CH_Draw Animals Shape-by-Shape_COVER FINAL:Layout 1
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A G E S 4 AN D U P A R T • D R AW I N G • J U V E N I L E N O N F I C T I O N
Learn how to draw more than 100 cartoon animals starting with just a circle, a square, a rectangle, or a triangle. Simple step-by-step instructions and a colorful collection of lively creatures make drawing animals as easy as it is fun!
...a square becomes an enormous elephant...
Chris Hart ...a rectangle becomes a silly alligator...
is the world’s bestselling author of how-to-draw books. $14.95 US • $16.95 CAN ISBN : 978-1-936096-95-4
...and a triangle becomes a magical unicorn.
Christopher Hart Books for K I D S
Drawing Animals Shape by Shape
Draw Your Favorite Animals with Simple Shapes!
Watch as a circle becomes a baby penquin…
Chris Hart
Chris Hart
Drawing Animals
Shape by Shape
Create Cartoon Animals with Circles, Squares,Rectangles & Triangles