Rebellion Workbook I

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//. // Guide to Empowered Eating R E B E L L I O N V I T A L I T Y

R E B E L L I O N V I T A L I T Y (

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01 02 03 04

Welcome Letter

Weight Loss : Know Your Why

Personal Contract

The 2 C’s : Carbohydrates & Calories - Count Your Carbohydrates - How Calories Work

05 06 07 08

How Many Meals a Day?

THE REBELLION GUIDE TO EMPOWERED FOOD LIST - Approved No Carbohydrate Foods - Approved Foods to Eat Mindfully in Moderation Because They Have Carbs

The Truth About Sugars

Food Log

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Hello Friend!!

Thank you for putting your trust in our knowledge, experience, and training(s). The first thing you should know about us, we LOVE to eat and think a large part of life’s enjoyment comes from consuming delicious food that connect us with the world’s diverse cultures and the friends who we share our meals with. We come from large families of eaters and hosting big dinner parties is an incredibly important part of our lives. We plan vacations around what restaurants we are going to eat at and always indulge in the local ‘fare’. Growing up in our houses you’d be full at a family meal before the main course was even served, but you better believe we finished every bite, including dessert!

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We are not now or ever going to blow smoke up your ‘you know what’. It is not realistic to eat super rich foods all the time and expect to lose weight. It’s also not realistic to deprive yourself of the foods you love and miss out on life by not eating. That is why we created the Guide to Empowered Eating. We believe that eating should be a way of life, something that we enjoy and not something that is going to make us miserable. We just need to be smart about how and when we go about eating what we have to eat to get the results we want, and what we want to eat because it tastes delicious. This program, the Guide to Empowered Eating is not a deprivation diet. We actually dislike the word diet very much. For those of us who love food, a diet is pretty much “die” with a “t” on the end. This program is flexible and livable and will give you the tools needed to achieve genuine lifestyle change which is the key to lifelong weight control. It is not a fad, but a blueprint for healthy eating for the rest of your life, with quite a few indulgence days sprinkled in.

We created this program after working with clients who had tried hundreds of dieting fads with frustrating results, and studying the physiology and psychology of eating. If you really commit to finding your own balance through this program, it will be easy and maintainable to live a healthy lifestyle and enjoy food. It’s already helped numerous clients, family, and friends lose weight, get off of medications and feel better about themselves than they ever imagined possible.

Thank you for the opportunity support your life’s transformation!


Ganga Devi & Seth!!

We promise that your dedication and willpower will not be wasted along your journey. Every day is a small act towards reaching your goals. Some days will be better than others, but remember all those small acts will add up over time and YOU WILL reach your goals!

“I have but one life and life is naught but a measurement of time. When I waste one I destroy the other. If I waste today I destroy the last page of my life. Therefore, each hour of this day will I cherish for it can never return. It cannot be banked today to be withdrawn on the morrow, for who can trap the wind? Each minute of this day will I grasp with both hands and fondle with love for its value is beyond price. What dying man can purchase another breath though he willingly give all his gold? What price dare I place on the hours ahead? I will make them priceless!” Og Mandino

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Weight Loss: Know Your Why

When we start a big project, we all tend to jump straight into asking “how?” How do I meet my goal? How should I solve this problem? How can I use my resources best? Jumping straight to the how usually means that we bypass the most important question, why?

Be honest with yourself, there are no answers that are shameful if they’re true. This is a process for you to really get to know your motivations and your blocks so that you can really begin to live the life you long for. (And be honest with yourself, if you want to feel better naked that’s fine!)

Author, motivational speaker, and organizational consultant Simon Sinek wrote an entire (Who doesn’t right?!) book called Start With Why which we fully recommend! But to save us all some time, and to get right to the heart of it, we want you to start with this exercise before thinking or doing anything at all about your diet and/or weight.


Looking at the two columns, is the right side worth it? As we move forward remember these two lists and use your ‘why’ as a funnel for every decision you make. Is this choice going to take me closer to, or further away from my achieving my why? EVERYTHING you do is going to take you affect the world around you, make the right choices and make the decisions that your future self will thank you for.

