El s aGui ma r ã e sdeMour a wa sbor ni nLobi t o–Ang ol a-i n 1 9 6 9 .Sheha ss t udi e dMode r n La ng ua g e s ,Cul t ur e sa ndLi t e r a t ur e s–Eng l i s ha ndFr e nc hSt udi e s-a tt heFa c ul t yofLe t t e r s– Uni v e r s i t yofLi s bon-.I na ddi t i on,s heha sa c c ompl i s he dt he f i r s ty e a roft heMa s t e r ’ sDe g r e e i nEduc a t i ona lSc i e nc e sa ndt he Re s e a r c hPr oj e c tunde rt hes ubj e c tEv a l ua t i on.Shewa sas e c onda r ys c hoolt e a c he rf ormor e t ha nt we nt yy e a r s . Thet we nt y f i r s tc e nt ur yf i c t i ona lt a l e sa r eac ol l e c t i on of mul t i c ul t ur a ls hor ts t or i e soft he ne wmi l l e nni um t ha tt a k epl a c e i ns e v e r a lna t i onsa ndc r onol og i c a ldi me ns i ons ,s omef orc hi l dr e na ndt e e na g e r sa nds omef or a dul t s . The i rc ha r a c t e r sa nd pl ot sa r eof t e nwi t t y ,i nt e l l i g e nt , i r oni c a l ,f unny ,c omi c ,l ov e l y , t e nde ra nds we e t .
El s a Gui ma r ã e s de Mour a na s c e unoLobi t o–Ang ol a–e m 1 9 6 9 . Li c e nc i ous ee m Lí ng ua se Li t e r a t ur a sMode r na s–Va r i a nt e deEs t udosI ng l e s e seFr a nc e s e s –pe l aFa c ul da dedeLe t r a sda Uni v e r s i da de de Li s boa .Fr e que nt ouo1 º a nodoMe s t r a do e m Ci ê nc i a sdaEduc a ç ã oec onc l ui uc oma pr ov e i t a me nt ooPr oj e c t odeI nv e s t i g a ç ã os ubor di na doàt e má t i c aAv a l i a ç ã o. Foi pr of e s s or adosEns i nosBá s i c oeSe c undá r i odur a nt ema i sdedua s dé c a da s . Osc ont osf i c c i ona i sdos é c ul o XXIs ã oumac ol e c t â ne adehi s t ór i a smul t i c ul t ur a i sdonov omi l é ni o que oc or r e m e m v á r i os pa í s e sedi me ns õe sc r onol óg i c a s , a l g uma spa r ac r i a nç a sea dol e s c e nt e s ,out r a spa r aa dul t os .As s ua spe r s ona g e nss ã of r e que nt e me nt ea r g ut a s ,a s t ut a s ,e s pi r i t uos a s ,i nt e l i g e nt e s ,i r óni c a s ,c ómi c a s , a dor á v e i s , me i g a sedoc e s .
edição: Edições Vírgula®
(Chancela do Sítio do Livro) Century Fictional Tales autor: Elsa Guimarães de Moura título: Twenty-First
Patrícia Andrade Paulo S. Resende
1.ª edição Lisboa, abril 2018 isbn:
978‑989-8867-17-9 434174/17
depósito legal:
© Elsa Guimarães de Moura publicação e comercialização
Elsa Guimarães de Moura
To my Dad and to my Mum, the fictional and creative writing of my life
My original and innovative story to insert in a comic book and perhaps to draw a funny and sweet cartoon. A tale by Welwitchia Lara Cohen Van Dwnem, teacher of English and writer. I’m the writer and the narrator of this interesting tale that will be adapted to the structure of a comic book. My name is Welwitchia Lara Cohen Van Dwnem. Welwitchia is the name of a plant from Angola, in an area called the Namibe desert, in the south of Angola, near the border with another country named Namibia. Lara is my second name. Cohen and Van Dwnem are my surnames. Van Dwnem is a last name of Dutch origin. Now a little bit of History. Dutch settlers had been to Angola some centuries ago, that is why there are some Dutch surnames in Angola. Welwitchia Lara Cohen Van Dwnem is a teacher of English. She is now teaching in Scotland but she has already taught in South Africa and in The United States of America. Wykytawk is a funny kangaroo. He was born in the capital of Australia, the city of Canberra but now he lives in Sydney, another Australian city. He comes from a family of bookshop owners, comic books writers, poets, designers, cartoonists and painters. He himself is a comic book writer and a cartoonist. W ykytawk . 9
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Wykytawk lives with his parents, three sisters and two brothers in a nice Australian farm near Uluru, also called Ayers Rock or the Holy Australian Mountain. It is an enormous rock, alone in the desert of Alice Springs. Uluru is 600 million years old. The best time to see it is at the end of the day when its colour changes from yellow to gold, red and then purple. All Wykytawk’s family is formed by scholars, that is to say, people who love learning and studying. They value education and schools a lot and the teaching and learning system in a general way. There are writers, cartoonists, painters, designers, teachers, singers, dancers and students in Wykytawk’s family. His relatives are the owners of universities, secondary schools, basic education schools and art academies – writing, drawing, painting, designing, singing and dancing activities – . They speak and write very good English. Additionally, they can speak and write the varieties of English that are written and spoken in Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, The United States of America, South Africa, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, England and the Republic of Ireland. They also speak Portuguese. They have already visited Portugal. They say Portugal is a very interesting country and the Portuguese people are kind. Wykytawk’s family is composed by kangaroos and koalas. It is a big family. They live in Australia and New Zealand mainly. In New Zealand, some of Wykytawk’s relatives are the owners of some nice plantations and farms of kiwi fruits and avocados. There will be a contest/competition among Australian and New Zealand kangaroos and koalas. The aim is to write a story to be adapted to a comic book structure with cartoons about kiwifruits and avocados. The winners will travel world-wide and have the chance of meeting some of the most important and well known comic books writers and cartoonists from the English speaking countries.
