Annual Report 2019

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OUR MISSION Enabling students, within a Lasallian community, to learn how to learn and to learn how to live, empowering them to become people of integrity and people for others.


Message from our Chairman


Message from our Brother President


Board of Governors


Ex-Officio Members and Meeting Attendance


Board Committees and Executive Leadership


About SJI International


Service Learning


Co-Curricular Activities


Elementary School


High School


IB Diploma Results


Our Staff


Financial Information: Elementary School


Financial Information: High School


Financial Information: Scholarships and Bursaries Fund


Fundraising Highlights


Financial Information: Building and Development Fund


Campus Enhancements

MESSAGE FROM OUR CHAIRMAN 2019 marked the 300th anniversary of the death of St John Baptist de La Salle, the founder of the De La Salle Brothers. SJI International commemorated the Tercentenary by recalling our Founder’s remarkable spirit and endeavour through a number of special events and programmes. Our Board of Governors and Executive Leadership Team travelled to France in September on a Lasallian Pilgrimage, walking in the footsteps of our Founder St John Baptist de La Salle. A special Tercentenary Mass was held for our High School community and Grades 5 and 6 students, followed by our Founder’s Day Ceremony, International Food Fair and Cultural Carnival, all of which involved and showcased the diversity, talent and spirit of our student community. Among the many activities to commemorate the Tercentenary during the year, one that stood out for our community was when our students and staff gathered on our new upper field to form a dramatic, living symbol of our Lasallian identity in the shape of a huge Lasallian Star, with the ES students in green, and the HS students in white. The Lasallian Star is the official seal (“Signum Fidei”) of the De La Salle Brothers and is at the centre of the crest of SJI International. It was truly a sight to behold and showcased the cohesive identity of the SJI International community. Fittingly to mark the Tercentenary, SJI International High School was awarded the Council of International Schools (CIS) Accreditation in 2019. The CIS Accreditation is an internationally-recognised benchmark of the best educational practices and systems.

We are now proudly one of 736 schools and 618 colleges and universities representing 116 countries across the world with CIS Accreditation, and one of only eight schools with this Accreditation in Singapore. Our parents, donors and friends continue to be extraordinarily supportive of the school’s ethos and aims, and we are immensely grateful for their generosity. We celebrated our 3rd SINGALA fundraising gala this year, coming together as a community to raise more than $1.45 million to support our Scholarships Fund. It is because of such support from our community that has enabled SJI International to continue to offer one of the strongest scholarship programmes among international schools in Singapore. Our High School scholarships allow us to sustain a diverse mix of students in terms of nationalities and socio-cultural backgrounds. We believe that such diversity provides a vibrant and enriching environment for all students in the school. In line with this mission, we have expanded our scholarships programme in 2019 to include the new sixyear Lasallian Scholarship. The Lasallian Scholarship will support up to four students from any of the Lasallian primary schools in Singapore to be admitted to SJI International at Grade 7 each year. Students selected for this new Scholarship Programme will begin their studies in 2020. Our culture of service continues to be strengthened, creating opportunities for personal development and enriching learning, and furthers our mission for students to become ‘people of integrity, people for

others’. Once again this year, our High School students raised significant support through their service activities with efforts like Hair for Hope & Beautiful Lengths raised $167,457 and the Charity Arts Night raised $30,000, Our Elementary School students raised $28,560 through their Lapathon. SJI International is proud to have an empathetic and caring school community that willingly chooses to empower and uplift others. During this year’s annual summer alumni reunion we were also fortunate to be able to welcome our 10th cohort of students to the alumni community. Cohorts from 2009-2018 were present. at the dinner In addition to celebrating fond memories of their time as students in SJI Internartional, our new alumni networking portal was launched alongside the 10th-anniversary issue of Infinitas alumni magazine. 2019 was truly an amazing year of celebration, accomplishment and service for SJI International and our Lasallian community. It was also a time of reflection, as we recalled and retraced the work of our Founder. The Lasallian Mission was launched more than 300 years ago and reached the shores of Singapore almost 170 years ago. SJI International turned

12 in 2019. We have a rich heritage of service to our community and of our community in turn supporting our Lasallian Mission in education. We have much to look forward to as we seek to build on the foundations laid down by our founding Lasallian pioneers. On behalf of the Board of Governors and Management of SJI International, I wish to express my deepest appreciation and gratitude to all staff, parents, donors and volunteers for your unflagging dedication and support. Thank you.

SJI International is proud to have an empathetic and caring school community that willingly chooses to empower and uplift others.

Roy Quek Chairman, Board of Governors

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MESSAGE FROM OUR BROTHER PRESIDENT Throughout the year the SJI International community joined Lasallians around the world in our observance of The Year of Lasallian Vocations, with the theme “De La Salle: One Heart, One Commitment, One Life.” The year 2019 marked the 300th anniversary of the death of St. John Baptist de La Salle. The Founder’s death, on 7 April 1719 in Rouen, France, also represents the passing on to us of the mission of Lasallian education. The Tercentenary Year provided an opportunity for us to become better aware of our Lasallian heritage, and to celebrate and renew our commitment to the vitality of the Lasallian educational mission. Three highlights of the year would be the 300th Anniversary Mass on 6th April, celebrated by Archbishop Marek Zalewski, Vatican Nuncio to Singapore, with students, staff, parents and alumni from our Singapore Lasallian schools; the formation of our Lasallian Star on a Monday morning in August, when nearly 2070 students and staff from the Elementary School and the High School, came together on the new upper field in a magnificent visual representation of our Lasallian identity; and on a more personal note, accompanying a group of our Governors and school leaders on a Lasallian pilgrimage to France in September, where we had the opportunity to literally walk in the footsteps of De La Salle while visiting so places significant in his life.

