Sistah's Place Jan/Feb 2019

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SISTAH'S PLACE Inspiration & Entertainment Magazine



JAN/FEB 2019


Check out Dr. Norma McLauchlin , “First Lady� is business owner, Author, and Speaker connects with women from all walks of life.

Meet Nicole Smith, an author on Chosen Pen Publishing. Pick up your copy today on Amazon and be sure to follow her on social media.


CO N T E N TS From the CEO’s Desk


Author Spotlight –Jolie Reine by Mia

Pg. 6

Small Business Feature: Renee Spivey by Terri Shayne

Pg. 9

Spiritual & Empowerment- Faith Berthey

Pg. 12

Cover Feature: John L. Ruffin by Terri Shayne

Pg. 14

Inspiration Corner- Jeanee Patton

Pg. 17

Black Love: Selena Haskins

Pg. 19

Black Appreciation: Aja Graves

Pg. 21

New T e a m m e m b e r s



Aja Graves

Faith Berthey




Terri Shayne

Jeanee Patton

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Twitter Sistahs’ Place @SistahsPlace2 Jan/Feb 2019


From The CEO’s Desk Welcome to 2019! This will be a beautiful, amazing, and phenomenal year for Sistah’s Place. Last year we rebranded our business and Sistah’s Place is now a division of Sistah’s Creative Media. A company focused on branding, media publishing, and social media. Looking back over 2018, I reflected on how we started and I see where we are heading. It makes me smile. Following your dreams and walking in purpose is what God wants us to do. It makes me very happy about what’s coming in 2019 for Sistah’s Place Magazine. Every year, I examine how to take us to the next level and what to bring our readers that they will fall in love with. I am learning that as your dreams for your business get bigger than your vision must grow as you grow in your purpose. Dreams are meant to get bigger. That is why we will be introducing throughout the year new team members, new layout design of our magazine, and new segment topics. Coming in 2019 to Sistah’s Place Magazine 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Sistah’s Kitchen Poetry Corner Small Business Experts Advice Fitness & Health Experts Mental Health Experts

Our magazine will continue to uplift, encourage, inform, educate, empower, and elevate our community about entertainment, leaders, authors, and small business. Sistah’s Place is here to do more than entertain. We are here to be a light for all those stepping out on faith to pursue their dreams and walk in purpose. The vision for us is clear! Let's continue to support and elevate one another. Inspirational Quote In the New Year, never forget to thank your past years because they enable you to reach today. Without the starts from the past, you cannot arrive at the future! Mehmet Murat Ildan Thank you for reading our magazine

Letrise T. Carter –

CEO of Sistah’s Creative Media/Chief Executive Editor Jan/Feb 2019


Author Spotlight with Jolie Reine: Confetti by Mia Thomas Meet Jolie Reine a young, driven, hopeless romantic from the south side of Atlanta, Georgia. Jolie graduated from Georgia State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and a Master’s Degree from Strayer University in Human Resource Management. While working full-time, Jolie strives to set an example for the youth that stepping out on faith. Jolie has written her debut novel Confetti released in November 2018. Confetti is a romantic love story about a modern-day grown-up the love that proves even with a little drama, happiness can happen, and she reminds her readers that not all urban love stories have to be chaos turned loved. Love can be easy if you have faith. Confetti is a book where she foreshadows her own life. What does Confetti mean? Jolie defined Confetti as a celebration of times, happiness, the finality of things, new beginnings, closing chapters, newness, and tears of pain. These are all emotions found in her love story. That is a unique way to define Confetti. Jan/Feb 2019


With every author’s story, there is always a message for the readers to take away after reading the story. We asked Jolie, what type of message she wants her audience to walk away with? She gave 8 key points for readers to take with them after reading Confetti. • • • • • • • •

Love is Easy and it does not have to hurt. Love does not have to be hard with the right person You don’t have to settle with just anyone to be in a relationship. You can have everything in a person just be patient. Continue to be yourself and someone will vibe with you. You don’t have to deal with drama or pain and believe that’s happiness. Your past does not have to be your future. You control what you deal with

