New Chair Miles Beacom shares life lessons of success and collaboration
Chamber News Leading the way

Leadership Sioux Falls Class 39 announced
LifeScape surpasses Community Appeals fundraising goal

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October 2024
Leading the way
New Chair Miles Beacom shares life lessons of success and collaboration p. 26-31
Leadership Sioux Falls Class 39 announced p. 38
LifeScape surpasses Community Appeals fundraising goal p. 40-41
Dakota State University
Scott Lawrence
Jeff Griffin
& Schiller, Inc.
Catherine Dekkenga JLG Architects
Bill Gassen
Mindy Kroll
Time Management Systems Reggie Kuipers Bender
George Boom Funeral Home &
Selene Zamorano
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Kyle Groos
Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools
Dean Karsky
Minnehaha County Commission
Tiffani Landeen
Lincoln County Commission Dr. Jane Stavem Sioux Falls Public School System
Mayor Paul TenHaken
Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of
Chamber News Ad Sales
For advertising information, call (605) 336-1620 or email
Chamber News Layout/Design Jill Blom/Branch Creative Co
Chamber News Editor Jill Blom
For editorial information, call (605) 336-1620
Chamber News is published by the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce, 200 N . Phillips Ave , Suite 200, Sioux Falls, SD 57104
Postmaster please send address changes to: Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce 200 N Phillips Ave , Suite 200, Sioux Falls, SD 57104 Phone: (605) 336-1620
Email: gsfcc@siouxfalls com
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Message from the Chair
Greetings to members of the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce. I was so fortunate to be born and raised in Sioux Falls. Ben Marcello, President of PREMIER Bankcard, moved to Sioux Falls almost two years ago from the Portland, Oregon area. He has continued to state that “Sioux Falls is the most amenitized city its size” he has ever seen. Whenever I tell people from other parts of the country about our great city, they find it hard to believe what this city in the middle of the country has to offer. Our city has seen significant growth over the years, and we continue to be recognized as one of the best places to live. I find it amazing that we have not fallen into a comfort zone, and that is due to the collaboration of the Chamber and the community. We all can be proud of the community that has been built and it is our responsibility to continue to make Sioux Falls an even better place to live and work.
As I begin my year as Chair of the Board, I want to thank outgoing Chair Scott Lawrence and all the past chairs for their efforts; you have set a high bar for achievement. I also want to take the time to reflect on where we’ve been, where we are now and where we want to go as a city. I invite you to join me in doing this by attending the 118th Annual Meeting on October 15 at the Denny Sanford PREMIER Center. We’ll celebrate our wins and lay out our vision for how we’ll “Keep Pushin’ On” in the year to come. We’ll conclude the evening with a special performance by REO Speedwagon. You don’t want to miss this!
When I was younger, I learned best by observing and listening. I soaked up as much as possible by watching great leaders and mentors like my father and Coach Rich Greeno. They taught me that consistency is key to reaching your goals. You have to always be watching and learning and ready to make the necessary and sometimes difficult changes. The same is true with our great city. We must keep watching what is happening around us, learning all we can and adapting to keep pushing our city forward.
I’m proud to call Sioux Falls my home and I’m honored to have the opportunity to be a part of its growth and development as the Chair of the Board of the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce. I appreciate your continued support and contributions to our city’s progress.

Member Anniversaries
Congratulations to these businesses that have achieved milestone anniversaries of their Chamber membership. These milestones represent a continued commitment to building our community through their investment in the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce.
Founding Member
Farm Credit Services of America Ag Services
Member since 1922
35 years
RSA - Architecture & Design Architecture
30 years
Granite Accents Building & Remodeling
Vision Care Associates Eye Doctors
25 years
Ness Tax and Bookkeeping Service Tax Services
Parks Marina, Inc. Recreational Vehicles
Showplace Cabinetry Cabinetry
The Hockey Headquarters Sporting Clubs & Associations
20 years
Green Eggs and RAM, Inc. Computer Sales & Service
Mickelson & Company
Business Consulting
Visions Eye Care & Therapy Center Eye Doctors
15 years
Fischer Rounds & Associates Insurance & Benefits
Kleenrite Company Cleaning Services
10 years
EAPC Architects Engineers Architecture
Goosmann Law Firm Attorneys
Home2 Suites by Hilton Hotels & Motels
5 years
Downtown Sioux Falls Rotary Club Associate Member
Business Consulting
South Dakota Historical Society Foundation Associate Member
The Earley Group, LLC Associate Member
Retail - Specialty
First year reinvestors
Ameriprise Financial - Greg Hickman
Financial Planning
Deb Fischer Clemens Associate Member
Dunn Brothers Coffee West Restaurants
Jodder Marketing/Advertising Agencies
Teddy Bear Den Associate Member
The Legacy Foundation Associate Member
Veldhouse Construction Real Estate - Commercial
New Members
These businesses and individuals have recently joined the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce. We welcome them to Chamber membership and encourage you to do the same.
360 Builders Inc.
Exterior & Roofing
Ashton Larsen, (605) 219-9415 422 Shadow Creek Dr., Harrisburg 57032
605 Painting Painters
Daniel Armstrong Jr., (605) 777--3536 46960 100th St., Tea 57064
Aaron Smith Insurance Group Insurance & Benefits
Aaron Smith, (605) 361-3515 4300 S. Louise Ave., Ste 100 57106
Fire & Stone Gallery
Building & Remodeling
Michael Poppens, (605) 368-8181 1312 W. 41st St. 57105
Gameday Social
Clothing & Shoes
Jael Thorpe, (605) 215-1823 101 N. Minnesota Ave. 57104
Golden West Technologies
Technology Services
James Van Loan, (605) 721-1000
2727 N. Plaza Dr. Rapid City 57702
J & M Auto Service- 41st Street Auto Repair & Services
Mary Ellen Heirigs, (605) 334-5252 909 W. 41st St. 57105
La Cantina Mexican Restaurant Restaurants
Raul Gonzalez, (605) 274-6044
704 S. Highline Pl. 57110
Mr. Donuts (E. 10th Street)
Stev Meas, (605) 271-1124 1010 E. 10th St. 57104
Nurse Connect Health & Wellness
Jackie Faryna, (605) 521-2342
5013 S. Louise Ave., Ste. 309 57108
Steel District Restaurant Group
Chris Wise (605) 673-5838
150 E. 4th Place, Ste. 600 57104
The Wellness Collective Health & Wellness
Amanda Davis, (605) 271-5640 2333 W. 57th St., Ste. 103 57108
Verum Technologies
Technology Services
Marc Satter, (605) 610-1294 27197 SD Highway 115, Harrisburg 57032
If you are interested in joining the Chamber, call us at (605) 336-1620. We’d love to add you to our list of members!

Chamber Event Calendar
For a current listing of all Chamber and YPN events, visit our website or read the weekly Quickly email from the Chamber. To register and pay for events, visit or
Membership Mixer
4:30–6:30 p.m.
Hyatt Place Sioux Falls South, 4935 Lake Shore Blvd.
Expand your professional network at the October Membership Mixer. Complimentary hors d’oeuvres and cash bar.

Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce 118th Annual Meeting OCT 15 TUE
Denny Sanford PREMIER Center, 1201 N. West Ave.
Incoming Chair of the Board Miles Beacom, CEO of PREMIER Bankcard, will share recent accomplishments and the Chamber’s plans for the year ahead, followed by a live performance from REO Speedwagon.
YPN Community Connections Tour –Midwest Railcar Repair, Inc.
4–5 p.m.
Midwest Railcar Repair Inc., 25965 482nd Ave.
It’s manufacturing week! YPN Community Connections Tours provides the opportunity to get an inside look at a local business. On this tour, you will view the behind the scenes of Midwest Railcar Repair Inc. Registration is required.
YPN Community Connections Tour
4–5 p.m.
P&M Steel Company, 4401 N. Westport Ave.
It’s manufacturing week! YPN Community Connections Tours provides the opportunity to get an inside look at a local business. On this tour, you will view the behind the scenes of P&M Steel Company. Registration is required
YPN Morning Buzz
7:30–9 a.m.
South Dakota Military Heritage Alliance, Inc., 1600 W. Russell St.
Join other YPN members for networking while getting your morning (coffee) buzz. Morningminded young professionals are invited to come to enjoy coffee and conversation with other YPN members. This Morning Buzz is hosted by First PREMIER Bank and PREMIER Bankcard.
Farmer’s Day at the Barn
3–6 p.m.
Stockyards Ag Experience, 301 E. Falls Park Drive
Celebrate the hard work of farmers in our region at the annual National Farmer’s Day at the Barn. This family-friendly event features fun exhibits, treats, and the opportunity to learn how agriculture impacts us all.

