SEPTEMBER 2022 / SPECIAL EDITION SISTAH’S PLACE CONTENTS 15 THEA CAMARA: Living Her Vision and Loving It! by Marcie Hill Letrise9-11 CarterBreast Cancer Re sources Thea15-18 Camara: Living Her Vision and Loving It! 20 5 Enriching Reads for LivingEnlightenedforWomen by Jennifer Brown Banks 22 A Gift to Myself And The Ones I Love by Henderson-SmithPillar Women’s Health: COVER Story: Literary: Money & Wealth : 05 Words from Our CEO 6-7 Contributors & Editors 24 MONEY WEALTH& Breaking The Debt Cycle by Tish Griffin Cover Design-Tyron Roshantha Magazine Layout Graphic Design- Nizngr Cover Story Photo Credit- Nancy Valy www.sistahsplace.com

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• Kimberla Lawson Roby-December 2020
• Richard Gallion- July/August
• DeMane Davis- March
• Noree Victoria- July
Our print magazine story begins with the first issue in May 2018 with the CEO gracing the cover. As I look back at the many covers, one can see the growth, the vision unfolds, and the maturity of the woman behind the magazine with a dream so big that it will knock you off your feet. I feel blessed, grateful, and thankful for the people who graced the Sistah’s Place Cover. I celebrate and honor you and our loyal readers.
• John L. Ruffin – January/February
• Aretha Tatum- December 2019
• Joyce Dawkins-March/April
• A’Lelia Bundles- July
Can you believe Sistah’s Place started as an online blog at www.sistahsplace2.blogspot. com ? The blog is still in existences as it reminds us all just how we got started. It’s astonishing how something that starts so small grows into a platform that shines the light on creatives without worrying about how big your followers are. It’s humbling as I look back where we started to where we are now. It’s even more mind blowing to see where we are heading. God has a might plan for Sistah’s Place. He never meant for us to stay small and only reach a little, but more so the masses. We were all connected to have an impact in the lives of women of all ages. We are embracing the journey that has set its footprints in a path for creatives to step into the light and shine.
• Felicia Pride– April
• Sandy Redd- May/June
• Letrise Carter-May
• Tracy Kincaid- December 2022
I like to thank the countless contributors to the magazine sharing their many gifts and talents with our readers over the years. Thank you for helping to pour into the dream of this queen. I am forever grateful for your patience, love, kindness, and your stories. We are going back to our digital platform and a fresh look will be revealed in the coming months. Come continue this amazing journey with us.
Thank you, Sistah’s Place Team
• Angela Anderson-October/November
• Letrise Carter- October 2021
• Letrise Carter- October
• Thea Camara- September
Timeline history of creatives to bless our covers: 2018
• Terisa Griffin- October/November
• Myrna Gale -June
• Pastor Paulette Harper August/September
Welcome to SEPTEMBER 2022
From The Desk Our Chief Editor & CEO

Women’s Health

As of woman who is celebrating 3 years Breast Cancer Free, it’s extremely important that we take care of ourselves and become our own advocates for our health. Our health position is extremely important because we are the foundation to our family. We are the caregivers, nurturers, supermoms, and teachers. If we are not strong then we cannot continue to care for those we love. Get your health checks early.
Letrise T. Carter Founder and Chief Editor

In this issue, we provide inspiration to the many women fighting Breast Cancer, share resources for support as we are not alone in this fight against cancer. The sisters at Sistah’s Place walk in their truth with stories that will be informational, impactful, empowering, and entertaining.

