$17.95 US • $19.95 Canada
You’re Invited to a Felted Food Feast! Filled to the brim with detailed, step-by-step lessons, Feltlicious is a delightful “cookbook” of enticing needle-felted treats. Start with the basics of needle felting, then choose from a menu of more than 30 fun, beautifully crafted foods and a dozen projects to make, wear, and give. Bon appetit!
Front cover photos by Kerri Wessel Back cover photos by Jack Deutsch Author photos by Eric Nixon (Kari Chapin) and Stephen Andrade (Kerri Wessel)
$17.95 US • $19.95 Canada ISBN 978-1-936096-64-0 51795
www.sixthandspringbooks.com PRINTED IN CHINA
9 781936 096640
Kari Chapin & Kerri Wessel
Needle-felting artist K E R R I W E S S E L (right) is renowned for her detailed and lifelike felt creations, which have been featured in crafts shows and galleries throughout New England. More of her work, as well as information on upcoming shows and classes, can be found at fuzzefood.com.
Feltlicious needle-felted treats to make & give
Writer K A R I C H A P I N (left) is the bestselling author of The Handmade Marketplace (2010), ranked the #1 craft book of 2010 by Amazon.com, and Grow Your Handmade Business (2012). She combines her background in marketing and publicity with an avid enthusiasm for crafts and social networking to offer personal coaching and creative business e-courses at karichapin.com.
Kari Chapin & Kerri Wessel
Feltlicious needle-felted treats to make & give
Kari Chapin & Kerri Wessel
needle-felted treats to make & give Feltlicious is a hearty three-course meal of needle-felting techniques, beautifully crafted foods, and fun projects that’s sure to satisfy your crafty cravings. Start with a nutritious buffet of essential tools and techniques, then browse a variety of yummy felted fare, from Good Morning breakfast dishes to classic Diner Delights, from Farmers Market fruits and veggies and Sweet Shop desserts to seasonally inspired Holiday Treats. Finish up with ideas and instructions for turning your felted delicacies into jewelry, accessories, home decorating items, and gifts.