Check out our social media channels for event photos and information on upcoming events! /siouxfallschamber /siouxfallsypn
Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce Sioux Falls Young Professionals Network
YPN A Sit Down with Senator Mike Rounds
11:15–11:45 a.m.
Sheraton Sioux Falls, 1211 N. West Ave.
A Sit Down is a unique opportunity for YPN members to have a question-and-answer session with Senator Mike Rounds. To attend this event, you must also register and attend Inside Washington, held after this event. A Sit Down is limited to 30 YPN members.
Inside Washington with Senator Mike Rounds
Noon–1 p.m.
Sheraton Sioux Falls, 1211 N. West Ave.
Senator Mike Rounds will participate in a moderated conversation with Chamber members about activity in our nation’s capital city and will discuss current federal legislation and issues of importance to our local business community.
Morning Mingle
7:30–9 a.m.
Mary Jo Wegner Arboretum & East Sioux Falls
Historic Site, 1900 S. Perry Place
Start your day by making a connection. Drop by for a cup of coffee and conversation with other members of the business community.
YPN Power Lunch
Noon–1 p.m.
Blue Rock Bar & Grill, 4021 Bobhalla Drive
Research says one of the best ways to improve your productivity at work is to take a lunch break. So check out of the office (or your home office) for the noon hour and enjoy lunch with us! We do ask that you RSVP in advance so we can monitor space requirements.
YPN Morning Buzz
7:30 - 9 a.m.
The Sampson House, 522 N. Main Ave., Suite 100
Join other YPN members for networking while getting your morning (coffee) buzz. Morningminded young professionals are invited to come to enjoy coffee and conversation with other YPN members. This Morning Buzz is being hosted by The Sampson House.
2024 Veterans Day Ceremony
10:30 a.m.
South Dakota Military Heritage Alliance, Inc., 1600 W. Russell St.
Recognize and honor those who have served in our nation’s military. Sponsored by the Chamber’s Military & Veterans Affairs Committee and other veterans’ organizations.
YPN Our Sioux Falls
Noon–1 p.m.
Teddy Bear Den, 500 S. Main Ave.
Discover the story of the Teddy Bear Den—delve into its history, explore the range of services offered, and take a tour of their facility. Join us to learn and engage! Registration is required. Limited to the first 15 to register.
Business Sense Workshop: Discovering the Young Professionals Network
Noon–1 p.m.
Chamber of Commerce, 200 N. Phillips Ave.
Come learn about the Sioux Falls Young Professionals Network (YPN), a dynamic program aimed at engaging and empowering young professionals aged 21 to 40 in the Sioux Falls area. As part of the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce, YPN offers a platform for young professionals to build connections, enhance their professional skills and contribute to the community.
Morning Mingle
7:30–9 a.m.
Chick-fil-A Empire Place, 4005 W. 41st St.
Start your day by making a connection. Drop by for a cup of coffee and conversation with other members of the business community.
Holiday Fair & Mixer
Hosted by The DISTRICT, Pinnacle Productions and ROAM Kitchen + Bar 4:30–7 p.m.
The DISTRICT, 4521 W. Empire Place
This Holiday Fair features more than 30 Chamber members promoting their goods and services. Complimentary hors d’oeuvres and cash bar.
Visit siouxfallsevents .com and experiencesiouxfalls .com/ events for details on the events listed here and more happening in the area
Planning an event? Let us help you promote it! Submit your event to siouxfallsevents com All events welcome – business workshops, retail events, entertainment, education and more

Economic Indicators
Tracking trends in business is just one way that the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce is looking out for our members. Sioux Falls is a great place to do business, in part because of its diverse economy. Check here for economic indicators that help show growth and development.
City of Sioux Falls Building Permit Data
August 2024 - cumulative year to date
City of Sioux Falls Total Construction Value
August 2024 - cumulative year to date
Regional Unemployment Rates
July 2024
Sioux Falls Region Housing Overview August 2024
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Note: figures represent Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA), not just city; rates are not seasonally-adjusted
Faces & Places

Recognition of Chamber Volunteers
The Ambassador Committee promotes the Chamber and assists in bringing new members into the organization. The Diplomat Committee works to maintain membership strength in the Chamber and provide outstanding customer service to members. Their volunteer service helps to keep the Chamber strong.
This month’s featured volunteers are Kayla Jarchow,, one year as an ambassador, and Andrea Carstensen, Minnwest Bank, four years as a Diplomat.
The ACE Award is presented monthly to one ambassador in recognition of their efforts to recruit and support new Chamber members. August honors went to April Meyerink, American Bank & Trust.
The ambassador team of the month for June, and July was April Meyerink, American Bank & Trust; Jennifer Hoesing, Girl Scouts-Dakota Horizons; and Jay Soukup, Stifel
The diplomat of the month for August was Melissa Dellman, SDN Communications Sandy Case, community volunteer, was named Event Champion for August.
The diplomat team of the month for August was Team Carstensen: Captain Andrea Carstensen, Minnwest Bank; Cindi Johnson, Grand Falls Casino & Golf Resort; Bethany Buitenbos, Chick-fil-A Empire Place; Paige Short, LSS of South Dakota; and Kelly Nyberg, Nyberg’s Ace
Chamber Mission
Our volunteers are a key part of how we carry out our mission. Visit to find opportunities and ways to get involved in bettering our community.
As the leading Sioux Falls area business advocate, the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce represents its members by advancing and promoting the economic health and quality of life of the region .
New Faces & Promotions
The Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce has promoted two long-time employees to new roles within the organization. Pat Lund has been promoted to Director of Member Relations. Lund has been with the Chamber for more than 36 years and most recently held the title of Member Relations Manager. In her new role, Pat will lead team members in continuing to foster member and volunteer relationships as well as drive member engagement strategies. Jill Blom has been promoted to Director of Marketing & Communications. Blom was previously Graphics and Communications Manager. She will lead the team responsible for developing marketing and communication strategy, enhancing brand recognition and elevating direct service to members. She will also be the Chamber’s lead media contact for inquiries and corporate communications.
Dr. Taylor Martin, ND, LAc joins The Wellness Collective. She is a naturopathic physician and Chinese medicine practitioner who has been practicing holistic medicine for more than six years. She graduated from the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, OR where she was gained experi-
Joe Fiala has been appointed as the Commissioner of the Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED) Fiala joined the GOED in 2012 as a business development representative and has served as a director in several departments in the GOED.
James Oppenheimer is the new CEO of the Sioux Falls Family YMCA Since early 2023, he has served as the executive director of the Sioux Falls Area Humane Society. Oppenheimer also spent time with Dakota Alliance Soccer Club as both a coach and director of business operations.
ence in both complex and common patient conditions, including integrative oncology, autoimmune conditions, mental health and pain management.
TSP, Inc. has added Mechanical Engineer-in-Training Peter Bates to the multidisciplinary design firm’s Sioux Falls office. Bates earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from South Dakota State University. He most recently held a position that included the design of mechanical systems for buildings, including HVAC and plumbing, a role that featured frequent collaboration to complete project mile stones.
Levo Credit Union has named Eyabane Patasse as Vice President of Information Systems. Patasse has more than 25 years of experience working in information systems, including global and domestic expertise in IT strategy, network automation and technology consulting. He has a Bachelors degree in Information Systems and Business Administration, a Masters degree in IT and multiple certifications. Patasse oversees systems and data as well as information technology at Levo.

