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愛民頓好去處 Edmonton Attractions 亞伯達省好去處 Alberta Attractions 87

Alberta Aviation Museum

亞省航空博物館位於愛民頓市中心機場附 近,除了展出40架飛機外,還擁有一種罕見的 飛機機庫,該機庫是作為加拿大飛行員在第二 次世界大戰時培訓計劃的一部分而建造的。 地址: 11410 Kingsway Ave. NW, Edmonton 網址: www.albertaaviationmuseum.com


Edmonton Attractions

Art Gallery of Alberta

前稱Edmonton Gallery收藏超過6,000件藝 術品,包括歷史悠久或當代的畫作、雕刻、照 片等。館內收藏的不只是加拿大本國藝術家的 作品,還有很多世界各地藝術家的作品,保證 讓愛好視覺藝術的人士捨不得離去。 地址: 2 Sir Winston Churchill Sq. Edmonton 網址: www.youraga.ca Fort Edmonton Park

愛民頓堡公園 (Fort Edmonton Park) 坐落 在愛民頓河谷沿岸64公頃(158英畝)的樹木 繁茂的公園內。公園擁有重建的古老建築,以 反映愛民頓的歷史發展。 地址: 7000-143 St. NW, Edmonton 網址: www.fortedmontonpark.ca

K Days

愛民頓最盛大的活動是每年7月底舉行為期 10天的節日,稱為 K Days(Klondike Day)。 街頭派對、舞蹈、遊行、現場娛樂表演、淘金 和機動遊戲讓整個城市熱鬧起來。 網址: http://k-days.com/ Louise McKinney Riverfront Park

愛民頓市的河畔公園毗鄰愛民頓市中心, 緊鄰Shaw會議中心以南, 是整個河谷地區公園系 統的大門,也是市內系列漫步徑的入門通道。 公園佔地12.9公頃,擁有500米的令人嘆為觀止 的一覽無餘的河景,園內設有一個中國花園。 地址: 999 Grierson Hill Rd. Edmonton 網址: www.edmonton.ca/activities_parks_ recreation/parks_rivervalley/louisemckinney-riverfront-park Muttart Conservatory

Muttart Conservatory是加拿大最大的室內 植物館之一,位於North Saskatchewan河谷。 是愛民頓著名的地標,擁有公共花園、溫室和 五個用於植物展示的玻璃金字塔。 地址: 9626-96A St. NW, Edmonton 網址: www.edmonton.ca/attractions_ events/muttart-conservatory

North Saskatchewan River Valley

愛民頓河谷是北美最大的城市公園。公園 面積18,285英畝是紐約中央公園的22倍。河谷擁 有22個帶綠地的主要公園。許多戶外活動,如 騎自行車、步行、慢跑、雪鞋或滑雪超過160公 里的路徑。乘坐Segway代步車之旅,或乘坐獨 木舟,皮划艇或站立式槳板前往Saskatchewan 河。更可以享受野餐以及使用公共燒烤。 網址:www.edmonton.ca/activities_parks_ recreation/parks_rivervalley/northsaskatchewan-river Rogers Place

是加拿大亞伯達省愛民頓的多用途室內場 館。它主要用於冰球和其他室內運動,但也可 作為音樂會或其他活動的場所進行配置。 建築於2014年3月開始,該建築於2016年9 月8日正式開放。 該場館內的曲棍球場地座位數為18,347 座,音樂會場地為20,734座。 地址: 10220-104 Avenue NW, Edmonton 網址: www.rogersplace.com


Alberta Attractions

班芙 Banff 加拿大班芙國家公園中最大的城鎮,人口約1萬人。坐落於亞伯達 省西南洛磯山脈中。班芙距離卡加利市以西約135公里處,加拿大橫 貫公路旁。班芙往西58公里則是著名的路易斯湖。班芙是著名的度假勝地,並且周 圍山巒與溫泉也廣受歡迎。它是重要的戶外活動區,主要活動有步行,登山、滑雪 等。 Banff National Park is Canada's oldest national park, located in the Rocky Mountains 130 kilometers west of Calgary in the province of Alberta. The area encompasses some spectacular mountain scenery, major ski resorts, beautiful lakes, and the tourist town of Banff. Wildlife is abundant here, with grizzly bears, black bears, wolves, caribou, and elk, many of which are frequently sighted along the main highway through the park. Hiking is one of the main summer activities in Banff.

