Massachusetts' Singles Magazine February 2010

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Singles Magazine

Joanne explains

Michelle Romano Working her way into the film industry one local movie at a time


Cupid 1


U.S. $2.00





Volume 2, Number 2 February 2010

inside Special Features Help Haiti for Valentine’s Day...................................13

SubmissionsMSM accepts well-written articles, story ideas, photographs and other materials that would interest our readers. Be sure to include a name, contact information and short description of your submission. Please send all submissions via email to, we do not accept attachments. SubscriptionsMSM is distributed free of charge in Waltham and surrounding cities. Free copies of the magazine is always available when we have our events. An electronic version of the magazine is also available for online visitors free of charge as well on the website. You may request a print copy of the magazine to be sent to your home or office for only $2. Or you may purchase quarterly, or yearly subscriptions online. Contact usVisit MSM’s website 24/7 Call us: Mon-Fri 10am-5pm (617) 418-1750 Find us on Facebook under MSM massachusettssinglesmag

Cover Feature on page 10

Actors Julianne Moore and Orlando Bloom auction their time for Haiti on page 13.

Events for Valentine’s Day.........................................17

Departments Editor’s letter............................................................05 Contributors..............................................................06 Boston sports nut......................................................07 Dating after 40.........................................................09 Shark Week!

Lipstick corner...........................................................13 Boycott Cupid!

Out on the town with MSM...........................................................14 BARHOPPERS

Bobby Carr.................................................................16 An age of uncertainty

Classifieds.................................................................19 Horoscopes.................................................................20 Cover: Michelle Romano. Location: Crush Boutique on Beacon Hill. Hair: Shellee Mendes Make-up: Talia Pique,



From the Editor’s desk

Dear Readers, Initially, my editor’s letter this month was about Valentine’s Day but due to the earthquake that happened in Haiti, my subject has changed. What I want to talk to you about dear readers is the subject of love and compassion. Love and compassion is not only for family and close friends, they should for everyone. Many people all over the world opened their hearts and wallets to help Haiti and I command them for that. Watching the aftermath of the earthquake should be enough reason for you to feel something for these people. The earthquake has not only affect the Haitian people but it has also affect the world. So this month, though we are celebrating Valentine’s Day, we are also encouraging our readers to remember January 12, 2010. Valentine’s Day isn’t only about receiving flowers and gifts, it’s about love for one’s self and love for others. We are also asking our readers to show love and compassion to at least one stranger this month. You may not get acknowledge when you do a kind gesture but within you, you will know and that will be enough. Sincerely,

Marie Stuart Noël Publisher and Editor-in-Chief 617-418-1750

Updates and announcements

Attention Bachelors MSM is looking for more eligible bachelors to be auctioned off in singles event for charity.


Subscription Buy a 1 one-year subscription of MSM now until April 1st and we will donate 100% of your subscription sale to Partners In Health. Visit



Janelle Powers, Staff Writer,

Bobby Carr, Staff Writer,

Mehdy Ogine-Noel, Staff Photographer,

Siobhan Talia PiquĂŠ, Staff make up artist .

Joanne Giannini, Writer,

Ken Joseney, Boston Sports Nut



Boston Sports Nut

ADVERTISE Back in 2001, I remember watching an NFL-related show when a comedian said “The country is in a very patriotic state right now, the NE Patriots needs to go ahead and win the Super Bowl.” As a New England sports fan, I was happy to hear that. The New England Patriots shocked the football stars by defeating the St Louis Rams 20-17 that same year. Why am I reminding you of this? I can never compare being a New England sports fan with being supportive of a rival team, but this one is different. Similar to Jamie Foxx’s “Blame it,” I will blame it on Natural Disaster when I tell you that the Colts have what it takes to be crowned as the 44th NFL Champion. The New Orleans Saints are a great team from the NFC. They got an improved defense that intercepted Bret Favre when it counted the most during the NFC Championship game; throughout most of the season, they did not disappoint with their offense averaging more than 31 points a game (compared to 26 by the Colts). Meanwhile, the Colts enjoy a slight advantage on defense allowing about 19 points per game to the Saints’ 21. These stats will not tell you how the game will end on February 7th, but one thing will. This season, the Colts have not lost a game where they put forth the effort necessary to win. They will rally behind one of their own, Pierre Garçon, whose family is suffering from the effects of a 7.0 earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12, 2010. The Patriots delivered when America needed the most, the Colts and Pierre Garçon need to deliver to continue to bring more awareness to those devastated by the earthquake. This is one of the many reasons why the Indianapolis Colts will win. -Ken Joseney

