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卡加利好去處 Calgary Attractions
Calgary Attractions
位於Pearce Estate公園內,中心內有不少老少咸宜的展覽區,可 增進對亞省魚類、野生動物、水源及其管理過程的認識。此外,遊客 亦可以參觀探索中心、Sam Livingston魚類養殖場、鱒魚池塘及Pearce Estate公園解說濕地。 電話 : 403-297-6561 地址 : 1440 - 17A St. SE, Calgary 網址 : www.bowhabitat.alberta.ca
Bow Habitat Station - Located in Calgary's Pearce Estate Park. A great place to discover more about Alberta's fish, wildlife, water and its management through handson exhibitions. Visitors may also visit Discovery Centre, Sam Livingston Fish Hatchery, Trout Pond, and Pearce Estate Park Interpretative Wetland.
Butterfield Acres
騎小馬、遊樂場、拖拉機和馬車以及巨大的沙箱,這是Butterfield Acres農場生活的開始。為每個家庭在友好而熱情的環境中親身體驗接 觸動物的機會。在農場提供家庭度過美好的一天,讓您的孩子夢想自 己擠山羊或養一隻新生羔羊。 電話:403-239-0638 地址 : 254077 Rocky Ridge Rd. NW 網址 : www.butterfieldacres.com
Butterfield Acres - Pony rides, playgrounds, tractor and wagon rides, and a giant sandbox are just the start of life on the farm at Butterfield Acres. Hands on experiences give everyone in the family a chance to experience barnyard animals in a friendly and welcoming environment. Enjoy a family friendly day on the farm that will leave your kids dreaming of the day they milked a goat or pet a newborn lamb. Calaway Park
是加西最大的戶外娛樂公園。有32種驚險刺激的機動遊樂設施, 23種遊戲,現場舞台表演,3D影院和大量美食!門票包括無限次遊樂 入場,看表演,觀賞景點和停車場等。 電話 : 403-240-3822 地址 : 245033 Range Rd. 33, Calgary 網址 : www.calawaypark.com
Calaway Park - Western Canada's Largest Outdoor Family Amusement Park. Enjoy 32 rides, 23 games, live stage shows, a 3D theatre and tons of treats! Unlimited rides, shows, attractions and parking are included for one easy daily admission price.
為加拿大中最大的文化中心,佔地七萬平方呎。其中央圓頂乃仿 照北京天壇的設計。內有博物館及畫廊提供有關中國文化的歷史及藝 術廊。 電話 : 403-262-5071 地址 : 197 - 1 St. SW, Calgary 網址 : www.culturalcentre.ca
Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre - This is the largest stand alone cultural centre in Canada at 70,000 sq ft. Its great central dome is atterned after the Temple of Heaven in Beijing. There is a museum and gallery devoted to a historical overview of Chinese culture and an art gallery.
每年7月,連續10天,卡加利戴上白帽歡迎世界。地球上最大型的 戶外表演是最真實、最難忘的西方體驗。眾人皆牛仔打扮,目睹世界 頂級牛仔競技表演,激動人心的chuckwagon比賽、First Nation文化、 農業展示、現場音樂、騎蠻牛、騎野馬、套牛馬等,令人歎為觀止。 大家更參加早餐聚會、坐吊車、遊覽原住民村,觀賞燦爛的煙花,可 謂娛樂無窮! 電話:403-261-0101 地址 : 1410 Olympic Way SE, Calgary 網址 : www.calgarystampede.com
Calgary Stampede - For 10 days and nights every July, Calgary puts on its white hat and welcomes the world. The Greatest Outdoor Show On Earth is the most authentic, memorable western experience. You'll become a cowboy or cowgirl, witnessing the world's top rodeo, thrilling chuckwagon races, First Nation culture, Agriculture showcase, live music and much
2018年是卡加利塔的五十週年,是城市的標誌。塔高191米,享有 城市最佳景緻。在觀景台上,您將體驗到熙熙攘攘的城市,雄偉的洛 磯山脈,山麓和草原的壯觀360度全景。 電話:403-266-7171 地址 : 101 - 9 Ave. SW, Calgary 網址 : www.calgarytower.com
Calgary Tower - Year 2018 marks the fiftieth year of the Calgary Tower defining the city's skyline. Located 191 metres above the downtown core, the Calgary Tower offers the best view in the city. On the Observation Deck you'll experience a spectacular 360°view of the bustling city, the majestic Rocky Mountains, the foothills, and the prairies.