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Wykytawk is writing his story. It is mainly about a dialogue between a kiwi-fruit and an avocado.
The kiwi-fruit is called “Iwik” and the avocado is named “Wdakw”. Here is the dialogue/conversation Iwik – “Good morning Wdakw! How are you today? I wish you a very pleasant working/learning day.” Wdakw – “Good morning to you too, Iwik! I’m fine thank you! Wishing you as well a great working/studying day.” Iwik – “Today’s learning activity will be about the importance of working, studying, learning, helping the others, being altruist, smiling and laughing with our relatives and friends.” Wdakw – “Very well! It seems to me a good lesson plan.” Iwik – “Why should we work?” Wdakw – “I think that we should work to have a purpose in life. To have a meaning. And to avoid being dependent from the others all the time.” Iwik-“And to help ourselves and our families.” Wdakw – “Yes, yes, of course!” Iwik – “In your opinion, why should people study?” Wdakw – “Nelson Mandela said once: »Education is the best weapon – in a positive sense – we can use to change the world». I agree with him. To change the world into a better place.” Iwik – “Of course! It is a very good summary of the main usefulness of education and learning. Education makes the human beings powerful, wise and erudite.” Wdakw – “It also means that people should care for schools and books. And treat them nicely and carefully!” W ykytawk . 11
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Iwik – “We should study at school and also learn outside school! We are always learning!” Wdakw – “yes, yes, we are! And we should encourage and develop the English language! It is an important language. Speaking and writing English is useful for all the citizens in the world!” Iwik – “What is the meaning of »helping the others»? Wdakw – “For me, »helping the others» means to pay attention to people. To be attentive. To take good care of people, especially those who may need help. Even when they don’t ask for help. If we are sensitive, we will notice that and help them.” Iwik – “Absolutely. A very complete definition.” Wdakw – “What is the definition of altruism?” Iwik – “It is a concern with the welfare of others. It is a traditional virtue in many cultures. Altruism is the opposite of selfishness.” Wdakw – “It also has to do with helping the others.” Iwik – “Yes, indeed! An altruist is someone who firstly thinks about the others and only after about himself/herself.” Wdakw – “Some of the ways of expressing altruism is studying, learning, respecting the school and the books. When we are sapient and well-informed we understand that knowledge is essential to be an altruist and to help the others. Therefore, the more erudite and well-informed we are, the more we are altruists and help the others.” Iwik – “A very good logical reasoning! Congratulations!” Wdakw – “Let’s talk about smiling and laughing with our relatives, friends and the people with whom we study and work.” Iwik – “Laughing and smiling are essential. The sense of humour is the ability to appreciate or express something that is humorous.” Wdakw – “A comic situation, character or story is something that is amusing.”
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Iwik – “Comic books and cartoons are a source of humour in literature and art in a general way. Human beings need to laugh and smile. It is important for the cognitive balance.” Wdakw – “Yes, it is! Let’s now talk about comic books and cartoons. They are amusing. And a source of cognitive balance.” Iwik – “Some definitions A comic strip – It is a sequence of drawings that are arranged in interrelated panels to display brief humour or form a narrative, often serialized with text in balloons and captions.” Wdakw – “Speech balloons also speech bubbles, dialogue balloons or word balloons – They are a graphic convention used most commonly in comic books, comic strips and cartoons to allow words to be understood as representing the speech or thoughts of a given character. There is often a formal distinction between the balloon that indicates thoughts and the one that indicates words spoken aloud. The bubble that conveys subjective thoughts is often referred to as thought balloon.” Iwik – “Our lessons, definitions and recommendations are going to be organized in a story and inserted in the structure of a comic book with cartoons!!” Wdakw-“Yes, they are!” Iwik – “It will be a project about learning English with motivation and humour!” The narrator – Wykytawk is in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand. Wykytawk, many other kangaroos and koalas are waiting for the result of the comics and cartoons contest/competition. The third prize goes to a nice koala from the state of New South Wales in Australia. His name is Selaw. The second prize goes to another koala, a very communicative character named Wenzh, from the North Island in New Zealand. Selaw and Wenzh are going to visit England and Wales. There, they will meet some important cartoonists and comic books writers. W ykytawk . 13
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And… the first prize goes to…the winner is..… Wykytawk!!! The hero of our tale!!! Victory!! Wykytawk is also going to meet the best cartoonists and comic books writers from the following English speaking countries: Scotland, Northern Ireland, England, Wales, The Republic of Ireland, The United States of America, Jamaica and South Africa.