service projects and co-curricular highlights, facility improvements, scholarship and financial data, and so much more is highlighted in the Report. All of these relate to our school’s mission of helping young people to learn how to learn and live in ways that will lead them to be people for others, leaving SJI International to make a real difference in the world.. So keeping in mind the theme of the 300th anniversary year, it is with grateful hearts that we acknowledge the generous commitment of all who contribute to the life of St. Joseph’s Institution International. In 1719, De La Salle and the early Brothers could not have imagined that three hundred years later the work they began in France would be transforming the lives of young people in Singapore and 80 countries of the world. We celebrate the legacy bequeathed to us by the Founder. We thank you for keeping this legacy alive! Ora et Labora

As he neared the end of his life, when De La Salle was asked if he accepted all of the suffering and challenges that he experienced in the founding of the Brothers and the schools for poor children, he replied, “I love all the many ways God has acted in my life.” His dying words serve as a reminder and an inspiration to all of us as we see God acting in the life of the SJI International community every day. And some days seem more miraculous than others! The Annual Report reminds us of the many people and events that bring the mission of our school to life each day. People, programme developments,

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Br Lawrence Humphrey, FSC Brother President


Board Appointment


Mr Roy Quek Hong Sheng

Chairman appointed 22 May 2007


Mr Gabriel Lim Meng Liang

Vice Chairman appointed 1 July 2017

Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Trade and Industry

Br Paul Ho Kok Chee, FSC

Member appointed 1 June 2016

Brother President, St. Joseph’s Institution

Br Dennis Magbanua

Member appointed 1 July 2019

Community Director, La Salle College Brothers Community

Mr Chris Woo

Member appointed 1 September 2016

Tax Leader, Pricewaterhousecoopers Singapore Pte Ltd

Mr Lau Kok Keng

Member appointed 1 September 2016

Lawyer, Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP

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Board Appointment


Mr Derek Loh Eu Tse

Member appointed 1 September 2016

Lawyer, TSMP Law Corporation

Mr Esmond Choo Liong Gee

Member appointed 3 May 2011

Senior Executive Director, UOB Kay Hian Pte Ltd

Mrs Elaine Ng

Member appointed 1 January 2014

Deputy Secretary (Administration), Ministry of Defence

Mr John Lim Yew Kong

Member appointed 1 July 2018

Independent Non-Executive Director, Zico Holdings Inc

Dr Patricia Tan Shu Ming

Member appointed 1 July 2017

Managing Director, IPOS International Pte Ltd

Mr Kenneth Benjamin Li

Member appointed 1 September 2016

Managing Director, Carlton City Hotel (Singapore) Pte Ltd

Dr Koh Thiam Seng

Member appointed 1 July 2018

Executive Vice President, CES Education Pte Ltd

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Board Appointment


Br Lawrence Humphrey, FSC

Ex-officio Member appointed 1 July 2014

Brother President, St. Joseph’s Insitution International

Mr Darryl David

Ex-officio Member appointed 1 November 2017

Chief Executive Officer, St. Joseph’s Insitution International

St. Joseph’s Institution International Ltd (High school) and St. Joseph’s Institution International Elementary School Ltd are registered charities under the Charities Act. Both the charities are governed by a common Board of Governors comprising up to 15 members. The Constitution allows up to 5 out of 15 members to serve beyond 2 terms of 3 years for Board continuity and stability. Both the charities would like to disclose that there is no paid staff, being a close member of the family, belonging to the Executive Head, or a governing board member of the charity, who has received remuneration exceeding $50,000 during the financial year. Each of its 3 highest paid staff received a remuneration amount of between $200,000 to $300,000. In addition, the Governing Board Members were not remunerated for their services to the Board. St. Joseph’s Institution International Ltd also incorporates two Institutions of a Public Character (IPC) Funds, namely, the Scholarships & Bursaries Fund and the Building & Development Fund. These IPC funds are governed by the IPC Funds Committee which comprises no fewer than 10 members, with at least 50% independent membership. MOE is the Sector Administrator for these IPC Funds. Beside the IPC Funds Committee, assisting the Board of Governors in overseeing the various functions of the two schools are the following sub-committees: · · · · · · · · ·

Audit Committee Nominating Committee Finance Committee Human Resource Committee Development Committee Scholarship Committee Education Programme Committee FundRaising Committee Parent Support Group/Board/School Leadership Consultative Committee

Operationally, the two schools are managed and administered by the school Executive Leadership Team, which comprises the Brother President, Chief Executive Officer, High School Principal, Elementary School Principal, Chief Operating Officer, and Director of Advancement, Communications and Admissions. 7 | St. Joseph’s Institution International 2019 Annual Report


25 May

31 August

30 November

Board Member





Mr Roy Quek





Mr Gabriel Lim





Br Paul Ho





Br Dennis Magbanua





Mr Chris Woo





Mr Lau Kok Keng





Mr Derek Loh





Mr Esmond Choo





Mrs Elaine Ng





Mr John Lim





Dr Ming Tan





Mr Kenneth Li





Dr Koh Thiam Seng





BOARD COMMITTEES EDUCATION PROGRAMME Chairman Koh Thiam Seng Members Br Lawrence Humphrey Patricia Tan Lim Sun Sun Winston James Hodge Mark Minjoot Wilbur Wong Jennifer Tan Br Dennis Magbanua AUDIT Chairman Gabriel Lim Members Christopher Woo Paul Hooi Mark Wong Lau Kok Keng DEVELOPMENT Chairman Derek Loh Members Dennis Tang (Advisor) Bernard Yu Gerard Nah Lee Chee Koon John Lim Peter Tan Terence Loh

FINANCE Chairman Esmond Choo Members Christopher Woo Gerald Ng Leslie Goh Ong Seng Gee Adeline Sim FUNDRAISING Chairman Roy Quek Members Choo Oi Yee Kenneth Li Mark Wong Lee Chee Koon Ong Seng Gee Br Lawrence Humphrey Darryl David EPSG & PSG Representatives HUMAN RESOURCES Chairman Elaine Neo Members Roy Quek Patricia Tan Michael Boey Gabriel Lim

