MSM's October 2009 issue

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Massachusetts’ Massachusetts’

Volume 1, Number 9 Volume 1, Number 9

Ivania Nicole has been Ivania Nicole a busy girl has been a busy girl

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Honest truth about the truth

Introducing Introducing The Boston The Boston sportsNut nut Sports Make Makeyour your own owncostume costume this thisHalloween Halloween

Halloween Edition

Halloween Edition

Unrequited Unrequited Love Love $2.00$2.00 U.S. U.S.

Volume 1, Number 9




Unrequited Love

Feature Cover MS. IVANIA NICOLE gets busy

The honest truth about truth

09 Introducing our sport column

Make your own Halloween costume

Send Letters to Editor to Email for other inquiries or visit MSM’s website 24/7 at Phone: M-F 9pm-5pm (617) 418-1750

Contributors Siobhan Talia Piqué, Janelle Powers, writer, Janelle.Powers@ Janelle was born and raised right here in Boston. She attended Hofstra University in New York where she studied both journalism and theatre. She’s had several small acting roles in both film and television, as well as some roles on the stage. She is currently working as histology technician and lives in Brighton with her fiancé.

Bobby Carr, writer, Bobby is always looking to utilize his creative attributes, which have led him in many different directions such as starring in the independent horror film Prichard and Silas and now following his true passion to be a writer. Bobby states “My only unfulfilled aspiration is finding true love, because I believe you are not truly happy unless you can share that happiness with someone else which is why I am ecstatic about writing for a singles magazine.”

Mehdy Ogine-Noel, photographer, Mehdy earned his graphic design degree from the Katherine Gibbs school in 2003. He owns RealtoucH, a photography company. Mehdy has done photography for weddings, corporate events, and websites. Visit him on

Staff make up artist With her 2 older sisters, Talia has always been into the latest fashion and has learned how to apply make-up correctly. Her passion for make-up began with doing her roommates’ make-up for dates and formals and applying make up for her fellow cheerleaders prior to games. During her free time, she loves to spend time with her two year old son, write poetry and volunteer as a member of the Human Rights Commission of Newton.

Ken Joseney, Sport Nut Ken is a humble and generous “sports nut” out of the Norfolk county area. He currently works for a large data storage company as a technical writer. On his free time (which happens less than usual), he enjoys listening to music, reading, and most importantly spending time with loved ones. Because of its unpredictability, sports has always been something that Ken enjoys tremendously; it is now a privilege to share it with all the MSM readers

Submit your articles,or story ideas to

{Editor’s letter}

Halloween Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. Dressing up and attending numerous events are the highlight of Fall. This is MSM’s first Halloween and we plan to celebrate this month in style. MSM will be hosting an Halloween affair at Club Red in Worcester on Halloween Night. Put on your best costume and come join us. In honor of Halloween, we are hosting a competition for the most creative and original costume. The winner will $100 cash from MSM and will hold the title of most original costume until next year. You send us your pictures and we will vote. Last but not least, stay safe this Halloween season because MSM values your readership. Happy Halloween,

Marie Stuart Noël Publisher and Editor-in-Chief 617-418-1750

MSM’s Halloween Contest In honor of Halloween, MSM is holding a contest for the most original costume. Please send your pictures to by October 25th. The Most original and creative costume will receive a $100 cash prize. There is no fee to enter this contest so start sending your pictures to us now. Winner will be announced on Halloween.

Bobby Carr talks sex, dating and relationships

The Honest Truth about Truth As passed on by our elders, communication and honesty are supposedly the keys to unlocking the secret to successful relationships. With that said, I began to question the authors of the so-called relationship handbook. Had they actually tested out whether or not keeping some things from our counterparts was detrimental to our well being? When it comes to relationships is honesty always the best policy? It was Friday night and a fading summer welcomed an approaching fall. I had agreed to meet up with a good friend, his boyfriend and their two friends for some friendly drinks. As a group of five became three, I suddenly found myself stranded at a bar with a feuding couple and an empty martini glass. Noticing my drink was finished and the unhappy couple I arrived with was far from finishing their debate of unresolved differences, I was offered a refill and an escape from an awkward situation by a reserved suitor in suit. A half an hour later my feuding couple had called a truce and headed home, and the conversation with the suited suitor had turned from interesting to intriguing. Extraordinary stories of bar fights, obsessive behaviors and even a possible stalking of an old fling had me wondering whether my suitor was playing his cards right or playing with a full deck. Either way, my inability to get behind the wheel had me accepting an invitation to an afterhour’s house party. While I was questioning one person’s openness, my friend Ellie was opening up. In a dimly lit restaurant Ellie’s overall first date rating on Nick79 was between a 7 and a 9. She felt comfortable with his attractiveness and good listening skills and just as Ellie was