北美洲著名動物園之一,園內有來自世界各地超過1,000種動物及 272種不同種類供遊客觀看。 佔地125英畝的動物園由8個目的地區域組成:加拿大野生動物 區、溫室花園和蝴蝶、非洲目的地、亞洲探索、亞洲門戶、狐猴之 地、企鵝跳水和史前公園。 電話:403-232-9300 公共入口 : 210 George's Dr. NE, Calgary 網址 : www.calgaryzoo.com
Calgary Zoo - Botanical Garden & Prehistoric Park - With over 1,000 animals and 272 different species from around the world, the Calgary Zoo is one of the top zoos in North America. The 125 acres zoo is organized by eight destination zones: Canadian Wilds, Conservatory Gardens & Butterflies, Destination Africa, Exploration Asia, Gateway to Asia, Land of Lemurs, Penguin Plunge and Prehistoric Park.
加拿大體育 Hall of Fame
是一個國際獲獎設施,佔地超過40,000平方呎,位於舉辦1988年 冬季奧運會加拿大奧林匹克公園,擁有各種歷史畫廊和10萬件文物。 電話 : 403-776-1040 地址 : 169 Canada Olympic Rd. SW, Calgary 網址 : www.sportshall.ca
Canada's Sports Hall of Fame - is an international award-winning facility with over 40,000 square feet of inspiring experiences. Located at WinSport's Canada Olympic Park, site of the 1988 Olympic Winter Games in Calgary, Canada's Sports Hall of Fame features a variety of historical galleries and a collection of 100,000 artifacts. Cobb 冒險農場 - 袋鼠寵物動物園
Cobb冒險樂園提供超過40種不同的活動,包括袋鼠寵物動物 園、攀岩牆、充氣屋、踏板車、騎拖拉機、巨型滑梯、射箭tag、 Eurobungy、Zorbz、繩索遊戲和Blacklight迷你高爾夫等,為不同年齡 人士提供娛樂!他們還提供美味的食物、實地考察、生日聚會、夏令 營和公司舉行活動! 電話 : 403-210-2676 地址 : 1500 - 84 St. NE, Calgary 網址 : www.cobbsadventurepark.com
Cobb's Adventure Farm- Kangaroo Petting Zoo-Cobb's Adventure park is home to over 40 different activities, including Kangaroo Petting Zoo, Climbing Wall, Bouncy Houses, Pedal Carts, Tractor Ride, Giant Slides, Archery Tag, Eurobungy, Zorbz, Ropes Course, Blacklight Mini Golf and more will provide entertainment for all ages! They also have delicious food and offer fieldtrips, birthday parties, summer camps & corporate events.
Devonian 花園
是卡加利市中心的一片城市綠洲,位於Core購物中心的第4層,擁 有1公頃的植物園,包括500多棵樹木、50種植物、900平方英尺的植物 牆壁、噴泉、魚塘和可供攀爬和探索的遊樂場。 地址 : #400, 317 - 7 Ave. SW, Calgary
Devonian Gardens - is on the 4th level of the Core Shopping Centre which is an urban oasis in the heart of Calgary that offers one hectare of botanical gardens including over 500 trees, 50 varieties of plants, a 900 sq. ft. living wall, fountains, fish ponds and a playground to climb and explore.
加拿大第二大城市公園,位於卡加利最南端。這個巨大的綠地因 其許多宜人的步行道、遠足、釣魚、划船、游泳、騎單車、滾軸溜冰 和野餐而廣受歡迎。同時亦是觀鳥的熱門地點,大約有200種不同的物 種生活在這裡。 地址 : 15979 Bow Bottom Tr. SE, Calgary 網址 : www.albertaparks.ca/fish-creek.aspx
Fish Creek Provincial Park - Canada’s second largest urban park which is located in Calgary’s far south. This huge green space is popular for its many pleasant walking trails, hiking, fishing, boating, swimming, biking, rollerblading and picnicking. It’s a popular spot for bird-watching, with some 200 different species identified as living here.
是一個面積很大的室內家庭娛樂中心,內有很多適合所有年齡段 的活動!計有蹦床、攀岩牆、躲避球和許多首屈一指的娛樂設施!那 裏還舉辦生日派對和團體活動。 電話 : 403-879-2148 地址 : #105, 572 Aero Dr. NE 及 5342 - 72 Ave. SE, Calgary 網址 : www.flyingsquirrelsports.ca
Flying Squirrel Trampoline Park - is a huge indoor family fun centre with plenty of activities and attractions for all ages! They have trampolines, climbing walls, dodge balls and lots of premiere entertainment! They also do birthday parties and group events.