Good Deeds
EAPC Architects Engineers announced an expansion in its leadership structure. Ten individuals were named to the role of “Principal in Charge” of projects: Dan Abeln, Tyler Coulombe, Brett Donat, Greg Dvorak, Casey Hutton, Todd Jelinski, Gloria Larsgaard, Jesse Sandry, Travis Vaughn and Brian Wentland. Each Principal will work in conjunction with project managers and sector leaders to ensure sector-specific standards and client expectations are met, with partners overseeing the strategic alignment and optimal resource utilization.
The Legacy Foundation has made progress in an ongoing project to convert a school bus into a medical equipment lending library. Thanks to the South Dakota Community Foundation, AARP and many others, they have completed the first phase of the transformation.
Honors & Awards
Sales and Marketing Executives, Inc. of Sioux Falls celebrated nominees for their Rising in Excellence Award at their fourth annual Sioux Falls Leadership Summit on September 19. Nominees included Andrea Carstensen, Minnwest Bank; Doria Drost, Denny Sanford PREMIER Center/Sioux Falls Convention Center/ Sioux Falls Arena; Maureen Ohm, MarketBeat; Ronna Poppens, ISG; Holly Rader, Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce; Tanna Soukup, Strategie LLC and CJ Wehrkamp, Sioux Falls Fit Body Boot Camp. The winner of this year’s Rising in Excellence Award is Andrea Carstensen.
For the fifth consecutive year, TSP, Inc. has been listed among the region’s best places to work. Each year, Prairie
Business publishes its 50 Best Places to Work list. Prairie Business received more than 1,700 nominations for 86 companies this year. TSP, Inc. is a 100-percent employee-owned firm with regional offices in Sioux Falls, Rapid City and Watertown, SD and in Rochester, MN.
KLJ Engineering LLC has announced that their Hwy 52 Zumbrota to Cannon Falls project in Minnesota is among the winners of the 2024 National DesignBuild Project/Team Awards. This project was a collaborative effort led by Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT), KLJ Engineering and Mathiowetz Construction Company, among other project partners.
Our members do more than follow the news. They make the news. Job promotions and hirings. New projects. New partnerships. Awards. Celebrate your employees, business accomplishments and more with Chamber News. Submit news and press releases to

Be Seen

Director of Siouxland Heritage Museums, Bill Hoskins, welcomed members at the September Membership Mixer hosted at the Old Courthouse Museum .
Be Seen

Above: YPN members faced off in the inaugural YPN Pickleball Tournament this August at Huether Match Pointe .
Left: YPN members gathered for a Power Lunch at The Attic East last month, enjoying networking and connecting with one another

Sydney Boots is a native of Yankton, South Dakota. His practice is focused on a variety of civil litigation, including commercial and complex litigation, plaintiffs and personal injury litigation, insurance litigation, and zoning and land use litigation.
Trevor Case is a native of Webster, South Dakota. His practice covers all aspects of business transactions, including commercial transactions, real estate, setting up corporations and limited liability companies, business planning, and general contract preparation and review.

Preston Tetzlaff is a native of Brookings, South Dakota. His practice consists of banking and financial services, bankruptcy and creditor’s rights, corporate and business law, and e-commerce, internet and technology.

Connor Shaull is a native of Tea, South Dakota. Prior to joining the firm, Connor practiced in Minneapolis. He represents clients in the areas of commercial and complex litigation, zoning and land use litigation, employment litigation, plaintiff’s litigation, insurance litigation, and trust litigation.

(605) 336-2880
Be Seen

U .S . Congressman Dusty Johnson and U S Senator John Thune both joined Chamber members at recent Inside Washington luncheons . In addition to taking questions and addressing the latest from Washington D .C ., both received an Advocate for American Business Award from the U S Chamber of Commerce .

Be Seen

Attendees enjoyed the Morning Mingle at Augustana University Midco Arena Vice President of Athletics, Josh Morton welcomed attendees to their facility .
The annual Chamber Golf Outing was held September 19 at Grand Falls Casino & Golf Resort The Weller Brother Landscaping team took first place and the IT Outlet, Inc . team placed second .

Last month, YPN members met with Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce Vice President of Public Policy Mitch Rave and Public Policy Manager Aaron Vlasman at a Topics on Tap event to learn more about the issues on the upcoming November ballot .

Be Seen

Bob McNaney, The McNaney Group, hosted a Business Sense Workshop on Presentation coaching mini-camp
This month's Off the Clock event was held at the Sanford International, where YPN members enjoyed great weather and networking during the tournament .

Community Appeals Scheduled Fund Drives
The purpose of the Community Appeals Committee is to qualify and provide orderly scheduling of capital fund drives to the business community .
By vetting capital fund drives, the objective of Community Appeals is to affirm the project is a sound community investment and worthy of donor consideration . It is the intent of the Chamber to encourage every business to carefully consider such requests . However, we also acknowledge that many businesses have limited resources for capital fund drives, both in an ability to properly evaluate them and a sufficient budget to contribute . Our Community Appeals process is intended to provide our members with assurance that a Community Appeals campaign is worthy of investment .
Butterfly House & Aquarium
Nov. 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025
To merge with the Great Plains Zoo and establish a visionary public aquarium and butterfly habitat
Forward Sioux Falls
Nov. 1, 2025 – March 31, 2026
To provide programs that result in an improved economy and quality of life for those in our region
Abbott House
April 1, 2026 – July 31, 2026
To expand services to Sioux Falls by providing two therapeutic foster homes for at-risk youth

New Chair Miles Beacom shares life lessons of success and collaboration Leading the way
By Amy Smolik
For the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of
D o your homework. Be generous. Care about others. Do the right thing. Lift people up. Work together. Keep pushing for your dreams. These are the life lessons Miles Beacom says have helped him succeed in his personal and professional life; lessons that focus on having a strong faith and encouraging people.
Beacom is the new Chair of the Board of Directors for the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce, assuming his role Oct. 1. He’ll celebrate the local business community under the theme “Keep Pushin’ On” at the 118th Annual Meeting on Oct. 15. The event also includes a performance by rock band REO Speedwagon. The theme, taken from one of REO Speedwagon’s hits, touches on where Sioux Falls has been, where it is today and where it’s headed in the future. This year also marks the 10-year anniversary of the opening of the Denny Sanford PREMIER Center, a project Beacom championed and one that changed entertainment in Sioux Falls and the surrounding region.

The spirit of collaboration and cooperation are keys to a prosperous future, Beacom said.
“If we think we don’t need one another, we are going to have problems in the future,” he said. “We all must work together for the future success of our community.”
When reflecting on what has helped fuel the growth of Sioux Falls and what is necessary for continued growth, Beacom credits three entities:

Sioux Empire United Way: “Our generosity in this town is very strong, but we all need to help the SEUW grow because of the different organizations it supports,” he said. Beacom is also proud that First PREMIER Bank and PREMIER Bankcard employees are No. 1 in Heart Club memberships, one of SEUW’s donor recognition levels.
Forward Sioux Falls: “This gives us the opportunity to do additional things to recruit businesses to South Dakota,” he said. “Forward Sioux Falls is key to our

continued growth and highlights how important it is to get involved in our community.”
Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce: “The Chamber is home to a wealth of knowledge of people and opportunities for business,” Beacom said. “If you think about it when business leaders consider a move or expansion to our city, where do they usually start? The Chamber.”
Is he Miles or Kelly? It depends on who you’re talking to.
Beacom grew up in the Sioux Falls’ Hilltop neighborhood, the fourth of six children born to Joanne and Bart Beacom. His mother wasn’t fond of the name Miles so she always called him Kelly, as did the rest of his family and school friends.
After college, he put his full name, Miles Kelly Beacom, at the top of his resume, so if you know him professionally

