23 minute read

加拿大公民入籍考試練習題 Citizenship Test Practice Questions

A. Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship 公民的權利與義務

1. What will you promise when you take the Oath of Citizenship? 公民入籍宣誓時,你會承諾什麼? I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will faithfully observe the laws of Canada and fulfill my duties as a Canadian citizen. 我將效忠加拿大女皇陛下伊麗沙伯二世和她的後裔及她的繼承人,並且 我將忠誠地遵守加拿大法律及履行一個加拿大公民的義務。

2. What are the key documents that list the rights and freedoms of Canadian citizens? 與加拿大公民權利和自由有關的重要文件是什麼? 1). Magna Carta 大憲章 2). Habeas corpus 人身保護權 3). Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms 加拿大權利及自由憲章

3. What are some rights that Canadian citizens enjoy? 加拿大公民享受那些權利? - Mobility Rights 遷移權利 - Aboriginal People's Rights 原住民權利 - Official Language Rights and Minonity Language Educational Right 官方語言及少數族裔語言教育權利 - Multiculturalism 多元文化主義 - The Right to Vote 投票權

4. What are the fundamental freedoms that Canadian citizens have? 加拿大公民享有那些基本自由? - Freedom of conscience and religion 道德及宗教自由 - Freedom of thought 思想自由 - Freedom of belief 信念自由 - Freedom of opinion 意見自由 - Freedom of expression 言論自由 - Freedom of peaceful assembly 和平集會自由 - Freedom of association 結社自由

5. What are some responsibilities of Canadian citizens? 加拿大公民的義務包括那些? - Obeying Canada's laws 遵守加拿大法律 - Taking responsibility for oneself and one's family 對自己及家人負責 - Serving on a jury 擔任陪審團 - Voting in elections 在選舉中投票 - Helping others in the community 在社區中幫助他人 - Protecting and enjoying Canada's heritage and environment 保護及享受加拿大的傳統及環境

6. What are the sources of Canadian law? 加拿大法律的本源是什麼? The sources include laws passed by Parliament and the provincial legislatures, English common law, the civil code of France and the unwritten constitution that we have inherited from Great Britain. 其本源包括在國會及省議會通過的法律、英國民法、法國民事法典、以 及從英國繼承的不成文憲法。

7. When did the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms become part of the Canadian Constitution? 加拿大權利及自由憲章何時成為加拿大憲法的一部份? In 1982. 在一九八二年。

8. Why is the Constitution Act of 1982 important in Canadian history? 為什麼一九八二年的憲法條約在加拿大的歷史上如此重要? The Constitution Act allowed us to change our Constitution without asking the British Government for approval. 憲法條約准許我們自行修改憲法而無需徵求英國政府的同意。 9. Who has the right to apply for a Canadian passport? 誰有權利申請加拿大護照? Canadian citizen. 加拿大公民。

10. What is meant by the equality of women and men? 男女平等是什麼意思? Men and women are equal under the law. 在法律上,男女均獲平等的對待。

11. Give some examples of how you can show responsibility by participating in your community. 舉出一些你如何通過參與社區活動來體現你履行義務的例子。 - Helping people in need 幫助有需要的人 - Assisting at your child's school 在你孩子就讀的學校中幫忙 - Volunteering for a charity 在慈善團體中擔任義工 - Encouraging newcomers to integrate 鼓勵新移民融入社會


Citizenship Test Practice Questions

B. Who we are 我們是誰

12. Who were the three founding peoples of Canada? 那些人是創立加拿大的三群人? Aboriginal, French and British. 原住民、法國人及英國人。

13. Who are the Aboriginal peoples in Canada? 誰是加拿大的原住民? Aboriginal peoples were the first people to live in Canada many thousands of years ago. 原住民是指那些早在數千年前就開始在加拿大居住的人。

14. Which three groups of people does the term "Aboriginal peoples" refer to?“原住民”一詞語是指那三群人? First Nations, Inuit and Métis. 第一國民、 煙勞人及美地人。

15. What does the word "Inuit" mean?“煙勞”一詞是什麼意思? It means "the people" in the Inuktitut language. 在伊努特語中,煙勞是“人”的意思。

16. Where do Inuit live in Canada? 煙勞人居住在加拿大的什麼地方? They live in scattered communities across the Arctic. 他們分散居住在北極。

17. Who are the Métis? 誰是美地人? The Métis are a distinct group of people of mixed Aboriginal and European ancestry. 美地人是原住民和早期歐洲移民通婚的後裔。

18. Where do the majority of Métis live in Canada? 大部分美地人居住在加拿大的什麼地方? Most Métis live in the Prairie Provinces. 他們大部分住在草原省份。

19. What is the percentage of Aboriginal peoples in Canada? 加拿大原住民人口中三群人所佔比例多少? 65% are First Nations, 30% are Métis, and 4% are Inuit. 第一國民佔65%、美地人佔30%、煙勞人佔4%。

20. Which is the only officially bilingual province in Canada? 那個省是加拿大唯一官方使用雙語的省份? New Brunswick. 紐賓士域省。

21. Which country did the first European settlers in Canada come from? 最初定居加拿大的歐洲移民來自那個國家? France. 法國。

22. Who are the Acadians? 阿卡地亞人是什麼人? Acandians are the descendants of French colonists who began setting in what are now Maritime provinces in 1604. 阿卡地亞人是指早在1604 年就開始在今天的海洋省份定居的法國殖民的後裔。

