skywalk Paragliders - MAGALOG 20/21 | EN

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MAGAL O G 2 0 20 / 2 02 1




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An Unprecedented Time It’s a balmy 25°C outside. The sky is blue and white. Picturesque clouds drift slowly from south to north over the Bavarian foothills of the Alps. A dream day for airborne athletes! Normally. But in spring 2020 everything is different. Flying is out of the question. The corona pandemic is holding the world in suspense. All European governments have imposed a strict lockdown to slow the spread of the virus. At skywalk, the corona virus is hitting us hard. Pilots worldwide are grounded, and even our developers are forced to stay on the ground. Training is out of the question and the demand for paragliding equipment is understandably negligible. Instead of standing at a launch site to practice the sport that has been the center of my life for over 30 years, we are sitting in the office, keeping our supply chains running and preparing the company for the time after corona.


Corona shows us how vulnerable our health and economic systems are. At the same time, corona shows us how closely things are connected. Because worldwide the “life outdoors” and therefore the worldwide consumption has stopped in March 2020, there are no contrails from commercial airliners in the sky, nitrogen oxide emissions have fallen by 25%, and in Venice you can see the bottom of the Canale Grande for the first time in years. This is why we are trying to look at the corona crisis as an opportunity. Corona shows us that we can change things in the future. The earth can recover if we just pay more attention to her. Paragliding is not at odds with what our planet needs. A towline or a small hill is enough to practice our sport. You don’t have to travel far to fly. Social distancing is self-evident in paragliding. The risk of infection is low, especially when you hike with a paraglider. And if you are travelling with a glider that suits your flying ability, you can practice our sport safely without taking away a hospital bed from anyone. So let’s be more aware of what we have in the future. Once again, I realize that we are only guests on this planet. She does not need us, but we need her more than ever! Yours, Arne

COVERPHOT O Glider: ARRIBA4 Spot: Gerlitzen | Austria Photographer: Tristan Shu Pilot: Mario Eder




Colombia The Valle del Cauca has long been a hotbed of paragliding. We set out to get our own impression.



The Himalaya diaries


Nicolas Manthos and Markus Anders love adventure. Their biggest project so far is the ascent of a 6000-meter peak in the Himalayas.

A day with … Peter Müller Peter Müller is harness designer at skywalk. We accompany Peter for a day and take a peek over his shoulder.





In cooperation with the DHV, skywalk has developed a method that allows every pilot to check the length of the brake lines easily and quickly.

Our gliders for beginners, XC pilots, adventurers and alpinists.

Easy Trim Check

Paragliders 2020

Harnesses 2020




Comfortable in the air: our harnesses for beginners, intermediates and high-flyers.

Agility System adaptable controls



The revolutionary concept makes it possible to adjust the brake line setup individually to the pilot‘s wishes with just a few steps.


skywalk Accessories Accessories and stylish sportswear for pilots.

MASTHEAD Publisher Skywalk GmbH & Co. KG Windeckstraße 4 · 83250 Marquartstein GERMANY Tel.: +49 -8641-69484-0 Mail:

Editorial Staff

Photo Editors

Design & Layout

Gerhard Holzner, Christoph Kirsch Daniel Gassner, Rolf Rinklin

Gerhard Holzner, Rolf Rinklin

Formgeber - Rolf Rinklin

Translator David Humphrey

Photos Tristan Shu, Daniel Gassner, Red Bull Content Pool, skywalk


Colomb ... Sun, Salsa and Som

bia breros


Text: Christoph Kirsch | Photos: Tristan Shu, Stephan Gruber, Mario Eder

Colombia has developed into a hot spot for paraglider pilots in the last few years.

But Colombia is more than sun, salsa and sombreros. The flair is overwhelming, the tropical landscape unique and the hospitality unparalled. 6

The journey to the launch site via a gravel road riddled with potholes is an ordeal every time. Stephan Gruber prefers to make himself comfortable on the roof of his car. Colombia style!


think we need to practice that hip-swing a little bit more. Even Mario, who has danced on every continent in the world, has to admit that the chicas and chicos on the dance floor make him look old. Salsa is simply in the blood of the Colombians. Dancing is a popular sport for them.

But Mario and Stephan manage to keep up the next day while playing in the third element. In the air, the two Austrians are virtually unbeatable. To the enthusiasm of the locals, they pull one wingover after the other over the launch site of Florida and land to applause again and again right in front of the chicas and chicos. For Mario and Stephan, paragliding is the same as a Colombian gaucho riding his paso fino horse.

