The Year in Numbers
Scholarship Awards Ceremony
Elementary School Birthday Bash
Scholars’ Reflections: The Power of a Thankful Heart
The Impact of Support
Our Former Scholars: Where are they now?
Circles of Gratitude
About the ACO
Brother Lawrence Humphrey, FSC Brother President
TOUCHING HEARTS, TEACHING MINDS Throughout the year we have been observing “The Year of Lasallian Vocations” in observance of the 300th Anniversary of the passing of St. John Baptist de La Salle. The Founder’s death, on 7 April 1719 in Rouen, France, also represents the passing on to us of the mission of Lasallian education. This issue of Humanitas celebrates your support of the mission, and the contributions of so many people whose generosity makes it possible for us to continue the work of De La Salle at SJI International. We sometimes refer to the Lasallian mission as one of “touching hearts and teaching minds.” The theme of the tercentenary year has been “De La Salle: One Heart, One Commitment, One Life.” So it is with grateful hearts thank we acknowledge the generous commitment of all who contribute to the life of St. Joseph’s Institution International. Humanitas invites us to reflect on the past of our school, with updates from former students. It also highlights the wonderful things happening at school today, with reflections from three of our Scholars. Our commitment to the future of SJI International is evidenced by your support of our Scholarship and Building Funds acknowledged herein. In 1719, De La Salle and the early Brothers could not have imagined that three hundred years later the work they began in France would be transforming the lives of children in 80 countries of the world. We thank God for the legacy bequeathed to us by the Founder. We thank you for keeping this legacy alive!
“We sometimes refer to the Lasallian mission as one of “touching hearts and teaching minds.” The theme of the tercentenary year has been “De La Salle: One Heart, One Commitment, One Life.” So it is with grateful hearts thank we acknowledge the generous commitment of all who contribute to the life of St. Joseph’s Institution International.”
TOTAL FUNDS RAISED IN 2018: $2,115,651.32
Friends & Misc $1,030,737.56
Surplus from HS Operations Fund $334,750.00 Parents $45,500 Staff $20,430.00
10th Anniversary Dinner $521,000 Commisioning of the Sculpture $131,017.00 Parents $25,620.00 Alumni Parents $6,000.00
Friends & Misc $596.76
Building and Development Fund: IPC No. IPC000600, Charity no. 001996 Scholarships and Bursaries Fund: IPC No. IPC000601, Charity no. 001997
The year SJI International offered its first Scholarships
As a Lasallian School, SJI International strives to bring education to all, especially the last, the lost and the least. The SJI International Scholarship Programme was originally set up to attract outstanding students, regardless of background, and it has played an important role in allowing SJI International to become a school that is widely recognised for its outstanding academic results within a very holistic programme.
approximate value of awarded Scholarships in fees and associated costs
Scholarships were awarded in 2018 • 15 Singaporeans • 4 international students
Although the majority of our Scholarships are offered to deserving Singaporean students, we have also previously offered overseas scholarships to students from Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam.
students have benefitted from SJI International scholarships (2007-2018)
cumulative average IB score of our Scholars (2009-2018)
Scholars have achieved a perfect score of 45 points
SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS CEREMONY Members of the Board of Governors, donors, Scholars, parents and staff gathered at the Glass Hall of SJI International for an evening of celebration and dinner at the Scholarship Awards Ceremony on 25 Jaunary 2018. The night began with an opening prayer by Brother Larry, an address by Mr Roberts and finally a speech from Guest-of-Honour and Board Member, Mr Tan Puay Hiang who then presented Scholarship scrolls to twelve local students and five foreign students from Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam.
dining on a wonderful Chinese meal and enjoying the music and companionship of the evening.
Foreign scholar Thien Hung Hguyen then took the stage to share and reflect on how her Scholarship has made a huge difference to her life.
Other students assisting at the event were: Sherry Rose Quieng and Jane Oon (Emcees), and Goh Chiang Yang (student photographer).
Dinner was served, accompanied by background music played by SJI International’s very own talented music students and Mrs Thorpe. The musicians who performed were Goh Chiang Yang and Natanya Tan, applauded enthusiastically at the end of their set. All in all, everyone had a wonderful time celebrating with the Scholars,
We would like to thank all members of the Board of Governors, donors, parents, staff and students who contributed to making the night a huge success.
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 10TH BIRTHDAY BASH It was a fantastic evening for our community last 13 April as we celebrated the 10th Anniversary of our Elementary School (ES) with a party full of performances, games, food and laughter at the Sports Hall. There’s no better way to begin the celebration than have some of our children perform our school’s 10th Anniversary Song, Giving Back, Looking Forward, followed by some superb performances from our student musicians. Afterwards, ES Principal Mr Kevin Hannah took the stage to show some school photos over the past 10 years, reminding all of us to be thankful to everyone who in one way or another has contributed to this wonderful school that we have today. Around the hall, there were stalls for children to enjoy and the buffet offered a delicious variety of foods for everyone to share. Mr Hannah shared that the highlight of the evening for him was the disco with the children making the most of the opportunity to dance the night away, especially since all the songs were
selected by the children and each was greeted with a cheer and unbridled enthusiasm. Huge thanks go out to everyone involved in the organisation of the party, particularly to our members of staff and EPSG. Happy 10th birthday, SJIIES!
Sophuth Phon Cambodia
Jiayi Zhu Singapore
Le Tri Lam Vietnam
“SJI International is a very supportive community where choices are not judged upon, where well-being is a crucial aspect of teaching, and where the service-oriented nature turns students into people of others.
“The scholarship has opened doors of opportunities for me both academic and non-academic - and inspired me to look beyond greater horizons. Our teachers and staff always go the extra mile to ensure that everyone is taken care of not just in academics but our wellbeing as well.”
“SJI International has a community like no other. Adapting to Singapore’s environment becomes less difficult with friends around. I didn’t expect everyone here to be so welcoming and friendly, even though I’m fairly new and I come from a different country.
I look up to the school motto “Enter to Learn Leave to Serve” and that’s basically my mission in life, to serve those who don’t have the opportunities that I had, to give them a chance at a better life.”
Nguyen Thi Hong Vietnam
Through more than 2 years studying in SJI International, I have realized that, if I have been taking things for granted, then I should also be faithful, responsible and willing to help everyone else, just like those who have given me the precious opportunities.”
