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Communication is paramount to our success and especially our safety in aviation! How well we communicate with our team members, determines our ability to satisfy our customers. Our language, tone, knowledge, experience, and professionalism all influence our interactions with team members and customers. We must use our communication skills to create a positive and professional environment that evokes confidence and loyalty among ourselves and for our customers.
Verbal and Written Communication
Telephone Etiquette
— We are prepared to answer calls with our JETitude, a positive attitude and mindset — We use a professional greeting per the Jet Aviation location guidelines — We answer the phone within three rings — We ask permission before placing someone on hold — We speak in a calm and confident voice and articulate our words clearly — We avoid interrupting — We use proper greeting, manners, and language — We are prepared to take a detailed message including the name and contact information — We reply to operational telephone messages in a timely manner to meet the level of urgency needed — We reply to all telephone messages within 24hrs
Email Etiquette
— We use proper greeting, manners, and language — We use proper punctuation — We keep email messages brief and to the point — We are aware of the tone of our email — We always proofread before sending — We are thoughtful and professional when using the Reply, Reply All, and
Forward functions — We always use the proper corporately directed Jet Aviation signature — We are diligent in identifying, reporting, and deleting suspicious emails — We reply to operational emails in a timely manner to meet the level of urgency needed — We reply to all emails within 24hrs — We always use our “out-of-office” message to ensure customer requests can still be handled in a timely manner by stating an alternative person of contact’s email and telephone number
We communicate to our customers with verbal, non-verbal and written communication every day. Exemplary communication ensures a SAM customer experience.
Non-Verbal Communication
Body Language
— We are aware of our body language when speaking — We ensure our body language is always professional — We stand when appropriate to greet and engage in conversation — We show active listening skills by maintaining eye contact and facial expression — We match our body language to the situation — We use our body language to show care, concern, and empathy
— We ensure our environment is clean and tidy to convey pride and professionalism — We understand our environment communicates our competencies to customers — We maintain our work environment to communicate the Jet Aviation brand — We communicate the highest level of safety on our ramp with non-verbal communication
Customer Communication
Professional Language
— We must remember that our tone is always as important as our words — We rely on communication to create a Seamless, Authentic and
Memorable experience — We personalize customer communication by using their preferred method (email, WhatsApp, text, etc.)
Professional Language Phrases for Success
We say “Good Morning, Mary” using a professional greeting and person’s name whenever possible
We say “Thank you for your feedback, Captain Lewis” using good manners language of Please and Thank you.
We say “How may I help?” using active and positive service language
We say “I apologize” using empathic language to convey we care
We say “One moment please” using service language to acknowledge and show respect of timeliness
We say “I understand and these are the options to resolve it” using language to provide them choice to personalize the resolution