23. What was known as "Great Upheaval" ? 什麼是 "大動亂" ? It was between 1755 and 1763, during the war between Britain and France, more than two-third of the Acadians were deported from their homeland. 它發生在1755年至1763年之間,在英國和法國交戰期間, 三分之二的阿卡地亞人被驅逐離開自己的家園。

24. Which religion do the great majority of Canadians identify as? 大部分加拿大人信奉那一種宗教? Christians. 基督教。

25. What recognition was given to the Québécois by the House of Commons in 2006? 眾議院於2006年給予魁北克人什麼認同? The House of Commons recognized in 2006 that the Québécois form a nation within a united Canada. 眾議院於2006年認同魁北克人在統一的加拿大中的一個民族。

C. Canada’s History 加拿大歷史

26. Who was the first person to draw a map of Canada's east coast? 誰是首個繪畫加拿大東岸地圖的人? John Cabot. 約翰.卡波特。

27. Where does the name "Canada" come from?“加拿大”這個名字源自何處? In the early 1500s, Jacques Cartier used an Iroquoian word for village, "kanata", to refer to the whole country. European map makers later used "Canada" as a name for all the land north of the St. Lawrence River. 在十六世紀初,積架士卡地亞使用易洛魁族一個意思為鄉村的詞語 “卡拿他”來指示整個國家。歐洲的地圖繪製者後來便以“加拿大” 作為聖羅倫斯河以北土地的名稱。

28. When did settlers from France first establish communities on the St. Lawrence River? 來自法國的移民最早於什麼時候在聖羅倫斯河建立社區? In the early 1600's. 十七世紀早期。

29. Where did Samuel de Champlain built a fortress in 1608? 尚普蘭於一六零八年在什麼地方建立了一個堡壘? In present-day Québec City. 在今天的魁北克市內。

30. What led to the collaboration of French and Aboriginal peoples in early days? 什麼促使法國人與原住民在早期合作? They collaborated in the vast fur-trade economy. 是皮草貿易中廣泛合作。

31. What rights did King Charles II of England grant the Hudson's Bay Company in 1670? 英王查理斯二世於一六七零年賦予客生灣公司什麼特權? The exclusive trading rights over the watershed draining into Hudson Bay. 在所有流入客生灣的河流流域享有獨家經營權。

32. What form of transportation did Aboriginal peoples and fur traders use to create trading networks in North America? 原住民及皮草商人運用何種運輸方式來建立北美的貿易網絡? Waterways. 水路。

33. What important trade did the Hudson's Bay Company control? 客生灣公司控制了那一種重要的貿易? Fur trade. 皮草貿易。

34. When did France and Great Britain battle for control of North America? 法國和英國在什麼時候為爭奪北美的控制權而爭鬥? In the 1700s. 十八世紀。

35. Why is the "Battle of the Plains of Abraham" in 1759 vital to Canadian history? 為什麼1759年“阿伯蘭平原戰役”對加拿大的歷史甚為重要? The British defeated the French at Québec City which marked the end of France's empire in America. 因為英軍在魁北克市戰勝了法軍,標誌法國在北美洲的統治權結束。 36. Why did the British Parliament pass the Québec Act of 1774? 為什麼英國國會在一七七四年通過了《魁北克條約》? To better govern the French Roman Catholic, the act granted religious freedom for Catholics and permitted them to hold public office. 為了更好管治法語天主教徒,條約准予他們信奉天主教的自由,並容 許他們擔任公職。

37. Who were the United Empire Loyalists? 誰是聯合帝國的忠臣? They were British settlers who moved to the Atlantic region from the United States during the American Revolution. These people were known as United Empire Loyalists because of their loyalty to England. 他們是在美國獨立革命期間從美國移居至大西洋區的英國殖民。他們 被稱為聯合帝國忠臣是因為他們對英國的忠心。

38. What is the significance of the Constitutional Act of 1791? 一七九一年憲法條約有什麼重大意義? It divided the Province of Québec into Upper Canada (later Ontario) and Lower Canada (later Québec). It also granted the legislative assemblies to be elected by the people of Canada.The name of Canada became official. 它把魁北克省分為上加拿大(後來的安大略省)和下加拿大(後來的 魁北克省)。條約賦予加拿大人自行投票選出立法會成員的權力。加拿 大成為正式的官方名字。

39. How did the slaves escape from the United States and settle in Canada? 美國奴隸是如何逃到加拿大定居的? They followed "the North Star" via the Underground Railroad, a Christian anti-slavery network. 他們通過地下鐵路 (一個反對奴隸制的 基督徒網絡組織),跟隨“北極星”而來到加拿大。

40. Between which two countries was the War of 1812? 1812年戰爭的交戰雙方是那兩個國家? U.S.A. and Great Britain. 美國和英國。

41. During the War of 1812 the Americans burned down the Parliament Buildings in York (now Toronto). What did the British and Canadians do in return? 在1812年戰爭中,美國人燒毀了位於約克 (今多倫多) 的 國會大樓。當時的英國人及加拿大人是如何還擊呢? They burned down the White House in Washington D.C. 他們燒毀了位於華盛頓的白宮。