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Chapter 1 South Africa Once upon a time in the nineteenth century there was a sweet loving being named Vabwskah Mc. Chimerical who lived in South Africa. He came from the settlements of Bantu forms of social organization and from the Bantu-speaking peoples, creatures and other types of beings. Nowadays, if there was a Monarchy in South Africa, Vabwskah would be a Prince or a King. Therefore, he comes from aristocracy and royalty. The Mc. Chimerical family is composed by travelling beings and creatures! They travel throughout the time – years, decades and centuries – and throughout the space!! They travel to the Middle Ages and then go forward the 21st century!! They make a rewind movement, going back to the ninenteenth century and next, all of a sudden they jump into the 24th century!! Waw!!Waw!! Great! Ywkyy-Dwkkyy!! Although they lived – and still live – in the South African territory they have already gone to Namibia, Bostwana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Swaziland! They have already visited Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, The United States of America, Canada, India, The Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. They have relatives and friends in all the previous mentioned countries!! The Mc. Chimericals had – and still have – the ability of living around seven hundred years. So, the hero of our story is still alive V abwskah . 15
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and with a fabulous health! Vabwskah and all his family spoke and still speak Zulu, Swahili, English, Irish, Scots Gaelic and Welsh. They are multicultural in what concerns linguistics. They are familiar with the RP – Received Pronunciation – and with some varieties of English such as British English, American English, Jamaican English, Canadian English, New Zealand’s English, Australian English, Indian English and of course, South African English. Vabwskah is a peculiar and unique creature!!! He can fly, swim, walk, run and breathe of course! He has the ability of living in the air, on earth, in the oceans, seas and rivers and even dealing with the fire without being burnt! He has got dazzling super powers!! His hair is orange, his face is green, his wings are violet, his flippers are red, his eyes are pink, his nose is brown and his legs and arms are blue! What a character!! What a funny creature!! Above his hair Vabwskah has got a computer screen and a keyboard with the South Africa flag. The other relatives and friends in the other English Speaking Countries that Vabwskah is going to visit also have computer screens and keyboards above his heads with the flag of each country. On the left cheek each creature – each one of these imaginary and fictional beings – has got a “M” which stands for male in case of being a male and a “F” which stands for female in case of being a female.
Some South African linguistic, technological and scientific curiosities The Constitution is the supreme law of the country. The preamble to the Constitution states that its aims are to: – heal the divisions of the past and establish a society based on democratic values, social justice and fundamental human rights;
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– lay the foundations for a democratic and open society in which government is based on the will of the people and every citizen is equally protected by law; – build a united and democratic South Africa able to take its rightful place as a sovereign state in the family of nations. The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa states that everyone has the right to use the language and to participate in the cultural life of his/her choice. Nevertheless, no one may do so in a manner which might be inconsistent with any provision of the Bill of Rights. There are many population groups in South Africa. Therefore, the Constitution provides for 11 – eleven – official languages, namely Afrikans, English, isiNdebele, isiXhosa, isiZulu, Sesotho sa Leboa, Sesotho, Stswana, siSwati, Tshivenda and Xitsonga. In South Africa the Department of Science and Technology seeks to develop the full potential of science and technology. It also tries to express the full potential of science and technology in social and economic development.
Biotechnology Innovation A programme which was initiated as a result of this challenge is the Public Understanding of Biotechnology Programme. It provides the South African public with factual information. It enables people to participate meaningfully in debates about biotechnology and make informed decisions.
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Astronomy Through the Astronomy Geographical Advantage Programme, South Africa continues to promote high-technology investment in space science. The nation wants to ensure that local researchers and students are able to participate in international astronomy.
Nanotechnology South Africa’s National Nanotechnology Strategy recognizes the needs of local industry. It focuses on the essential building blocks of nanoscience, namely synthesis, characterization and fabrication.
These are the lyrics of a song – poem – Vabwskah composed for his grandchildren The following poem is about a dog. According to grammar rules it should be addressed by “it” because it is an animal, it is NOT a person, consequently, we are neither supposed to use “he” nor “she”. Nevertheless, this is a tale dealing in part with events which are imaginary and created by the author. Therefore, in the fictional world there is consistence to convey some human characteristics, exactly the same way I, the author/writer did with the character of Vabwskah, – which is an invented character with features of an imaginary creature – his relatives and friends. Bobby and Junior shall be individually addressed by “he”.
