Factores operacionales y calidad de servicio del STP en autobuses de la ciudad de Pristina, Kosovo

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XV Congreso Internacional de Infraestructura Vial & Expo Vial y Transporte 2018

Gestión de STP en autobús, Governanza de STP en autobús, Calidad de servicio percibida, Operacion de STP en autobús.

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• Source: http://wizardofwhere.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/pristina-kosovo-4-18-2013-3-28-24-PM.jpg

Source: OECD

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/399694535650068225/

Departamento de Lima

Source: OECD

Kosovo Agency of Statistics. 2016 http://ask.rks-gov.net/en/kosovo-agency-of-statistics https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e7/Europe_location_Serbia_Kosovo_marked.png

Fotos: C. Simborth. 2017

Fotos: C. Simborth. 2017

Fotos: C. Simborth. 2017

Fotos: C. Simborth. 2017

Fotos: C. Simborth. 2017

*BPT: Transporte Público en Autobús

Diagram: C. Simborth. 2017 Data sources: Berisha, 2016 WB-ECA, 2012 Lajmi.net (online news). 2016

*BPT: Bus Public Transportation

Diagram: C. Simborth. 2017 Data sources: Berisha, 2016 WB-ECA, 2012 Images: Simborth, 2017 Lajmi.net (online news). 2016

*BPT: Bus Public Transportation / Bus Transit Transit = Public Transport = Public Transportation (Interchangeable terms)

Fuente: Norma EN 13816, Uniรณn Europea

*BPT: Bus Public Transportation

Diagram: C. Simborth. 2017

*BPT: Bus Public Transportation GM: Transit Governance and Management SQP: Service Quality Perceived


*BPT: Bus Public Transportation




DATA COLLECTION METHODS FOR THE (DV): Mixed • Questionnaires (Survey) *Main

• Observation (complementary) 3

The users –customers of 03 bus companies (operating 04 representative lines)


Questionnaires will be prepared to study a sample of random users per studied route (strata). Data will be measured by using fixed answers, ordinal values (Likert scales),

• Content analysis (complementary)

5 L4 L3 Public operator (Case 1)

L5 Private operator A (Case 2) L10 Private operator B (Case 3)

-Complementary observations of the Quality of Service aspects will be done to better interpret responses.


Previous reports or data about the characteristics of the service will be used.

*BPT: Bus Public Transportation




DATA COLLECTION METHODS FOR THE (IV): Mixed • Semi structured Interviews - Public Authority: Director transport and traffic DPS-PS Department

• Content analysis (complementary) 3

- TU (Public Service provider Line 2,4): Board member, Director, Chief of operations

Public transport expert (Transport Sub-Department). - Private service providers (Lines 5,10): Director, Chief of operations, Chief of maintenance Coordinator of ongoing studies (SUMP, FOPIP) *Data / Information obtained will be indexed according to ranges (categorization of indicators for quantitative analysis)

Municipality reports / ongoing studies


-Operations plan (Schedules, hours of operation). -Available data of passengers per route-service-operator.


-Agreement, contract or statutory regulation between the Municipality and Operators (Public and Private).

L4 L3 Public operator (Case 1)

L5 Private operator A (Case 2) L10 Private operator B (Case 3)


-Service requirements most related to the passenger experience (frequency, reliability, maintenance of buses).

*BPT: Bus Public Transportation

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Diagram: C. Simborth. 2017

*BPT: Bus Public Transportation

L3 L4 Public operator (TU) L5 Private operator A L10 Private operator B

Rounded 83 108 83 128

402 sample size used - estimated before data collection

*sample size adjusted - during data collection



GUIA (Entrevistas)

Entrevistas a operadores y autoridad del sistema

Equipo (Encuestaciรณn)



L3 L4


L3 L4 Public operator (TU) L5 Private operator A L10 Private operator B





L3 Public operator





L4 Public operator




Ministria e Arsimit

FNA Aurora

L5 Private operator A



L10 Private operator B

Ministria e Arsimit









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Congreso Internacional Internacional de de XV Congreso Infraestructura Vial

& & Expo Expo Vial Vial yy Transporte Transporte 2018 2016

Arq. M.U.D. MSc. Cesar E. Simborth, GestiĂłn urbana (Infraestructura), DiseĂąo Urbano, Transporte sustentable, M: simborth@umich.edu

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