42. During the War of 1812, who made a dangerous journey on foot to warn Lieutenant James Fitz Gibbon of a planned American attack? 在1812年戰爭中,誰冒險徒步前往通知詹姆斯菲治吉本中慰關於美國 的襲擊計劃? Laura Secord. 勞拉.瑟科。

43. What was the outcome of the War of 1812? 1812年戰爭的結果是什麼? The present-day Canada-U.S. border is partly an outcome of the War of 1812, which ensured that Canada would remain independent of the United States. 1812年戰爭其中的一個結果是劃定了今天加拿大和美國的邊界,保證 了加拿大獨立於美國之外。

44. What is meant by the term "responsible government?" “責任政府”是什麼意思? If the government loses a confidence vote in the assembly, it must resign. 如果政府在議會的信心投票中失敗,政府必須辭職。

45. Who is Sir Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine? 誰是拉封丹爵士? He was the first leader of a responsible government in Upper & Lower Canada in 1849. 他在1849年成為了第一位上、下加拿大責任政府的首腦。

46. What does Confederation mean? 同盟是什麼意思? Confederation means several regions or provinces joining together to create a new country. 同盟是指數個地區或省份聯合組成一個新的國家。

47. When did the British North America Act come into effect? 英屬北美條約在何時生效? In 1867. 在一八六七年。

48. When did Confederation take place? 同盟在何時誕生? July 1, 1867. 一八六七年七月一日。

49. Which four provinces first joined together in Confederation? 那四個省首先加入同盟? Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. 安大略、魁北克、紐賓士域及諾華士高沙。

50. List each province and territory and tell the year when each one joined Confederation. 列出每個省份及特區,並說出她們各自加入同盟的年份。

Provinces Ontario 省份 Years Joined 加盟年份 安大略 1867

Québec 魁北克 1867

Nova Scotia 諾華士高沙 1867 New Brunswick 紐賓士域 1867

Manitoba 文尼吐巴 1870

British Columbia 卑詩 1871

Prince Edward Island 愛德華王子島 1873

Alberta 亞伯達 1905

Saskatchewan 沙市吉允 1905 Newfoundland and Labrador 紐芬蘭和拉布拉多 1949

Territories 特區 Years Joined 加盟年份 Northwest Territories 西北特區 1870

Yukon 于康 1898

Nunavut 紐娜納 1999

51. What does "Dominion from Sea to Sea" refer to? “從海到海的自治嶺”是指什麼? Three oceans line Canada's frontiers: the Pacific Ocean in the west, the Atlantic Ocean in the east, and the Arctic Ocean to the north. 加拿大的邊界三面環海:西面的太平洋,東面的大西洋和北面的北極洋。

52. Which was the last province to join Canada? 那一個是最後加盟加拿大的省份? Newfoundland and Labrador. 紐芬蘭和拉布拉多。

53. On what date did Nunavut become a territory? 紐娜納在那一天成為特區? April 1, 1999. 一九九九年四月一日。

54. When is Canada Day and what does it celebrate? 加拿大日是在那一天以及它慶祝的內容是什麼? Each year on July 1. It celebrates the anniversary of Confederation. 每年的七月一日。它是慶祝同盟誕生的週年紀念。

55. Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada? 那一位是加拿大的第一任總理? Sir John A. Macdonald. 約翰麥當奴爵士。

56. Why is Louis Riel seen by many as a hero? 為什麼路易士.瑞爾被很多人視為英雄? He defended the Métis' rights by leading rebellions until his capture in 1885. 因為他為保護美地人的權利而發動了叛亂,直至他在1885年被逮捕為止。

57. Why did Sir John A. Macdonald establish the North West Mounted Police in 1873? 為什麼約翰麥當奴總理在1873年成立西北騎警? To pacify the West and assist in negotiations with the First Nations. 為了平定加拿大西部,並協助政府與第一國民談判。

58. What did Ottawa promise to build when British Columbia joined Canada? 在卑斯省加入加拿大時,渥太華政府承諾建設什麼? They promised to build a railway across the Prairies to the Pacific coast. 他們承諾修築一條橫貫草原直抵太平洋海岸的鐵路。

59. What did the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) symbolize? 加拿大太平洋鐵路象徵著什麼? A powerful symbol of the unity of the east & west coasts of Canada. 它是加拿大東西兩岸聯合的有力象徵。 60. When was the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) finished? 加拿大太平洋鐵路何時竣工? November 7, 1885. 一八八五年十一月七日。

61. Who played an important role in building the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR)? 誰在修築太平洋鐵路的工程中擔當了重要的角色? European and Chinese labourers. 來自歐洲和中國的勞工。

62. What was the "Head Tax" ? 什麼是“人頭稅”? Race-based entry fee charged for Chinese entering Canada. 人頭稅是向移居加拿大的中國人所收取的一種基於種族而設立的入境 費用。

63. How many Canadian soldiers were killed in the First World War? 有多少加拿大士兵在第一次世界大戰中犧牲? 60,000. 六萬。

64. Why is the battle of Vimy Ridge important to Canadians? 為什麼維米嶺戰役對加拿大人十分重要? It has come to symbolize Canada's coming of age as a nation. 這場戰役象徵著加拿大進入一個成為獨立國家的時代。