BOARD ADVISORY GROUP Members Br Michael Broughton Noel Hon Patrick Lim Tan Chin Seng Br George Van Grieken Andrew Bennett Dennis Tang Jessica Tan Michael Sng Tan Puay Hiang Tan Tee How Lim Soo Ping 9 | St. Joseph’s Institution International 2019 Annual Report

INSTITUTION OF PUBLIC CHARACTER (IPC) FUNDS Chairman Patricia Tan Members Esmond Choo Jude Menon Leon Yee Bernard Yeo Leong Kok Fann Peter Chiang Ravi s/o Sivalingam Jacqueline Poh Br Lawrence Humphrey Darryl David NOMINATING Chairman Roy Quek Members Elaine Neo Paul Ho Esmond Choo Gabriel Lim Derek Loh SCHOLARSHIP Chairman Kenneth Li Members Tan Puay Hiang (Advisor) Choo Oi Yee Ho Sing Leslie Goh Mark Wong Fiona Rankine Terence Loh Ignatius Rasiah


19 November

Committee Member



Dr Patricia Tan



Mr Christopher Woo



Mr Ravi Sivalingam



Mr Jude Menon



Mr Bernard Yeo



Mr Leon Yee



Ms Jacqueline Poh



Mr Peter Chiang



Brother Lawrence Humphrey



Mr Darryl David




Br Lawrence Humphrey, FSC Brother President Appointed 1 July 2014

Darryl David Chief Executive Officer Appointed 1 November 2017

Tighearnan Mooney Principal, Elementary School Appointed 1 August 2018

Clement Lee Chief Operating Officer Appointed 1 May 2013

Bradley Roberts Principal, High School Appointed 1 June 2012 to 30 June 2019

Maria Ciola Director, Advancement, Communications & Admissions Appointed 19 March 2018

Roisin Paul Principal, High School Appointed 1 November 2019

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St. Joseph’s Institution International

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INTRODUCTION SJI International is a non-profit co-educational school with a Lasallian Catholic foundation. It offers a holistic, valuesdriven and international educational experience to a diverse student body of over 40 nationalities rooted in the context of Singapore. Our community welcomes students, teachers, parents, friends and supporters of all faiths and cultural backgrounds. Established in 2007, SJI International is one of just three schools in Singapore with a licence to educate both Singaporean and international students for the high school. The realisation of the vision of SJI International was a labour of love for a team of alumnus of St Joseph’s Institution (SJI) who, having benefitted so profoundly from their own education at SJI, one of Singapore’s oldest and most respected schools, then sought a way to offer Singaporean and expatriate children a similar life-changing experience. SJI International opened its High School in 2007 and its Elementary School in 2008. Together they are part of a group of seven Lasallian institutions in Singapore with a history dating back to 1852. The school is overseen by the SJI International Board of Governors, comprising mainly SJI alumni. The school’s Patron is fellow Josephian Dr Tony Tan, former President of the Republic of Singapore.

SJI International has been notable over the years for its capacity to develop leaders of Singapore society, including members of the current government. Underpinning the remarkable success of SJI and SJI International has been the role played by the De La Salle Christian Brothers. The Lasallian Brotherhood embodies the tradition of St John Baptist de La Salle, the French priest who, in 1680, started this order of religious Brothers dedicated to bringing education to all, especially ‘the last, the lost and the least’. Its cornerstone values are faith, community and service. Today there are 4,000 Lasallian Brothers and about 100,000 Lasallian teachers working in 79 countries around the world.

SCHOOL ETHOS While welcoming children from all backgrounds and faiths, our ethos, values and principles have a firm foundation in the Catholic faith and the 340-year tradition of the De La Salle Brothers. We are a school where people are important and relationships are valued, underpinned by The Virtues Project in the Elementary School and SMILES (Spirituality, Mutual Respect, Internationalism, Leadership, Experiences,

and Service) in the High School. Our team of caring and dedicated teachers strive to create an environment where children can grow and develop in a safe and nurturing atmosphere. Our students are empowered to be resilient and critical inquirers. We aim to inspire an enthusiasm and curiosity for learning, as well as encourage the pursuit of excellence and achievement of personal best in all endeavours.

We strive to nurture students who:

are sensitive and considerate in their dealings with other people

are risk-takers

lack prejudice and are enterprising in establishing relations with people who are different from them

are willing to lead and to accept responsibility in society, particularly in order to serve others

are willing to seek challenging experiences that will facilitate their personal growth

strive to make full use of their talents

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LASALLIAN VALUES The Five Core Principles of Lasallian Schools

Faith in the Presence of God Concern for the Poor and Social Justice We are in solidarity with the poor and advocate for those suffering from injustices.

We believe in the living presence of God in our students, in our community and in our world.



Quality Education We engage in quality education together as students, staff, and faculty by thinking critically and examining our world in light of faith.

Respect for All Persons


We honour and respect the dignity of all individuals.

Inclusive Community We celebrate diversity and welcome all members of our community.

We are proud of our Lasallian Catholic heritage and offer many opportunities for Catholic children to explore and deepen their faith. They may participate in weekly catechism classes, daily prayers and weekly Mass in the school chapel. We also offer classes for preparation for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion.

The religious education programme we offer is intended to deepen a student’s conviction in his or her own belief, as well as to create in our students a deeper understanding and appreciation of people’s differences, religious as well as cultural, in order to make the world a more peaceful place.

With children from 45 nations at the school, our community includes families from diverse backgrounds. We are a school where the culture, faith and traditions of each child are respected and celebrated. The character education programme, underpinned by the Virtues Project and the SMILES Values, provides the vehicle for character development and, being non-denominational, is appropriate for all students regardless of the culture, faith and traditions of their family.