“This scholarship has given me access to holistic education and opened up so many new opportunities. I feel blessed, proud, and very grateful as this scholarship changed the path of my life completely, granting me a major learning experience and life-lasting friendships. I was able to partake in a plethora of extracurricular activities, sports, and services. I have learnt so much about giving back to the community through my memorable challenge week to Savong School in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Staff at SJII not only supported me academically but also cared for my wellbeing, and I am tremendously grateful for the Host Family Programme especially which made me feel at home. I cannot thank you enough for this invaluable experience and will continue to give back to the community through service projects in the future.
Some of our current scholars reflect on what the scholarship means to them, what they have learned on their journey so far, and how they plan to give back to the world and their communities in the future.
Crystabel Chua Singapore “The culture of service to others is central to what defines SJI International as a school - we have lots of opportunities to serve marginalised communities not just in Singapore but in other parts of the world as well.”
Janssen Tanuwijaya Indonesia
To be given the opportunity to be a part of SJI International is, as many before me have and many more after will say, truly extraordinary. I am exposed not only to exceptional studying experience but also to various wonderful individuals from which I learn things that are not taught in school, rather, can only be acquired as we embark on our life journey. This scholarship is my platform 9 3/4, it brings me to a new world full of magic that no words of gratitude would suffice. I would like to express my gratitude for this experience by living up to the school motto, enter to learn and leave to serve. Simple yet powerful, that is what SJI International has taught me about service.
Three of our scholars from the Class of 2018 reflect on their time and journey at SJI International.
UNFAMILIAR WATERS Growing up, I changed many schools as my family relocated often. The past four years at SJII have been unlike my experience at any other school. The community of staff and students here make each day at school enjoyable and enriching. The dedication of teachers and enthusiasm of my peers encouraged me to work harder and set higher targets for myself. Receiving the IB Diploma Josephian Scholarship augmented this. It motivated me to make the most of every opportunity I was given, not only academically, but also involving myself in other facets of school life. As a member of the Lasallian Youth, I helped organise school assemblies, plan events such as Total Defense Day and attended the Lasallian Youth Leaders Conference in Malaysia - an experience which opened my eyes to the philanthropic efforts of the Lasallian family across the globe. I took part in a variety of CCAs ranging from Model United Nations to Trampolining and even had the opportunity to represent SJII in Touch Rugby. The school’s motto - ‘Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve’has become an integral part of my personal value system. At school, I was involved in service activities ranging from teaching victims of child trafficking in Hanoi during Challenge Week to delivering food to AIDS patients at Tan Tock Seng Hospital and cleaning cages at an animal shelter. In Grade 11, I
collaborated with a friend to establish ‘Robotics Unbound’, an initiative providing robotics workshops to less privileged and differently abled students. We realised the need for such an initiative while interning at a robotics training center. In today’s world, where technology is omnipresent, programming skills have become nearly essential. However, due to the high cost associated with equipment not everyone has the opportunity to acquire these skills. Collaborating with Lego, we hosted workshops at children’s homes around Singapore. Even after graduation, I am continuing to work upon this project and hope to expand its reach beyond Singapore. As I reflect upon the past four years, I could not be more grateful for the opportunity to attend SJI International. It has given me countless joyous memories to cherish and inculcated in me the values of integrity, respect and compassion, which will help me navigate the unfamiliar waters I am about to enter as I make my way through university and beyond. Anoushka Bhutani Singapore | IB Score: 44 Recipient of an SJI International Scholarship
ONCE IN A LIFETIME I embarked on this three-year scholarship journey back in 2016. Moving abroad to Singapore was daunting, yet also exciting. Fuelled with the will to learn and thrilled with the prospect of learning new cultures, I was determined to make the best out of this once in a lifetime opportunity. It only took me less than a month to make SJI International my second home. The students and staff were very welcoming, they made it extremely easy for me to transition from life in Indonesia to life in Singapore. Their kindness is so contagious that it inspired me to be selfless and willing to make the sacrifices necessary to achieve the common goal. During my first year, I was introduced to the concept of service learning and the importance of giving back. By utilising the school’s abundant resources, I had the opportunity to participate in many different service activities. The experience was enriching, not only was I able to meet and interact with new people but I also learned a
handful amount of interpersonal skills that were useful in my leadership roles. Participating in student-led clubs such as key club and senior council taught me some useful organisation skills and how important teamwork is in achieving success. With the help of the brilliant teachers and friends in SJI International, I was able to achieve satisfying results in my IB Diploma. Considering my interest in the Sciences and my passion in service activities, I plan to take medicine in university. One of the things I plan to do during my gap year is learning how to speak Chinese. Nicholas Jonathan Indonesia | IB Score: 43 Recipient of a Liem Sioe Liong Scholarship
OPPORTUNITIES FOR GROWTH It is undeniable that not only has my three-year journey at SJI International created so many unforgettable memories of my high school life, it has also changed me into a more organised, responsible and mature individual. Being surrounded by friends from different nationalities, as well as participating in a myriads of cultural extracurricular activities such as Gamelan and Cultural Harmony Day, I was able to learn to appreciate the beauty of other cultures, while at the same time being able to showcase and take pride in my own cultural heritage to my peers. I finally become a global citizen who understand the wonders of various cultures thanks to SJII’s mission to cultivate a culturally harmonious environment. I was also very fortunate to be a part of the Student Council, where I was able to exercise leadership in organizing my own initiatives such as Secret Santa and Well-being Week. Although it was actually one of my first time acting as a leader to organise a school-wide event, I was
very fortunate to receive a helping hand from my fellow experienced council members. This invaluable experience has shaped me into a more able and organised leader. Additionally, such traits were further emphasized during Challenge Week, one of my favorite memory during my IB journey where students were wholly responsible for the preparation of a 7-day service trip. Now that I have graduated from SJI International, fully prepared for the next chapter of my life at Colgate University, I feel very grateful for all the opportunities for growth that the scholarship has given me. Do Hoang Nam Hieu Vietnam | IB Score: 43 Recipient of a Jean-Marie Beurel Scholarship
Since SJI International opened its doors in 2007, it has awarded more than 200 scholarships. Of that number around 40 are still at school completing the IB Diploma, and many of the more recent cohorts have yet to embark on their university education. However, we thought it timely to look and see how our scholars have fared since leaving school and to share updates on some whose education at SJI International was most generously sponsored - by you, our donors.
HILDA FOO Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from Singapore Management University; Currently a Legal Associate at Advance Law LLC
“SJI International may not have been possible without my Salim Scholarship and I am ever grateful for the opportunity to enter, embrace and excel in SJII... I am proud to declare that SJI International has moulded me into the affable and authentic person I am today.”