YOUR EVENTS IN MSM Club events Anniversaries Concerts Speed dating events Networking groups Fundraisers Charity events Fashion shows Wine/Food tasting Rallies

Single? Showcase yourself in an upcoming issue of MSM Visit for more information.

Two local businesses contributed to the cover of the February 2010 cover, Crush Boutique and Salon Monet. Our make-up artist was Talia Pique of Pique Company, Learn about about her on The photographer was Tom A. And, Revlon eyelashes were used to give our cover girl sexy, flirty eyes. Location: The February cover was photographed at Crush Boutique. Special thanks to Rebecca Penner. Crush Boutique on Beacon Hill 131 Charles Street. Boston, MA 02114 Phone: 617.720.0010 Fax: 617. 720.0041 Store Hours: Cover girl Michelle Mon-Sat: 10a.m. to 7p.m. browses the jewelry Sun: 12p.m. to 6 p.m. collection at Crush.

Lashes: Michelle Romano wore eyelashes by Revlon for the February cover of MSM. She wore the blue shadow, maximum wear glue on eyelashes.

Hair: Shellee Mendes did a great job by adding full extensions on Michelle Romano’s hair. Experience Shellee’s magical creation when you visit: Salon Monet 176 Newbury St. Boston MA Phone: 617.425.0009 or Store Hours: Sun-Mon: 11a.m. to 5p.m. Tues-Fri: 10a.m. to 7p.m. Sat: 9a.m.-5p.m.

ADVERTISE in MSM today to reach thousands of local residents. All size ad space available. Call 617-418-1750 for prices. 8


Dating after 40 he replies, “Well, I’ve been really busy with work and stuff,


By Joanne Giannini

but I have tomorrow off and I was thinking of heading over to Martha’s Vineyard. It’s Shark Week, you know. “Wanna go SHARK WEEK?” Are you kidding me? This

Back at few years ago, I was out and about one night at East guy falls off the face of the earth for a year and now he wants me to go look at sharks with him? He can’t be seriBay Grille in Plymouth, a location well known as middleaged divorcee heaven during the summer months. I was

ous! But alas, he was indeed very, very serious.

having a great time with my girlfriend Laura when Sean

Well, I turned him down and haven’t heard from him since,

approached us. Sean was a great guy and we spent much of but based on this event and others like it that have happened the night talking and discovered we had much in common. to me and my friends continually, we have discovered a He walked me to my car and was very excited to get my

unique phenomena that we now call Shark Week. It basi-

number, promising to call so we could see each other again. cally happens a few times a year, right around Memorial Well, one week went by and nothing, then another, and an- Day weekend when everyone first comes out to play, at the other… so I wrote him off assuming I would never hear

end of Summer/beginning of fall before everyone goes into

from him again.

hibernation, and somewhere around the holiday season. These are the times that guys suddenly pull their heads out

Fast forward about one year later, I’m sitting at home one

of their butts and decide that they want an actual relation-

night and the phone rings. I don’t recognize the number but ship. decided to pick it up anyway. The voice on the other line greets me with “Hi, it’s Sean.” OK, I think, “Sean, hmmm,

During these brief periods, every ex-boyfriend, past en-

guy I met last Friday at The Fours, nah, I’m pretty sure his

counter, or booty boy gone bad suddenly reappears wanting

name was Tim” when he adds, “You know, Sean from East

to “hang out.” Based on my extensive research, the most


prominent Shark Week period is during the end of September/beginning of October. This is when the sharks go into a total feeding frenzy, calling every number they have stored in their cell phones. It’s like some internal alarm goes off and then “Hey, that little blonde girl wasn’t half bad. Wonder what she’s doing?”