We stimulate the inter-religious relationship by including the study of Lasallian tradition and heritage within the religious education curriculum.

SERVICE LEARNING Service Learning is central in defining who we are and what we want our students to become. SJI International strives to nurture open-hearted and open-minded students who have a strong sense of purpose, belonging and social responsibility.

From Prep 1, students are encouraged to participate in whole school service events, which support our chosen Global Initiative Programme with our charity of choice, the Lasallian Community Education Services (LCES), in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The LCES supports the Henamulla preschool, which has 150 children and is supported by seven teachers. The Elementary School has also been collecting five and ten cent coins that will be used to support the lunches served at the Henamulla schools. Our Elementary Parents Support Group (EPSG) are key supporters of our Global Initiative Programme. They bring the community together and host an annual lapathon. Once children reach the Upper Elementary School, they start working towards their CASS Awards. This stands for Community, Activity, Sport and Service and is used to encourage children to push themselves outside of their comfort zone and give up their time to help others both in our school community and beyond. For each badge at Bronze and Silver level, children have to carry out 3 acts of Service, such as a sponsored event or volunteer for a day. Those children who reach Gold level have to plan and carry out their own independent service project, making their own contacts with agencies and working out logistics of supplies.

Elementary School Lapathon 2019

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Brother Mervyn Lambert, Director of the Lasallian Community Education Services in Colmbo, Sri Lanka

In the High School, all students are involved in regular direct service activities from Grades 7 to 12. Service projects are supervised by tutors or service leaders and as students progress through High School, they are given more voice and choice in the projects they participate in but are encouraged to be actively engaged in each stage of service learning (investigation, preparation, action, reflection and demonstration) at all grade levels. Students move from working in tutor groups in partnership with Loola’s Safe Water Garden initiative in Grade 7 to organising their own service-centred trips abroad for Challenge Week, a key part of the school’s Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) programme for Grade 11s. These student-planned, teacher-mentored projects culminate in a week of independent activity, without teacher supervision, within Southeast Asia.

Bintan Fundraising Week

In 2019, our High School students participated in nearly 50 service activities, within Singapore, teaching coding to lesser advantaged children in national libraries, befriending and reading to elders in homes, and providing literacy support in a local kindergarten. Students also worked in 18 nongovernmental organisations outside Singapore, spanning 6 countries. Hair for Hope 2019

Through such community engagement, our students are exposed to a diverse range of people, cultures, environments, faiths and life experiences. This creates opportunities for personal development and enriched learning, and furthers our mission for students to become ‘people of integrity, people for others’.

SERVICE LEARNING FUNDRAISING HIGHLIGHTS Fundraising for BABES Pregnancy Crisis Support Centre through a Rubik’s Cube Competition

Service Event

Funds raised

Hair for Hope & Beautiful Lengths


Charity Arts Night


ES Lapathon


Purple Community Fund (Upskills+ Foundation)


I Move


Lasallian Debate League




First ever Charity Arts Night to support the newest Lasallian school in South Sudan

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CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES SJI International offers a myriad of activities outside of the classroom. These activities allow students to pursue their talents and passions, while learning invaluable life skills. From the rhythm of dance and music, to the grit of soccer and rock climbing; the challenge of chess to the World Scholar’s Cup, students have a range of choice, with opportunities for competition at both intra- and inter-school levels. In the Elementary School, a range of CCAs are offered for children from Prep 1 to Grade 6. They can choose from Sports, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Academics, Environment, ICT and more. Catechism classes are also offered across all grades, as well as an extensive range of individual instrumental music lessons and tutoring in several languages including Spanish. In addition to the CCA programme, the PE Department runs a wide range of sporting teams while the Music Department runs several ensembles including string and choir. In 2019, High School students were offered a choice of more than 52 sports teams (recreational and team sports) to join or represent the school with, 21 music, theatre

and dance groups, and nearly 80 other clubs and activities as part of our CCA programme in Term One and Two. The vast majority of our CCAs are free for students (85%) and the small number of paid-for activities allow our students to work with professional groups in activities such as Rock-Climbing and Musical Theatre. Our CCA programme enables students to develop an understanding of themselves and others, as well as build resilience and a desire to learn in different contexts. We encourage our students to select activities that will allow them to build life-long passions and interests that they may wish to pursue as part of a healthy and creative lifestyle.


World Scholar’s Cup



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Grade 6 Drama Production: Mulan

Model United Nations

African Ensemble performing at SINGALA III: The Circle of Life

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PREP 1 - GRADE 6 / AGES 4-12 The Elementary School is learning-focused and strongly believes that all children have the capacity to learn and make progress. We believe in the holistic education of children so that they can grow and develop in a well-rounded way; academically, socially, artistically and through sports. We use a range of digital technology as tools to create stimulating lessons and provide opportunities for collaboration among the children, and between home and school.

As a Lasallian Catholic School, we believe that character education lies at the heart of what we do. It is our mission to help the children become people of integrity and people who care for others and the world in which we live. We teach international mindedness, where our students learn to appreciate cultural empathy, and help the children be able to appreciate the benefits and challenges of coexistence and interdependence in today’s world.



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Mandarin Spanish (Grades 5-6)

282 Singapore Permanent Residents 35 Singaporeans


364 International Students


337 BOYS




40 Students from


Australia Austria Belgium Canada China Egypt France Germany Greece Hong Kong SAR Hungary India Indonesia

Ireland Italy Japan Malaysia Netherlands New Zealand Norway Pakistan Philippines Poland Portugal Romania Russia

Seychelles Singapore Slovenia South Africa South Korea Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Taiwan (ROC) Tanzania United Kingdom United States

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GRADES 7-12 / AGES 12 - 18 The High School has developed an outstanding reputation for quality education in Singapore. Our philosophy of child-centred active learning encourages an imaginative and skills-based approach to learning.

