Vestry Agenda 2019

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We seek to be...

A community of contrast, gripped by the gospel of God’s grace, reaching out with the gospel of Christ.




Table of Contents Meeting Agenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Hymns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2019 Vestry Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2020 Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Nominating Commitee Report . . . . . . . . . . 10

Agenda CA L L TO O RD E R BY T HE CHA IR Joanne Sawatzky, People’s Warden C ON F I R M AT I O N O F A Q UO RUM F O R T H E M E E T I NG (a quorum is 40 members) BI BL E TA LK David Short PR AY ER S Dan Gifford I N M EM O RI A M James Wagner H Y M N My Hope is Built on Nothing Less I N TR OD UC T IO N Chair Introduction of the Trustees and Overview of the Meeting Appointment of the Vestry Clerk, Krista Friebel Adoption of the Minutes of the Annual Vestry Meeting held March 7, 2019 Adoption of the 2019 Annual Report M I N I STRY RE P O RTS BU I L D I N G F UN D RE P O RT Jeff Spruston TR EAS U R E R’ S RE P O RT Christine Klukas Questions from the Congregation Adoption of the 2019 Audited Financial Statements Presentation and Adoption of the 2020 Budget Appointment of Loewen, Kruse as the auditors for 2020 N OMI N AT IN G C O M M IT T E E RE P O RT Joanne Sawatzky M OTI ON TO A P P ROV E S L AT E O F T R UST E E S, DE LE GAT E S, E TC. Appointment of Rector’s Warden – David Short Appointment of Lay Communion Assistants – David Short Thanking of the SJV Trustees – David Short OTH ER BUS I N E SS C LOS I N G RE M A RK S M OTI ON O F A DJ O URN M E N T H Y M N Christ Triumphant C LOS I N G P RAYE RS Dan Gifford




In Memoriam Mike Grinvalds John Robert McKinnon Edward Henry Gentis Gloria Erma Thomson Gordon McGee Sandra Clarke Norma Hewitt Madeline Dujardin




Hymns 1. My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame But wholly lean on Jesus’ name. (refrain)

3. His oath, His covenant, His blood support me in the whelming flood; when all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay. (refrain)

2. When darkness veils His lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace; in every high and stormy gale my anchor holds within the veil. (refrain)

4. When He shall come with trumpet sound, O may I then in Him be found, dressed in His righteousness alone, faultless to stand before the throne. (refrain)

Refrain On Christ the solid Rock I stand All other ground is sinking sand All other ground is sinking sand.

2. Word incarnate, truth revealing, Son of Man on earth! Power and majesty concealing by your humble birth: [refrain]

4. So, our hearts and voices raising through the ages long, ceaselessly upon you gazing, this shall be our song: [refrain]

3. Priestly King, enthroned for ever high in heaven above! Sin and death and hell shall never stifle hymns of love: [refrain] 5

Minutes from the March 7, 2019 Trustee Meeting 1.

Call to order by the Chair, Joanne Sawatzky


Confirmation of a quorum for the meeting (a quorum is 40 members). Regrets were read: Ruth Matheson, Manya Egerton, George Egerton , Ed Bowes, Anita Bowes, Josh Short


Bible Talk – David Short


Prayers – Dan Gifford


In Memoriam – James Wagner


Hymn: Name of All Majesty


Introduction – Chair, Joanne Sawatzky

Introduction of the Trustees and overview of the meeting Canon David Short (Rector), Joanne Sawatzky (People’s Warden), Ewan Wilding (Rector’s Warden), Kevin Unger, Jeff Spruston, Margaret Dymond, Christine Klukas (Treasurer), Matt Strolz o

Appointment of the Vestry Clerk (Krista Friebel) Moved by Chair, Joanne Sawatzky Seconded by Doug Blackman, no opposed, no abstention, all in favour. The motion was carried.


Adoption of the Minutes of the Annual Vestry Meeting held March 8, 2018 Moved by Chair, Joanne Sawatzky Seconded by Bill Thomas, no opposed, no abstention, all in favour. The motion was carried Presentation and Adoption of the 2018 Annual Report Moved by chair, Joanne Sawatzky Seconded by Kristina Nillson, no opposed, no abstention, all in favour. The motion was carried.


