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Member organizations Bangladesh Association of Georgia (BAG) Cambodian-American Association of Georgia (CAAG) Center for Pan Asian Community Services (CPACS) Filipino-American Association of Greater Atlanta (Fil-Am) Indian American Cultural Association (IACA) Indonesian Community Heritage Foundation (ICHF) Korean American Community in Atlanta, Georgia (KACAGA) Laotian American Society (LAS)

Malaysian Association of Georgia (MAG) Nepalese Association in Southeast America (NASeA) Hopes & Aspirations of Asian Pacific Americans (OCA GA) Pakistani American Community of Atlanta (PAK Atlanta) Atlanta Taiwanese American Association (ATAA) Thai Association World Center USA (TAWC USA) Vietnamese American Community of Georgia (VAC GA)

30 years of service to georgia Asian American Community Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 Sonesta Gwinnett Place Atlanta 1775 Pleasant Hill Rd, Duluth GA 30096


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APAC | 2015


Dear Friends, Thank you so much for joining us tonight in celebrating our 30th Asian Pacific American Council of Georgia (APAC) Unity Gala. We are honored that each of you have joined us tonight to help celebrate the rich diversity of our Asian community in Georgia. Each APAC member organization truly strives to represent its homeland culture, traditions, and values within the framework of our adopted American home. For thirty years, APAC has represented Asian Pacific Americans in Georgia to promote our full social, economic and political participation within the vision and dream of being American. APAC has always focused on being a constant, reminding voice to insure that the issues and concerns of Georgia’s growing Asian Pacific American communities are heard. The big focus of APAC’s annual gala has long been our scholarship program for college bound high school students in our various communities. Our children must always be shown that excellence in their work, and leadership in the community are important goals to continually strive for, both in their own lives and in order to gain respect for their families. APAC’s scholarship program strives to instill that sense of accomplishment and pride to our next generation. Once again, I would like to thank each of you for your participation in tonight’s 30th annual Unity Gala event. None of this would be possible without your continuing contribution and sponsorship to make the APAC mission a reality. I look forward to working with each of you again in the future. APAC’s vision is really very simple – “Working together through our Asian diversity, and being united in pursuing our American dream.” Thank You and Enjoy!


APAC Golf for Charity Fundraiser for Student Scholarship Awards Sunday, October 4, 2015 Registration at 12 p.m. Shotgun start at 1 p.m. Location: Heritage Golf Links For further information contact: Varinee Sangmalee 770-833-7009 Noy Bozarth 404-281-4774

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Noy Lounnarath Bozarth President of APAC www.apacga.org

30 th Annual Asian Heritage Gala & Scholarship Award Banquet


Past presidents 2014

Le Dam Doan – Vietnamese American Community of GA

corporation (since 1985) pursuant to the Georgia Non-Profit Code as amended and its mission is to:


Varinee Sangmalee – Thai Association World Center USA


Lam Thanh Ngo – Vietnamese American Community of GA

Preserve and promote the awareness, understanding


Bala Pant – Nepalese Association In Southeast America


Rich Chou – Taiwanese American Association – TAA

APAC is a non-profit

and pride in our Asian Cultural Heritage within our communities and mainstream society through cultural activities and education. Encourage the exercise of our civil and human

rights to the fullest, especially the voting rights, practice good citizenship and promote our communities’ full participation and contribution to the American society. Protect Asian American interests through lawful

means, raise awareness and recommend correction to any unfair and discriminatory policies, laws, and regulations affecting our Asian American Communities.

Executive Board 2015 President Noy Lounnarath Bozarth (LAS) Vice President Eleanor Mae Pascual (Fil-Am) Secretary Elsie Vidanes (FilAm) Treasurer C.P. Huang (ATAA) Communications Director Varinee Sangmalee (TAWC USA)


APAC | 2015

Board Directors(At-Large) Sopheap Lam (CAAG) Kim Reimann (TAWC USA) Josh Yuen (OCA-GA) Gobinda Shrestha(NASeA) Immediate Past President Le Dam Doan (VAC-GA) Board Advisor Alex Wu (OCA-GA)

2013 2011


2008 2007


Le Dam Doan – Vietnamese American Community of GA Lam Thanh Ngo – Vietnamese American Community of GA Willy Blanco – Filipino-American Association of Greater Atlanta Varinee Sangmalee – Thai Association World Center USA Varinee Sangmalee – Thai Association World Center USA Charlie Yoon Kim – Korean American Association of Greater Atlanta


Narsi Narasimhan, Ph.D – Indian American Cultural Association


Willee Bonus – Filipino-American Association of Greater Atlanta


Ash Thakker, Ph.D – Indian American Cultural Association


Sun Hee Kim, MD – Center for Pan-Asian Community Services


Ken Chen – Taiwanese American Association


Jim Yang – Asian Americana Foundation

1998 Abelardo Magat, MD – Filipino-American Association of Greater Atlanta 1996

Kshama Kakade – Indian American Cultural Association


Thad Ghim, MD – Society of Eighty Seven


Vir Nanda – Indian America Cultural Association


Shin S. Chang – Taiwanese America Association

1993 Victor Romero – Filipino-American Association of Greater Atlanta 1991


Manolo Apanay, MD. – Filipino-American Association of Greater Atlanta Jim Yang – Organization of Chinese Americans