65. What did the Women's Suffrage movement achieve? 婦女投票運動的成就是什麼? Women got the right to vote. 女性獲得投票權。

66. Who is was the first woman MP in Canada? 誰是加拿大的第一位女性國會議員? Agnes MacPhail became the first woman MP in 1921. Agnes MacPhail在1921年成為第一位女性國會議員。

67. What is the meaning behind wearing a poppy during Remembrance Day? 在榮軍紀念日配戴一個紅色的罌粟花襟章代表什麼? To commemorate the sacrifice of Canadian soldiers and peacekeepers. 是代表紀念在戰爭中犧牲的加拿大軍人及維和士兵。

68. Who composed the poem "In Flanders Fields", which is often recited on Remembrance Day? 誰撰寫了詩篇 "In Flanders Fields"? 該詩篇經常在榮軍紀念日被吟誦。 Canadian medical officer Lt. Col. John McCrae. 加拿大的軍醫John McCrae陸軍中校。

69. What date was the "D-day"? "D-day"是那一天? June 6, 1944. 一九四四年六月六日。

70. What did Canadian troops achieve on "D-day" during the Second World War? 加拿大軍隊在第二次世界大戰中的"D-day"取得了什麼成就? They captured Juno Beach as part of the Allied invasion of Normandy. 他們在盟軍攻打諾曼第的戰役中,成功攻佔朱諾海灘。

71. Approximately how many Canadians served in the Second World War? 大約有多少加拿大人在二次世界大戰中服役? More than 1 million. 超過一百萬人。

72. How many Canadian soldiers were killed in the Second World War? 有 多少加拿大士兵在第二次世界大戰中犧牲? 44,000. 四萬四千人。

D. Modern Canada 現代加拿大

73. List the international organizations that Canada joined to. 列舉加拿大所參加的國際組織。 GATT (now WTO), NATO, NORAD, UN. 關貿總協定(今天的世界貿易 組織),北大西洋公約組織,北美空中防禦指揮系統,聯合國。

74. In 1950 to 1953, Canada participated in a war defending South Korea. What was the war? 從1950到1953年,加拿大參與了一場保衛南韓的戰爭。這場戰爭叫 什麼名字? Korea War. 韓國戰爭。

75. What UN peacekeeping missions did Canada participate in? 加拿大參加了聯合國哪些維持和平行動? The missions in Egypt, Cyprus, Haiti, former Yugoslavia and Afghanistan. 分別發生在埃及、塞浦路斯、海地、前南斯拉夫和阿富汗的維持和平 行動。

76. In the 1960s, Québec experienced an era of rapid change. What was this called? 魁北克省在二十世紀六十年代經歷了急劇變化,這期間被稱為什麼? The Quiet Revolution. 寂靜革命。

77. What does the Official Languages Act of 1969 guarantee? 一九六九年通過的《官方語言法》保障了什麼? French language rights and services in the federal government across Canada. 保障法語在整個加拿大的聯邦政府中的語言權利及使用。

78. What is the significance of the discovery of insulin by Sir Frederick Banting? 班廷爵士發現胰島素的重大意義是什麼? Insulin is a hormone to treat diabetes that has saved 16 million lives worldwide. It is a great achievement for Canadian scientists. 胰島素是一種治療糖尿病的賀爾蒙,它令全球逾一千六百萬的糖尿病 人得到醫治。這是加拿大科學家的重大成就。

79. Why did Terry Fox begin a cross-country run? 為什麼 Terry Fox 發起了橫越全國的跑步? To raise money for cancer research. 為癌症研究籌募捐款。

80. What is the name of one of the greatest hockey player of all time who played for the Edmonton Oilers from 1979 to 1988? 加拿大有史以來最偉大的一位冰球球員於1979年至1988年效力於愛 民頓的油人隊,他的名字是什麼? Wayne Gretzky. 威尼.格拉斯基

81. Who invented the worldwide system of standard time zones? 誰發明了世界標準時區系統? Sir Sandford Fleming. 桑福德.弗萊明爵士。

82. Who invented phone? 誰發明了電話? Alexander Graham Bell. 亞歷山大.格雷厄姆.貝爾。

83. Who invented snowmobile? 誰發明了摩托雪橇? Joseph-Armand Bombardier. 約瑟夫.阿爾芒.龐巴迪爾。

84. What did SPAR Aerospace/National Research Council invented? 航空航天/國家研究理事會發明了什麼? Canadarm. 加拿大太空臂。

85. Give an example of where English and French languages have equal status in Canada. 列舉一個在加拿大英語和法語享有同等地位的例子。 In the Parliament of Canada. 在加拿大的國會。

86. List some ways in which you can protect the environment. 列舉一些保護環境的方法。 Compost and recycle. 堆肥及回收。 Conserve energy and water. 節約能源和水。 Walk or join a car pool. 步行或汽車共乘。

E. How Canadians Govern Themselves 加拿大政府

87. What are the three levels of government? 加拿大有那三級政府架構? Federal, provincial or territorial, and municipal. 聯邦政府、省或特區政府和市政府。

