Sistah's Place May/June 2019

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Congratulations to the Class of 2019

Give the ones you love wings to fly, roots to come back and reasons to stay. Dalai Lama

A Power-Packed Weeke,nd of discovery, rest1 praise, worship & growth; disc, .ove,ring how we are

and ,can become

God''s Wonder Woman.

Retreat: lodging1 and meals $250 pe¡r person Da.y travelers with meals $1 '70 per person For more inio, please email godsw.onderwomanJ:3@gmaH com

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From our CEO I n ou r anniversa ry iss ue, we tal k with Ch icago's very own Sandy Redd about Lif e after the Voice. Find out what she h a s be en up to a nd what’s to come for this powerful singer. M a y is Mental He alth Awareness, catch up with Dr. Barbara Ev a ns, EdD, LCPC as she continues to share her knowled ge on m ental health. Then get your dose of t he Chaplin's Wisd om from our re sident Ch aplin Faith Berthey. Our small Business h ighlight, lea rn how Ria Harris is bu ilding one community at a time. Finally, purpose, l ife, testimony, and passion pl ayed a role in these a uthors s haring their s tory. Meet Michelle Chav is and Tracee Garner in our Author Spotlight. Don’t’ s top there, check out Selena Haskins and our new ed itor co m ing on boa rd Shauntae Ward fr om Chicago. We are g rowing our te a m to b ring you some fantastic stories. Get Inspired, e mpowered, and entertained. We celebrate our 1 year anniversary since taking our on-l ine blog to magazine distribution in print/ digital. Happy Anniversary to Sistah's Place! We like to thank all of our features from authors, artists, director s, actress , actors, authors, and small business owners who have shared their story with us. Happy Mother's Day to all the powerful women who we honor and celebrate. Thank you,

Letrise T. Carter, CEO


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From our CEO Ria Harris Mental Health

03 07 12

The Other Spring Cleaning


Michelle Chavis


Chaplins Wisdom


Sistah's Kitchen


Tracee Garner


Sandy Redd


Shauntae Ward


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C O N T R I B U TO R S Faith Berthey

FB: Ten Cents of Wisdom

Dr. Barbara Evans, EdD, LCPC Mental Health Awareness FB: Better Days with Barbie Marcie Hill Freelance writer/Blogger/Author Twitter: @Marciewrites

Selena Haskins, Author Twitter/IG: @BooksbySelena

Tiffany Lewis, Chef FB/IG/Twitter: Baby Cakes by Tiffany Editors: Carmen Ward Debra Lynn Thomas Marcie Hill Intern/Guest Freelancers Mia Thomas (Student Intern) Cleopatra (freelance writer)

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Ria Harris: Building Communities,One Home at a Time by M ia Thoma s

Ri a Harris, a licens ed real estate professional in Il linois and Ind iana and owner of The C ommunity Builder R ea ltor, is committe d to building communities, one ho me a t a ti me. S h e w as inspired to become a r ealtor becaus e her family owned incom e property when she was growing up. Lat er, she decided to take the family business a step furth er by becom ing a realtor. To s e rve even more peopl e, Ria ea rned the SRES (Senior Real Estate Specialist) and ABR (Accredited Buyers Repr ese ntative s) designations that all ow h er to work both buyers and sellers. Helping peop le rea lize their dream of home owne rship is an important endeavor she does not t ake lightly. When w orking with pros pective buyers, espe cially first-time homeowners, Ria ad vises th em to underst a nd the responsibilities of home ownership; to be mindfu l of property t axes in any gi ven area; an d to know their “must haves” v s. “wants” for their home. She also urges them to e stablish a bud ge t that includes an emergency fund plus a home warranty pla n. Ri a enj oys w atching entreprene urs succeed in their fie ld s of concentration; seeing them doing well not just as bus iness pe ople but holistically. This is especially true for colleagues in the real estate profession. “I ’ve met m any realtors in both states and don’t consider them to be competitors. Instead, I lo ok at them a s professio nals with whom I can colla bora te for the best interest of our c lients. M y goal is not just to sell a house but to improve the communities wh ere my cl ients d e cide t o li ve. Hence, my mo tto is “Building a beautiful, peaceful, and benevol ent community one home at a t ime.” In addition to b eing a n entrepreneur, Ria is a wife, mother, daughter, and friend . However, her most important title is a servant of God. She enjoys le arning, reading, and experiencing new adventures. Sh e is excited abou t he r newest ad ve nture: boxing in the Chicago Real Estate Rumble on M ay 16th. With decades of e xperience as a business owner, Ria offers the fol lowing tips to aspiring entre preneurs : get a mentor, prepare a business plan, and setting goals . Crea te a realistic budge t for your star t-up bus iness. “Don’t giv e up! Doing what you enj oy never f ee ls like work; it’s a joy, honor , and pleasure.” Lear n more about Ria Harris by visiting her website at https://www.


