Vestry Agenda 2019

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Agenda CA L L TO O RD E R BY T HE CHA IR Joanne Sawatzky, People’s Warden C ON F I R M AT I O N O F A Q UO RUM F O R T H E M E E T I NG (a quorum is 40 members) BI BL E TA LK David Short PR AY ER S Dan Gifford I N M EM O RI A M James Wagner H Y M N My Hope is Built on Nothing Less I N TR OD UC T IO N Chair Introduction of the Trustees and Overview of the Meeting Appointment of the Vestry Clerk, Krista Friebel Adoption of the Minutes of the Annual Vestry Meeting held March 7, 2019 Adoption of the 2019 Annual Report M I N I STRY RE P O RTS BU I L D I N G F UN D RE P O RT Jeff Spruston TR EAS U R E R’ S RE P O RT Christine Klukas Questions from the Congregation Adoption of the 2019 Audited Financial Statements Presentation and Adoption of the 2020 Budget Appointment of Loewen, Kruse as the auditors for 2020 N OMI N AT IN G C O M M IT T E E RE P O RT Joanne Sawatzky M OTI ON TO A P P ROV E S L AT E O F T R UST E E S, DE LE GAT E S, E TC. Appointment of Rector’s Warden – David Short Appointment of Lay Communion Assistants – David Short Thanking of the SJV Trustees – David Short OTH ER BUS I N E SS C LOS I N G RE M A RK S M OTI ON O F A DJ O URN M E N T H Y M N Christ Triumphant C LOS I N G P RAYE RS Dan Gifford


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