88. What does it mean to say that Canada is a constitutional monarchy? 加拿大是君主立憲制的意思是什麼? Canada's Head of State is a hereditary Sovereign (Queen or King), who reigns in accordance with the Constitution: the rule of law. The Sovereign is a part of Parliament. 加拿大的國家元首是世襲的君主(女皇或國王),他們依照憲法的法律 精神實施統治。君主是國會的一個組成部分。 89. What are some responsibilities of the federal government? 聯邦政府負有那些職能? National defence 國防 Foreign policy 外交政策 International trade 國際間貿易 Navigation 航運 Currency 貨幣 Citizenship 公民事務 Criminal law 刑事法

90. What are some responsibilities of provincial governments? 省級政府負有那些職能? Education 教育 Health care 醫療保健 Natural resources 天然資源 Highways 公路 Property and civil rights 物業和民事權利

91. What are some responsibilities of local or municipal governments? 本地或市級政府負有那些職能? Urban/regional planning 城市/地區規劃 Streets and roads sanitation (such as garbage removal) 街道衛生(例如垃圾清理) Snow removal 鏟雪服務 Firefighting 消防 Recreation facilities 康樂設施 Urban transit, and some local health and social services 公共交通和部分地區保健及社會服務

92. Which two responsibilities do the federal and provincial governments share jurisdiction over? 那兩項責任是由聯邦政府及省政府共同管轄? Agriculture and immigration. 農業及移民。

93. What is Canada's system of government? 加拿大的政府體制是什麼? Federal state, parliamentary democracy, and constitutional monarchy. 聯邦政體、國會民主制度、 君主立憲。

94. What is the main responsibility for the Members of Parliament? 國會議員的主要職責是什麼? Passing laws, approving and monitoring expenditures. 他們主要負責通過法律、審批和監察國家開支。

95. What are the three parts of Parliament? 加拿大國會有那三個部份? The Queen, the Senate, and the House of Commons. 女皇、上議院及下議院。

96. What is a Cabinet Minister? 何謂內閣部長? A Cabinet Minister is chosen by the Prime Minister to run the federal government departments. Most of the Cabinet Ministers are from among members of the House of Commons. 內閣部長是由總理挑選出來負責管理聯邦政府部門。內閣部長大多數 由下議院的議員充任。

97. How are Senators chosen? 上議院議員是怎樣挑選出來的? Appointed by the Governor General on the advice of the Prime Minister. 由總理建議,總督任命。

98. How long do senators serve? 上議院議員的任期有多長? They serve until the age of 75. 他們可以服務到75歲。

99. How are Members of Parliament chosen? 國會議員是怎樣選出來的? They are elected by voters in their local constituency (riding). 由選民從他所在的選區中投票選出。

100. What do you call a law before it is passed? 當一個法例未被通過之前,它叫什麼? A bill. 議案。

101. A bill must be passed by which two chambers before it becomes a law in Canada? 在加拿大,一個議案必須經過那兩個議院的審批通 過才能正式成為法律? Both the House of Commons and the Senate consider and review a bill before it is passed. 在議案通過之前必須經過下議院和上議院的考慮和複核。

102. Who is the current Head of State of Canada? 現任的加拿大國家元首是誰? Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. 伊麗沙伯二世女皇陛下。

103. Who is the representative of the Queen in Canada? What is his/her name? 誰是女皇在加拿大的代表? 他/她的名字叫什麼? The Governor General represents the Sovereign in Canada. Her name is Mary May Simon. 由總督代表女皇。她的名字是西蒙。

104. What is the difference between the role of the Queen and that of the Prime Minister? 女皇陛下和總理的角色有何不同? The Queen is the Head of State. The Prime Minister is the Head of government. 女皇陛下是國家元首。總理是政府首腦。

105. Who is the current Prime Minister of Canada? 現任的加拿大總理是誰? Justin Trudeau. 杜魯多。

106. What are the three branches of government in Canada? 加拿大的三大政府架構是什麼? Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. 行政、立法和司法。

107. Who represents the Sovereign in provinces and territories? 誰在各省及各特區代表女皇? Lieutenant-Governors (in provinces) and Commissioner (in territories). 省督(省代表)及專員(特區代表)。

108. What commitment do our institutions uphold? 政府承諾維護什麼? Peace, Order, and Good Government. 和平、法治和善政。

F. Federal Elections 聯邦選舉

109. When must federal elections be held? 加拿大聯邦選舉必須於什麼時候舉行? On the third Monday in October every four years following the most recent general election. 每隔四年(由最近一次選舉算起)的十月份的第三個星期一。

110. What is an "electoral district"? 什麼叫選區? An electoral district is a geographical area represented by a member of Parliament. 選區是一個地理區域,每個區域由一名國會議員作為代表。

111. How many federal electoral districts exist in Canada? 在聯邦選舉中加拿大劃分為多少個選區? 338. 三百三十八個。

112. What do the initials MP stand for in Canadian politics? 在加拿大的政治中,"MP" 這個縮寫代表什麼? Member of Parliament. 國會議員。

113. Who do Members of Parliament represent? 國會議員代表誰? Everyone who lives in his or her electoral district. 國會議員代表所有住在他/她所屬選區的人。

114. Who is your Member of Parliament? 誰是代表你的國會議員? Please refer to this Guide under Government Officials. 請參閱本生活百科的政府官員。

115. What is your federal electoral district called? 你所在的聯邦選區叫什麼? Refer to this Guide or call City Information Centre 311. 請參閱本生活百科或致電市政府訊息中心311。