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Branding tools is your reputation and visibility. It is extremely important that you understand your brand, branding, and your brand identity. These will be critical to running a successful business. Here are a few branding tips to help grow the visibility for your business, book, or projects.

3 BRANDING TIPS 1 . S t a r t a P o d - c a s t : Host a show where you talk about your services , interview experts, or discuss topics that add value to your customers. 2 . H o s t W e b i n a r s : A g reat opportunity to find new clients by hosting a webinar about the services that will be of added value to y our to new cli ents. Te ach t h is something ne w. 3 . C o l l a b o r a t e w i t h B l o g g e r s : Y ou want brand a mbassadors, or product r eviews. Build a relationship with bloggers to share your pr odu cts/services with their audience. Create more visibility for your brand.

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How to Support a Loved One with a Mental Illness by Dr. Barbara Evans, EdD, LCPC

“Her nerves are bad,” “The elevator doesn’t go to the top,” “She has a screw loose,” “His cheese fell off the cracker,” “He’ s a wackadoo” and lastly , “You know they are special.” These are just a few of the negative slangs that have been used over the years to describe a person with a mental illness. People often make incredibly insensitive and downright despicable remarks especially since we have never been taught what to say and it is not innate at all to help someone who has a mental illness. However, most people – hopefully – know that being a jerk to someone about their mental illness isn’t just inappropriate and ignorant, it’s cruel. With approximately 1 in 25 adults in the U.S –, 9.8 million or 4% is experiencing a serious mental illness in a given year that substantially interferes with or limits one or more major life activity…is there any doubt that many of these people affected may be a family member or friend? It is difficult to see someone you love in pain and its confusing when someone you know well is not acting like themselves. You know how you would take care of them if they had a cold or flu, but what do you do for a mental illness? While it’s important for families to learn that they didn’t cause their loved one’s disorder and they can’t cure it, it's equally essential for them to understand that how you treat your loved one has a significant impact on their well- being. In efforts to being supportive, sometimes well-meaning family and friends …although unintentional, often end up trivializing the condition. Here’s a small list of things one should never say to someone who has a mental illness. • • • • • •

No one ever said life was fair Just pray about it Get a grip or just cheer up Well, everyone gets depressed sometimes There are a lot of people worst off than you What do you have to be depressed about?

On the contrary, here is a list of adequate things that family and friends can do to support their loved one with mental illness.

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1. Educate yourself about the illness: When the family is educated about the illness, the rates of relapse in their loved ones were reduced by half in the first year. 2. Reach out for Support: Developing a support system provides a network of practical and emotional help. Networks can be made up of parents, children, siblings, spouse/partners, extended families, and friends. 3. Work closely with your loved one’s treatment team: Families and friends can be influential advocates for helping a loved one get through the stages of mental illness. They can be vital in letting professionals know what’s going on and in filling in parts of the picture that the person who’s ill may not be well enough to describe on their own. 4. Have Realistic Expectations: Dealing with a mental illness is an adjustment for all, and the expectations of the family can significantly impact their loved one’s recovery. After going in and out of the hospital, the family may assume that the hospital stay has cured their loved one, and they can now resume their old life, schedules, and activities full force. This may not be the case. It’s ok to want the best for them, but don’t expect rapid improvement. Instead, allow room to create new systems that fit into their new reality. To do otherwise… this mindset might set you up for disappointment. 5. Take care of yourself and get support if needed: Taking care of an ill family member or friend can be stressful. Remember that you may need emotional support too. Consider therapy or a support group for family members of persons with a mental illness. When in doubt, offer compassion, support, and stability in your relationship with your loved one. Even though your family member might be causing you distress, it is essential to remember that your family member might be suffering in ways you cannot imagine. References 1. 2. 3.