Drawing upon the best practices of leading international schools in the world, as well as the ethos of the global network of Lasallian schools, the high school offers an academically rigorous programme while developing our students to become thinking and caring global citizens, who are at the same time securely rooted in their community, share common values and have a genuine spiritual awareness. Each student’s learning experience is built on the foundation of the school’s SMILES values: Spirituality Mutual Respect Internationalism Leadership Experiences Service



• French • Hindi • Indonesian • Mandarin • Malay • Tamil • Spanish


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• French • Japanese • Korean • Thai

244 International Students 629 Singaporeans



Singapore Permanent Residents


513 BOYS



12 : 1


Students from


Australia Bangladesh Brazil Cambodia Canada China Egypt France Germany Hong Kong SAR India

Indonesia Italy Japan Malaysia Myanmar Netherlands New Zealand Norway Pakistan Philippines Poland Portugal

Russia Singapore South Korea Spain Switzerland Taiwan (ROC) Thailand United Kingdom United States Vietnam

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The 2019 cohort consisted of 189 students and achieved an average score of 37.7 points. These results are very strong and will place SJI International as the 5th highest IB school if it was in the UK (for schools with more than 50 students doing the Diploma). Our average is significantly above the 2018 November world average for IB Diploma students of 29.8 and the 2019 May world average for IB Diploma students of 29.7 points and pass rate of 77.8%.

64.2% Singaporeans

38.1 % of our students achieved 40 points or more, a result only achieved by around 9.8% of students worldwide (May 2019). In addition to this, 19% of the Class of 2019 achieved 42 points or more.




16.3% Singapore Permanent Residents

19.5% International students












40 points or more

35 to 40 points

30 to 35 points

24 to 30 points






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UNIVERSITY PLACEMENTS (CLASS OF 2015-2018) One or more students from the Class of 2015 to 2018 has chosen to matriculate at the following universities. (based on student reported data) University of St. Andrews University of Surrey University of Sussex University of The Arts London University of Warwick University of York

Asia (ex SG) 4.8% Australia 13.7% Canada 5.5% Others 4.6% Singapore 25.6% UK 28.0% US 17.8%

ASIA (other) Ashoka University, India Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines British University of Vietnam Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Institut Teknologi Harapan Bangsa, Indonesia International Medical University, Malaysia Monash University, Malaysia National Taiwan University Yonsei University, Korea AUSTRALIA Curtin University Flinders University Monash University RMIT University of Adelaide University of Melbourne University of New South Wales University of Newcastle University of Queensland University of Sydney University of Tasmania University of Western Australia Victoria University William Angliss Institute CANADA Dalhousie University Emily Carr University of Art & Design Langara College McGill University McMaster University University of British Columbia University of Toronto CHINA Fudan University Les Roches Jin Jiang International Hotel Management College Tsinghua University

EUROPE (other) Bocconi University, Italy Brandenburg University of Technology, Germany Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne, Switzerland Les Roches International School of Hotel Management, Switzerland Sciences Po-College, France UniLasalle, France University of Freiburg, Germany UNITED KINGDOM Bangor University Cardiff University Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design City University London Courtauld Institute of Art De Montfort University Durham University Imperial College London King’s College London London School of Economics and Political Science Newcastle University Queen Mary, University of London Royal Veterinary College St. George’s University Univeristy of Warwick University College London University of Aberdeen University of Bath University of Birmingham University of Bristol University of Cambridge University of Dundee University of East Anglia University of Edinburgh University of Glasgow University of Leeds University of Liverpool University of Manchester University of Nottingham University of Oxford University of Sheffield University of Southampton

HONG KONG SAR City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong University Hong Kong Univ of Science & Technology Savannah College of Art and Design IRELAND National University of Ireland, Galway Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Trinity College Dublin University College Cork University College Dublin JAPAN Keio University Osaka University Waseda University MIDDLE EAST Georgetown University, Qatar New York University - Abu Dhabi NETHERLANDS Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Technische Universiteit Delft University College Utrecht SINGAPORE James Cook University LASALLE College of the Arts Nanyang Technological University National University of Singapore PSB Academy SIM Global Education Singapore Institute of Technology Singapore Management University Singapore University of Social Sciences Singapore University of Technology & Design Yale-NUS College USA Barnard College Boston College Boston University

Brigham Young University California College of the Arts (San Francisco) Carnegie Mellon University Case Western Reserve University Chapman College Colgate University Columbia University Cornell University Diablo Valley College Georgetown University Indiana University at Bloomington Loyola Marymount University Michigan State University Middlebury College Mississippi College New York University Northwestern University Norwich University Occidental College Pepperdine University Pomona College Princeton University Rhode Island School of Design Rhodes College Rice University Rochester Institute of Technology San Francisco Conservatory of Music Santa Clara University Sarah Lawrence College Savannah College of Art and Design Skidmore College Smith College Stanford University Swarthmore College The New School The Ohio State University University of California, Davis University of California, Irvine University of California, Los Angeles University of California, San Diego University of Chicago University of Illinois at Chicago University of Notre Dame University of Rochester University of San Francisco University of Southern California University of Virginia University of Washington University of Wisconsin, Madison Vanderbilt University Virginia Tech Wesleyan University Yale University

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OUR STAFF 10% Teaching Assistants 4% Security Guards

21% Administrative Staff

42% High School Teachers

22% Elementary School


NATIONALITIES 22% Singaporeans

5% Singapore Permanent Residents

80% Singaporeans

14% Singaporeans


11% Singapore Permanent Residents


75% Others


8% Others 12% Singapore Permanent Residents

N.B. Although St. Joseph’s Institution International Ltd and St. Joseph’s Institution International Elementary School Ltd are separate legal entities, they are administratively managed together and share Central Administration.