Soo-Wong Ahn, MD – Society of Eighty Seven


Tong Huynh, MD – Vietnamese American Community of GA

1988 1986 1985

Giriraj Rao, Ph.D – Indian American Cultural Association Tito Espina – Filipino-American Association of Greater Atlanta Alex Wu – Organization of Chinese Americans


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30 th Annual Asian Heritage Gala & Scholarship Award Banquet



APAC | 2015

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30 th Annual Asian Heritage Gala & Scholarship Award Banquet



APAC | 2015



ear Board Members, Thank you for your services as Executive Board and Director Board Member At Large to APAC-GA Organization. I know your time and expertise is valuable and I want you to know how important it is to our success for our community. We are fortunate to have experienced and dedicated Community Leaders who support our work. It was my privilege and my honor to each of you Board Members with whom I have had the privilege to serve, thank you for your service, your loyalty, your leadership and your guidance. I know I speak for the entire board when I say we have made a difference. Best regards,

Le Dam Doan

elcome to our 30-year anniversary celebration of unity in our community! We wish all of you a festive Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, with commemorations of the contributions made by Asian Americans to this great country. On behalf of the Asian-Pacific American Council of Georgia, we thank you for joining us tonight for our annual gala honoring our students and celebrating our Asian culture. Special thanks to our sponsors, volunteers, APAC board members, community members and performers for their generous contributions. We couldn’t do it without you! We are proud to reach three full decades of bringing together our diverse community in Georgia.

Dr. Kim Reimann 2015 Unity Gala Co-Chair

2013 – 2014 APAC President 2015 Unity Gala Chair


opheap Lam, 2015 Unity Gala Co-Chair, is the

co-founder of the Cambodian American Association of Georgia (CAAG). She was born in Battambang, Cambodia and emigrated to the United States with her family as a refugee. Sopheap graduated from Montclair State University in New Jersey wi th double-majors: Bachelors in Accounting and Finance. She appreciates that her father taught her to study hard but never lose sight of her roots - her heritage, culture and language. Thankfully,

through her father’s teachings, she is able to continue to preserve and promote the Cambodian culture to mainstream America. She and her husband (Bora Lam) know how important it is to raise their three sons with strong foundation of culture and education. CAAG helps their children and along with many other Cambodian-Americans; it helps the next generation to continue the roots and have sense of belonging. Currently, she continues to volunteer as a Public Relations on CAAG’s board. Sopheap is active in the Asian-American community. As a representative of CAAG, she collaborated with APAC in 2014 and participated in monthly meetings. She was elected as an APAC Board Director At-Large for 2015. She is a Co-Chair for the APAC 30th Unity Gala (2015). She is also a community board member of Who’s Who in the Asian American Community (WWAAC).

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30 th Annual Asian Heritage Gala & Scholarship Award Banquet



Marianne Endriga Pedrezuela Bayani M

ayette, as she is fondly called is no new face to the APAC community as she is currently one of the Board of Directors of the Filipino-American Association of Greater Atlanta serving as the Vice President. She also served in the past as Fil-Am’s Social Chair, Treasurer, PRO and 2013 Vice-President. She graduated from the University of Santo Tomas, the oldest Catholic university in Asia, with a degree in Accounting and Management and was once the youngest professor at the same university in the College of Architecture and Fine Arts. She worked as a financial specialist for the Mayor of Manila, an auditor for Johnson & Johnson and a legislative staff officer for the Philippine House of Representatives. Went to UCLA for Masters in Accounting and an alumna of Indiana University Institute of Professionals in Taxation. Was a Corporate Tax Accountant for A T & T and currently working as a Senior Corporate Tax Accountant for Heidelberg USA, Inc. Married to Art Bayani of the JAMMRS Band, they have two sons Jason and Avery. She is also the Manager and the lead singer of the JAMMRS Band.

Vince “The Voice” Bailey is a 30 year media veteran who began his career as a United Way volunteer reader for the blind in his hometown of Gary, Indiana. Over the years he has held many media positions from morning radio personality to Commercial Production Supervisor at Cable and Broadcast Television facilities.For the past sixteen years he has operated Vince Bailey Productions, a full service audio video production and consulting company based in Lawrenceville, Georgia. In addition to his role as Emcee for the RSF, he is an Professional Announcer for pro sporting events and media broadcasts including the Atlanta Dream (WNBA Basketball team), Georgia Force (AFL Arena Football), and Professional Boxing. Vince has performed for audio books, corporate voice mail systems, and commercial clients nationwide. Vince currently teaches Voice over at Clayton State University.


APAC | 2015

Introduction of Master/Mistress of Ceremonies

Scholarship Awards Ceremonies

E mce e s

L e D o a n , C P H ua n g , N o y B o z a r t h

Le Doan & Dr . Ki m Re i mann & soph eap lam

Pre s e nte d by

V i nc e Bai l e y & M ar i an n e E n d r i g a P e d r e z u e l a Bayan i

Cultural Performance

National Flags Parade

V i e t n a m e s e T r a d i t i o n a l Da n c e

National Anthem

V i e t n a m e s e Am e r i c a n C o mm u n i t y o f GA

Pe r for me d by

M ar i an n e E n d r i g a P e d r e z u e l a Bayan i N e pa l K i C h o r i H u M a h

Welcome Distinguished Guests & Sponsors

Pe r for me d by

Emc e e s

D e e p i k a Pa h a r i ( NA S e A )

