potential. My immune system also grows weaker day by day. But it’s not just the UV that I miss. There also is the green light that used to penetrate deep into my secondary
hazy artificial lights... You are exposed to problem after problem, and are becoming weaker and weaker. I want to make medicine. I am sorry for forcing you to mutate just to survive in this place.”
chloroplast cells and to the bottom of our canopies. Now, with
I feel the chills of her epiphany; “I’m no Master Grower -
my leaves stripped, I’m robbed of my ability to collect energy.
you’re the Master Grower. I am the cultivator, and I’m here to
The light barely reaches the top of my body, and my lower
support your health. I know we can bring all that goodness,
branches are starved. Don’t they want all of my flowers?
all that energy, all that regenerative life here to you. Imagine
Maybe worst of all, I’m missing the circadian rhythm cues that I used to get from the sun’s warming and invisible infrared
what we can do together following Mother Nature’s lead?” Her voice is clearer than I’ve ever felt before. “I know what
rays. I don’t know when it’s time to wake up or go to sleep.
I need to do. As a thank you for all that you have done for us,
Sometimes, it takes me over three hours to fall asleep. And
I will get you back to Nature’s ways, my beautiful ladies.”
I am having an equally hard time waking up each morning. I thought the humans would understand that we need sleep for most of our growth and rejuvenation, just as they do? We are using up a lot of energy trying to adapt to this artificial environment. I feel the Master Grower return. She rests quietly for
© AZENTIVE LLC, 2021 About the authors: Authors of this installment are Dr. Kat A. Donnelly, Founder and Co-CEO at AZENTIVE, and Sundarajan Mutialu,
a long time. Then, she tries to comfort us by speaking, “I
CTO and Co-CEO at AZENTIVE. AZENTIVE integrates
know you can make incredible medicine. You cured my
wellness, sustainability, and merging technologies based on
mother’s epilepsy so many years ago. She wouldn’t be
biomimicry approaches for healthy profits, people, planet,
around if it weren’t for you. I know you are sentient beings
and plants. Through our flagship fusion lighting technology
and are connected spiritually to us humans. I can feel that
- The Sun On-Demand™ - AZENTIVE brings the only true
you are not happy. I will figure out how to help you!”
sunlight indoors, replicating the exact ratios of photons of
I feel her fingers run down my serrated fan leaf. She is connecting deeply, and I send a vision across her mind’s eye. She is in the field with us, surrounded by towering redwoods
the sun’s electromagnetic frequencies (UVB to Far IR). _____________________ This is the second of a four-part series to chronicle the life
and buzzing with the energies of my mothers and sisters.
cycle of a landrace cannabis plant in her own words. In Part
She stares in awe at the biggest and most vibrant cannabis
1, these clones were taken from their outdoor mothers and
plants she has ever seen. A rush of sunlight frequencies
transplanted to an indoor growing facility. The story resumes
warms her face as her toes sink into the living earth.
with the newly transplanted clones listening in on a conversation
I feel her snap back abruptly to this climate-controlled room.
between the deeply concerned resonance of the investor and the
She is looking down at me, trapped inside this sterile cube. “This
higher vibration hope of the female master grower. We invite
is all wrong!” She cries. “All of these bottles and pesticides and
readers to see the plant from the clone’s perspective.
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