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Australia Belgium Canada China India Ireland Jamaica Japan

Teachers from


181 Malaysia Mauritius Myanmar New Zealand Philippines Portugal Russia Seychelles



14.8 YEARS

South Africa South Korea Singapore Spain Taiwan (ROC) Thailand United Kingdom United States Vietnam

13.7 YEARS










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FINANCIAL INFORMATION St. Joseph’s Institution International 2019 Annual Report | 28

Financial Information For St. Joseph’s Institution International Elementary School Ltd CO. REG NO. 201009321K INCOME AND EXPENSES 2019 2018 2017 % Increase/ (S$ ‘ 000) (S$ ‘ 000) (S$ ‘ 000) (Decrease) 2019 vs 2018 Income Donations in Cash - Tax Deductible Donations in Cash - Non Tax Deductible Interest Income 460 302 156 52% Others ( School Fees Income ) 17,973 17,517 16,687 3% Others ( Misc Fee Income ) 3,555 3,532 3,569 1% Total Income 21,988 21,350 20,412 3% Expenses Charitable Activities Expenses (Note 1) 12,677 12,016 11,469 6% Other Operating & Administration Expenses 5,314 5,405 4,953 -2% Total Expenditure (Note 2) 17,991 17,420 16,422 3% Surplus/ (Deficit) (Note 3) 3,997 3,930 3,990 2% INCOME AND EXPENSES 2019 2018 2017 % Increase/ (S$ ‘ 000) (S$ ‘ 000) (S$ ‘ 000) (Decrease) 2019 vs 2018 Assets Land & Building 6,010 3,150 3,995 91% Other Tangible Assets 438 346 249 27% Accounts Receivables 810 431 5,860 88% Cash & Deposits 35,246 30,724 21,000 15% Total Assets 42,504 34,652 31,104 23% Funds Unrestricted Fund (Note 4) 28,076 24,099 20,169 17% Restricted Fund (Note 5) Total Funds 28,076 24,099 20,169 17% Liabilities Long Term Liabilities 579 - - Current Liabilities 13,849 10,552 10,935 31% Total Liabilities 14,428 10,552 10,935 37% Total Funds and Liabilities 42,504 34,652 31,104 11% % Increase/ OTHER INFORMATION 2019 2018 2017 (Decrease) 2019 vs 2018 Donations/Grants and Sponsorships given to other Charities 36 17.5 17.5 -50% No. of Employees : Full / Part Time 113 17.5 17.5 4% Total Employee Costs (S$ ‘ 000) 13,598 12,924 17.5 5% Total Related Party Transactions (S$ ‘ 000) (Note 6) 1,786 189 265 845% Ratio of reserves to annual operating expenditure 1.6 1.4 1.2 13% Audited by Lo Hock Ling & Co. from 2016. Notes: 1. Charitable Activities Expenses, as defined by MOE Charity Sector, refer to resources applied by the School in undertaking its work to meet its educational objectives in the delivery of educational services. These expenses include manpower costs (teachers and administrative staff) & educational resources. 2. Of the $ 18.0 M expenditures incurred in 2019, $ 13.6 M relates to Staff costs, $ 1.5 M relates to Depreciation/Other operating costs and the balance $ 2.9 M relates to expense on school facilities and educational programmes. This includes a 39% share of the SJII Central Administration costs. 3. The Surplus will go primarily towards the reserve for the development of the new campus when the school lease expires in December 2025. 4. The Unrestricted fund of $ 28.076 M as of 2019 will be kept primarily for development of the current and future school premises as well as the payment of the current school lease, which has been approved for extension from December 2022 till December 2025. 5. There are no Restricted funds for this school. 6. The total related party transactions refer to the intercompany transactions with SJI International. The increase in the intercompany transactions were due to the on-going building project. Last Update : 6 June 2020

29 | St. Joseph’s Institution International 2019 Annual Report

2.1% Interest Income 3.9% Registration Fees 4.7% Activities & Sundry Fees 7.6% Development Fees


81.7% School Fees

4.2% Depreciation

0.5% Other Expense

4.5% Education Resources 9.8% School Facilities 0.4% Lasallian & Chapel 1.7% Data Processing 3.3% Professional Fees 18.7% Admin Support Salaries & Benefits


56.9% Teachers’ Salaries & Benefits

Non-Financial Information for St. Joseph’s Institution International Elementary School Ltd Charity Status St. Joseph’s Institution International Elementary School Ltd Committee for Private Education (CPE) Enhanced Registration Framework (ERF) Status, Charity Registration effective date: 1 Dec 2010 Period of Registration: 19 Oct 2010 to 18 Oct 2022 Company, Charity, GST & UEN No: 201009321K Constitution: Public Company Limited by Guarantee Date of Establishment: 30 Apr 2010

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Financial Information for St. Joseph’s Institution International Ltd CO. REG NO. 200607833C