President’s Welcome Speech

First Raffle Prize Drawings

N o y L o u n n a r at h B o z a r t h

C l ay t o n L e e , H y o m e e K i m , S o p h e a p L a m

Introduction of Gala Planning Committee

Introduction of Past Presidents & Community President

Emc e e s

GA Governor Proclamation APAC Heritage Month VIP Guests

Emc e e s

Cultural Performance R obam K hae n

P e d r o “ P e t e ” M a r i n – Georgia State Representative HD96 C u r t T h o m p s o n – State Se nator Dic tr ic t 5


J o e All e n – E xe cutive Di re ctor, G wi nnett P lac e CID C h a r l o t t e N a s h – Chairman Gwinnett County Board

of Commissioners

F i l i p i n o F o lk Da n c e

Pe r for me d by F i l i p i n o - Am e r i c a n Ass o c i at i o n o f G r e at e r

Judge Carla Wong McMillian – Georgia Court of Appeals Judge H u e i -Y ua n Ta i - Di re ctor G e ne ral , Ta i pe i Ec onomic &

At l a n ta

Cultural Atlanta Office

Service Awards Ceremonies

H a n g T r a n – Mor row c ity Mayor Pro Te m

Va r i n e e S a n g m a l e e & N o y B o z a r t h

Keynote Speaker

M e n g L i m – Supe r ior Cour t Judge Introduce d by Sopheap Lam ( CAAG )

Pre s e nte d by & Le D oan

Cultural Performance T h a i T r a d i t i o n a l da n c e

Pe r for me d by


T h a i Ass o c i at i o n W o r ld C E n t e r U S A

Cultural Performance

R i bb o n Da n c e

Dru m Pe r for m anc e

Pe r for me d by

Pe r for me d by

K e r ry L e e ( O C A )

Ta i wa n e s e S c h o o l o f G e o r g i a ( ATAA ) L a o t i a n Da n c e

Pe r for me d by L a o t i a n Am e r i c a n S o c i e t y

Second Raffle Prize Drawings C h a Rl i e Y o o n K i m , Els i e V i da n e s & G o b i n da S h r e s t h a


Copyright © © 2015

30 th Annual Asian Heritage Gala & Scholarship Award Banquet


Guest Speaker

Meng Lim

Superior Court Judge


udge Lim was sworn in as a new judge before the beginning of his official term in a local ceremony on Dec. 4, 2014, before family, friends and supporters. Lim was born on March 28, 1972, in Cambodia in Southeast Asia. At the age of 9, while he and his parents and siblings were Cambodian Chinese refugees, the family fled war-torn Southeast Asia. Lim detailed vividly how the entire family walked for a month in order to escape possible capture by crossing into Thailand. He was accepted by Emory University under the Georgia Governor’s Scholarship, and received a B.A. in History in 1995. With a scholarship, Lim advanced his education by attending Mercer University’s Walter F. George School of Law and earned his J.D. degree in 1998. When asked why he chose that particular justice system, Lim replied, “I learned so much working for these judges as a law clerk. I was trained to understand the operations and procedures of a


APAC | 2015

Superior Court judge both inside the courtroom and the judge’s chambers. I also recognized in addition to being the inevitable umpire for two battling lawyers, a good judge must possess a talented administrative ability to deal with the inherently huge caseload that overwhelms our courts. It demands someone with a tireless work ethic. It is not comforting for someone to wait in court all day only to be told to go home without having an opportunity to address his or her concerns.” “Judge Lim’s strength of character is evidence of his continued determination and dedication to serving the justice system and the public in the face of his humble beginnings,” State Bar of Georgia President Patrise M. Perkins-Hooker remarked. “I applaud his accomplishments and wish him success in his role as Superior Court judge. It is well noted that Lim’s victory advances diversity in Georgia’s judiciary, such that the justice system more closely reflects the population of our state.”


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30 th Annual Asian Heritage Gala & Scholarship Award Banquet




VIP Guests

Senator Curt Thompson w the Georgia State Senate fr Thompson, a Democrat, rep

He currently serves as Chair tee and Secretary of Judicia tion, he is a member of the Resources and the Environm

Pedro “Pete” Marin

Georgia State Representative HD96


ep. Pedro “Pete” Marin has honorably served House District 96 in the Georgia General Assembly for the past eleven years. He has been at the forefront in stopping gang violence, eradicating gang graffiti, and supporting economic development initiatives. Rep. Marin possesses over 30 years of executive experience in both the private and nonprofit sector plus 13 years as a Public Servant. He was born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico and while working for Persol, North America he was transferred in 1995 to Gwinnett County, GA. He has been happily married to his wife, Nereida, for 32 years and has one son, Joel, who is a Professional with the Boy Scouts of America, Northeast Georgia Council and is a graduate from Georgia State University. Rep. Marin was born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico. While working for Persol, North America, he transferred from San Juan to Gwinnett County, GA in 1995. He has been happily married to his wife, Nereida, for 30 years and has one son, Joel, who is a Professional with the Boy Scouts of America, Northeast Georgia Council and is a graduate at Georgia State University.