Reports o

Rector’s Charge, David Short –

David Short reviewed and explained the 3 priorities at St. John’s: Gospel Proclamation, Gospel Formation and Gospel Application. He talked in depth about Gospel Application and the priority for us to become better equipped to engage our culture with the Gospel o Catechesis & Artizo, Ben Roberts – Gave an overview of the Catechism program at St. John’s and how it is evolving. He also spoke about the re-focus of Artizo in 2018 and his role as the Director Training for Artizo o Refugee Committee, Jonathan Baylis – Announced the April 24 arrival of our sponsored refugee family and gave an overview of the work of the Refugee committee at St. John’s. o Gospel Application, Kathy Ross spoke about the newly formed Gospel Application Team whose primary purpose is to provide space and create events to equip the congregation for Missionary Critical Engagement. Events include Tech not neutral, and our SOGI presentation. 9.

Building Update including Building Fund Report – Jeff Spruston In the past year we continued to assess property options. We commenced negotiations with two different congregations to purchase property unfortunately neither of the options were able to proceed. In 2018 we officially transferred $750,000 into the building fund from another restricted fund. We continue to pursue options and are open to an outright purchase, land assembly, long-term lease with OAC, long-term lease with OAC plus a satellite church, long-term lease with OAC plus a multi-


use space for weekly ministries. 10. Bequest Update – Ewan Wilding Ewan Wilding reviewed the 2018 Bequest, and explained that it is the desire of the Trustees is to spend it over a 10-year period as we have no wish to become a trust-fund church. We received the first tranche of the gift of $2.5M in 2018. None of the funds were spent in 2018, but there are plans for 2019 to use the bequest to further the 3 pillars of Gospel Proclamation, Gospel Formation, and Gospel Application. The Bequest money will be placed in an internally restricted separate fund. In March of 2019 the Trustees will form an investment committee to oversee the careful investment of the bequest. 10% of the original principal (approx. $350,00) will be retained in perpetuity to help reduce our interest costs and reliance on the line of credit. 11.

Treasurer’s Report – Christine Klukas o

Questions from the Congregation – Questions were asked and answered regarding: the spiritual dangers of becoming a “trust fund church”, the $350,000 GIC that is connected to the line of credit, the reduction in outreach spending in 2018 and how it is related to the Artizo re-focus, there was no special notice about the bequest in the financial statements as the auditors deemed there was no need.


Adoption of the 2018 Audited Financial Statements Moved by Christine Klukas Seconded by Michael Bentley No opposed, no abstention, all in favour .The motion was carried. Presentation and Adoption of the 2019 Budget Moved by Christine Klukas Seconded by Melanie Ross. No opposed, no abstention, all in favour. The motion was carried. o

Appointment of Loewen, Kruse as the Auditors for 2019

Moved by Christine Klukas Seconded by Chris Walker. No opposed, no abstention, all in favour. The motion was carried. 12. Nominating Committee Report – Joanne Sawatzky, People’s Warden o

Motion to approve slate of trustees, synod delegates etc. 2019 Trustees: Canon David Short (Rector), Joanne Sawatzky (People’s Warden), Ewan Wilding (Rector’s Warden), Kevin Unger, Ed Bowes, Margaret Dymond, Christine Klukas (Treasurer), Matt Strolz Moved by Joanne Sawatzky Seconded by Isobel Austin. No opposed, no abstention, all in favour. The motion was carried. o

Appointment of Rector’s Warden – David Short


Appointment of Lay Communion Assistants – David Short

o Thanking of the SJV Trustees, with special thanks to Jeff Spruston whose term as a Trustee is over - David Short 13. Other business 14. Closing Remarks, motion of adjournment – Chair The meeting was closed at 9:30 pm Moved by Joanne Sawatzky Seconded by Kathy Ross. No opposed, no abstention, all in favour. The motion was carried. 15. Hymn:

