Ideas To Live By

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Having a clear vision for your life would help you to obtain long term success.

Everything that you do is a seed, make sure that you are planting what you want to manifest.

Whatever you imagine for yourself & truly believe, is possible for you to achieve.



Fight for order in your life daily, it will help you to produce much in life.

Don’t be content with just potential, do the necessary work to make use of your potential.

Ideas To Live By






The key to getting things done is discipline and time management.

What would you do with your life if you could not fail? Program your mind to see that your only limitations are self-imposed.

You will either succeed or learn from your actions, losing or failing is all about your perspective.

Let your action or results speak for you more than what you say.

Discovering your purpose will help you to decide what you need to learn.






Educating yourself properly will put you in a position to live a lifestyle that you desire.

The beginning of your story, good or bad does not write the entire book, you must be deliberate and intentional with your actions to create the story that is pleasing to you.

Programming your mind for the level of success that you desire may be difficult, but it’s well worth it.

Develop the mentality of a FINISHER!

TIME is your greatest commodity/ resource here in the EARTH, your success in LIFE will be determined based on how you utilize your 24.

Copyright © 2020 Shields Consulting, LLC



This winning as a student workbook serves as a resource to help you find massive success as a student in addition to other various aspects of your life. Similar to that of any other tool or resource, having the tools without utilizing them correctly does not guarantee success in and of itself. DARYL SHIELDS has been able to from getting kicked out of high school the very day of his senior year, to less than a decade later, finishing all of his courses towards his Doctorate. Being able to go from kicked out of high school to being a dissertation away from a receiving a Ph.D. can be a challenge, but if everything in life goes well, then such a process may not be that difficult. For DARYL, this was not the case throughout the entire process of DARYL pursuing his formal education. He was on active duty in the Army, had multiple combat deployments, founded a successful real estate investment and had to overcome

several personal obstacles, such as his wife almost losing her life due to having an ectopic pregnancy. Despite having to overcome several obstacles and challenges, DARYL was still able to complete his bachelor’s degree within five years of graduating from high school, his master's degree one year after that, and all of his course work towards his Ph.D. without any student loans. If your desire is to be successful as a student, then the principles, strategies and techniques conveyed in this workbook should help you in the process.


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PUBLISHED BY: Shields Consulting, LLC 1477 Tiny Town Rd Ste.250 Clarksville, TN 37042

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this entire manual is copyright protected The materials, seminar training and any of its associated ancillary materials and/or trainings are not for use as a source of professional, financial, accounting, legal, personal or medical advice. You should be aware of the various laws governing business (expressed or implied), merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The author and the publisher (Daryl Shields, Shields Consulting, LLC or any of SC’s representatives) shall in no way, under any circumstances, be held liable to any party (or third party) for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of materials and or seminar trainings, which is provided “as is,” and without warranties.

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Upon the subject of education… I can only say that I view it as the most important subject which we as a people may be engaged in. - Abraham Lincoln -

Formal Education will make you living, self-education will make you a future. - Jim Rohn -

“Everbody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid” - Albert Einstein

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I believe that for some of us, we may have mistaken or thought that going to school was the same as getting educated, but on the contrary, this is not the case. Whether or not you did very well in school in terms of getting good grades or the total opposite, it is still possible that you could have retained a lot of information temporarily while realizing that later on, that some of the information if not most of that information was not very beneficial and applicable to your life. Most of the information that is taught in school is generalized information and thus the information may only be retained temporarily. Although most schools primarily teach a lot of generalized information for several of us, school is where most of us learned how to be good students. Essentially, school provides us with foundational principles that can help us to become very educated.

For Example: School teaches the discipline of time. School teaches the discipline of reading School teaches the importance of comprehension. School teaches the value of structure. School teaches us about diversity as through interacting with other students you learn of various traditions and ideas. School also teaches that learning is a process and it is utilized as preparation for other endeavors. The fact of the matter is, school is not bad and there are actual several positive factors associated with going to school, but that does not guarantee that you will become educated.

