People throughout the world are enthralled when they check their phone at precisely 2:22. They pause to think when their order total is exactly P555. And make a wish each time the clock strikes exactly 11:11.

Few individuals, though, pause to think about what these things genuinely imply. These occurrences are all examples of angel numbers, which are based on the belief that when you see a pattern or repeat of numbers in your life, it may be a sign from higher powers directing you in specific directions. Angel numbers are here to help us decipher the messages God or the universe wants to deliver to us -- whether it be a success in our endeavors, assistance, or a guiding force.

This phenomenon—angels, all angel numbers, and their associated meanings—has been around for a while. However, the recent pandemic years have rekindled peoples’ confidence in angels and their representations, resulting in a significant rise in the popularity of angel numbers.

Digital Illustration by Rommelen Dema-ala


The origins of angel numbers may be found in Pythagoras and his numerology theory. Despite the fact that the idea has been around for a while, the phrase “angel numbers” only became well-known in the 1970s and 1980s with the New Age movement, which saw a rise in individuals leaving traditional religion in favor of a more open-ended and diverse spirituality.

Angel numbers function in accordance with the principles of numerology, which uphold the idea that each number is associated with a specific vibrational energy or frequency that encompasses meaning beyond its purely numerical value. As a result, they act as a green light to keep going in the direction you’re currently going.

Angel numbers are indicators leading you in the direction of precisely what actions you are destined to undertake throughout your lifetime. Mystic Michaela, the author of The Angel Numbers Book, said, “Angel numbers are the signals your high vibrational being support team, also known as your guardian angels, send you to provide you support, advice, or a nudge to move in a new route.”

Angel numbers can be considered compass points for the many phases of a person’s existence. While there is some room for personal interpretation regarding angel numbers, each has unique characteristics that indicate what stage of life a person is in and the attitudes and actions that will serve them the most throughout that time.



When we encounter a set of numbers again, it’s not an accident; they are there to catch our attention. We are being spoken to by angels, directing us in the proper direction, explaining God’s intentions, and granting our requests.

Angel numbers can ultimately signify whatever you want them to mean and can have any amount of significance that you assign to them. Everyone who sees an angel number, even for a little while, believes in a more magical world. This is the one undeniable fact about angel numbers that makes them so fascinating.

Consider how lucky you are to have received an angel number whenever you see one. Making the most of your message may require you to express gratitude to the angelic beings protecting and guiding you. Keeping a notebook documenting the messages you’ve gotten from angel numbers is another ideal approach. Looking back on moments when your guardian angels gave you the push you needed in the past and considering how it helped you get to where you are now may be comforting.

So, don’t fret if things are not going right for you at the moment because you believe that the universe has better things in store for you. Just keep your eyes open, and watch out for that sign.

The final three digits of a call you receive may be displayed everywhere. Your receipts, the time on your clock, your voter identification number, your theater seats, a random advertisement, your license plate numbers, and much more. Angel communication is possible wherever the digits are present. It is all about the right timing. Numbers and their interpretation are the simplest and most practical way for people to decipher the messages and signs of God, the cosmos, or whatever higher force you believe in.

Synchronicity is unquestionably a potent tool since patterns can’t help but stand out as particular or significant. Repetition is hence, one of the critical characteristics of angel numbers. “Synchronicity is at work when numbers appear more than one may consider a coincidence,” says Michaela. This is the language your angels communicate; you’ll frequently and repeatedly encounter angelic numbers.

While it may seem mystical and pleasant to observe angel numbers, it’s reasonable to feel a little anxious when you do. According to Michaela, you should anticipate a slight anxiety shock from your ego-self when you receive communication from your angels simply because it signals a deeper level of self-change. Nonetheless, the message we are receiving is still for our own good.

Michaela highlights the need to remember that any angelic numbers you see are from your own personal angels and that whatever messages they send you are unique to you. There are techniques to search for the significance of your angel number. Still, they will always need to be modified a little to meet your current situation. Your angels will send you numbers related to a problem you are now experiencing. Keep in mind that you are getting this message because you are being supported, loved, and shown the light.

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Surviving, and Then Facing Life Anew

A new beginning— leaving everything from the past but carrying the lessons learned. Expect that new and better days will come, so hold on.

If you see a mature man attending classes at the New Academic Building and wondering what he is doing there at his age, then you are in for some revelations and life lessons because BSED Social Studies sophomore Anthony Sarches was for a time –holding a broom rather than a pen, a pail rather than a backpack, and being somebody else’s driver rather than going to school.

As he walked through the hallway of the NAB, it did not feel like 15 years had passed. His hunger for learning is still the same since 2004. His flaming passion for becoming a vessel for change still burns. This is indeed a fresh start for Anthony as he got his wings back and is ready to fly, not for others, but this time, for himself.

Anthony has no regrets in his heart because he had willingly given his wings to those who cannot fly simply because before anything else, 35-year-old Anthony is a dutiful son and a responsible and caring brother.

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text by photos courtesy of Roger Sibag Jr. and Riza Joyce Dela Cruz Anthony Sarches

After receiving his diploma from Don Felix Serra National High School in San Joaquin in 2004, Anthony became wide awake to the realities of life. It was indeed a blessing that the earnings of his father who is a farmer and his mother, a barangay official, were able to feed him and his four siblings at that time. Between food and education, Anthony knew that his parents would not choose the latter.

“Hambal ni Tatay, try niya lang gid iya best nga mapatapos kami tanan high school. After dira, kami na bahala kung ano plano namon (My father said he will try his best so that he can make us all finish high school. After that, it is all up to us what we plan to do),” Anthony shared, adding that he could see his parents could hardly make it, considering that he had younger siblings.

Both of his parents did not graduate high school and it seemed that the cycle would continue. But Anthony decided not to sit and watch that same story unfold. He was willing to do anything even if that meant sacrificing his dreams.

“Kinanglan ko gid magbulig financially sa ila (I needed to help them financially),” said Anthony, the second of seven siblings.

Anthony left his life in San Joaquin and worked as a stay-in houseboy and driver for a family in Iloilo City. It was a physically and emotionally draining job for young Anthony, who was then only 17 years old. It was tiring and lonely, but witnessing his siblings giving up on their dreams would be a heavier emotional baggage for him to bear.


A glimpse of hope finally peeked through in the life of Anthony and his family. Two of his siblings, whom he financially supported, finally reaped their hard work and sacrifices as they graduated from college. Meriam is now an elementary teacher and Mesie is an electronics communications engineer. But Anthony emphasized that

they are not obliged to help their family, though they can intrinsically do so.

“Handum ko gid na nga may makatapos sa amon, and now duha pa sila. Para sakon, nalab-ot ko gid akun goal sa pagbulig sa ila (It has been my dream that one of us finishes college, and now there are two of them. For me, I have reached my goal of helping them),” Anthony proudly shared, adding that he never regretted going out of school and helping his siblings.

Meriam and Mesie are grateful for having a brother who is selfless and values education the way they do. They believe that Anthony’s relentless love for family is what brought them into where they are now.

“I remembered when I was not able to pursue my college due to financial and some family problems, he was the one who trusted me. There was a time where he tried to ask his boss to resign from his job because he wanted to apply somewhere where he could earn more so that I could go to college,” Meriam recounted.


For a long time, Anthony’s life revolved around his goal of handing a college diploma to his sisters. He felt fulfilled that his siblings were able to get college diplomas, but with his purpose already accomplished – he himself felt lost.

He said there were times he could not sleep because he

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“It was tiring and lonely, but witnessing his siblings giving up on their dreams would be a heavier emotional baggage for him to bear.

was thinking of so many things, considering that he was already 32 then and felt he was missing out on a lot of things.

He thought that he was left with only two options — to continue his current work or to do farm work in the province. But his cousin made him realize that he was wrong. There are still a lot of possibilities that await him if he were to be brave enough to take a giant leap, and that is to go back to his past love — getting himself an education.

“Why not? May edad na ko pero may time pa man. Kaya ko pa guro (Why not? I may be old, but there is still time. I think I can still do it),” said Anthony when questioned about what made him consider his cousin’s advice.

His bittersweet and inspiring journey as a brother and as a student was recognized by the Iloilo City Social Welfare Development Office as they awarded him Huwaran nga Anak in 2019. This award served as a testament to Anthony’s unmeasurable love for his family. Despite having accomplished so much in life and his studies, Anthony continued to dream.


Despite the selfdoubts, Anthony enrolled at the Mandurriao National High School

for his senior high school in 2018 at the age of 32. He admitted that at first, it was awkward because he was almost half the age of his other peers. But he was thankful that his classmates did not make his transition extra difficult. He kept the fire burning as he took the challenge of entering West Visayas State University College of Education in 2021 as a student of the degree Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies.

Being used to the feeling of being an attention-getter, and passing through eyes which have different ways of seeing him, a college education is nothing strange for Anthony. Instead of reading people’s minds, he focused on reading his books and only cared about his priorities, one of which is to enjoy the new journey he is about to embark on.

When asked about his favorite thing about college so far, Anthony says he enjoys the activities the most and the longer he stays in the college, he could see his personality developing and if given the opportunity to join the activities of the Social Science Students’ Society, he always does because he finds them beneficial.

One of Anthony’s classmates, Melchie Liza Alcarde, said that Anthony is like an older brother to her and their other

classmates as he always does not hesitate to help his peers who need help and struggle in class. She also witnessed how dedicated Anthony is to his studies.

“He is an inspiring classmate as his story truly inspires us that we can continuously dream and pursue our goal regardless of the constraints or circumstances set by our fate, “ Melchie shared.

At the moment, Anthony’s goal is to finish schooling, pass the board, ang teach. He hopes to inspire and guide young people not to waste the sacrifices of their parents because many do not have the opportunity of parents or siblings who care for them.

“Indi tanan makuha mo dali-dali (You cannot have everything easily)” is one of the life lessons Anthony gained with the experiences he went through. Courage, determination, hope, and love for family are the things that kept him going despite life’s twists and turns. He conquered challenges before and promised to do them over and over again as he opened a new chapter of his journey. He served as an angel for his siblings, and he will always be. Now, he is ready to fly to greater heights. Anthony proved that in life, there is no such thing as “too late” to continue life with a fresh start.


Winning the Last Quest of College Life

It is innate for us human beings to experience euphoria and despair throughout our lives. They are the driving force that allows us to value our existence and brave the challenges we encounter. A surge of these emotions, however, can push our confidence over the cliff’s edge.