Top right: Beacom speaks at a Chamber legislative event.
Lower left: Beacom with mentor Coach Rich Greeno, Lincoln High School.
Lower right: Beacom (far right) with his parents Bart and JoAnne (seated) and siblings Steve, Sue, Dan, Jeannie and Milease.
you know him as Miles. He estimated that about half of his acquaintances call him Kelly, and the other half call him Miles.
Beacom almost grew up a different town along the Big Sioux River, but a chance opportunity landed the family in Sioux Falls. In 1954, the Beacom clan moved from Sioux City to Sioux Falls so Bart Beacom could keep his job as a railroad engineer. It was only supposed to be for six months, but the family fell in love with the parks, cleanliness and friendly atmosphere Sioux Falls offered and decided not to return to Iowa.
“I’m very thankful for the opportunity to be raised in Sioux Falls. When I look at what he (my dad) sacrificed for all of us, it was just amazing,” Beacom said of his father’s work ethic and mother’s ability to run the household with six children and be the “mom” of the neighborhood.
Beacom’s oldest siblings went to Catholic schools, but because of a speech impediment, he went to the Sioux Falls public schools. He decided to stay in the Sioux Falls School District because of the influence of Coach Rich Greeno, Lincoln High School’s cross country and track coach.
“Coach Greeno truly believed in encouraging his runners. He believed that if he encouraged and properly coached his runners, his athletes would not only be good competitors, they would be great leaders in the future,” Beacom said. “He did not give up on anyone. He showed you what you could accomplish if you cared about people, talked about improvements needed, and encouraged them to do those things.”
While in high school, Beacom worked at McDonald’s at 8th Street and Indiana Avenue, now the site of the Bishop Dudley Hospitality House. He eventually worked his way up to assistant manager. During summers, he worked fulltime for the railroad and Sioux Steel but kept his part-time employment at the fast-food restaurant.
“Back then, there were not a lot of jobs available — I was lucky to get a job at McDonald’s,” he said. “Today, we have a lot of diversity in our business opportunities — and most businesses are looking for help.”
Beacom took the lessons he learned from Coach Greeno and McDonald’s — along with his clock radio and a duffel bag — to Dakota State University (then College) in Madison, where he majored in business and minored in economics. An avid runner, Beacom obtained a track scholarship and became a DSU Athletic Hall of Fame runner. He also had the opportunity to run with his older brother, Dan, also a DSU track athlete.
Upon graduating in 1981, Beacom applied to work at Citibank, which was in its early operating stages in Sioux Falls. He spent two days at the downtown library researching to get a leg up on the competition before his job interview. This started his 40-plus-year career in the financial industry. He estimated that he probably had seven different jobs in his eight years with Citibank.
“I realized that the more I knew, the more valuable I’d be to the organization,” he said. Sometimes, those valuable learning opportunities required him to work evenings and weekends. Still, Beacom says the sacrifices were worth it because he learned so much about the banking and credit card industry.
From Citibank, Beacom was recruited by T. Denny Sanford and First PREMIER Bank to start a credit card company. In the first year, the company grew to 30,000 accounts. Today, PREMIER Bankcard has 1,500 employees in four locations in South Dakota and services 2.7 million accounts nationwide.

Miles Kelly Beacom
2024-25 Chair of the Board, Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce
Sioux Falls
Cleveland Elementary School, Whittier Middle School, Lincoln High School, Dakota State College (now University)
CEO at PREMIER Bankcard
First job McDonald’s
Wife Lisa (married 33 years), 4 children: Alyssa, Erin (fiancé Allen Page), Ashlee (Noora), Iman Legesse
Leadership Board member of Sioux Empire United Way, Sanford International, Dakota State University Foundation, Catholic Diocese of Eastern South Dakota, USD Beacom School of Business Advisory Board, First PREMIER Bank, PREMIER Bankcard, Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce.

“Nobody would have expected PREMIER Bankcard to grow as it has,” Beacom said. “We need to continue to nurture small businesses, younger businesses — some of them will have significant opportunities to grow just as PREMIER has, and we want them to do that here in Sioux Falls.”
Like many young people, Beacom took the opportunity to explore life outside of South Dakota. In 1990, he went to Chicago to lead one of the worst credit card companies in the country. Within two years, Beacom and the team had turned things around and it was named the most improved company by Mastercard International. But while in Chicago, Beacom and his wife, Lisa, missed their family and friends and the South Dakota work ethic. In 1993, he had the opportunity to return to South Dakota and rejoin PREMIER Bankcard, where he remains today.
Upon returning, the Beacoms started a family. He says it was Lisa’s continual support that enabled him to be successful in his career.
“She picked up the slack,” he said, by running a household and managing four children, all their activities, and admittedly managing him as well. “You can never undervalue the importance of your partner!”

Today, all their children are grown and, like the young Miles, are exploring living outside Sioux Falls.
Together, the Beacoms have invested their time and treasure in several organizations across the state, emulating the examples set by Sanford and First PREMIER Bank CEO Dana Dykhouse.
“South Dakota has always had some good givers, but Denny (Sanford) really changed the landscape of giving,” Beacom said. “He’s done well and could have done a lot of things with his money, yet he reinvested it in Sioux Falls and South Dakota.”
Sanford, Dykhouse and Beacom have been key players in growing the Build Dakota Scholarship and the Freedom Scholarship programs. Both are public/private partnerships that provide opportunities for South Dakota students to study in the state in key industries. Workforce has long been a challenge for many industries, and these programs are two examples of ways the business community has come together to address this issue. Partnerships are key to success, Beacom said, which is where the Chamber comes in.
“The Chamber is in the center of all of that, whether it’s the ribbon cuttings or the Mixers or working with our legislators on keeping the fundamentals of our business

Opposite page top right: Beacom with T. Denny Sanford, founder of First PREMIER Bank and Dana Dykhouse, CEO of First PREMIER Bank.
Opposite page bottom right: The Beacom family: first row, Miles, Iman Legesse and Lisa; second row: Ally, Ashlee; third row: Erin.
Above: Beacom welcomes Chamber members to a Membership Mixer at Grand Falls Casino & Golf Resort.
Lower left: Beacom with children Erin, Ashlee and Ally and wife Lisa.
Miles Beacom’s Favorite Things
Sioux Falls’ unique place Levitt at the Falls
Music genre
Country (Toby Keith, Jason Aldean, Zac Brown Band)
Kory & the Fireflies (“Kory has a huge heart for Sioux Falls”), Jerry Jeff Walker (from college days)
Concert at the Denny Sanford PREMIER Center
Place to bring out of town guests
Falls Park, Arc of Dreams, Downtown Sioux Falls
Minervas, Morrie’s Steakhouse, The Keg, Stubbie’s Bar & Grill
Charitable Organizations
community in the forefront,” he said. “We want to be open to every business coming into the community, and we want them to not only invest in our people resources but truly invest in our great community.”
He said that’s just how things are done in Sioux Falls — people work together and step up and help each other.
“Will we run into some problems in the future? Absolutely. Banks compete for customers every day. So do health systems. That’s why the Chamber is so important — it brings all business together,” he said. “I went from flipping burgers to CEO. Things will work out if you work hard and do the right things.

Beacom cautions against complacency, however.
“We have an incredible community today because of the people who continually step up to make Sioux Falls such an exceptional place to live,” he said. “We have not sat idle in the past and we can’t in the future. We have to aggressively attack opportunities and challenges to keep Sioux Falls special.”
Like the life lessons Beacom said got him to where he is today, Sioux Falls must do its homework, be generous, care about others, do the right thing, lift people up, work together — and keep pushing for those dreams.
Sioux Empire United Way, Children’s Home Society, Catholic Diocese of Eastern South Dakota, Sanford Health Foundation, Dakota State University (along with other colleges and universities in South Dakota), Great Plains Zoo, Wings of Valor

Community leaders join Chamber Board of Directors
As directed by the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce bylaws, each year, five individuals are nominated to serve threeyear terms on the Board of Directors. A nominating committee is formed to identify and recruit the new board members, who are then reviewed and approved by the current board. The following Chamber members have been elected and began their term of service October 1, 2024:
Bill Gassen, Sanford Health; Mindy Kroll, Time Management Systems; Reggie Kuipers, Bender Commercial Real Estate; Dr. Ronald Place, Avera McKennan Hospital & University Health Center and Candice VanLiere, George Boom Funeral Home & On-Site Crematory.
The following Board members were also elected to serve oneyear terms on the Chamber’s Executive Committee: Chair Miles Beacom, PREMIER Bankcard; Chair-Elect Tamien Dysart, Think 3D Solutions; Vice Chair Dr. José-Marie Griffiths, Dakota State University; Treasurer Jason Herrboldt, First Bank & Trust; and Immediate Past Chair Scott Lawrence, Lawrence & Schiller, Inc. Chamber President & CEO Jeff Griffin is also a member of the Chamber’s Executive Committee, serving as its Secretary.

Bill Gassen is the president and CEO of Sanford Health. He is a current member of the Board of Trustees for the American Hospital Association and a current member of the Board of Directors for Oscar Health, Inc. Gassen is an Ex-Officio member of the Sanford Health Board of Trustees. He was also the Co-Chair for the Active Generations Capital Campaign in 2022-2023.
Mindy Kroll is the CEO of Time Management Systems. She is an active member of Sales and Marketing Executives of Sioux Falls for the last 15 years, having a hand in almost every committee as well as serving as the SME Board President for the past 2 years. Kroll has also been a volunteer teacher with Junior Achievement for 12 years, participating in the 5 week class, JA in a Day, and the virtual teaching model. Mindy is also a Leadership Sioux Falls graduate.