So folks, here’s the poll. Women, do you notice far more contact from guys during these three time periods? And Then it hits me, it’s not the guy I met last week, it’s the guy

men, do you find yourself wanting a relationship more dur-

I met LAST YEAR. So I reply “Oh, Sean, it’s been a

ing Shark Week periods? Go to to

while. I didn’t think you were going to call me” to which




Cover Feature



Working her way into the film industry one movie at a time. Having Michelle on MSM’s February issue was an easy decision. Michelle has been working hard, making a name for herself in the movie industry in Boston as well as in New York for some time now. We at MSM felt that she would be a great cover feature for the magazine. Michelle Romano is originally from Boston Massachusetts where she attended film school at The Institute of Contemporary Arts, and then went on to finish college with a degree in Theater. She worked as an actress/tour guide at the Disney MGM Studios, Great Movie Ride in Orlando Florida for her internship. Since then, she has been working both in Massachusetts and New York City on independent films, commercials, and in print. One of her favorite on-screen memories was working on the last episode of The Sopranos, at Silver Cup Studios. “I remember as soon as I walked onto the set, the Assistant Director walked right over to me and said ‘Come with me. You are Tony’s niece now.’ And he brought me over to James Gandolfini’s dressing room! I was so nervous. But he was very nice to me and made me feel like I was actually a part of the family, even if it was just for that one episode.” Some of her most recent work includes a 99 Restaurant spec, The Butchery in Danvers commercial, several music videos including "Hollywood Nights" performed by a local Boston Band, Common Thrill, which is on the soundtrack for “The Drive-In Horror Show,” as well as Aaron Marshall’s single “YOU” off of his current album “Now Maybe.” Michelle also has a love for the production side of the business, and has worked in Public Relations and as a Marketing Assistant for various Film Festivals and Conventions. She is also the East Coast Media Correspondent for SCARS, Media Inc and has been featured in several of its Magazine issues. “I have been extremely lucky to have met such amazing people in this industry, and have had the experiences that I have. I hope to continue to network in this field and to grown in this business as a successful actress.” gushed Michelle. Michelle does not take breaks, she has six upcoming feature films, Terrace St, Beg, The Darkness Within, Killer Hoo-Ha, Office Rampage, and Conned. With such busy schedule, surely we will be seeing more of Ms. Michelle Romano. To learn more about Michelle, visit -MSM staff



Written by a woman, for women

Boycott Cupid! By Janelle Powers

It’s that magical time of year again when women drive themselves crazy over Valentine’s Day. Yes I say women because we all know that it is us ladies that obsess over Valentine’s Day. Well this year, I say no more. This year I ask all the ladies, both in relationships and all the single ladies to say no to Valentine’s Day. Here is a little background on Valentine’s Day. It was originally a Saint’s Day dedicated to several Saints that held the name Valentine or Valentinus as it was known in ancient Rome. These Saint’s were all brutally martyred for their Christian beliefs. The most well-known Valentine lived in the time of Emperor Claudius the second, in ancient Rome. He was caught marrying a Christian couple which at the time was not permitted. He was held captive and finally sentenced to death, and was beaten with large stones and clubs. When that failed to do him in the Emperor finally had him beheaded and he was buried on February 14th, and that is the day we celebrate love. I suppose you can sort of call that romantic but I don’t want to get candy and flowers on the day that someone was unjustly murdered. If the historical factor doesn’t turn you off then all one has to do is look around at the commercialization of the holiday, it’s enough to make you sick. I know what you’re thinking I am a cynic but that is not the case at all. I love love. I truly believe that it is one of the most powerful forces on this earth; I just don’t be-