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it is worth it! WHY ARE YOU GOING TO LOSE WEIGHT? (What is your motivation, your main goals?)

WHY ARE YOU GOING TO LOSE WEIGHT? (What have been your vices?)

Set yourself up for success and be the hero of your story!!

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/03. Personal Contract I WILL SET MYSELF UP FOR SUCCESS! READ OUTLOUD &/OR PRINT OUT, SIGN, AND HANG ON THE FRIDGE: I know that I will reach my goals when I follow the RebelLion Vitality Guide to Empowered Eating! It will give me the tools needed to get there, however no one can wave a wand and make me lose weight. I must implement these new tools into my daily life. My results will be a byproduct of the lifestyle decisions that I make on a daily basis. The more great days that I have will lead me to reaching my goals quicker and more efficiently. I will not get thrown off course when I don’t have a great day or when I have an indulgent moment. I will fully embrace that moment and enjoy it to its fullest, I will then get right back to having a great day, guilt free! I understand that the scale doesn’t always tell the truth. I will be losing fat, not muscle and not water. I will be losing weight the right way, the healthy way and I will be losing it permanently! I will be losing inches and gaining confidence!


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I can expect to lose 1% to 2% of body fat per week. If there is a week that I don’t lose weight I will not get discouraged. I will continue to have great days knowing that, as I continue, the weight will come off and my body will transform. Even when I feel like I’m not getting the results fast enough, I will continue making the right lifestyle choices because I know I am on the right path to weight loss and better health. I will set myself up for success by always planning in advance and having the right foods available so I don’t get caught being unprepared. I will give my best at all moments, that best will be different given the circumstances, but I know that when I am giving my all and being the best of my abilities, I am a success and I will reach my goals.


REBELLION IS AN EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS. It's a quality, an inner change. We start inside of ourselves. We unite in order to grow individually; and evolve as a humanity. We are inter-beings; knowing that everything we do affects everything that there is knowing that anything that happens in the world is happening to us. It's a reawakening and a new understanding. It's both a learning and unlearning.

REBELLION is having the courage to be compassionate with all sentient beings and mostly with ourselves. This unwavering compassion and unconditional love will lead to ultimate freedom. And that freedom is the state necessary for all beings to live to their full potential. REBELLION is an action. It's acts of kindness performed to repair the world, contributing our gifts to a great purpose. It's being in service to others and to ourselves in order to recreate a more beautiful world.

“Rebellion is individual action; it has nothing to do with the crowd. Rebellion has nothing to do with politics, power, violence. Rebellion has something to do with changing your consciousness, your silence, your being. It is a spiritual metamorphosis. And each individual passing through a rebellion is not fighting with anybody else, but is only fighting with their own darkness. Swords are not needed. Bombs, are not needed. What is needed is more alertness, more meditativeness, more love, more prayerfulness, more gratitude. Surrounded by all these qualities you are born anew.� OSHO

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Nutrients can be divided into 2 categories: macronutrients, and micronutrients. Macronutrients are those nutrients that the body needs in large amounts. These provide the body with energy (calories). Micronutrients are those nutrients that the body needs in smaller amounts.



Don’t be scared of fats! Fats are an essential part of a healthy diet, and eating them doesn’t equal fat on your body. They help by improving brain development, overall cell functioning, protecting the body’s organs and even helping you absorb vitamins found in foods.

Protein is essential for repairing and regenerating body tissues and cells, a healthy functioning immune system and manufacturing hormones. This wouldn’t be possible without amino acids, which are found in protein-based foods. In total there are 20 types of amino acids, 9 of which are ‘essential’ and can only be found in certain foods.

Macronutrients consist of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Macronutrients & Micronutrients

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CARBOHYDRATES Carbohydrates or carbs are composed of small chains of sugar which the digestive body breaks down into glucose to use as an energy source. Carbohydrates are present in grains, bread, pasta, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and sugar. Carbs can be broken into three categories:

Complex Carbs: also called starches, are carbs that are made from several linked strings or chains of sugars. Complex carbs are often healthier and more nutritious than simple carbs because in addition to being starchy, they also provide you with some of your dietary fiber.