Reggie Kuipers is the president of Bender Commercial Real Estate. Reggie has been an active member with the Chamber as part of the YPN Steering Committee and as the YPN Crossroads Summit Co-Chair. He is a Leadership Sioux Falls graduate and holds leadership positions on a variety of task forces, committees, and boards.
The Chamber’s Board of Directors is rounded out by the following members: Catherine Dekkenga, JLG Architects; Derrick Larson, Eide Bailly LLP; Jeff Lautt, POET; Tim Meagher, Vanguard Hospitality; Matt Paulson, MarketBeat; Ryan Punt, SDN Communications; Jake Quasney, Lloyd Companies; Vicki Stewart, Employment Disability Resources; Amy Stockberger, Amy Stockberger Real Estate; and Selene Zamorano, SD Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
The following representatives also serve as ex-officio members: Kyle Groos, Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools; Dean Karsky, Minnehaha County Commission; Tiffani Landeen, Lincoln County Commission; Dr. Jane Stavem, Sioux Falls School District; and Mayor Paul TenHaken, City of Sioux Falls.
The following retiring directors will be recognized at the Chamber’s 118th Annual Meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 15: Immediate Past Chair Paul Hanson, Sanford Health; Joe Bunkers, Gage Brothers; and Nancy Savage, Child’s Play Toys.

Dr. Ronald Place is the president & CEO of Avera McKennan Hospital and University Health Center, a role he assumed in May of this year. Place is a 3-Star Army General who recently retired from military service. He is a member of the Board of Regents for the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, a past member and president of the Fort Knox Community Schools Board of Education, and a current member of The Link Community Triage Center board of directors.

Candice VanLiere is the manager and partner of George Boom Funeral Home & On-Site Crematory as well as a licensed funeral director. She has also served as the Elder and Worship Committee Chair at Westminster Presbyterian Church.
Leaders selected to serve as committee chairs for 2024-25
Volunteers are critically important to the work of the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber has 10 formal committees, plus many more volunteer groups and action teams. Each is filled with members who volunteer their time to serve their community.
Each committee has a different purpose, but all support the Chamber’s mission. Through their activities, they are helping our

community thrive by promoting economic health and quality of life in the Sioux Falls area.
Thank you to these leaders who are volunteering their time to serve as chair of Chamber committees in the coming year.

General Election Ballot Issues
Initiated Measure 28 – An initiated Measure Prohibiting Taxes on Anything Sold for Human Consumption
This initiated measure prohibits the State from collecting sales or use tax on anything sold for human consumption. The measure eliminates these sources of revenue for the state. Human consumption is not defined by state law. However, its common definition includes more than food and drinks.
The Chamber is opposed to IM 28. Please see the September issue of Chamber News for a full explanation of IM 28.
Initiated Measure 29 – An initiated measure legalizing the recreational use, Possession, and Distribution of Marijuana.
This initiated measure allows individuals 21 years of age or older to possess, grow, ingest, and distribute marijuana or marijuana paraphernalia. Individuals may possess up to two ounces of marijuana products. Driving under the influence of marijuana remains illegal.
The Chamber opposes this measure due to workplace safety concerns and the fact that marijuana remains an illegal substance at the Federal level.
Constitutional Amendment H – An amendment to the South Dakota Constitution Establishing Top-Two Primary Elections
This amendment requires one primary election wherein all candidates (Governor, State Legislature, U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, and elected county offices) run against each other in their respective races, including major and minor party and unaffiliated candidates. All voters may vote for any candidate, and the top two candidates receiving the most votes advance to the general election.
The Chamber has elected to take no position on this issue.
Constitutional Amendment E – An amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, updating references to certain officeholders and persons.
This amendment changes the text of the State Constitution to remove the use of generic male pronouns when referencing certain officeholders or individuals. For example, when referencing the Governor, instead of saying “he shall be commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the state,” the text will be changed to read ‘the Governor shall be commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the state.”
The Chamber is supportive of this issue. The Chamber seeks to ensure that our elected officials are reflected correctly in the Constitution to include male and female officeholders.
For a full explanation of each issue, visit
To learn more about the Chamber’s advocacy for business, visit
Constitutional Amendment F – An amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, authorizing the state to impose work requirements on certain individuals who are eligible for expanded Medicaid
This constitutional amendment authorizes the State to impose work requirements on any person eligible to receive benefits under the expanded Medicaid program, except for those persons who are physically or mentally disabled. The amendment does not identify any specific work requirement that may be imposed on those receiving expanded Medicaid benefits.
The Chamber has elected to take no position on this issue.
Constitutional Amendment G – An initiated Amendment Establishing a Right to Abortion in the State Constitution
This initiated amendment establishes a constitutional right to an abortion and provides a legal framework for the regulation of abortion. This framework would override existing laws and regulations concerning abortion.
The amendment establishes that during the first trimester a pregnant woman’s decision to obtain an abortion may not be regulated nor may regulations be imposed on the carrying out of an abortion.
In the second trimester, the amendment allows the regulation of a pregnant woman’s abortion decision, and the regulation of carrying out an abortion. Any regulation of a pregnant woman’s abortion decision, or of an abortion, during the second trimester must be reasonably related to the physical health of the pregnant woman.
In the third trimester, the amendment allows the regulation or prohibition of abortion except in those cases where the abortion is necessary to preserve the life or health of the pregnant woman. Whether an abortion is necessary during the third trimester must be determined by the pregnant woman’s physician according to the physician’s medical judgment.
Judicial clarification of the amendment may be necessary. The Legislature cannot alter the provisions of a constitutional amendment.
The Chamber has elected to take no position on this issue.
Referred Law 21 – Provide new statutory requirements for regulating linear transmissions facilities, to allow counties to impose a surcharge on certain pipeline companies, and to establish a landowner bill of rights.
This is a referendum on 2024 SB 201. This referendum will allow voters to choose if SB 201 becomes law. To view the full text of the bill, visit
The Act authorizes counties to impose, for any tax year in which the pipeline operator receives a tax credit, a $1.00 per foot surcharge on carbon dioxide pipelines. Revenue from the surcharge must be distributed as tax relief to each property owner in the county where the pipeline is installed. Any remaining revenue can be allocated at each county’s discretion. No other fee may be imposed except property taxes, or fees associated with road agreements.
The Act also imposes certain requirements on carbon dioxide pipelines: pipelines must be installed to a minimum depth; each
pipeline operator is responsible for damages to drain tile, and to the surface owner, caused by the pipeline; each operator is also responsible for leaks or failures of the pipeline; and any land agent acting on behalf of the pipeline must be a pipeline employee, State resident, or State licensed real estate agent. The Act also includes requirements that carbon pipeline easements be in writing, and only enforceable for a specified period of time; pipeline operators must initiate business operations within five years of the easement; and each easement is void after five years of nonuse.
The Chamber has taken a position of support on Referred Law 21. The Chamber supports uniform regulations to ensure safety for residents and landowners, compensation for counties to offset increasing property taxes and other costs, and the regulatory continuity for linear projects that Referred Law 21 creates.