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As stated previously, school is the foundation in which education is built upon‌ and what truly separates the two is that for educated people the learning material/ curriculum is less generalized and more specific. A medical doctor for example, may have to go to school for several year, read numerous books, conduct internships, write countless papers, etc. While all these facts may be real, I can almost guarantee you that such a person will learn very little about plumbing or other subjects as well during their educational process, as such information may be of no value to them and it is incongruent with their educational goals.

Schools makes it as if an educated person has to know about countless subjects that may be of little interest to a person, whereas education makes it clear that not knowing everything is perfectly fine. In fact, once you get past the Associates Degree level of formal education, a degree major must be declared in most cases and the learning material becomes more specific.

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Essentially, there are two popular forms of education, that being formal and informal education. Being though, most people are more familiar, and they recognize this form of learning more. I will begin by talking about Formal Education. To me, formal education is an extension of school. Because of the various requirements for admission, as well as the applications to colleges that typically require applicants to have a high school diploma, as well as the minimum score requirement for specific standardized tests for acceptance into some universities, is formal education very similar to school or the same as going to school. Also, for most degree programs, there are still various general courses which are required to fulfil the degree requirements. Formal education is still structured learning and to some level, it can be very general as well. The good news though, as you progress in your studies and or if you choose to go for an advanced degree, the learning is precise and therefore the learning process is more enjoyable.


Informal education on the other hand does not require any upfront tests or prerequisites to get started, only that ofa willing and able mind, plus the discipline to learn what it is that you desire to learn. Informal education is a less structured method of learning and therefore there is little to no accreditation for this method of learning and therefore, your level of understanding will be based upon the results that you are able to produce. Let’s say for instance, you decide to study photography and film, learning the information through online courses, will not contribute towards you receiving any degree or diploma, or a certificate to illustrate that you have actually completed the learning process. As you begin to market and advertise your photography services though, you will be able to charge based on the quality of service that you provide. If you are really good at doing photography, regardless of the fact that you do not have a degree, you would be able to get compensated very well, because your education has enabled you to become highly skilled.

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My approach to the concept of passion and career is this, to me, being successful is having the ability to get PAID to do what it is that I LOVE to DO and that which I am passionate about. Luckily, for me, what I love to do and what I am passionate about, I can actually build a business around, as doing such activities and providing these specific services is possible because there is an existing industry. What if this was not the case and my passion would not enable me to produce an income? I would recommend that you choose a career path that you really like and you would enjoy to wake up doing daily. Although, for most people, they will likely discover that what they are passionate about, there is a way to be compensated doing such activities without compromising your intentions and motives. For example, if you are passionate about helping people you can work as a counselor, therapist, psychiatrist, etc. without only doing it for the money.

Let’s take this time to discuss what your passionate about and what areas in which you should educate yourself.

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Having passion for something specific will contribute to you participating in such activities when no monetary reward is attached. When you are studying something that you are passionate about it, the awards associated with doing the work once the process is finished will far exceed that of obtaining a degree, certificate, or any other academic accolades.





Who are you becoming through the process of educating yourself? (Judge, Politician, Doctor, Real Estate Professional, Marketing Agent, Branding Expert, etc.)

What type of skills/ knowledge can you learn to supplement your primary educational path? For example, Business Major: Supplemental learning……… Time Management (Lean Six Sigma), Graphic Designing (Adobe Illustrator), QuickBooks (Accounting), Communication Skills (Written Books, etc)

02. What information/ credentials will you need to be successful in this profession? (Path of study, ie; informal/ formal educational learning)

04. Why are pursuing education in your chosen field of study? (Passion, Career, or BOTH)

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“Change is inevitable, but transformation is by conscious choice.” -Heather Ash Amara “The seed of a bamboo tree is planted, fertilized and watered. Nothing happens for the first year. There´s no sign of growth. Not even a hint. The same thing happens - or doesn´t happen - the second year. And then the third year. The tree is carefully watered and fertilized each year, but nothing shows. No growth. No anything. For eight years it can continue. Eight years! Then after the eight years of fertilizing and watering have passed, with nothing to show for it - the bamboo tree suddenly sprouts and grows thirty feet in three months!” - Zig Ziglar

The process of identifying your core strengths will begin with you becoming aware of the fact or activating some of the profoundl attributes that we all possess as human beings. Due to the fact that human beings have free will, and other keen attributes that grants us the opportunity to determine who and what we want to become in life, I am going to start here as it relates to identifying your core strengths.