Simple Carbs: also called simple sugars, mainly because they contain either natural or added sugar. Simple carbs are found naturally in foods such as fruits, milk, and milk products. They are also found in processed and refined sugars such as candy, table sugar, syrups, and soft drinks.

Fiber: does not act like the other two forms of carbs, your body can’t completely digest fiber, so it can help promote regular digestion. Whole grains and many fruits and vegetables, including dark leafy greens and orange-colored fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber. Lentils, peas and dried beans are also fiber-rich foods that can contribute to a healthy digestive system.

Micronutrients are needed in tiny amounts by your body, and work in tandem with macronutrients to keep the body functioning and are crucial in order to maintain energy levels, metabolism, cellular function, and physical and mental wellbeing, as they enable your body to produce enzymes, and hormones. Micronutrients include vitamins such as vitamin C, A, D, E and K, and B Complex vitamins, as well as minerals such as magnesium, sodium, manganese, iron and more. Even though they’re only needed in small amounts, a deficiency in these nutrients can cause health problems.

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The RebelLion Vitality Guide to Empowered Eating can seem confusing and overwhelming, but it’s really ridiculously simple and powerfully effective. It will strip off excess body fat and accelerate the process of health improvement by exponentially improving the quality of the foods you are consuming by moderating your carbohydrate intake, and monitoring your caloric intake. By following these guidelines, everything else just falls into place. Calories will easily be controllable because you'll be choosing more filling foods. These satiating food choices, being on the lower to no end of the carb count, aren't going to cause your blood sugar levels spike, which leads to cravings and mood/energy fluctuations that we often try to "fix" with more food, and usually they aren’t the physique-supportive ones. In short, it's difficult to overeat when your food choices are controlled and carbs don't exceed the given parameters.

Nutritiously dense foods are satisfying, low insulin stimulating, and will leave you feeling satiated and complete! You will have to read labels and check out serving sizes in order to tally up your carb and calorie count for the day. By paying close attention to this one macronutrient, carbohydrates, you will self-regulate, self-educate, and become more self-reliant. As for the other macronutrients, proteins and fats, all you have to do is eat them at every meal… that is it!


The 2 C’s:

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COUNT YOUR CARBOHYDRATES! GREAT DAYS, GOOD DAYS, & INDULGE MOMENT There are great days, good days, and indulge moments. A great day is when you eat 0-80 grams of carbohydrates in a day. A good day is when you eat 80-150 grams of carbohydrates in a day. These carbohydrates include vegetables. And an indulge moment (try to limit indulges to moments or meals, not days) is when you say, “F*%K it, momma needs some chocolate cake, you better get out of my way”! We ALL have those moments, and they are ok, we just can’t let them set us off on the wrong path, that’ll take us away from achieving our ‘why’s. We need to enjoy them, while knowing that it doesn’t give you the green light to pig out for the remainder of the day. Enjoy the moment guilt free and then get right back to schedule. NEVER think to yourself, well it is Thursday, I’ll just do what I want and get back to it on Monday, nope enjoy it, and get right back to schedule!

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It is important to remember that the more great days you have in a row, the more efficient you will burn fat and the quicker you will lose weight. In the beginning, we ask that you have 21 great days out of the first 28 days in order to optimize your metabolism. The more great days in a row that you have, the better your body metabolizes fat. After two consecutive great days, you’re beginning to burn fat. The more great days you have in a row, the longer you are in “fat burning” mode, regardless of what the scales say. In order to continue to lose weight, you can have up to 100 good days a year and 265 great days. Once you reach your desired weight, all you need to do is have more great days than good days in order to maintain it. When you are well planned you can fully enjoy vacations, parties, or just stress eating moments when you’re working within these guidelines.