lieve that it should be capitalized on. Every year men and women are told to buy, buy, buy, in order to show their significant other how much they really care. Eventually it becomes a contest of who can out do whom. What’s worse is the real damage it can do to a relationship or to a single individual. If you’re single on this day or without a date not only do you feel left out but society looks down on you for it. Not to mention all the other people that are in relationships going on and on about their plans for Valentine’s Day or the gift their significant others bought for them. When the conversation turns to you, you have to say something like “oh I don’t have any plans I just may head home early and curl up with a good book”. It’s almost seems like it’s meant to be humiliating for single people. On the flip side for people in relationships they are stuck with the dilemma of figuring out what to get their partner. I don’t think I have to tell you about the endless arguments that can occur over this subject. Men and women are forced to accept and possibly pretend to like the tacky little gift their spouses picked for them. Or they are forced to spend hundreds of dollars on big ticket items such as jewelry or vacations for their loved ones, it hardly seems fair. If you really want to celebrate your love then here is my advice. Celebrate it every day. Show the person how much you care by doing little things for them all year around. Bring home flowers for no particular reason; surprise your spouse with their favorite meal during a regular weeknight, or take an interest in one of their hobbies. Love is something that is special and should not be taken for granted or exploited. So stand up for love and say NO to Valentine’s Day!




MSM has found a fun way do help Haiti and meet your favorite celebs. Oxfam Internation is having an on where several celebrities are auctioning various personal for this great cause. You could spend your Valentine’s Day talking to Orlando Bloom or eating lunch with Julianne Moore.

Actor Orlando Bloom has offered to auction off a Valentine’s Day phone call to lucky bidders. The lucky winner of this donation will receive a phone call from British actor Orlando Bloom. It's the perfect gift for Valentine's Day! The star of Pirates of the Caribbean film series, Kingdom of Heaven, Troy and numerous other films, you'll have an opportunity to find out a bit more about this fascinating and generous young man on Valentine's Day. The proceeds for this item benefit Oxfam International.

Attend an Early Valentine's Luncheon with Julianne Moore to Benefit Save the Children Don't miss this chance to join Julianne Moore at her luncheon to honor the student winners of her Valentine's Day art contest on January 28 at a New York City School. Julianne has given Oscar-nominated performances in several hit films, ranging from Boogie Nights to The Hours. Other film credits include The Hand That Rocks the Cradle, Hannibal, Safe, Nine Months, Surviving Picasso, The End of the Affair and Far From Heaven. Julianne is one of few elite thespians to have been nominated for both a Supporting and a Lead Acting Academy Award in the same year and received triple nominations from the Screen Actors Guild Awards in both 2000 and 2003. She has also appeared on Entertainment Weekly's List of "The 25 Greatest Actresses of the 90's" and was chosen as one of People Magazine's 50 most beautiful people. Don't miss this incredible opportunity to meet the one and only Julianne Moore and have your picture taken with her while supporting Save the Children and their efforts in Haiti!



V T Out on the town with MSM

MSM T.V. presents BARHOPPERS BARHOPPERS is MSM’s new show. The purpose of BARHOPPERS is to engage local residents in a public forum-like show. Guests are approached by the Bar hoppers (host, camera crew and producer) and are asked a variety of questions. All questions are relationship related like cheating on a lover, dating an older or younger person, online dating and other relevant subjects. All episodes of BARHOPPERS are aired one week after shooting. MSM is working on filming the show on a weekly basis in and around Boston. Check out our schedule on for upcoming shows and schedule.



BARHOPPERS The BARHOPPERS went to three local venues to bar hop on January 9, 2010. They started at Cheers Boston in Faneuil Hall, moved to Sissy K’s and ended at the Back Bay Hilton where they partied with Twins and Friends. The subject of the night was “cheaters.” Go to to se what the people had to say about this burning subject.