Our Fall issue is an issue worth celebrating. We celebrate Women’s health in this special edition of Sistah’s Place.
I will leave you with two perfect quotes that is powerful reminders to women just how important our health is. “A Woman’s health is her capital.” Harriet Beecher Stowe. “When women take care of their health, they become their best friend”. Maya Angelou .
Carmen Elle Sr. Editor
Carmen Elle is an author and editor from Columbus, Ohio. A self-proclaimed book nerd, Carmen holds an M.A. in English and Creative Writing from Southern New Hampshire University and currently serves as Senior Editor for Sistah’s Place Magazine and works as a literary coach with the incredible collective, Literary B.A.E., helping writers just like herself take their manuscripts from computer file to books in the hands of their readers. www.carmenelle.com
Editors Editors
Jennifer Brown Banks Sr. Editor/Contributor

Jennifer Brown Banks is an award-winning content creator, creative strategist, editor, author, columnist and writer-entrepreneur. Over the decades, her articles, poetry and commentary pieces have appeared extensively in print and online publications which include Today’s Black Woman Magazine, Chicago Sun-Times, Being Single Magazine, Rigorous Journal and Rolling Out. Banks holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management. She formerly served on the board of directors of Chicago Writers Association for ten years. Learn more at Newsbreak.com. jennifer-brown-banks-561129www.original.newsbreak.com/@
Tish Griffin
Marcie Hill
Attorney Pillara Smith-Henderson

Marcie Hill is a freelance writer, blogger, trainer, and author who left her job and a 12-year career in human resources to pursue her dream of writing. She owns three blogs; has authored and self-published eight books, and has presented at national and local writing, blogging, and social media conferences. She is currently working toward making her dreams come true and helping others do the same. Visit her website www.marciewrites.com
Pillara Henderson-Smith is an attorney with a focus on estate planning. Shortly after graduating with a Juris Doctorate from The John Marshall Law School and early into her legal career, she was called to serve as a Children’s Ministry Director. It is in that role she developed a passion for building relationships and supporting families. That same passion has become the foundation of her estate planning practice, where she builds relationships and supports families with the creation of unique plans for life transitions of mental or physical incapacity and death. With each transition comes a change and her goal is to empower individuals to create a plan for their family that allows for a legacy of support, stability, security, and peace of mind. Visit her website www.hendersonsmithlaw.com
Tish Griffin is a noted financial expert and guru. Her emphasis has been on financial literacy and empowering others to improve their situations. She holds multiple licenses and certifications in the financial services industry. Tish holds a Bachelor of Art in Business Management from Rockford University. She has been a consumer advocate by mediating on behalf of consumers against unfair collection practices for over two decades. Tish currently hosts the “Tish Talks” podcast dedicated to financial empowerment. She hosts a weekly phone-in TV show on Chicago cable access dedicated to financial literacy. She strives to help create financial freedom, stability, and wealth. In her free time, she enjoys creating memories with family. Her love of art and theater fuels her dream of creating these memories and loving life. Visit her podcast at www.anchor.fm/tish-griffin8

you to other women just like you. You will be surprised how a conversation will lift your spirit, help you understand the side effects, open your mind to an extended support group, and even develop new friendships. The below resources are free to current and past cancer survivors. I am happy to share the information given to me so that we continue to be informed and empowered regarding resources, programs, and facilities that can help women like us.
Lodging: • Joe’s House: www.joeshouse.org (nonprofit
When you or a loved one is diagnosed with Breast Cancer it helps to know the resources and supportive services available to get through some of the most difficult times of life. Did you know that there are resources available for Breast Cancer patients and survivors to help them physically, mentally, financially, and emotionally? I didn’t learn of all these resources until my second diagnosis in 2020 with Breast Cancer from Cancer Treatment Center of America (CTCA) Cancer Fighters group. I absolutely love this organization because they provide more than just care for their patients but valuable resources and a network to connect
By Letrise Carter