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The Poem – Lyrics Bobby, the multicultural dog I have got a dog, his name is Bobby He has got a funny hobby Bobby doesn’t like playing in the field But he is a fan of Garfield He is like a young boy Always in a permanent joy Vabwskah’s dog has got a son – [he is a fluffy puppy named Junior] That shines like the sun Sometimes they bark at night Exactly when they are right [In order to protect Vabwskah’s family from thieves] Bobby plays with the summer leaves And barks when Junior leaves Vabwskah’s dog has got a special book It looks like a hook Bobby has got a small scar [he made it playing with the other dogs] But it glitters like a superstar He says he wants to go to Hollywood Because he thinks it is like a green wood V abwskah . 19
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Bobby loves eating but he frequently confuses lunch With brunch Vabwskah’s dog plays jokes between A cherry A strawberry And a blackberry And between merry And Jerry Bobby likes Vabwskah’s aircraft And is always watching its pilot performing his craft He is very architectural And multicultural Apart from English, he speaks Chinese Japanese And Portuguese Vabwskah’s dog has got a lot of innovation and imagination for his creation Bobby has got a laptop That is always on top He hates the darkness and loves the light That is why he usually is in the spotlight
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Bobby is a peculiar being, he is not a common animal Twice a week he enjoys doing some shopping in the town mall Vabwskah’s dog likes travelling by subway It is a strategy for never losing his way Bobby dislikes being conventional Instead, he is rather digital Bobby rationalises, Fictionalises And digitalises This is Bobby, Vabwskah’s dog
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Chapter 2 Australia In 2010 Vabwskah swam – His flippers were tired when he arrived his destination – till Australia. He went to Sydney and then to a place near the “Holy Mountain”. Uluru – Ayers Rock – is situated in the centre of Australia. It is considered the world’s biggest monolith. Uluru is a magical site!! Oh, yes it is! It is blessed by the Gods! It has the ability of changing colours according to different lights in different moments of the day! These changes are more significant at sunset and at sunrise. Vabwskah visited his cousin Sdamarah Mc.Utopical Mc. Quimerical. Here is the conversation. – Vabwskah – “My dear cousin! I’m so happy to see you again!!” – Sdmarah – “My dear great, fantastic cousin! How are you? My family/ our family is building a multicultural linguistic school near the Holy Mountain. We are very busy!! Will you stay for a week?” – Vabwskah – “No, I’m afraid not…I’m so sorry… I have to travel to New Zealand. Meanwhile, I would like to know something more about the school. Will you e-mail me? Or perhaps text me? Your sister told me you have got a very advanced iPad and also an e-book with some of the many tools and menus that can be found in iPads. Is it like that?” – Sdmarah – “Yes, to a certain extent… You see, it depends on the hardware and software companies that produce and sell these
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technologies… On the one hand, some companies produce e-books that are just electronic books, that is to say, devices that are used to store and keep the data that refers to a book. And then to read them, in a digital way. You can use – read – them like conventional paper books. They are tactile – tactual -. You don’t need a keyboard. Actually, they haven’t got keyboards. At least not the conventional ones. On the other hand, other enterprises already produce e-books that have some of the most important menus and tools of iPads. If you want to present something for a talk, a lesson or a conference, or if you need to attach iPads and e-books to a multimedia interactive whiteboard or connect to the web, you will still need a netbook, a personal computer or a laptop to establish the connection with these devices. They can store the information you want to convey but they can not directly present and transmit it, you need to link them to a computer first. Even iPads which are already very sophisticated and advanced nowadays still need to be linked to computers – which can be linked to a scanner, a printer or a photocopy machine – if for instance you want to scan, print or copy a file. That is how it works with the company through which I usually buy the hardware and software I need.” – Vabwskah – “Well, I am not an expert but it is as well the knowledge that I have. At least in some of the English speaking countries. Our relatives and friends in the USA and in the United Kingdom also confirm that it is how these technologies work, at least during the second decade of the 21st century and of course underlining the fact that it depends on the hardware and software industries, each one produces its own products, they can be similar or even the same but not necessarily. Actually, the majority of times they are different. Ok cousin! Thanks for the digital lesson!!” – Sdmarah – “You are welcome, cousin!” Next week I will send you some data. I will attach as well the book I wrote. I worked for a publisher linked with the Australian Ministry of Education. It is V abwskah . 23
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a tale for teenagers to be included in the Australian English Language Programmes and to be used at school. It is about the English speaking countries: language and culture. I will send it not in paper but rather in a digital form, through my electronic device: my e-book!” – Vabwskah – “Right! I must leave now! Please, give my regards to your/our Australian family!! To all the members!! – Sdamarah – “I will! I will! Please, have a nice “swimming moment” until the beautiful New Zealand!”
New Zealand Vabwskah also swam – he loves swimming – till New Zealand. There, he met WyllyKylly Mc.Multicultural, one of his sisters. A short note – The last name McMulticultural was acquired by the law of marriage. Once that they are brother and sister, one of her surnames is as well Mc. Quimerical. WyllyKylly, her kangaroos and koalas – which came from Australia – were waiting for Vabwskah. – WyllyKylly – “My dear brother! How was your swimming activity?” – Vabwskah – “My dear sister!! It was ok! I’m tired but happy! I’m so glad to see that you are fine! Your kangaroos and koalas are lovely!” – WyllyKylly – “Come with me and visit our farm with the production of kiwi fruits. We are exporting them for the other English Speaking Countries. Our business is a success! The United States of America and The British Isles are fantastic partners! They buy huge quantities!! Would you like a kiwi fruit juice? Or perhaps a slice of a delicious pie?” – Vabwskah – “Of course!! I’m thirsty and hungry! What about the sports schools and gyms that were founded by our great-grandfather and grand-father?”
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– WyllyKylly – “Well, as you know, New Zealand is a nation of sports lovers. Nowadays, the sports schools and gyms include classes and places – in the nature, natural spots, not artificial ones – for the practice of bungee jumping, white water rafting, skiing, snowboarding, sailing and mountain climbing! It is so funny!! We have so many people practising these sports!! – Vabwskah – “Indeed? I’m so happy to hear that! Unfortunately I must leave now… I have to fly to Jamaica!! I will visit our older sister, Kazie!!” – Wyllykylly – “All right then. Have a nice and pleasant flight. Please, phone me as soon as you land. Or send me a tweet via the Twitter website. Or use the text-messaging service. Tell Kazie I send my love.” – Vabwskah – “Ok, I will! Will you visit me in South Africa next Christmas?” – Wyllykylly – “I will my dear brother, I will!” – Vabwskah – “See you then in South Africa!!”