How to Deal with a Family Member’s Mental Illness During the Holidays. Joseph Rauch, 2017. 15 Ways to Support a Loved One with Serious Mental Illness. Margarita Tartakovsky, 2018. Supporting a Friend or Family Member with a Mental Illness, 2019


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The Other Spring Cleanin g by Selena Haskins While most people are planning for summer vacation, others are contemplating career moves. Sometimes in life, there is time for a change. How do you know? What are the signs that you may have to make a career change? The first sign of needing to make a career change starts with you. Are you mentally, emotionally, and physically drained from your job? Has your love for what you do cooled off? In this instance, whether it's you or your job, perhaps a career change may be necessary, but it could also be that you need a timeout to regroup. When was the last time you had a vacation? That "Me" time is very important. Perhaps after a vacation, you will feel rejuvenated and ready to work. If that doesn't help and you're back to feeling the same way then maybe you should consider a career change

Secondly, perhaps a career change is needed because the salary or location doesn't fit your needs and lifestyle. It's a challenge not earning enough money when you have many responsibilities. It can also be more challenging if the location of your job affects your commute every day. Both can cause stress resent your job, even if you started off loving it. If this is true in your case, perhaps you can negotiate for a more significant pay raise or look for opportunities within the company that can accommodate a better salary. Some companies have positions in other locations that may be more. Convenient for you. If not, weigh your options for a career change and begin your search. But remember, more money means more responsibilities in most cases so be prepared to face the challenge.

Third, sometimes work responsibilities can become a boring routine. There may not be much opportunity for growth, and you may feel as if you're at a standstill. Perhaps you can take a training course that will improve your skills even if you can't use them now you can build up your qualifications on your resume for later on. Talk to your boss about your career goals and express an interest in advancement. I have seen jobs create new positions based on the need, even if the position is not there at first. Take a look around, in what areas do you see a stronger need for more help? If all else fails, search for an outside opportunity that will provide what you need to grow. Try not to jump out the fire into the frying pan, however. Meaning, sometimes the grass isn't greener on the other side. While you may want to

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to increase y our skills and experience, you don't want to be stressed out or overwhelmed from doing far too much. Decide carefully and wisely what your next move should be. Fourth - it may be time for a career change if you h ave been discriminate ted against or harassed and your j ob h as not offered a solution. In this case, there is blood in th e water to run as quickly as you can. Lastly, if you are looking for employment and haven't had any luck, try networking. Sometimes i t may feel embarrassing to le t others know y you're looking for a job, but people cannot help you i f they don't know wh at's going on. It doesn't mean broadcast st it to everyone, but your trusted friends and family should able to suppor t and help you a s best th ey ca n. Also, use the time to hone your skills, take an online course or volunteer in your community. You may even want to start your own business from home. I know of a lady wh o s tarted babysitting, and this led to h er becoming to Nanny, and ultimately, she sta rted her c hild care center. She had been working for years as a secretary and fell on hard times. She never allowed losing her job to stop her from earning a living. Sure it slowed her down, bu t it never stop ped her completely. No one knows your situation but you. However, you can sit down, pray, and meditate and weight the pros of cons of your next move. Decisions like this aren't easy to make. Be patient. Act wisely. Listen to for the answer that best serves you.

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Michelle Chavis:

The Purpose Pusher by Marcie Hill Michelle Chavis is the author of Arise And Conquer: You are the commander of your day, a devotional created to encourage, edify and build your self-esteem. Proverbs 18:21 NKJV says: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Since your words create your atmosphere, you must be mindful of what you say. How you start, your day affects your entire day. “I feel we should approach every day with gratitude and a positive mindset.