APAC | 2015

He served Georgia in the 2002-2004. Sen. Thompson nett County, where he and live. Born in 1968, his fami cerne, and he went to Shilo a National Merit Scholar. H ty in Washington, D.C., ma and broadcast journalism. A State Senator District 5 went to law school at Georg passed the Bar in 1993 and urt Thompson was first elected to resenting government empl Senator Curt Thompson the Georgia State Senate from the 5th police) and service workers. DistrictDistrict in 2004. Sen. Senate 5 Thompson, a Democrat, es law in Norcross serving a represents parts of Gwinnett County. Heclients with a focus on admi currently serves as Chairman of Special firm—Thompson & Associate Judiciary Committee and Secretary of Judiciary Non-Civil Committee. In addition, Sen. Thompson has been ac he is a member of the Appropriations, Ethics neighborhood garden club, p and Natural Resources and the Environment opposing destructive re-zon committees. ed with the Gwinnett County Sen. Thompson served Georgia in the Club, Norcross Cooperative House of Representatives from 2002­- 2004. He is a life­long resident of Gwinnett County, He has long been involved i where he and his wife Sascha currently live. Born in 1968, his family lived in Lilburn the nearDemocratic Party of Geo Lake Lucerne. After graduating American suring that his neighbors ha University in Washington, D.C., Sen. ture. In 2002, he ran and w Thompson went to law school at Georgiacreated District 69 and in 20 State University and passed the Bar in 1993. in both cases running with a He has practiced law since then, representing Voice Counts!" government employees (including firefighters and police) and service workers. Sen. In his district, he hosts a mo Thompson currently practices law in Norcross “Citizens Advisory Forum,” a serving a variety of business and private ty and others to communica clients with a focus on administrative and corporate law at his firm—Thompson & cerning them the most. He la groups to unite and assis Associates. neighborhood revitalization President of the Gwinnett Vi Association.

Curt Thompson


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30 th Annual Asian Heritage Gala & Scholarship Award Banquet


VIP Guests

Joe Allen

Executive Director, Gwinnett Place CID


oe Allen started his career of service to Gwinnett County in the Tax Commissioner’s Office, where he served as Director of Administration and then Chief Deputy Tax Commissioner. Later, he was Gwinnett’s Division Director of Risk Management and Employee Services. Allen also spent a number of years as the Director of Public Affairs and Business Resources for the Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce. While at the Chamber, he helped organize the business leaders that later formed the Gwinnett Place Community Improvement District. In April 2006, Joe was named Executive Director for the CID. Joe is married to Melanie and they have two children.


APAC | 2015

Charlotte J. Nash Chairman Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners


harlotte J. Nash was elected Chairman of the Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners in a special election on March 15, 2011. She most recently served as president of a consulting firm specializing in governmental and public strategy and management. Prior to starting her small business, Charlotte worked for Gwinnett County Government for 27 years. Charlotte has also been active in numerous civic, business, and service organizations in the community. She is a Gwinnett County native who has lived her entire life in the Dacula/ Harbins community. She graduated with honors from both Dacula High School and the University of Georgia, where she received a bachelor’s degree in accounting. Charlotte and her husband, Michael, have been married for 41 years and have two grown children and two granddaughters.

3510 Shallowford Road NE, Atlanta GA 30341 | (770) 936-0969 | www.cpacs.org CPACS Cosmo Health Center – Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Social Services • Legal & Immigration • Counseling • Community Education Translation & Interpretation • Senior Services • Children, Youth, & Families Housing Counseling • Research • Advocacy Promoting self-sufficiency and equity for immigrants, refugees, and the underprivileged through comprehensive health and social services, capacity building, and advocacy for over 34 years in the Southeast. CPACS operates with the kindness of community volunteers and donations. Please consider making a donation today to help build stronger communities. Call (770) 936-0969 or email cpacs@cpacs.org

Did you get a DUI ticket? We will help you! If you are Asian and speak English, then call today for more information

Monthly Classes

Counseling & Evaluation State Certificate #1950

VIP Guests

Hang Tran

Morrow City Mayor Pro Tem

Carla Wong McMillian

Georgia Court of Appeals Judge


arla Wong McMillian was appointed to the Georgia Court of Appeals by Governor Nathan Deal, taking office on January 24, 2013. Born and raised in Augusta, Georgia, she is the first Asian Pacific American state appellate judge ever to be appointed in the Southeast. Prior to joining the Court of Appeals, Judge McMillian served as the State Court Judge for Fayette County, a position to which she was appointed by Governor Sonny Perdue in 2010. Numerous groups have recognized Judge McMillian’s work as a lawyer and her service to the community. In 2012, the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association tapped her as one of the “Best Lawyers Under 40” in the United States.


APAC | 2015

M Huei-Yuan Tai

Director General, Taipei Economic & Cultural Atlanta Office


uei-Yuan (Steven) Tai, who studied English literature in Taipei and has worked in European affairs, economic affairs and protocol during his career in Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs recently became the Director-General of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, which promotes Taiwanese business, cultural and educational exchanges in Atlanta. This is Mr. Tai’s second posting in the United States. He was previously a division director in Seattle. He has also been posted in Budapest, Hungary. Mr. Tai is married with one daughter and enjoys Chinese calligraphy, golf, table tennis and feng shui, according to a bio released by the TECO office. He was born in 1959.

y name is Hang Tran. I am the youngest out of five sisters in the family. My family immigrated to the United States of America in 1992 from Vietnam. Our family settled in Morrow, GA in 1994. Even though I was raised in the US, my parents instilled in me the deep Vietnamese cultural and traditions. I graduated from Georgia State University with a Bachelor in Chemistry in 2009. After a year, I graduated with a Masters in Chemistry in 2010. I am married for three wonderful years to my first love. We have one lovely son who will soon be two years old. Currently, I am working as an analytical chemist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). I enjoy working in the public sector where the main focus is in helping people and improving environmental health problems. In addition, I am newly elected Morrow City Councilwoman. My success as a candidate is largely attributed to the change in population from 1994 to 2013. In the city of Morrow, we have observed a 20% increase in the Asian population of the city. Thus, my election in the City Council reflects the diversity in the community. Also, I have the opportunity to shape and to mold my community with my leadership. As a wife and a mother, I desire Morrow grow to an even greater city for my child and everyone who lives in our community.