INCOME AND EXPENSES 2019 2018 2017 % Increase/ (S$ ‘ 000) (S$ ‘ 000) (S$ ‘ 000) (Decrease) 2019 vs 2018 Income Donations in Cash - Tax Deductible 1,267 1,752 1,395 -28% Donations in Cash - Non Tax Deductible 53 27 81 92% Interest/Investment Income 1,205 421 482 186% Others ( School Fees Income ) 31,160 28,817 27,167 8% Others ( Misc Fee Income ) 7,775 7,007 6,333 11% Total Income 41,460 38,024 35,226 9% Expenses Charitable Activities Expenses (Note 1) 25,516 23,904 22,420 7% Other Operating & Administration Expenses 7,846 8,541 8,173 -8% Total Expenditure (Note 2) 33,362 32,446 30,593 3% Surplus/ (Deficit) (Note 3) 8,098 5,579 4,867 45% BALANCE SHEET 2019 2018 2017 % Increase/ (S$ ‘ 000) (S$ ‘ 000) (S$ ‘ 000) (Decrease) 2019 vs 2018 Assets Land & Building 17,810 13,638 16,954 31% Other Tangible Assets 5,252 4,478 5,463 17% Investments 10,638 5,877 2,387 81% Accounts Receivables 1,428 1,305 1,266 9% Cash & Deposits 49,267 45,660 38,064 8% Total Assets 84,396 70,958 64,134 19% Funds Unrestricted Fund ( Note 4) 35,333 28,711 23,086 23% Restricted Fund (Note 5) 17,059 15,600 15,646 9% Total Funds 52,392 44,311 38,732 18% Liabilities Long Term Liabilities 6,834 5,358 5,084 28% Current Liabilities 25,170 21,290 20,318 18% Total Liabilities 32,004 26,647 25,402 20% Total Funds and Liabilities 84,396 70,958 64,134 19% % Increase/ OTHER INFORMATION 2019 2018 2017 (Decrease) 2019 vs 2018 Donations/Grants and Sponsorships given to other Charities 90 117 256 -23% No. of Employees : Full / Part Time 171 154 154 11% Total Employee Costs (S$ ‘ 000) 23,780 21,723 20,250 9% Total Related Party Transactions (S$ ‘ 000) (Note 6) 1,786 189 265 846% Ratio of reserves to annual operating expenditure 1.1 0.9 0.8 20% Audited by Lo Hock Ling & Co. from 2016. Notes: 1. Charitable Activities Expenses, as defined by MOE Charity Sector, refer to resources applied by the School in undertaking its work to meet its educational objectives in the delivery of educational services. These expenses include manpower costs (teachers and administrative staff) & educational resources. 2. Of the $ 33.3 M expenditures incurred in 2019, $ 23.7 M relates to Staff costs, $ 2.5 M relates to Depreciation/Other operating expenses and the balance $ 7.1 M relates to scholarship fund expenses, school facilities and educational programmes. This includes a 61% share of the SJII Central Administration costs. 3. The Surplus will go primarily towards the reserve for the development of the new campus when the school lease expires in December 2025. 4. The Unrestricted fund of $ 35.3 M as of 2019 will be kept primarily for development of the current and future school premises as well as the payment of the current school lease, which has been approved for extension from December 2022 till December 2025. 5. The Restricted funds comprise of Scholarship fund ($9.880 M) , Building fund ($3.352 M) and Deferred Building Capital ($3.826 M). 6. The total related party transactions refer to the intercompany transactions with SJI International. The increase in the intercompany transactions were due to the ongoing building project. Last Update : 6 June 2020

31 | St. Joseph’s Institution International 2019 Annual Report

2.7% Interest Income 2.8% Registration Fees 7.1% Development Fees 6.9% Activities & Sundry Fees


80.5% School Fees

0.6% Other Expense

7.3% Depreciation 8% Education Resources 6% School Facilities 0.7% Lasallian & Chapel 1.5% Data Processing 2.4% Professional Fees 12% Admin Support Salaries & Benefits


61.5% Teachers’ Salaries & Benefits

Non-Financial Information for St. Joseph’s Institution International Ltd. Charity Status

Institution of Public Character (IPC) Status

St. Joseph’s Institution International Ltd Charity Reg No: 01998 from 20 Oct 2006 Company, GST & UEN No: 200607833C

Effective Date: N.A.

SJI International Scholarships and Bursaries Fund Charity Reg No: 01997 IPC Reg No: IPC000601 UEN No: T06CC1997C

Effective Date: 30 Sep 2016 to 29 Sep 2019

SJI International Building and Development Fund Charity Reg No: 01996 IPC Reg No: IPC000600 UEN No. T06CC1996G

Effective Date: 30 Sep 2016 to 29 Sep 2019

Constitution: Public Company Limited by Guarantee Date of Establishment: 31 May 2006

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SJI INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS AND BURSARIES FUND IPC NO. IPC000601, CHARITY NO. 001997 Year ($ ‘000) Balance at beginning of the year

2019 ($ ‘000) 9,066

2018 ($ ‘000) 8,695

2017 9,151

Add: Receipts Fixed Deposit Interest 86 69 52 Investments 71 103 89 Donations from Well Wishers 1,664 1,430 482 Total 1,821 1,603 623 Less: Payments Scholars uniforms 1 1 3 Scholars hostel boarding 133 179 187 Scholar medical and insurance 11 13 12 Scholars travel, transport and student pass 17 23 25 Scholars school expedition 16 16 22 Scholars pocket money 34 45 45 Scholars exam fees & marking fees 10 13 7 Scholars textbooks & educational items 16 8 12 Scholars school fees 771 932 765 Charity Activities - - Total 1,008 1,231 1,079 Balance at end of year 9,880 9,066 8,695 No. of Scholars/Bursary holders 36 41 39 Audited by Lo Hock Ling & Co. from 2016. SJI International Scholarship and Bursaries Fund was registered as a Charity and related IPC Status on 20th October 2006. The objective of the fund is to award scholarships, awards and bursaries to deserving scholarship students for their education in SJI International. In an event of dissolution of this fund, the remaining fund balance and assets shall be distributed to other charities with similar objectives which are registered under the Charities Act. Last Update : 6 June 2020 Our Bursaries come out from Annual Staff Giving.

5% Scholars pocket money, travel & student pass 5% Scholars exams, books, uniforms, medical insurance, expedition fees 13% Scholars hostel boarding


33 | St. Joseph’s Institution International 2019 Annual Report

77% Scholars school fees


SJI International offers merit-based, meanstested scholarships in order to ensure that the brightest and most deserving students in Singapore and the region can benefit from an SJI International education regardless of their financial standing. These 2-year and 3-year scholarships include school fees, other compulsory fees and miscellaneous expenses, and may include hostel and travel expenses as well as an allowance. These means-tested,

merit-based scholarships are financed by the SJI International Scholarships and Bursaries Fund, a registered charitable fund supported by public donations. The school also offers merit-based scholarships, which include school fees waiver only. These are separately funded from the High School’s operating surplus.





