Inglés 8°

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Book Structure Each unit presents the objectives that students are meant to accomplish based on the MEP program. This book follows a structure that allows the students to:

Turn it on! Activate their previous knowledge on the subject through pictures, questions or short readings so that they can establish connections to the new material that will be covered. This also works as a diagnostic activity for the teacher to decide about any adaptations or changes.


What's new ?

Learn or review vocabulary related to the topic using engaging activities such as crosswords, matching, picture analysis, etc. The vocabulary will help them advance in the unit in a smooth way.

Get the tools Analyze and learn the rules of the language in a very simple way and with examples taken from the readings studied before. The teacher expands on the explanations and examples in class. Students have a space in which they can take notes or write questions to ask in class.

Practice makes perfect Put into practice the structures and rules previously analyzed with exercises and practices related to the topic. Review the material and internalize it for the following activities.

Let's read about... Identify new vocabulary related to the topic and grammatical structures that will be analyzed later through readings, articles, tales, etc., that include pre, during and post reading exercises. The readings will work as examples for the following exercises and activities.

Leave your words Write sentences, paragraphs or essays in which they apply the vocabulary and structures covered in the unit.

what do you say? Develop conversations, drills, information gap activities or oral presentations about the topic applying the new structures.

Check yourself Check that the objectives of the unit were covered and understood once all the activities and exercises are done.


Family Members The Possessive Use of How Many

UNIT 2 • • •

........ 51

Means of Transportation Telling the Time Asking for Information

UNIT 6 • • •

........ 42

Parts of an Entry Synonyms Antonyms

UNIT 5 • • •

........ 29

Personality Traits Comparatives Superlatives

UNIT 4 • • •

........ 17

Description of Physical Appearance Emotions Adjectives

UNIT 3 • • •

........ 4

........ 64

Tourist Attractions Future with Will Future with Going to

UNIT 7 • • •

Goods and Services Asking for Goods and Services Prepositions

UNIT 8 • •

........ 114

Asking and Giving Directions Imperative Forms

uNIT 11 • •

........ 102

Grammatical Function of Words

uNIT 10 • •

........ 88

Likes, Dislikes and Preferences Adverbs of Frequency

UNIT 9 •

........ 76

........ 129

Occupations Talking about Jobs

Unit 8... Likes, dislikes and preferences At the end of this unit you will be able to… SPEAKING • Take part in short conversations. READING • Deduce the meaning of unfamiliar lexical items. • Understand short texts and dialogues made up of familiar language. • Extract relevant specific information from such texts as simple brochures, guidelines letters and other forms of continuous writing. • Understand a variety of texts that include familiar language in unfamiliar context. WRITING • Write several sentences to convey simple familiar factual information with guidance. • Substitute individual words and sets of phrases. • Write short texts. • Adapt language from source materials to parallel situations. • Express personal responses, such as likes, dislikes and feelings. • Choose the appropriate form of writing for a particular task.

Turn it on! 1. Look at the following pictures of activities. Answer the questions. Share with a partner.

•Which of these activities do you practice? •Which of these activities you would never try? •Which other activities would you like to do?


What’s new !


Read the information in the boxes. Decide which activities / things you like and which ones you do not like. Work with a partner. Share with the class.

ROUTINES Have dinner at home Take a shower Get up early Do homework Clean you room

MUSIC Dupstep Heavy metal Reggaetón Instrumental Pop

FOOD Fast food Vegetarian food Homemade food Typical food Light food

ENTERTAINMENT Play video games Practice sports Watch TV Play boardgames Dance

CLOTHING Jeans Shorts Shoes Formal clothes Sports clothes

TV PROGRAMS Soap operas Sitcoms Cartoons Sport programs Series


I don’t like…




Let’s read a bout it! 1.

Read the dialogues and complete the exercises.


Complete the following chart with a partner.

Do you prefer… salsa or metal?

Your classmate


spicy food or sweet food? Math or Spanish? hot or cold places?