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30 th Annual Asian Heritage Gala & Scholarship Award Banquet


Performances Drum Performance Taiwanese School of Georgia The Taiwanese school of Georgia drum team consists of several players who have extensive knowledge of both classical and Taiwanese culture music. In Taiwan, the drums were used by farmers to summon rain. The deep bass sound is represented as the rolling thunder from the sky, while the high treble sound is represented as lightening striking in the distance. In almost all cases rain would appear within one to two hours after the drum was played. The drum team has performed in many major metro Atlanta areas such as Dog Wood Festival at Piedmont Park, Suwanee Day, Barefoot in the Park, Taiwanese Cultural Festival, ACE, SETAA, A functions, Lunar New Year Festival, and local elementary school’s international nights. Taiwanese School of Georgia is a language and culture school located at North Gwinnett High School. More information can be found at www.tsoga.org.

The Cambodian Cultural Performance Group The Cambodian Cultural Performance Group is performing a traditional Cambodian dance called Robam Khaen “ro bom gain.” Khaen is the traditional instrument used to perform in this dance. The group is taught by instructor Mrs. Socheata Ly of The Cambodian Buddhist Society, Inc.


Mahaxay Performance

Mahaxay is a village located in the district of Khammuane (which means “Happy Gold”) Province in Mid Laos. This dance represents how proud they are of where they are from and how far they have come across. Whether you were born in Asia or in America, the color of our blood is the same. They dance with their heart and passion for our community.


APAC | 2015

MaNoRa BuCharYun A Traditional Thai Dance

Vietnamese Traditional Dance Nepal Ki Chori Hu Mah A Traditional Napali Dance Performed by Deepika Pahari

Kerry Lee Atlanta Chinese Dance Company Associate Director Ribbon Dance Performance Kerry Lee was born and raised in Atlanta, where she received her early dance training from ACDC and Atlanta Ballet. She is a graduate of Standford University, where she majored in Management Science and Engineering and minored in Dance. As a professional contemporary and Chinese dance artist, Kerry has toured throughout the US and the British Virgin Islands with Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company (NJ), H.T. Chen & Dancers (NY), Dance China NY, and gloATL. She has also taught Chinese dance classes and workshops in New York, California, and Georgia. Most recently, she was the only Chinese dancer among the finalists who received a ticket to the So You Think You Can Dance Season 11 Callbacks in Pasadena. In addition to dance, Kerry is passionate about social justice and has served as a Volunteer CoCoordinator for the White House Initiative on Asian American and Pacific Islanders’ Southeast Regional Action Summit and a Fall Fellow with Obama for America. Atlanta Chinese Dance Company is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the development, advancement, and appreciation of Chinese history and culture through the art of Chinese dance to metro Atlanta and surrounding areas.

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Pandanggo sa Ilaw Angelie Ella Pandanggo sa Ilaw is a very popular folk dance in the Philippines which originated from Mindoro, the seventh largest island in the Philippines. This unique and colorful dance requires grace and skill in balancing. The dance is characterized by lively steps and movements using 3 oil lamps. One of the lamps is balanced on the head while swinging and circling the other 2 on the back of each hand. Dancing the Pandanggo sa Ilaw is Angelie Ella, 1998 Little Miss Fil-Am and 2006 Miss Fil-Am . The daughter of Oscar and the late Evangeline Ella, Angelie loves music, art, singing and dancing.

30 th Annual Asian Heritage Gala & Scholarship Award Banquet


Recipient profile


ello, my name is Khoa Nguyen Minh Huynh, and I am a senior at Meadowcreek High School. Born in Vietnam and raised there until the age of four, my father and I immigrated over to America in order to pursue a greater future. Despite leaving my family in Vietnam, especially my mother, I learned that I have opened myself to greater opportunities as I continue my education as well as meet wonderful people that have partake within my life as motivators. I have been accepted to colleges such as Georgia Tech, University of Georgia, Georgia State University, and Oglethorpe University in order to pursue a Business Management Major. However, I plan to attend Georgia State University after careful decisions due to financial reasons and transfer to the University of Georgia after two years. This journey may be long but I

seeing where it will take me.



look foward in

Congratulations! 2015 Scholarship recipient First recipient to receive both scholarships!

Vietnamese American Community of Georgia Office Address: 6030 Dawson Blvd., Ste B – Norcross, GA 30093 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3020 – Norcross, GA 30091 Established 1994  www.vac-ga.org  info@vac-ga.org  678-820-8822

Executive Board President Trish Thuy Nguyen (VAC-GA) ceo@vac-ga.org trishtdng@yahoo.com Vice President Thai Thien Ly (VWA-GA) thaithienly@yahoo.com Secretary Tan Tran (VAC-GA) tantran@vac-ga.org Treasurer Tam Huynh (VAC-GA) tamh2011@gmail.com Public Relation Director LeDam Doan (VAC-GA) ledam.doan@yahoo.com Board of Directors Tuan Minh Nguyen (Quan Tri) Que Tri Nguyen (VAC-GA) Board of Supervisors Lam Thanh Ngo (VAC-GA)


APAC | 2015

Classes at VAC-GA Computer Classes Citizenship Class Cultural Dance Classes ESL Classes


Citizenship Filing Interpretation Services Translation Services

Programs & Events

Academic Achievement Award Community Health Fair Civic Engagement After School Program Senior Program / Youth Program Annual Cultural New Year Annual Moon Festival

The Vietnamese American Community of Georgia (VAC-GA) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization form in 1994. This organization strives to help Vietnamese American build a close-knit community, to retain cultural traditions and to educate youth about Vietnamese customs. Our goal and mission is “Reflecting Back and Moving Forward.”