NIKODEMUS JAYA Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours from National University of Singapore; Associate Director, Investments at Vertex Venture
“IB and SJI International has made me more confident in communicating with strangers or presenting to a large group of people - as it inculcated the discipline of thinking and structuring ideas quickly and coherently. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity, and hope more people would be afforded to experience the same.”
IAN ERNST CHAI BA Jurisprudence from Oxford University on a PSC Scholarship; Currently State Counsel at International Affairs Division, Attorney-General’s Chambers
“I will always be thankful and indebted to both SJI International and the donors for such a formative experience, and can only hope to achieve as much as they have to better the lot of others.” ERNEST WANG BSc Architecture from The Bartlett, University College London
DUY TRINH BA in Political Science and Psychology from Colgate University; Currently pursuing a PhD in Comparative Politics in the University of California, San Diego
JOSE HONG European Social and Political Studies from University College London on an SPH Scholarship; Currently a Journalist with The Straits Times
“I appreciate SJI International, for it gave me the space to grow. It was a key part of a journey so fulfilling that I now want to return some of that happiness and knowledge to the people around me.”
SAMANTHA CHUA Bachelor of Accountancy (Summa Cum Laude) from Singapore Management University; Masters of Applied Economics from University of Michigan; Local PSC Scholar; Currently at the Accountant-General’s Department, Ministry of Finance
ALYSSA PETER Diploma and BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy from Nanyang Polytechnic and Trinity College Dublin; Currently a physiotherapist with Ng Teng Fong Hospital
“The culture in SJII has service to others always as its focus. The satisfaction and happiness I gained while volunteering with The Visually Handicapped School and St Theresa’s Home, while at SJI International, have spurred me to want to contribute more to society. Hence, I decided to read Physiotherapy. With Physiotherapy, I am able to help make people’s lives better and more fulfilling.”
JOHN OOI Bachelor of Economics from the University of Queensland; Currently the Student & Hostel Services Manager at SJI International Malaysia
“I’m really, really proud to be part of such a great school, and I hope that the SJI International brand continues to grow all around the world to allow many more students to experience the same quality education and opportunities that I had, and not be limited by their financial constraints.”
NA NGUYEN BSc (Hons) in Biochemistry and Minor in Statistics from the University of British Columbia; Currently a medical student at the Memorial University of Newfoundland
“Being a scholar at SJI International has ignited my love of science which lives on, nurtured my social responsibility and motivated me to maintain high standards of my work throughout university and beyond.”
HIEN NGUYEN BA Economics and MA Economics from Trent University and the University of Toronto; Currently an Associate at Charles River Associates (Toronto)
ANH TRAN Bachelor of Science in Architecture from the University of Cincinnati; Currently an Architectural Designer at Benoy Singapore
“Thanks to the opportunities given to me at SJI International, I have since been able to pursue what I love and live a life full of adventures, travelling the world, learning new things, inspiring others and being inspired by them every day. It is no exaggeration when I say SJI International was a turning point of my life - I am very thankful.”
BENJAMIN TEO Graduated Law from Christ Church, University of Oxford; Currently a Trainee Solicitor at Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
FORLANDO TAMBUNAN Aerospace Engineering from Nanyang Technological University; Procurement Engineer at Hewlett Packard Enterprise
“The 2 years I spent in SJI International were full of fond memories. I felt a very welcoming atmosphere right the moment I stepped in... The host family programme allowed me to fully immerse in the local life and foster long lasting connections with my host which I still see until now. All in all, SJI International played a huge role in allowing me to blossom to the young man I am now.”
VINCENT TANUTAMA BA in Ethics, Politics and Economics from Yale University; Research Data Analyst at the Stanford Center on Food Security and the Environment
LOUISA QUEK Law LLB and Corporate Finance from University College London and LSE-Beijing University Summer School; Presently an Associate at Allen & Gledhill LLP
“The SJI International scholarship has taught me that hard work and perseverance, though not always sufficient, play important roles, no matter the path chosen. For that I will always be immensely grateful to SJI International and the Board of Governors.”
HTUT MYATNOE AUNG Bachelor of Applied Science in Computer Engineering from the University of Toronto; Coding Instructor at First Code Academy
PETER SETIAOETAMA Working as a Dental Officer under the Ministry of Health
CLASS OF BRIAN THENG Certificate in Theology from the Catholic Theological Institute of Singapore; BA (Literae Humaniores); Studying Classics II at Oxford on a Jardine Foundation Scholarship; Currently an Intern at JLT London
“I entered SJI International with an open mind; I left with new eyes and an inspired heart. In truth, I can never leave SJI International.”
TRAM DAI THIEN NHAN Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy from the National University of Singapore; Currently pursuing a PhD in Pharmacy at NUS
“Without a shred of doubt, my time at SJI International, which was made possible by the generosity of our donors, really geared me up for my future, not just academically, but also in terms of human skills. For that, I am always grateful for the opportunity endowed upon me.”
YEN NHI TRUONG VU Graduated Summa Cum Laude with Distinction, BA Mathematics from Amherst College, Stanford University; Currently pursuing a PhD in Mathematics
“It is at Amherst that I came to really appreciate how much SJI International had prepared me for the rigor of higher education... The education I received at SJI International and Amherst College has helped me prepare well for graduate school, and this past March, I was admitted to some of the top doctoral programmes in Mathematics such as at Princeton University, Harvard University, Stanford University, Brown University, etc. I am sure the invaluable lessons and skills I learned at SJI International will continue to help me succeed in the quest to become a good mathematician.”
SIU MING QUEK Currently studying Political Science and Statistics at Columbia University
CLIONA YONG BA Anthropology from Yale-NUS College; Research Analyst at Blackbox Research
CARLO MEDINA BA in Mathematics, Data Analysis and Chemistry at Wesleyan University on a Wesleyan Freeman Asia Scholarship; Data Scientist at 1010data
YI SHUEN LIM Mathematics and Economic Theory from New York University; Data Science Coach @ Flatiron School
2014 TESSA KAUR Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Studies at Nanyang Technological University; Was Intern at Wormwood Films RURU HOONG Bachelor of Arts in Economics at Stanford University; Incoming Associate at Boston Consulting Group in London
“By far the most important aspect of an SJI International education is the cultivation of a heart of service: something that I’ve carried with me to university. Truly, I am forever grateful for the holistic education I’ve received at SJI International — a big thank you to the teachers and staff at SJI International, as well as the scholarship donors who have gotten me to where I am today!”