Every morning, speak life and purpose into yourself,” says Michelle. Thus, her book offers daily affirmations to help people create an attitude of gratitude, as well as develop the mindset to conquer each day.

“The magnitude of the pain I felt was indescribable,” says Michelle. Her pain produced her purpose and inspired her to write. Through her trials, she was able to share her testimony with others in her anthology, Turning Trials into Triumphs. “I knew that what I went through wasn’t about me.

Michelle never had a desire to be a writer. However, that changed in July 2013 when she experienced immense heartache and grief.

It was for me to help others overcome grief and depression.” During this period, she also discovered that her purpose in life was to push people to be their very best and to find their purpose.

She lost her mother, father, and maternal grandfather within twelve days.


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That is how she became known as “the Purpose Pusher.” Purpose-filled people often have people who encourage and push them. For Michelle’s writing journey, Kimberla Lawson Roby, Brian W. Smith, and Jacquelin Thomas were her team. She’s been following Roby since the Curtis Black series in 2000. “We connected and bonded on such a deep level during a difficult time in my life.” Smith’s books, on the other hand, keep her on edge. “His way of writing is genius, and the plot twists keep me engaged.” Thomas is not only a wonderful writer with 75+books; she’s also a coach, mentor, and friend to Michelle. Here’s the Purpose Pusher’s advice to people who dream of writing books: “Write. You may need to take courses and classes. Find a mentor and invest in yourself. Not everyone has your best interest at heart, so take your time and don’t rush.” Do you need a little inspiration to kick start your day? Get your a copy of Arise And Conquer: You are the commander of your day by Michelle Chavis. She can also be found online at, ThePurposePusher on Facebook, @ThePurposePusher_ on Instagram and @FirstLadyChelle on Twitter.

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Pursue by Chaplain Faith Berthey

I Samuel 30: 6-8 (NKJV)

Declare what is to be

Deciding to leave what has become a church home can be difficult, after a recent conversation with one of the officers of my church they explained the expectation of sadness, but had not anticipated the physical, mental, or emotional changes she was experiencing. She did not know what was happening to her. I totally get that church becomes a fraction of the foundational structure in the life of its attendees, and I questioned what that meant to this officer. Why were there so many deep emotions over moving from one assignment of God to another, especially considering this officer felt strongly that God wanted the move? What I eventually learned was she was experiencing several other major life events at the same time, the loss of a loved one, a failed relationship, and the void she described as a betrayal by many in her church. She found herself struggling with isolation, lack of sleep and appetite, and no energy or desire to continue normal behavior. I realized the officer’s issues went deeper than my qualifications, and my referral to a counselor soon revealed that the officer was dealing with depression. Depression exists in every walk of life, including the church, and often goes undetected. There are many stories in scripture of major leaders called by God who struggled with depression. In I Samuel 30, David is greatly distressed and depressed because the very people who had stood by his side, previously, now spoke of stoning him. In his grief, David had the presence of mind to do three major things: 1. “David encouraged himself in The Lord His God.” He spoke the word over his mind, body, and the situation. Often, when believers are in a bad place, we forget the thing to do is remind God of His Word. 2. David sent for the Ephod, a sacred symbol of prayer. For believers, the Ephod could represent a prayer closet, gospel music, or even sitting by lakes or rivers. 3. “David inquired of The Lord” how to proceed from his current position, “Shall I pursue.” David did not wait for things to get better, he did not hide his grief, nor did he make a move without God, and neither should we. If believers could make a situation better, I am certain they would; but without God, nothing gets better. Many leaders are simply not qualified to recognize the signs of depression, and many congregants are very skilled at hiding them. Often, believers do not feel comfortable revealing something as flawed as depression. The church is one of the many tools God uses to get His children what they need. Counselors are another. God raised up Christian counselors, and He equipped them with skills to help with depression. There is no shame attached to using all of God’s resources. David knew that. His relationship with God freed him to utilize everything God provided. The result was God’s answer, “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all.” The devil’s job is to use stigmas like being ashamed to get help to keep believers in depression. However, that is not God’s will. God is Jehovah Rapha. He heals everything! His will is for believers to be whole, whole in joy and peace, sound in mind and body, free in soul and spirit. Pursue, for you shall recover all! BE BLESSED – BE FREE