All praise to thee, for thou, O King divine

16. Closing Prayers – Dan Gifford




2019 Budget Operating Receipts (General Fund) Offerings to the General Fund


Offerings from Bequests Interest Income Bequest Fund Allocation to the General Fund* Total Operating Receipts

42,000 223,000 2,490,000

Operating Disbursements (General Fund) CHURCH OPERATIONS Programs and Outreach Salaries


Ministry Program Disbursements


Building and Facilities


Office and Administrative Costs


Total Church Operations


OUTREACH ANiC Support Outreach, support & training Total Outreach Disbursements

209,000 66,000 275,000

MISSIONS Missions (local, national, & international) Total Missions Disbursements Total Operating Disbursements (General Fund) SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR (GENERAL FUND)


220,000 220,000 2,490,000

2019 Actual** 2,072,529

2020 Budget 2,270,000

% increase from 2019 Budget


170,344 35,262 100,000



























*Since 2018 St. John’s has received a total of $3.5M from a single bequest. 90% is held in the General Bequest Fund and 10% in the Mission Bequest Fund. The Trustees have determined that the General Bequest Fund will be invested, and then spent over a ten year period, except for 10% which will remain in a perpetual reserve to remove our need for a bank line of credit. Over the next ten years, the bequest will be used to enhance St. John’s three strategic pillars:


Gospel Proclamation Gospel Formation Gospel Application The process for spending the bequest is that each year approximately $280,000 will be allocated for spending in the General Fund.



**2019 Actual is a simplified management version of the general operating receipts and disbursements from our general fund for the year 2019 and has been summarized based on the Audited Financial Statements of St John’s Vancouver Church for the year ended December 31, 2019 - copies of which are available under separate cover.


Nominating Committee Report N OMI N ATED ST. J O HN ’ S VA N C O UV E R B OARD OF T RUST E E S FOR 20 20




David Short - the Rector is deemed a member of Trustees upon his appointment as Rector

Rector’s Warden

Appointed by David Short

People’s Warden

Joanne Sawatzky


Eli Sullivan


Alida Garrod


Matt Strolz


Christine Klukas


Ed Bowes

N OM I N ATED ST. J O HN ’ S VA N C O UV E R L AY SY NOD DE LE GAT E S FOR 20 20 Ewan Wilding Joanne Sawatzky Eli Sullivan Alida Garrod Matt Strolz Christine Klukas Ed Bowes




Lay Communion Assistants A LTER N ATE LAY SYN O D D E L E GAT E S

Cindy Aalders

Darrell Thomas

Willie Shain Ross

Joan Foerster

Ann Barker

Sheryl Smyth

Sam Foerster

Brian Barker

Richie Speidel

Norah Johnston

Lesley Bentley

Sandy Speidel

Hua Soo Kee

Michael Bentley

Derek Witten

Michael Lee

Anita Bowes

John Wragg

Lorinda Moreau

Ed Bowes

Steve Friebel

Roger Pieters

Susan Bullen

Bruce Hindmarsh

Susan Pieters

Irene Canton

Brenda Wagner

Lauri Riddle

Dan Glover

Bronywn Smyth

Kimberley Graham

Derek Witten

Jan Hobbis

Elizabeth Wragg

Esther Neudorf

Suet-Ming Yeong

Barbara Pain

Robin Burns

Chris Pain

Simon & Laurie Chan

Elsbeth Piir

Mark Gibson

Joel Strecker

Pat Gibson

Jim Tucker

Mark Hoffmann

Martin Topp

Martin Kwok

Lyn Unger

Sandy Ley

Cindy Wilding

Ruth Matheson

Ewan Wilding

Rudy Sawatzky

Tanya Auton-Strolz

Jane Schrag

Kelsey Baker

Lyle Schrag

Tom Douce

Brent Smith

Shaun Fraser

Louise Sourisseau

Glenn Howell

Beathen Thomas

Chris Prabhakar

Office: 2325 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V6J 3J2 | Church: 5350 Baillie Street, Vancouver, BC

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