• American Cancer Society: www.cancer.org Finds accommodations for cancer patients who must travel for outpatient treatment.
• HOPE Lodge: 800-227-2345 Gives patients and caregivers a free place to stay while receiving treatment.
• Cancer Care: www.cancercare.org Helps with lodging and other financial medical care needs.
• Giving Back/Uber – 1-800-593-7069 – www. uber.com – will help patients find rides to chemo/doctor appointments.
• Angel Flight at 1-877-621-7177, www. angelflightamerica.org Is supported entirely by the generosity of the volunteer pilots who donate the costs of every flight, tax-deductible donations from individuals and corporations, and grants from foundations.
• Castaways for Recovery. Healing retreat for women with cancer. www.castingforrecovery. org. Phone: 888-553-3500.
• Harmony Hill Healing Retreat
• organization that helps cancer patients and their families find a place to stay when traveling away from home for medical treatment).
• Little Pink House of Hope. A nonprofit organization that provides peaceful beachside retreats at no cost to those battling cancer. www.littlepink.org. Phone 336-213-4733
• Reel Recovery
• Stowe Weekend of Hope
• Keys for HOPE: www.ecoxplorer.com Offers cancer patients and their caregivers free hotel rooms if they must travel far from home for treatment.
• MERCY MEDICAL ANGELS. 888-675-1405 / mercymedical.org. Helps find charitable transportation for patients.
Below are other resources that offer some form of assistance, resources, support, and guidance to help those, and their families cope with Breast Cancer. It’s important for patients to understand their options, resources, and treatments available. No woman should have to make the choice of saying no to treatment because she does not have the funds to cover related costs.
• Nancy’s List. Camping retreats. www. nancyslist.org . Phone number: not listed.
• Wind River Retreat
• Miracle Flights – (702) 261-0494 – www.miracleflights. org – provides free flights to those in need of lifechanging medical care.
• American Cancer Society – 800-227-2345 offers lots of support in various manners.
• The National Cancer Institute is an organization that keeps track of all the cancer hospitals across the United States and may be able to help a patient find treatment or a local second opinion/ doctor/cancer specialist/hospital: http://www. cancer.gov or (800) 422-6237 (offers clinical trials and disease specific information); their website also has a great dictionary function for medical terms.
• Road to Recovery (American Cancer Society) –1-800-227-2345 – www.cancer.org – provides transportation to and from treatment for people with cancer who do not have a ride or are unable to drive themselves.
• Camp Make-A Dream
• CORPORATE ANGEL NETWORK. 914-328-1313 / www.corpangelnetwork.org Cancer patients fly free.
• Cancer Care at 1-800-813-4673, www. cancercare.org Offers financial help, education, support groups, and access to a social worker.
• The Family Cancer Retreat
• Medwise at www.medwisehealthcare.com Offers help to get medications free or at no cost.
• National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship’s website you can select “search” to view dozens of links to cancer types, clinical trials, support groups, common side effects, nutrition, and many more resources than I can list here, www. canceradvocacy.org.
• Patient Advocate Foundation’s Co-Pay Relief Patient Assistance Program at 1-866-512-3861, www.copays.org offers financial assistance to afford co-payments that are required by insurance companies.
• CANCERCARE CO-PAYMENT ASSISTANCE FOUNDATION 866-552-6729 / cancercarecopay. org. Helps with co-pays.
• CLEANING FOR A REASON – provides free house cleaning for cancer patients. www. cleaningforareason.org – 877-337-3348
• WhatNext –www.whatnext.com – 800-227-2345 provides monthly nontoxic house cleaning to all cancer patients, regardless of type of cancer, for up to one year.

I salute all these agencies whose purpose is to help women like me get through traumatic life experiences. Being a Breast Cancer survivor, I was blessed by many of these organizations during my time with a ride to and from treatment, food, support groups, care packages, and classes. These organizations give their time, hope, love, and heart to get us through our treatments. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
• Medicine Assistance at www.PPARx.org – Helps patients and caregivers with health related needs.
• Needy Meds at www.Needymeds.com Offers help with medications.
• RX Assist at 1-800-332-2056, www.rxassist.org Offers assistance to patients without prescription drug coverage who meet income requirements.
• CANCER LEGAL RESOURCE CENTER 866-8432572 / cancerlegalresources.org. Free legal information and resources.
• Health Well Foundation, 1-800-675-8416, www. healthwellfoundation.org Helps with prescription medicines.
• Partnership for Prescription Assistance, www. PPARx.org offers help with prescription drugs and sometimes patients can get them free or nearly free.
• HEALTHWELL FOUNDATION 800-675-8416 / healthwellfoundation.org. Reduces financial barriers to medical care.