Even John Earl Napao, a Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies graduate, fears many things in his life— dropping out of college, getting a failing grade, or opening up about his situation to his parents. Despite garnering the Most Outstanding Practice Teacher (MOPT) in Social Studies award from his batch, he quivered in the extreme arduousness of the journey he had taken.

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Control your fears and thoughts. You are worthy and powerful than the negativities that threaten to devour you.

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Napao admitted to not knowing about the MOPT award until he was notified of it. Believing that he was not fit for the recognition, the thought of winning it was beyond him. He had no desire to treat the internship like a competition. His gaze was centered on enjoying his days as a pre-service teacher. With his attitude of finishing tasks promptly, he accomplished his final requirements three weeks before the deadline and spent the remaining time putting the cherry on top of the cake.

“Finishing my work was not a problem at all, only self-doubts and little fears. I had doubts about my choices because I was really after my final grade, and I was afraid I could not meet my expectations. So, to combat it, I just make sure I know what to prioritize and that I give myself enough time for it. That’s how I believe I can make quality work without worrying about time,” Napao said.

Things turned around when he was convinced to join the search for the MOPT and later identified as a finalist.

“I don’t know what was the thing that gave me the advantage over the other finalists. All I know is that I did what I ought to do, that is not to disappoint the WVSU – College of Education and to show excellence

in everything I do. That’s how I made it, I guess,” he exclaimed, surprised by the result.

Mr. Obed Joy Gaitan, his cooperating teacher, attested to Napao’s practice teaching journey.

“Sir John Earl is one of the best Social Studies teachers in the making. He comes to class prepared and serves as a classroom animator in which the discussion and engagement activities flow like fluid in the direction of studentcenteredness. After the competition, I am certain that he already knew what he wanted in life—to teach young people and let them know that they have worth,” Gaitan says, adding that Napao’s teachable attitude and facilitating skill to engage his students are the reasons for his recognition.


Despite having the courage to pursue his course, Napao struggled in the last months of college, which became evident to his classmates and teachers. After enduring the darkest times, he made his way through the light because of his circle, where he became comfortable sharing his life with them. It helped him enter the school happily, giving him enough confidence to go on and stand where he is right now. Their

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I found out that the signs I was asking for actually came out to be answered prayers.

about my plan of changing my course when I was in my first year. It ended up with my promise to them of securing a Latin award when I graduate. So, I have no more reasons left to give up,” Napao said.

The signs appointed by the universe became Napao’s assurance that he was on the right track. The delay in its arrival made Napao believe that waiting for it was not the best choice but to take matters into his own hands.

“I take full responsibility for the consequences. Everything is still up on how I would work for it. If signs came and proved me right, then I would be grateful, but if not, then I would still be grateful because I at least figured out things first on my own and had enough time to think of what’s best to do to deal with it,” Napao explained on his insights on how to receive signs from the universe.

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After graduating Magna Cum Laude and being the Most Outstanding Practice Teacher from his batch, Napao has yet to overcome the dragons ahead of his life— starting on reviewing for the upcoming licensure examination, getting his license, and teaching at his dream school, something that he is apprehensive about advancing on.

“I am always pressured with the things that would test my capabilities. I am actually feeling pressured with the licensure exam, and that’s what I am trying to work with. Just like how I didn’t expect myself to be the MOPT for Social Studies, I just think that if things are meant for me, they will find their way to bring me there. All I can do is to help myself because if signs say nothing about it, I would take all to achieve it,” Napao said. Despite that, he thinks that the fire of teaching will still be blazing within him after he retires.

“As I looked back, I realized that everything was worth it. I realized that my decision to hold on and not give up brought me to a place where I found myself fit and belonging. I am so blessed with the things that I have received and all that is coming my way. With all this, I have no regrets about not pursuing my dream course. For I am happy with what I am doing now and even happier about where these things could take me,” he added.

Even as a noble young man today, Napao exclaimed that he is not different from when he was younger in regards to his fears, “The thing is, the fear I have now is different from the fear I had before, and I would say, as for now, I am really bothered. These fears are anchored to the things that I tried to visualize for the next few years. I have been dealing with so many “what ifs” now.”

Today, and in many years to come, fear will be with us as ecstasy

and grief. And with that, Sir John Earl has a message to himself which we might learn from, too, “To my future self, I hope you’ve aged, not wondering why you always experience uncertainties. I swear you have always been like that. You always doubt yourself, you always fear things, but you know what else have you always been? You have always proved yourself in everything. You always make things possible for yourself. You always get things you’ve wanted. So, I suppose you know you are always facing your fears, no matter how big they are.

I couldn’t dictate to you with all, but I hope you’re living with all your dreams. I hope you end up still having the same level of passion for teaching just like you felt when you were just starting. And I hope you are happy being you.

So, if you’re afraid, in doubt, or in crisis, just feel it. And after a while, face it. I know you can do that because you always did! I am proud of you.”

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I realized that my decision to hold on and not give up brought me to a place where I found myself fit and belonging.

Tarots and Fortunes:

As someone who believed that the existence and the nature of God is unknown but claims neither faith nor disbelief in this notion, Elizabeth found herself in an elusive path towards a seemingly mysterious world of spirituality.

Elizabeth Van Cauwenberghe’s experience with spirituality was never on the same page as most have gone through with . Eli, to her friends and family, was always critical of things related to religion and beliefs especially on the way Catholicism portrayed ‘God’ to be.

Now at 20 and studying psychology in University of the Philippines-Visayas, she found herself dabbling with tarots with no idea that those cards laid out in front of her drawn with archetypal beings would take her into an adventure within herself—in her spirit.


Before it was anything, Eli was stuck living a life that keeps circling with no visible exit. At a young age, she was forced to carry on her shoulders things that were not supposed to be hers in the first place. She was a nebbish person with poor boundaries and had no ounce of value for her personal interests.

“I was always putting other people first and myself last; this was detrimental to me and my health - physical, mental, emotional, and most importantly, spiritual.”

And so she knew it was futile to keep on denying the faith given to her. She ultimately accepted her ‘truth’ that the tough life she lived was just the way things were. Her feelings of hopelessness and helplessness without any hint that she needed healing caused her to lose a piece of herself day by day until one curious moment in December 2020 turned her life upside down.


Out of sheer curiosity, Eli introduced herself to tarot cards with hopes to find fun in it . She taught herself, and through the help of youtube videos and google , how to read the divine based on the pictures from the cards. But that moment of mere search for entertainment was already the beginning of her mystic adventure.

In May 2021 while meditating, Eli felt more grounded than she had ever experienced–a moment she said that triggered her Kundalini awakening. This awakening happens when someone’s dormant energy flows freely upward leading to an expanded state of consciousness, and for Eli’s experience she was overflowing with gratitude and appreciation for the things around her, material and immaterial. She knew, from that moment she felt at peace with everything, it was the beginning of her spiritual journey, an awakening of her once taught soulless body.

Spiritual awakening is defined as the moment a person can step back and "awake" to their life with a new sense of being in this world. For Eli’s experience, it made her feel more connected with everything, especially with nature. She started appreciating life more, and even the relationships she had established with people seemed to improve as she realized how grateful she was for the presence in her life.

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Marron Aerielle J. Bonotano and Lorenz Angelo L. Macabantad Elizabeth Van Cauwenberghe The Spiritual Awakening of Elizabeth


However, her awakening was not entirely a shining moment for her. It was also a period of reassessment and confrontation of truths.

“There were truths that liberated me and aided in my healing. There were truths that felt as if the universe was slapping me for my decisions in life, past and present.”

But no matter how appalling the truths were revealed to her, she kept going. She used those messages and lessons as her vehicle to move forward for it not only fuelled her spirit, but it also realigned her purpose in life.

“When I was going through a period of loneliness, I kept coming across messages about dealing with loneliness when talking with

people, when reading books, or when I open social media. I took them as “signs” from the universe; the resonance was always on point.”

Further, as she embraced her spirituality, she became fearless to show the true ‘her’ without holding and backing. Everything flows smoothly in her life. Embracing her spirituality is the turning point of her life and considered it as her very core.

However, as a psychology student, she did not relish the idea of ‘fortune telling’ as it was unconventional to think in that perspective. For her, this would leave people to depend on external factors when it comes to writing their destinies. She felt that rather than being empowered to choose and create the life they want for themselves, people would rely more on what their palms read.

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Elizabeth’s friends have been in constant support with her journey to spirituality. They had shown so much appreciation of what she is doing in her life, thus she deemed them as members of her soul tribe–a group of people who totally gets you.

As of the moment, she is pouring all her energy into her personal page–Yours, Elizabeth where she offers donationbased packages in exchange for guidance so that people will not be burdened with heavy monetary value just to avail her service. Her tarot readings are available for both online and face-to-face whichever the clients may prefer. Eli also offers different packages that those interested in would want to avail and these include donationbased readings, unlimited questions type of reading, and celtic cross spread among others. She also render readings concerning spiritual healing and annual reading which ranges from Php 1,000 to Php 3,000.

As for those who want to travel the same path she took, Eli advised them to notice curiosity and to always look with a keen eye on signs, nudges, or whatever the world might be telling you .

“It is a unique path, but trust the journey. Your people will find you at exactly the right time, and you will soon realize that we are all actually one in experiencing the same universal consciousness and that you have never been alone in your path.”

So, if the universe is trying to whisper you something you have no ounce of clue, you know who to run to and ask.

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Spiritual growth and self-discovery. You are still about to meet the better version of yourself, so do not stop yourself from exploring.

Digital Illustration by Essie
Wander within your universe, and you might not expect to discover a star that shines brightly within.

The sun’s light passes through the glass window to illuminate the room, and the laptop keyboard clicks as her fingers move from letter to letter. Beside the laptop are a notebook, a gel-ink pen, and a glass of half-melted iced coffee, telling she’s been sitting there for quite some time.

It’s just another writing day for the fourth-year college student, Thrysha Claire Martin.


At age 21, the young author published her own book, “Ripped Pages,” with Sanctum Press as her publisher. The book came to light on the 21st of August 2021, but her pieces were inked on their rough-out pages starting in December 2019.

“Ripped Pages” is a collection of all literary works she’d written— poems, prose, and short stories all flowed from thoughts to paper. It tells different stories viewed from different angles, but it all revolves around one single theme.