把歷史帶到現在! 讓你置身於1875的城堡、1888營房、1906大宅 及互動展覽館,會晤歷史人物,觀聽起床響號和升旗禮,接觸昔日服 飾和手工藝,認識百多年前的卡城。全年開放,每日上午9時至下午5 時(除新年復活節,聖誕節,聖誕前及次日)。 電話 : 403-290-1875 地址 : 750 - 9 Ave. SE, Calgary 網址 : www.fortcalgary.com
Fort Calgary Historic Park - Bringing History to Life! Spend a day in the life of Calgary in 1875. Meet historic characters from Calgary's past and participate in reveille and flag-raising. Take part in costumed interpretation, handson activities and historic crafts in the 1875 Fort, 1888 Barracks, 1906 Deane House mansion and interactive Interpretive Centre all on the site of the original Fort Calgary.
Glenbow 博物館
為加拿大西部最大規模的博物館。遊客可在一個地方,同時欣賞 著各種藝術及歷史的展覽。博物館因翻修而暫時關閉,計劃於2024年 年中重新開放。 電話 : 403-268-4100 地址 : 130 - 9 Ave. SE, Calgary 網址 : www.glenbow.org
Glenbow Museum - The largest museum in Western Canada. Visitors can enjoy art and historical exhibitions all under one roof. Museum was closed for renovations and scheduled to reopen on mid-2024. 臨弓牧場省立公園
臨弓牧場省立公園(Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park)公園的主要 部分位於弓河北岸,位處洛磯山景郡境內。公園的東端和西端,分別 跨入卡加利市和Cochrane境內。 該公園的土地擁有跨越數千年的豐富歷史。2006年Harvie家族慷 慨捐贈了3,247英畝的土地予亞省政府。在2008年4月正式成為省級 公園。是研究、教育、公共娛樂和享受的絕佳場所。
Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park - The majority of this provincial park is located on the north bank of the Bow River within Rocky View County. Portions of the eastern and western extremeties of the park are located within the City of Calgary and the Town of Cochrane respectively. The lands of Glenbow Ranch have a rich history that spans thousands of years. In 2006, 3,247 acres of land were generously donated to the Alberta Government by the Harvie Family. It was formally established as a Provincial Park in April of 2008. The Park is an extraordinary place for research, education, public recreation and enjoyment.
將1914的加拿大人生活重現眼前。你可漫步在1910大街時,讓新 鮮的麵包香把你帶到亞伯達麵包店,跳上隆隆聲的蒸汽火車上及登上 古色古香的渡輪,加上穿著古裝的講解員,令你對從前的卡加利留下 深刻印象。另外為慶祝農產品豐收的季節,每年與卡加利農產品營銷 協會合作,舉辦為期兩天的傳統公園豐收傾銷活動。 電話 : 403-268-850 地址 : 1900 Heritage Dr. SW, Calgary 網址 : www.heritagepark.ab.ca
Heritage Park Historical Village - All the sights and sounds of pre1914 life are recreated at Canada's largest living historical village. Stroll down Main Street 1910 and let the aroma of freshly baked bread draw you into the Alberta Bakery. Ride the rails behind a thundering steam locomotive and ride on the oldfashioned Ferris wheel. And, of course, their costumed interpreters will delight you with a truly memorable impression of Calgary's past. In order to celebrate the harvest season of agricultural products, Heritage Park cooperates with the Calgary Produce Marketing Association, hosts a two-day Heritage Park Harvest Sale each year.
這36公頃野生自然保護區內,可沿著河畔樹林,寧靜湖泊,在2千 米的步行徑上觀看超過270種雀鳥,347多種植物和哺乳動物。全年日 間時間開放,歡迎公眾免費入場。 電話 : 403-221-4500 地址 : 2425 - 9 Ave. SE, Calgary
Inglewood Bird Sanctuary and Nature Centre - This 36-hectare wildlife reserve offers more than two kilometres of level walking trails throughout the riverine forest, by the flowing river and alongside a peaceful lagoon. More than 270 species of birds, 21 species of mammals and 347 species of plants have been recorded at the Sanctuary and Nature Centre. The public is welcome to visit the Sanctuary during daylight hours, year-round . Admission is free.
