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Today’s most popular manga are all about girls. Whether they’re battling monsters, practicing magic, playing sports or just flirting with their crushes, manga girls do it in style. MANGA MANIA GIRL POWER! shows you how to draw dozens of dynamic divas. Inside you’ll find... ● A huge cast of characters: fighters, princesses, fantasy chefs, witches and vampires, schoolgirls and more ● Tons of step-by-step illustrations that make it easy to follow along and learn to create your own manga girls ● Tips on drawing action poses, designing authentic costumes and conveying expressions charged with emotion ● Ideas for creating stories and putting your manga girls in all kinds of exciting and humorous situations
Chris Hart Books
It’s a Girl’s World Boys just live in it!
$19.95 US $21.95 CANADA
CHRIS HART is the world’s bestselling author of how-to-draw books and the author of the graphic novel THE REFORMED.
Chris Hart
Chris Hart
MANGAMANIA Girl Power! ™
drawing fabulous females for Japanese comics