5 minute read
Introducing The
By Alice Phiri
Get ready to meet the fresh faces lighting up your screens! We haven’t changed everything about the show, but as Stay True is for teen girls by teen girls, we had to say farewell to our loved hosts who have become our big Sisters and Brothers being over 18.
We wanted to know a little bit more about who the new faces on Stay True are. These dynamic individuals bring diverse experiences, vibrant personalities, and fresh perspectives that will captivate and inspire you with their unique blend of wit, charm, and charisma; they will guide you through each episode that will keep you coming back for more. We can't wait for you to get to know them and experience the magic they bring to the show. So, without further ado, let's warmly welcome our talented new hosts!
I'm Susy Thomas. I am in grade ten at St. Patrick's Girls' School, a model, a girl rights activist, a humanitarian, and a Stay True host. Stay True is a fun show; I love hanging out with my SKY team. They're all amazing, and we get along well. As fun as it is, Stay True has taught me quite a bit. First, it taught me never to change for anybody.
One way I Stay True to myself (as that's the show's name) is by wearing my wristband everywhere I go. Whenever I'm in a situation that does not feel comfortable to me, I look at my wristband, which reminds me to Stay True to myself.
I first found out about SKY from my little sister, and once I saw how good it was, I knew I just had to take the opportunity. One thing I knew was that if I joined Stay True, then I would be on T.V., which is something I have always loved. I hope you guys enjoy this season of Stay True as much as I have
Hey y’all. I'm Thando. I'm a singer and dancer. If someone came up to me three years ago and told me that I would be hosting a T.V. series, I would be very excited, and I would look forward to the experience and take it up wholeheartedly, which is why I'm here now as a Stay True host. I found out about the Stay True auditions through Instagram. SKY Girls posted something on their Instagram saying they were looking for new Stay True hosts. So I decided to try it out, and I got the part! And now I am one of the Stay True hosts.
Many people inspire me, but my mom, my gogo, and Uncle Waffles are top of the list. And I know that my inspirations are proud of me, which keeps me going and puts a smile on my face. Stay True has taught me to be myself, giving me so much more confidence to do things beyond staying true. This is why I am studying economics and finance at the University of Lusaka, and I plan on being a D.J. like Uncle Waffles. All those things have one thing in common, and that's confidence. So thanks to SKY, I have plenty of it.
Hello, I am Tristan, AKA your favorite Stay True host, and we are back to bring you guys more entertainment. Stay True is a good show to watch and also a good show to make. I stay true to myself by giving myself a moral code I must follow. It acts as a life guide.
Stay True has taught me to be determined and passionate. Working on Stay True has let my talents shine, some being writing and acting. It's also taught me some good work ethics, which will take me a long way in my career.
I currently do some content creation myself. I do skits, and I'm planning on going bigger, but working in the entertainment industry has helped me understand how to better myself and the content I create.
I am Noah, one of the new Stay True hosts. I'm a dancer, and people call me "Noah, the dance freak." I'm quite interested in I.T., and I would like to study it once I start school. I heard about the Stay True auditions from a friend of mine. So I went for the open auditions, and here I am.
I have been a support of SKY for about a year now (I’m still waiting for them to launch SKY Guys!), and when I found out about the Stay True auditions, I just had to try out. Being a Stay True host has taught me a lot. It's taught me to be true to myself, and I stay true to myself by being me by embracing my passions which are dancing, fashion, and influencing.
Stay True is a fun show, and I enjoy every moment of it, but I would like to say that my favorite part about Stay True is game time and my co-hosts; they make being on Stay True so much more fun.
MY thing
Dancing, Singing, Good vibes
NOT MY thing
Sports, bad vibes, smoking
Hey guys, I'm Mutale. I’m one of your Stay True hosts, a mental health advocate, and an anti-child marriage activist. I had a friend who used to be on Stay True, and he told me they were having auditions for the Stay True host. I later on, saw the posts about it on social media. So I went for the auditions, and I got chosen as one of the hosts.

Being on Stay True has been a great experience for me; it has been fun, and I would say educational as well; it has taught me to embrace my confidence because that's how I Stay True to myself, It has also taught me cooperation and patience and those are skills I'll need when I become a filmmaker like my inspiration, David Kazadi.
I have enjoyed my time on the Stay True set and honestly if someone came to me three years ago and told me that I would be the host of a T.V. show I would be happy and excited but I would not believe them because that has been one of my dreams for a long time! I guess dreams do come true.
MY thing
Dancing, Basketball, Skating
NOT MY thing
Smoking, Negative people, Slow people.
Hey guys, I'm Abby, a Stay True host. I am currently in grade eleven at Olympia park secondary school. I found out about SKY girls from my sister. They had a focus group at the SKY hub that I went for. From there, one of the show's producers asked me if I would like to audition for the first season of Stay True because they liked my energy. And that's how I became a Stay-True host.
I have enjoyed being on Stay True this whole time. It has been a learning experience for me as well. I would like to be a journalist, and Stay True has prepared me for the good and the bad of being in front of the camera. It has also taught me to stay true to myself and bring out my inner self. I Stay True to myself by surrounding myself with people who are beneficial, for people who don't give off bad vibes or make me feel uncomfortable.
I have enjoyed being a SKY girl since my sister told me about it. I feel like each day; I am one step closer to becoming like my inspiration, Mwaka Halwindi. She is so young and has done so much. I would like to do that, and SKY Girls is my first step to reaching that goal.
MY thing
Acting, Dancing, Singing
NOT MY thing
Alcohol, Smoking, Bad vibes