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Although these are lyrics to a song, what Drake was saying is profoundly true, but several listeners of the song, probably took little time to study what he meant in his lyrics, but instead only listened for entertainment purposes. Please allow me to elaborate further on the actual power of your mind. Similar to of the bamboo tree, we as human beings have the ability to transform ourselves and become the person who we desire to become. The problem is, most people do not understand the power of transformation and that, although there may not be much tangible evidence of change or progress pertaining to the manifestation of your goals; that there is actual tremendous amounts of change taking place internally. Internal growth, although it is not tangible initially, will contribute massively towards you reaching your full potential and not merely settling for less. For myself personally, and several other successful individuals, we have applied the principles related to transformation and becoming the internal vision of ourselves whether consciously or unconsciously in some instances. As a student specifically, when you are able to see yourself as a doctor, lawyer, architect, computer engineer, etc, than such dynamics will enable you to keep going and press towards the attainment of your educational goals regardless of the challenges and adversity that you might come up against.

“See the power of the mind is not a joke man, I said that I would do it and I did,� Drake mentioned this on the song BOTH with Gucci Mane.

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Sit back and think about this for a moment, you are getting ready to board a plane, heading towards your ideal vacation spot and now it is almost time for the flight to take off for departure. There are not many passengers aboard this plane, and the flight attendant, offers you the opportunity to visit the Pilots Cabin, so that way you can witness what is actually taking place from the pilot’s perspective. Upon entering the cabin, you realize that they were very calm, and that they were able to communicate with you and even look at you while talking….how could this be, you thought to yourself. As the conversation progressed, you then realized that the plane was on auto pilot, and in all actuality, the airplane was primarily driving itself. You were not aware of this process prior to you being invited to visit the Pilots Cabin, are you now more nervous during the duration of the trip, or what type of thoughts are going through your mind? The reason in which the pilots are able to operate the plane on autopilot is due to the fact that there are Cybernetics Instruments in place, which ensures that the aircraft reaches it intended destination, with minimal assistance from the actual pilots. How does this relate to your success as a student or in life in general….similar to the airplane, you to can program your mind to get you towards the accomplishment of your dreams and goals, while being reassured that you will reach your desired destination if you do not quit and do the work necessary in the process.


Programming your mind for the level of success that you desire begins with you understanding that majority of the battle and struggles starts from within. Depending upon the environment that you grew up in, and or the programming of your closest friends or family members, they may tell you that what you are striving towards is unrealistic or nearly impossible to accomplish, and as a matter of fact, they are right….such things are impossible to people that can not see it for themselves, or lack the faith necessary to keep pressing towards a goal despite seeing minimal results during the process. In addition to the internal circumstances that may cause you to second guess what you are going after or becoming more percisely, there will also be internal factors, that may attempt to stop you from reprogramming your mind from pursuing the level of success that you desire more importantly.

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I remember like it was yesterday, getting kicked out of high school and arrested the very first day going into my senior year of high school. I did not have any clear goals, and as a result, I was not making sound decisions during this period of my life and it depicted how I viewed myself internally. My cumulative GPA throughout all of my time in high school was that of 1.69. I remember saying to myself two years after getting kicked out of high school, that I was going to get my Ph.D.…..I did not worry about what it was going to cost me financially, mentally, nor did the fact that I barely graduated from high school deter me from setting this goal for myself. Fast forward nine years after graduating from high school, and I was able to complete all my course work towards my Doctorate Degree in Organizational Development and Leadership. What had enabled me to go from getting kicked out of high school to now being a dissertation away from obtaining my Ph.D. is the fact that I changed how I viewed myself internally. The evidence began to show, year after year after year gradually. I set the destination within my heart years before I was able to reach the manifestation process of my goals.

don’t allow your previous programming to hinder you from reaching your full potential!

