Wedoku Manual

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WeDoku™ is the ultimate multiplayer S

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Sudoku board game in

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x1 columns and rows.

GAME PLAY: Place the numbered tokens either in the bag or upside down beside the board. Play begins by each player drawing a token. The player with the highest number plays first. Each player draws two more tokens, bringing their available tokens for play to three. The starting player places one of their tokens in the centre-most square on the board, then collects another token from supply. Then in a clockwise direction players take turns placing one of their tokens in an empty space adjacent to any token already placed – that is, either immediately above, below, or beside an existing token, but not diagonally. However if a player can convince the others that based on the principles of Sudoku there is a specific space that their token must logically go then this is permitted even though it is not adjacent to or even touching another token. If a player cannot play a token they miss a turn. They may either hold their tokens or replace them with new tokens. Following each play a new token is drawn so that each player always has three “live” tokens available.






At the start of the game each player selects a coloured scoring cube and places it in the starting corner on the outside red squares of the board. As players accumulate points they move their cube around these outside squares. Use the cube to indicate how many laps around the board each player has moved. One square represents one point. Each player’s score is expressed as a decimal. For example, 4.35 means they have reached the 35th square after four laps of the board. Points are earned in any of the following ways:

By placing a token on a space showing a printed value on the playing surface. Either I (1 point), II (2 points), or III (3 points) By completing a 3x3 square or row or column (4 points). By completing a 3x3 square or 9x1 row or column

Spotting Conflicts (3 points): This occurs when a player discovers at any point in the game that there are two tokens of the same value in either a 3x3 square or 9x1 column or row. The player who successfully claims a Conflict can then move one of the offending tokens and replace it wherever they wish (subject to the rules above) time



earning whatever points may be available. A Conflict may be claimed by any player at any time. Once the Conflict is resolved play continues by the player whose turn was interrupted. If a Conflict is claimed and is found to be untrue, the claimer loses 3 points (and also loses face). Spotting Future Conflicts (5 points): This occurs when it is discovered that, even though a Conflict has not yet occurred, a player can prove by the logic of Sudoku that one is inevitable at some future stage. Any player wishing to claim a Future Conflict must wait until it is their turn before claiming. Resolution of a Future Conflict: The successful claimer of a Future Conflict has “first right of resolution” and can therefore propose any rearrangement of the tokens on the board that will resolve this. If the player is unable to resolve it within a suitable time-frame (with general agreement by the players) the right of resolution is passed clockwise to the next player. A proposed resolution is approved as successful by the consent of all players. However the preferred resolution is not simply one that resolves the Future Conflict, but does so “most elegantly”. If another player believes their solution is “more


elegant” they are free to propose this to all players for consideration. This process must happen in order in a clockwise direction following the claimer of the Future Conflict until the most elegant solution is agreed upon. The fundamental criterion of elegance is simplicity – that is, a solution that minimises both the number of and distance tokens are required to be moved. If the Future Conflict claimer’s solution is accepted no further points are earned beyond their original 5 points for spotting it, but if another player’s solution is considered more elegant this player earns 5 points. If all players have had the opportunity to exercise their right of resolution and no resolution has been achieved then players are to work collaboratively on a solution. Once in collaborative mode no points are earned by individuals as the Future Conflict is resolved. Any player may address only one Future Conflict per turn. Once it is resolved the claimer then takes their turn by placing one of their live tokens on the board.


Hint: A cunning self-interested strategy is to set up a deliberate Future Conflict on a previous turn that the player then “spots” on their next turn. However this is a dangerous bet against the intelligence of the other players. Also, if a Future Conflict is claimed but found to be false, the player loses 5 points.

Sometimes when resolving a Future Conflict, additional Future Conflicts are identified. In this circumstance, players only need to resolve the initial conflict, it is considered a bonus to resolve any others.

Hint: Keep Future Conflicts to yourself, to “spot” when your turn comes around. 06

WINNING: The game ends once all tokens that can be played have been played. The winner is the player with the highest point tally. However their win only counts if all the players are able to produce a fully completed board. This actually happens quite often.

In fact with experienced players this should happen every time! If players cannot produce a completed board then WeDoku itself is deemed to be the winner. Fear not, and try again. 07


GAME ETIQUETTE : 1. Conflicts and Future Conflicts contribute to the “brokenness of the board” and are often not spotted as they occur. Spotting Conflicts uncovers internal contradictions present in the board and therefore allows for the possibility of resolving them. When a player successfully claims a Conflict there must therefore be no witch-hunts or blame as to who was responsible for creating it. All players are to rejoice that some “healing of the board” is now possible. 2. Tokens must be placed on the board with boldness – there must be no “hovering” over squares.




more tokens in ascending or descending numerical order. For example 2-3, 8-7-6, 5-4-3-2 etc. This means that a two token sequence can become a three token sequence by adding another correctly numbered token or a sequence created by placing a token between two or more others.

Points for Sequences

Points Earned Are As Follows:

For an interesting variation the following point system can also be included. However it is recommended that until players are able to competently resolve Future Conflicts they should not play this option. Building ordered sequences on the board. Sequences may be any combination of vertical, horizontal, or diagonal consisting of any combination of two or


- Sequence of two tokens earns 1points - Sequence of three tokens earns 3points - Sequence of four tokens earns 6points - Sequence of five tokens earns 10 points - Sequence of six tokens earns 15 points - Sequence of seven tokens earns 21 points - Sequence of eight tokens earns 28 points - Sequence of nine tokens earns 36 points


Note: several sequences can go in different directions from the placed token – but must go vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, that is, without bending. However in all sequences the board must always conform to the principles of Sudoku.

Only One “Live” Token Playing with one available token rather than three adds a challenge to collecting points and to successfully completing the board.

Solitaire WeDoku™ Playing WeDoku™ in the peacefulness of your own company can be an enjoyable challenge. Aim to complete the game scoring as many points as possible with the least number of Conflict and Future Conflict resolutions required. No points are scored for these.

Keep track of your best Solitaire WeDoku™ scores and share them with us @Wedoku Sudoku with WeDoku™ Combine your two favourite ‘doku by using the WeDoku™ set to complete your Sudoku challenges. Place tiles on the board as per your Sudoku challenge and then go forth and be awesome. Great for not needing an eraser. Be sure to mark the starting tiles so you don’t move them, or get a set of white WeDoku™ tokens at to help make it clear which numbers cannot be moved.



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