Paniagua Family Farm
hen Skunk Magazine asked me
WORDS WORDS BRIAN BRIANMALIN MALIN PHOTOS MIKE ROSATI @ROSATIPHOTOS After graduating high school in Brawley, CA., in 1991, Juan
to write this article for the Latino
began a career as a commercial truck driver. This career led
Edition, I was excited to talk about my
him and his high school sweetheart, Connie, up to Northern
many good friends and colleagues with
California. Juan enjoyed his driving career for 18+ years
Latino heritage. I am always impressed
until, after helping a friend out, he decided to pursue growing
with their family values and a true sense of really looking
cannabis. He and Connie searched for the perfect property
out for one another. My friend and partner, Juan Paniagua
to start a cannabis farm. Juan and Connie have two sons, so
quickly came to mind. I met Juan through local cannabis
their son’s education and the local schools were also priorities.
attorney Heather Burke. Juan was born into a migrant farm
Impressively their whole family is bilingual and speaks Spanish
working family in the Imperial Valley in California. His family
and English fluently. After much research, the Paniagua’s chose
harvested fruit and vegetables from El Centro to Patterson
Nevada County. They packed up their home in Santa Rosa and
and even picked apples in Sebastopol through the years.
moved the family to their new ranch in Penn Valley. At just
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