Recipient profile


My name is Jessica Tang. Outgoing, caring, and ambitious are a few qualities some people describe me. I am graduating from Kell High School with Honors and planning on attending Kennesaw State University in the fall. My goal is to graduate from the Nursing Program at this institution so I can continue to

help the community. I am an active member of the

National Honor’s Society, Key Club, and Beta Club in which leadership and

Tang Jessica

Copyright © © 2015

service plays an important role. Not only that, I played lacrosse for Kell for three years in which the year 2014, the program received a State Championship title. Also, I am the oldest daughter of four and daughter of Dien Lam and Saphep Tang. I enjoy helping my younger siblings whenever I can.

30 th Annual Asian Heritage Gala & Scholarship Award Banquet


Recipient profile


ulie Ko is a graduating senior from the Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology. As a senior, Julie is a part of the executive student council board at her school, where she helps organize school events; this year, her school was elected as Georgia’s student council journal high school. In addition, she is also the president of National Art Honor Society where she maintains GSMST’s chapter, which is responsible for the annual Festival of Trees and the school talent show. She truly enjoys anything artistic and has received many accolades for her artwork throughout high school. Her interest in the fine arts extends to music, where singing has remained a hobby. During her free time, she values spending time with family and friends. Another passion that Julie has sought to experience is that of

community service.

Ko Julie

Upon graduating high school, Julie will have had more than 300 hours of community service. Her love for helping others was further inspired when she began to intern at a community center. She specifically interned in a program known as “Jobs for Pay” , where she tutored and mentored teen students. To see that she had the ability influence others made her realize future aspirations. After the many experiences she gained in high school, she found that communication and leadership are just some of the few things that Julie would like to pursue as a career. Therefore, she is very excited to attend Babson College, a private business school in Massachusetts. She is very excited about possible future opportunities and hopes to become an influential figure by continuing her education and gaining leadership experience along the way.

The Center for Pan Asian Community Services, Inc. (CPACS) mission is to promote self-sufficiency and equity for immigrants, refugees, and the underprivileged through comprehensive health and social services, capacity building, and advocacy. CPACS, founded in 1980 on the belief that people need people, is the first, largest, and longest standing organization in the Southeast focused on issues concerning Asian Americans. Since its inception CPACS goal has been to deliver a broad continuum of comprehensive, family centered health and social services. CPACS recognizes that health, education, employment, citizenship, and community are interrelated, interdependent, and integral to individual success as well as the ability to contribute to the society in which we live. During the past 34 years CPACS has evolved from a volunteer-run organization formed to help local Korean Americans, into a multi-service organization with a diverse staff with the ability to speak 15 different languages (Asian and non-Asian). CPACS capacity has grown from 791 clients served per month in 1999 to 2,600 clients served per month in 2013. Although CPACS has a unique capacity to serve Asian Americans and continues to provide essential services that benefit that group, it has evolved to provide services that benefit the entire community, particularly limited English proficient members of our community, regardless of racial or ethnic makeup.

3510 Shallowford Road NE, Atlanta GA 30341 | (770) 936-0969 | www.cpacs.org


APAC | 2015

Recipient profile



oming from a family of high achievers and the youngest of three girls, Sophia Mapua is the Fil-Am Presidential Scholar of 2015. She hails from Acworth and the daughter of George and Czarina Mapua. A senior at North Cobb High School Magnet Program for International Studies, she plans to attend University of Georgia in the fall. Sophia has consistently been in the academic honor roll, Principal’s Honor Roll and AP Scholar with distinction in 2014. She also has been a member of the National Honor Society since August of 2014. A literary and creative writer, “Imagine a World Without Hate” won her first place in the Kennesaw State University Writing Competition. She acts as a tutor for English and edits essays for Juniors taking AP English Language. Furthermore, Sophia is currently a staff member of the North Cobb High School Newsletter. A very well-rounded teenager, Sophia plays in ALTA tennis leagues, a cellist, a pianist, and a dancer. In fact she was first chair in the cello section of the orchestra from 2009-2012. Furthermore, Sophia is currently the Vice-President and Treasurer of the Interact Club, the Secretary of Warriors for Women, and a member of the Environmental Club, UGA HEROES and Well-Being Club. Her greatest passion in life is giving part of herself to volunteer work. She is busy with FOCUS, Services of WellStar Kennestone Hospital, Church Disability Ministry, and performing at nursing homes. With all of these activities and achievements, Sophia still has managed


to get a GPA of 4.077. Congratulations!

Way to go, Sophia!

Filipino-American Association of Greater Atlanta, Inc. www.atl-filam.org

The Filipino-American Association of Greater Atlanta (Fil-Am) has been serving the Filipino-American community since 1974. It is a socio-cultural and service organization whose members share common interests in the Philippines and in the culture of the Filipino people. Fil-Am is a proud charter member of the Asian/Pacific-American Council of Georgia, Inc. We wholeheartedly join APAC in the celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month and hereby congratulate APAC for its 30 years of service to Georgia’s Asian American community. We look forward to continued collaboration with APAC’s member organizations in achieving common goals, cultivating and sharing our rich cultural heritage, and promoting full participation in mainstream American society.