賈斯珀國家公園 Jasper National Park 被巍峨的山峰,海綠色的湖泊和原始的荒野圍繞着。賈斯珀位於 愛民頓以西約362公里(225英里),班芙以北約290公里(180英里)。乘坐 Jasper SkyTram可欣賞到六座山脈,冰川湖泊的壯麗景色,Athabasca河蜿蜒穿過 下面山谷的小鎮。 A friendly mountain town surrounded by soaring peaks, sea-green lakes and untouched wilderness. Jasper is approximately 362 kilometres (225 mi) west of Edmonton and 290 kilometres (180 mi) north of Banff. Ride the Jasper SkyTram for stunning views of six mountain ranges, glacial fed lakes, with the Athabasca River winding past the town in the valley below.

路易斯湖 Lake Louise

亞伯達省班芙國家公園內的一個著名的旅遊勝地,在卡加利以西 180公里,此地風景秀麗的路易斯湖而得名。路易斯湖三面雪山環抱, 湖水碧綠如翡翠,來自冰河融雪。面對白雪皚皚的雪山和碧綠湖水,矗立著一所豪 華的大酒店,那就是班芙溫泉酒店的姐妹,路易斯湖城堡酒店。 Lake Louise is famous for its beautiful turquoise colored water that reflects the surrounding mountains and Victoria Glacier on the far shore. It is located just a short drive north of the town of Banff. From the grand Chateau Lake Louise, there are fabulous views directly across the lake. From the lakeside path, there are popular hiking trails leading either up the mountain side or beyond the lake towards the glacier. Soar to an elevation of 2,088 m (6,850 ft) on the Lake Louise Gondola for some of the best grizzly bear viewing opportunities in the Canadian Rockies.

冰川天空步道 Glacier Skywalk 全新建造的冰川天空步道,位於加拿大洛磯山的心臟地帶,讓您體 驗走在懸崖邊上的刺激感受。冰川天空步道的懸崖高達918呎。在這裏 有瀑布、野生動物、化石以及令人歎為觀止的壯闊景觀。往下看,可見到幾千年歷 史的地貌痕跡;往上看,可見到冰川。在這裏可以探索世界上獨特的生態系統,動 植物為適應艱難環境不斷演化。進入冰川天空步道還可讀到相關故事。冰川天空步 道的玻璃地面設計,讓您可以俯視近300米深的冰川山谷以及急流瀑布。冰川天空步 道讓您對大自然的美麗有更深入的體驗,給您帶來他處無法體驗得到的難忘回憶。 Step out on a cliff-edge walkway where giant glaciers perch above you and the spectacular Sunwapta Valley spreads out below. The Glacier Skywalk experience features waterfalls, wildlife, fossils and more on an exciting 1-kilometre walkway that leads to a platform where glass is all that separates you from a 918 feet (280 m) drop. The walk is presented in an interpretive storytelling format that will connect you to the natural world in a deep and meaningful way.

千年冰原 Icefields Parkway and Columbia Icefield 每年四月中至十月中是到洛磯山脈參觀Athabasca 冰川的好日子,您將會在那裡獲得一生中獨一無二的 體驗。旅客將會坐上一架可以在濕滑冰川上穩定行走的遊覽車,觀賞冰川不同的位置。在這段約 80分鐘的旅程中,車上的專業導遊將會為旅客講述冰川的形成過程及冰川特別的地方。 The Icefields Parkway runs from Lake Louise to Jasper and is one of the most beautiful drives in Canada. This 230-kilometer stretch of highway leads past lakes, mountains, glaciers and waterfalls. The Columbia Icefield, which is the largest icefield in the Rockies. Take a Glacier Adventure tour and board an Ice Explorer - a huge vehicle specifically designed to take on the icefield terrain - and head out onto the Athabasca Glacier where you can walk on ice up to 360 m (1,180 ft) thick.