116. Who do you vote for in the federal election? 在聯邦選舉中,你投票選的是什麼? Member of Parliament. 國會議員。

117. Who has the right to run as a candidate in federal elections? 誰有權在聯邦選舉中參選? Any Canadian citizens who are 18 years or older. 任何年滿十八歲或以上的加拿大公民。

118. Who is entitled to vote in federal elections? 誰有資格在聯邦選舉中投票? Canadian citizens who are 18 years or older on voting day; they must be on the voters' list as well. 在投票當日年滿十八歲或以上的加拿大公民;同時,他們的名字必須 列在投票人名單上。

119. What information do you learn from a voter information card? 從選民信息卡上你能獲取哪些資訊? It tells you when and where to vote. 這張卡告知你投票時間及地點。 120. What do you do if you don't receive a voter information card? 如果你沒有收到選民信息卡,你應該怎麼辦? Call your local Elections Canada office to ensure that you are on the voters' list. 致電當地的加拿大選舉辦事處,確認你在投票人名單上。

121. What does "secret ballot" mean?“ 秘密投票”的意思是什麼? Your vote is secret. No one can watch you vote, and no one should look at how you voted. 你的投票是秘密的。 沒有人可以監視你投票或過問你如何投票。

122. When you go to vote on election day, what do you do? 在選舉日投票時,你要做些什麼? Go to your polling station. Mark an "X" on the ballot next to the name of the candidate you are voting for. 前往你的投票站,並於選票上在你 要選的候選人名字旁邊劃上“X”。

123. If you cannot or do not wish to vote on election day, what can you do? 如果你不能或不想在選舉當天投票,你可以怎麼做? Vote at the advance polls or by special ballot. 你可選擇預先投票或使用特殊選票。

124. Where can you see the election results? 你可從那裡獲知選舉結果? You can see the results on television or on the Elections Canada website. 你可從電視或「加拿大選舉」的網站了解選舉結果。

125. How is the government formed after an election? 選舉後,政府是如何組成的? After an election, the party with the most seats in the House of Commons becomes the party in power. The leader of this party becomes the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister and the party in power run the government as long as they have the support or confidence of a majority of the MPs in the House of Commons. 選舉後,在下議院獲得最多選舉代表席位的政黨成為執政黨。這個政 黨的黨魁成為總理。只要能獲得下議院大多數議員的支持或信任票, 總理及執政黨便可執掌政府。

126. Who becomes the Prime Minister after a federal election? 聯邦選舉後,誰會成為總理? The leader of the political party with the most seats in the House of Commons becomes the Prime Minister. 在下議院中取得最多議席的政黨的黨魁將會成為總理。

127. What is the difference between a majority and a minority government? 多數政府和少數政府有什麼分別? A majority government is formed when the party in power holds at least half of the seats in the House of Commons. A minority government is formed when the party in power holds less than half of the seats in the House of Commons. 執政黨在下議院中擁有至少一半以上議席時便組成多數政府。執政黨 在下議院中佔有的議席少於一半時便組成少數政府。

128. Which party becomes the Official Opposition? 那一個政黨成為官方反對黨? The opposition party with the most members of the House of commons. 下議院中佔有最多議席的反對黨成為官方反對黨。

129. Which is the political party in power in federal government? 那一個是現任聯邦政府的執政黨? Liberal Party. 自由黨。

130. Name the four major political parties in the House of Commons and their leaders: 列出下議院內四個主要的政黨及其黨魁: Liberal (Justin Trudeau) 自由黨(杜魯多) Conservative (Erin O' Toole) 保守黨(奧圖爾) New Democratic Party (Jagmeet Singh) 新民主黨(辛格) Bloc Québécois (Yves-François Blanchet) 魁人政團(布蘭切特)

131. Which level of government is responsible for passing by-laws? 那一級政府負責通過附例? Municipal government. 市政府。

G. The Justice System 司法制度

132. The Canadian judicial system is founded on the "presumption of innocence" in criminal matters. What does this mean? 加拿大司法制度中的刑事案件是基於“無罪推定原則”。這是什麼意思?

It means everyone is innocent until proven guilty. 所有人在被證實有罪前都是清白的。

133. What is "due process" in the justice system? 司法系統中的“法定訴訟程序”是指什麼? The government must respect all the legal rights a person is entitled to under the law. 政府必須尊重法律所賦予每一個人的合法權利。

134. What does equality under the law mean? 在法律面前人人平等是什麼意思? The law in Canada applies to everyone, including judges, politicians and the police. 加拿大的法律適用於每一個人,包括法官、政客和警察。

135. What is the role of police? 警察的作用是什麼? To keep people safe and to enforce the law. 保護人民的安全和執行法律。

136. If you cannot pay for a lawyer, where can you get legal help? 如果你請不起律師,你可以從那裡獲得法律援助? In many communities there are legal aid services available free of charge or at a low cost. 在很多社區裡有免費或者收費低廉的法律援助服務。

H. Symbols 標誌

137. What does the Canadian flag look like? 加拿大的國旗是怎樣的? It is a red-white-red flag with a maple leaf in the middle. 它是一面紅-白-紅的旗旌,中間有一片楓葉。

138. What is the meaning of the Canadian motto "A Mari Usque Ad Mare"? 加拿大的格言 "A Mari Usque Ad Mare"是什麼意思? From Sea to Sea (in Latin). 從海到海(拉丁語)。

139. Why was the Peace Tower built? 和平塔是為何而建的? It was completed in 1927 in memory of the First World War. 它建於1927年,作為對第一次世界大戰的紀念。

140. Which animal is a symbol of Canada? 那一種動物是加拿大的標誌? Beaver. 海狸。

141. On which coin can people see a beaver? 在那一個硬幣上人們可以看見海狸? Five-cent coin. 五分硬幣。

142. What are the two official languages of Canada? 加拿大的兩種官方語言是什麼? English and French. 英文及法文。 143. What song is Canada's national anthem? 那一首是加拿大的國歌? O' Canada! 噢! 加拿大!