2015 FIL-AM BOARD OF DIRECTORS Koko Trinidad, President

American Association of www.atl-filam.org

Mayette P. Bayani, Vice President Juliet Cook, Secretary Edwina Blanco, Treasurer de los Reyes, Greater Cesar Atlanta, Inc. PRO Nenette Smith, Social Chair Jovie Aguilar, Culture Chair

rican Association of Greater Atlanta (Fil-Am) has been serving the community since 1974. It is a socio-cultural and service organization are common interests in the Philippines and in the culture of the Filipino a proud charter member of the Asian/Pacific-American Council of wholeheartedly join APAC in the celebration of Asian Pacific American d hereby congratulate APAC for its 30 years of service to Georgia’s Asian ity. We look forward to continued collaboration with APAC’s member achieving common goals, cultivating and sharing our rich cultural Copyright © © 2015 oting full participation in mainstream American society.

Jeff Dulog, Service Chair Emelyn Turner, Membership Chair Michael Billedo, Ways & Means Chair Pam Peterman, Director Elsie Vidanes, Director Dr. Ely Abellera, Parliamentarian

30 th Annual Asian Heritage Gala & Scholarship Award Banquet


Recipient profile


orn and raised in Georgia, I can confidently say I grew up under the shadow of an all-too perfect older sister and the pressure of a tiger mom. Some may not have liked the pressure I grew up with, but I have found

that I thrived in this environment. What I lacked in stellar grades, I made up with

extracurricular activities. I became a leader in

countless organizations. I aimed to excel in everything I do. As any child would, I stumbled and tripped on my way to become a better me, but I improved as I grew older. In high school, I made the All-State Band every year I tried out contrary to my all middle school years when I had never even passed the first round. In high school, I became both the Georgia and South Carolina Taekwondo State Champion in

Lee Seri

sparring when I didn’t even think about competing in middle school. In high school, I became the President of National Honor Society when I had barely even attended club meetings in middle school. Continuing this trend, I hope to exponentially grow in the future. I am certain that I will make a difference in the world as a versatile yet strong leader in society.

Korean American Community Congratulations and Happy 30th year of Asian Heritage Month Celebration! Asian Pacific American Council of Georgia, Inc (APAC) is leading the Asian Pacific American communities in Georgia with the Heritage celebration, cultural enrichments, unity and civil engagements. Korean American community applause APAC’s leadership role and will continue to support the APAC’s future plans and tasks proactively.

History of begun Korean community in Atlanta was when a Korean student, Chi-Ho Yoon, who attended Emory

University in the late 19th Century. Through him, Atlanta was introduced to Korean and in 1968, Korean American community organization is formed and now it grew to approximately 100,000 Korean Americans in throughout the Metro Atlanta and Georgia area. Now, Gwinnett County is the major location where most Korean Americans are residing and do businesses in. Now, Atlanta is the number one choice for new Korean immigrants and Korean students among other cities in U.S.

We, the Korean American Community wishes APAC’s continue to succeed and carry on the Heritage Month

Celebration for another 30 years more.


Once again, Congratulation on the 30 years of accomplishment!

APAC | 2015

Recipient profile




arah Chomthakham is 18 years old and attends Parkview High School as a senior. Sarah enjoys helping others. She has volunteered in many community events such as Ronald McDonald house, Lupus Walk, Tea Walk and many others. She has been dancing with LAS on and off since 2007. She enjoys volunteering with the community, with LAS as well as with her school community.

going on new adventures.

Sarah also enjoys

Sarah played recreational soccer for four years and ran track and fields, and she’s a member of French a Club, FBLA as well as an officer of DECA. She loves competing in DECA competitions. Sarah plans to attend Georgia Tech and plans to study Biology. She hopes to be a pediatrician so she can help kids in need.

Copyright © © 2015

30 th Annual Asian Heritage Gala & Scholarship Award Banquet


Recipient profile



y name is Amulya Bajracharya, a senior at Marietta High School. I was originally born in Nepal, but I moved in 2002 to Georgia and have stayed in the state for the majority of my life. I currently live in Marietta, GA though I plan to go to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in the fall of 2015. I have been with the Marietta School System since 4th grade and the International Baccalaureate program since 9th grade though I had previously prepared for it in the Middle Years program. I have consistently been within the top 5% of my class though I am involved in several clubs and projects over my high school life. I have joined the Marietta High Environmental Club working in paper recycling and the Reading Bowl team participating in a state competition in Carrollton, GA. These are small clubs that have really fueled my desire to expand myself into a better-rounded individual. As a result, I have also taken to volunteering and becoming involved in bigger projects. I was afforded the opportunity to work the summer of 2014 at Georgia Tech working on quadcopters. Besides that, I have been able to grow into more responsibility as my peers elected me to be secretary of The Society for Pre-Engineering and the project manager of the Marietta High Haiti Container Building Project, a multi-year collaborative project with international ties. The project is a volunteer activity where we hope to create a sustainable community center for the people of Haiti. In both positions, I have come into



APAC | 2015

my own as a leader

and been able to work with my fellow students to help make a change in the world. Hopefully, I will be able to do the same at Embry-Riddle.