Jamaica The narrator – In Jamaica, Kazie – Vabwskah’s older sister – is organising a music and dance academy. It is a multicultural educational institution with the permission of the Jamaican Ministry of Education, based on original Jamaican rhythms but all of them linked with other ancient and contemporary forms of artistic expression provided by the music and dance origins and traditions of the English speaking countries. The school also has another peculiarity. The lyrics of all the songs produced there have to be written in English. They can be written in any variety of English. But they have to be in English. The school includes musicians, composers, singers and dancers from all over the English speaking countries. V abwskah . 25
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– Vabwskah – “Kazie! My older sister, you look so different! Always beautiful, but so different!!” – Kazie – “Vabwskah, my dear brother! I’m older! How was your flight? Your wings must be tired! Have you received my last e-mail with some attached files about my music and dance academy?” – Vabwskah – “Of course my dear sister, I receive all your e-mails!!!” – Kazie – “Come, come! I want to show you my artistic school! I’m so happy!!” – Vabwskah – “It’s huge and inspiring, with light bright colours!” – Kazie – “At the moment we are working on a project that consists on the production of a theatre play – with musical and dancing structures, of course – which is the history of the English language in the English speaking countries. It will be a very big project but it will be worth the efforts!! We are working with experts from all the English speaking world!” – Vabwskah – “You are so happy!! I can see that in your eyes!” – Kazie – “Yes, I am! After finishing the project it will be travelling throughout the time and the space – It is one of the characteristics of the members of our big family!! – . We will send it back to the seventeenth century so that our ancestors might be aware of what we have produced and next we will send it to the twenty-fifth century!!!” – Vabwskah – “Of course you will! It is a great idea! And you will have my help and the help of all our relatives! How are my nephews and nieces, your children?” – Kazie – “They are fine, thanks! They are growing! For the moment they are on school holidays in the Hawaii with my parentsin-law. And how is your life in South Africa? Are you still teaching English in that multicultural university near Kruger National Park?”
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– Vabwskah – “Yes, I am! We also have some projects linked with the English language and culture, the English speaking countries and with the Kruger Park itself. As you know, it is a place that is situated in an area which was considered as an International Man and Biosphere Reserve by The United Nations Educational and Scientific Organization, the so called UNESCO.” My dear sister, it is wonderful to see that you are fine and having some artistic endeavours which are successful!!! I have to go now. It will be a long journey! I will be flying to India, to see some of our maternal and paternal cousins! Goodbye my dear sister!” – Kazie – “Goodbye my dear brother Vabwskah! Don’t forget to e-mail me during the flight and also as soon as you arrive! Please, have a peaceful trip!” – Vabwskah – “Thank you Kazie! Remember to join us in South Africa on Christmas Eve, December the 24th! See you then!!” – Kazie – “Don’t worry, I will remember!”
India In India Vabwskah visited all his cousins, the Mc. Sophtykal, the Mc. Gybynmizec, the Mc. Rwatchpy and some others. Two of them were leaving for a long journey. However, he was able to establish a dialogue with Perskykwa Gybynmizec. Here is. – Vabwskah – “Perskykwa! Cousin! You look taller! How are you?” – Perskykwa – “I’m fine, thank you! The last time I saw you was in the twentieth century! You look different too!! How was your flight? Is everything ok with your wings? They probably need a rest or some medicines.” V abwskah . 27
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– Vabwskah – “A rest, Perskykwa, a rest would be fine.” I have been receiving your e-mails telling me about your literary project about the history of the Taj Mahal in English and the multicultural charity that you are founding near this monument.” The narrator – Since 1983 The Taj Mahal is a World Heritage Site within UNESCO – Perskykwa – “Oh, yes, both are very meaningful and crucial plans and enterprises! The book is almost finished. Firstly, it will be sent for all the English speaking countries and then for the other countries of the world. The charity is for everyone in need, homeless, very poor people, old people, children and sick people. Not only for Indians but also for foreigners.” – Vabwskah – “I’m so proud of you! The whole family is!” Why don’t you travel to South Africa for Christmas? Many family members are joining us there!!” – Perskykwa – “It is a wonderful idea! I miss South Africa.” Now, before you leave again, would you like to have something to eat? Maybe a vegetable curry? Butter chicken? Or perhaps beef curry served with roasted onion? They all are delicious!!“ – Vabwskah – “Thanks cousin, I’m starving. I choose beef curry served with roasted onion. As you know, my older daughter is a writer. She has written two novels, both about the English speaking countries cultures, with plots and characters, of course, but still about the English speaking world. She has written as well three tales for children. Now she is writing a technical book about the South African cuisine and preparing a television documentary.” – Perskykwa – “Of course I know! I love everything she writes! She is really good! There are some writers and artists in our family! One of our Scottish cousins is also a writer!”
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– Vabwskah – “Yes, I know! I’m going to visit them as well! They are also invited to go to South Africa!!” – Perskykwa – “Indeed? Please give them my regards.” – The narrator – After having lunch and after sleeping “the siesta” which nowadays is a worldwide tradition and after offering a break to his beautiful and magical wings Vabwskah informs Perskykwa that it’s time to leave again. The next stop will be The United States of America. – Vabwskah – “Perskykwa, it was great to meet you again. I will be waiting for you in South Africa! Thank you very much for your magnificent lunch! Goodbye cousin! “ – Perskykwa – “Goodbye cousin! Your wings are ready to fly again! Have a nice flying journey!!! And call me as soon as you arrive! Give my regards to your brother and to the state of California!” – Vabwskah – “I will!! Bye!!!!!!!