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Imagine yourself accomplishing all of your educational goals….take the amount of time necessary until the internal manifestation of your desires becomes real to you!



Describe what it felt like to accomplish your educational goals:

What are the benefits associated with you accomplishing your educational goals:

What you can see INTERNALLY, is possible to manifest EXTERNALLY!

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Imagine yourself accomplishing all of your educational goals….take the amount of time necessary until the internal manifestation of your desires becomes real to you!



Take the 16 Personality assessment as a tool to identify some of your core strengths and weaknesses pertaining to your personality profile: (Do you agree with your results, why or why not…how can you utilize this assessment to help you to accomplish your goals and aspirations?)

What are the most fulfilling aspects associated with you completing your educational process:

04. What are some of your obstacles associated with you being able to INTERNALLY picture the manifestation of your educational goals?

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The principles related to goal setting is a practice that I wish I would have implemented into my life a lot sooner than I did. The truth is, I did not write out any goals pertaining to my life until I was 21 years old. I did not have the luxury of growing up in an environment, nor was I exposed to information conveying the importance of setting goals, and how doing so can tremendously change a person’s life. Today, I am no longer ignorant of this information, and I know firsthand just how vital written goals are, and it is a practice that I implement daily. For some of you, you may be like I was at 21 years old, and never really understood the power of setting goals, and for others you may already understand the significance of setting goals and you may already practice doing such things regularly. Regardless of what category you may fall into as it relates to the principle and practice of goal setting, I am going to take my time in this section, to help ensure that you will achieve the level of success that you desire.


One of the first steps to activating this principle begins with you taking your thoughts/ goals and putting them on paper. Writing your goals out on paper is a keen principle that the vast majority of people fail to do. To be frank, research indicates that there is an estimated 3% of people that actually have written goals. While this maybe the case, it is evident that such a practice actually works, as nearly every successful business has a vision and mission statement, in addition to clearly conveyed goals, coupled with plans and strategies to accomplish those written goals.

More individuals should follow the blueprint of successful businesses and write out their, vision, mission, goals, and plans for their lives

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BENEFITS OF WRITING OUT YOUR GOALS There are several benefits related to you writing out your goals, one of the first benefits that I will mention, is that this practice will actually force you to think about who you want to become, when you want to grow into this person, some of the tangible rewards associated with becoming this person, how are you going to become this person, as well as why you want to become this person. Essentially, writing out your goals helps to keep you focus throughout your life, and helps you to stay on track to become and manifest that which you desire.


01 02 03 04

Clarity – You will be forced to think about your life from an in-depth perspective. Helps to enable you to reach the finish line of your life without any regrets. Focus - Your goals will help you to determine the level of discipline necessary to accomplish your tasks, objectives, and overall goals. Seeing is Believing - Having a visual depiction of where your going, helps to keep it at the top of your mind. By thinking about your goals continually, it enables you to increase your level of expectation, and belief in the manifestation process related to your goals. Emotional Involvement - Through the process of visualizing the manifestation of your goals, you will understand that it is merely a matter of time before the internal picture or written goals, actually become a tangible reality.

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As you being you to implement the practice of writing out your goals and taking action towards those goals, one of the things that will happen, is that you will being to accumulate wins, which is essentially that of the attainment of various goals during the process. Celebrating your Wins, whether they are perceived to be large or small is vitally important, as doing so, helps you to increase momentum, and eventually you will get to a level where high momentum is sustained. Developing a system to celebrate your accomplishments even as you continue to progress towards your overarching goals; decreases mental fatigue, makes the process more enjoyable, increases your ability to manage other areas of your life more effectively and efficiently, as well as decreases the timeline that it will take you to reach your goals.