“I can say that my interest in literature played a huge role in my writing career. But at the same time, my English teachers always had the biggest influence on me,” said Thrysha, who is currently residing in their home in Boracay Island. “Every single one of them, from elementary up to college, had individual impacts on how I got to enhance my skills. But the person that really inspired me to keep writing was my Senior High School instructor in Reading and Writing. I’ve learned so much from her, and she was also the reason why I pursued an English degree.”

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Self-expression and passion. With a goal set in mind, push through the challenges and new experiences that you encounter in life.

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Born to Write:
I just write when I think of something or whenever I’m caught up in a moment.
text by photos courtesy of Therese Sophia Pedregosa Thrysha Claire Martin
Young Author Living Her Passion


The first milestone that prompted her interest in writing happened in fourth grade. Yet, during that time, she never imagined seeing her name printed on a book cover nor making writing a profession despite all the essay writing contests and journalism workshops she joined.

“I first joined in an on-the-spot essay writing competition when I was in the fifth grade and won third place, unexpectedly. I tried Journalism workshops during high school too. When I entered senior high school, I auditioned to be a part of our school publication and got accepted,” said Thrysha, who is taking up a BA in English Language Studies and currently a Literary Editor of their college publication “Voice Prints.”

Her experiences in writing have helped her further develop her skills. She learned how to write better and express the words in a way that impacts the people who read them. Yet it was inevitable for any writer not always to have something to say to the world.

“There was a time that I experienced having writer’s block. I usually go to someplace quiet and calming. The silence helps,” she says. “I want to keep it natural. I just write when I think of something or whenever I’m caught up in a moment; that’s why I always have a pen and a notebook with me.”

The journal that documented her poems and short stories for years sparked her desire to publish her own book.


She set her goal on stone to see it to fruition when the opportunity comes knocking. Opportunity does come at unexpected times when Sanctum Press offers young authors the chance to have their books published.

All the emotions that stemmed from her experiences, her memories, the what ifs and past heartbreaks became the foundation of every page she wrote. She thought of the people who would be reading her words, then wrote what her target readers could relate to.

Even she, as a potential reader, became critical of her work, gauging if it was something that she would want to read. After a hard day’s work, all is paid when she sees comments from her readers saying how relatable it is.

“I felt light. It was like letting go of a burden that rested far too long on my shoulders. I was relieved and at peace. I was happy because the feedback was overwhelming. And I was glad that my readers could relate to what I’ve written,” said Thrysha.

“Anyone can be a writer waiting for their opportunity to let their talent shine,” said Thrysha Claire Martin sharing tidbits of advice to aspiring writers. “Just keep writing, and everything will fall into place.”

Martin to writers, a page of advice has been written. "Just keep writing and everything will fall into place."

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Doing It With Poise:

A Glimpse of a Taga-Ed’s Life

Amidst all chaos, one must attain balance. It is part of the chemistry of our relationships with other people, and in doing so, helps us attain peace in the process. Finding it might be an arduous journey, but once achieved, it will be unfathomable to lose this coveted balance.

Life in a university is a hustle of work, let alone being in a college student council and being a parttime businesswoman. This is the case of Danielle Lyka Suriaga, a third-year student of Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Science, but she takes on the challenge with a unique and lighthearted perspective.

Finding balance. Your life revolves not only within a single world, but it is an entire universe, and living in all those worlds at the same time is overwhelming. You will be able to juggle all of those with grace by finding the perfect balance.

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Angel 888

Balancing what I’m doing in life is like protecting myself from constant battles.

“ “


Waking up as the sun warmly greets her early in the morning is a common scenario for Lyka. At 6:30 a.m., she starts preparing for classes. After a tiring day of lectures, she goes to the office of the Education Student Council to fulfill her role as a business manager til 7 p.m. She goes home to her boarding house to extend the work. When done tidying up her place, she does her homework, sometimes even while eating her meal. If there are customers, she manages her printing business as soon as she arrives or during dinner time.

She exclaims, “Multitasking serves as my coping mechanism. At some point, carrying a lot of weight makes me feel content. Even if it occasionally makes me feel exhausted, when I am aware

that I have a task I need to work on, I feel alive and productive. I get satisfaction from achieving more, both academically and with my council. I value running my printing business, which seems to be the source of my good fortune despite the pressure.”

Since August 2020, Lyka basically prints activity sheets, reviewers, and permits needed by her fellow students, but mostly that of her classmates. She uses an EPSON L1130 printer that her uncle Pedro P. Suriaga, a seaman, gave her after she passed the WVSU entrance exam. It so happens that she had been doing this printing work of assignments, modules, reviewers, and photocopying of IDs in their tiangge at Blk 44 Lot 5, Iloilo River Plains Subdivision, Barangay Lanit, Jaro, Iloilo City and “expanded” it to her boarding house in La Paz at the start of the face-to-face classes.


“Due today, do today,” might be a mantra that we are all familiar with and it keeps Lyka stay on track. With her tasks always lining up, she makes a to-do list that allows her to monitor if she’s about to enter her hectic days and make a plan for where to insert new assignments in her free time.

“Whatever comes first will be my top priority to finish because if I don’t, my workload will pile up. That would frustrate me since my physical and mental health will be affected. Balancing what I’m doing in life is like protecting myself from constant battles. And for me to be able to balance everything, I set my goals straight depending on what is the most important thing that needs to be done or solved. I usually plan my activities ahead of time,” explains Lyka.

Fortunately, her body understands the importance of her physical well-being. Lyka excitedly shared that she is amazed that her body can handle it, but is sometimes afraid to experience weakness.

“During a class discussion via Google meet, for example, I know that I am getting weak as I type my assignment because my hands would not type as fast as they originally would,” said Lyka, the eldest of three siblings.

Of course, mishaps can happen despite the meticulously outlined plan. And when it does, she sacrifices her sleep to compensate for it.

“I could not insert it for the next day since everything is already planned. What I would do then is sacrifice my sleep. Since classes started, my sleep schedule would be at midnight, then at 1 a.m. the following week. When I started my business two weeks after that, I would sleep at 2 a.m.,” she said.

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With her bucket filled to the brim with commitments, Lyka makes sure to catch up with her role outside the academe.

“My top priorities are across all of my endeavors. My studies come first before everything else. When it comes to relationships, I constantly promise myself that I will make time for them, no matter how hectic my days are, for they are the reason that reduces my stress and prevents me from getting burned out with my workload,” says Lyka who graduated from Antique National High School with high honors.

As she and her partner, Jerry Barro, serve as officers in the ESC, it is easy for them to understand each other’s schedules and look for alternative ways to spend time with each other – that is, through their organizational work.

“Since we were freshmen, Lyka and I have both served as student officers in our respective organizations. Due to our responsibilities as officers, it is nothing uncommon for us to occasionally not have time for each other. I always understand her when she is really busy, and she reciprocates by doing the same for me. When she is busy, I don’t really bother to complain to her since I am aware that it is part of our duties as officers of our organizations,” Barro says, who is also a third-year Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Science student.

It is important to have a healthy connection with friends that we have during our college days, and Lyka makes sure to make time for them.

“If my partner and I bond through our council work, I and my friends would do our assignments together because we do not have time to go out or watch movies anymore. We are all busy. If we were to bond, we would do it in the library or when eating in the cafeteria.” Lyka shared.

For Lyka, it’s hard to maintain constant communication with her family who are based in Baranggay Lanit, Jaro, Iloilo City. However, she is willing to make such sacrifices and despite her busy schedule, she still manages to connect with her loved ones in simple but meaningful ways.

“I feel like I was not able to make time (for them). When I think about it, my life right now is more on my academics and the council, the least is on my family. My family time would be on weekends, then, when I have something to do for school, I stay in my boarding house. If I have the time to go home, it is when there are special celebrations and my presence is needed such as for my Papa or Mama’s birthday,” she explains.

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“If you like something, you are capable of doing it. No matter how stressed you are, the pressure’s building up, or the relationships built are not so strong anymore. If you desire to stay there, you would need to endure it because you have no other choice. You love doing the work, (you love) the person. As an officer, this was the time that I acquired a sense of leadership. I had just realized, ‘This is what it is like in councils, it is not an easy job; Now, I know the process. Even if you fail as an officer sometimes, the important thing is you learn from

that experience and continue to be better,” says Lyka.

“Lyka has always been outgoing and active in the council. She knows how to balance her academic and council responsibilities, including her personal life, most especially her relationship with our fellow officer, Jerry Barro. She became our assistant secretary when we were in our second year, and that was the year where I said to myself, “Lyka is really something.” She is an efficient council officer—a thinker and a doer. She is something the

council needs. Aside from being her friend, I can say that her work ethic really embodies our mantra of serving the College of Education with excellence,” says ESC Secretary Edcelle Jhon Mamon.

Developing a wellrounded personality enables you to stand out and succeed in life. It can propel you forward in your personal and professional lives, foster greater performance, and inspire you to continue evolving.

But the question is, ‘is being a well-rounded person even worth it?’ For Danielle Lyka, it is a big yes.

31 Vol. XLIII No. 1
If you like something, you are capable of doing it. If you desire to stay there, you would need to endure it.
Digital Illustration by Essie
A well-balanced life leads us to a journey worth experiencing


Raising the Rainbow:

A Coming Out Story

Angel 999

Release. Remember that losing something or someone is not always a loss.

Most people don’t know what a safe place sounds like. Gwyneth does.

A safe place sounds like rain thrumming above our roofs in the middle of the night, where we, without a doubt, love the coldness it brings that contributes to our deep slumber. It echoes like a gentle whisper of broad assurance that we are never hampered in transforming into whom we want to be. A safe place, more than that, blares like freedom.

And though Gwyneth knows exactly what it sounds like, he gets the feeling that it is far from happening.


Ever since he was in his elementary grades, the 22-yearold Gwyneth Vinson, BEED 4-A, from Alimodian, Iloilo, knew deep down that he was born different. It is his paramount enjoyment to take part in a girl’s activities and never in the doings of those of the same gender as him. But for some reason, he tried to hide it as much as he could.

“Abi mo nami turukon? Hay maan nimo bay, gusto mo magkapakapa sa impyerno nga? (Do you think that looks good on you? Do you want to go to hell?)” Gwyneth’s mother said in huge disappointment when she caught him glittering in a lady’s dress when he was seven years old, enjoying the fit he had long dreamed of covering his body.