about to make a personal bet that there would be a second time around, she noticed a sudden change in character. The attentive listener suddenly became distant. Instead of staring into her eyes, he was frequently glancing to the side. Ellie continued to converse hoping for a confession explaining a medical condition in which he needed to reposition his neck every so often, but no such luck. After heading to the bathroom to hide held back tears, a quick look in the mirror made Ellie see the truth. Ironically enough, on a first date, she had literally put herself out there. A loose fitting top had caused the right side of her top half to let loose and there out in the open was nothing on her chest. After a quick reposition, Ellie stormed out of the bathroom and informed her date that she was heading home. She figured if he couldn’t be upfront and honest about something as simple as a wardrobe malfunction, how could she trust him to be truthful about anything serious in the future? Later that night surrounded by a few people I didn’t know, I was attempting to figure out who I knew way too much about. My suitor’s stories became increasingly out there and wild and the more intoxicated and honest he got, the more turned off I became. As the night went on, I began to realize his blunt personality was not exciting and dangerous, it was the sign of an insecure “hot mess”. After a comment about discolored urine as a result of bad steroids, I faked a stomach ache and hailed a cab. On my way, I quickly realized that there are definite situations in which the truth is appropriate, but in most cases, especially when it comes to dating, we should always leave a little room for mystery.

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Sports nut

Introducing; Boston’s Sports Nut, Ken


ctober is proven to be one of the most amazing months for die hard baseball fans around the United States. In New England, it is no different. The so-called Evil Empires seem to have a firm grip on the AL East title. Our own Boston Red Sox has a very commanding lead to earn the AL Wild Card. Baring a Halloween-like event, the Sox’s opponents in the Division Series is most likely going to be the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. Since 2004, these two teams have met three times in the playoffs, and the Sox are 3-0. With Josh Beckett returning to his old self again, the Red Sox are one of the favorites to return the favors of 2004 and 2007. Remember those years? However, it will not come easy; Josh will need everyone else to join in the fun. Look for the Sox to win the Division Series matchup in LA, and earn a spot in the American League Championship Series. It will be an October to remember. Whether you stay in to watch it all unfold or join in with a few friends, have fun! Until next time, have a Happy Halloween. -Ken Joseney

“Don’t sit there and watch your dream, wake up and live your dream.” -Iva Nicole

Busy, making a name for herself from Boston to Worcester. When MSM asked our October cover girl, Ms. Iva Nicole, to wear Halloween costumes for her feature in the magazine, she was more than happy to play dress up. For Iva’s spread, MSM presents; Ms. Iva the sexy sassy cop, Ms. Iva the seductive school girl, and Ms. Iva the innocent sweet maid. Enjoy! Cop and School girl photographed by Realtouch photography French maid photographed by Snake Eyes Photography Make up by Talia Pique of


vania Nicole known as Iva has been busy making a name for herself in the local scene. She is a spokesperson, entrepreneur, model, and actress. Iva is currently 617 Live TV’s newest correspondent. She has been featured in films such as Business At War, directed by Kemal Gordon. She has walked the runway of the most prestigious fashion shows in Boston; Boston Bridal Affair sponsored by Brides Magazine, Boston Fashion Week 2008, top designers Betsey Johnson, and Marc Jacobs and Boston Fashion Week 2009. Iva has been featured in magazines (Nulinx Magazine March 2009 Model of the Month), articles ( and is a Maxim Hometown Hottie. Iva enjoys giving back to the community, being part of the “Beantown Beauty Calendar 2009” to help fight cancer; proceeds go to Stand Up for She is currently hosting an event for Susan G. Komen “Shop for the cure” on October 25th in Worcester. Her passion for fashion has given her inspiration in opening her very own clothing boutique “Exclusives” located in Worcester, MA. “Don’t sit there and watch your dream, wake up and live your dream” says Iva. She has taken her own advice and after graduating Anna Maria College in 2007with a business degree, she decided in 2008 to become a model. Since her debut into the fashion world, Iva’s been very diligent in her work. This young woman is on her way to the top and she is not stopping to rest anytime soon. For more information on Ivania Nicole, please visit

Fashion Sen$e Make your own Halloween costume, save money! By Marie Stuart Noel

In honor of our Halloween contest, I thought it be a good idea for Fashion Sen$e to be about homemade Costumes. Take notes because the following costumes might be a way for you to start and be on your way to win that $100.