AGUSTINUS Undergraduate (Japan-in-Asia Cultural studies - Bachelor of Art), Nagoya University on a MEXT Scholarship from the Japanese government
“I was able to pursue a higher education that will definitely help me to pursue a better career. Also, I was able to create many enjoyable memories and met a lot of amazing people during my study in SJI International.”
TRAN BOI NGAN Business Economics at Tokyo International University
THU LE Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry Biochemisty at Colby College, USA
VIANY SUTISNA Architecture at the National University of Singapore; Architectural Intern at Bioarchitecture Formosana in Taipei
ALEXUS GIAN Studying BA in Economics and Biology and currently Summer Admission Intern at Colgate University
GRESELVA GIANINA PRAJITNO Pursuing a Bachelor of Science at the University of Melbourne; Aiming to pursue a post-graduate degree of Doctor of Medicine at the University of Melbourne
“The time management and critical thinking skills which were honed back in SJI International are certainly important skills for me as I fight my way to make the best out of my time here in university. What’s more, the holistic approach of teaching that SJI International had offered to me is also another plus point in terms of actively engaging myself in many different types of activities other than studying, which I think actually supports my study in a very meaningful way. Last but not least, the global perspective that I gained and the friendships that I had back in SJI International really play an important part of who I am today. All in all, SJI International was truly an irreplaceable and priceless experience and I am more than grateful for it. Thank you.”
VALERIE SEET Studying Law at the National University of Singapore; Completed her internship at Singapore Aid Bureau
KHANG HYUNH-LE Economics major at Yale-NUS College
AMANDA CHEANG Double majoring in Biology and Environmental Science, pre-vet track at Rhodes College
“SJI International truly is an amazing school and there are many great aspects, but to me, the greatest aspect is the people. I am extremely grateful to my scholarship sponsor, Khoo Teck Puat Foundation, for sponsoring my two years of education in SJI International. If not for the scholarship, I would never have been able to experience such a wonderful school programme here and I wouldn’t have accomplished as much as I have today.”
MEGHA JOSHI Liberal Arts at Yale-NUS College, planning to major in Economics; Completed her internship at Centre for Creative Leadership
VIVEK PALANIAPPAN MURUGESAN Studying Engineering at the University of Cambridge
CHRYSTAL NG Studying Law at the National University of Singapore; Completed her internship at Lee & Lee Advocates and Solicitors
KATIE KWANG Pursuing a BSc. (Hons) Specialist in Psychology Research, Major in Economics at the University of Toronto on a Lester B. Pearson scholarship; Currently a Research Intern at the Integration Directorate at the Prime Minister’s Office
“Words can scarcely begin to express the depths of gratitude I feel for my time in SJI International. At sixteen, I was unable to predict the ways in which I would grow from the SJI International scholarship. Now, I stand at the edge of another opening door - a little scared, a little excited, but very hopeful for what the future might hold.
VICTORIA LIM Reading Environmental Studies in Yale University on a PSC scholarship
“Coming to SJI International has given me the ammunition to find my footing and purpose in life and I am truly grateful to you for granting me this opportunity to learn and grow in this school. Even long after I leave, I know I will continue to hold SJI International close to my heart forever.” Victoria took part in the award-winning Canadian educational programme called Students On Ice, joining more than 100 youths from 16 other places, including Ecuador and Micronesia, on a 16-day expedition to the Arctic to witness climate change where it is most apparent. Her trip was sponsored by the NYAA Council - her prize for being the HSBCNYAA Youth Environmental Award winner in 2017.
HALDRIAN IRIAWAN Studying Material Science at Imperial College London
“My time in SJI International was a life-transforming journey; indeed a story to remember. All this would not have been possible without the generosity of the SJI International Scholarship, for which my gratitude knows no bounds.”
JESSA ALFAJARDO Studying Business at Hong Kong Baptist University on a scholarship
“My scholarship was a stepping stone for me to university and surely to more wonderful opportunities in the future. I will not be where I am today without the help of my SJI International family.”
NGUYEN PHAM DAN ANH Liberal Arts and Sciences freshman at Smith College
“SJI International provides a wonderful environment in which I had the opportunity to explore and try different interests, from the arts to academic studies. The people that I met influenced me in many ways (thank you especially to Ms Tzanetou!)... I’m going to college and, boy, do I feel like I have a head start thanks to the independent research, the knowledge, and the experience I have gained while at SJI International.”
SOPHIA GOH Liberal Arts freshman at Yale-NUS College
“Being a part of the SJI International community would not have been possible without the generosity of the donors to the scholarship fund and I’m eternally grateful for this opportunity. Attending SJI International changed me, and in a way, led me to my current dream.”
PATRICK STANLEY SOENDORO Pursuing a BFA in Animation at the Savannah College of Arts and Design
“My time at SJI International has been 3 of the most fortunate years of my life. There are just so many things I could reflect upon, but one thing really stands out. Not only I was given the exposure to other cultures from my international friends, but surprisingly I was getting closer to mine than ever before. I am from Indonesia, and yet it was at SJII where I first touched and played Gamelan, a traditional musical instrument indigenous to Bali, Indonesia. It was also at SJI International the first time I touched, read, and enjoyed Indonesian works of literature. Hard to believe that I became more aware and respectful towards my own culture when I am a hundred miles away from home. And sure, the IB experience was great and all, but it was there at SJI International where we all come to celebrate and appreciate various cultures as an international community. Looking back, I truly am grateful to have taken that scholarship opportunity. It was not all about the numbers after all!”
RISMA REMSUDEEN Taking up Medicine at Cardiff University; Student Intern at NTU LKC School of Medicine
EMILY YU Taking up Medicine at the National University of Singapore
CHRISTINA WONG Taking up Medicine at National Taiwan University
JUAN BANCHS RODRIGUEZ Studying Mechanical Engineering at UCLA
“Touched by the charity of countyless many, I aspire to reciprocate this love in my own life; through the kindness of others I have learnt, and now, I am restless to serve.”
PHAN VU LONG NYU Abu Dhabi on a scholarship
“This scholarship not only provided financial support, it also transformed me into a person who is now capable of approaching different issues from multiple perspectives. Studying in an international environemtn gives me the chance to interact with people of diverse nationalities and religions, from which I started to look at a matter from their perspective and in doing so, glean a better understanding of their actions and behaviours. Some come from well-to-do families while others come from a less fortunate background. By aligning to our Lasallian ideology, I will aspire to carry on the idea of being “people of integrity and people for others.”