144. What are the first two lines of Canada's national anthem? 加拿大國歌的首兩行是什麼? O' Canada! Our home and native land! 噢! 加拿大! 我們的家及土地! True patriot love in all of us command 忠實愛國者的愛都在所有人民的心裡

145. What are some Canadian symbols? 加拿大的標誌有那些? The Canadian Crown 皇冠 The National Flag 國旗 The maple leaf 楓葉 Coat of arms and motto 盾徽及格言 Hockey 冰球 The Parliament buildings 國會大廈 The beaver 海狸 The Victoria Cross 維多利亞十字勳章 Canada's official languages 加拿大的官方語言

146. What is the highest honor that Canadians can receive? 加拿大公民能獲得的最高榮譽是什麼? The Victoria Cross (V.C.). It is awarded for the most conspicuous bravery, a daring or pre-eminent act of valour or self-sacrifice, or extreme devotion to duty in the presence of the enemy. It was first awarded in 1854. 維多利亞十字勳章。它是用於嘉獎那些英勇卓著、勇猛抗敵,甚至為 國捐軀的公民。勳章於一八五四年首次頒發。

I. Canada’s Economy 加拿大的經濟

147. What are the three main types of industry in Canada? 加拿大的三個主要行業是什麼? Service, manufacturing, and natural resource. 服務業,製造業和天然資源。 148. In what industry do most Canadians work? 大部份的加拿大人從事什麼行業? Services. 服務行業。

149. What is the first company formed in Canada? 第一間在加拿大成立的公司是什麼? The Hudson's Bay Company. 客生灣公司。

150. What country is Canada's largest trading partner? 那一個國家是加拿大最大的貿易夥伴? The United States of America. 美國。

151. Which three countries signed USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement)? 那三個國家簽署了美國-墨西哥-加拿大協定? United States, Mexico and Canada. 美國、墨西哥及加拿大。

J. Canada’s Regions 加拿大的地理

152. What three oceans border Canada? 加拿大海岸瀕臨那三個海洋? The Pacific Ocean in the west 西面的太平洋 The Atlantic Ocean in the east 東面的大西洋 The Arctic Ocean to the north 北面的北極洋

153. Which country lies on Canada's southern border? 那一個國家位於加拿大以南的邊界? The United States of America. 美國。

154. Name the five regions of Canada. 列出加拿大的五個區域。 - The Atlantic Region 大西洋區域 - Central Canada 加拿大中部 - The Prairie Provinces 草原省份 - The West Coast 西岸 - The Northern Territories 北方特區

155. What are the provinces of Central Canada? 加拿大中部有那些省份? Ontario and Québec. 安大略省及魁北克省。

156. What are the Prairie Provinces? 那幾個是草原省份? Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. 文尼吐巴省、沙市吉允省、亞伯達省。

157. What are the territories of northern Canada? 加拿大北方有那些特區? Yukon, Northwest Territories (NWT), and Nunavut. 于康、西北特區及紐娜納。

158. What is the capital city of Canada? 那一個城市是加拿大的首都? Ottawa. 渥太華。

159. How many provinces and territories are there in Canada? 加拿大有多少個省及特區? 10 provinces and 3 territories. 十個省及三個特區。

160. Name all the provinces and territories and their capital cities. 列出加拿大的所有省份和特區及其首府。

Provinces 省份 Capital Cities 首府

Alberta 亞伯達 Edmonton 愛民頓 British Columbia 卑詩 Victoria 維多利亞

Manitoba 文尼吐巴 Winnipeg 溫尼僻 New Brunswick 紐賓士域 Fredericton 佛特力頓 Newfoundland and Labrador 紐芬蘭及拉布拉多 St. John's 聖約翰 Nova Scotia 諾華士高沙 Halifax 哈利法斯

Ontario 安大略 Toronto 多倫多

Prince Edward Island 愛德華王子島 Charlottetown 查洛城

Québec 魁北克 Québec City 魁北克市

Saskatchewan 沙市吉允 Regina 裏真拿

Territories 特區 Capital Cities 首府

Northwest Territories 西北特區 Yellowknife 黃刀


Yukon 紐娜納 Iqaluit 伊桂魯特

于康 Whitehorse 白馬

161. What is the population of Canada? 加拿大的人口有多少? About 38 million. 大約三千八百萬。

162. Which is the smallest province of Canada? 加拿大面積最小的省份是那一個? Prince Edward Island (PEI). 愛德華王子島。

163. Where is the largest navel base of Canada located? 加拿大最大的海軍基地位於何處? Halifax, Nova Scotia. 諾華士高沙省的哈利法斯。

164. What is the major river in Québec? 那一條是魁北克省內的主要河流? St. Lawrence River. 聖羅倫斯河。

165. Which region is known as the industrial and manufacturing heartland of Canada? 那一個地區是加拿大工業及製造業的中心地區? Central Canada. 加拿大中部。