Gwyneth’s mother is a devout believer in God, and as much as Gwyn wishes not to violate any of what his mother believes in, he can’t stop himself from revealing his true identity. Beginning when

his parents finally discovered his sexuality, he never missed a moment of hearing lines that not only bothered his heart but also deprived him of the freedom he longed to have.

“Nakasulat ra sa Bibliya nga babahe lang kag lalaki ang gintuga, waay te agi kag tomboy (It was written in the Bible that only men and women were born, there were no gays and lesbians),” added his mother.


Fortunately, Gwyn was able to meet friends in his high school years who saved him from this agony. He had gay friends as well who had helped him in his coming out journey. When he was with their company, he was never ashamed of showing who he was— not even his talent in makeup.

“I love to flaunt my makeup looks on my friends and social media because these are the only places where I feel accepted. I could feel that I’m valid and my talent is worthy and exceptional,” said Gwyneth.

Despite absorbing the mere fact that his home is not yet prepared to welcome what he is becoming, Gwyneth never stops showing beyond doubt that his sexuality is not an obstacle to his path and future. He had proved it countless times.

Not only was he a student leader (Supreme Student Government president way back in 2019 at Alimodian Comprehensive National High School), but as well an achiever.

In the same year and school, he graduated With Honors in Senior High School, receiving awards such as the Supreme Student Government (SSG) Leadership Award, SSG Service Award, and Best Performance in Research, among many others.

He made everyone understand that sexuality has nothing to do with the capability that is innate to someone. Discrimination has never entered his wall as he continued to climb up and gradually reached the peak on his own.


As the days passed by, Gwyneth slowly felt that things were getting lighter his way. He was no longer receiving those lines again from his parents, although they have not yet wholly accepted everything.

“I have faith that one day, they will acknowledge me for who I am and shower me with support to whatever arraigns me happiness,” uttered Gwyn, fingers crossed.

Presently, Gwyneth is in his final year at West Visayas State University with the course of Bachelor of Elementary Education. He continues to live out his aspirations, pursuing passion and being one raketera as he accepts hair and makeup services on various occasions.

On a daily basis, he carries hope in his heart, and he, in no doubt, is ecstatic and fulfilled that after coming out of his shell, he felt zero hesitations. Gwyneth continues to believe that a blithe day will soon arrive and the sound of a safe place will finally echo back into all corners of his life.

35 Vol. XLIII No. 1
He never missed a time hearing lines that not only made his heart uncomfortable, but also deprived him of the freedom he longed to have.

Gondola Boat Ride:

Pagbaybay sa Bagong Usbong na Pasyalan

sulat nina

kuha ng

Sa panahon ngayon na tila’y walang katapusan ang mga problemang dumarating sa mundo, kailangan nating huminga ng kahit saglit upang tayo’y patuloy na lumaban sa mga hamong dala ng kapaligirang ating ginagalawan. Kailangan natin ng lugar kung saan tayoý makapagmuni-muni at makawala kahit sa munting sandali sa mapang-aping mundo. Lugar na kung saan kahit ikaý nasa Iloilo lamang, pakiramdam mo’y napuntahan mo na rin ang isa sa mga tanyag na pasyalan sa mundo.

Sa gitna ng dalamhating dulot ng pandemya, tila isang pag-asang umusbong upang muling magdala ng munting kasiyahan ang isang pook-pasyalan na makikita sa distrito ng Mandurriao sa lungsod ng Iloilo. Ito ay naging tanyag isang taon mula nang mag-umpisang ang COVD-19. Ang Cubix Park ay eksaktong matatagpuan katapat lamang ng Gaisano Capital Iloilo City Center Mall. Ito ay binubuo ng mga kainan at establisyementong nakahugiskahon. Dahil sa taglay nitong ganda tuwing gabi, madalas itong pagdausan ng mga masasayang aktibidad tulad ng zumba.

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Isa sa mga binabalikbalikan dito ng mga tao ay ang pamamangka sa isang maliit na anyong-tubig sa tabi ng mga kainan na mas kilala sa tawag na Gondola Boat Ride. Hango ito sa Venice Grand Canal sa Italya na tinaguriang isa sa mga pinakasikat na atraksyon sa buong mundo. Ang lugar na kinalalagyan ng nasabing atraksyon ay dating maliit na sapa lamang at walang pumapansin. Dito naisipan ng Cubix Park Company na paunlarin ang lugar dahil sa ito ay may potensyal na maging isang lugarlibangan at nangangailangan lamang ng kaunting renobasyon.

Nagtagal lamang ng mahigit isang buwan ang pagaayos sa lugar at opisyal itong

binuksan sa publiko noong ika-8 ng Abril ng kasalukuyang taon. Sa iyong pamamangka sa sapa ay iyong makikita ang mga maliliit na palamuting ilaw na nagsisilbing liwanag sa kadiliman ng gabi. Habang nakasakay sa bangka ay madadaanan mo ang mga taong kumakain sa itaas; mga taong nagpapahinga at nagpapahangin lamang. Ang tubig sa sapa ay kalmado at nagkakaroon din ng low-tide at high-tide dahil sa ito ay konektado sa malaking dam.

Ang Gondola Boat Ride ay may apat na bangka at kaya nitong magsakay ng apat na turista at isang tagasagwan. Bawat taong gustong sumakay dito ay kinakailangang magbayad ng 80 piso para sa

isang byahe na tumatagal ng 25-30 minuto at nakadepende na rin sa pagsasagwan. Ang mga nagsasagwan ay istriktong sumusunod sa kanilang protocol gaya ng pagsusuot ng facemask para na rin sa kaligtasan ng bawat isa. Maliban dito, sila ay nakasuot ng pulang damit na may mahabang manggas na abot hanggang sa buko-buko ng kamay at sumbrero na katulad sa gamit ng mga mangingisda upang ipakita at ipadama ang kultura at tradisyon ng pagiging isang Pilipino.

Habang nakasakay sa bangka ay may pagkakataon kang makapagnilay-nilay ukol sa mga bagay at suliraning bumabagabag sa iyo. Sa bawat pagsagwa’y dinadala nito ang bigat na dulot ng pighati at ang bawat paghampas ng maliliit na alo’y waring nagdudulot ng kaginhawaan. Ang malamig na simoy ng hangin ay yumayakap sa iyong katawan na naghahatid ng positibong enerhiya. Ang higit dalawampung minutong pagninilay ay sapat na upang iyong mapagtanto na kailangan mo nang tuldukan ang pag-aalinlangan at dapat nang bitawan ang mga tao at bagay na ang handog sayo’y pasakit lamang. Sa kalagitnaan ng pamamangka’y wari’y iyong mapagdesisyunan na tapusin ang sanhi ng iyong kalungkutan at muling magsimula ng panibagong kabanata.

Ang nasabing pasyalan at libangan ay pwede ring maging isa sa mga lokasyon ng pre-nup pictorial ng mga magkasintahang ikakasal. Limang daang (500) piso ang bayad sa bawat 30 minutong gugulin at malaya na silang gawin ang mga bagay na kanilang kinakailangan para sa photoshoot. Ayon sa magkasintahang Jorge at Denice na nag-photoshoot sa bangka, pinili nila na doon magpakuha ng mga litrato dahil ang romantic ng ambiance ng

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lugar, na pakiramdam nila’y kahit nasa Iloilo lamang sila ay magmumukhang nasa Venice Grand Canal sila sa Italya. Dagdag pa nila, kahit na may kaunting pressure dahil sa kinukuhanan sila ng litrato ay dama pa rin nila ang kaginhawaang dala ng pamamangka na tila ba’ý sila ay hinehele ng mga alon.

Ang nasabing lugarlibangan ay bukas mula ala-1 ng hapon hanggang alas 10 ng gabi araw-araw. Mas dinarayo ito ng maraming turista tuwing Sabado’t Linggo dahil ito ang mga araw na walang opisina at klase. Magandang pumunta at mamangka rito tuwing dapithapon dahil mas magaganda ang mga tanawin dulot ng mga palamuting ilaw at damang-dama mo ang pamamangka dulot ng mga musiko na parang ika’y dinuduyan hanggang sa makatulog.

bawat pagsagwa’y dinadala nito ang bigat na dulot ng pighati at ang bawat paghampas ng maliliit na alo’y waring nagdudulot ng kaginhawaan.

You Cannot Pray the Gay Away

Throughout his childhood, he was in search of that one thing that is wrong with him. Until he realized that he is not the flawed one, but it was the type of world he lives in.

Release. Remember that losing something or someone is not always a loss.

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Growing up in a strict Catholic household, I was forced to believe that being a vibrant queer boy was considered sacrilegious. My religious mother taught me to regard homosexuality as a sin and that people who commit such will have their souls forever be damned in the fires of hell. Instead of fostering me with love, my mother built me out of fear and threats. My brain was wired to operate to be masculine. So, instead of playing dollhouse and tea parties, I was coerced to don boxing gloves and spar against any of my two older brothers.

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The more I seek validation from her, the more I lose my core self. For that reason, it took me a lot of courage to finally free myself from the bars she had placed me in.


Looking back, I used to hesitate in admitting that I was secretly seeking my mother’s approval and acceptance for who I am, despite her maternal disgust and obvious disfavor of raising a homosexual child.

When I entered high school in Infant Jesus School in Kalibo, Aklan, I became a consistent achiever from grades 7 to 12, thinking my achievements would compensate for how negatively my mom felt about my sexuality. I even started to date a girl, hardly convincing myself that it was just the devil living inside my body casting evil incantations to drive the good spirit away.

I conformed to the most boring heterosexual clothes: polo shirt, baggy pants, and rubber shoes. But no matter how hard I tried, I was never enough in her eyes. During those moments, I began to process how I truly felt about her. Unwanted feelings of insecurity and abandonment resurfaced at such an innocent age.


Despite the lack of acceptance, love dominated my whole being. I was both ashamed and guilty for secretly hating my mother for robbing me the primal piece of myself. It took me years of healing to process the fact that it was valid to hate her while still loving her. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) was not in

my vocabulary, not until recently that I’ve come to realize that I was suffering from it with my coming out experiences.

Only then did it hit me. The more I seek validation from her, the more I lose my core self. For that reason, it took me a lot of courage to finally free myself from the bars she had placed me in. It was a war between living who I truly am and listening to the whispers saying it was against the good.