Women The cat woman look is one the easiest homemade costume look to achieve. Your closet (I’m sure) has all the wardrobe pieces.

What you’ll need Black leggings Tights black shirt /corset Black boots Cat accessories from the costume store Black gloves Put them on and wear your homemade costume. Cut your tights (as shown below) for an edgier look. The cat accessory kit from a costume store which completes the look is usually less than $15.

Men The Dwight Schrute from the show “The office”costume is one of the easiest to put together because all these items can be found in your closet. If you do not have these items, you can find them at you local thrift store. Most importantly, there is no sewing involved.

What you’ll need Eye glasses which you can buy cheaply anywhere or your prescription glasses Solid brown tie Brown pants A short sleeved button up mustard colored shirt A wig or have your hair parted the Schrute way (see bobble head)

Written by a woman, for women times it is better to be able to hold on to that fantasy and

Unrequited love

never know the real flaws of your lover.

By Janelle Powers

Unrequited love can be many things, it can be sad, or an

There is however a flip side to this theory. What if you do

object of fond memories or even an object of obsession.

finally act on your desires and ask that person out for a

The burden and blessing of unrequited love is that it can be

date? Or you track down that lost love from your past and

anything you want it to be. Almost everyone has had that

they are still available. You go on a few dates and realize

one love that got away or the crush that you never had the

that the person is very different than the one you envi-

courage to ask out, but the question is can anything be done

sioned, or it turns out that the real person is much better

about it? It there some way to find the lost love or that old

than the one you dreamed about? You just may find that

crush that made you all warm and fuzzy inside?

this person has qualities that you didn’t even know you wanted in a partner. The reality can turn out to be even bet-

There are a few different schools of thought on the subject

ter than the fantasy. Sometimes you find love in the oddest

and they each have good points. One of the best things

places and it can take you by surprise. That is one of the

about unrequited love is that it can be anything you want it

best things about a relationship, all the surprises that can

to be. You can have the fantasy of the perfect romance, but

happen especially when you take a chance.

if you choose to act on that impulse to try and find that one person you may very well be disappointed. That person in

The bottom line is this; in love as well as life you need to

reality may not live up the expectations that you had for

take chances. Sometimes you’ll win and sometimes you’ll

them, and what’s worse is you are setting yourself up for

lose, but, taking chances is the only way to get what you

disappointment right from the start. No one can or should

want. Life and love are not easy but they can be fun and

have to live up to the expectations of others, and with an

interesting, just don’t expect to never be disappointed. Un-

unrequited love that’s exactly what your love is made up of; requited love is a funny thing, its’ fickle and can turn out expectations. In the end, you just may end up with a sour

either way, but if you don’t take the chance then you’ll nev-

taste in your mouth for love and a shattered dream. Some-

er really know.

Serving one Spider deviled eggs Recipe for 12 deviled eggs: 6 hard boiled Eggs (large) 3 tablespoons mayonnaise or salad dressing 1 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon mustard 1 teaspoon vinegar salt & pepper to taste paprika black olive halves and slices

Directions: Remove shells from eggs, and halve lengthwise with a knife. Carefully remove the yolks, and place in a medium bowl. Mash yolks with a fork, and add remaining ingredients. Very carefully spoon mixture back into the egg white halves. Garnish with a light sprinkling of paprika. Carefully arrange the olives in the shape of a spider on top of each eggs. Chill in the refrigerator for an hour. -Happy Halloween