Request MSMtv or the BARHOPPERS to cover your event. Email or call 617-418-1750 for info. 15


Bobby Carr talks sex, dating and relationships

An Age of That same night, several blocks away, Annie found herself


in a similar situation. She and Salina had been dating for over a year and although they continued to grow closer, Annie began to feel the pressures of age difference tear her apart. Being almost ten years her elder, Annie found herself in a very awkward situation when Salina’s big

There comes a point in every single twenty or thirty-

birthday night approached. Annie planned everything out,

something’s life when we take a step back and ask our-

but felt more like of a chaperone than a member of the

selves whether we have aged out of certain activity, style

crew. Everything hit the fan, when uncomfortable notions

or even profession. If we hit 30, is it too late to rethink our

caused her to over drink and overreact to a comment that

job and relocate? At 25, is it time to stop clubbing and

was made, by a friend, about Salina’s good looks. After a

transition to a sensible martini bar? And, at 35, if we still

very noticeable outburst that silenced the bar, Annie was

have not successfully had a significant relationship; is it

the center of attention, in an embarrassing situation that

time to seek professional help? With all of this in mind, I

involved an underage lesbian telling her to grow up. It was

began to wonder, is age really just a number or a societal

right then and there that Annie realized she needed to stop

reminder to hurry up and move on to next phase in our

allowing her issues with age get in the way of her acting


like a mature adult. Very recently my good friend

Later that night, I also put my late twenty something year

Mark’s free spirited, persua-

old foot in my overly paranoid mouth. After spending

sive persona had me out and

most of the night with my toned interest, I began to antici-

about on random Thursday

pate the uncomfortable question approaching of how old I

night. Feeling I was passed

was. So, just like that I awkwardly blurted it out. I imme-

the club scene, I began to knock the “thump…thump” set-

diately followed with a statement of how embarrassed I

ting in hopes to transition to a more appropriate social hot

was for being 28 in a club that catered to those that 21. He

spot. Determined to try something new Mark, peer pres-

then informed me that he was 33. He took off to get a

sured his way through a very expensive night of over-

drink and unsurprisingly never returned. On the way back

priced drinks and crowds of sweaty ravers and overly

to Mark’s apartment that night I suddenly realized that we

sassy drag queens. I immediately felt out of place, until

are our own worst enemy when it comes to age. Ironically

out of nowhere, I found myself grinding on the dance

enough, when we obsess over age appropriateness, we

floor with a corona and cute and toned club-goer.

somehow end up appearing immature and insecure.



February: Calendar of Events Valentine’s Day Whether you are alone, with family or with a lover this Valentine’s Day. Here are a few events In Boston in and around Boston for your enjoyment. The Art of Romance in the Austen Era: A Jane Austen Tour (tour, museum, history, jane austen) Sat. & Sun., Feb. 13 & 14 1 p.m.& 3 p.m. Join a guide dressed in period clothing who will use the famous author's words to describe romance in the early ........................ 1800s and the gracious lifestyle of the Gores. This 1806 mansion has been called the finest example of Regency architecture in New England. $12/pp. Capacity limited. To reserve, call (781) 894-2798. Free parking. Gore Place, 52 Gore Street, Waltham, MA Valentine Crawl by Crawl In Boston Saturday, Feb 13 2:00 p.m. at Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Boston, MA Crawl In Boston is back with their Valentine Bar Crawl. Please join us to tour some of the best bars in the city and raise money for Julie's Family charity at the same time. Additional info at The Sound of Love! (singing valentine Campaign) Fri. & Sat., Feb. 13 & 14 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. The Harborlight Show Chorus of Sweet Adelines International is accepting engagements to sing for that very special boy or girl in your life, [or other treasured loves], on Valentine’s Day Weekend, Saturday, February 13th & Sunday, February 14th from 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. For $50.00, a quartet will deliver a never-to-be-forgotten Singing Valentine and will include a long-stemmed rose and a digital picture of the event. To schedule this unique and very creative romantic message, call Beverly at 978-239-9469 or e-mail:; or call Gloria at 781-593-0393 or e-mail: or visit Call by February 10th to reserve your Singing Valentine! (781) 593-0393 North shore area. Love is in the Air at Franklin Park Zoo! (zoo event) Sat., Feb. 13 - Sat., Feb. 20 10AM - 4PM daily Get in the "love groove" at Franklin Park Zoo during February School Vacation Week! Bring a valentine to the Zoo or make one there for your favorite animal. The animal who receives the most will be crowned "Zoo Sweetheart 2010." One lucky winner will be chosen from among his or her “valentines” to receive a Behind-the-Scenes Tour of the Zoo for the whole family. Additional highlights include: Opportunity to participate in a variety of creative and educational animal-related activities; Zookeeper encounters; And, many other surprises throughout the week! Event is free with regular paid admission: $14.00 for adults; $8.00 for children 2-12; Children under 2 are free. 617-541-5466 Franklin Park Zoo One Franklin Park Road Boston, MA 02121 17


