1 minute read
Victoria Wezi Mhone
MY thing
Dear Victoria Wezi Mhone,
How's life on the Copperbelt treating you? I hope the beautiful town of Ndola you're growing up in is treating you well. I understate the tough start life has thrown on you. Losing a father at the tender age of 5 is not easy, and sometimes you miss him dearly. So it's okay to feel sad because your sorrow is justified. But always remember that you are surrounded by people who love you, grandmother is always there for you. Even though mom isn't physically around sometimes, she loves you to bits, as does your uncle, who takes care of you.
Having spent a lot of time with your grandmother, she's more than just your grandmother; she's your best friend. She taught you everything you know about life. She's always telling you stories of your mom so you can feel close to her even in her absence; your mother has sacrificed a lot in the name of love for you and your sisters. Always remember grandmother's last advice and keep them dear to you. Never forget her advice to listen more and talk less; beware of how you treat people because some people wear broken smiles; laziness is a harmful comfort and only offers temporary relief.
My sweet song bird always stays passionate about who you are and whose you are. Never forget that you are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God, so always put Him at the center of everything you do. Keep being humble and compassionate; you will need that as you grow older. Believe in yourself. Some opportunities will come by, but you will face challenges and obstacles; people will reject you not because you are not good enough but because they don't see what you have inside. They don't know what you are capable of or understand how bright your future is.
Forgive even the ones who will never have the heart to acknowledge how they've hurt you. Don't carry pain for too long; write it down; put it in poetry or a song. You will be fine. Most importantly, make mistakes and learn from them. Keep going!