The United States of America Vabwskah is crossing the Californian skies where he is going to meet his brother Vyxtechnik. He lands in the new Los Angeles airport named “The Multicultural Technical and Manual Aircraft Landing Field.” It was named after a relative of the Mc.Quimericals, who has already passed away. He was an aircraft engineer who worked in the United States Air Force. He created “the multicultural ticket”, a kind of very cheap promotional ticket. The system was organized through a simple contest. Passengers – some days before travelling and of course before buying the ordinary tickets with regular/high prices – if they wanted to apply they would have to answer to some questions about the English language and about the V abwskah . 29
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English speaking countries. The ones who scored the most would be selected and awarded – granted – the tickets. – Vyxtechnik – “Brother!! It has been such a long time!!” I missed you a lot!! How are you? How was your flight?” – Vabwskah – “Vyxtechnik !!! Yes indeed! A long time! The flight was finally over! At last! It was a good one, but so long! I missed you too!! How are you?” – Vyxtechnik – “I’m fine but I have been missing our chess activities and mainly our football games!!” – Vabwskah – “Sometimes I still play chess and football with some of our cousins, our brothers-in-law and our nephews! But you are an important player! And always missing!” – Vyxtechnik – “All the way from India! It was a long journey! How are our relatives in the West Indies?” – Vabwskah – “They are fine! They send their regards!” – Vyxtechnik – “And what about our family in South Africa? I miss them so much…” – Vabwskah – “They miss you too! And send their love.” – Vyxtechnik – “You have to visit my new office in Hollywood!! Well… to be more precise it is a place called « Multicultural Wood”. It is very big! Now I live in the Hollywood surroundings. I’m working there so it is easier for me to go to work! I’m producing and directing a movie – a film as they say in British English and in the United Kingdom – The film takes place in a magical world! “The Multiculturaland”!!! I’m writing the screenplay – the script – and in it, “The Multiculturaland” is presented as another American state, somewhere between California and The Hawaii!! Therefore, English is the only official language and everything is organized around the multiculturalism conveyed by the civilization, history and culture of the English speaking countries. It is a film for children and teenagers. It includes both comics and cartoons. I’m writing the story which
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is original, building the characters and settings, using the appropriate software, producing and directing. Of course I have my staff and several teams working directly with me, each person having his/her specific task.” – Vabwskah – “Fantastic!!! Congratulations!! We have got a film director and producer in the family! Have you finished your PhD in cinema?” – Vyxtechnik – “yes, I have!! And with a very good mark!” What about you? Are you still teaching at the South African Multicultural University near Kruger Park?” – Vabwskah – Yes, I am!! And doing many other things! I am always involved in many projects!!” – Vyxtechnik – “I will also build a theme park with one of the surnames of our family: The great Mc.Quimericals!!. It will be named «Mc.Quimerical Theme Park»! Multiculturalism will be the magical word!! It will be the greatest competitor of Disneyland in Los Angeles!” And all our relatives and friends are going to take part in the project!!” – Vabwskah – Of course we are!! Don’t forget to e-mail the structure, the project and the aims!” – Vyxtechnik – “No, I won’t forget!!” – Vabwskah – “My dear brother, it’s time to travel again!! I regrettably have to leave one more time… I’m really sorry…I would like to stay for another week but I have to continue my journey. The next country will be Canada! I will be visiting some of the many cousins we have got there! This time, for a change, I will ride my new heavyweight motorcycle Harley-Davidson!! Next, I will cross the frontier by train and finally I will rent a car!!” – Vyxtechnik – “Ok brother! I will miss you. Have a nice trip!! Tell our Canadian cousins I send my love. Send me a tweet via the Twitter website!” Bye, bye!!” – Vabwskah – “My brother, byeeeeeeeeeeee!!!” V abwskah . 31
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Canada The narrator – Vabwskah is going to meet a cousin. Her name is Pyntahtyn. She has got two university degrees. She has studied History and Biosphere Engineering. The biosphere is composed by the part of the planet Earth where “life” can be found. Human and not human. It is the part of the Earth where we can find water and air – atmosphere – . – Pyntahtyn – “Marvellous and extraordinary cousin Vabwskah!! How are you my dear? Did you enjoy your journey?” – Vabwskah – “Cousin Pyntahtyn! It is so nice to see you again!! I’m fine thank you! A little bit tired but I’m ok! My journey was wonderful! I have seen so many beautiful landscapes! Unfortunately I am not very familiar with some of the features of the Canadian history and culture…” – Pyntahtyn – “Well…my dear cousin, Hakuna Matata – it means «no worries, no problem» as you would say in South Africa, quoting a Swahili and Zulu expression which is still used nowadays!! And it will always be used!!! As you know, I have studied History. I will tell you something about the culture of Canada. Here, the Native Indians call themselves “The People”. They were Canada’s first inhabitants. They have this name due to Columbus. When Columbus sailed to America in 1492 he thought he had reached the Indies of Asia. It is a funny singularity, isn’t it, cousin?” – Vabwskah – “Yes it is! Go on please! I’m very interested!” – Pyntahtyn – “Well… Canada is a land of «many countries». Much of its population is made up of British people. British descendents. Almost four million are of Scottish or Irish ancestry. Other major groups are German, Italian, Dutch, Greek, Polish, Scandinavian and Portuguese.” – Vabwskah – “Portuguese!! Portugal! I will also visit Portugal!!”