鐵馬火車公園是由亞省示範工程學會於1971年創建及營運,位於 Airdrie,公園內的微型火車,軌道和園景代表著從大草原到沿海的加拿 大太平洋鐵路(CPR)。1:8的模型火車,由柴油或蒸氣推動,坐上火車, 在這1.6公里的旅程讓你感受到加拿大西部為先驅者的日子。旅程帶你 跨過山丘,經過高架橋,穿過隧道,欣賞不同景色。 電話 : 403-948-2601 地址 : Railway Gate SW, Airdrie 網址 : http://www.ironhorsepark.net/
Iron Horse Park - The park is owned and operated by the Alberta Model Engineering Society, which was incorporated in 1971. It is located at Airdrie. The miniature trains, track and landscape at Iron Horse Park represent the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) from the prairies to the coast. Take the 1.6 km interpretive journey aboard one of the 1/8th scale diesel or steam locomotives at the park and get a feeling of what the railway was like in Western Canada during the pioneer days. The journey will take you over hills, across trestles and through tunnels across the varied landscape. 和平橋
由卡加利市政府建造,市民可步行和騎單車經和平橋橫跨弓河, 到達Sunnyside社區。它已成為市中心核心地區的文化地標。該橋由西 班牙建築師Santiago Calatrava設計,於2012年3月24日開放使用。 它與世界上大多數橋樑不同,這行人天橋令人印象深刻的長度在 弓河上沒有支撐。建築師的計劃中未包含任何柱或電纜,因為鋼結構 旨在支撐自身的重量。 電話 : 403-268-2489 地址 : Memorial Dr. NW and Bow River west of Prince's Island Park
Peace Bridge was built by The City of Calgary, is a bridge that accommodates people walking and cycling across the Bow River, connecting the community of Sunnyside. It has become a cultural icon within the downtown core. The bridge, designed by Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, opened for use on March 24, 2012.
Unlike most bridges in the world, the impressive length of the pedestrian bridge stretches unsupported across the Bow River. No beams or cables were included in the architect’s plans, as the steel structure was designed to support its own weight.
是一個佔地50英畝的大型綠地,公園位於卡加利市中心以北,弓 河的一個島上,毗鄰Eau Claire市場。通過三座人行天橋與主要地方 相連,提供步行和騎單車區,以及在夏季舉行的戶外音樂會和戲劇表 演。在公園東端重新營造了濕地環境。加拿大鵝和野鴨是公園內常見 的鳥類。 地址 : 698 Eau Claire Ave. SW, Calgary
Prince’s Island Park - is a large 50-acre green space located to the north of downtown Calgary. Set on an island in the Bow River, the park is adjacent to Eau Claire Market. Connected to the mainland by three pedestrian bridges, the park offers walking and biking areas, as well as outdoor concerts and plays during the summer months. The eastern end of the island re-creates a wetland environment. Canada geese and mallard ducks are common birds found in the park.
Downhill Karting by Skyline Luge Calgary
沿著世界上最長的Luge軌道飛行1.8公里(5905呎)! Skyline Luge 是一種獨特的輪式重力騎行,可讓駕駛員在專用軌道上完全控制下 降。這個充滿樂趣的冒險活動位於Winsport,適合所有年齡的駕駛 員! 電話 : 403-776-0617 地址 : Canada Olympic Park, 88 Canada Olympic Rd. SW 網址 : www.skylineluge.ca
Downhill Karting by Skyline Luge Calgary - soar 1.8 km (5905 feet) down the world's longest Luge track! Skyline Luge is a unique wheeled gravity ride that provides riders full control over their descent on purpose-built track. Located at Winsport, this fun-filled adventure activity is suitable for riders of all ages!
Spruce Meadows
位於加拿大的洛磯山脈的山麓小丘,在阿伯達省的卡加利城市 以內。這個獨特的建築場館,精彩的跳馬表演競賽,吸引全球的觀 眾。一年365日開放,加上那裏熱騰騰的咖啡和他們親切的工作人 員歡迎你。 電話 : 403-974-4200 地址 : 18011 Spruce Meadows Way SW, Calgary 網址 : www.sprucemeadows.com
Spruce Meadows - is located in the foothills of the majestic Canadian Rockies, within the city of Calgary, Alberta. This picturesque complex has captivated the worldwide audience of the sport of show jumping. Explore Spruce Meadows, where the coffee pot is always on and a warm smile from our friendly staff will always welcome you - 365 days of the year. Studio Bell 音樂中心
加拿大國家音樂中心於2016年開幕!探索160,000平方呎的設 施,分別有五層展覽廳,講述加拿大音樂故事;在加拿大名人堂慶祝 音樂偶像,通過互動樂器裝置搖滾,並在音響室內唱歌。請瀏覽網站 了解更多有關特別旅遊和入場的資料。 電話:403-543-5115 地址 : 850 - 4 St. SE, Calgary 網址 : www.studiobell.ca
Studio Bell - The National Music Centre's Studio Bell opened in 2016 on Canada Day, July 1, 2016. Explore 160,000 squarefoot facility, five floors of exhibitions that tell the story of music in Canada, celebrate music icons in the Canadian Halls of Fame, rock out with our interactive instrument installations and sing along in our sound booths. Visit the website for more information on special tours and admission.