SHERY ROSE QUIENG UniLasalle (France) on a scholarship; Miscellaneous costs covered by Philippines-France Scholarship awarded by the French Embassy in the Philippines
“My experiences in IB has inspired me to do something that can make a positive impact on the world. I’m not talking about world-scale but at least, doing what I can when I have the capabilities and right circumstances to do so. Hence, I am now working towards my new-found desire to help protect the ocean and marine life. In the near future, once I enter the working field, I aspire to use my knowledge and skills to give back to the world by developing medicine through the use of biochemistry and biotechnology.”
SOPHIE CHEN Accepted to Nanyang Technological University on a Nanyang Scholarship
VICTORIA EE Bocconi University (Italy) on a 50% Tuition Scholarship
“In this nurturing and supportive environment, the school’s mission of becoming people of integrity and people for others is truly embodied by my teachers and staff who always go the extra mile to ensure success for everyone.”
DO HOANG NAM HIEU Colgate University on a scholarship; selected for the Alumni Memorial Scholars program which will aid him as he works on his research
“The scholarship has provided me with many new opportunities to be a well-rounded student. I was able to immerse into an international environment learning a new culture, engaging in holistic education and making long-lasting friendships.”
CIRCLES OF GRATITUDE We honour all our donors, including those who have chosen to give anonymously, who believe in the mission of SJI International and whose philanthropy has enabled us to continue providing an exceptional education to our students. Our Circles of Gratitude recognise donors’ cumulative donations as of 31 December 2018.
$25,000 and above
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Estate of Khoo Teck Puat Shaw Foundation Culindo Livestock (1994) Pte Ltd Kenneth Benjamin Li Shenton World Pte Ltd Peter Lim Eng Hock Asia Pulp & Paper Company Ltd Lawrence da Silva Keppel Corporation Limited AX 21 Singapore Pte Ltd KMP Private Ltd Megabuilders & Development Pte Ltd Tote Board LawrenceTham Keng Chuen Somsak Leeswadtrakul Lee Foundation David Loh Kim Kang Ezra Holdings Limited Danny Yong Ming Chong UOB Limited Tan Tee How PT Saratoga Investama Sedaya Low Check Kian Simon Cheong Sae Peng Kevin Wong Heng Ning Goh Yew Lin Koh Hui Hwa Lim Seng Bee Edmund Tie Nyuk Siong Mia Hiasinta Hardjasatya Aelington Pte Ltd Far East Management Fosterra Investment Pte Ltd SymAsia Foundation Grow-Tech Properties Pte Ltd Anthony Loh Wing Kiong @ Adam Loh Philip Yeo Liat Kok Joseph Teo Pei Sing Tan Kwang Hwee
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Roy Quek Hong Sheng Kevin Hangchi Lena Koh Choon Lan Esmond Choo Liong Gee PT Renaissance Capital Asia Lim Chee Onn Peter Seah Lim Huat Tan Chong Lee Wong Boon Huat Caroline Yang Paul Tseng Seng Loke James Toh Ban Leng George Yeo Yong Boon Kwan Yong Construction Pte Ltd Jenny Lee Sin Neo Lim Wei Wen Chim Yoon Fah Dennis Tang Chee Heng Jimmy Yim Wing Kuen Derek Loh Eu Tse Sim Giok Lak Tan Chin Tiong Manu Bhaskaran Glenndle Sim Soon Ngee Arief Widyawan Sidarto Sinarmas Land Limited Toprint Computer Supplies Pte Ltd Chin Rui Shan Wang Yu Huei Jackie Cheng Ee Lieng Chiang Siew Kay Roger Chia Kim Piow Ernest Wong Yuen Weng Lim Tai Tian John Choy Chee Tuck Jude Menon Charles Fan Yue Soon Philip Seah Cheng Chua Grace Shua @ Jacob Ballas Charitable Trust Gerald Tan SymAsia Singapore Fund -
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Chan Family Foundation Ian Tan Chu En Andre Yeap Poh Leong Asia Grand Restaurant Eu Oy Chun Soh Kim Hwee Asia Genesis Asset Management Pte Ltd Thio Shen Yi Ngo Get Ping International Testing Co Pte Ltd Aloysius Seow Fook Sen Nicky Tan Michael Sng Beng Hock Tan Cheng Han Christopher Woo Woh Kuan Tsquared Cardiology and Internal Medicine Clinic Pte Ltd YangBum Engineering Pte Ltd Rosse Fourde Hamou Jennings Khoo Boo Kian Geeson Putra Lawadinata Mark Wong Mun Hoong Hester Chew Hai Chiene Wee Ee Chao Tan Guong Ching Leon Yee Kee Shian Chan Wing Cheng Michael Lien Chua Soon Hock Leslie Lam Peter Low Kok Chye Ng Pock Too Anthoni Salim Davinder Singh s/o Amar Singh Tan Puay Chiang Lena Yong Oi Ling Koh Thiam Seng
And 19 anonymous donors
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Trevose International Pte Ltd Debotosh Lodh Kwek Leng Peck Kuo Yew Ting Elaine Neo Poh Choo Tan Puay Hiang Adrian Koh Hock Chuan Lim Beng Hai Ng Chee Kern NTUC Fairprice Foundation Ltd Sembcorp Industries Ltd-Sut Teresa Lee Woon Oi Vincent Lien Tan Chin Seng Wong Yoke Meng Lim Soo Ping Sundaresh Menon Leslie Goh KhattarWong LLP Hoong Yik Luen Adrian Saurajen Ong Seng Gee Saw Bee Leng Tan Bien Kiat Bhagwan S/O Ramchand Aramco Arian Corporation The Community Foundation of Singapore Alessandra Paolo Caldana Nana Au Michael Anthony Palmer Mark Wee Keng Hong Christopher Minjoot Mohan Reviendran Pillay Colin Mac Donald Kenneth Tan Wee Kheng Tan Tee Jim
And 7 anonymous donors
