Jon Paul Starkey | Portfolio | JN-2014-V4

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Jon Paul Starkey Graphic Designer

Portfolio JN-2014-V4

Contact 07790 535485 @SilentDDesign



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My name is Jon Paul Starkey and I am a Graphic Designer. With a life long interest in graphic design and many years doing freelance jobs I have gained many skills fundamental to producing successful design that meets any given brief. I have even been listed as a Mercury Music art prize finalist.



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Having recently taken the opportunity to re-train, I am currently completing a graphic design degree at York. In addition to being creative I am inquisitive, analytical and driven by quality and progression.

BA [Hons] Graphic Design [pending until Summer 2014] BA [Hons] Illustration Art and Design Foundation A-levels: Maths Physics Graphical Communication General Studies

P6 - Application Silent Distraction N.E.W.

P4 - Logo design Silent Distraction N.E.W. Cragside Complete Ground Care Turquoise Giraffe Red Tree Surgery P.I.M.

P16 - Concepts Pop-up gallery The Machine BA Hons Show Cragside

Contents 3

Logos Application Branding Projects Concepts Layouts

P10 - Branding Cragside Turquoise Giraffe Complete Ground Care

P22 - Layout Carbon Nanotubes Wipeout Semiotics First Things First

P14 - Projects P.I.M. A.D.A.M. Festival Acomb Village News


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Silent Distraction Design My own logo

A combination of my initials and the initials of my assumed trading name. If you follow the white line it draws out a J and an S in one direction, then follow it back and it creates an S and a D. I have several variations of the logo which I use as appropriate. I am currently trying to be a flexible and multifaceted creative person, and feel it appropriate to be able to adapt my image as required.




Turquoise Giraffe

Neoteric Expressive Wired - Music Foundation

Extreme sports holiday resort

Female clothing brand

Created for a fictional music foundation as part of a university brief. I recombined the universally known recycle arrows to form a new but instantly memorable icon.

As part of the Cragside brief I was required to come up with a corporate identity for an extreme sports holiday resort located in the Yorkshire Dales.

The intended message conveyed with this logo was one of hedonism and decadence. So the selfish narcissism implied by the inward pointing arrows, and the fact that the logo is itself a corruption of the recycle logo – with its positive ideals and connotations – was ideal.

After creating a number of options I chose and developed this triangular logo. Based on the idea of a compass it conveys all the necessary connotations for the Cragside resort. Modern, clean and eye-catching, the triangular logo could also be used a map marker or on way finding signage around the resort.

A clothing brand. Surf and summer wear primarily targeted at girls. The name and colour scheme were chosen to convey a humorous, fun loving and irreverent approach to life’s many and varied challenges. In addition to the values already mentioned, I wanted to communicate a down to earth, hand crafted element to the brand. That is why I created the giraffe shape with brush and paint. I then distressed the final logo.



Complete Ground Care

Red Tree Surgery

Poetry in Motion - Local bespoke frame builder

Leeds based Garden & Groundwork Company

Leeds based tree surgery business

York’s newest and best bespoke frame building service – Poetry in Motion – needed a new eye catching company logo.

This job required me to re-brand a successful gardening company so it was in-line with their sister company ‘Red Tree Surgery’.

Red Tree Surgery was a new venture for an already well established gardening company.

I was given the three swirls in the middle as a starting point. Initially the client had a very clear idea of what he wanted, unfortunately it became apparent that his idea just wasn’t working as it was. After presenting several different options we developed this avenue and used bike parts to convey the business occupation.

I took some elements from their old logo, added and changed aspects, and we arrived at this flower icon. The client wanted something modern and instantly recognisable and this is exactly what I provided.

The client knew from the beginning that he intended to have advertising printed on the side of a van and he wanted something that would stand out to passers by. He intended to make the most of the advertising opportunity provided by his van and to this end needed the logo to be instantly recognisable, bright and – in his words – ‘Cool!’.


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Silent Distraction I designed the Silent Distraction Design name and logo in order to give myself a brand identity. It is the guise under which I have completed all the freelance jobs I have found in recent times. I have not had cause to apply this to any real world products as yet. However I have been using it consistently across the social networks I use, my university work, website, and any commercial work I undertake.

Above: Silent Distraction business card Right: My personal website, including blog and Twitter feed embedded into the page sidebar



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Welcome to the bitter end... The year is 2013, and scientists now predict that humankind’s rape and pollution of our world has already led us past the point of no return.

