2 minute read
We got you sis! A crush comes with all sorts of emotions. It can feel both scary and exciting. You may have some unsettling feelings, like feeling shy or embarrassed to talk to him. This is all very normal. If you don't know him very well, find out what you have in common. If you have similar friends, suggest a get-together for all of you. That way, there's no pressure to make it just about the two of you.
Once you get to know a bit more about him and are comfortable talking to, and spending time with him, suggest spending time together doing something you both like. You may feel sad if he doesn't agree, which is completely okay. Don’t obsess and think about what you could’ve done or said differently.
You should never have to change to suit someone else. If he agrees, you have the chance to get to know each other a little bit more. Always make sure that you're safe and that your parents or a trusted adult know where you are and who you’re with.
Firstly, good on you for being true to yourself and knowing you’re not ready for something that you don’t want. Sometimes girls feel pressured into getting boyfriends, but you don’t have to be, if it’s not something you want right now. Now, to your question, when you're hanging out with your friends, and all they talk about is their relationships, let them know that while you're happy for them, and you don't mind hearing about their boyfriends, it doesn't need to be the only topic on the agenda. You can suggest that you want to have some girl time and let that time be about your friendship group and stuff you like and do together. They should understand. Alternatively, you could use this time to start a new hobby, focus on a hobby you didn't have time for, or perhaps meet new people.
Hey SKY I feel picked on by my teacher he is always giving me a hard time I think he hates me How do I deal with this
Sorry you’re
feeling this way sis.
Sometimes teachers notice a student needs more nudging than others, and when they focus on you, it may seem like they don't like you. If this is not your situation, speak to your parents about it. You will need to document specific incidents like the date, time, and what happened. Ask your parents to speak with the teacher when you have this information. If this doesn't help, follow the chain of command by taking the matter up with your year coordinator or the head of the teacher's department with the documentation of the incidents. Don't take the matter to the head teacher until all these steps have been followed. If you go straight to the head, they may send you back to follow the steps in the chain of command.
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