But, I chose winning over the case. I put on the gayest clothes and dared to show my most feminine side inside our home. Lucky for me, I didn’t have to come out as gay because it was already implied. From then on, despite the occasional nagging I received from her, my mother had been letting me do whatever I wanted to do in life.


When the pandemic happened, I never expected that I would find something magical out of this nightmare— I met RuPaul, the iconic, flamboyant, free-spirited RuPaul. While others escaped the pandemic through planting, drawing, or writing, I was on my bed staying up late at night and binge watching RuPaul’s Drag Race.

More than mere entertainment, that reality show ignited a fire within me. I knew I had it in me, but I did not know what or who it was. Until I saw those drag queens performing and allowing themselves to be free, then I told myself, “That’s me!”

I was then given an amazing opportunity

to represent the College of Education in the Drag Race Competition during the University’s Pag-iririmaw 2022. Wearing a thrifted dress, a makeup I did by myself, and having support from my friends, I was able to lip synch the house down and snatched that highly coveted crown. It was the stars aligning in my favor.

But more than any crown, seeing myself in full drag and allowing myself to be my truest self is the greatest gift I could give for a young Danilo. I wish I could hug them and tell that kid that you do not have to worry because everything will be okay, and to just hold on as all those hardships will make sense in the future.


For the parents out there, I leave you with this. Do not build a family if you are not ready to raise a child. As children, it is not our responsibility to explain ourselves but yours to embrace us, whatever we are. We owe you nothing, but you owe us many things because you brought us here. So fix your pattern of abusive parenting and break the generational stigma, for the love of God.

For the queers out there, forgive your old, fragile selves for believing you are invalid and unworthy of love. Sometimes, it’s your family who will hurt you badly; never be ashamed of outgrowing them. At some point, you will meet a person that will love you kindly. Sometimes, that person is you.

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a bottle of grief always gives space for a life of joy and freedom
Digital Illustration by Essie

A Special Haven Along the Road of Lapaz:

The Iloilo City Garden of Love


It is typical for a fast-growing city’s harrassed commuters, worn-out students, and workers to feel the weight of a day’s work, but if they happen to pass a corner along the road of Brgy. Nabitasan in Lapaz district, they will feel some comfort in the cool air, trees, and flowers beside the river of the Iloilo Esplanade.

Commuters know they have reached the Iloilo City Garden of Love when they see the distinct tunnel of hearts, placed in the centermost walkway of the garden. The hearts come in different colors, varying from red, pink, green, yellow, and blue and each of them is painted with designs of flowers, butterflies, and bees. The very first heart is colored red with the words “Iloilo City Garden of Love” painted on top of it. The tunnel leads up to the end of the walkway where you can find a tiny red bench good for two people, decorated with a mini red heart shape behind it. Even at night time, you can visit the garden as the tunnel of hearts light up like it’s Christmas allyear round. The gallery makes a perfect place for couples having their photos taken. The serene atmosphere is also an ideal spot for lovers to share a romantic walk together.

The Garden of Love that opened in May 2022 is part of the beautification program and tourism development of Iloilo City mayor Jerry Treñas that aims to create more open spaces for the city under its W.H.E.E.L.S. for Inclusive Development for the Environment.

As you step into the open garden, an array of plants and flowers of all shapes, sizes, and colors greet you with their beauty. The red brick walkway, a signature of Esplanade, provides a path in between the plots of land where each of the plants takes root so you can have the opportunity to gaze at every single flower closely.

There are gumamelas with lush petals of either red, pink, or peach. There are also longstemmed sunflowers that dance under the sun everytime a breeze passes by. The petite Santan flowers stand out with their clusters of bright red color. The milkweed, which looks prettier than its name might sound, blooms abundantly in clusters of tiny orange, yellow, and pink blossoms. Under the sun, the golden glow of the yellow celosias and golden trumpet flowers add to the bright and sunny atmosphere. The new addition of a scenic garden pond full of koi fish decorated with figures of elegant swans adds to the magical feel.

But if you’re as single as ever, you need not to worry. The area is open for everyone because even families and groups of friends stop by to take pictures and spend time with each other. The benches and seats are purposely there for visitors to sit down and share pleasant conversations while gazing at the flowers. If you’re more of a reflective person, the garden is also a perfect place for you to have a seat, gather your thoughts, or write them down in a paper. Flowers are known to have a positive effect on people’s moods and emotions as well as give a sense of comfort. If you’re a student who would like to try studying outdoors, the garden would be a comfortable place to do so, since flowers are also said to increase energy, productivity, and even improve memory.

Overall, the Iloilo City Garden of Love is an outdoor getaway open to anyone that passes by. It is an essential part of the city’s beautification project so everyone that visits must take care not to litter or damage the plants. Not only does it beautify the city, but also creates a space for family and friends to get together, for couples to have their love bloom with the flora, and for individuals to reflect, brighten their mood, and improve their mental health after a long tiring day.

49 Vol. XLIII No. 1

Brewing Success:

What Makes Neighbor CoffeeNeighbor-Friendly?

Take a deep breath, and let us glamorize your life! One sip at a time!

Picture yourself holding your favorite novel wrapped under your blanket’s tender comfort and warmth in gloomy and rainy weather as reverb and slowed music plays on shuffle in the background. It feels like cloud nine, right? But you know something is missing. It could be the hot and brewing aroma that tickles your nose in all the right places, keeping you from dozing off.

COFFEE! Six letters, one word, a galaxy of possibilities. From the bean of love for coffee sprouts the now thriving journey of a slow coffee shop away from the city buzz— Neighbor Coffee.


January 2021 was the peak of the pandemic— a dreadful year to begin a business. But three coffee lovers slash cousins, 25-year-old Alahna Sam Sy, who is a graduate of University of the Philippines- Visayas AB Communication and Media Studies, 22-year-old Pierre Angelo Macorol, 4th-year Bachelor of Science in Information Technology at West Visayas State University, and 21-year-old Jana Karla Calantas, 4th-year Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and Aquatic Resources at the University of the PhilippinesVisayas, had a Barako coffee will.

Mugged by their mutual love for coffee, the three, who are residents of Cagbang, Oton, Iloilo, ended up in a neighborhood old pizza shop in Cagbang where the cup of a journey stirs. Without any

clear strategy or sound business plan, the three used their creativity to transform the old pizzeria into a third-wave coffee shop now called Neighbor Coffee.

“We really just wanted to open a coffee shop because we enjoyed the art of pour-over coffee,” shared the three collectively, adding that they are also the main baristas of their business.

As suggested by its name, it is lounged in the neighborhood of the owners, just in front of their homes. However, living within a thirty-minute drive from the city was thought to be a huge struggle for their business.

On top of that, they also have to maneuver through the pandemic. But just like a coffee, they know that this bitter first taste

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was the genesis of a crisp and bright aftertaste that will linger for ages.

With the support of their family, they pursued. Having Sam’s mother, Jo Sy, as their manager and their aunt, Tita Janice, as kitchen staff, the three carried on.


Business owners usually announce when they would open their doors, but for the cousins, the moment they brewed their first coffee marked their first publicity. It was a risk, but it turned out to be working just fine for them.

True to its name, this tiny coffee place dripped an environment in Cagbang where people could grab their coffee cups, enjoy the ambiance, and be idle. It also is rich with the air that allows them to stolidly pause before taking in the hustle and bustle of life and work.

“We try to be as approachable as we possibly can be, and we try to converse with our customers as if they were our friends

or neighbors.” They also found the place ideal for them as it helps that they are in their own safe space and surrounded by their families.


To support their fellow local business owners, the ingredients they use in their drips are locally produced in Iloilo. This is also staying true to its hopes of being a third-wave café that aims to give back to its community.

Neighbor Coffee offers a wide variety of flavor options for the usual indecisive coffee lover such as themselves— from espresso-based, pour-over-based, to non-coffee drinks. They also pair them with sandwiches and pastries made by their neighbors and friends.

Among their bestsellers are Spanish lattes, Horchata, and Nom Yen which is the famous pink drink offered by their shop as part of their goal to raise money to help fund former Vice President Leni Robredo’s campaign last February and now her Angat Buhay NGO.


Hoping to extend the value of slow living, the coffee shop sees that every cup and every bite feels like grandma-cooked food. The business is brewed through the warmth and hospitality of the family owners.

Because of its already established neighborhood-friendly identity and the increasing number of city-based customers, Pierre, Sam, and Jana, along with the rest of their crew and family, took another giant leap for their business and established their second shop located at The Daily Social in Boardwalk, Smallville.

A far cry from their neighbor, the three young baristas hoped to bring the ambiance and atmosphere of slow life, slow coffee amidst the busy life in the city.

So, in the words of the baristas, “Te, kita-ay lang ta di? Diri ta sa Neighbor Coffee!”

51 Vol. XLIII No. 1

Adapting to the New Norm:

The Rise of SamgyeopsalKorean in the Metro

Good food is always trendy!

Today, countless food trends have emerged, been invented, and are still progressing due to innovation, creativity, and humanity’s endless pursuit of pleasure. One of the leading examples of the “good food experience” in the City of Iloilo, which scored not just to the tastebuds, but also in the hearts and minds of the Ilonggos, is the Korean Samgyeopsal.


This dish which originated from South Korea, consists of pork belly meat with different side dishes and is initially served as an evening meal.

The rising popularity of Korean Samgyeopsal in the Philippines came from the fame of Korean dramas and Korean Pop artists. People got to see the living environment of their idols and certain celebrities, which influenced them to explore the culture and food of the South Korean population.

On top of that, the popularization of video content made by various influencers called Mukbang— a video showing a considerable amount of food presented and eaten in front of the camera to showcase various delicacies to the audience, further explained the “Korean Samgyeopsal” trend to Filipino citizens. The increasing number of uploads on social media platforms made countless food cultures accessible to viewers, keeping them engrossed and willing to try these unfamiliar tastes.

text by photos courtesy of Cheska Marie Velonero Contributors LIFESTYLE


With the continuous rise of Korean food culture in the mainstream, entrepreneurs saw this as an opportunity to launch a Korean Samgyeopsal business in an unlimited buffet setup. The way consumers patronize this food trend led to the successful growth of Korean Samgyeopsal in the metro, which later transformed into a more Filipino term called Samgyupsal.