Fu*k Recycli n

There is still no political or public will to make the changes needed to save our planet, or ourselves. Our greed, corruption and stupidity has led us to a fitting, painful and inevitable end.

By the year 2050 there will be no humanity! With the demise of the life-form known as man, now a certainty. We are here to make the passing of our kind as loud as possible! Why go out with a whimper when you can go out with an earth shattering, ear crushing event of pure musical violence.


w w w. N e w M u s i c . c o m

There is no time for remorse, remembrance, regret or recycling. But there is still time to become part of the last great human endeavour, the New music foundation. No Remixes, Covers, Samples or Recycled sounds. See N.E.W. before... the end!



N.E.W. As part of an advertising brief, my identity for the Neoteric Expressive Wired [N.E.W.] Music foundation, was applied to various promotional material. You can see here a small selection of what I produced. As well as a video – available to view on my website – I created various postcards, flyers and a number of posters for event advertising.

Above: Flyers and posters. Using inflammatory tag lines to grab attention and provoke public awareness of the N.E.W. Music Foundation Right: More promotional imagery. Advertising poster



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Cragside The premier extreme sports, adventure holiday resort, located right in the heart of Yorkshire! This project saw me produce a company logo, advertising imagery, promotional video, audio track and t-shirts. Not to mention comprehensive brand guidelines and website. This was one of my favourite and most successful projects of the second year.

Above: Cragside posters and interactive CD-ROM cover Right: Poster




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Turquoise Giraffe Brand statement:

Funky, Fun, Frivolous, Fantastic, Flipping amazing Summer wear for anyone with a sense of humour and a love of cutting edge style. Turquoise Giraffe is unique and has a quirky attitude to progressive fashion for girls of the ages of 5 to 35. Clothing includes, but not restricted to, T-shirts, Hoddies, beach and street wear. Additional Skate and Surf apparel such as badges, wallets and portable solar powered camping lamps are also part of our range. Though clothing will remain our core range of products.

We take inspiration from every aspect of life, from music and sports, to going out and staying in. If its fun, engaging and/or making people squeal then you’ll find Turquoise Giraffe there. Distilling every drop of energy from the party, intravenously extracting the joy directly out of peoples hearts to produce a fine, high grade serum with which to inspire our visionary prophet designers!

Above left: Turquoise Giraffe branding applied to stationary Left: Full height giraffe Right: Various pages from the Turquoise Giraffe brand guidelines

Distressed Giraffe Head


Logo Size:

The primary ‘Distressed Giraffe Head’ logo is quirky and distinctive. Easily recognisable, it instantly elicits a positive reaction from the viewer, even if they don’t yet know the brand.

The main logo must not be used in sizes less than 10mm or 30 px. There is no maximum size limit.

The engaging and amusing aesthetic will encourage people to find out more about Turquoise Giraffe.



For instances when a smaller logo is required the ‘Clean Giraffe Head’ logo must be used [Please see alternate logos].

Once a member of the public is aware of us as a brand, our ethos and our products they will desire to become part of our family.

Pucker up Sugar chops!


13 Core corporate colours: The four colours shown are the main approved colour scheme adopted by Turquoise Giraffe. Muted tones have been chosen to give a sophisticated aesthetic and indicate that although we have a fun and impulsive ethos we are also professionals producing a high quality well thought out product.

Name of addressee Title of addressee Name of Company Address line 1 Address line 2 Postcode

As an impulsive and energetic company however many other variations of colour will be used as and when required in various different contexts. Important:

Turquoise Giraffe 42 Utopia Ave York YO22 8YG


Tel: 01234 567 8910 Fax: 01234 567 8910 Email:

C:58 M:15 Y:35 K:1


Please request confirmation from the Marketing or Design department if there is any query over colour use.

Turquoise Giraffe 42 Utopia Ave York YO22 8YG

Use of colour and logos: All the variations of logo and additional giraffe imagery can and will be used in each different colour. However there are colour guidelines for specific logos used in specific situations.


For packaging and stationary please only use the approved colour scheme. This will give a cohesive professional feel to all our communications.

80mm #878786

C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:60

Tel: 01234 567 8910 Fax: 01234 567 8910 Email: Name of addressee Title of addressee Name of Company Address line 1 Address line 2 Postcode Date

Please refrain from producing variations of our logos not supplied in the Brand Imagery file. Any alterations to, or use of current images in unforeseen environments, must be approved by the Marketing and Design departments.