在卡加利西部的山腳下,聳立著外觀奇特的WinSport塔樓,這裡 是卡加利奧林匹克公園的所在地。1988年,這裡是第十五屆冬季奧運 會的主要場地。 WinSport提供各種冬季和夏季活動,包括山地單車、滑雪、冰 球、戶外露營、溜冰、雪橇、高空滑索、雪橇、雪管、運動訓練等。 電話 : 403-247-5452 地址 : 88 Canada Olympic Rd. SW, Calgary 網址 : www.winsport.ca
WinSport - In the foothills of the mountains to the west of the city rise the strange-looking towers of WinSport, home to the Calgary Olympic Park. In 1988, this was the primary site for the XV Olympic Winter Games. WinSport offers a variety of winter and summer activities including: mountain biking, skiing, hockey, outdoor camps, skating, bob sled, zipline, toboggan, snow tube, sports training and more.
Telus Sky
是卡加利市中心一座59層,高222.3米(729呎)的混合用途摩天 大樓。該建築於2019年竣工,成為卡加利第三高的建築。 Telus Sky的南北幕牆展出帶著動感的LED燈飾,被稱為“北極 光”,構成藝術品的LED燈帶配備了無限數量的色調和組合。該燈飾展 由加拿大藝術家Douglas Coupland設計,這是加拿大最大的公共藝術 裝置之一。 地址 : 619 Centre St S, Calgary 網址 : www.telussky.com
Telus Sky - is a 59-storey, 222.3 m (729 ft) mixed use skyscraper in downtown Calgary. At completion in 2019, the structure building became the third-tallest building in Calgary. Telus Sky's northern and southern facades are cladded in a dynamic LED display dubbed "Northern Lights", designed by Canadian artist Douglas Coupland, which is one of the largest public art fixtures in Canada. The LED light strips that make up the art piece are equipped with an infinite number of colour shades and combinations.
卡加利科學館適合所有年齡段人群的科學中心,Spark的目的是讓 人們與科學進行創造性的接觸。今年秋季推出了全新的數碼沉浸式體 驗、全新的 VR 展覽、宇航員冰淇淋咖啡館、全新升級的圓頂劇院、今 年11月開幕、令人驚嘆的禮品店等等! 電話:403-776-1040 地址:220 St. George's Dr. NE, Calgary 網址 : www.sparkscience.ca
Telus Spark - TELUS Spark Science Centre - as a science centre for people of all ages, Spark’s purpose is to engage people creative encounters with science. A new digital immersion experience launched this fall, new VR exhibit, the Astronaut Ice Cream cafe, newly upgraded dome theatre, opening this November, an amazing gift shop and so much more! 航天博物館
以前是卡加利航空航天博物館,是一個繁忙且不斷發展的博物 館,通過講述收藏飛機和直升機的故事以及設計和飛行,促進對飛行 演變的理解和欣賞。該系列擁有罕見且具有歷史意義的軍用和民用飛 機,確保年輕人和老年人的喜愛。修復後的Hawker Hurricane#5389 在2019年11月6日在博物館揭幕。 電話:403-250-3752 地址:4629 McCall Way NE, Calgary 網址 : www.thehangarmuseum.ca
The Hangar Flight Museum - Formerly the Aero Space Museum of Calgary, the Hangar Flight Museum is a busy and growing museum that fosters the understanding and appreciation of the evolution of flight through stories told about the airplanes, and helicopters in their collection. The collection holds rare and historically significant military and civilian aircraft sure to delight visitors young and old. A restored Hawker Hurricane #5389 was unveiled at the Hangar Flight Museum in Calgary on Nov. 6, 2019.
透過歷史上的模擬戰場、各項展品及文物,讓普羅大眾可以親身 體驗軍人的生活,各大戰事的當年實況,從而更認識加拿大軍隊在多 年來的榮辱得失,並把這些歷史流傳下去。 電話:403-974-2850 地址:4520 Crowchild Tr. SW, Calgary 網址 : www.themilitarymuseums.ca
The Military Museums (TMM) - Discover the victories, tragedies, and sacrifices of the Canadian Forces. Experience life at the helm in a Second World War wheelhouse, walk through a First World War trench and witness a bomber squadron's mission over enemy territory. The Military Museums is dedicated to representing Canada's navy, army, and air force and educating the public about Canada's military.