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Chef Tiffany Lewis 1 pint, 16 oz. sour cream, room temperature 1 lemon, zested 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract Fo r the Crust: I n a mi xing bowl, combin e the ing redie nts until evenly y moistened. Add one tablespoon of the crumbs to a Nonstick r em oveable bottoms 2-i nch i ndi vidual pan . Press the crumbs down into the base of each i ndi vidual bottom. Plac e in ove n for 7 mi n ut e s until cru st ge ts golden b rown . Take out and let completely cool. F or the Fi lling: In a mixing bowl, beat the cream chee se on low speed for 2 o min utes until smooth without lumps. Add 1 egg at a time, and continue to beat on low speed until completely combined. Gradually add the sugar and beat until creamy, 2 to 3 minute s.

Photo credits: Marc Anthony BabyCa kes is our featured Chef in Sistah's Kitchen sharing one of her favorite dessert treats in bit size. BabyCakes by Tiffany Owner/Chef 630 473 5180

Bab yCakes Cheesecake Bites Preheat the oven to 300 degrees Farenheit Yield: 24 cheesecake bites Cust: 1 1/2 cup Biscotti cookie ( finely ground) 4 Tb ls melte d butter Fi lling: 2 (8 oz .) blocks cream cheese,softened 3 eggs, room temperature 1 cup fine sugar

Add sour cream, lemon zest, and vanilla. Scrape down the sides of the mixing bowl, and continue to mix until well combined but be careful not to over-mix. Add 2 tablespoons of filling to each cookie crust molds. Tap slightly on the counterto p to release the air bubbles. Set the individual 2-inch Chee secake pan on a large piece of aluminum foil and fold up the sides around on it. Plate the pan in a large roasting pan. Pour boiling water into large roasting an until the water is about half way up the sides of the cheesecake pan. Bake for 20 minutes. The Cheesecake should still jiggle, but also be firm. Careful not to over bake. Let cool in pan for 15 minutes. Chill in the refrigerator, loosely covered, for at least 4 hours. Lift individual Cheesecakes from molds and transfer to a serving platter. Top individual Cheesecake bites with seasonal fruit.

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T r a c e e Ga r n e r P u r p o s e D r i v e n A u t h o r B y Cl e o p a t r a

An author, a speaker, a writing coach and a course creator; Tracee Lydia Garner made her first bold leap into writing out of depression a long time back in college, as she sat as a creative in a Maths for Liberal Arts class she was failing. Her purpose was revealed in this dark moment, as she crafted what she considers her fastest, and first published novella for ‘The BET Books’ contest she eventually won the grand prize for, with little to no prior experience in novella writing.

As the author fondly recalls that episode: “I saw a contest online one night just surfing at home. I was likely supposed to be doing the very homework I hated, and I felt the contest and God, I'm sure, speak to me. It was like it said, "Here, see this? Go Do this right now." I knew this was it and so God inspired my writing… I honestly didn’t know much about how a story was supposed to flow”. From that moment on, Tracee Lydia Garner has continued to center her life’s work on her most profound passion and priority numero uno, writing. She keeps an impressively full plate as a writer, speaker, and coach helping people uncover their talents and live more independently.