是一個風景如畫的小鎮,坐落在美麗的洛磯山脈,距離班芙國家公園僅有5分鐘 車程。加上充滿活力,擁有悠閒的氛圍,是探索加拿大洛磯山脈的熱門場所。 Canmore周圍環繞著雄偉的山脈和美麗的高山湖泊,加上滑雪、激流泛舟和洞穴探險等冒險 活動,將讓您在Canmore享受一個難忘的旅程。 Surrounded by majestic mountains and beautiful alpine lakes, Canmore is the starting point for a variety of tours, which will take you to Banff, Lake Louise and the Icefields Parkway. For the outdoor enthusiast, skiing, whitewater rafting and cave exploring are among the many organized adventures that will make your stay in Canmore a trip to remember.


從卡加利東部延伸至加拿大洛磯山脈的前方。九個省級公園和50多個休閒地 點,荒野和自然區域提供戶外探險和受保護的野生動物棲息地。在該地區的西部邊緣,有農場和 牧場,讓Kananaskis Country稱為陡峭山峰的天堂。Peter Lougheed省立公園是Kananaskis其中 的主要著名旅遊好去處,是那些熱愛大自然愛好者特別響往之地。 The Kananaskis region stretches from east of Calgary to the front ranges of the Canadian Rockies. Nine provincial parks and over 50 recreation, wilderness and natural areas provide outdoor adventures and protected wildlife habitat. At the western edge of the region, farms and ranchlands give way to craggy peaks in the mountain paradise known as Kananaskis Country. Peter Lougheed Provincial Park is one of the main highlights of Kananaskis, particularly for those who want to spend some time immersed in nature.

網址 : www.albertaparks.ca/kananaskis-country.aspx

網址 : www.cochranetourism.ca Cochrane 亞伯達省的一個小鎮,位於卡加利市區以西18公里,沿1A高速公路行駛。 2017年人口26,320人。Cochrane是為冒險愛好者及喜愛在美麗自然環境人士尋求 樂趣,更可讓大家享受家庭樂,是休閒和放鬆的好去處。距離卡加利僅20分鐘路程,離班芙不到 一小時車程,擁有連綿起伏的山麓和雄偉的洛磯山脈的壯麗景色,結合西方傳統和現代化便利設 施。別忘了品嚐Cochrane在亞伯達省最著名的冰淇淋。 Cochrane is a town in the Canadian province of Alberta which is located 18 km west of the Calgary city limits along Highway 1A. With a population of 26,320 in 2017. Cochrane is a recreation playground for families, adventure enthusiasts and those seeking rest and relaxation in a beautiful natural setting. Only 20 minutes from Calgary and less than an hour from Banff, with spectacular vistas of the rolling foothills and majestic Rocky Mountains, Cochrane combines a proud western heritage with all the modern conveniences required for a great vacation. Don't forget to taste Cochrane's the most famous ice cream in Alberta.

Bowden SunMaze & Eagle Creek Farms 有機認證的農場,是加拿大為數不多的向日葵迷宮之一。 向日葵種植在農場上,花開的季節通常在8月中旬至9月。迷 宮分佈在8英畝的土地上,有一個新建立的柳樹迷宮。他們還種植了3英畝的花卉和蔬菜可供自 己採摘購買。 Bowden SunMaze - in the certified organic fields of Eagle Creek Farms and is one of Canada’s few Sunflower Mazes. Sunflowers are planted on the farm and the bloom typically begins around mid-August until mid-September. The maze is spread out across eight acres withA newly established willow tree maze. They also grow three acres of u-pick flowers and vegetables for purchase.

Horseshoe Canyon Interpretive Centre 觀望壯麗的馬蹄峽谷,學習到有關地理 學、史前學和荒原的歷史。亦可學習到有關 生長在峽谷內的原始植物和動物。展覽中心位於9號高速公路Drumheller西面19千米。由卡加 利駕車前往只需90分鐘。每年五月至九月開放,免費入場。電話:403-823-2593。 View the impressive Horseshoe Canyon and learn about the geology, history, dinosaurs, and native plants and animals of the badlands. Free admission. 19 km SW of Drumheller on Hwy #9. Open during summer tourist season for hiking, guided tours and also motorized buggy access.