Women’sHealth 13

By Letrise Carter
I promise to stand by your side as you go through chemotherapy. I promise to bring you tea and ginger as you subdue the side effects of chemo! I promise to hold your hand as the stylist shaves your hair to a low cut in effort to prepare you mentally and physically for the loss of your beautiful hair. I promise you that your hair will grow back! It’s just hair and your life is worth so much more than the hair lost, I promise...
I promised to cook to help nourish your spirit and soul. Most importantly, I promise to love you for who you are as I know in my heart God is watching over you. My promise is simple my sister, I promise to stay along with you throughout this journey to survivorship!
A Promise To My Sisters
I promise to just sit with you quietly through every round of radiation. I promise the fatigue will get better. I promise you will gain your strength back. I promise to bring your protein shakes and hugs every day, I promise. I promise to walk with you even when the days are low, and you don’t feel like being bother. I promise to talk with you to help ease your mind of worries big and small. I promise to make you smile even on the days you have no strength or energy. I promise to pray with you, for you, and over you every day. I promise you that God will never leave you. I promise you my sister, this journey will make you stronger. I promise you my sister that you will beat this!

By Marcie Hill
the seeds of the possibility of being an actress for this seven-year-old. Playing by herself and singing and dancing for her parents’ guests increased her desire to act.
Entertainment COVER STORY
“I remember watching Thelma and Penny on Good Times and thinking to myself, ‘I can do that. I would love to do that,” recalls actress, producer and writer Thea Camara. Seeing those two black actresses on television planted

During her time off, she was watching the Monique Show when actress Tasha Smith, who was a guest on the show, started talking about her acting workshop. Thea made a snap decision to attend the workshop. She called and left a voicemail message, and Tasha Smith called her back the next day personally. She told Thea, “When you get here, make sure I know who you are.” They connected at the workshop and they have become friends.
Thea’s first acting role as a child was a lamb in a church play. Then she was a mean girl in a high school play. These opportunities were getting her closer to being on TV like Thelma and Penny until her dream came to a halt after a conversation with her father. He asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up. “I remember him kinda shooting it down because I told him ‘in the arts‘; I wanted to be an actress.” He gave her several reasons why it wouldn’t work “…so I buried it. I buried it deep. I just thought that was not an option for me ever. EVER.”
After that heartbreaking conversation, Thea went on with life, burying her dream even deeper. She attended college, studied marketing and organizational leadership, and

then started working. Although she tried to run away from her passion, the Spirit wouldn’t let her. Neither would her husband, friends and family members who encouraged her to pursue her passion. “A lot of them thought that because of my personality I’d be great at it. They actually saw it for me.” Deep in her heart, she always knew that there was more for her to do. It wasn’t until she took the time off from corporate America that “God/the spirit entered and forced me to lean into my passion for acting.”
That break came over 10 years ago while she was working as a business development manager at a telecom company. Some leaders at the company did something shady, which made Thea question their integrity. During a meeting where they were trying to justify their unethical actions, Thea said to herself, “When they get through talking, I’m going to my desk and I’m going to gather all my stuff …and they ain’t never going to see me anymore.” After leaving, she went home, told her husband what happened and took a year off.
“Working independent films has paved a way for me” and director and producer Christopher A. Nolen has given her plenty opportunities to live her dream. To date, Thea has worked on 10 projects with him, the first being 72 Hours in 2015. She’s learned so much about the business, being an
A true creative, Thea’s abilities extend beyond the entertainment industry. She loves painting, cooking, entertaining and hanging out with friends and family. “Anything I do that’s artsy or dealing with the arts, it’s really therapeutic for me. It calms me, I have time to think and create…” She returned back to painting during the pandemic and actually sold several pieces after posting them on her social media networks.
Later, her agent sent her to audition for Spike Lee’s movie, Chiraq. Thea didn’t get the role she wanted but was hired as a featured extra with lines. On the last day of an eleven-day shoot, she was sitting in the hallway when Lee saw her and said, “Hey, what are you doing out here? We need you over here.” He summoned his team to get her ready and she was placed in a scene with Angela Bassett and Irma P. Hall, the grandmother from the Soul Food movie, and four other women. He gave them all a line to speak. She is grateful for Lee for the role and for making her obtain her SAG card (Screen Actors Guild).
“I remember him kinda shooting it down because I told him ‘in the arts‘; I wanted to be an actress.” He gave her several reasons why it wouldn’t work “…so I buried it. I buried it deep. I just thought that was not an option for me ever. EVER.”
After the workshop, Thea was pumped and started auditioning for plays, commercials and movies. “I couldn’t even believe it…I was like, “Look at God.” She started applying on her own and landed her first role as a church lady in a play titled I’ve been Redeemed within a couple months. She didn’t have an agent for a year-anda-half and still landed projects.
actress on the set and producing from him. In fact, she was the Executive Director of Nolen’s A Christmas Gift. Thea had expanded her portfolio to include writing scripts and screenplays and coaching other actors.
With bold ambition and sense of purpose, Thea started pursuing her passion of acting in her 40s, which she describes as “liberating, freeing, nervous, exciting because I had allowed the 7 or