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Bradley Andrew Roberts Yibo Xi Yang Chun Wen Edward Ang Boon Cheow Sylvia Goh Tshin En Annie Hon Damian Png Jin Chye Steve Cheng Kwee International Learning Corner (S) Pte Ltd Victor Lim Benson Loi Boon Tiong Chung Hak Bin Larry Lim Olivia Beatrice Cashin Bryan Lim Jit Ming Martin Cheah Ho Sing Adrian Lee Kah Yee June Ong Joon Peng Richard Teo Cheng Hiang Dennis Paul Lui Terence Ng George Adrian Van Grieken Alan Cheok Beng Hui Cecil Cheong Siew Hean Meng Then Yu Choong Wee Ee Cheong Kalea Smile Spa Pte Ltd SC Global Developments Ltd Sentosa Golf Club Tiong Seng Contractors Pte Ltd Pascal Guy Demierre Yu Ming Yong Nicola Jacqueline Shaw Henry Tay Linette Tye
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$10,000 to $24,999
Michael Ang Boo Chye Francis Nyan Christopher B. Bogaars Peter Chiang Ngee Onn Mark Choong Liong On Daniel Cuthbert Ee Hock Huat Noel Hon Chia Chun Morris John Koh Chin Koon Lau Kok Keng Brendan Leong Hoe Yin Mak Keen Tuck Mock Pak Lum Euan Murugasu Francis Oen Tuck Soon Johnson Tan Chin Kwang Wong Ah Long Leo Yip Seng Cheong Breadtalk Group Ltd Kusumaningtyas Angkawidjaja Darren James Cerasi Chiang Wan Heng Goh Boon Leng Jeffrey Lin Kok Peng Loh Kian Ping Alamsah Suhardi Cheryl Tan
$5,000 to $9,999
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Wong Kok Leong Koh Soo How N Link (S) Pte Ltd Aidan Brendan Crowley Faizal Muhamad Fazluddin Gaffoor Catalina Tong Angeline Wee Geok Lian Kevin Kang Yan Zhi Louis Agnelo D’Souza Lim Thiam Seng Mah Kah Loon Craig Robert Martin Venasse Yap Andrew Yeo Khirn Hin Narayanan Sreenivasan Madeleine Lee Ooi Lai Hock Fun Siew Leng Carrie Tan Su Shan Peter Kurt Maier Winston Lim Eng Hoe Yeong Pui Cheng Marriam Anna John MCL Land Ltd Hugh Edward Terry Hwang Yee Cheah Claire Elizabeth Simms Peter James Arnold Anita Chan Lai Fong Flavia Cheong Mei Yi Susan De Silva Hendra Othman Husodo Kong Yew Foo Lau Hong Swee Lee Gek Lang Virginia Lien Murali Nair Suresh Nair Steven Andrew Neubronner Eric Ou Chuan Whatt David William Platt
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Ignatius Rasiah Frances Clare Tang Sunil Kanayalal Bhatia Gilbert Leong Cheng Loong David Liew Thye Vui Serene Wong Patrick Lim Keng Lee Tan Yoke Yuan RSP Architects Planners & Engineering (Pte) Ltd Paul Antony Rathband Melvyn Boey Kenny Chong Michael Arthur Roche Charlie Chayavirabood Khoo Bee Keng Derek Goh Bak Heng Francis Heng Hang Song Koh Teck Chuan Puvanambigai Ponnampalam Mandalanayagam Richard Seow Pauline Tan Siew Tiang Tjoa Hui Ling Wong Toon Jin Centre For Hand And Reconstructive Micro Surgery (Charms) Pte Ltd CPG Consultants Pte Ltd Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd Ding Hock Chai Jessica Chen Jonathan Law Ju Li Lee Boon Teow Dinesh Singh Dhillon James Huang Tet On Lim Huey Ching Patricia Lim Swee Lin Eric Low Neo Ng Viviene Sandhu Teo Zee Vee Yap Chee Meng
And 11 anonymous donors
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Teh Ban Seng Bradford Evan Porteus Khoo Ken Hee Arie Darma Enterprises (S) Pte Ltd Mitsubishi Electric Asia Pte Ltd Design Studio Furniture Manufacturer Ltd Samuel Paul Oliver CarewJones Felix Oen Beng Seng Yeoh Siew Hoon Gilbert Ee Guan Hui Mark Wee Keng Hong/Gracie Sim Poh Gek Gerard Nah Craig Alexander Ross William Peter Jaensch Asian Palette Pte Ltd Erika Ann Swan Cynthia Chee Chuen Mei Christopher Chen Azmeen Moiz Ahmed Assar Herry Andriejanssen Gan Cha Ying Joseph Victor Lye Thiam Fatt Bernard Oh Seow Poon Garn Lily Teo Charles Yong Chern Chyi Ching Wan Chee Meng APD Singapore Pte Ltd Asdaq Kamran Rosaline Yap-Wilson Pratheepan Karunagaran David Fung Foo Fatt Kah Lydia Lum Soon Neo Price Edward Canizares Yap
And 10 anonymous donors
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Jessie Tan Soh Hoon @ Nur Yasmin Loo Leong Hoon Mark Cranfield Vincent Lee Tuan Aun Amy Victoria Lee Susi Parwati Teo Chan Cheow Hoe Raymond Chan Teck Yam Chew Leng Hock Noel Gerald D’Cruz Jayaveerapandian Shunmugavel Philip Antony Jeyaretnam Kuah Boon Theng Loh Kee Kong Lawrence Low Fay Huen Tan Yong Nang Angela Tan Guat Hoon Jessie Tan C. Jackson Yap CEL Development Pte Ltd John Lim Christopher Murugasu Goh Chi Lan Woon Chin Thung Chew Chin David Chua Thai Chong Lim Eng Koh Ivor Lim George Neo Eng Huat Audrey Ruyters Seetha Sharma Carolyn Tan Ghim Lee Winnie Tham Wai Yee David Antonius Yang Chee Mei Lin
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
$2,008 to $4,999
Nadav N Le Havy Ai Lian Lim Hilda Ng Tan Jee Lim Yida Lee Hwang Wen Shang Sunanda Prasad Jeffrey Goh Vincent Anandraj Yun Ta Chun Nicholas John Brinton Michael Lau Wai Shing Yeo Buan Lee Adrian Chan Manju Chandran Wiradharma Pranadi Simon Quek So Bok Yan Pauline Mary Bull Rayna Lock Colin Albert Newbery Tan Zing Yuen Tannaz Manek Daver Nicholas Lee Teck Chye Red Sea Gallery Pte Ltd Benjamin John Strickland Thomas Michael Gerard McNerney Renato Rainone Guy Christian Nicholson Edwin Tan Eng Hoe Michael Paul Phelps Foong Tsin Uin
$1,000 to $2,007
