Page 14

So, after years spent hiding in the dark, fearing they

the greenhouse was an intensive, laborious, and painstaking

could come to arrest me and throw me in a cell at any

job, and just like any other restoration/renovation task, it

given moment, at the end of my academic path, I decided

started with a good, old clean-up! The first step was to remove

it was time to restart my life. After all those years, my

all the stones, weed out (not just a pun here) all the wild grass

only regret is that I should have done this earlier!

that was infesting the area, and ultimately turning it over.

When I first entered the cannabis community in

I must take a moment here and provide a little explanation.

Barcelona, I was shocked by the low quality, despite a

In regenerative culture, a key concept is that of no-till farming,

relatively more favorable and friendly environment.

where crops are grown without disturbing the soil. The aim

Despite the initial shock, I was still highly motivated and

is to avoid unnecessary erosion, damage the mycelium in the

confident of the quality I was going to achieve with my products.

substrate and keep the right balance within the soil web.

At the same time, I was also well aware that my fully organic

However, in our specific case, and taking into account our needs

approach was rather an unorthodox one and would not have

to start growing as soon as possible, we have decided to skip this

found much support in the beginning. Yet, I was determined and

fundamental step and deemed to intervene in a more radical

not ready to give up. I wanted to make a difference, and I did.

way. We started with sowing several plants rich in nutritive

As the founder of the Growers With Attitude Collective,

elements, cutting them down after a month, and mulching them

I think my greatest luck is working with a great, rock-

with some hey. We proceeded by carefully and manually digging

solid team that has become a family after so many years

a small hole for each plant and fed them with compost tea for

and adventures. I like to believe we could not have

their entire life cycles. We spent the first year understanding

gone so far without the support of each of them.

how soil works, also taking into account water distribution.

In spite of all the difficulties and obstacles, we have grown

The first year’s crop was satisfying yet well below the

stronger together and ended complementing each other. In

potential we could have achieved with a place like that. It

more practical terms, this means 60 awards won in the last

took some time, and season after season, tweak after tweak,

three years alone, making us one of the most titled collectives

we managed to build a fertile and prosperous oasis. The vast

and more than just a reference in the European scene. In fact,

presence of earthworms gives a more tangible proof of our hard

nurturing and working with soil, rather than just plants, is

work. You can literally find them by just digging a small hole

the core of our philosophy. We believe we have great resources

anywhere in our greenhouse. They were introduced in small

available to us already, and we aim to regenerate those by

colonies, year after year, and they happily and quickly took

simply observing the natural habitat in which we live. As you

over. We have organized the space into six long rows, filled with

can imagine, our cultivation methods and system are fairly

large beds that can host 10 to 12 plants each. The plants we are

simple yet flexible enough to adapt easily to any situation.

currently growing are smaller than the ones you can see in a

In a country where growing cannabis is still

Californian greenhouse. This is mostly due to legal limitations

a crime, punished with jail time, we must find a

and constrictions. Indeed, it is possible to grow for personal

compromise between what’s ideal and what’s safe,

consumption; however, the size of this cultivar is well beyond

without necessarily harming the place around us.

anything that can be defined as personal. Another key difference

In a situation where safety is not an issue, we never get

is that in places like California (or even The Netherlands,

rid of “old soil,” but we’d rather regenerate it and make

NDR), the limitation concerns the number of plants one can

sure it’s kept “alive.” Where safety is at stake, we simply

grow, where in Spain, the issue is rather the size of the final

repurpose our soil for other non-cannabis cultivars, such as

crop, regardless of the number of plants. Hence the need to

a small home garden. This is only possible if natural soil

grow smaller plants that are easier to hide too. All in all, the

conditioners, bacteria, and compost are exclusively used in the

most satisfying aspect of this project is not just the possibility

process. By doing so, our soil is not burdened with complex

of growing high-quality cannabis, but rather the fact that we’re

and heavy additives, which are difficult to “wash away,” and

doing this in a place that was desert just a few months before.

we can constantly monitor its quality and performance. When growing cannabis indoors, our plants usually follow a

This wonderful experience I am sharing with one of my business partners makes me even more aware of how much you

strict feeding regime, based mostly on water, with the addition of

can achieve by just following, observing, and respecting the

few natural conditioners, such as organic compost tea, if specific

nature around you. And I don’t want to waste any time thinking

genetics requires it. When cultivating outdoors, and if safety

of how much damage we would have done (maybe irreparably) to

allows, we must tailor our modus operandi to the environment in

that already malnourished soil if we were to incorporate artificial

which we operate. The most remarkable project we have worked

conditioners, synthesis fertilizers, or any chemical phytomedicine

on is a small greenhouse in the southern part of Catalunya,

or pesticide, like those currently used by many commercial

Spain. When we first arrived, this greenhouse was in a complete

growers. Knowing that every time I leave that place, it’s better

state of abandonment, with an unfertile and impoverished soil.

and more living than before is a great, enriching feeling. And

After a few years of hard work, it has now become a heaven of

even greater is the pride and satisfaction that come after

colors, scents, and of course, resins of all kinds. I must admit,

winning numerous competitions and prizes with our products

it was not an easy job, but that’s what makes it even more

while staying loyal to our “only water” philosophy and beating all

rewarding. Regenerating the soil and bringing it back to life in

the odds. It is a small personal victory against all gatekeepers

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Articles inside

Harnassing Phytohormones

pages 107-114


pages 115-118

Feed The Soil

pages 94-100

Upcycling Materials

pages 101-106

How Psilocin

pages 92-93

Show Manager

pages 83-87

Paniagua Family Farm

pages 90-91

HQ Barcelona

pages 79-82

Fall Hash Review 2021

pages 76-78

Frenchy’s Force

page 75

Strain: Kartel Haze

page 73

Strain: Pluto Tk91 x Gelato 33

page 65

Strain: Pistachio

page 64

Cover Story: Carlos & Salvador Santana : A Family Legacy of Music

pages 58-63

Strain: Money Trees

page 57

Circular Whisper: A Plant’s Tale

pages 55-56

Cover Artist Spotlight Gina Gramenz

pages 48-49

Blazing New Trails Reinette Senum

pages 50-54

TLO Churn

pages 39-43

Michael Rios

pages 46-47

Growing Weeds Is Easy

pages 35-38

Easing Anxiety

pages 30-32

Bud Wise

pages 33-34

Michigan’s Caregivers Helped The State Rise From Recession

pages 22-24

Richard Segovia

pages 14-17


pages 8-9


pages 28-29

Love and Revolución

pages 25-27

Ensorcelling Sources

pages 18-19


pages 20-21

Feed Your Soil Not Your Plant

pages 11-13
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