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– Pyntahtyn – “Portugal!?! Why Portugal?? We haven’t got any relatives in Portugal!!! Am I mistaken? Have we? And Portugal is not an English speaking country? Is it? Am I wrong again?” – Vabwskah – “No, you are not wrong! We haven’t got any relatives in Portugal! And, definitely Portugal is not an English speaking country! The official language is Portuguese! Nevertheless, the Portuguese speak and write very good English. Some of them at least. I have a friend there! A good friend! She was born in Angola but her nationality is Portuguese, so, she is Portuguese. Apart from English and Portuguese, she also speaks and writes Spanish, French and German. She is a teacher of English in a multicultural academy near Lisbon. It is very near Lisbon´s International Airport. I will visit her. Most probably she is going to join us in South Africa too, during Christmas Time. Her name is Asle-Airam! The name comes from the Kymbwndw and the hwmbwndw languages, two Angolan idioms. Asle-Airam was named after one of her great-grandmothers.” – Pyntahtyn – “I see. I would like to visit Lisbon as well. Some of my Canadian friends have already visited the capital of Portugal. They say it is a lovely city! Portuguese people are kind and sweet just like the people from the Republic of Southern Ireland. And the Portuguese food is really, really, really good!!! In my street there is a Portuguese restaurant! I love grilled sardines with boiled potatoes and fresh pepper salad!!! It’s delicious!!! Would you like to know about some other curiosities of the Canadian culture?” – Vabwskah – “Of course cousin, please, go on.” – Pyntahtyn – “Canada has some famous attractions. 1 – The Niagara Falls produce four million kilowatts of energy per second! We – me and our other Canadian cousins – are establishing an enterprise there!! We are thinking about exporting energy to some of the English speaking countries, particularly to Scotland V abwskah . 33
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because it is a very cold country. They need a lot of energy in the fall – autumn – and during the winter. 2 – The CN Tower in Toronto is the country’s tallest free-standing structure. 3 – The Sky Dome, in Toronto as well is the country’s most modern park – stadium – in which ball games are played. 4 – The Edmonton Mall is the world’s largest shopping complex. We are going to open a shopping Centre called «The Multicultural Environment». It will have shops and restaurants. All the English speaking countries will be represented there. Now a little bit of «Natural Science Culture». The beaver, the buffalo, the wolf, the coyote, the deer, the elk, the grizzly bear, the Rocky Mountain goat and the lynx are always associated with Canada.” – Vabwskah – “Some of these animals can also be found in the United States of America.” – Pyntahtyn – “Yes!! It’s true! There are some similarities between Canada and the USA, mainly concerning the Northern states of The United States!” Canada’s most popular sports include swimming, ice hockey, alpine skiing, baseball, tennis, basketball and golf.” – Vabwskah – “Thank you my dear cousin! It was very good to listen to your «historical, biological and cultural lesson»!! I would like to stay till the end of the weekend but it will not be possible. I must leave now. I will fly to Northern Ireland and visit our cousin who is the headmaster of a Religious Multicultural School. I think it was a great idea to build a religious educational institution and show that the word «tolerance» is very important.” – Pyntahtyn – “I agree with you!! It is an important institution. I’m cooperating with our cousin. I usually send him a lot of historical data. He has invited me to be a teacher there for six months. It would be within a religious education exchange programme
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designated «Religion and Multiculturalism». I think I am going to accept the position and the invitation!” – Vabwskah – “Dear Pyntahtyn, our family is going to gather for Christmas in South Africa. We will also celebrate a kind of “late” Thanksgiving. We all know that our family is special!! We are different! We will be waiting for you! I have to travel now. I will be flying again!! I love flying!! Here I go once again!!!! Give my regards to the other Canadian cousins.” – Pyntahtyn – “I will!! See you in South Africa my cousin!” Please, have some nice flying hours!!” – Vabwskah – “See youuuuuuuuuuuu!!”
Northern Ireland or Ulster The narrator – Vabwskah is in Northern Ireland. It is raining cats and dogs. Twedysplyanh, the Irish cousin is waiting for him. Twedysplyanh addresses Vabwskah using a greeting Irish expression. – Twedysplyanh – “«Dia Dhuit»!!! My dear cousin!! Dia Dhuit is an Irish greeting expression. It means «Hello». Literally it means something like «God is with you». Welcome to Northern Ireland!! How was your natural and biological flying method? How are your wings?” – Vabwskah – “Twedysplyanh!! My Irish cousin! It is so nice to see you again! My sweet precious wings are absolutely wet!! It is raining heavily!! The flight was a regular one.” – Twedysplyanh – “Let’s go home! You need to have a hot meal and sleep.” – Vabwskah – “I usually read the news about the Religious Multicultural School on the Irish papers online. You have students and teachers from all the English speaking countries and in the V abwskah . 35
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beginning of the next school year teachers and students from other countries will join you!! That’s good news! I’m so happy for you!!” – Twedysplyanh – “You are very well informed cousin!! Yes, I suppose it means good news!!! I am working for the defense and protection of religious freedom and tolerance! It seems I’m reaching my aims!! Changing the subject, are there any news from South Africa? I know as well that you are structuring and developing many interesting and useful projects and activities!” – Vabwskah – “You are also well informed cousin!! I will continue e-mailing you some data! Next Christmas our family is going to gather in South Africa! We will be waiting for you!” – Twedysplyanh – “Thank you for the invitation cousin! You are so kind! I would love to visit South Africa! It will be the first time!” – Vabwskah – “well…here is the opportunity!! You shouldn’t miss it!!” – Twedysplyanh – “I will serve you an Ulster Fry or Frye – it can be spelled with or without an “e”. It is one of the traditional Ulster dishes and it is delicious!!” – Vabwskah – “Ok cousin, thank you for your kindness. Next I must leave, this time by bus! I’m going – not far – to The Republic of Ireland to visit my sister Meywyan. As you know she is a painter and a musician! Meywyan plays the harp! She is also interested in the Celtic Mythology!! Meywyan is working on a project that includes the Mythology of Ireland and the Mythology of Wales. She is working with our Welsh cousins! – The narrator – After finishing the meal, Vabwskah left. – Vabwskah – “Cousin, it was very good to see you again! I would like to see you in South Africa on the 24th of December! I’m arranging a “family meeting”, by that time! Please, don’t miss the special celebration! Here is the bus!! I’m leaving now!! Goodbye cousin!!”