Home of cool The Valle del Cauca has long been a popular spot for paragliders. Countless top-class competitions have fueled the boom. Roldanillo, the most famous spot, has been the scene of many national championships, two World Cup Super Finals and even a World Championship. The winner in 2015 was none other than French top pilot Honorin Hamard, whileTeam Germany took the team victory for the first time ever. The Valle del Cauca also attracts us. Not to spend the winter there, but at least to get a taste of the Caribbean air for two weeks and escape the dull European early winter. But we want to avoid the full service offering for pilots in Roldanillo. We want to discover Colombia on our own. 7

Private launch site in the garden. No wonder that almost everyone in the village is paragliding!

The starting point of our trip is Piedechinche. The flying site near the small village of Santa Elena is located like Roldanillo in the Valle del Cauca, but on the east side of the huge plain with the typical extensive sugar cane plantations. This offers us several advantages after the long journey from Munich airport: We don‘t launch here until noon. The thermals start later and last until the late evening hours. That allows us to sleep in and slowly get into the rhythm of the country. From Cali airport, Piedechinche can be reached in less than two hours. Up we go with 4x4 shuttles from Dedalos Fly House at the landing site on a gravel road with potholes. The launch site is perfectly maintained and has the quality of a European golf course. A small kiosk offers local drinks; hammocks invite you to spend time parawaiting.

Side Trip to Florida Piedechinche is only one of about 15 launch sites in the Valle del Cauca, which extends from Cali in the south to Medellin in the north. The valley - or rather the plain - offers a wide variety of flying opportunities in a manageable area, from challenging thermal flights close to terrain to tactical flatlands flying with an interesting choice of routes.

Stephan is always the first one in the air as soon as he arrives at the launch site. Who can blame him with scenery that makes every paraglider’s heart beat faster?

The horses at the launch were not impressed by us paraglider pilots.

In Florida the wind gets going reliably in the afternoon, followed by hours of soaring fun until sunset!



At first, Mario and Stephan stuck together while thermaling ...


... but suddenly Stephan was on his own. Mario must have smelled the scent of an asado and suddenly disappeared ...

At the very south of the plain is “Florida” with a launch site of the same name, which is perfect for top landing and ground handling. The wind sets in reliably in the afternoon, then hours of soaring fun are the order of the day. The relatively young flying site was taboo until a few years ago, because the notorious drug gangs and armed bandits that were active in this region.

Asado in the nose By car it takes about 1.5 hours to drive from Santa Elena to Florida. With good thermals, you‘ll reach your destination faster over the 30 kilometer straight-line distance - provided you don‘t get distracted. Mario apparently took in the scent of an asado as he flew past on one of the wide thermals. Despite - or perhaps because of - his language barrier, he was immediately served a proper meal at the hacienda before he was allowed to take part in an activity common in the country: a cockfight! A strange spectacle with strange protagonists: the cocks are said to be worth up to 3000 US dollars. The stakes are said to be many times higher. Mario managed to escape the circus with a smile. And promised to take a trip to Cali, the capital of salsa, to quickly improve his skills in yet another national sport

What to watch out for! Air space! In Colombia, airspace regulations have been tightened in recent years. In the Valle del Cauca there are zones for paragliding, and these must be observed to avoid endangering the flying sites. Outlandings! Be sure to aim for brown fields. Three to six-meter-high plants grow on the inviting green, juicy sugar cane fields. Their sharp-edged leaves are the natural enemy of every paraglider pilot. Thermals! Many sugar cane farmers set their fields on fire before harvesting, so that the foliage burns and only the actual cane remains. Extremely strong thermals form in the smoke cones. These areas should be avoided at all costs. Outlandings! The Colombians are friendly and peaceful. Close to the city of Pradera and south of Florida there have been some robberies in recent years. Sea breeze! In the Valle del Cauca the sea breeze coming from the Pacific Ocean washes over the western Cordilleras on every thermal day from midday onwards. To avoid the leeward side, experienced pilots choose the right time to switch to the flatland and the west side.