3). Be a student of yourself. You can’t rely on a lot of people to help you. Use Google to search for what you need, take classes and learn everything you can.
She has been in films, television shows, stage plays, commercials and print ads. Her portfolio includes 91l, Johnson, The Chi, The Visit movie. Upcoming projects include Landscape with Invisible Hands with Tiffany Haddish, a commercial for Old National Bank and a print ad for Edward Jones. She is also a local board member for SAG-AFRA.

People have different excuses for not pursuing their dreams, but Thea has the following advice to everyone who is afraid to make a move.
“When I looked at my IMDB, when I look at pictures and stuff of the people I’ve worked with, I’m still in awe. I’m blown away that God has allowed me to do something that I love so much. Just carved out this little space just for me.”
8-year-old girl to do something she’s always wanted to do.”
To find out about Thea’s upcoming projects, check her out on Instagram and TikTok @ TheaCamara and find her on IMDB.
Photo Credits of Actress- Nancy Valy
1). Find your passion, that one thing you could do all day and never get paid for it.
2). Do not be afraid to lean in. “It is courage and magic when you lean in to the unknown because you don’t know what’s going to happen. We only have this one life that God has given us…lean in more and learn more.”

In today’s tough economic times, becoming more financially literate can be the ticket to survival. This book goes beyond the rudimentary advice like “saving for a rainy day” and “pay yourself first”. It helps women to recognize how their values, perceptions, and habits influence their wealth, and what can be done to make the absolute most of the cash that they make.
5. 30 DAYS TO TAMING YOUR TONGUE---By Deborah Smith Pegues
A good book is like a cherished handbag. It makes us feel enhanced. It’s functional. It transcends trends and fads. Particularly if the good book happens to be of the self-help genre; it becomes an important “accessory” that carries us through the many seasons of our lives. Well written books transform us, enlighten, elevate, and empower. They help us to perform better in our vital roles as mothers, wives, teachers, sisters, daughters, friends. They become like bibles for better living. With this in mind, here are five recommended reads for today’s woman seeking to live with purpose, passion, and greater perspective in 2022.