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In the really laid-back and thoughtful voice of the author, she walks our correspondents through how she manages to keep her hands in so many pies. “I think that these, what I call extensions of myself, were born out of one thing I keep coming back to, and that is writing… I can repurpose for lots of different things because these are my passions, and I think they are the same, which helps with focus. Now, If they were varied passions… it would be much more difficult to realize them”. To all the extensions of her passion for writing, the author brings in her witty, fun and easy-going self; a preoccupation with improved time management and goal setting; and a burning passion to exploring the ups-anddowns of everyday life and relationships. She quite frankly contests: “I don't think people think about things deeply enough, and everything, every motivation, and act comes across for most people as whatever is simply on the surface, what you see. I think it's that deeper thinking at times, that makes me a good writer”. The author has honed her disability and limitations into a priceless opportunity to observe the complex world around her, and this has helped her craft age like fine wine over the decades. complex world around her, and this has helped her craft age like fine wine over the decades. All through her prolific and impressive career as a writer; the author has not only etched a spot in the hearts of readers but has stood the tests of time. Herself, she continues to hold a deep admiration and draw inspiration from other authors who have stuck it out with the tough work ethics and dedication that the writing business demands through the years and the shifting tides. As she admits: “When you see an author have the 20, 30 plus years in the biz, you can’t help but love, admire and strive to do the same as they have done. It’s often their career, love of craft, their dedication and perseverance that I am watching and reading nowadays”. The author holds a soft spot for some the seasoned African-American romance authors like Donna Hills and Jacqueline Thomas, whose works she first came across in the romance genre. She was first fascinated by their stories, and as a writer, she admires their work ethics. She has also more recently grown fond of the works of Irene Hannon, and other Christian Fiction authors like her. What keeps her admiration for these is the sheer longevity of the careers.

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To the author: “From a writer standpoint… the work ethic gets hard to stick with, especially now with some authors experiencing dwindling sales and more vehicles to try to make a sale”. Standing on the shoulders of more than two decades of the prolific writer herself, Tracee Garner can see in retrospect that a writer’s journey has all the feel of an exciting relationship. The starts, the stops, the love, the hates, the hard and the frustrations all make the journey worth it. To aspiring authors, she spurs: “The time has never been easier to publish your book… There are so many modes to get published… If you dream of writing a book, wonderful, go for it and give if all you've got. I think you should also be aware of and be realistic. Her candid advice to anyone dreaming of writing: Being an author can be perceived as glamorous when it's hard work. Go into with eyes wide and ask people. Ask lots and lots of authors what it's like, and don't forget you need readers and testers on your initial work before you put it out there to the masses. I find that many, many people skip this step. You can't do that. Getting real feedback on your work now will set you up for long-term success. It will hurt and make you question your abilities (at times), but you will be so much better for having those experiences now rather than getting down the road and having some hard punches, later”. So, what has this dedicated writer been up to of late? In her upcoming book, Whatever May Come - the first in a four-book series; we follow on the journey of two hearts pulled together by fate and their soft spots for teaching children, but drawn apart by the baggage of their past they continue to carry. Chase; a divorced teacher grows attracted to Tisha, a young and sheltered school teacher. Joggling the hassles of single parenthood with the sour taste of a spend-thrift ex-wife always on his neck for more money; the former football sensation must scale the hurdle of the paparazzi looking for juicy scoops of gossip and scandal to make love work. Tisha must also hold strong, as she embraces the storm all about Chase, battling with baggage from her own past. As one heart pushes through this journey drawn by the irresistible attraction to the other, would their love win, in the end, Whatever May Come? The book seamlessly blends the easy-to-relate-with world of everyday life with simply fascinating characters carrying the same soul as larger-than-life characters the author had actually encountered away from the world of fiction. In the author’s unique, contemplative style, the title for this book is inspired by the lyrics of Chaka Khan’s Through the Fire. The spirit of the book is beautifully expressed in the line: "Through whatever Come What May...", as twinkles of love would have to go through whatever, come what may burn into a beautiful fire. This is what Tracee Garner wants every reader to take away: “Love can change hearts and minds. Relationships don't come like we want or in the packaging, we imagined or desired. I also simply want people to be inspired, have fun, and then be like, that was so good, where's the next book from her? LOL”. Beyond ‘Whatever May Come’, she is excited about the upcoming release of her four-books Parker series from now into next year and starting up a YouTube channel for her brand. We are certainly excited to see where the future leads with this passionate author.