Limited tickets remain for 118th Annual Meeting
Can’t-miss event will feature a live performance from REO Speedwagon
The Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce invites the community to secure their tickets now for the highly anticipated 118th Annual Meeting, taking place on October 15, 2024 at the Denny Sanford PREMIER Center. The event, which promises to be a night of both inspiration and entertainment, will feature networking, a celebration of community achievements and a look to the future before legendary rock band REO Speedwagon takes the stage for a thrilling live performance.
Themed “Keep Pushin’ On,” this gathering of local business leaders and community members will kick off the one-year term of the incoming chair of the Chamber’s board of directors, Miles Beacom, CEO of PREMIER Bankcard. Beacom will assume the Chamber’s top volunteer position Oct. 1, succeeding 2023-24 chair of the board Scott Lawrence, CEO of Lawrence & Schiller, Inc. The Chamber will also share priorities for the coming year and acknowledge the contributions of retiring directors.
REO Speedwagon’s live performance will cap off the celebration. This highly successful group has sold more than 40 million records and had thirteen Top 40 hits, with their number one tracks including “Keep On Loving You” and “Can’t Fight This Feeling.”
“The Annual Meeting is not just for business leaders, but for anyone who wants to be part of Sioux Falls’ continued success and future,” said incoming chair of the Chamber board Miles Beacom, CEO of PREMIER Bankcard. “We encourage people interested in knowing more about the Chamber and what’s happening in our business community to buy a ticket to the annual meeting for a memorable night of celebration, connection and great music.”
The Presenting Partner of the 118th Annual Meeting is First PREMIER Bank and PREMIER Bankcard. The Champion Sponsors are Avera Health and Sanford Health. Advocate Sponsors are Dakota State University; Eide Bailly LLP; ISG; The First National Bank in Sioux Falls; Knife River; and Xcel Energy. Lawrence & Schiller, Inc. is the Creative Partner and Outsound Productions is the Production Partner.
Tickets are limited, and we encourage anyone interested in being a part of the chamber’s event to purchase tickets as soon as possible. Doors open at 5:15 p.m., and attendees can enjoy heavy appetizers and socializing before the program begins at 6:50 p.m. REO Speedwagon will perform at 7:45 p.m. with a closing social to follow the performance.
Tickets are available to purchase at
118th Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Denny Sanford PREMIER Center
Featuring a live performance from REO Speedwagon
Get tickets at
Annual Meeting Co-Chairs
Dana Dykhouse First PREMIER Bank
Alexis Mahlen Lloyd Companies
Ticket Sales Committee Co-Chairs
Vaney Hariri Think 3D Solutions
Nichelle Lund Canopy by Hilton Sioux Falls Downtown
Ticket Sales Committee
Lynda Billars The Lynda B. Advantage CorpLynda Billars Berkshire Hathaway
Kim Burma Midco
Deysa Card PREMIER Bankcard
Nicole Garber PREMIER Bankcard
Jennifer Hoesing Girl Scouts-Dakota Horizons
Barry Hoogland First PREMIER Bank
Jordan Huisman First PREMIER Bank
Cindi Johnson Grand Falls Casino & Golf Resort
Mike Kaiser First PREMIER Bank
Kate Kotzea Click Rain, Inc.
Danielle McGrath First PREMIER Bank
April Meyerink American Bank & Trust
Keith Miller First PREMIER Bank
Cody Papke City of Sioux Falls
Ryan Schneider First PREMIER Bank
Christy Vastenhout McCrossan Boys Ranch

Thirty-eight participants selected for next class Leadership Sioux Falls begins 39th year
The 39th class of the Evan C. Nolte Leadership Sioux Falls program meets for the first time on October 2, 2024. Thirty-eight individuals representing a variety of businesses, industries and non-profits comprise the new class.
A signature program of the Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce, Leadership Sioux Falls uses the community as its classroom and is designed to meet the community’s need for active participation of informed and dedicated community leaders. The goal of the program is to inform, challenge and motivate participants by providing information on community resources, discussing community concerns, interacting with community leaders and building a sense of community trusteeship.
More than 1,150 participants have graduated from the program. Graduates have gone on to serve the community and the region in a number of public and private leadership positions.
Rachael Alwin
Sioux Empire United Way
Megan Barkley L. G. Everist, Inc.
Lee Bollock
Avera McKennan Hospital & University Health Center
Ally Brandner Sanford Health
Kelli Bullert First Bank & Trust
Cortney Carmody Lemonly
Kendra Cersosimo Two54 Creative
Derek Coover Viaflex
Leonardo Diaz Diaz Construction LLC
Nubia Espinoza Sioux Empire Housing Partnership
Evan C. Nolte
Leadership Sioux Falls
The class runs October through May each year, with applications accepted over the summer. This year, more than 75 applications were received for LSF class 39. Due to the nature of the program, class size is limited each year.
Congratulations to the class members and their sponsors. For more information on the program, visit
Leadership Sioux Falls 39
Jessica Ferrie APX Construction Group
Ali Gabriel Sioux Falls Canaries
Brian Gebhart Lawrence & Schiller, Inc.
Madison Godschalk Sioux Falls Area Humane Society
Debbi Jones Washington Pavilion
Isaac Jorgensen Bender Commercial Real Estate Services
Paul Keizer Sioux Falls School District
Kyle Kunde First Interstate Bank
Shane Laible First Dakota National Bank
Mark Lukonen Journey Group Companies
Rebecca McKeever MarketBeat
Shannon Meader CNA Surety
T.J. Nelson Redstone Law Firm LLP
Lisa Ottmar Helpline Center
Jasmine Pina Scooter’s Coffee
Carly Reinders Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce
Jacob Ricke JLG Architects
Kim Stulken City of Sioux Falls
Nancy Tapken South Dakota Historical Society Foundation
Dylan Urias Sanford Health
Alex Van Voorhis Center for the Prevention of Child Maltreatment
Heather VanderHelm Boys & Girls Clubs of the Sioux Empire
Brady Velgersdyk POET
Thomas Verhey American Bank & Trust
Jason Wallen PREMIER Bankcard
Tracy Wheeler Marsh McLennan Agency
Erik Wold CNH/Raven
Adam Zishka Minnehaha County Sheriff’s Office

LifeScape surpasses Community Appeals fundraising goal
Journey of Hope campaign aims to provide enhanced care to children with complex medical needs
By Brittany Hanson
LifeScape is providing a solid future for the region’s children with complex medical needs with their $98 million Journey of Hope campaign. In July, they wrapped up the Chamber Community Appeals portion of the campaign, surpassing their $1.8 million goal by raising $2.2 million.
“The Community Appeals campaign was successful because the Sioux Falls community has a culture of giving and taking care of each other,” said LifeScape Foundation President Jessica Wells. “The business community understands they play an important role in enriching the quality of life in Sioux Falls for their workers and customers.”
The Journey of Hope campaign, now, just $3 million from completion, will support a new children’s services campus in northwest Sioux Falls which will include the Pediatric Rehabilitation Specialty Hospital, a Specialty School, residential space, and critical therapy areas, all designed to meet the growing needs of the area’s children. The funds raised through the Chamber Community Appeals campaign will be used for a playground for the new facility.
“Once again, the Sioux Falls business community stepped up to meet a need in our community,” said Chamber Community Appeals Co-Chair Jason Herrboldt, First Bank & Trust. “LifeScape is an
organization that serves the most vulnerable in our community, and the success of the Journey of Hope campaign will help to ensure that those individuals are served for generations to come.”
A total of 69 dedicated volunteers played a critical role by inviting Chamber members to participate with a financial gift. Their passion and commitment, combined with the leadership of community figures like Herrboldt, Dave Rozenboom and Jay Soukup, were instrumental in surpassing the fundraising goals. The culture of giving in Sioux Falls played a significant role, with many people either directly or indirectly connected to LifeScape’s mission.
“Thanks to the collective efforts of our volunteer campaign team and the strong financial support from the Sioux Falls business community, we exceeded our goal and are now able to fund the entire ‘wish list’ for the playground, and more,” said Chamber Community Appeals Co-Chair Dave Rozenboom, First PREMIER Bank. “For over 70 years, LifeScape has had an incredible impact in the lives of so many children and families, so it is has been a privilege to help equip them to carry on their mission for the next generations at the new Children’s Services Campus.”
The playground, initially planned to feature accessible swings and shaded pathways, now includes enhanced elements like shaded swings, an in-ground trampoline, a water splash area and musical play zones—features that will provide a place to heal, grow, and play
for over 400 children who are served daily at LifeScape. The project broke ground in April 2024 and is expected to be completed by Fall 2026. The state-of-the-art playground is constructed in a courtyard setting to provide safety without fencing and is uniquely designed for children with challenging behaviors and complex medical needs.
“The people of Sioux Falls have stepped forward in a big way, bringing LifeScape to the next level of care for those with the greatest need,” said Chamber Community Appeals Co-Chair Jay Soukup, Stifel Group. “The Journey of Hope campaign has enabled LifeScape to become a bigger part of the fabric of Sioux Falls, making it a destination for world-class care.”
As one of the largest employers in the area, LifeScape’s expansion helps attract new talent to the region, reassuring families that the support they need will be available. The project strengthens the healthcare network by complementing the services provided by the major health systems in Sioux Falls, creating a stronger safety net for the entire community.
In many ways, the Chamber Community Appeals process gave this project credibility and exposure, fostering connections with business leaders who may not have been familiar with LifeScape’s mission. The success of the Journey of Hope campaign is not just about bricks and mortar—it’s a commitment to future generations of children in our community and beyond.