Classifieds Place a 30-day classified ad in MSM for only $2. Email for more info.


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Horoscopes CAPRICORN December 22-January 19 There are many signs of Love in your Sky today! Venus is looking after you and gives you constant good advice : don't be afraid. Tonight's not the night to experiment with new encounters which could hold unpleasant surprises. It'd be better to organize a night out with friends. AQUARIUS January 20-February 18 Today your best weapons will be sharper than ever. Single? Yes thanks. But only to multiply affection with a variety of preys! Tonight cast aside indecision, regrets and your melancholy at being single. Now's the time to be daring. Your dreams will come true and you'll have a fantastic evening.

PISCES February 19-March 20 If you have a dream, and that dream has blue eyes, now is the moment. Put yourself forward, with no safety net, enjoy letting yourself go towards a sudden and stimulating acquaintance. Tonight someone intriguing will talk to you about philosophy and literature, hoping for a kiss. Go for it. OK, you're single but for tonight, you could make an exception... ARIES March 21-April 19 Today you'll wish you were a teenager again as you're having a dull day. The stars seem distant but will lend an ear. All goes well today for those born in the first decade. Tomorrow is another day; just be patient as you'll be single for a while. TAURUS April 20-May 20 Today you'll have an exciting day but remember that times like this don't last for ever. You'll soon have to get used to daily routine once more. Those born in the third decade won't be very sentimental or emotional and can expect solitude. You're now fed up you can't knock down that wall of indifference around you.

CANCER June 22-July 22 Stop thinking about how lonely you are and try to be in a better mood. It's true you've had some disappointments but better times are on the way. Optimistic Stars are forecast but will this be enough? Like in the past, you run the risk of confusing dreams and reality. LEO July 23-August 22 Philosophy is making you sad and reflection could lead you straight to an analyst. Today the Stars forecast a day of action and this will stop you being so melancholic. Relax and enjoy pleasant moments only a single person can. You only have half the dishes to wash as a couple does! VIRGO August 23-September 22 If you have thought of buying yourself a vacation, think about what you are expecting-a quiet week of relaxation, a burst of culture, or a highly erotic love affair? Tonight you could start up a relationship which has no future. The Stars are particularly harmful so it's best to shut yourself indoors and wait to see what happens. LIBRA September 23-October 22 You don't need to blurt out just how powerful you are to all and sundry. Whether it be true or false, playing with fire is dangerous. At midnight, you'll be inebriated with life and feel like a welldeserved break.

SCORPIO October 23 - November 21 You have loads of friends but they are all in a relationship! This is why, although you enjoy being single, you sometimes feel lonely. Tonight a single warning from the stars: if you let yourself be dragged from party to party, moderate your alcohol consumption. SAGITTARIUS November 22-December 21 Today you can look forward to a day of happiness and charming new acquaintances. For you singles, days like this don't come about often so make the most of it! GEMINI A positive mood for those born in the second decade. EncounMay 21-June 21 Take an amusing vacation to combat depression., You haven't ters and group activities are favored tonight. Going to a club would be a great idea. let yourself go for a while. If you want a one-night stand, you can count on the Stars for this. On the other hand, if you see yourself walking up the aisle, maybe you need to be a little patient.


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