GREAT DAYS: 0 – 80 grams of carbs a day

GOOD DAYS: 80 – 150 grams of carbs a day

OTHER DAYS: 150 or more grams of carbs a day

0-50 grams a day: Rapid fat loss. You can feel lethargic at first, as your body learns to start burning fat efficiently as fuel for energy.

80-150 grams a day: The perfect place to be when in weight maintenance. Feel great, with effortless weight management and set yourself up for lifelong good health.

150-300 grams a day: What the average person consumes a day. In this zone you can maintain your weight, but more than likely you will be gaining on average just under 1lb a week, sneakily causing you to gain lots of weight in the long term.

50-80 grams a day: Lose 1-2lbs of fat per week, while enjoying satisfying quantities of food.

300 + grams a day: The zone of excessive weight gain, and negative health implications. In this zone you are creating a breeding ground for disease and illness in your body.

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WHAT IS BASAL METABOLIC RATE (BMR)? Everybody requires a minimum number of calories to live. This minimum number is called the basal metabolic rate (BMR). Your BMR is the number of calories your organs need to function while you perform no activity whatsoever. You can think of it as the amount of energy you'd burn if you stayed in bed all day. Since your basal metabolic rate is based largely on involuntary functions like breathing and pumping blood, changes in your day-to-day activity don't do much to raise or lower this number. However, increasing muscle mass does increase BMR, because muscle is metabolically "hungry" and it takes more energy to maintain more muscle. This means that when you have a lot of muscle mass, you'll burn more calories at rest.

WHY DOES YOUR BMR MATTER? Once you know your BMR, you can use it to calculate the calories you actually burn in a day. From there, you can determine how many calories you need to eat to gain muscle, lose fat, or maintain your weight. The overall number of calories your body uses on a daily basis is referred to as your "total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). It's determined based on your BMR as well as your activity level throughout the day. This varies significantly based on your activity level, age, and sex. Generally, men have a higher TDEE than women because they have more muscle mass, and both TDEE and BMR tend to fall regardless of gender as you age. HOW TO USE YOUR BMR TO LOSE FAT OR GAIN MUSCLE Once you have your BMR, you can make sure that you are constantly staying at or below your total caloric needs for the day in order to lose pounds. Being armed with this knowledge, rather than guesstimating or blindly following a plan without scaling it to your individual needs, can make or break your fat loss.

How Calories Work?

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3,500 CALORIES = 1 Pound When you have your BMR, and you count how many calories you are consuming in a day, it is VERY important to know that 3,500 above your BMR equals a pound gained, and 3,500 below your BMR equals a pound lost. Seems easy right? EXAMPLE: If someone works five days a week, 48 weeks a year, and drinks one can of coke a day, they would gain 9.6lbs a year. Just by adding one can of coke. The math looks like this: One can of coke = 140 calories, multiplied by 5, = 700 calories a week. Multiply that by 48 weeks of work a year = 33, 600. Divide that by 3,500 (1 pound) and you have 9.6lbs. Crazy to think one can of coke a day at work would equal a pound a week, but that is why it is so important for us to EMPOWER you with this information.

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How Many Meals a Day?

You can make yourself crazy with this question, but a general rule of thumb is you want to eat 3 meals, and 2 snacks in between throughout the day (Full honesty, Seth intermittent fasts most of the time as well, and is happy to answer questions you have about that). However as long as you are eating within your caloric range, and monitoring your carbs, you can eat however fits into your routine, but:

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Ask yourself are you eating because you are really hungry, or are you eating because you are bored, lonely, sad, etc… If you are eating for emotional reasons find a different activity that you can do at that moment, instead of going to food and make that become routine. Things like going for a walk, calling a friend you’d like to say hi to, listening to a guided meditation, there are many things you can do to create new, healthy habits. It’s proven that the more hassle it is to eat, the less we eat. When rats in cages have to press a little food lever 10 times before they are rewarded with food pellets, they eat often. If they have to press it 100 times, they make do with less. It’s the same with humans, if we have to open up more wrappers or go out of our way to get the food we are more likely to do without it:

be mindful

This is a big reason why nutrition is so low, and obesity so high in our society. Our most convenient foods are our least healthy, and our healthiest foods often require more steps and more effort. The beautiful thing about this, however, is that when we slow down and make our own food thoughtfully, we are not only more likely to lose weight, but will become healthier in every sense, and more connected with the world around us. FUN FACT: A study where they had two groups both eat a total of 1,800 calories in a day, one group had 2 meals of 900 each (in the morning and evening), the other group ate 6 small meals of 300 calories. At the end of the study, the two groups had the same positive results when it came to weight loss, HOWEVER the group that ate 2 large meals found that they got ‘hangry’ during the day, never felt ‘full’, and for the most part found it miserable. The group of 6 small meals found it to be much more enjoyable, and even had to be reminded to eat certain meals as they were not thinking about food.

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be prepared

Know what you are going to eat AT LEAST a meal ahead. If you think you are going to figure it out as you go through the day, you are preparing to fail. Seth has experienced this A LOT throughout his life, he wouldn’t eat for a long stretch of time, and finally he was STARVING and ate something he knew he shouldn’t have, because the ‘hanger’ crept in. Learn to love leftovers, it is easy to make extra food, and store it in a container for a future meal or snack.

be creative

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You do have a guideline to follow, but that doesn’t mean you have to be boring! When you have the proper foods you can mix them with a wide variety of spices and flavors to make some diverse, delicious meals. Be adventures and see what you can come up with!!

/06. No Carbohydrate Foods meat

Beef Veal Lamb Pork Venison Bison Ostrich Caribou Elk Bacon Sausage


Turkey Chicken Duck Goose Hen Quail


Cod Flounder Sole Haddock Halibut Sardine Trout Salmon Catfish Bass Crab Shrimp Lobster Squid Oysters Mussels Clams


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dairy (full fat)


Butter Cheese Whipped Cream Heavy Cream Sour Cream Yogurt (plain)

Salt and Pepper Vinegar Ground Cinnamon Most Hot Sauces Pre-mixed Seasonings Yellow Mustard Dill Weed Chives ANY ZERO CARB CONDIMENT

Oils & Fats

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Coconut oil Olive oil Sunflower oil Avocado oil Sunflower oil Fish oil

Vegetables (VERY low in carbs, but still have to add these to your total carb count, but you can eat A LOT of them for few calories to feel satiated)

Kale Spinach Swiss Chard Broccoli Lettuce Arugula Brussels Sprouts Green Beans Asparagus Collard Greens Celery Sprouts (VERY good for you, especially broccoli sprouts) Bok Choy Cabbage Leaks Kohlrabi Mustard Greens Scallions Dandelion Greens Watercress Cucumber Zucchini Endive Fennel

Foods to Eat Mindfully in Moderation Because They Have Carbs

Almost Zero Carb Veggies

Avocado (and is great in fats) Radish Mushrooms Garlic Coconut Lime Lemon Spaghetti Squash Tomatoes Cauliflower


Almonds Almond Butter Almond Flour Walnuts Brazil Nuts Peanuts Peanut Butter Pumpkin Seeds Sunflower Seeds

(mindfully and sparingly because they can be on the higher calorie side )

Grains (Use very sparingly, because they have carbs)

Wheat Rise Oats Cornmeal Barley

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Fruits (Use mindfully and sparingly, because they have carbs)

Raspberries – Half a cup (60 grams) contains 3 grams of carbs. Blackberries – Half a cup (70 grams) contains 4 grams of carbs. Strawberries – Half a cup (100 grams) contains 6 grams of carbs. Blueberries – Half a cup (50 grams) contains 6 grams of carbs. Plum – One medium-sized (80 grams) contains 6 grams of carbs. Clementine – One medium-sized (75 grams) contains 7 grams of carbs. Kiwi – One medium-sized (70 grams) contains 8 grams of carbs. Cherries – Half a cup (90 grams) contains 9 grams of carbs. Cantaloupe – One cup (160 grams) contains 11 grams of carbs. Peach – One medium-sized (150 grams) contains 13 grams of carbs. Orange - One medium-sized contains about 15 grams of carbs. Apple – One medium-sized contains about 18 grams of carbs. Banana – One medium-sized contains about 25 grams of carbs.