These key take away points will lead you on the path to your very own Confetti. Powerful points like these make you ask the author, who inspired her to write? Surprisingly, Jolie’s therapist inspired her to write by giving her an assignment on happiness. That assignment turned into her first book. Her therapist continues to inspire Jolie to put her feelings down on paper and allow it to manifest itself. Her book came from the desire to love so Jolie wrote down exactly what she wanted. We are taught to write down our dreams, desires, and goals for them to be manifested into reality. By doing this, we activate a new mindset to create what our hearts desire to see. Jolie’s advice to aspiring writers is to just do it. You are the only thing holding you back. It’s time to take charge of your dreams and be great. Know that the road can be tedious and the process long, just stay the course. She highly recommends aspiring writers get a mentor that will guide, give advice, and walk them through the process. What’s next for author Jolie Reine? She is focused on building her brand, being more visible on social media, active with more book clubs, and starting her own book club to read books by indie authors. Jolie is writing her second book in the mists of building her author platform. Be sure to follow Jolie on her social media and purchase her book from her website. Congratulations Jolie on your debut novel Confetti. We support you and wish you nothing but the best. Jan/Feb 2019


Jolie’s social media Instagram: @iluvjoliereine Facebook: Website: Jan/Feb 2019


A New legacy: Women of Worth Ministries, Inc. with Renee Spivey by Terri Shayne Renee Spivey is a native of Huntsville, Texas. She is a ministry leader, author, and entrepreneur. Renee is the co-founder of Women of Worth Ministries Inc., a 501( c) 3 non-profit organization designed to help women recreate themselves back into the community. We believe by giving a woman hope for the future not only strengthens the woman and her family but strengthens a community as a whole. When a business is formed in our minds, the name that is chosen is usually a representation of our passion and our journey to who we were called to become. Women of Worth Ministries, Inc. name was chosen by Renee’s husband who told her the name fits the mission and who his wife is perfect. The mission is to show women that their past does not define them and that they are worthy of all the good things life has to offer. When your inspiration, passion, and purpose is aligned with your mission for your business then you are headed in the right direction. It helps confirm the calling on your life that drives you to help others. Renee’s own testimony would become the very tool to launch Women of Worth Ministries, Inc. So, what is her story? Renee always knew that she wanted to launch her business because she was a nurturer. However, it would take for her to go to prison and then released to confirm and validate what she was called to do. Like many, Renee didn’t heed to her calling until a couple years ago because she was afraid of telling her story and failing. Renee was under the impression that she didn’t have the credentials behind her name to be successful. She felt that is what people looked at and defined you as being successful. This is what Renee believed for a very long time. She had to learn that the letters behind your name don’t make you a successful person. However, the credentials help you stand out as an individual. But success is not defined by credentials its defined by what you do. Success comes in many forms. Letting go of that mindset and mentality set Renee apart and freed her mind from blocking her own blessings. Renee believes that God will equip her with everything she needs to get her business venture off the ground. That is the mindset she chose which allowed her to launch Women of Worth Ministries, Inc. Jan/Feb 2019


As with any business you want to have a powerful impact on the community. Women of Worth Ministries hopes to help women have more confidence, feel secure, and help them to become productive citizens of their community. The ministry wants the children to see their mothers progress and how they strive to be successful. Productive communities add to the prosperity of the city, the state, and the country. Women of Worth Ministries, Inc. a legacy that will help women for many generations to come. Being a woman of God, Renee knows that she was born with a purpose. There is something that each of us loves to do and feel led to do in life. Each person has something that gives them extreme pleasure doing. You go to bed thinking about it and wake up thinking about it. That is your purpose. You must act on your purpose. How do you do that? In the words of Collin Kaepernick, Just Do It! Don’t let fear or any other obstacles hold you back. If you run into any obstacles, find a way around it or over it. Purpose drives you and leads you on many paths. It opens up the many gifts you were given to share with the world. For Renee, it also led her to authorship. She is the author of a couple books and two compilations with Tyora Moody. Her latest compilation is When Women Connect. When Renee saw the concept for the book, she knew immediately that she had to be a part of this second compilation as well as what she would write about. Her contribution is Chapter 5-Influential Mentors. Renee shares stories about four women who made a significant impact on her journey to author and entrepreneur life. Jan/Feb 2019


Renee loves Tyora Moody’s quality of work so much that Tyora published her memoir, Once Broken- A Journey to Restoration and her journal Thankful, Blessed, and Sometimes Stressed. Renee is excited about her journey and has placed writing on hold while she focuses on Women of Worth Ministries, Inc. It’s important for her to get the offices up and running. Her legacy will help many women for generations to come. Congratulations to Renee Spivey for trusting God’s plan for her life and helping other women recreate back into the community. Everyone deserves a second chance to live a productive life and Women of Worth Ministries, Inc is headed in the right direction. Thank you for giving back your time and personal testimony to help other women.