Restaurants that offer samgyupsal have many things in common, yet each has its own flair and style when it comes to the ambiance or interior of the place, service, price, and especially the taste of the food. The moment you step inside a samgyupsal restaurant, the aromatic smell from the smoke of grilled meat will cause your stomach to rumble, and your mouth will begin to salivate as you crave food to ease the starvation that envelopes your system.

After you or any of your companions inform the assigned staff to list down your order, the crew will serve various cuts of meat marinated in different flavors according to your choice. In addition to these uncooked cuts of meat, rice and a series of side dishes such as kimchi, sweet potato, pickled radish, lettuce, and different kinds of sauces like cheese, soy sauce, and ssamjang (a Korean spicy paste) will be placed on the table as well.

As the meat touches the surface of the provided griller, its sizzling sound will cause you to want it even more. With various side dishes and sauces available, there are many ways to enjoy a samgyupsal, whether you’d like to wrap it with lettuce or eat it with rice, add different side dishes, and dip it in a sauce of choice.


Samgyupsal is a food experience consumed by a mouthful that would surely satisfy the customers leaving the store with a full tummy and a curve on their lips.

“Going to a Samgyupsal Resto is a fun and intimate leisure cooking with friends without the hassle of food preparation,” said Rowela Catalan, 22 years old from Janiuay, Iloilo and an avid foodie who chose to celebrate an important milestone in one of the most famous Samgyupsal restaurants in Iloilo City.

“It is worth it to spend an affordable amount where it can feed a lot rather than be served with only a little but would cost your pockets a lot,” she added.

This is only a reminder that it is only okay to comfort yourself once in a while, but it would be better to do it in trend and style. And it is undeniably a pleasurable feeling for you to fill not just your mouth and stomach but also your system with something that would make you happy. As Auguste Escoffier said, “Good food is the foundation of genuine happiness.”

Tiis ganda ng mga Plaza

Pinalitan ng nakakabinging ingay na nagmumula sa mga makinarya ang dati’y mga halakhak na pumupuno sa bawat sulok ng lugar. Ang dating may naghahabulan, may mga nagtitinda at may mga pumapasyal, ngayon ay puno ng mga taong abala sa pagmamasa ng mga semento, pagpinta at pagpapaayos ng pook. May mga debris, mga yerong pinagtagpi-tagpi upang mapalibutan ang paligid at iba pang materyales sa pagkukumpuni, higit lalo ang mga babalang “CAUTION: Area Under Construction”.

Mga pook-pasyalang matutunghayan sa iba’t ibang lokal na plaza dito sa syudad ng Iloilo. Kasabay ng mga rehabilitasyon ay ang inaasahang panibagong anyong naglalayong gumuhit ng bagong alaala para sa mga Ilonggo. Patuloy itong binibigyang-buhay upang ang kasaysayan at ang kulturang minsang nagbigay-kulay sa kanilang mga buhay ay mas maging makabuluhan. Inaasahang magiging dalisay ang hangin sa malawak na espasyo ng pook na nagbibigay ng kapanatagan sa bawat taong naroroon. Pinapalinis ang mga daanan at inaayos ang mga historikal na estruktura na unti-unting bumabagay sa nakakaakit na mga tanawin. Sa oras na matapos na at inyong babagtasin man, tila ibinabalik ka sa panahon nina Ibarra at Maria Clara, makasaysayan at nakakahalina!

Halina’t puntahan, mga makasaysayang tagpuan! Naranasan mo na bang may makatagpo sa Jaro Plaza? O di kaya ay maglibot sa Plaza Libertad at La Paz Plaza? O ang lumanghap ng sariwang hangin sa Mandurriao Plaza, Molo Plaza at Arevalo Plaza? Hindi ba’t tila ang gaganda?

ng SILAK Media

sulat nina kuha ng kuha nina Wilfredo Nieves at Queenie Rose Saludares SILAK Media Jerry Treñas June Mar Tejada Spiderrabbit Igorh LIFESTYLE kuha

Tayo na’t bumisita sa rehabilitasyon ng Jaro Plaza!

Bantog mula sa pangalang Jaro Plaza ang Graciano Lopez Jaena Park na matatagpuan sa harapan ng Jaro Cathedral Church na naipatayo taong 1927 sa termino ni Municipal President Demetrio Ledesma at itinanghal na pinakamagandang plaza sa Isla ng Panay taong 1930s. Sa paligid nito ay matatagpuan ang Jaro Cathedral, Jaro Belfry, mga makasaysayang mansyon na itinayo pa noong mga nakaraang siglo, ang dating Jaro City Hall, at ang Archbishop’s Palace.

Sa ngayon, ang isinasagawang pagpapaganda ng naturang plaza ay may nakalaang P90-milyong pondo sa pagsasaayos ng mga estruktura kagaya na lamang ng Jaro Plaza Bandstand at ang pagpapanatili ng historikal na Jaro Belfry. Ang pagsasaayos ng nasabing bandstand ay pinondohan at itinaguyod ng National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP).

Mandurriao Plaza ay ating kumustahin, tingnan kung ano ang dapat na ayusin.

Kilala ang bayan ng Mandurriao, Iloilo City bilang isa sa may masaganang ekonomiya sa buong Iloilo dahil sa mga naglalakihang malls, mga pasyalan at mga kilalang kompanya na naghahandog ng iba’t ibang oportunidad sa paghahanap ng trabaho.

Sa paglipas ng panahon, unti-unting naluluma at nasisira ang plaza. Dahil sa kalagayan nito ,kinakailangan na ng rehabilitasyon na agad namang binigyangaksyon ng lungsod. Sinimulan ang renobasyon at pagpapaganda ng Mandurriao Plaza nitong Marso ng kasalukuyang taon na may halagang 17-milyong pondo sa ilalim ng Green, Green, Green Program 2020 ng Department of Budget and Management. Sa ngayon, patuloy ang pagsasaayos ng plaza at makikita ang kooperasyon ngkomunidad dahil sa malaking progreso ng pagkukumpuni sa plaza.

“I need space!” ika nila, bakit hindi ka sa La Paz Plaza pumunta?

Kung espasyo lamang ang pag-uusapan tiyak na panalo na ang La Paz District Plaza. Kilala bilang pinakamalawak na plaza sa buong Iloilo. Handog ng La Paz Park ay ang iba’t ibang mga tanawin at pahingahan na kung saan ang buong pamilya o magbabarkada ay maaaring magtipon-tipon. Maaari kang magmuni-muni sa La Paz Plaza Gazedo habang nakatanaw sa man-made falls at Blue Koi Lagoon, o kaya’y maglaro ng tennis sa La Paz Tennis Court.

Sa kasalukuyan, tinatayang 60-milyong pisong pondo ang inilaan para sa pagkukumpuni ng mga kanal sa iba’t ibang parte ng plaza. Mayroon ding inilaang espasyo para sa isang lawa na siyang sasalo ng tubig-ulan na maaaring maging pondo ng tubig.

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“ “ The plazas are being restored by the city because we want to make public spaces available to our constituents for free. Public spaces are very important as it gives people a place to rethink and recharge.
kuha ni Spiderrabbit Igorh kuha ni Jerry P. Treñas kuha ni June Mar Tejada

Akalaing mong ang maganda ay may igaganda pa. Tara, dumako tayo sa Molo Plaza!

Kaakibat ng sikat na Molo Plaza ang pamanang mayroon dito. Mula sa mga estruktura ng mga diyosa at mga katipunera, hanggang sa nakakaakit nitong simbahan na kilala bilang “The Feminist Church” dahil sa 16 na babaeng estatwa ng mga santo na nakahilera sa bawat haligi ng simbahan. Hindi maipagkakailang nararapat ang titulo ng Molo plaza bilang pinakamagandang pampublikong plaza at isa sa mga dinarayong lugar sa lungsod.

Inilaan ang 7-milyong pondo sa pagsasaayos ng mga landscaping at daanan ng Molo Plaza at siyang pinakaunang pook-pasyalang napasailalim sa rehabilitasyon. Kasabay ng rehabilitasyon ay ang pagpapanatili ng mga palaruan at paglalagay ng mga ilaw upang mas maging nakakaakit ang anyo nito.

Kung ang nakaraan ang gustong balikan, sa Arevalo Plaza kita sasamahan.

Tampok ang mga nakabibighani at makasaysayang alaala ang hatid sa iyo ng Arevalo Plaza. Dito makikita ang kalapit na simbahan ng Santo Niño de Arevalo Parish na sinasabing naging tahanan ng ikatlong pinakamatandang imahe ng batang si Hesukristo sa buong bansa. Isa itong bukas na pampublikong pook na perpektong lugar sa pagpapahinga, pageehersisyo at paglalaro ng mga mamamayan ng Arevalo.

May nakatayang 40 milyong piso para sa pagpapalagay ng Esplanade, pagkukumpuni ng Capitol Complex at pagpapaunlad ng mga tanawin at disenyo ng mga puno’t halaman para sa karagdagang akit na maibibigay nito para sa mga mamamayan at mga turista.

Kung plazang puno ng kasaysayan ang iyong hanap, halina’t dumayo sa Plaza Libertad!

Isa sa pasyalang nagtataglay ng sariwang hangin at angkop pahingahan ang makasaysayang Plaza Libertad sa Zamora St., Iloilo City Proper. Taglay pa rin nito ang kasaysayan ng pagtaas ng watawat ng Pilipinas matapos isuko ng mga Espanyol ang Iloilo bilang kanilang huling kabisera sa Pilipinas noong Disyembre 25, 1898.

Sa pagpapanatili ng kalinangang kultural ng pook, nakatuon ang rehabilitasyon nito sa pagdaragdag ng mga upuan at pagpapalawak pa ng Assembly Area sa harapan ng Iloilo City Hall. Ginagamit ito sa paglulunsad ng flag-raising ceremony at iba pang gawain ng mga opisyal ng lokal na pamahalaan.

Sinisikap ng lokal na pamahalaan ng lungsod ng Iloilo na mabigyan tayo ng mga magagandang pasyalan hindi lamang para maipakita sa buong mundo na may maipagmamalaki ang ating mga lungsod sa ibang mga lugar, kundi para ipamana ang mga pook na ito sa mga susunod pang mga henerasyon. Ayon pa sa ating Alkade Jerry Treñas, “The plazas are being restored by the city because we want to make public spaces available to our constituents for free. Public spaces are very important as it gives people a place to rethink and recharge.” Dulot ng pandemya, nalugmok tayo ng ilang taon sa pag-aalala sa ating sariling kalusugan at mga pamilya’t kaibigan, kung kaya’t ang rehabilitasyon sa mga pampublikong pook na ito ay maaaring maging susi sa pagbalik ng ating mga enerhiya sa pagkamit ng ating mga layunin sa buhay.

