I Dream of Yarn

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A Knit and Crochet Coloring Book I dream of yarn •

A R T • Te c h n i q u e s • C o l o r

Enter a place where yarn spins a dreamy world, where coloring leads to reveries, and creative expression results in bliss.


I dream of yarn FRANKLIN HABIT


$9.95 US • $11.95 CANADA ISBN: 978-1-942021-75-9

Get Creative 6

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a r m e d I of yarn

A Knit and Crochet Coloring Book FRANKLIN HABIT

Get Creative 6


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While I knit, I dream. I was little more than a baby when I first witnessed the calming influence of needlework on an agitated soul. My mother and grandmother, both volatile in temperament, turned lamblike the moment yarn or thread started to flow past their fingers. As I grew, I learned for myself how the too-real outside world begins to fade when you pick up a needle or hook. Troubling questions about death and taxes give way to far more pleasant meditations like Where do all the lost mittens go? and Where would a mermaid keep her stash? When I came to draw this book, I decided early on that I did not want to present the colorist with an unbroken series of ho-hum everyday images–here is a sock, here is a mitten, here is a sweater. Instead, I give you a guidebook to some of the fantastic places knitting and crochet have taken me in my dreams. You will find the sock, the mitten, and the sweater, yes. But where and how you find them may startle you and will, I hope, delight you. — F R A N K L I N H A B I T, C H I CAG O, 2 0 1 6


This little dream was made sweeter with help from my friends Cécile Balladino, Abigail Bartlett, Karen Baumer, Susan Inman, John Mullarkey, and Virginia Ravenscroft; as well as immeasurable support from my steadfast partner, Tom Rothschild.


To the memory of my mother, Ann– who yelled at me for drawing cats on my bedroom wall when I was two years old, but grudgingly admitted they were pretty good cats.

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Get Creative 6 An Imprint of Mixed Media Resources 161 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10013 Š 2016 Franklin Habit All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means—graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage-andretrieval systems—without written permission of the publisher. The designs in this book are intended for the personal, noncommercial use of the retail purchaser and are under federal copyright laws; they are not to be reproduced in any form for commercial use. Permission is granted to photocopy content for the personal use of the retail purchaser. Manufactured in China. 13579108642

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About the Author A teacher, designer, author, illustrator, photographer, and knitter extraordinaire, Franklin Habit is regular columnist for Lion Brand Yarns and Skacel Collection; and a frequent contributor to Vogue Knitting, Ply, Knitty, and other major fiber arts publications. He travels extensively throughout the world teaching and lecturing at knitting events and festivals. This is his first coloring book.

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A Knit and Crochet Coloring Book I dream of yarn •

A R T • Te c h n i q u e s • C o l o r

Enter a place where yarn spins a dreamy world, where coloring leads to reveries, and creative expression results in bliss.


I dream of yarn FRANKLIN HABIT


$9.95 US • $11.95 CANADA ISBN: 978-1-942021-75-9

Get Creative 6

YARNSCAPES_COVER_8.5 x 10.875_10mm spine_FINALrev3.indd 1

spine : 10mm

2/23/16 8:53 PM

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