Learn more about Renee on her social media platforms. Jan/Feb 2019


It’s the Chaplain: Chaplain Faith Valentine, “Ten Cents of Wisdom” by Faith Berthey The New Orleans Police Department is blessed with chaplains. They serve as a spiritual presence when the crime scene warrants and nothing else works. Often the scene is chaotic, and emotions are highly charged. On what was one of the hottest days in New Orleans, a 29 S (death by suicide) call came out. Upon arriving on the scene, the ranking officer informed the chaplain that a 24-year-old male had committed suicide in the backyard of the home where he resided with several roommates. Suicides are always difficult because there simply are no right words of comfort to family and friends trying to answer the one question no one can answer


– Why? However, this suicide was more complex for a few

His best friend found him, and his roommates and mother blamed the victim’s insecurities with homosexuality and his significant other for the suicide. Thus, the scene was chaotic. There were victims huddled together in various spots, and a chaplain trying to move from position to position to minister to them all. Doing what chaplains do best and what I had done so many times before, I gathered all who would come into a circle and prayed. Ministering on the street has its challenges. When the scene includes bad blood between the victim’s loved ones, it is considerably more difficult to initiate the spiritual presence needed. I have found that making a big circle with everyone holding hands, eyes closed, and heads bowed while I pray is very effective for calming hostility and bringing a family together for the support each will need. After the circle prayer, I could move freely between everyone, bring many of them together, minister, and offer the support and additional information on counseling I knew many of them would need. Prayer not only works; in situations like these, prayer is often Jan/Feb 2019


the only thing that works. It is often the only way to cut through the grief and thick sadness of losing a loved one. So, here is my “Ten Cents of Wisdom”: Prayer is the believer’s most powerful weapon. Prayer invites God into the situation, and God always shows up with exactly what is needed. Prayer destroys fear and releases God’s power. However, when believers pray, the next position is to stand still and know that God answers prayer. That is generally what does not happen. It is called doubt, and prayer that doubts is not prayer. Situations, where believers do not have victory, are not situations where God did not show up, but situations where there was a doubt that God would show up. If you are going to take the time to get on your knees and pray, believe God can and will answer that prayer. Even if the answer is not what is expected, it will be what is needed. God will never allow the enemy to outnumber you. It does not matter what the situation looks like; pray for God to open your eyes that you might see that He has surrounded you with everything you need to win. BE BLESSED – BE FREE “Those who are with us are (always) more than those who are with them.” (II Kings 6) Jan/Feb 2019


Purpose & Legacy Driven Director John L. Ruffin by Terri Shayne

Chicago native John L. Ruffin is a man who is driven by his divine purpose that makes his legacy one that will live on for many generations. He is a well-known playwright, writer, producers, and director who packs the house for his famous productions that leave you shouting, dancing, inspired, and coming back for more. Chicago loves John L. Ruffin productions and the powerful messages that he brings forth with talent from all over Chicago and across the nation. John has brought Broadway hits like Dreamgirls, The Color Purple, and Black Nativity. He has many hit stage plays like Love Me and Leave Me, The Ideal Husband, No More Sheets, and If Only She Knew just to name a few of his sell-out productions. In December 2018, John celebrated the grand opening of Theater 47 located in downtown Park Forest, Illinois. The name for the theater was inspired from the many Jan/Feb 2019