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Chok See Liang Chong Yee Leong James Goh Martine Hill Jayesh Manohar Kamath Ong Teck Hui Ann Tan Sian Ann Tjioe Ka Lie Wong Ee Eu David Michael Wong Wai Choy ACAL Holdings Pte Ltd Accenture Pte Ltd Asian Marine Syndicate 1965 Pte Ltd ATA Architects Pte Ltd Cooper Gay (Asia) Pte Ltd FCL Management Services Pte Ltd Liberty Insurance Pte Ltd McLarens Singapore Pte Ltd Safe2Travel Pte Ltd See Tho Clinic Pte Ltd Sky Alantic Private Limited Raymond Clotaire Delangle Seamus Toal Fernando Valte III Financial Services Managers Association (FSMA) P&T Consultants Pte Ltd Cheong Chow Yin Jarsonn Chua Lum Hong Yuan Philip Miao Erika Soo Yook Yin Su Jiaxian Benny Chan Yui Fan Steve Cvetko Michael Fung Vincent Gabriel Jeffrey Ku Chung Chiang Liu Chunguang Djokoleksono Sugiarto Tan Wang Peow Adrian Tan Phillip Tseng Shabana Abedeen Tyebally Bryan Yap Jin Meng Zou Tang Xiu Wei Melinda Tong John Charles Taylor Chang Chien Shoong Yency Tan Chandra Mohan Murugayah Trevor John Latham David Koh Anna Mary Tipping Suresh Kumar Singh Tan Ju Kuang Flora Wang Ong Yuen Lin Ivan Chin Frances Clare Powell Yu Wai Yung Raymond Goh Wee Hock Lim Kim Hai
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Takayuki Shinmi Riko Topas Simon Perkins Richard Stuart Warburton Vivian Singh John Lim Simon Lim Dipak Gobindram Vaswani Lok Ying Fang Lum Yin Tuck Surandren Nair S Lativ Santoso Tan Ju Li Tan Gee Boon Lawrence Humphrey Liza Chen Lawrence Chan Ming Yu Goh Wei Kheng Gauri Prakash Savadi Kelvin Ng Vittal Naidu Alistair Michael Wood Samantha Higgins Roger Emanuel Karlsson Roy Cheong Yena Lim Ignatius Liow Yang Ming Albert Ee Oon Sun Tony Fong Philip Tan Bee Lee Darren Peter Murphy Norhana Meacham Abdullah Brian Christian Catherine Terry Kevin John Hannah Jerome Wong Koon Guat Ngor Karl Schuster Dennis Ho Darryl Wilson David Lubna Alsagoff Benjamin Chang Eddy Chong Kwong Mei John Stephen Fahy Richard Fam Shou Kwong Gang Fan Kenneth Leopold Fong Asad Jumabhoy Kwan Seik Cheong Pearl Lee Tuan Kee Leong Yoke Kuen Lim Yuin Pin Lim Wee Chiong Joanne Lim Pick Lui Margie Lim May Xia Pinny Lukito Tammy Mai Laurent Marie Olivier Mirepoix Ng Tiong Beng Danny Oh Beng Teck Ong Guan Hin Sonya Perez Kenny Rebeira Anthony Michael Rodrigues Mahesh Rupawalla John Desmond Sheehy Brian Shegar
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Kevin Sim Kwang Yang Matthew Sim Kwang Tai Lena Soh Tan Teck Yong James Tan Siah Heng Sulian Claire Tan-Wijaya Tham Sai Choy Steven Tiong Choon Hieng Romel Mendoza Tito Wee Wei Min Wong Leng Wong Kien Mun Catherine Wong Phoy Choo Rowena Yeo Hui Hoon Yong Chee Ram Yu Joo Aik Donny Yusgiantoro Suhadi Zaini AAM Advisory Pte Ltd CBM Pte Ltd DBS Bank Ltd Hatim Capital Pte Ltd Highgain Pte Ltd LL Cheong Skin & Laser Clinic Pte Ltd SAA Architects Pte Ltd SD Network Pte Ltd Singapore United Estates (Pte) Ltd Skypeak Maintenance Services Pte Ltd The Good Earth Nail Bar Robert Edward Bier Bernard Joseph Gallagher Giacomo Galtarossa Dong Han Brendan Hannigan Supornchai Kongpatanakul Lee Chai Hung Christopher Edward Mark Leadhy Lee Wai Ling Paul Sammy Pak Emanuele Petz Grenville Bernard Pinto Mark Rathbone Mahadevan Srinivasan James Robert Sullivan Franklin Au Yeung Lim Beng Chian Esther Lim Benjamin Ong Stephen Quek The De La Salle Brothers Chang Yew Kong Er Swee Long Richard David Gael Ng Thiam Poh Nancy Soh Angelo Soong Tan Chor Yong Angela Tan Aloysius Arlando Awyong Poh Puay Vladimir Blanckaert Clara Chan Ramesh Pritamdas Chandiramani
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Derrick Chee Jin Hoe Gerard Chee Hsien Lawrence Chee Fon Leung Chen Lifen Rosalind Cheng Seow Peng Alan Cheung Thomas Chew Chris Chia Helen Chia Kin Hon Viyuda Chokechalermwat Richard Giummara Goh Chih Yuan Ho Wei Fern Felix Hsu Miral Fahmy Hussein Doreen Hwang Siok Lean Hemant Kulkari Kum Nai Pew Winston Kwek Milicent Lai Lee Wai Ling Fiona Lee Lim Chee Meng Andrew Loh Damien Low Magdalene Low Budi Tunggul Manurung Shah Gopul Navnitlal Leslie Ng Ong Eng Hock Paul Ong Jau Lueng Roy Ong Kevin Quek Chin Chin Piia Pauliina Salmenhaara R.A.W Inside Out Andre Roy Ving Mei Seetho Caroline Seow Gopul Navnitlal Shah Seetha Sharma Michael Shing Aqbal Singh Vinod Miktinath Singh Sabrina Sy Benjamin Tan Thong Kwan Jacqueline Tan James Tan Usman Tanujaya Tay Teck Shong Joshua Tay Teck Seng Gerald Teo Terence Teo Keng Yu Fidelis Tham William Toh Thiam Siew Ravi Vedam Oscar Luigi Veronese Wang Xiaowen Wee Tze Wee Belinda Wong Catherine Wong Shirley Yap Graham Yates Maria Pilar Ciola Kerry Lynne Tremblay Diego Madurga Diez
And 19 anonymous donors
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Simone Lai Siu-Yi Kwee Lay Hui Krishnan Muthappan Angus Archibald Kidd Beverly Ann Branson Andrea Paul Ellen Ong Trina Neo Angela Gravina Jacqueline Anne McNalty Hari Sundar s/o Hundomal Tracey Chia Cindy Tang Kraekel Britta Pfister Bruce McNalty Irene Oen Nam Sang Geung David Saranam Edward Jonathan Hogg Lena Lee Su Hui Noelle Tan Lee Baker Craik James Broughton Alastair James Slade Chong Lee Sia Deidre Anne Hazlewood Arthur San Diego Pineda Nandini Ghosh Richard Moratto Conor Walsh Annie Huang Jitendra Kamdar Huu Tri Nguyen Pao Ning Yu Lee Choo Phuan Siew Weng Hin Jenny Wee April Lee Jennifer Schofield Porteus Farhana Ahmed Sharmeen John Wilson Su’ad Ahmad Duncan Urquhart Dona Tella Liu Li Wen Chan Alexander Ee Jason Lien Noel Low Adelina Mah Hui Ti See Chan Yee Yin Neil Crossland Susan McBride Julie Thompson Ian Chai