Building your dream business
How the MRS BAIL team and a solid plan can set you up for success
“Where do I start?” is a common question for many who take the exciting and slightly scary step into small business ownership.

Putting significant preparation into a business plan before implementation is a great first step. Even though you technically don’t need a business plan to start your business, it’s highly recommended by business professionals. You’ll especially need a business plan if you plan to pursue business financing. By sitting down and working on a business plan, you’ll be able to better understand and speak about your business.
Within the business plan, you’ll cover many focus areas but a simple checklist to include is called the MRS BAIL team.
MRS BAIL team is a checklist used in every single advising appointment with SD CEO East Women’s Business Center and BAIL is used by many small business support organizations. Think about the professionals you pinpoint with your MRS BAIL team
as your own “advisory board” as you start your business. This isn’t just for startup businesses. Even if you’ve been in business for years, use this as an exercise to update your business plan or refresh your business strategy.
M – Marketing: Are you working on your own marketing or outsourcing? Do you have a marketing plan? Do you have logo/ brand standards? Who is your target audience? What platforms will the business have a presence on?
R – Realtor: Who is your commercial real estate agent if you’re looking for a physical space? Where will my target audience best reach me at? Can I afford a build-out?
S – Support: Who are your business mentors? Who is a business owner I admire? Have I connected with my local chamber of commerce? Have I worked with the Small Business Administration resource partners in South Dakota?
B – Banker: Who is your business banker? Have I set up my business bank account? Have I done my financial projections? Will I need business lending?

A – Accountant: Who is your business accountant? Should I set up an LLC or sole proprietorship? Am I doing my own bookkeeping and business taxes?
I – Insurance: Who is your business insurance agent? Have I set up general liability insurance for my business? Do I need specialty insurance for my service or product?
– Lawyer: Who is your business lawyer? Do I need business contracts while I work with clients? Have I set up an ownership contract with other co-owners?
Everyone has a different journey in starting their business, yet there are common keys to success. Putting the effort into writing your business plan and building your MRS BAIL team will be the foundation of your business.
If you’re ready to discuss your MRS BAIL team and business plan in more detail, schedule a time for free and confidential business advising with SD CEO East Women’s Business Center based in Sioux Falls.
You’re not alone in your small business ownership journey! Let your MRS BAIL team and other resource partners help turn your question of “Where do I start?” to “How successful can I be?”

Get your Mixer Pass!
Chamber members have long recognized the value of attending Membership Mixers. Each month a large number of members attend these events and enjoy the opportunity to create new connections and strengthen existing relationships with other Chamber members.
Standard admission at the door to a Membership Mixer is $5 per person. You can reduce the cost of attending by purchasing a Mixer Pass. A Mixer Pass gets you admission to all Mixers for the coming year. Now through Dec. 31, you can purchase a Mixer Pass at a discounted price of $40 – that’s a $20 savings if you attend all 12 Membership Mixers in the next Chamber year.
Here are some of the advantages of purchasing a Mixer Pass:
• You’ll always be prepared for attendance at the mixer – even if you don’t have cash on hand.
• If you can’t attend one of the monthly mixers, you can let a co-worker or friend use your pass for that month.
• Order your pass now and the Chamber will invoice your business, so you don’t have to bother with expensing your admission cost each month.
• Order several for your business and share them with your employees who will benefit from the networking environment of a mixer. You can also use them to treat customers to complimentary admission to a mixer(s).

The Mixer Pass can be used for admittance to each monthly Mixer from October 2024-September 2025. The pass must be presented at the registration at each event.
To order your Mixer Pass, contact Teresa Schreier at Or you can purchase one at the registration desk of an upcoming mixer.

Ribbon Cuttings
Ribbon Cuttings

The Greater Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce offers a ribbon cutting ceremony for members to celebrate joining the Chamber, milestone anniversaries, expansions or remodels. The public and all Chamber members are invited to share in the celebration. Call (605) 336-1620 for more information or to schedule your event.

Advise to Build, Inc.
3101 W 22 St
Advise to Build serves business owners by strategizing the best management of their real estate holdings. This includes land development, design and construction oversight of new construction, and overall facility management.
L to R: Karl Miller, Andrew Miller, Joe Bunkers, Andrea Smith (founder & CEO), Dan Smith (partner), Nichelle Lund, April Meyerink, Cindi Johnson, Owen Smith and Reed Smith.
3800 S . Louise Ave .
Furniture Mart USA, a family-owned and operated company, is the licensee of this new Ashley store, the third in Sioux Falls. They have grown to nearly 60 stores across the upper Midwest. L to R: Tom Kovash (senior vice-president), Jason Herrboldt, Alissa Matt, Jennifer Hoesing, Cory Price (CEO), Bill Hinks (founder & chairman), Carolyn Hinks, Troy Eichmann (COO), Jerry Smith, Arron Heaton, Cindi Johnson and Tammy Wallenstein.
Avera Health
3720 W . 69th St . Unit 100
This Avera Home Medical Equipment and Planet Heart location allows people to view and ask about home medical equipment products as well as see cardiovascular experts to assess possible heart and vascular disease. L to R: Tammy Beintema, LuAnn Trutwin, Jennifer Hoesing, Sandy Dieleman, Jeff Griffin, Mick Gibbs, Mitch Butler, Dr. Ron Place (CEO, Avera McKennan Hospital), Jim Dover, Sr., Mary Kay Panowicz and James Gaspar.
3510 W . Ralph Rogers Rd .
EmBe Education honors children, families, and their teachers by fostering wholistic development focused on character, inherent intelligence, and physical well-being. L to R: Shalee Pitman, Deb Peterson, Matt Paulson, Laycee Kluin, Kerri Tietgen (CEO), Sarah Meagher, Lucas Fiegen and Catlin Rothschadl.
Ribbon Cuttings

GameDay Men’s Health
4908 E Rosa Parks Pl
GameDay Men’s Health Sioux Falls specializes in improving lives and optimizing health through a range of services like TRT, HGH, peptides, vitamins, etc. Their clinic makes it quick and easy to start or improve your health journey. L to R: Stacie Kruger, Adam Buss, Jay Soukup, Knox Wolff, Jerod Wolff (franchise administrator), Tori Wolff, Beau Wolff, Holly Rader and Cole Robbins.
Glory House
1630 W . 51 St .
Glory House Apartments is an affordable equal housing complex with an emphasis on sober living supported environment and assisting those who have been justice impacted. Glory House is able to offer one- and two-bedroom apartments for those who qualify. L to R: Ryan Kolbeck, Matt Paulson, Megan Jung, Jake Quasney, Amber Bartels, Jordan Huisman, Nicki Dvorak-Ripperda (president), Bria Gillum, Andrea Carstensen and Liz Statton.
Haven Arts Collective
2512 S Sherman Ave
Haven Arts Collective is a dance studio offering ballet, jazz, contemporary, hip hop and Pilates for ages 3 and up. They also rent space for small events, host a ministry, offer music lessons and have a new sound/music production studio. L to R: Taylor Van Voorst, Melissa Dellman, Nathan Hofer, Aletta Hofer, Gemma Hofer, Diandra Hofer (owner & director), Jennifer Hoesing, Vicki Stewart, Lacey Kluin and Katelyn Tilstra.
Hegg Companies
1305 W 18th St
Hegg Companies is a small, family-owned business that believes in creating memorable experiences that build community. They are proud to expand their business and community reach with the opening of this Starbucks location in Sanford USD Medical Center. L to R: Alex Hobbs, Dione Deuel (COO), Paul Hegg (president & CEO), Cindi Johnson, Nichelle Lund, Jennifer Hoesing, Jason Herrboldt and Jared Vilhauer.
Jerke Construction
2808 W 6 St
Jerke Construction, a division of Landwehr Construction Inc., has been a cornerstone of crane services and rigging solutions in the Sioux Falls area since 1967. Leveraging state-of-the-art equipment and a highly skilled team, they are your trusted partner for all construction projects. L to R: Matt Fourre, Melissa Dellman, Alissa Matt, Lynda Billars, Nate Landwehr (president), Eric Siemers and John Quade.