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Photo credits: Karl Ray

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by Mar cie Hlil

Chicago native SandyRedd captivated the world with her powerful vocals on the 15th season of The Voice. Although she did not win the top spot, she is clearly a winner. In addition to beating over 10,000 people in auditions to place number 13 in the competition, she was coached and mentored by Grammy Award-winning recording artist, Academy Award-winning actress Jennifer Hudson. And, based on comments on different blogs, fans loved her. Since being eliminated from the show, SandyRedd is currently "taking the world by storm" with Redd Fever, an epidemic based on the effect she has on people musically. Music has the power to change things. She understands the power of music, as well as the responsibility that comes with having this gift. Redd Fever represents a wave of change that's going to take over whether you asked for it or not; a change that is led by a "Legacy Of Love."

Her mother, Evangelist Margaret Owens-Bussie, left such a legacy. She had a genuine love for people which she displayed through word and action. “She was such a selfless individual and just an overall good person. So I strive every day to be even half of what she was,” says SandyRedd. Evangelist Owens-Bussie was also “a dynamic force that understood the power of music and she made sure that we understood it too,” recalled SandyRedd.

Photo: The Voice 2018

She taught her eight children how to sing. Every morning before school they had Bible lessons followed by music lessons. She used the piano to teach them scales and harmonies, and they learned new songs every day for upcoming shows that she had at different churches and neighborhood functions. They actually grew up as her background singers.


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Today, SandyRedd is spreading love and keeping her mother’s memory alive through the 9th Annual Mama's Birds Performing Arts Youth Summer Program. Started in 2011, the program focuses on mentorship through music. “We give our youth a true artist development experience while making sure that we focus on cultivating the next wave of good and decent human beings in this music industry.” The participants get singing, dancing, acting and songwriting lessons, along with free photo shoots, studio recording sessions, celebrity guest speakers and bio development. They also perform in a finale showcase. “It's so important to me to continue my mothers work; she was truly a pure example of what love was supposed to look like…We provide our youth with a standard of love, self-worth, motivation and a sense of accomplishment.” How did being a contestant on The Voice help SandyRedd on her journey? “It allowed me to experience a taste of where God is taking me.” She took time to reevaluate and prioritize differently in order to prepare for that next level of greatness.

Most importantly, she learned how to appreciate all of the moments that led to that next level. “I've spent so much of my career working so hard and doing so much to reach this ‘goal’ that I never stopped to recognize what I've already accomplished and to appreciate it. So The Voice experience definitely stopped me in my tracks and allowed me to see the fruits of my labor.” Being on the show gave SandyRedd worldwide exposure. “It allowed people to see what I've been doing on a global scale so that my work can continue. This allows my mother’s legacy to live on at a higher level.” As for love from her hometown, “Chicago has shown me nothing but love everywhere I go, even before the show. So I'm so grateful to have the support of my city behind me!” And to show her love for Chicago, SandyRedd recently had a Redd Fever Promo Concert 2019 at the Harold Washington Cultural Center on April 28th. The event kicked off with a VIP reception hosted by Laroyce Hawkins, star of NBC’s Chicago PD television show. There were voice performances by Makenzie Thomas, Patrique Fortson, Franc West and special guest performances by Eva Ruwe and her sister, Mys Michelle. Visit to find out about more events from this powerhouse singer.

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Mee t Shauntae Ward-New Editor (Chicago) Hello Everyone! I am excited to introduce myself as one of the latest additions to the Sistah’s Place family. I have been writing for a long time now, for both passion and profession. I have divulged on various topics and genres. However the most difficult for me has to be writing about myself; I guess that’s the life of a mom. For the past 11 years, life has been all about my family and me often my needs to get buried in the daily motherly tasks. However, my children would call it weird. I make up silly dance moves to make my kids laugh; I listen to old school R&B to mellow my nerves, I eat tacos as often as humanly possible. I cry at commercials; well at pretty much anything. I am emotional yet stoic, both silly and serious. As my cousin would call it, I am a wonderful exception. I am a work in progress, but I am also beautifully made. I am Shauntae Ward.

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