Dear Mr Anderson


I am writing as per our discussion last week and regarding your subsequent offer. As an organisation we would be very glad to accept your kind offer and thank you for your consideration. We do however have two conditions that must be met in order for us to come to an agreement: The difficult nature of our agreement is clear, and we must have assurances that no one outside the management team already aware and pre selected operative have any knowledge of our arrangement. We must be satisfied that all key employees have plausible deny-ability.

Only block colours may be used. Transitions and transparencies are not permitted. With exceptions only at the approval of the Design department.

We must insist that the all operations undertaken by the team working on the our project are carried out outside the European Union. A meeting for the 5th of next month will be arranged where we can make the necessary arrangements to satisfy all parties.


I look forward to working with you and going forward to our mutual benefit.

C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:100

Kind regards

Jon Starkey

Turquoise Giraffe, 42 Eutopia Ave, York, YO22 8YG Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nec est diam, ut gravida nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Company number 1234567






C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:0




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Poetry in Motion Branding the newest and best bespoke frame building company based in York city centre. This was a great opportunity and I relished the chance to build a contemporary and eye catching brand for this client. Both the client and I were very happy with the final logo, and subsequently I was asked to produce a t-shirt design. This has proved very popular with their customers.

Above left: P.I.M. cycle badge Above: P.I.M. T-shirt design

To keep up with the latest info check our website & Twitter @adam_festival Acts and timings are subject to alteration.

Designed by


A.D.A.M. festival Acomb Village News During Summer 2013 I became involved with a local community group who were putting on an Arts festival in one of York’s suburbs – Acomb. In addition to designing the festival map I exhibited my own Fine Art, managed the gallery, and found and organised other artists to exhibit during the festival. Since that time I have been involved in several other ventures with the same core of people. One of these projects has been the design and production of the Acomb Village News website. This site is fully responsive and adaptive depending on the device used to view it.

Above left: The A.D.A.M. festival map Above: The Acomb Village News website


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Art and Illustration My interest in visual media extends to include not only all things Graphic Design, but also Fine Art and Illustration. I have exhibited my own art work several times in the Lincoln area and more recently in York. I enjoy working with pen and ink, paint, photography and digital media. To date my greatest accolade was being listed as one of the Mercury Music art prise finalist. This involved a trip to London and spending an evening at the White Cube art gallery. Unfortunately I did not win but the whole process was a great highlight. Being able to produce original art work when it is required for a graphic design project is a great help. It saves time looking around for just the right image, and not finding it. It also sidesteps any copy-write issues and potentially saves a great deal of money that might otherwise need to be spent on commissions.

Above: Floating man, original art work created for a ‘Pop-up gallery’ brief



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Art and Illustration The Machine. Created using pen and ink, photography and digital.


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Design by Jon Starkey |

York St Mary’s is part of the Genesis project at York Museums Trust in collaboration with Artist Rooms. Marketing by 2nd year BA (Hons) Graphic Design students from York College.

26th October - 3rd November York St Mary’s, Castlegate, York, YO1 9RN


Contact | 01904 770400 |




26th October - 3rd November York St Mary’s, Castlegate, York, YO1 9RN

York St Mary’s is part of the Genesis project at York Museums Trust in collaboration with Artist Rooms. Marketing by 2nd year BA (Hons) Graphic Design students from York College.


Posters The York College BA Hons end of year show is currently still a work in progress. The show posters, above and to the right, are three very different options I have thus far created as potential aesthetic options. I decided to increase the chances of my design being chosen by producing as wide a variety of aesthetic options as possible. In this I have been successful, from simple painted script to complex hand drawn formal typography, I have provided something for all tastes. The other images are from our ‘Pop-up gallery’ brief. They include very simple shapes, complex digital collages and digital Fine Art.

Above from left: Show poster one Show poster two – Launch! Pop-up gallery one Pop-up gallery two Right: Show poster three


Est. 1964

BA Hons Graphic Design | BA Homs Fashion Design | BA Hons Contemporary 3D Craft Private Viewing Wednesday 5 June 6pm - 9pm

LOCATION The Quad South Hall York St John Universtiy Lord Mayors Walk, YO31 7EX

Open to the public 4 June - 7 June Weekdays 9am - 5pm WWW.SILENTDISTRACTION.COM

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So what are the potential applications of carbon nanotubes?

