Page 28

of the war on drugs. A common version of the story of the

thousands of Chicanos and Blacks were victimized and sentenced

criminalization of cannabis was that it was outlawed because

to chain gangs for merely possessing and smoking marijuana.

various powerful interests, some of which had economic motives to suppress hemp production, were able to create a “Bad Hombre” (Man) in the popular imagination by spreading lies of

In 1915 California and Utah passed State laws outlawing marijuana directed at Chicanos. Colorado followed in 1917. Its legislators cited Mexican

homicidal mania touched off by the corruption of the dreaded

Revolutionary leader Pancho Villas’s rebel army, whose

Mexican locoweed. Fear of the Brown people combined with

drug of choice was marijuana, the devil’s weed.

the fear of nightmare drugs used by the “darkies” produced a wave of public action against the Mexican Marijuana Menace. The first anti-marijuana laws (1937) came about because of newspaper mogul William Randolph Hearst’s lies and racist newspaper articles and ravings, which were cited in U.S. congressional records as facts. The first lie was to introduce the element of fear of

In Colorado, its legislature felt the only way to prevent an actual racial blood bath and the overthrow of their “white” ignorant and bigoted laws, attitudes and institutions, was to stop marijuana. (2) As the cultural drug war against Chicanos and marijuana is initiated in the U.S. in1909, South of the border, the flames of revolution erupt in Mexico with Pancho Villa’s

the unknown by using a word that no English-speaking

rebel army in the North and Emiliano Zapata’s armed

Anglo-American had ever heard before -”Marijuana.”

forces in the South. Together they rise up in rebellion

Eventually, prohibitionists set out to stir up Primal

to overthrow the dictatorship of Profirio Diaz.

emotions into an existing cesspool of racial hatred that was inherently poisoning society. (1) It is no surprise that the first marijuana use recorded in

Part 1: The Romance of Pancho Villa and Marijuana

the U.S. was by Mexicans in Brownsville, Texas, in 1903. The first Marijuana prohibition law in the U.S.-pertaining

One afternoon in the Sonoran Desert, as the sun bakes and

only to Mexicans- was passed in Brownsville, Texas, that

cracks the earth with its unmerciless heat, is the town of Agua

same year. Thus the cultural war against Mexicans and

Prieta on the U.S./Mexican border. A battle rages as the rebel

marijuana was launched and persisted 110 years to the date.

peasant forces oro f Pancho Villa, El Centauro del Norte, has

Newspapers in New Orleans from 1910 through the

assaulted the Mexican Federal garrison. Villa strategized to

1930s wrote that marijuana’s insidious evil influence

attack the federal stronghold. If he and his regimen could

apparently manifested itself in making the “darkies”

take the city, they would control railroad traffic between

think they were as good as “White Men.” This gave

Mexico and the U.S. Furthermore; the attack would mark the

rise to the cultural drug war against Mexicans.

first time that the revolutionary army would confront federal

Chicanos (Mexican Americans) under marijuana’s influence

forces in a regular battle. This was a major success by the

were demanding humane treatment, looking at White women,

revolutionaries and was the final push that would knock over

asking that their children be educated while they harvested

the federal forces. A further sign of the apparent demoralization

sugar beets, and making other “insolent” demands. With the

of federal rank and soldiers, many of whom had been forcibly

excuse of marijuana ( devils weed ), Anglos could now use

conscripted into the garrison, actually sympathized with the

forces and justify their violent acts of oppression. Hundreds of

revolutionaries. The first battle of Agua Prieta was significant

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Articles inside

Harnassing Phytohormones

pages 107-114


pages 115-118

Feed The Soil

pages 94-100

Upcycling Materials

pages 101-106

How Psilocin

pages 92-93

Show Manager

pages 83-87

Paniagua Family Farm

pages 90-91

HQ Barcelona

pages 79-82

Fall Hash Review 2021

pages 76-78

Frenchy’s Force

page 75

Strain: Kartel Haze

page 73

Strain: Pluto Tk91 x Gelato 33

page 65

Strain: Pistachio

page 64

Cover Story: Carlos & Salvador Santana : A Family Legacy of Music

pages 58-63

Strain: Money Trees

page 57

Circular Whisper: A Plant’s Tale

pages 55-56

Cover Artist Spotlight Gina Gramenz

pages 48-49

Blazing New Trails Reinette Senum

pages 50-54

TLO Churn

pages 39-43

Michael Rios

pages 46-47

Growing Weeds Is Easy

pages 35-38

Easing Anxiety

pages 30-32

Bud Wise

pages 33-34

Michigan’s Caregivers Helped The State Rise From Recession

pages 22-24

Richard Segovia

pages 14-17


pages 8-9


pages 28-29

Love and Revolución

pages 25-27

Ensorcelling Sources

pages 18-19


pages 20-21

Feed Your Soil Not Your Plant

pages 11-13
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