As you achieve your goals, your level of self-esteem, self respect and personal pride will increase as well. You will begin to feel like a winner and eventually you will become UNSTOPPABLE‌. Bottomline, celebrate all wins, small & large

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I made it a priority to celebrate small wins as well as big wins.


• Ex. Weekly Assignments (Small Wins) Discussion Posts (Small Wins) Passing a Class (Big Win)


Celebrate as a TEAM as much as you can • For me, I knew that my wife and kids were all impacted by me going to school and taking classes. • Saturdays was my time to do something fun with the family without any compromise • I was rewarding my family for being considerate, as well as myself in the process


Find hobbies that you enjoy and participate in these activities when down time or leisure time is available • For me that consisted of playing the video game & watching movies • These hobbies were convenient for me because I did not have to leave my house to participate in such activities.


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Honor the system that you create for yourself

• Your success will be predicated upon you doing the work necessary. By creating a system, the tasks becomes less stressful and more enjoyable.


UNDERSTANDING AND APPLYING SPECIFIC LAWS FOR YOUR SUCCESS Now that you understand the importance and benefits of writing out your goals, and that you should develop a system to celebrate your wins, the next step is that of understanding specific laws. It is easy to understand how the laws of gravity operate in the Earth Realm; essentially, everything that goes up, must eventually come back down. This law pertains to everyone, and I mean EVERYONE. Well, the same is accurate as it relates to the manifestation of your goals, and your success overall. To be honest with you, some of these laws that I am going to share with you can be neglected and defied, but that is based on a person’s characters. There are several people who break laws pertaining to the judicial system and never get caught. The same maybe true as it relates to the principles that I am going to discuss. Knowing this to be true, the benefits of knowing these laws helps you to understand the cause of your success and manifestation of your goals, and not merely the effects or manifested results.

Remember, goal setting from a

long-term perspective is more

focused on who you are

becoming, and not merely that

of what you will obtain. The

material possessions and other

tangible rewards will manifest

as a result of you becoming

the person who you

envisioned yourself becoming.

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01 The Law of Direction states that success is only possible if backed by a clear sense of purpose and direction for your life. And this of course comes down to setting clear and specific goals for every area of your life.

Knowing these laws puts you in a position to win big in life, while becoming the person that you want to grow into while accomplishing all that you set out to accomplish. When you have clear, specific goals that you are in writing, as you look at these goals daily, you trigger these laws into action on your behalf. What you can then accomplish becomes unlimited. Here are some essential LAWS for success:

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02 The Law of Action states that you must engage in actions that are aligned with your goals, desires and dreams. Only in this way will you bring your desired outcomes to reality.


05 The Law of Expectation states that whatever you expect with confidence and certainly becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. This of course comes through in the way you think and talk about how situations are going to turn out. You can either expect the best or the worst from a situation. And what you expect affects how you approach each situation, and therefore influences your potential. Moreover, what you expect from people and situations effectively determines your attitude towards them.


03 The Law of Preparation

The Law of Concentration

states that the prepared person is always more likely to succeed than the person who acts without thinking. It is after all only through the process of preparation can you begin to foresee what potential challenges lie ahead and thereby make the necessary adjustments to successfully navigate through these obstacles

states that whatever you consciously and persistently direct your thoughts upon will grow and expand in your life. In other words, the more you think and reflect upon something the larger impact it will have on your daily choices, behavior and actions. However, you of course have a choice to either concentrate upon what it is you want (your goals), or to instead choose to focus on your fears, failures and mistakes.



The Law of Persistence

The Law of Attraction

states that your ability to persist through setbacks and adversity is a measure of the believe you have in yourself and in your ability to succeed. The higher your level of persistence in the face of great odds the greater your level of belief and certainty in what you’re doing.

states that you attract into your life people, events, situations and circumstances that are in sync with your dominant thinking, talking and emoting patterns. In other words, you have what you have in your life right now because of the person you have chosen to become over a lifetime. Whether it was consciously or subconsciously created, you made that choice. As such you can choose to be different; to think differently about yourself, about your life and circumstances, and therefore take control of the person you become tomorrow.