CARBON NANOTUBES THE MOST AMAZING SUBSTANCE KNOWN TO MAN? ‘If you’ve not already heard of carbon nanotubes, don’t know what they are, or what they do, then chances are that you soon will. Even if you don’t read the following information sheet, or instantly forget it, then carbon nanotubes are still going to have an big effect on your life over the next few years. And this will most likely be in amazing, mind-blowing ways that will need to be seen to be believed!’ By Jon Paul Starkey What are carbon nanotubes?

READING THE SIGNS Right clockwise: Superdry’s logo is embroidered on all of their jackets, Eye catching all-over bus advertisement, London’s west end street advertising.

What is Semiotics? We look at two examples to see how it works... by Jon Paul Starkey

As human beings living today, in the early part of the 21st century, we inhabit a world saturated in advertising. Our western society is obsessed with material wealth and consumerism seems to be the masses new secular religion of choice. Adverts have become a ubiquitous part of every day life for most people in the western world. And through these adverts we are (whether we know it or not) all reading signs and receiving coded messages everyday that influence our choices and thoughts.

‘Advertisements are one of the most important cultural factors moulding and reflecting our life today’ [Williamson 1978]



Advertisements, when on a small scale, are generally simple and merely a means of information conveyance. For example: the advert in the local shop window or on the community centre notice board that says: ‘we sell this, at this address for this much, call us on...’. This is more of less simply infomration that the business owner wishes to pass on to the general public. But the more money involved the more complex the message and techniques employed. Advertising is big big business with an every growing army of highly paid, highly motivated and extremely clever advertising executives on an unending crusade to bend you to their will. They do this by means of television adverts, web banners, billboards, flyers, magazine spreads, slogans on t-shits and

Above: Street view of Time Square in New York City. This is a prime example of the staggering amount of advertising now bombarding us everyday.

jackets, specifically targeted text and Email marketing campaigns. The list goes on. We are informed, encouraged and manipulated into buying whatever it is that they want us to. It is therefore important to be able to recognise and interpret these adverts on a deeper level; the level at which they were created. Products and services produced by a company that has the resources and inclination to spend the millions of pounds it costs. Create and deploy nationwide or international advertising campaigns with the upmost care and consideration for every minute detail. Teams of advertising executives, researchers, creatives, psychologist, sociologists and statisticians spend years doing research and development so they can better influence the way we FEATURE

In the simplest possible terms they are atom thick sheets of carbon, called graphene, that are formed into tube like ropes of carbon. They are incredibly strong networks of hexagonal carbon atoms (significantly stronger than diamond) linked together to form a seamless cylinder shape as small as one nanometre in diameter. They can be short or tens of thousands of microns in length. This is still only actually 1 or 2 cm, and one of their most significant current problems. Nanotubes have already made a huge splash in the scientific community, according to Eliza Strickland their “impact on science and technology has been enormous”. (Eliza Strickland, August 6, 2009) It seems not a week goes by that there isn’t

ABOVE: Artists impression of a space elevator and nanotube shaft streaching down to Earth.

another potential application found for this strange new material, each more astounding than the last.

BOTTOM RIGHT: Computer generated close up image of a Corbon Nanotube.

Already slowly starting to be used in real world applications, nanotubes are being used for items such as sports equipment, sunscreen and prototype vehicles (Nanogloss June 17th, 2009 and Wikipedia 2012).

FAR RIGHT BOTTOM: Gecko’s foot. FAR RIGHT TOP: Close up under a microscope of a Gecko’s foot.

From their discovery in 1991* by Sumio Iijima, carbon nanotubes have shown huge potential for a myriad of different applications. Sumio Iijima describes carbon nanotubes as “a material invisible to the naked eye yet harder than diamonds and many times stronger than steel” (Sumio Iijima, Business Week), but they are also extremely thermally conductive and have some extraordinary

electrical properties. It is these unique properties that make carbon nanotubes research some of the most exciting our planet has ever seen! As Sumio Iijima has also said “the material will undoubtedly play an important role in a wide variety of technical applications” (Sumio Iijima, IEEE global history network).

Paper thin, flexible loud speakers

Real life spiderman

Space elevator

In the near future your speakers could be transparent, flexible, stretchable and any size of shape you want! Prototypes, like the one in the video, have so far included attaching a speaker to a waving flag (Nature, video) and having one placed on the screen of an iPod (Nature, video). Other ideas being developed are having clothing that can double as a speaker, TV screens of all sizes and even paintings. The speakers’ work by using the thermo acoustic principal, the same way a thunderclap is produced. In thunder it is an uncontrolled event, however with nanotube speakers when a controlled electrical charge is applied to them they heat up the surrounding air causing it to move. This is done in such a controlled and efficient way so that you can actually play music!