展示令人驚嘆亞伯達省草原景觀的Aspen Crossing鐵路,提供11種不同主題的火 車之旅,包括 "極地特快列車”! 享受歷史悠久的1887年Pullman餐車餐廳或擁有百年 歷史的草原農舍-逃生室和小酒館。於3個經過精美翻新的Caboose小屋,或在樹木茂密的大營 地中之中露營。並有住宿、短途旅行、餐飲及購物等等!Aspen Crossing位於24號高速公路離 卡加利東南僅45分鐘路程,位於Lethbridge和卡加利這兩個主要城市之間。 Showcasing the stunning Alberta prairie landscapes, the Aspen Crossing Railway offers 11 different themed train tours, including, The Polar Express Train Ride! Enjoy the historical 1887 Pullman dining car restaurant or a century old prairie farmhouse - turned Escape Rooms and Tavern. Stay in one of 3 beautifully retrofitted Caboose Cabins or the well treed and big rig friendly campground. Accommodations, excursions, dining, shopping and more! Aspen Crossing is a train-tastic destination located just 45 minutes southeast of Calgary on Hwy 24, situated between 2 major cities, Lethbridge and Calgary.

Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology

國際知名的史前博物館,陳列著世界上 最大的完整恐龍骨。亦負起搜集、保存、研究、展覽及註譯亞省豐富的化石遺傳,請致電或瀏 覽網頁查詢開放時間及入場費。 地址:1500 N Dinosaur Trail, Drumheller Internationally recognized palaeontology museum. World's largest display of complete dinosaur skeletons. Collection, preservation, research, display and interpretation of Alberta's rich fossil heritage.

網址 : www.tyrrellmuseum.com

網址:www.aspencrossing.com Aspen Crossing

博物館 Bomber Command Museum of Canada 前身為Lancaster空軍博物館,是亞伯達省Nanton鎮的航空博物 館。該博物館於1986年開放,其Avro Lancaster是世界上僅有的17個 博物館之一。 它的目標是紀念第二次世界大戰期間與轟炸機司令部有關的人員以及紀念亞伯 達省英聯邦航空培訓計劃的活動。該設施現在包括26,000平方呎的機庫區域和另外 3,000平 方呎地方用於展示較小的文物、航空藝術和講解相關資訊。還有劇院、圖書館/會議室,兩個 大型修復商店、零件存儲區和辦公室。 The Bomber Command Museum of Canada, formerly the Nanton Lancaster Society Museum, is an aviation museum in Nanton, Alberta. The museum opened in 1986 and is highlighted by its Avro Lancaster, one of only 17 remaining in the world. Its goals were to be the honouring of those associated with Bomber Command during World War II and the commemoration of the activities of the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan in Alberta. The facility now includes 26,000 square feet of hangar area and 3,000 square feet used for the display of smaller artifacts, aviation art, and related interpretive information. A theatre, library/ 網址 : www.bombercommandmuseum.ca meeting room, two large restoration shops, parts storage area, and office complete the museum.

蘭敦鎮 Nanton Town 蘭敦鎮位於南亞省,在卡加利的南邊,2號和533號高速公路 的交界處,距離車程40分鐘。該鎮人口僅有2,100。 這小鎮十分寧靜、舒適和安全,其魅力吸引了眾多遊客,這些遊客都被其歷史悠久的標 誌、文化、博物館、活動和充滿活力體驗所吸引。其最出名的是位於當地的Bomber Command Museum of Canada和很多不同類型的古老和特色的商店。 Nanton is a small town which population is just over 2,100 residents. It is at the intersection between Highway 2 and 533 and located 40 minutes South of Calgary. Nanton's authentic charm attracts numerous visitors that are drawn to its historic icons, culture, museums, events and dynamic retail experiences. Nanton Town is famous for the local Bomber Command Museum of Canada and different kinds of ancient stores and special shops.

Lethbridge Viaduct 高架橋 Lethbridge Viaduct,俗稱高架橋,於1907年至1909年間在 Lethbridge建造,當時耗資約130萬元。它長約1600米,高約96 米。這座著名的Lethbridge標誌性橋樑,位居全省十大工程奇蹟之首。 Scenic Dr. South & 3 Ave. South, Lethbridge The Lethbridge Viaduct, commonly known as the High Level Bridge, was constructed between 1907 and 1909 at Lethbridge at a cost of approximately $1.3 million. It's about 1,600 metres long and 96 metres high. This well known Lethbridge iconic bridge is topping the list of the top 10 engineering marvels in the province.