166. Which province is the largest producer of hydroelectricity in Canada? 那一個是加拿大最大的水力發電省份? Québec. 魁北克省。

167. Which two provinces produce more than three quarters of Canadian manufactured goods? 那兩個省份出產超過四分之三的加拿大製造業的製成品? Ontario and Québec. 安大略省及魁北克省。

168. Where do most French speaking Canadians live? 大部份說法語的加拿大人住在那裡? Québec. 魁北克省。

169. One third of all Canadians live in which province? 在那一個省份居住了三分之一的加拿大人? Ontario. 安大略省。

170. Where are the Great Lakes? 大湖位於哪裡? The Great Lakes are in Central Canada between Canada and the United States. 大湖位於加拿大中部,在加拿大與美國之間。

171. Which region of Canada is known for both its fertile agricultural land and valuable energy resources? 加拿大的那一個地區以其肥沃的農地及貴重的能源資源著稱? The Prairie Provinces. 草原省份。

172. Which province has the largest Aboriginal population in Canada? 加拿大那一個省份擁有最多原住民人口? Manitoba. 文尼吐巴省。

173. Which province has 40% of the arable land in Canada, and is the country's largest producer of grains and oilseeds? 那一個省份擁有加拿大40%的耕地,同時也是全國最大的穀物和油籽生產地? Saskatchewan. 沙市吉允省。

174. Which province is the largest producer of oil and gas in Canada? 那一個省份是加拿大最大的石油和天然氣生產地? Alberta. 亞伯達省。

175. Which mountain range forms a border between Alberta and British Columbia? 那一座山脈劃定亞伯達省和卑詩省的邊界? The Rocky Mountains. 洛磯山脈。

176. Which province has the largest and busiest port in Canada, which handles billions of dollars in goods traded around the world? 那一個省份擁有全加拿大最大和最繁忙的港口,吞吐來自世界各地價 值數十億元的貨物? British Columbia. 卑詩省。

177. Which province has the most valuable forestry industry in Canada? 在 加拿大,那一個省擁有最大的林木產業? British Columbia. 卑詩省。

178. Which region contains one-third of Canada's land mass, but has the least population? 那一個地區佔據加拿大三份之一的陸地面積,但擁有最少的人口? The Northern Territories. 北方特區。 179. What mines are there in the Northern Territories? 北方特區有那些礦產? Gold, lead, copper, diamond, and zinc. 金、鉛、銅、鑽石、鋅。

180. What is the highest mountain in Canada? 加拿大最高的山峰是什麼? Mount Logan, located in Yukon, is the highest mountain in Canada. 座落在于康特區內的洛根峰是加拿大最高的山峰。

181. Which area in Canada is sometimes called the "Land of the Midnight Sun"? 加拿大那一個地區有時候被稱為“極晝之地”? The Northern Territories. 北方特區。

182. Which city in the territories is called the "diamond capital of North America"? 特區之中那一個城市被稱為“北美的鑽石之都”? Yellowknife. 黃刀市。

183. What provinces are sometimes referred to as the Atlantic Provinces? 那些省份有時被稱為大西洋省份? Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. 諾華士高沙、紐賓士域、愛德華王子島和紐芬蘭和拉布拉多。

184. Which province of Canada is the most easterly point in North America and has its own time zone? 加拿大的那一個省份位於北美洲的最東端並擁有自己的時區? Newfoundland and Labrador. 紐芬蘭和拉布拉多。

K. Regional questions 所在地區內提問?

185. What is the capital city of the province or territory in which you live? 你所居住的省或特區的首府城市叫甚麼? Edmonton. 愛民頓。

186. Who is your councillor? 你的市議員是誰? Please refer to this Guide under Government's Officials. 請參閱本生活百科的政府官員。

187. Who is your mayor? 你的市長是誰? Jyoti Gondek. 岡德克。

188. What is the name of your provincial representative (Member of Legislative Assembly)? 你的省代表(立法院議員)是誰? Please refer to this Guide under Government's Officials. 請參閱本生活百科的政府官員。

189. What is the name of the Premier of your province? 你的省長叫什麼名字? Jason Kenny. 康尼。

190. Which political party is in power in your province or territory and who is the leader? 那一個是你所在省或特區的執政黨? 黨魁是誰? The political party in power is United Conservative Party. 執政黨是聯合保守黨。 The leader is Jason Kenny. 黨魁是康尼。

191. What is the name of the leader of the opposition in your province? 你所在省份的反對黨領袖是誰? Rachel Notley. 諾特利。 (New Democratic Party 新民主黨)

192. What is the name of your Lieutenant-Governor ? 你的省督叫什麼名字? Salma Lakhani. 拉康妮。

本資料由Homan Chan陳灝文先生撰寫,由卡城移民服 務中心Teresa Lian練萍萍女士編審,並由卡城移民服務中心 語言庫翻譯及校對。以上資料只供參考之用,考試內容詳情 請查閱加拿大移民難民及公民事務處專書"Discover CanadaThe Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship"。此外,有關 聯邦、省、市政府的資料以最新選舉結果為準。

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