Hannah & The Bloodlines @ Copperfields

Calendar of events 98 Brookline Ave Boston, MA Thursday, Oct. 8th 7:30pmThursday, October 1, 2009 at 21+ tickets $8 Hannah & The Bloodlines 9:00pm have the unique opportunity to Felt Nightclub open for national sensation 533 Washington St. Rosemary's Garden as they Boston, MA tour through Boston. Hannah Iva Nicole, MSM's October cover, will be take center stage & The Bloodlines, who have been compared to The Police, as she will be signing copies of the October issue for party DMB, and U2 for their echoing guitar riffs and new age guests. sound are said to have one of October 2 the best live shows in Boston; TOK comes to Club Red heckthroughout New Eng1888 land! Listen to them once and Friday, October 2, 2009 at you'll experience a new wave 10:00pm of music that makes you feel Club Red Street: free. 41 Pleasant St October 25 Worcester, MA

October 1

Ivania Nicole’s October release cover party

TOK comes to club 1888 in Worcester

Susan G. Komen Fundraiser and Fashion Show

October 3

Canal cocktail lounge 90 Harding St. Worcester, MA

Ivania Nicole’s October release cover party Saturday, October 3, 2009 at 10:00pm Club Red Street: 41 Pleasant St Worcester, MA Iva Nicole, MSM's October cover, will be take center stage in Worcester. She will be signing copies of the October issue for party guests.

Shop for a cure, VIP fashion show and education of breast cancer. October 31 MSM and STR8UP Ent. hosts an Halloween affair

October 8

Saturday, October 31, 2009 at 10:00pm Club Red Street: 41 Pleasant St Worcester, MA

Hannah & The Bloodlines @Copperfields Copperfields-

Wear your best costume and come celebrate Halloween with us.

ADVERTISE YOUR EVENTS IN MSM Club events Anniversaries Concerts Speed dating events Networking groups Fundraisers Charity events Fashion shows Wine/Food tasting Rallies

See your picture in the “On the town with MSM” or your event in MSM’s calendar? Send your pictures to

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Horoscopes LIBRA September 23-October 22 Appreciate the smaller things in life today. Make a point to walk slower and taken in all your surroundings. Admire your friends for their often unnoticed gestures of kindness. Tell your family how much they mean to you. Don't let a moment pass where you don't thank your lucky stars. SCORPIO October 23 - November 21 Your dreams can reveal hidden desires you didn't even know you harbored. In a journal, write down everything you remember dreaming to decipher later. Interpret the symbols and reoccurring themes in your dreams for a better understanding of your subconscious. SAGITTARIUS November 22-December 21 Listen to others reminisce about the past for inspiration to find romance in the future. Stories of love lost may initially seem sad but in fact they teach us valuable lessons about seizing the moment and taking risks romantic risks.. CAPRICORN December 22-January 19 Feeling good comes naturally to you today. Relish this spectacular mood. Continue the positive vibes by participating in activities that make you happy. Invite along pals who need a fun distraction.

AQUARIUS January 20-February 18 Today you may be sidetracked by the appearance of someone who takes your breath away. Before skipping off to Daydream Alley, remember that the new object of your devotion is indeed a mere mortal capable of mistakes. Don't get the pedestal out from storage quite yet. PISCES February 19-March 20 Your friends miss you. Today is a great time to reconnect and have some fun. Gather up the gang and hit the town. Go to your usual haunts, or have them over to your place for an impromptu party.

ARIES March 21-April 19 Use positive energy towards others when trying to turn a mood around. Instead of focusing on your own problems, sometimes it's easier to help others in need first. You could end up finding solutions in unlikely places.

TAURUS April 20-May 20 It's a good time to implement an idea that might be considered slightly wacky. Tackling a problem from left-ofcenter could be exactly what you need to find a creative solution. Someone you want to impress will notice your creativity. GEMINI May 21-June 21 Focus on creative ideas today instead of dismissing new concepts. When you give into your artistic side it can positively influence all areas of your life -- career, friendship and love. Be open to wacky and off-kilter activities. CANCER June 22-July 22 You have a strong intuition, so don't ignore it! If your instincts are telling you someone just isn't right for you, then follow that feeling. Sometimes it's best to go with your gut instead of your heart. LEO July 23-August 22 Show off your creative talents today. Offer to sketch portraits of pals, or cook someone new a romantic dinner. Write a song about how you're feeling right now, or take artistic photos of your pet. Give into your artistic side. VIRGO August 23-September 22 Everything's mutable including that nagging voice in your head. When pursuing a new relationship the last thing you want to do is give into self-doubt. Don't be your own worst enemy. Ignore the negative worrying and believe in your heart.


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