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Utilize these moments to clearly define what is in that you want in life, and the timeline in which you are wanting to get it. Keep in mind, that there is a process to accomplishing your goals, and while this true, remember that the only limitations to what you can accomplish with your life is that your inability to believe and see that it’s possible and also that of TIME. Knowing this, have fun with this process, get emotionally involved with these goals and understand that the attainment of these goals is possible. Decide exactly what you want in every key area of your life. Start off by Idealizing. Imagine that there are no limitations on what you can be, have or do.



What is your vision for your life: (Take this time to study your favorite brand or company and utilize these few components as a frame of reference for your personal life)

What is your life mission/or what do you want your LEGACY to be?

03. What are your core values?

You are the CEO of YOURSELF, Let’s Build Your Dream Life!

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Where do you desire to be at in LIFE in the following YEARS?

2 YEARS FROM NOW Education (What skills, knowledge, and information will you need to learn)

Relationships (Kids, Spouse, Mother, Father, Siblings, etc.)

Health (Weight, fitness goals, running marathon, cross fit competitor, etc.)

Financial (Net worth, Assets, Salary, etc.)

Community Contributions (Volunteer at shelters, animal shelters, local church activities)

Destinations Traveled (Maldives, Dubai, Fiji, Bora Bora, etc.)

Unique Experiences (Skydive, Climb the Grand Canyon, Stay in Luxury hotel for $10k a Night)

Other personal achievements (Write books, form businesses, Kids accomplishments, Marriage Anniversary Celebrations, etc.)

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Where do you desire to be at in LIFE in the following YEARS?

4 YEARS FROM NOW Education (What skills, knowledge, and information will you need to learn)

Relationships (Kids, Spouse, Mother, Father, Siblings, etc.)

Health (Weight, fitness goals, running marathon, cross fit competitor, etc.)

Financial (Net worth, Assets, Salary, etc.)

Community Contributions (Volunteer at shelters, animal shelters, local church activities)

Destinations Traveled (Maldives, Dubai, Fiji, Bora Bora, etc.)

Unique Experiences (Skydive, Climb the Grand Canyon, Stay in Luxury hotel for $10k a Night)

Other personal achievements (Write books, form businesses, Kids accomplishments, Marriage Anniversary Celebrations, etc.)

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Where do you desire to be at in LIFE in the following YEARS?

6 YEARS FROM NOW Education (What skills, knowledge, and information will you need to learn)

Relationships (Kids, Spouse, Mother, Father, Siblings, etc.)

Health (Weight, fitness goals, running marathon, cross fit competitor, etc.)

Financial (Net worth, Assets, Salary, etc.)

Community Contributions (Volunteer at shelters, animal shelters, local church activities)

Destinations Traveled (Maldives, Dubai, Fiji, Bora Bora, etc.)

Unique Experiences (Skydive, Climb the Grand Canyon, Stay in Luxury hotel for $10k a Night)

Other personal achievements (Write books, form businesses, Kids accomplishments, Marriage Anniversary Celebrations, etc.)

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Where do you desire to be at in LIFE in the following YEARS?

8 YEARS FROM NOW Education (What skills, knowledge, and information will you need to learn)

Relationships (Kids, Spouse, Mother, Father, Siblings, etc.)

Health (Weight, fitness goals, running marathon, cross fit competitor, etc.)

Financial (Net worth, Assets, Salary, etc.)

Community Contributions (Volunteer at shelters, animal shelters, local church activities)

Destinations Traveled (Maldives, Dubai, Fiji, Bora Bora, etc.)

Unique Experiences (Skydive, Climb the Grand Canyon, Stay in Luxury hotel for $10k a Night)

Other personal achievements (Write books, form businesses, Kids accomplishments, Marriage Anniversary Celebrations, etc.)

Copyright Š 2020 Shields Consulting, LLC


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