Kagaya ng ating mukha, ang mga Plaza ay kailangan din ng prinsipyong “Tiis Ganda.” Pagka’t ang glow-up ng mga plaza na ating inaasahan ay benepisyo para sa ating mga mamamayan.

57 Vol. XLIII No. 1
kuha ni Jerry P. Treñas kuha ng SILAK Media kuha ng SILAK Media

Iloilo Paddlers Club:

Making Waves in the Paddling Scene

Connection manifests itself in different forms. We can find connections every day in our lives through the environment, through people, or through sports. But it is not every day that we get to stumble upon a connection that encompasses all three aforementioned.

As for the Iloilo Paddlers Club (IPAD) President and Founder, Raphael Dorilag, he found and built those connections through paddling.

Paddling is described as a variety of watersports that include

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text by photos courtesy of Jessa S. Delos Reyes Iloilo Metropolitan Times LIFESTYLE

using a paddle to move a boat through and across the water. Known benefits of paddling include reducing stress and improving mental wellness. It also enhances stability and core strength. A stronger core has several advantages, including the ability to prevent or lessen back pain, help with balance, and increase mobility.


With a goal to mainstream and introduce paddling in Iloilo, Raphael Dorilag, together with former paddlers from Manila, started Iloilo Paddlers Club last

June 2019. The team started small and was composed of sports enthusiasts around the city. For the first two years, the team mostly did land training, then gradually trained on the Iloilo River using a bamboo raft or ‘balsa’ they had built. They lacked the funds necessary to buy a dragon boat; nevertheless, it did not hinder their love for the sport.

“Another goal is we want to be competitive; that’s why we train hard, we train religiously. We want to compete in nationals and hopefully in international events,” Dorilag said.

Additionally, since team IPAD is working hand-in-hand with the Iloilo City government, the team aims to promote Iloilo, especially the Iloilo River, as a venue for sports and wellness. They would also like to raise awareness related to the environment by participating in different river and coastal cleanups.

“We wanted to do our part for the community. As of right now,

we have more than 60 active members, and one of the core values of our team is inclusivity. We are open to all regardless of your age, gender, and your background,” shared Dorilag.

Getting into paddling is a peculiar experience, for it allows you to be one with the team, be more disciplined, and be profoundly connected to the environment. Paddling provides an excellent avenue for people who would love to be physically active and break the monotonous routine of their daily lives.


Out of over 20 teams from different parts of the country, team IPAD brought home the bacon in the Mixed Masters Small Boat Category. Other categories that the team participated in include the Open Small Boat Category, Women’s Small Boat Category, and the Mixed Standard Boat Category

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“When you’re there, you give your all out. We’re happy to see the fruit of our labor, and also, despite not winning in other categories, we’re still glad to see our team performed and delivered very well,” Dorilag shared when asked about their win.

The Mandani Bay Dragon Boat Regatta 2022 was the first significant sporting event that took place in Mandaue City following the COVID-19 outbreak. The said event was organized by the Philippine Accessible Disability Services Inc. (PADS) in collaboration

between the Mandaue City Government, the Mandaue Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Mandani Bay.

“We had our first race in Negros last May, and from there, Team IPAD became one of the most anticipated teams. So, it comes natural that we get to be invited to participate in Cebu,” Dorilag answered when asked how they got wind of the said sporting event.

When asked about their preparations, team IPAD prepared and started training diligently two months prior to the said competition. Dorilag

also shared that one of their biggest setbacks was COVID-19 since many of their members tested positive for the said virus. He also added that finding the balance between their work life and training and lack of funds to travel to Cebu were the struggles they had to face.

“We have members that cannot afford so much. So, you have to compensate to subsidize them. But with the help of some sponsors, friends, and partners, we were able to make it in Cebu,” Dorilag underlined as he recounted how they were able to overcome the setbacks.

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Fresh from the high of their win in Cebu, team IPAD is back to their regular training, more motivated and hopeful for the future of the sport. The team meets three times a week, every Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday, for the boat training and twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday, for the land training.

“We want to have a race here in Iloilo. We want to invite different paddling

teams here on our homecourt in order for them to experience our river since it is more challenging here,” said Dorilag about their future plans.

Moreover, team IPAD also plans to equip more people. The team welcomes everyone to join and to try dragon boat paddling since it is the ultimate team sport. Even without any prior background in the sport, the team is more than happy to teach and introduce dragon boat paddling to all interested individuals.

“You can reach us through our Facebook Page, Iloilo Paddlers Club, or if they’re too shy to send us a message, they can go to Esplanade and approach us since we are there every Tuesday and Thursday at 5:30 pm,” Dorilag said.

With a bright future and endless opportunities ahead for the team, the Iloilo Paddlers Club is set to conquer the world, one paddle at a time.

61 Vol. XLIII No. 1
your passion with the world, and the universe will graciously reward you for it
Digital Illustration by Essie

From Script To Screen:

The Cinemalaya Debut of an Up-and-Coming Ilongga Filmmaker

When passion, talent, and hard work collide, a masterpiece is born. Films are the most sophisticated and influential kind of art being practiced. It may aid in our understanding of how our society and culture function and how we live and interact with others. They could also shed light on various social issues, offer catharsis and perspective, and help us see fresh perspectives on how to feel, think, and live.

As for Maria Kydylee Torato, a 22-year-old student taking up Communication and Media Studies (CMS) at the University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV), she found her inspiration from being a former intern at a food delivery company. Translating the daily hustle of delivery drivers into her film, ``Si Oddie”, a wordplay for Cash on Delivery (COD) mode of payment for food delivery services, came into life.

The short film was a golden ticket for Torato as she made headway as one of the Top 12 Finalists of the Cinemalaya 2022 Short Film Category.


The synopsis of the film, “Si Oddie," tells that it is about “a delivery rider who struggles to search for his oddly unlocatable customer while racing against time in a life and death situation. With the pandemic as its backdrop, the story is about a day in the life of a delivery rider named Oddie, whose mother is in the hospital needing an oxygen tank. After asking for an additional delivery to pay for his mother’s medical needs, Oddie ends up looking for an oddly unlocatable customer named Trisha Lopez. Along his way, Oddie encounters

Assurance and harnessing abilities. Your aspirations in life will come to reality if you are determined enough to achieve them.
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text by photos courtesy of Jessa S. Delos Reyes Maria Kydylee Torato

several people related to her. He is passed on from one person to the next until he crosses paths with someone who will change his day-to-day life as a delivery rider.”

“‘Si Oddie’ is my directorial debut. It is my first film. I just started writing it this pandemic because I enrolled in CMS 174, a scriptwriting class. The following semester, I enrolled in CMS 177, our directing the narrative class,” Torato shared when she was asked how she got into directing and writing films.

At the height of the COVID-19 outbreak in the Philippines two years ago, lockdowns, community quarantines, and health procedures were in place. Certainly, the ability to order meals without leaving their homes or workplaces made life easier for the working class, especially during a period when being around other people posed a health risk.

“I saw how hard it is to become a delivery rider because their working environment is pretty much dangerous, and sometimes they are not compensated fairly. In the process of writing the script, I also got to interview a couple of riders, and I realized that they are our unsung heroes during the pandemic,’’ Torato said.

When questioned about the challenges she faced while filming, she recounted that the

bad weather conditions made it difficult for them because most of the scenes were shot outdoors. Typhoon Odette's first two days of intense rain made it hard for her crew to film last December. She also added that her patience ran thin throughout the movie's five-month-long sound, design, and editing process.

“Filmmaking is something that is not easy to pursue, especially if you don’t have the resources, funds, or even the proper guidance from an experienced mentor. I am just so blessed to have a strong support system behind me because without my family, friends, and Direk Arden, I would not have been able to create this film.’’ Torato said.


Out of the 199 submissions, Cinemalaya posted the Top 12 Finalists of the Cinemalaya 2022 Short Film Category on its official Facebook page last June 15. Upon hearing the news, Torato was overwhelmed with joy.

“When I learned that I got qualified for Cinemalaya’s Short Film Category, I really shed tears because it was a dream come true for me. I manifested it since the first day of our shoot, and I even made the announcement of the submission deadline as my wallpaper for three months,” she shared.

After two years of the pandemic, Cinemalaya recommenced theatrical screenings this year as part of its 18th-anniversary celebration. The short film category presented and gave the Best Film, Best Director, Best Screenplay, and NETPAC awards.

‘’It’s really a surreal experience because I never imagined that I’ll get this far at a young age,” Torato said, expressing her excitement about meeting a lot of people from the film industry.

The awarding ceremony was held on August 15 at the Cultural Center of the Philippines in Pasay City. Furthermore, ‘’Si Oddie’’ was screened last August 6-15 in selected theaters nationwide as part of Cinemalaya 2022.


Torato graduated last July with a degree

in Communication and Media Studies. When asked about her future plans, she said that it was challenging to make plans in the present political climate. Nevertheless, Torato was positive that she would try her luck in the media or film industry to expand her expertise as a young filmmaker.

“Believe in yourself because you’re too young to give up. We’re all too young to give up. Just keep on writing and telling stories that matter because we all have our own unique voices regardless of anyone’s judgment or perception.”, Torato said when asked to give advice to those who aspire to try their luck in filmmaking.

With a bright future and endless opportunities ahead of her, Torato is ready to conquer the world, one film at a time.

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In the foreskin of a “small but terrible” pet or pest spider, Stan Lee created a comic-man that stuck to the wall of duty while continually climbing up his teenage dreams. “Spider-man: No way Home” is truly one of the films on the rewatch list, the third sequel to Tom Holland’s films under Marvel Studios from their Spider-man classic comic directed by John Watts. A single spider-man is already spectacular, but what happens when the Peter Parkers and the web-shooting triples appear altogether in the big screen?

“With great power comes great responsibility” is a line spoken by anyone with a Spider-man heart, bidding their final farewells. These were valuable words engraved in the life of a Spider-man, taking every swing and web swoosh marked with responsibility.