Read the following dialogue. Practice reading it with a partner.

Jaime: What kinds of music do you like, Susana? Susana: I love classical music. What about you? Jaime: I like jazz and 50’s and 60’s rock and roll. Susana: What is your favorite kind of food? Jaime: Mexican food, without a doubt. What’s yours? Susana: I don’t really have a favorite. I like all kinds of food, except fast food. Jaime: Who is your favorite movie star? Susana: Brad Pitt, he’s so handsome. Who do you like? Jaime: My favorite actor is Charlie Sheen and my favorite actress is Megan Fox. Susana: What sport do you like to play best? Jaime: I really like to play soccer, but I’m not very good at it. What about you? Susana: I don’t really like sports and have never played them. Jaime: What’s your favorite game? Susana: Hopscotch. Jaime: Hopscotch! That’s a kid’s game. Susana: I know, but I’m very good at it. I play with my nephews and nieces and I beat them every time. Jaime: Don’t you ever let them win? Susana: Never.



Write T (True) or F (False) next to the sentences. 1.

Susana hates classical music.



Jaime loves old music.



Susana can’t stand fast food.



Jaime doesn’t like Mexican food.



Susana likes all kinds of food.



Susana thinks Brad Pitt is unattractive.



Charlie Sheen is Susana’s favorite actor.



Megan Fox is Jaime’s favorite actress.



Jaime is good at playing soccer.



Susana practices all kinds of sports.



Jaime loves to play hopscotch.



Susana thinks hopscotch is a great game.


Answer the following questions based on the dialogue. Compare with the rest of the class.


What kind of music does Susana like?

__________________________________________________________________. 2.

What kind of music does Jaime like?

__________________________________________________________________. 3.

What is Susana’s favorite kind of food?

__________________________________________________________________. 4.

Does Jaime like Mexican food?

__________________________________________________________________. 5.

Is rock and roll Susana’s favorite kind of music?

__________________________________________________________________. 6.

Why does Susana like Brad Pitt?

__________________________________________________________________. 7.

What are Jaime’s favorite actor and actress?

__________________________________________________________________. 8.

Is Jaime good at playing soccer?

__________________________________________________________________. 9.

Who does Jaime play hopscotch with?



Read the following dialogue. Practice reading it with a partner. José: Hey, Kattia. I'm thinking about renting a movie for tonight's party, and I want to know what kind of movies you like. Kattia: Okay. What kind of movies do you have in mind? José: Well, what about action movies? Kattia: Ah, I don't really like action movies. Too much violence. José: Okay, do you like comedies? Kattia: Now, I do enjoy comedies. José: Fine. Well, what do you think of horror movies or love stories? Kattia: Uh . . . I'm not really crazy about horror movies, but love stories are often fun to watch. Oh, and I really like foreign films, too. José: Okay. I'll go to the video store and see what I can find. Thanks.


Complete the following chart based on the dialogue.

José’s preferences about movies


Kattia’s preferences about movies

Answer the following questions based on the dialogue. Compare with a partner.

1. Does José want to rent a movie?

4. Does Kattia like comedies?

______________________________________. 2. What kind of movies does José have in mind?

_____________________________________ 5. Does Kattia prefer love or horror movies?

______________________________________. 3. Why does Kattia not like action movies?

______________________________________ 6. What other kinds of movies does Kattia like?



Get the tools! EXPRESSIONS TO SHOW LIKE OR DISLIKE • When you want to say that you like something or someone, you can use these expressions:

I love… I love playing football.

I like… I like dancing.

I enjoy… I enjoy running.

I'm crazy about… I'm crazy about skiing.

I'm mad about… I'm mad about singing.

• When you want to say that you don’t like something or someone, you can use these expressions:

I hate… I hate writing essays.

I don't like… I don't like being cold.

I can’t stand… I can't stand being late.

I’m sick of … I'm sick of going to the movies.

I’m tired of … I'm tired of being sick.

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