years of residency at the Harold Washinton Cultural Center on 47th street. His performances at the Harold Washington Cultural Center were mainly inspirational productions. John decided to do other genres of theater that would separate his brand from the cultural center. So he took the street location 47th of Harold Washington Culture Center and added Theater to it which created Theater 47. John says, “to this day his wife holds claim that she gave him the name, but that is how he remembers it.” The grand opening of Theater 47 had so many emotions running through John. He was exhausted due to all the work that goes into rehabbing the building for its the grand opening. He was very happy because he got to see his dream come true that he could touch, see, and walk into. With all the excitement and happiness going on around him sadness struck the family with the passing of their eldest son. That changed his perspective from that point on because it would no longer be about entertainment but about his mission. The mission for Theater 47 is to impact the community with the arts. There are so many gifted children and adults who are seeking a way to express their talent and Theater 47 will be the vessel to do it. John describes his theater with three words. The first word is Quality. Every and any production presented by Theater 47 has to have quality first. The second is Opportunity. Theater 47 will give the opportunity for those who don’t have a place to express themselves. The third is Longevity. Theater 47 is not just John L. Ruffin it’s a legacy that will live long after he is gone. What’s coming to Theater 47 for Chicago? There are many productions coming in 2019 starting with January’s production of Alethea Gordon’s Bag Lady, Latrice Mosley Smith’s The Survivors coming in February, and then a Theater 47 production of Imitation of Life, Black Wall Street the Musical, and Power to the People: A Black Panther Story. The theater has an amazing lineup of stage productions for the audience to fall in love with. Theater 47 does not stop with stage productions it’s adding Soul 2 Soul Open Mic Thursdays every 3rd Thursday of the month as well as comedy to the venue. Looks like Theater 47 will be the place to get fed on many levels of entertainment and inspiration. Theater 47 will not only be for stage productions in the theater. The venue will be available for rentals for concerts, plays, poetry, conferences, fashion shows, and so much more. With all the success that John has had here in Chicago, we asked him what kept him from opening Theater 47 in another state? He said it was his children who kept them from opening his theater in another state. Despite the fact, he was offered other venus he knows that Chicago is where his purpose is. Chicago has been very good to John because he knows that Chicago loves quality art and they don’t mind sharing their opinion about it. John focuses on giving his audience three things a great storyline, great talent, and a wonderful production. Jan/Feb 2019


John Ruffin is walking in his purpose and many admire, respect, and seek to learn from him. The best words of wisdom that he offers to the youth and all those aspiring to become directors, writers, stage playwrights is priceless. He says, “When you are going after something that you are passionate about always prepare for the marathon and not the sprint. Never compare your journey with another… God has a way of leading those with purpose and sometimes it feels like the scenic route. But when you obtain it, you will know how to keep it.” Those words should be etched in your mind. Chicago and it's surrounding cities look forward to the many productions coming to Theater 47.

You can learn more about Theater 47 and the many productions and events coming your way by visiting website. Connect with John L. Ruffin and the theater on social media. Jan/Feb 2019


Choose Your Path by Jeanee Patton 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5. 4, 3, 2, 1……HAPPY NEW YEAR! Oh, the excitement of what a new year brings. New beginnings to old yesterdays. A brand new look on a life filled with optimistic eyes seeing the world with perfectly clean lenses. Then a few weeks settle into the New Year and the champagne and cheers of Happy New Year are no longer buzzing in your head. You realize it may be a new year, but it’s the same old you. Choosing to settle back into old ways or branch into new streams of water fill your head. However, comfort will always be the first choice, but comfort doesn’t make for an adventurous life. New Year Resolutions are great if you plan to keep them. Trying a more realistic approach might prove to be your best option for a better life. Instead of making resolutions that will probably be forgotten shortly into the new year; make realistic goals by adding a time frame to achieving your goal. Time frames can change throughout the year, but it is a great tool to hold you accountable in your efforts. Asking yourself if you are living or just existing helps put things into perspective. If you just exist and choosing to remain buried in the woes of sorrow from yesteryears, please carry on. You’re doing a great job drowning in your misery. However, if you are choosing to live life and live it to the fullest, please then keep reading. I promise you won’t be disappointed in choosing to live your best life TODAY. No one is exempt in having trials and tribulations in life. We all must endure difficult times. It’s how you persevere that shows your true character and what you are made of. Will you fold under pressure and give up or will you rise above it all? Build your character muscle by not allowing old demons to derail you from your goals. Allowing past experiences and pessimistic views to cloud visions of a better you will always leave you feeling empty. It all starts with self-love which leads to self-worth. Although self-love conversations are very popular these days, you will be amazed at how many people still can’t find that sense of unconditional love. You are perfectly imperfect. 2019 arrived with a bang whether you were ready or not. It’s now or never to pull out all the stops in having the most productive year of your life. Be accountable for your Jan/Feb 2019


actions and know that you do have some control over your life. Choose to be happy. Choose to get off the bench and live life. Choose to go down the less traveled road. Choose

to start your business. Choose to wear red lipstick. Choose to dye your hair. So I ask you, what will you choose?

Enjoy the delights of southern style baking at its best.

Visit her page on Facebook at Jan/Feb 2019


Black Love by Selena Haskins #BlackLove. You’ve seen this hashtag on social

media along with the beautiful pictures that came before the hashtag. I don’t know about you, but I love it! Black love is such a beautiful thing. Who does not enjoy the blissful feeling of being in love or seeing love amongst black people? Love makes people feel happy about themselves and the world around them. When you see the photos of black couples or black families on social media smiling and having a good time, does it not make you feel their joy? Does it not make you feel hopeful about the future?