Ladies, if you have limited money or time to add just a few reads to your “must read” list this year, this should be in the front running. Oddly, this was an accidental discovery. Here’s why. I was a big fan of Richard Carlson, PH. D. and his popular “Don’t Sweat” series. So when I came across this book at a local thrift store, (written by his wife) I was intrigued; so I immediately bought it. What a major score! Women will discover sage advice similar to that offered by a best friend. So rich with valuable gems, I would even recommend it for gift giving.
4. Your Next Level Life---By Karen Arrington
If you’ve ever been guilty of speaking before you think, this book is for you.
2. Simple Abundance---By Sarah Ban Breathnach
The “Good Book” tells us that the power of life and death exists in the tongue. And it goes without saying that knowing when to speak and when to exercise personal restraint can make or break your relationships. In 30 dynamic chapters, Certified Behavioral Consultant, Smith Pegues, speaks on the many ways that we can improve our communication skills and the quality of our interactions with others. It gives new meaning to the expression, “Silence is golden.”
Read and heed.
introspective, and focused on things that really matter in the overall scheme of things. It’s a must read for modern women seeking to “be more and not just buy more”
By Jennifer Brown Banks
Chapters include: Bust your boredom blues; cut your friends some slack; and stop comparing yourself to the media measuring stick.
1. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff---By Kristine Carlson
Given to me by my dear friend Carol, many moons ago, this book remains a constant source of comfort and inspiration. Sarah helps readers to become more reflective,
Add these five timely titles to your reading list this year to add to your quality of life in times ahead. Note, most of these books can be purchased through Amazon.com or your local book retailer. Miroshnichenko
Feature Photo Credits-Tima
3. Smart Women Finish Rich---By David Bach
This title is a quick read with lasting impact! Authored by the founder of The Miss Black USA Pageant, it provides 7 rules on power, confidence, and opportunity for women of color. But, in the spirit of “keeping it real,” the advice really applies to women regardless of ethnic background. It shares solid wisdom on an array of personal and professional topics. Additionally, there’s a prompting journal included at the end of the book for greater discovery and focus.

of all you have created, built, developed, and nurtured during your life.
When you think of your estate plan you should think of it as a gift. A gift to yourself and to the ones you love the most. Having a plan ensures that you will have the quality of life you desire even in the event of a mental or physical incapacity. Having a plan ensures that you can define what dying with dignity means to you. Having a plan also means you can leave a legacy to whomever you choose
I can confidently say that although most of my clients initially do not enjoy talking about their estate plan, by the end of the process when the final drafts have been printed and all the necessary pages have been signed, each client gives a sigh of relief and says, “I am so happy I did this. It gives me peace.”
If you are reading this article and do not have an estate plan, I encourage you to talk with an estate planning attorney in your area to get a better understanding of what a comprehensive estate plan looks like for you. If you are in the Chicagoland area, this is my personal invitation for you to give my office a call and schedule a free consultation. I would love to chat with you about all the essential estate planning documents that can help give you peace of mind.

By Pillara Henderson-Smith
By Marcie Hill
Ihave found that most of my clients initially do not enjoy talking about their estate planning. The questions I ask and the conversations that follow are often described as, “heavy”. The questions and conversations force you to think and talk about your mental and physical health when they are not at 100% full capacity. The questions and conversations also force you to think and talk about your death. Logically we know the importance of planning for the inevitability of all three of these things however, in the words of a recent client, “they are all kind of morbid to think about.” To that I respectfully say, “no.”

Where do you begin?
fixes aren’t always the best solutions. As in the words of that famous old adage, “If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is”. We think we fix it, but then the bad habits start all over again. We find ourselves back in the place we started and sometimes worse off. We feel discouraged and succumb to the thought, that there is no way out. It’s a vicious cycle we just can’t get out of. But, having and maintaining a balanced budget and getting out of debt, is not a quick fix. It took you time to get into debt, so you will need lots of patience to get out from under it.
With our daily life stressors, we continue to manage our finances the best we can, usually looking for a quick fix to end our credit woes and issues. Quick