From Midtown High School’s “teenage superhero” into “world’s #1 enemy”, Peter Parker’s identity is now unmasked and lost his track in his mission. Peter then consults with a fellow avenger, Stephen Strange Master of the Mystic Arts, in the Sanctum Sanctorum hoping for guidance. Distressed as he is, Parker asks Dr. Strange to use magic to erase the public revelation of

his identity as Spider-Man from everyone’s minds across the globe.

However, Parker’s persistence to cast the spell in order to end his agony even worsened the situation. Portals of the different “multiverse” were opened. Villains from the past Spiderman movies then appeared: Green Goblin (Willem Dafoe), Doctor Ock (Alfred Molina), Electro (Jamie Foxx), Sandman (Thomas Haden Church), and the Lizard (Rhys Ifans) which brought the nostalgia thrills in every Spider-man fanatic.

Adding to the thrilling plot twists of the movie was the appearance of two Spiderman from the different multiverse played by Toby Maguire and Andrew Garfield who had both played the character years before. Though some sources on different social media sites leaked the reunion of the three Spiderman prior to the showing of the movie, the appearance of the two still did not fail to shock some fans.

The consistency and growth of Parker’s character during his first two Spiderman movies of the trilogy were also evident in this recent one. Despite short appearance, Zendaya was able to capture the youthful

yet adventurous, and romantic energy of her character, Michelle Jones. Willem Dafoe also delivered an impressive performance playing Green Goblin, for the second time.

Just like most Marvel movies, the film did not disappoint the moviegoers with its high-caliber CGI effects and overall visual which for sure equates to a bigger production budget which was about $200,000,000. It paid off five times greater as it garnered $1,910,041,582 in domestic sales making it 6th place in the top grossing movies of all time.

Overall, the Spider-man: No Way Home film was highly anticipated by Marvel fanatics from prior years. This might be the last Spider-man film but it left a special web marked in our hearts. It will always be remembered and rewatched. It awakened the inner child in us that was once buried with workloads. We often forget what we have learned, but we instill in our minds that we have a power similar to Spider-man despite his own personal difficulties as a teenager. He made us believe that our minds can overcome trials by being accountable and accepting every situation that life throws us.

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2021 Producer: Kevin Feige & Amy Pascal MOVIE Spider-man: No Way Home text by photo courtesy of Rochel Rafael & Deborah Monsalud

Genshin Impact

Released last September 28, 2020, Genshin Impact is an open-world action Role Playing Game (RPG) that is free to play by Mihoyo (now Hoyoverse), a Chinese video developer company. Hoyoverse is known for its famous game, Honkai Impact, released in 2016. According to the president developer, Forrest Liu, since there are not a lot of open-world games available right now in game stores, the game was released as an inspiration by “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.” With a total of 61.5 million average players as of April 2022, Genshin Impact lives up to the hype of giving people a new and unique experience when it comes to gaming.


The game, Genshin Impact, starts with twin characters, Aether and Lumine, who try to escape the world of Tevyat until a god stops them. You will choose either one of the twins as your character, while the god will capture the other. The challenge is for you to rescue your twin around Tevyat along with a flying assistant named Paimon as you travel and meet the seven gods who are to help you.

When you get a character, they are playable and can have different visions or elements such as Pyro (fire), Geo (earth), Hydro (water), Electro (electricity), Dendro (plants), Anemo (Wind), and Cryo (ice). You can level up your characters by gathering materials from monsters and mobilizing resources; the same goes with your weapons. You can also make your characters stronger through the artifacts you will gain by entering dungeons.

While waiting for the main story quest, some events give rewards when you complete missions; you could also save up

in-game currencies if you want to spend them getting your favorite characters. Genshin also allows you to team up with up to four players in the game.


Genshin Impact is free and available to be played on multiple platforms, such as on computers, Nintendo devices, and smartphones (Android and IOS). Ideally, playing the game on a laptop is best to maximize the experience with its graphics entirely. Playing on a smartphone should require a lot of memory capacity and a good chipset.

The game is suitable for ages twelve and up because of the complicated gaming mechanics, such as understanding artifacts and passive skills of the characters.


If you’re looking for a game to lessen your stress and you want to play with your friends, Genshin Impact is definitely the perfect game for you. You are free to roam around the map of Tevyat and fight off monsters. You can also help your characters reach their max.

Whether you’re playing for leisure or something to look for total enjoyment, Genshin Impact will be there for you. It’s a good way of escaping reality but does not allow you to immerse in it thoroughly, so there is still control and tolerance. In this crazy world that we live in, having another world to escape to is a safe retreat to ease our minds from our mundane lives.

69 Vol. XLIII No. 1
text by photo courtesy of John Renan Maglente Jessa Delos Reyes

Strings to the Wildest Dream:

Seeing through the Lens of the Leading Busker in Iloilo

Support and dedication. Strive to continue doing what you desire to do as you are loved and supported by those who surround you.

Street performances in Iloilo are no longer strange. They could be found everywhere in public places with musicians using their instruments and offering the best songs to the crowd. And among the countless buskers in the city, one young man stands out the most. With his guitar and a soft euphonious voice that lingers, making passers-by pause listen, he captivates the audience over and over again.

From being a student of BS Management at the University of the Philippines - Visayas, Clyde Xerxes Ortencio has now made and continues to make a name in the Iloilo busking community, gaining thousands of followers on his social media accounts such as Facebook and TikTok.

“Some people dubbed me as the “top busker” and “premier busker”— that is one the best

compliments I ever received,” said Clyde, the son of Cecil and Romeo Sol Ortencio III.


Before reaching this soaring chapter of his life, the music artist dreamed of becoming a speaker when he was younger. Clyde excelled in various fields, especially academics, and finished as a class valedictorian in both elementary and junior high school at President Roxas East Elementary School and Cabugcabug National High School. He also graduated with honors in senior high school at West Visayas State University- Integrated Laboratory School. Thus, he was trained and used to speaking and doing presentations in public.

“I like being connected with people, and I dream of becoming a person who stands in front of a thousand people,” he shared. But as he got older, the

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22-year-old dreamer’s love for music bloomed and flourished because of two people: his older brother, Sean Ortencio, who is also a music artist, and Ed Sheeran, a popular English singer and songwriter who also began his music career through busking.


Busking, an act of performing on the street or in public places, is one platform that paved the way for Clyde to move toward his dream. His busking journey started on July 9, 2021, at Festive Mall, Iloilo City.

“It was nothing but just busking for me. There were just a few passers-by, and I only sang the songs that I know in my playlist,” Clyde recounted.

Despite admitting that his first busking was a nerve-wracking experience, he could not deny the fact that his initial try led him

to what now his busking schedules around the city– malls around Iloilo, particularly Festive Walk Mall, SM City, Robinsons Place Iloilo, and Robinsons Place Jaro.


According to the young artist, he likes several things about busking.

“It is performancebased in contrast with the fixed-paid gigs in restaurants and events. It motivates me to perform better because the compensation is based on my performance,” Clyde said, adding that performing in public places is a potential way to reach his market for private gigs.

Random strangers also invite him to perform at weddings, debuts, and birthdays, offering more accessible money to the artist. Not to mention the gratuities that allow him

to provide for his own. Out of his pocket, he was able to purchase a phone and a guitar, bring himself to convenient places, travel to different destinations, and cater to his personal needs and wants.

However, despite the fame and the money he earned little by little from his busking journey, Ortencio admitted that his passiondriven side hustle had a cost. “My performance in school declined badly as a whole. I rose as a busker, and this was the cost.”


It may be challenging, but Clyde continued to try his best to balance his music career and education. Singing in front of people is just something he doesn’t want to give up– it is his passion.

“It feels great and validating for me. I like being appreciated for something

that I do passionately. It even inspires me to continue what I am doing,” Ortencio said when asked how he feels when people recognize and value his talent.

Busking was just a budding ambition for the acoustic artist, but it is now happening before his eyes. It became a reason for him to believe in his potential to achieve even more - steps that will bring him closer to his wildest dream. To be a renowned music artist, singing his own song together with thousands of people is his ultimate goal.

“Achieving our goals is not something that just happens. Intentionally developing our skills and deliberately seeking opportunities are great ways to improve. Having an artist that you look up to is a big factor. Make sure to enjoy the process,” Clyde concluded.

71 Vol. XLIII No. 1

Wanderers Around the Coop:

Satisfying One’s Cravings!

As early as 7 a.m., you could already hear the sounds of the students heading towards one of their favorite buildings in the University. The aroma of the varied dishes tempts their pockets and invites them to visit the different kiosks. A few minutes later, you would witness students in the stalls with arms crossed and eyebrows raised, hardly weighing their food choices.


WVSU Cooperative, popularly known as “Coop,” is undoubtedly the most visited cafeteria on the entire campus, with 15 situated kiosks selling distinctive breakfast and lunch meals such as rice, adobo, vegetables, shanghai, sinigang, fish, fried chicken, and many others. There are also standing booths with assorted snack products such as pancit canton, burger, street foods, siomai, and the list goes on. Located on the second floor of the building is another stall and the West Side Café.

“Kung mag bakal ako sang pagkaon, always ko gid gina consider ang price kag ang sabor,” is a typical testimony by education students as to why they find Coop their most favored dining hall.

Instead of searching for other cafeterias outside the university or dining at the nearest fast food chains, most College of Education (COE) students find Coop more convenient, budget, and customer friendly. It is now where growling stomachs are quelled, and parched mouths are satiated.


Every day, it’s a battle between their allocated budget for the meal and the cravings they badly want to satisfy. But when COE students are asked which among the 15 kiosks in Coop is generous to their pockets and provides the best taste, the majority would choose the kiosk located nearest the entrance— Kiosk 1.

“Sa Kiosk 1 barato kag damo serving sang food,” said Leann, who prefers the said stall because she could save much with her 70 pesos meal budget.

Other education students who had chosen the same kiosk argued that it is budget-friendly, the food ingredients are complete, provides free soup, offers free drinks for at least 50 pesos food purchase, serves the demand of students to far wider choices of foods including more unique varieties, delicious cooking, and offer their different famous dishes with the lowest price at 5 pesos (a piece of lumpiang shanghai).

For an ordinary Taga-Ed, Coop has played an essential part in their university lives. While everyone is busy pursuing their personal dreams, it is now standing as their partner to survive the daily struggle of hustling and maintaining their wellbeing. The cafeteria does not only serve as a food stall that offers them good food but also a display of their likes and wants as they continue to wander around the place that marks the cravings of all their longings.

74 Silak Media
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Digital Illustration by Rommelen Dema-ala

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