Cumulative average IB Diploma score (2009-2019)

Scholars have graduated with the IB Diploma since 2009

Scholarships awarded in 2019




Average IB Diploma score of the Class of 2019 scholars

achieved a perfect score of 45 points in the IB Diploma Examinations



International students


SINGALA III: THE CIRCLE OF LIFE - AN AFRICAN ADVENTURE 4 June 2019, Goodwood Park Hotel Truly great film trilogies are so uncommon because at least one entry fails to live up to the promise of the others, usually the third. SINGALA III begged to differ. Upon arrival, guests in their African-inspired attire were welcomed with a lively Brazilian-inspired piece composed and performed by our Samba Band. Going further in, a beautiful foliage archway served as an entrance to what would be a superb adventure: from the staircase decorated with garlands of even more foliage and African baubles, the reception area with plants big and small and photos of wild animals hanging on wooden frames, all the way to the splendour of the Windsor Ballroom itself transformed into an African jungle for the night. On the side of the ballroom was a multitude of items for auction, lavishly displayed in the gorgeously bedecked auction tents which attracted generous bids. As the doors opened, a tribe of scholars past and present entered the ballroom accompanied by representatives of the SJI International community who are champions of the Scholarship Programme. Leading the tribe was founding scholar Jeremiah Pereira, who sang a beautiful rendition of the Lion King opening song Circle of Life. After a welcome speech by the Chair of the SINGALA Organising Committee, Mrs Fiona Rankine Al-Junied, guests were treated to the

wonderful talent of student Elizabeth Tay who performed John Lennon’s Beautiful Boy and showcased an art she created and donated for auction. The piece was later auctioned live – raising $25,000. Other performers on the night included the Bella Voce Choir who performed a lineup of traditional African songs; the Elementary School String Ensemble; and the African Marimba Ensemble. Former scholar Jessa Alfajardo, who is in a further scholarship at Hong Kong Baptist University, has flown in from Hong Kong to share the impact of the SJI International scholarship to her life. Other speeches from scholars featured Jeremiah, who is now a Medical Doctor; Brian Theng, on video from Oxford; and current scholars Sophuth Phon and Jiayi Zhu. In conjunction with the 300th Anniversary of the death of our Founder St John Baptist de La Salle, who was born in Rheims, France, the Guest of Honour at SINGALA III was His Excellency Marc Abensour, Ambassador of France to Singapore. Closing the evening was a speech by Scholarship Committee Chairman Kenneth Li, who thanked the many supporters and well-wishers of SINGALA since its inception in 2015. Funds raised on the evening amounted to almost $1.5 million – a remarkable feat accomplished only through the many hearts and hands that enable us to continue to reach out to the last, the lost and the least.

GRADUATING CLASS GIFT - SECURITY DEPOSIT In Support of Scholars and Education

This appeal is sent to all parents of the graduating class, giving them the option to donate the amount/a portion of it to the Scholarships and Bursaries Fund.

ANNUAL STAFF GIVING In Support of Bursaries

The funds raised via this Annual Appeal sent to staff are used to fund bursaries to support our High School students who are affected by a sudden drastic change in the family’s financial situation at home - such as the death of a parent, loss of employment, divorce, etc.

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Year Balance at beginning of the year

2019 ($ ‘000) 2,069

2018 ($ ‘000) 1,491

2017 ($ ‘000) 250

Add: Receipts Fixed Deposit Interest 22 15 1 Donations from Well Wishers 1,261 684 1,319 Total 1,283 698 1,320 Less: Payments Building Maintenance - - School Facilities - - Stamp Duty and Bank Charges - - Other Facilities, Construction Expenses - - Transfer to Deferred Capital Donations - 120 80 Total - 120 80 Balance at end of year 3,352 2,069 1,491

Audited by Lo Hock Ling & Co. from 2016. SJI International Building and Development Fund was registered as a Charity and related IPC Status on 20th Oct 2006. The objective of the fund is to support and fund the building, development and ancillary works of the SJI International campus including construction, additions and alterations, improvements, upgrading infrastructure, furnishings, fittings, air-conditioning, IT & Laboratory equipments, LAN etc. In an event of dissolution of this fund, the remaining fund balance and assets shall be distributed to other charities with similar objectives which are registered under the Charities Act. Last Update : 6 June 2020

37 | St. Joseph’s Institution International 2019 Annual Report

CAMPUS ENHANCEMENTS The Singapore Land Authority (SLA) has granted us an in-principle approval for the extension of the lease of our current school premises, from 24 December 2022 till 31 December 2025. SLA will process the extension formally by the end of 2021. In April 2019, our upper football field has been upgraded to artificial turf, resulting in a FIFAcertified football field. The selected turf is fully sustainable, non-toxic, contains organic infill and 100% recyclable. Additionally, construction of new facilities for the school commenced in June 2019. These facilities include: • • • • •

Two blocks being built into the slope of the Upper Field which will cater for additional High School classrooms, multipurpose facilities and administration offices, Two additional High School Science labs, An extension to the High School Canteen dining area, A multi-purpose classroom block for the Elementary School, located between the Chapel and the Gabriel Block, A new enhanced pick-up/drop off area for the Elementary School in front of the Gabriel block.

It is estimated that the construction of these new facilities will be completed by the end of the 2nd Quarter of 2020.

Upper Football Field

Upper Field blocks

ES Pick-up/Drop-Off Area

ES Multi-purpose classroom block

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St. Joseph’s Institution International 490 Thomson Road, Singapore 298191 Tel: 6871 5202 (ES) ; 6353 9383 (HS) | Fax: 6871 5264 (ES) ; 6354 3103 (HS) Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve St. Joseph’s Institution International Elementary School Ltd. CPE, Co. Reg & GST No. 201009321K (Period of Registration: 19 October 2018 to 18 October 2022) St. Joseph’s Institution International Ltd. Co. Reg & GST No. 200607833C

A School of the De La Salle Brothers

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