Thinking back on life and growing up, I realized I didn’t always approach money in the correct way. I thought I knew everything I was supposed to know. I figured, if there was anything more important to know, I would have learned it in school, right? There was a love-hate relationship with money. I loved to spend it and hated not having it. I wasn’t equipped with the necessary skills to budget and manage finances. I felt ashamed and embarrassed. I couldn’t reach out for help or talk to anyone. I couldn’t let on that as an adult, I didn’t know how to manage life or debt. I was spiraling out of control. I began to pay attention to those around me and realized, I wasn’t alone. I wasn’t the only one feeling lost when it came to money and finances.
So many of us wonder why we don’t have money, where it all goes each month and why can’t we keep it. It starts with us recognizing where we are right now, paying attention to our mental money mindset, and establishing a monthly spending plan. Start with identifying how you see money.
By Tish Griffin
Do I find myself being down because I don’t have money?
us clearly define our goals. This invokes a newfound discipline to distinguish between wants and actual needs. Initiating small mindset changes can position us to begin to reach our financial goals.
You can get your finances under control by developing a plan of action along with your budget or spending plan. Your budget or spending plan will be unique to you and your individual situation. The key to developing a practical spending plan is to have clearly defined goals. These goals help prevent you from making foolish choices. We tend to overspend, overdraft, and pay extra in interest and fees when we don’t keep our goals in mind.
Your financial goals should be attainable based on your circumstances and situation. They do not need to be complex but should be specific to ensure you can accomplish them. Start by setting three financial goals. The first goal is considered short-term. This should be something you can accomplish within the next 12 months. The second goal should be something you can accomplish within the next 24 months. And the last goal should be a long-term goal or something you can accomplish within the next five years. Remember, your goals are unique to you, designed by you, and you alone will accomplish them.
- What are your thoughts when you think about budgeting? What do you feel internally when you think about the bills coming due and you know you need to sit down and pay them?
It doesn’t matter what age you are; money problems happen. Unexpected bills and debt can pop up and threaten our financial peace. Our attitude in how we receive the disturbance also plays into how well we deal with the new stressors. We must remember that no matter what the circumstance, there is a way out. Once we realize this, it is easier to find the solution.
Think about all the money you’ve ever wasted. Most of us have a living room full of barely touched knickknacks. And you can probably relate to those small appliances and gadgets in your kitchen that go unused after the initial seal is broken. How much of this would you return just to have the money again? Thinking about all the money wasted in the past helps
The average person tends to have negative thoughts or emotions when it comes to budgeting, finances and paying bills.
It takes a lot of effort to consciously admit we are damaging our finances. Once you recognize and admit you can do better, you begin paying attention to your actions. For example, trying to keep track of income, expenses, and due dates in your head can often lead to trouble.
Allowing yourself to think differently about money and adjust your mindset will allow you to break the vicious cycle of debt. Instead of stressing about your current debt load make small steps to identify where you are financially. Then work to identify how you can adjust your mindset and lifestyle to accomplish your goals.

This process takes discipline and dedication. Any negative self-talk can hinder your progress. Do you use any negative self-talk when it comes to your finances? Ask yourself these questions:
Does talking about money make me uncomfortable?
Finding the right person to talk to about your finances has been known to help reduce stress and can open your eyes to change how you feel about your situation. To change your financial outlook, shift your mental mindset. Your dreams of financial freedom cannot be reached if you feel doomed from the start.
Am I sabotaging my own budget?
TesaGood debut for this author. I enjoyed the love triangle between the characters. It will be inter esting to read the sequel to find out the ultimate secret?
This book will have you talking to yourself! I got so caught up in the characters and what they were going to do next. A definite page-turner! I can’t wait for the next book to come out. Great job, Letrise Carter, on your first novel.
Meet Devin. He’s handsome, successful, and has a beautiful wife, who is equally accomplished. Devin’s lifestyle is one any man would dream of, but he’s not content. He has an appetite for women that his wife alone cannot curb. But soon, his playboy antics have him buried deep in a blackmail scandal and the only person who can fix it is the one person who can destroy his life. Taylor couldn’t ask for anything more. She has a wonderful life. From the outside, all seems perfect, but Taylor is harboring a secret that could end her marriage… and his name is Kelly.
Author: Letrise Carter is writer with a wild imagination of creativity. She enjoys writing fiction with a twist of romance and drama to keep you on the edge of your seat. Her debut novella series will do just that. The much anticipated follow up to Deceitful Secrets is expected out in 2023.

Visit her book Followwww.deceitfulsecrets.comseriesLetriseonallsocialmedia@AuthorLetrise@letrisecAuthorLetriseCarter

Book Synopsis

Toni Laure–
Renee Hackett-

What are the Readers Saying?
The storyline kept me on my toes the entire time. Just when u think the drama has subsided, Taylor and Devin find themselves in more compromising situations. I can’t wait until the sequel to see how the story unfolds.