烈必殊Nikka Yuko花園

網址 : www.nikkayuko.com 位於南亞省的Lethbridge,它包含了人造製品、樹林、灌木、石頭和以水創 造出的自然和平及和諧景致。庭院內有涼亭、乾燥岩石庭院、茶道院、山丘、瀑 布、森林、小河和小島、日本塔樓和大草原區域。Nikka Yuko花園融和了日本與加拿大的文 化特色,並集合南亞省的象徵主義以及傳統日本哲學和標誌。2017年10月19日,Nikka Yuko Lethbridge成為第15個省級歷史資源。 The Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden is located in Lethbridge, Alberta. It is the integration of the artifacts, trees, shrubs, stones and water creates peace and harmony with nature. There are pavilion, dry rock garden, tea ceremony, mountain and waterfall, forest, stream and islands, pagoda, and prairie area. The Nikka Yuko expresses the merging of Japanese and Canadian culture in a garden rich in symbolism of the southern Alberta landscape while simultaneously integrating traditional Japanese philosophy and symbols. On October 19th, 2017, Nikka Yuko has been designated the 15th Provincial Historical Resource.

網址 : www.fort.galtmuseum.com Fort Whoop-Up National Historic Site

國家歷史遺跡,十九世紀中葉的威士忌貿易場所,它曾是加 拿大及美西經濟發展與軍事要鎮,開放時間依季節而有所不同,

查詢請電 403-329-0444。 It is a historical trace of the nation, the place for whisky trade in the mid-19th century. It was an important town for the economic development of Canada and Western America, and for the military. The opening hours differs according to seasons. It is closed in the national holidays.

Fort Macleod Provincial Historic Area 1874年,當西北騎警到達這片土地時,成立了這歷史區 域。今天,這城鎮的中心點是這個省府歷史文物地方。超過30座 仿古建築物,大部份建於1897年至1914年。可隨團或自行前往。 電話:403-553-4425 Founded in 1874 with the arrival of the North West Mounted Police. Today, this town core is a Provincial Historic Area, with more than 30 vintage buildings, mostly dating from 1897 to 1914. Guided or self-guided Walking tours available.

Saskatoon 農場 位於在Okotoks郊外的農場。在夏季的時間,可以到農場採摘自己的Saskatoon、 酸櫻桃和currants。還有種滿植物的溫室、禮品店、100座位有頂戶外茶座餐廳、季節 性農貿市場供應當地和有機食品、一年一度的自己採摘櫻桃活動等。 The Saskatoon Farm, just outside of Okotoks, is a farm fun destination. Depending on the time of summer, you can come to pick your own saskatoons, sour cherries, and currants. But you'll also find greenhouses full of plants, a gift shop full of treasures, a 100-seat restaurant with a covered outdoor patio, a seasonal farmer's market full of local & organic food, an annual U-pick for Saskatoon Berries and Sour Cherries and so much more.

Blackfoot Crossing Historical Park 這是簽署第7號條約的歷史遺址,具有國家和國際歷史和考 古意義。Blackfoot Crossing是指定的國家遺產地及建議成為世 界遺產。它是一個世界知名的北美洲原住民的文化、教育及娛樂中心,主要推廣原住民的語 言、文化及傳統。 A Historic Site of the signing of Treaty No.7, is of National and International historical and archaeological significance. It is a designated national Heritage Site and is recommended to be a World Heritage Site. It is a world renowned cultural, educational and entertainment centre built for the promotion and preservation of the Siksika Nation Peoples' Language, Culture and Traditions.

網址: www.town.vulcan.ab.ca 最新的建築物 Trek Station in Vulcan

Trek Station在1998年10月23日開幕,設計看似盤旋中的太空船, 這個獨特的遊客諮詢中心,是一個有趣的地方,適合一家人到來參觀,去認識有關Vulcan及鄰近懸市。處 身該中心,當然要穿上最喜愛人物的服飾,置身在星球飛船的主橋上。它位於卡加利以南,車程約一小時 十分。 地址 : 115 Centre St. East, PO Box 1161, Vulcan The Trek Station's was open on October 23, 1998. The station is designed to look like a hovering space ship. This unique tourist information centre is a fun place to take your family, you will get a chance to learn about the town of Vulcan and the surrounding Country and while you are slip on your favorite characters uniform and sit yourself on the main bridge of the Star Ship Enterprise.