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– Twedysplyanh – “I won’t miss the celebration!! See you in South Africa!! Send my regards to your sister in Southern Ireland and to all our relatives!! Have a nice trip!! Goodbye!!”
The Republic of Ireland or Eire – The narrator – Vabwskah is in the Republic of Southern Ireland. Music has always played an important role in the Irish culture, that’s why the harp is the national symbol. – Vabwskah – “My dear sweet and sensitive sister! You are so thin!! Thin, elegant and beautiful! Always eating vegetables and fruits, avoiding fat food! How are you my dear?” – Meywyan – “Vabwskah, my older brother! Welcome to my region of the world! It is so great to see you again! I have got so many things to tell and show you! I am doing research work on a Celtic Myth that tells the story of the English language and of the English speaking countries. At the same time I’m painting a set of paintings re-creating the Myth, trying to give it a shape through painting! I’m working with experts in History, Linguistics, Natural Sciences, other painters, designers, philosophers, poets, singers, musicians and specialists on the Greek and Roman civilizations!! I’m very motivated! Additionally I will be establishing a connection with our sister Kazie to work with this project in a “cross-culture” way, making it travel throughout the times – decades, centuries and the spaces!!” – Vabwskah – “My dear younger sister I’m so happy to hear that! I can see that you are really happy! Congratulations!!” – Meywyan – “What about you my dear brother? How are you? Vabwskah – “I’m fine! You know everything about my projects because I am always e-mailing data!” V abwskah . 37
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– Meywyan – “Once that you are going to stay for two days I will tell you in detail everything about my creative and artistic activities!! And you will also visit the island!” – The narrator – On the third day Vabwskah was ready to leave. – Vabwskah – “Dear sister, I will swim till Scotland! The water must be cold but I can handle that! On Christmas Eve I will be waiting for you in South Africa! Goodbye my dear! All the best for you!!” – Meywyan – “Goodbye my dear brother! Give my love to our family and friends in Scotland, Wales and England!”
Scotland The narrator – Vabwskah is meeting his Scottish cousin Azmahglyn. Azmahglyn is the owner of a bookshop in Edinburgh. He is also coordinating the University College within the «Multicultural Scottish University» originally called the «Mc. Quimerical and Mc. Utopical University» because it was founded by some of Vabwskah’s relatives. This small college is specialized in «Literary Multicultural Studies and Creative Writing». Azmahglyn is a writer and a professor – a university professor –. Note – The word “professor” is used to refer to a university professor. All the other “professors” outside university in the other areas of teaching are addressed as “teachers”. “Advisers” are professors who are advising, supervising and coordinating a student – or a group of – concerning post-graduate studies. Still the narrator – Cultural data
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Scotland is a place which still remains wild, with magnificent scenery and many historic buildings. The climate is very cold nearly all the year, except in summer, when it’s warm. Being the northernmost region of Great Britain, Scotland is obviously also part of the United Kingdom, however, it has its own laws, education system and even bank notes. Scots Gaelic is still spoken by 80.000 people in Scotland, mainly in the Highlands but everybody speaks English too. The capital is Edinburgh, considered one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. If you ever go to Edinburgh don’t forget to visit the Edinburgh Castle. Loch, [loch] is a Scottish Gaelic word. In English it means “lake”. Loch Ness is a famous lake in Northern Scotland where Nessie, the Loch Ness monster is said to live. Sightings of Nessie have been reported every year. There are even some photos. Some people believe a pre-historic monster – or a large animal of an unknown species – lives in the deep waters of the 36 km long lake. Yet, to many people the Loch Ness monster is just the product of over-imaginative minds, a myth especially good for local tourism. The official flag of Scotland is the Saltire, a white diagonal cross on a dark blue field. It represents St. Andrew, Scotland’s patron saint. The national emblem is the thistle, a tough tenacious plant containing a bright purple flower. The image of the Scotsman wearing a kilt and playing the bagpipes is very well known. But, of course, Scotsmen, even in the Highlands, do not always wear kilts. Only on special occasions. By long tradition, tartans have identified the Scottish clans/ families. Tartan is the special design of contrasting colours used in Highland traditional dress, for instance, the blue and green sett of the Mackenzie clan or the scarlet and black of the Grant clan.
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