This year, my husband and I celebrated 13 years of love. We reflected on all the good times we’ve had—from traveling to meeting new people, attending concerts, movies, family events, you name it. We also reflected on all the challenges that God helped us to overcome. Black love is not only beautiful, but it’s enduring in that way. It beats the odds when everything is stacked against us. And, it’s an image that more of our people need to see in the world and on all media platforms. How many times have we seen other families portrayed in TV commercials eating cereal and smiling happily? Hey, black people enjoy a good meal too. We have happy families as well. Granted, it’s not just about the visual image of married black couples expressing black love. We understand that every smiling face doesn’t mean that every couple is perfect. Life brings its own challenges to us at times. For married black couples, the world around us will often test our faith in God, our marriages, and even within our families. Each day we swim against the tides of this world that tries to force us down and drown us. Yet, we have to remember the same God that blessed us with the good times will also help us get through the tough times. Still, our people need to see this kind of enduring love in action, more often than not. When black couples have a strong spiritual foundation and support system, it strengthens our families and our communities. Take for example, our former President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, did you not feel the joy and inspiration from their marital bond? And, if you read Michelle Obama’s book, “Becoming” you know they Jan/Feb 2019


have endured many trials. Yet, they overcame many obstacles together. That’s the key word, together. Their “togetherness” showed that we as a people can be a unified family. It starts with married couples and then it trickles down into our communities and into our societies. Strong marital couples breed strong families. Strong families breed stronger communities. Let’s fight to keep black love alive by enduring each day one at a time. In the end, the prize will be many blessings- including a unified people where love continues to blossom in a positive way.

Learn more about Author Selena Haskins by visiting her website at Jan/Feb 2019


Black Love & Appreciation By Aja Graves I witnessed a few loving relationships between a black man and woman as a young person but those few left a lasting impression in my mind. I knew I wanted it for myself one day. I knew I wanted to share love, be in love, and experience a loving relationship with someone who I could understand culturally without teaching or being taught the nuances. Someone who just understood who I am at my core. When I started writing stories and books as an adult, without thought or careful consideration, I started writing love stories and those stories reflected the story I knew very well. The story of a woman and man both black, falling in love and making a relationship work between them even through life's challenges. It's the story of my life. One where I've been with my husband for nearly 18 years, 15 of those years married, now with children, navigating through life with each other and still in love. Despite this image not being the popular image on television or in major movie productions, or at the top of national best booksellers’ rankings, it's the image I live, the image I want to see, and so it's the image I promote wherever and whenever I can and I pray more of us do this as well. I’ve published seven books about black love with more in que, written countless articles about it, posted pictures, articles, and tweets about black love, all in an effort to show the world the image I see in my mind when I contemplate romantic love. But by far my favorite medium of promotion is in my writing. Here is a brief excerpt from my women’s fiction/romance novel I Am Yours. I’m sharing it because it shows deep appreciation and love for a black man by a black woman. I hope this season of love; you read or watch a black romance and share it with your friends. The butterflies flapping their obnoxious little wings in my stomach kept me company as I waited for his slow approach; his long, easy strides marking his always smooth demeanor. Noah was never in a rush, but always on time. Jan/Feb 2019


I’d rather it be him coming to me than the other way around, so arriving slightly before our scheduled meet up time of nine gave me the precious moments needed to mentally run through my practiced speech. I was hoping it would make this easier—easier to stay on topic and away from conversation that would spark that fire that always existed between us whenever we were anywhere near each other. I also had to remember that I am practically engaged to a man. Noah was not the man for me. Not anymore. But damn he did look good today in his broadcloth button up and charcoal grey dress slacks. The multicolored striped tie wrapped around his neck held hints of pink which not surprisingly made him seem more masculine. “Good morning,” he said as he approached the table. I almost shivered from his nearness combined with his sexy voice greeting me. “Good morning.” “What are you having?” His eyes moved about my face like he was a camera, snapping shots of each detail. I wondered if I’ve changed in his eyes. “Pike with one shot espresso. I was just about to order.” “Let me,” he said to me. “How do you like it?” I stared at him for a moment, my thoughts taking me to another place in time. “How do I like what?” I asked in a near whisper. “Your coffee? Cream—sugar?” “Oh! Both. Thank you.” I glanced away, embarrassed by my lurid thoughts as he stood and made his way to the counter to place our order. He returned a few minutes later after I failed in my attempt to not stare at his wide shoulders and long muscular arms as he added my cream and sugar while leaving his, black and strong like him. © Aja Graves 2018

