Inglés 10°

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Book Structure Each unit presents the objectives that students are meant to accomplish based on the MEP program. This book follows a structure that allows the students to:

Turn it on! Activate their previous knowledge on the subject through pictures, questions or short readings so that they can establish connections to the new material that will be covered. This also works as a diagnostic activity for the teacher to decide about any adaptations or changes.


What's new ?

Learn or review vocabulary related to the topic using engaging activities such as crosswords, matching, picture analysis, etc. The vocabulary will help them advance in the unit in a smooth way.

Get the tools Analyze and learn the rules of the language in a very simple way and with examples taken from the readings studied before. The teacher expands on the explanations and examples in class. Students have a space in which they can take notes or write questions to ask in class.

Practice makes perfect Put into practice the structures and rules previously analyzed with exercises and practices related to the topic. Review the material and internalize it for the following activities.

Let's read about... Identify new vocabulary related to the topic and grammatical structures that will be analyzed later through readings, articles, tales, etc., that include pre, during and post reading exercises. The readings will work as examples for the following exercises and activities.

Leave your words Write sentences, paragraphs or essays in which they apply the vocabulary and structures covered in the unit.

what do you say? Develop conversations, drills, information gap activities or oral presentations about the topic applying the new structures.

Check yourself Check that the objectives of the unit were covered and understood once all the activities and exercises are done.


............... 4

Achievements of our national athletes • Information questions

uNIT 2

............... 20

Costa Rican art, music and crafts • Yes/No Questions

uNIT 3

............... 36

Words with same and different meaning • Synonyms and antonyms

uNIT 4

............... 46

Costa Rican typical food • Passive voice

uNIT 5

............... 88

Linking words in context • Conjunctions

uNIT 8

............... 97

Tourist attractions offered by Costa Rican communities. • There is / There are

uNIT 9

............... 110

Common illnesses and new diseases and epidemics • Modals of advice

uNIT 10

............... 123

Our democratic tradition • Approving and disapproving

............... 60

Holidays and celebrations in Costa Rica with some celebrations in English speaking countries • Preferences / be used to

uNIT 6

uNIT 7

............... 74

Causes and effects of natural resources misuse • Suggestions

uNIT 11

............... 133

Careers, jobs and lifestyles

uNIT 8 Tourist attractions offered by Costa Rican communities At the end of this unit you will be able to… SPEAKING • Respond to messages and dialogues in short simple sentences in a range of context. • Speak with intelligible pronunciation and intonation. READING • Understand conceptual meaning. • Select written material that is appropriate to their competence to read independently. WRITING • Write coherently and accurately on a range of factual and imaginative topics.

Turn it on! 1. Look at the pictures. Label them with URBAN or RURAL tourism.

Let's read about... 1. Read the information about Costa Rica and complete the exercises below. A. Do you know what these acronyms refer to?

ICT _____________________________________________________________________________ TRC ____________________________________________________________________________ ACTUAR _________________________________________________________________________

2. Read the text and answer the questions. Costa Rica has invested more than 50 years in rural development. All these years of efforts are capitalized today into new initiatives for the enhancement of the local economies. Community Rural Tourism is one of the initiatives that, little by little, has represented an important means of development for those rural communities potentially capable of competing with other high quality attraction sites. The rural world is therefore unique as for its assets, history, nature, talents, and hopes. This is the meaning of community rural tourism, an authentic tourist product impossible to imitate, an important tool for the development of the communities and the enhancement of the Costa Rican identity. Tourism is a dynamic sector that generates development. Specifically, Community Rural Tourism (TRC) oriented to promote tourist activities with local participation is a new segment that is constantly growing and presents very positive features, totally opposite to the well known problems caused by the development of traditional tourism. This kind of tourism allows the integration of natural resources, daily life in the rural communities and agropecuary activities in an attractive product for the national and international tourist market. Rural tourism is the perfect choice for the tourist that is interested in knowing and enjoying the life in the country side, such as: horseback riding, walks, agricultural activities, discovering alternative methods of production, fresh water fishing, village festivities, and fairs. All of this without leaving out other accessible possibilities in the area like adventurous tourism, nature, sun, beaches and sport activities. Moreover, rural tourism provides visitors with a personalized contact. All services are run by the producers through organizations or directly, as a family business. Unlike rural tourism offered by other countries, community rural tourism companies in Costa Rica need the participation of several families or even the entire community in order to offer a tourist product, due to their community dynamics and the relevance of activity.