Recipient profile


was born here in Duluth, but my parents immigrated from Taiwan. I am currently attending Duluth High School where I will graduate from as an honor grad. For years, I’ve been

an active member of my school’s swim and dive team and its National Honor Society. Outside of school, I’ve helped out with the Chinese American LEO club as their design director, secretary and now Vice President. At home, you can find me

baking away in the kitchen or



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tucked away in my room reading. I plan to attend the University of Georgia to pursue a degree in Biology with the hopes of becoming a doctor in the future.

30 th Annual Asian Heritage Gala & Scholarship Award Banquet


Recipient profile




s a naturally hardworking individual, the most meticulous of details were never overlooked, and my worldview started to deteriorate into a series of checkpoints and goals. I genuinely enjoyed working hard and putting my all into school. I never attributed my grades to be a product of being a smart man, rather merely to being a dedicated individual. While a dedicated individual I may be, as I entered high school, I experienced a paradigm shift in my way of thinking as soon as I saw a senior pursuing his passions, and from then on I channeled my efforts into pursuing my passions in the STEM fields, which resulted in my participation in the robotics team, and on the math team. I started to become a more social person and interacted with those that shared my interests around this time. This is not to say that my support of my nationality waned, I joined a Taiwanese Drum Team for the Taiwanese School of Georgia and started to perform for various culture festivals, which brought me to my roots

being proud of my heritage and culture.


The Taiwanese American Association, Atlanta Chapter (ATAA) was founded in 1971. The goal of the association is to provide means and place for citizens who come from Taiwan or descendants of Taiwanese American to meet and social; to get contact and help as needed; to promote Taiwanese culture in Atlanta communities. The association holds three to four regular gatherings every year. Most gatherings are held outdoors for picnic and indoors when performances or entertainments are provided. Friends of any member’s are welcome to attend the gatherings. The association has good partnership with other Taiwanese organizations including Atlanta Taiwanese Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), Atlanta Taiwanese Philharmonic Chorus, Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce in Atlanta, Taiwanese School of Atlanta, Formosa Association of Public Affairs in Georgia, Taiwanese School of Georgia, Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce of Gainesville Georgia, Taiwanese American Citizens League and Formosa Association for Human Right. The mutual goal is caring about Taiwanese society and promoting her loveliness.


APAC | 2015

Tax Exempt Code 501(c)(3), Non-Profit Organization P.O. Box 669847, Marietta, GA 30066 Phone/Fax: 770.998.8375 www.tawcusa.com varinees@yahoo.com | thaiawc@yahoo.com CULTURAL ADVISORS: Raungtong Tonglunthom (Thailand) Roongrudee Pangpongsai (Thailand) Charin Nuntanakorn (Thailand) Jern Jern Boonsungnern (Thailand/USA) Chalieo Setsee, Monrudee Sunyapong, Achara Smyte, Vien & Arunee Dang, Patcharin Punnithi, Chaiyaphorn & Prissana Kaewliam, Patana & Paisri Untachantr, Adisorn & Nopakarn Kanjananampa, Parichat Quiros, Tanes & Nipa Kitvanichvises, Vanna Thongintra, Nongkran Untachantr, Jason & Pissamai Baker, Jirapon & Thanyanuch G. Ruengsri, Nopranat Sricharoen.

2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: Varinee Sangmalee Executive Vice President: Penny Sarindu Vice Presidents: Wonchai Woowong, Pitchaya Phejlada, Chaiyaphorn Kaewliam, Nathan Kongthum, Anthony Untachantr, Yotin Srivanjarean Secretary: Lt. Col. Sumalee Patanasiri Treasurer: Orapin Assavavallop C.P.A: Kasemsakdi Assavavallop Advisors: Dr. Umpon Sangmalee, M.D. Prasert Punkattalee (Nad Auto) Ekapong Sarindhu M.L. Saksiri Kridakorn (Thailand) Paul & Nipa Kajitla (Thailand) Dr. Kim Reimann, PhD (GSU) Legal Counselor: Boonma Tachavanich (Thailand)

The Malaysian Association of Georgia (MAG) is a nongovernmental, non-political, and non-profit organization. The objectives of MAG are: To bring together individuals of Malaysian national origin, and others who share interests in Malaysia, to participate in educational, cultural, social, and economic activities; To encourage communication: - between Malaysians and the Embassy of Malaysia; - between Malaysians and the community at large; To promote friendship and foster a better understanding of the Malaysian culture with the community at large; To promote friendship and foster a better understanding of the Malaysian culture with the community at large through social, cultural, educational and economic programs; To promote and represent the interests of Malaysians in the metro Atlanta area and the state of Georgia; To collaborate with organizations, foreign and domestic, to project a good Malaysian image and to promote international understanding.

Copyright Š Š 2015

30 th Annual Asian Heritage Gala & Scholarship Award Banquet


To our sponsors

Indonesian Community Heritage Foundation 1758 Mountain Oak Road Kennesaw, GA 30152 www.ICHF.us ichf.atlanta@gmail.com

The Indonesian Community Heritage Foundation is a non-profit organization established in United States in 1998 by the Indonesian community and for the Indonesian community. As Indonesian living in the United States, we believe in promoting good citizenship, providing support and education to the Indonesian community and preserving Indonesian culture and tradition and at the same time maintaining racial harmony. To raise International awareness of human rights violations and discrimination against Indonesian community. Pancha Anugerah President of ICHF


APAC | 2015

Thank You! Bill Imada Chairman and CEO I W Group, Inc

Alex Wu Advisory Board APAC-GA


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