Aja is the writer of sensually erotic and passionate women’s fiction. Her stories allow readers to experience realistic, inspiring, and soulful interactions and intense passion while overcoming life’s challenges. She is inspired by soulful music and sensual art to craft her stories. Her published works include the Love & Passion series and the Unexpected series with Roy Glenn. Love’s Required will be released January 18th. Jan/Feb 2019


Author Links: My website: Amazon Page: Instagram: Twitter: FB Fan Page: Sign up for my mailing list here: Jan/Feb 2019


Meet Sistah’s Place new team members joining in 2019

Meet our Senior Editor joining our team in March 2019 Carmen Elle is a writer and editor who has been feeding her literary passions since childhood. But it was the 1998 novel, "Blessings" by Sheneska Jackson that fueled Carmen to put fine point pen to notebook and pursue her own writing dreams. Armed with an M.A. in Creative Writing from Southern New Hampshire University, she currently works as a Literary B.A.E., that's Bad A** Editor, helping fellow writers navigate the literary world. You can look forward to reading the second edition of her debut novel "What I Need to Change" by this self-proclaimed book nerd in the coming year.

Meet Dorothy Thomas, Sr. Writer joining our team in May 2019. Dorothy Thomas Peaple is a writer and blogger. She is originally from Georgia but currently resides in Wiltshire, England. She enjoys reading, travel, and photography. Blog - Twitter: Instagram: Jan/Feb 2019


Meet Faith (Berthey) Valentine joining as a guest writer in January 2019. Faith Valentine is a native of New Orleans. She has served in ministry for over 20 years. The mother of three, accomplished author, and BoardCertified Chaplain for the New Orleans Police Department is a Spiritual Advisor for many of the officers serving in the City of New Orleans. She is a graduate of Houston Baptist University and Loyola University New Orleans, where she earned a Master of Theology and a Masters of Christian Education. Faith’s television show, Second Chance ran on WVUE Fox 8 New Orleans for 3 years before Katrina displaced her. Today, her radio shows “Ten Cents of Wisdom” with Kari Baltimore, AKA Dr. B: and Lacy Davillier AKA, The Boss; can be heard every Sunday morning on WBOK 1230 AM, New

Orleans at11:00 AM. Her newest endeavor is a series of books entitled “Ten Cents of Wisdom” Morning Window Devotional is the first of the series. Look for additional books as they are released.

Meet Denisha M. Jones joining as a guest writer in February 2019. Denisha M. Jones is a native of Louisville, MS with an Associate’s Degree in Applied Computer Science (Computer Network Technology). She holds a certification in Basic Information Technology & Office Assistants. She fell in love with poetry, storytelling, and art in middle school. She is a Poet, Content Creator, Brand Ambassador, and Graphic Designer (self-taught). She enjoys helping and empowering others. IG and Twitter: @i_michellej Jan/Feb 2019


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Thanks to all of our contributing writers in the first issue of 2019. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Jeanee Patton Terri Shayne Mia Thomas Aja Graves Selena Haskins

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Who is Sistah’s Creative Media? Sistah’s Creative Media is a boutique media small business with a niche in social media management, media publishing, website management, and branding. Our business is a made up of unique, diverse, and creative African American women.

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Learn more about Author Letrise Carter by visiting her website at

Have you read her debut novel Deceitful Secrets? Meet Devin. He’s handsome, successful and has a beautiful wife, who is equally accomplished. Devin’s lifestyle is one any man would dream of but he’s not content. He has an appetite for women that his wife alone cannot curb. But soon, his playboy antics has him buried deep in a blackmail scandal and the only person who can fix it, is the one person who can destroy his life. Taylor couldn’t ask for anything more. She has a wonderful life. From the outside, all seems perfect but Taylor is harboring a secret that could end her marriage… and his name is Kelly.

Book Cover design by Tywebbin Creations LLC

Deceitful Secrets comes to Amazon with a Love Triangle Letrise is working on the much anticipated Book 2 in the series Deceitful Secrets set to be released in 2019. Be sure to join her Facebook group book club group titled Deceitful Secrets Book Series Follow Letrise Carter on social media: Twitter: @AuthorLetrise IG: @Letrisec Facebook: @AuthorLetriseCarter

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