1. What makes community rural tourism different? ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the main objective of TRC? ________________________________________________________________________________

3. What does TRC integrate? ________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What are some of the attractions that rural tourism offers? ________________________________________________________________________________ 5. What is one of the characteristics of rural tourism? ________________________________________________________________________________

2. Read the information about rural tourism and complete the exercises.

A. Have you visited a rural hotel or restaurant? What is the difference to those in the urban area?

Rural and community tourism in Costa Rica: A road towards sustainability

Destinations and genuine products designed for both national and internationally environmentally-conscious audiences. The Costa Rica Tourism Board congratulates young entrepreneurs working in rural and community tourism, for their undying support to sustainable tourism. The essence of rural & community tourism: • Diversifies Costa Rica’s tourism offerings. • Brings added value to agricultural production. • Promotes the protection of natural resources and the identity of our rural communities. • Motivates pride and heritage conservation among local families. • Promotes the undertaken families work. What Community-Based Rural Tourism Offers • Lodging at an inn in a rural community. • Local foods in dining halls, rural touristic restaurants, farms, etc. • Tours in communities coordinated by local travel agencies. • Camping expeditions in themed tourist and protected areas. B. Read the following information and check complete the chart.

Rural tourism is An institution that supports it is Some advantages are You can find

3. Read the information about a tourist attraction and complete the exercises. A. Look at the pictures. What does each mean?

______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

B. Read the add and answer the following questions.

The Children’s Eternal Rain Forest It is the largest private reserve in Costa Rica with an Area of 22,500 hectares or 54,000 acres, and it continues to grow. The CER straddles the continental divide, extending from about 600 m in elevation on the Caribbean slope, up to the highest peaks at almost 1,800 m, and down to about 900 m on the Pacific slope. Climate, and with it the flora and fauna, change very fast across the different slopes and elevation; six of Costa Rica's twelve life zones are found within the CER. This is one of the main reasons the CER is one of the richest natural areas on Earth.

The CER is also the watershed that feeds the dozens of communities and farms beneath it, as well as hydroelectric projects which, together, produce about one third of Costa Rica's electricity.

to make Help us e world's one of th s treasure greatest al… truly etern

1. What is the name of the place? ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Where is it located? ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What is the land extension? ________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What is it’s natural importance? ________________________________________________________________________________

5. What is it’s economical importance? ________________________________________________________________________________ 6. How many life zones can be found in it? ________________________________________________________________________________ 7. What is highest peak in CER? ________________________________________________________________________________ 8. What activities do you think you might do while being in CER? ________________________________________________________________________________

MEP sample questions SANTA ELENA

Santa Elena is a small town, but full of life. People from this place are very friendly and talkative. The hotels and other structures are typical of mountainous regions. They all have something which might be architecturally classified as, “alpine”, and make abundant use of wood in their construction. The majority of the native people in Santa Elena work in agriculture or tourism. They own a coffee cooperative and sell excellent tasting coffee. It is also a dairy town. Many farmers own cloud forests, of which they are very proud, and offer to take tourists on hikes. Tourism is helping to support their conservation. Talkative = tending to talk a lot. To own = to possess.

1. Native people in this place ______________. a. don’t like to talk b. aren’t friendly c. are bored d. are kind

2. Most of the structures in Santa Elena, such as hotels and others _________________. a. own cloud forests b. take tourists on hike c. have “alpine” construction d. sell excellent tasting coffee

3. Most of the people in Santa Elena ______________________. a. sell houses b. build hotels c. work the land d. construct houses

4. Some Santa Elena’s inhabitants also sell ______________________. a. black beans b. delicious coffee c. ornamental plants d. cloud forest species


Santa Elena is a small town, but full of life. People from this place are very friendly and talkative. The hotels and other structures are typical of mountainous regions. They all have something which might be architecturally classified as, “alpine”, and make abundant use of wood in their construction. The majority of the native people in Santa Elena work in agriculture or tourism. They own a coffee cooperative and sell excellent tasting coffee. It is also a dairy town. Many farmers own cloud forests, of which they are very proud, and offer to take tourists on hikes. Tourism is helping to support their conservation. Talkative = tending to talk a lot. To own = to possess. 1. Native people in this place ______________. a. don’t like to talk b. aren’t friendly c. are bored d. are kind

2. Most of the structures in Santa Elena, such as hotels and others _________________. a. own cloud forests b. take tourists on hike c. have “alpine” construction d. sell excellent tasting coffee

3. Most of the people in Santa Elena ______________________. a. sell houses b. build hotels c. work the land d. construct houses

4. Some Santa Elena’s inhabitants also sell ______________________. a. black beans b. delicious coffee c. ornamental plants d. cloud forest species


The Southern City of Pérez Zeledón’s annual Tourism, Environment and Ecology Expofair will be held this weekend at the city’s public fairgrounds. The event will include a wide range of activities and stands aimed at showcasing the area’s rich culture and traditions and unique natural wonders. The fair will include representative typical foods of the region, the traditional running of bulls, fireworks displays, arts and crafts sales, and an orchid competition. This event is the latest in a series of rural Expofairs aimed at showcasing areas that aren’t usually considered tourist destinations. Last weekend, coffee towns in the Los Santos area held their own fair, which attracted a large number of tourists, many of whom had never visited the area before. 1. The Tourism, Environment and Ecology Expofair takes place in Pérez Zeledón __________. a. daily b. yearly c. weekly d. monthly

2. Visit the fair and enjoy _______________ food. a. junk b. natural c. regional d. vegetarian

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