Legends on Lake Lorraine
2815 S Westlake Dr
Legends on Lake Lorraine is a luxury senior living community offering independent living, assisted living and memory care. Community features include a theatre, pool, spa and multiple dining venues. Recently under new ownership, they rebranded to Legends on Lake Lorraine. L to R: Jeff Viereck, Tammy Beintema, Craig Edinger (CEO), Krysten Fokken (executive director), Jennifer Hoesing, April Schulte and Jenny Adair.
Live Inspired 365
3701 W 49th St Suite 108
Live Inspired 365 promotes mental health awareness and suicide prevention through their products and projects. A new, larger office has provided a “happy place” for their volunteers as well as a shop for gifts and apparel. They want everyone to know its ok to not be ok and for people to find comfort in conversation, as well as hope in helpful resources. L to R: Wendy Johnson, April Meyerink, Craig Fischer, Chantelle Friedman (co-founder), Tammy Beintema, Michelle Thie (co-founder), Dr. Ron Place and Kim Ryckman.

Ribbon Cuttings

Mr. Donuts
1010 E 10 St
Mr. Donuts is a locally-owned desserts shop focusing on providing customers with refreshing beverages and delicious pastries—from donuts to sandwiches to bagels, as well as a variety of drinks including Japanese sodas. L to R: Sophia Chen, Matt Paulson, Adam Buss, Cindi Johnson, Stev Meas (owner), Chenda Chou (owner), Molika Meas, Sophonn Moa, Richard Chau, Jennifer Hoesing and Danny Pence.
Neighborhood Dental Clinic
5911 E . 26 St .
Neighborhood Dental is committed to excellence in dental care, offering a range of services such as preventive care, dental implants, orthodontics, emergency dental, and more. A larger facility will allow them to serve as many patients as possible with exceptional dental care. L to R: April Schulte, Chandra Green, Dr. Andrew Boyd, Dr. Ashton Fjeldheim, Vicki Stewart, April Meyerink and Cindi Johnson.
Ponderosa Lodge
7400 S Louise Ave
Ponderosa Lodge, now owned by Sinceri Senior Living, offers both independent and assisted living in their newly remodeled facility. With enriching activities and personalized attention, residents can enjoy a life of comfort, peace, and purpose at Ponderosa Lodge. L to R: Mavis Benda, Jennifer Hoesing, Amy Wetering, Martina Castle (executive director), Andrea Carstensen, James Gaspar and Gordon Benda.
Prairie Roots Health
5010 S Broadband Ln , Suite 110
Prairie Roots Health provides functional medicine, nutrition, chiropractic, gynecology and lactation services. Prairie Roots’ methodology integrates the expertise of top professionals with the holistic principles of functional wellness, personalized to meet the needs of modern individuals. L to R: Sarah Vaca, Matt Paulson, Sandy Case, April Meyerink, Dr. Cheryl Bones (owner), Dr. Jess Pearson and Dr. Bri Bly.
Raymond James
5800 S Remington Pl Suite 100
Raymond James opened a new branch in Sioux Falls and welcomed WealthSage Advisors in September 2023. They embrace long-term planning, valuing methodical decision-making and remaining focused on what matters most: people. L to R: Will Guthrie, Jennifer Sherman (senior vice-president, investments/branch manager), Peter King (complex manager), Cindi Johnson, Jaden Holzer, Jennifer Hoesing and Troy Rames.

Real Property Management Express
5100 S . Rolling Green Ave .
Real Property Management Express is excited to welcome The Velthuis Apartments, a brand new complex, to the southwest side of Sioux Falls. The complex is now officially open with all three phases built and move-in ready. L to R: Merlin Huff, Brody Kunzman, Cindi Johnson, Nate Welch, Anna Rempe, Jordan Huisman and Josh Kattenberg (CEO).
Seasoned Style
824 W . 10 St .
Seasoned Style sells refurbished furniture, curated vintage home decor and hand created goods. They are open the third Thursday, Friday and Saturday each month, with this year marking their first anniversary at a brick and mortar location. L to R: Max Hoiberg, Jeff Griffin, Christi Petersen (owner), Tom Petersen, Alissa Matt, Jennifer Hoesing and Paige Short.

Ribbon Cuttings

Scene SDPodcast + Community
The Scene Podcast + Community serves their collective of artists and the greater musiclistening public with artist centric content meant to build deeper connections between fans and the musicians they love. They aim to amplify the signal of midwestern songwriters and musicians. L to R: Mick Startz, Adam Buss, Lynda Billars, Bubba Startz (owner), Danielle Startz, Nichelle Lund, Matt Paulson and Cora-Jean Startz.
Take 5 Oil Change
1720 E . 10 St .
Take 5 Oil Change is a fast and friendly stay-inyour-car oil change service. They offer both cabin and engine air filter replacements, wiper blade replacement and coolant exchanges in addition to high mileage, conventional and full synthetic oil changes. L to R: Nathan Simons, Jonah Davis, Max Pfeiffer (owner), Jeff Griffin, Jennifer Hoesing, Brent Van Aartsen and Jace Good.

Walls by Waldner
1215 W . Blackhawk St .
Walls by Waldner, Inc. delivers quality steel framing, drywall install and drywall finishing services to the Sioux Falls area. With their new location, they will continue their more than 20 years of providing services for both residential and commercial projects. L to R: Heather Holzapfel, Adam Buss, Jason Herrboldt, Colin Waldner (owner), Nichoelle Waldner (owner), April Meyerink and Sandy Case.
Women of the Armed Forces
Women of the Armed Forces is a service organization of women who have served in the Armed Forces. Their mission is to educate, support and lift up service with their three fundamental pillars: Service, Educate, and Social. L to R: Tammy Beintema, Monica Huether, Heather Bormann, Lisa Russell (vicecommander), April Schulte, Dr. Ron Place and Deb Kindelspire.

Five Questions
5 Brittany Hanson
questions with
Brittany Hanson serves as the Program Director for Forward Sioux Falls, where she focuses on building community relationships and driving strategic initiatives. Originally from Wyoming, she made Sioux Falls her home after earning a bachelor’s in music education, communication studies and theatre from the University of Sioux Falls, followed by a master’s in education. Brittany is an active performer with several professional and community arts organizations. When she’s not at work or on stage, she can be found enjoying the city with her husband Brandon, their daughter Scarlet, and their pup Yogi.

How did you choose your career path?
Honestly, I think this career path chose me. Like many folks in development, the phrase “falling into fundraising,” hits the nail on the head. I started my career in public relations at the University of Sioux Falls, working closely with the fine arts departments. As a proud graduate, I had a deep connection to the programs, and through my role, I witnessed firsthand the amazing stories of student transformation. Over time, my work naturally expanded into alumni and donor relations, where I discovered a true passion for engaging with supporters and sharing the exciting things happening on campus. What began as a role soon became a calling, as I realized how fulfilling it is to build relationships with people who are passionate about making a difference.
What’s your favorite family tradition?
Baking cookies is a holiday staple. At Halloween, we make frosted sugar cookies with spooky shapes, and at Christmas, we bake all our favorites—monster, chocolate chip, white chocolate macadamia, and peanut butter blossoms. I love the mess and the madness of all of us in the kitchen. While they bake, we usually play cards and, of course, taste-test the latest batch.
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Share something someone might be surprised to learn about you.
I’m quite a thrill-seeker. I’ve explored 16 countries and 21 states, with some pretty unforgettable experiences along the way. I’ve gone bungee jumping in New Zealand, skydiving in Minnesota, and kayaking in a stunning fjord in Alaska. My most recent adventure was swimming with sharks in Hawaii! I love seeking out new adventures and pushing my limits in exciting ways.
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What advice do you have for someone new to Sioux Falls?
Get plugged in! Sioux Falls thrives on active engagement and collaboration. Attend events, support local businesses, and volunteer with nonprofits. Our strong community spirit is the result of intentional effort. Embrace this by getting involved and contributing to the city’s growth and success!
What excites you most about your new role as the Forward Sioux Falls Program Director?
I’ve always been passionate about bringing the right people together to achieve meaningful goals while inspiring creativity, focus, and energy. That’s why I’m especially looking forward to deepening my relationships with regional business leaders and Forward Sioux Falls investors. Their generosity is about more than financial contributions; it’s about their commitment to the community and their willingness to collaborate for the greater good.
Sioux Falls has amazing leaders who are committed to coming together, placing their competitive differences aside and pursuing ideas that benefit the entire Sioux Falls area. Without this collaborative spirit, our city would look much different than it does today.
Bonus name drop…What are a couple of your favorite restaurants or retailers?
Proud to be known by name at Bagel Boy.
See more questions with Brittany and other Chamber members