And 7 anonymous donors
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Mark Glew Rana Parvinder Kaur Kellie O’Kane Judy Ang Eddie Chau Chng Lay Chew Chua Chin Teng Maureen Ding Oisin Fennell Rose Fennell Bingawati Hartono Tan Huang Shoou Chyuan Lee Howe Yong Lee Kong Eng James Lee Chong Hwa Leung Kam Lun Euan Low Ong Seow Hwee George Joseph Palathinkal Sim-Chang Kim Yin Robert Teguh Subrata Takashi Tagami Shirley Wilaras Wong Chiew Leong Framing Angie Art Gallery Pte Ltd Million Lighting Co Pte Ltd United Uniforms Manufacturers Pte Ltd Anita Cvetko Gabriela Elzbieta Davey Umesh Koshy Pieter Van Der Schaft Rita Bay Chen May-Lin Lawrence Stephen Basapa Adinath Chowdhury Anita Fam Lee Lam See Kevin Leong Ng Kee Seng Peng Chan Colin Michael Pereira Lynette Seah Vimala Selvadurai Seng Choon Hock Lars Sorensen Tan Choon Lim Tan Hwee San Peter Tan Anil Thadani Anand Jude Anthony Mohamad Kamal Bin Abdullah Benjamina Charano Maciej Piotr Chlebicki
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$500 to $999
Eu Oy Chu Cornelia Fong Pauline Gan Paula Mary Grosse Hao Cong Mei Michelle Hui Raymond Lee John Thomas Liljequist Cristal Lim Uantchern Loh Asim Ali Meerza Suniti Naweed Naqvi Dennis Ng Sharon Ong Keith Anthony Rodrigues William Thomas Rossi Kurnia Salim Sim Boon Yang Nutan Singapuri Harmohan Singh Vijay Srinivasan Ignasius Dwijanto Sutarsono Tan Siew Hoon Tan Choong Kiak Bernard Tan Jun Wong Sidney Yee Marie Alina Yeo Hongye Zhang Gregory John Thorpe Irene Oen Geok Leng Pao Ning Yu Raymond Lee Poh Kong Leung Kam Lun Judy Ang Pei Xia Maureen Ding Chooi Eng Michelle Hui Yin Teng Uantchern Loh Harmohan Singh Chang Chia-Hao Benjamina Charano Chen May-Lin Lee Lam See Lee Howe Yong Chua Chin Teng Rita Bay Seng Choon Hock Huang Shoou Chyuan Tan Choon Lim Dennis Ng Kok Kee Sim-Chang Kim Yin Sim Boon Yang Lynette Seah Li-Chen Kevin Leong Yu Vee Tan Siew Hoon Bernard Tan Kok Kiang
FUNDRAISING The team engages and builds lasting relationships with those who can help support our fundraising priorities with their gifts, wisdom and time. We develop and organise Appeal campaigns and fundraising events, and produce Alumni/ Donor stewardship material and fundraising reports.
The Advancement & Communications Office (ACO) is responsible for managing St. Joseph’s Institution International’s longterm reputation, building relationships, and fundraising to secure the resources needed to support the school’s mission and Lasallian Catholic ethos.
COMMUNITY RELATIONS We work to advance the school’s interests by building relationships with our stakeholders, media and government agencies as well as with private and non-profit organisations. We provide timely answers to community enquiries, links to campus resources and facilitate partnerships which advance the school’s Lasallian educational mission.
INTEGRATED BRANDING, MARKETING, AND COMMUNICATIONS As the primary brand ambassador for the school, we coordinate branding and marketing efforts on campus and with our external partners, to ensure a strong and effective SJI International brand. The ACO envisions, develops and implements the school’s strategic PR and marketing plan. The team manages fundraising and engagement events and activities, production of PR, marketing and communications content for print, broadcast and social media in support of the school’s priorities, including fundraising and other strategic communications.
ALUMNI RELATIONS The ACO team, in collaboration with the Alumni Association, establishes and maintains supportive, lifelong connections with alumni around the world through frequent events and programmes, with the goal of advancing the Lasallian Catholic mission of the school.
SJI International
St Joseph’s Institution International
The ACO Team is comprised of: Maria Ciola (Director), Lauri Coulter (Manager), Chloe Patacsil (Executive), Asmah Deen (Executive) and Avelyn Chiah (Executive)
Enabling students, within a Lasallian community, to learn how to learn and to learn how to live, empowering them to become people of integrity and people for others. Mission Statement
We are blessed to have a supportive community of parents, alumni and friends who are passionate about the school’s future. Thank you to all the donors and volunteers who contribute so much to our school. Your involvement is invaluable.
St. Joseph’s Institution International 490 Thomson Road, Singapore 298191 Tel: 6871 5202 (ES) ; 6353 9383 (HS) | Fax: 6871 5264 (ES) ; 6354 3103 (HS) Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve St. Joseph’s Institution International Elementary School Ltd. CPE, Co. Reg & GST No. 201009321K (Period of Registration: 19 October 2018 to 18 October 2022) St. Joseph’s Institution International Ltd. Co. Reg & GST No. 200607833C
A School of the De La Salle Brothers