Figure It Out.Cover.FINALREVISE2.qxd:1
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Do you want to draw the human figure, but you’re intimidated by learning anatomy? Frustrated by figure-drawing books that focus more on bones and muscles than people? If so, Figure It Out! is the book for you. This fun and friendly guide teaches you how to effectively draw male and female figures without learning anatomy. You’ll start by learning to draw the head and facial expressions, then move on to complete figure poses, including clothed people and bodies in motion. This inspiring and entertaining book shows you everything you need to know to start drawing the figure—and nothing you don’t!
CHRIS HART is the world’s best-selling author
of how-to-draw books.
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Tons of tips s and technique for drawing people—the easy way! Friendly
Chris Art Instruction Hart
Chris Hart Books FigureItOut! The Beginner’s Guide to Drawing People
You can communicate a variety of attitudes just through body language. Take a look at these figures in various poses. Notice how their posture, hand and foot positions and head tilts tell you exactly how they’re feeling— even without facial features!
Sneak Peek
Body Talk
3:50 PM
Chris Hart
Chris Hart
FigureItOut! The Beginner’s Guide to DrawingPeople
Art Instruction $19.95 US $25.95 CANADA
ng Best-selli t... r a H s i r h author C g drawing
kin n for ma re It Out! he w o n k s .i .. igu easy. In F rk approach to fun and a is tradem ody. You’ll h s e li p p b a e human y how to h t g in w dra asil kly and e s of learn quic nd women in lot ’ll ou na draw me like poses. And y cial fa fe natural, li r how to portray . e v o a u ge also disc ody lang b d n a s n expressio
Inside you'll find... ● Hundreds of figures
in varied poses gs ● Step-by-step drawin ● Artists’ secrets for bringing drawings e! to life...and much mor