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Beverages Zero Carb

Water Sparkling Water Club Soda Coffee, black Tea, black Coconut Water

Wine *

Dry Red Wines

No-Carb Alcohol*

Hard Liquors Gin Rum (unflavored) Vodka (unflavored) Whiskey Tequila Scotch

*EVEN though the alcohols listed here have zero carbs, there is some important information you should know about alcohol- When you take a drink, the alcohol enters into your digestive system and it is split into two compounds: fat and acetate. The fat is taken through the bloodstream and stored wherever you tend to deposit fat. The acetate is taken into the bloodstream and used as your primary energy fuel. What this means to me is when you drink alcohol and it is in your system, pretty much anything else you eat gets stored as fat stores, for your body to burn for fuel at a future time. The trick to weight loss, and this program, is to get your body to start burning the fats stores that you have stored already. So you should keep in mind that alcohol slows that process down and even adds to what gets turned into fat.

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WHY IS SUGAR BAD? The most obvious point here is that sugar is high in calories with no nutrient value. Sugar suppresses your immune system for a few hours after eating. So if you are constantly consuming sugar your immune system is operating at a distinct disadvantage. Sugar promotes inflammation that serves no useful purpose and promotes aging and disease. Sugar suppresses the release of human growth hormone. Keeping your natural human growth levels high will keep you 'younger' looking and feeling longer into life. Sugar raises insulin levels!!

The Truth About Sugars

An influx of sugar into your body will have a fairly predictable result: Your blood sugar levels will zoom up. Shortly after, your pancreas will release a bunch of insulin to help clear sugar from your blood into your cells. As blood sugar levels go down, insulin levels return to normal. But when you eat a lot of sugar, you’re constantly calling for insulin, and that can backfire in a couple of ways. Over time, it takes more and more insulin to get the job done. Eventually, your pancreas may just stop responding to the call. Congratulations, you’re now an insulin-dependent diabetic. And along the way, exposing your cells and organs to chronically high insulin levels accelerates the aging process. Sugars naturally occurring in fruits, vegetables and dairy are the better of the bunch but we need to be wary of sugar that has been removed from their original source and added to foods. ‘Free Sugars’ are those sugars that are removed from their original source and added to foods usually as a sweetener or as a preservative for longer shelf life, unfortunately they don’t mean that you’re free to consume them without serious health repercussions. There are estimated to now be around 60 different names for these ‘free sugars.’ Some of the more common ones are agave nectar, brown sugar, cane sugar, caramel, corn syrup, fructose, fruit juice concentrate, sucrose, syrup, lactose, honey, confectioner's sugar, and many more.

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Your Body is a Beautiful Vessel. Keep it That Way! Here’s a little example we love to use when thinking about sugar. Think of beautiful, clear water, and vibrant fish tank. Now, image taking ALL the fish food and dumping it into the water, all at once. What’s going to happen? The water will get murky, the glass dirty, and the fish will not be well. But, if you take a pinch or two of food, and sprinkle it on top of the tank, in a few hours you’d never even know it was added, it is still clean, clear, and most importantly beautiful healthy fish. Now imagine your body as that tank, a beautiful, clean, vibrant vessel (which we all have the power to be!), if we consume A LARGE amount of sugar in a short amount of time it is going to have the negative side effects shown above. However, if we consume a little well planned taste here and there, without overdoing it, our bodies will break down the sugars, no problem, and our vessels will remain clear, clean, and vibrant!

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/08. It is highly recommended to keep a food log of EVERYTHING you eat in a day in order to know exactly how many carbs & calories you are eating in a day.

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breakfast (first meal)


lunch (second meal)


dinner (third meal)

total carb count

total calories count

activity/exercise comments

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