Possibly the simplest of the potential nanotube applications, and taking its inspiration from the Gecko, scientists have created arrays of vertically aligned nanotubes with more branching tubes at there ends. When placed on a surface, even glass, it bonds with a stickiness 10 times greater than a Gecko’s feet (the bond is due to the Van-der-waals force). In the image below you can see a Gecko’s foot through a microscope showing the microscopic hairs that give it it’s amazing ability to walk on walls. Carbon nanotubes are like this but at a smaller scale still, splitting and splitting again. This is what gives the nanotube pads such stick. The bond can be broken in the same way a Gecko does, by pulling the pad away at a 90º angle peeling them off the surface. This sort of technology, if perfected, has obvious military applications.

My personal favorite use for nanotubes, and with the potential to make holidays in space an affordable reality for everyone. The Space elevator. The idea of a space elevator is to build a structure that extends from the earths surface up into space and geostationary orbit. (Originally proposed by the Sci-fi writer Arthur C.Clark in his novel, Fountains of Paradise in 1979). Once the elevator was built it would make the cost of getting people and equipment into space a fraction of the price it is using todays conventional rocket technology. Being seriously proposed by the ‘Japanese space elevator association’ as a viable project, and with support from some US scientists, this could be humanities way back to the stars. There are competitions going on right now all over the world, for teams to test their climbing devices against each other. The technological descendants of the best of these climbing machines, it is hoped, will be used to transport people and objects into space once the elevator shaft has been constructed. One such team can be seen testing their design in some of the videos in my presentation. The space elevator would require the elevator shaft to be extremely strong. It would need to be able to take stresses from atmospheric events such as storms and lightening and also not collapse under its own weight. This is what makes carbon nanotubes, with their massive strength, extremely interesting to the proponents of a space elevator. Though currently the Japanese estimate that such a elevator shaft would need to be four times stronger than the current best carbon nanotube. With the current rate of development however, this breakthrough could be merely a matter of months away!

Flexible electronics If you’ve even cracked a laptop or mobile phone screen then this should excite you. Flexible screens that you can fold away, or even screw up, like a sheet of paper! Potentially built into you jacket, bag, and house? Japanese scientists at Tokyo University have used Organic light emitting diodes OLEDs along with a new form of rubbery like carbon nanotubes to create a flexible, low power, super light display. Mass production of these screens could be only a few short years away! Amazing battery tech From paper batteries, to batteries of any size and shape you can paint onto any surface you want. Carbon nanotubes are opening up the possibilities of battery size, shape and performance in many different ways. There are currently many research projects underway exploring various different approaches to battery technology. Many of these have working prototype cells that have already been demonstrated to both scientists and the public.

/////////////////////////////////////// If even one of these applications comes to fruition then carbon nanotubes are going to have a big impact of every human life on the planet, and potentially those not on it too!

*There is still some controversy as to the true discoverer of Carbon nanotube. Some point to a Russian duo of scientists, L. V. Radushkevich and V. M. Lukyanovich, who in 1952 published clear images of 50 nanometer diameter tubes in the Soviet Journal of Physical Chemistry. Others claim that Roger Bacon observed nanotubes for the first time in 1950 with a high powered electron microscope. However Sumio Iijima was defiantly the first to bring carbon nanotubes to the attention of the scientific community at large and is widely accepted as playing a hugely important role in there development if not there actual invention.



Magazines Type setting and copy fitting is a graphic design fundamental. I produced many of these during my degree course and have a good understanding of Adobe InDesign. There is something immensely satisfying in finding a creative way to combine text, images and negative space to create a pleasing and informative collection of pages. This is a staple of being a graphic designer, but one I take great pleasure in completing.

Above top left: One of my essays, this one regarding the First Things First manifesto among other things Above bottom left: Another of my essays in magazine form. A study of Semiotics


Above: An information sheet regarding Carbon Nanotubes and their applications

Far right: A short editorial regarding my love of the computer game Wipeout.



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Epilogue 24 24

Thank you for taking the time to look over my portfolio. I hope you found it interesting and intriguing.

Contact details I am available through any of the following contact methods and would love to hear any comments or questions you may have regarding my work. So please don’t hesitate to give me a call or send me a message.

Name – Jon Paul Starkey Telephone – 07790 535485 Email – Website – Twitter – @SilentDDesign Blogger – Tumblr – LinkedIn –



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