Kootenai Brown Pioneer Village in Pincher Creek 使用6號公路由Waterton向北行便會到達Pincher Creek牛仔鎮。 Kootenai Brown村是遊客諮詢中心,禮 品店和加拿大西部邊境村莊的所在地,擁有27間歷史悠久的小屋和兩座充滿了迷人文物的博物館。它成立於 1966年,旨在保護充滿活力的先驅遺產之地。博物館包括27座建築物和30,000多件文物。遊客可以直接走進 任何歷史建築,可觀賞公開展示的歷史文物。 Travel north from Waterton on Hwy 6 to the cowboy town of Pincher Creek. As a hub for tourism, Kootenai Brown Pioneer Village is home to the visitor information centre, gift shop, and a Western Canadian frontier village with 27 heritage cabins and two museum buildings filled with intriguing artifacts. It was established in 1966, and was intended to preserve the area's vibrant pioneer heritage. The museum grow to include 27 buildings and more than 30,000 artifacts. Visitors are able to walk directly into any of the historic buildings and view the artifacts, which are displayed openly.


野牛跳崖 Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump 位於加拿大亞伯達省Fort Macleod西北18公里處,坐落於洛磯山脈山麓,HeadSmashed-In Buffalo Jump是其中世界上最古老的,保存最完整的水牛跳崖。該遺址 以其史前生活的卓越見證而聞名,近6,000年來一直被北美原住民使用。該處建設有一個以北美原住民文化為 主題的博物館。1981年Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump是聯合國教育科學文化組織所挑選的世界遺產之一。 Located 18 km north & west of Fort Macleod, Alberta, Canada at a location where the foothills of the Rocky Mountains meet the Great Plains. Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump is one of the world's oldest, largest, and best preserved buffalo jumps. Known for its remarkable testimony of prehistoric life, the site has been used continuously by aboriginal peoples of the plains for nearly 6,000 years. Tour guides are members of the Blackfoot Nation. The interpretive centre is built into the cliff and features displays on seven levels. In 1981, the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) designated HeadSmashed-In Buffalo Jump as a World Heritage Site.

沃特頓-冰川國際和平公園 Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park是由北美兩個大型國家公 園 - 加拿大亞伯達省的沃特頓湖國家公園(Waterton Lakes National Park)和美國蒙坦拿州的冰川國家公園 (Glacier National Park)的組成。兩個國家公園都被聯合國教科文組織宣布為生物圈保護區,並聯合成為一處 世界自然遺產。 In 1932 Waterton Lakes National Park (Alberta, Canada) was combined with the Glacier National Park (Montana, United States) to form the world's first International Peace Park. Situated on the border between the two countries and offering outstanding scenery, the park is exceptionally rich in plant and mammal species as well as prairie, forest, alpine and glacial features. Both parks are declared Biosphere Reserves by UNESCO and their union as a World Heritage Site.

Vegreville Pysanka 是烏克蘭復活節彩蛋,採用防蠟方法裝飾著傳統的烏克蘭民間圖案。它長25.7 呎,寬18呎,高31呎,重 5,512磅。Pysanka是一個複雜的拼圖,包含524個星形圖 案、2,208個等邊三角形、3,512塊可見的刻面、6,978個螺絲以及177個內部支柱。 Pysanka吸引英國伊麗莎白 女王、愛德華王子和安德魯王子於1978年來到Vegreville觀看。 地址 : 4829 - 50 Street, Box 640 Vegreville Vegreville’s pysanka is a Ukrainian Easter egg decorated with traditional Ukrainian folk designs using a wax-resist method. It measures 25.7 feet long, 18 feet wide, and stands 31 feet high and weighs 5,512 lbs (2,500 kg). The Pysanka is a complicated jigsaw puzzle containing 524-star patterns, 2,208 equilateral triangles, 3,512 visible facets, 6,978 nuts and bolts, and 177 internal struts. The Pysanka is so cool that Queen Elizbeth, Prince Edward, and Prince Andrew came to Vegreville in 1978 to see it.

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