The Conquering 7000 Meter Summits


Himalaya Diaries by Paraglider Text: Nicolas Manthos Photos: N. Manthos, Markus Anders

Markus Anders and Nicolas Manthos love adventure. They have flown together from high mountains, crossed the Alps and even the South Island of New Zealand. Their biggest project so far was to fly and climb a six-thousand-meter peak in the Himalayas.


t‘s three o‘clock in the afternoon, the time of the strongest thermals is over and at 4800 meters the cloud base is not very high for the area. In front of us is a snow-covered saddle. The wind is perfect there. A short radio message from Markus: “Are you there?” I‘m say immediately, “Everything OK!” A minute later we are both kneedeep in the snow. On the left and right two 5000m high mountains tower above us. I look around me and think, “How the hell did I get here?” For us, the paraglider has always been a tool. A tool to make our mountaineering hobby easier and even more fun. A small package on your back that spares you the complete descent - what better way to do it? But soon the short descent was no longer enough. Everything had to be higher, further, faster. Long distances through the Alps on a triangular course or an open track. The horizon widened; with every flight we learned to move more and more like a bird through the mountains. Soon we took the tent and some food with us, which gave us the possibility to cross whole mountain ranges. Only the paraglider and our legs carried us, completely self-sufficient, free of everything.

Quick and clean When we fly, everything looks small. As we cross valleys, we look down at villages and towns from above, like in a model landscape. The peaks pass us by, one by one. Often we fly only a few meters away from the pristine white crowns of these giants. And yet the feeling is completely different when you stand at the top after a long arduous ascent. We want both. Flying and mountaineering. 13

Every trip to India includes a classic ride on a Royal Enfield.

In the summer of 2019 we start planning our expedition. Our destination is the Indian Himalayas. Markus was already there last year and returned totally excited about the incredible flying conditions and the breathtaking mountains. What we‘re looking for: A not too technical peak of 6000 to 7000 meters. With the possibility to land above 5500 meters and to descend in case of emergency. The 6440-meter-high Menthosa Peak meets all these criteria. It is located about 150 kilometers as the crow flies from Bir Billing, the well-known Indian flying area, which will be the starting point of our journey. Normally, peaks like Menthosa Peak are climbed in expeditions lasting several weeks because of their difficult accessibility, with jeeps and columns of Jaks and Sherpas and several camps high in the mountains. Instead, after some acclimatization rounds with the paraglider and all our equipment, we want to fly from Bir to Menthosa Peak, land there at 6000 meters, climb the summit and fly back to Bir. Quick and clean.

as possible. The very first day turns out to be one of the best of our time in the Himalayas. The cloud base in the high mountains is more than 5000 meters and we can fly for a few hours up to the big glaciers and southernmost 6000-meter peaks of the Himalayas. For the next days we plan a first trip into the hinterland where we want to climb up to 4200 meters.

Sobering news in Bir

With only the basic necessities for two days we hike again to the launch site of Bir. Our flying day is quickly stopped by overdevelopment and short hailstorms and we land at 3700 meters in the middle of a flock of sheep roaming around our landing site. In the same evening we climb a small 4200-meter-high pre-summit of Barot Peak, one of the turning points of big Bir flights. The first night at this high altitude is anything but relaxing. Nevertheless we are motivated the next morning and we manage to extend the return flight to Bir Tougher than expected What do we really need? Because we to a 160 km triangle. have to carry every kilogram ourselves, To further motivate us, the weather we only want to take the bare essentials forecast is unfortunately sobering. The with us. In the end we still have over 35 northeast flow that is typical for the seakilos on our shoulders. As we find out lat- son, which pushes dry stable air from the er, that‘s the absolute maximum to take Tibetan Plateau to India, does not want to get going. Instead, in the coming week off and land at these elevations. In India we immediately start with the one low-pressure trough after the other acclimatization. From Bir we hike every is expected to pass through, which for us day to the launch site at 2500 meters means low cloud bases and rapid overdeand fly as long and as high an altitude velopment. 14

To get closer to our destination, we decide to move our camp further north. We pack our complete expedition gear into our backpacks and the next morning we hike to the launch site for the first time with 35 kilos of luggage. The rucksacks are even heavier than we thought. Ready to launch, we still have 25 kilos in our harnesses. Finally in the air, we fight our way through a stable and low cloud base layer into the hinterland. After two hours we make it to Manali. It‘s three o‘clock in the afternoon, the strongest thermals are already over and the base at 4800 meters is not very high for the area. One minute later we are knee deep in the snow... We quickly pack everything we need for the summit and set off. The view is fantastic! We‘re as happy as a bunch of little kids. We have flown almost 100 kilometers and have climbed our first 5000-meter summit! And all this in one day. Unbelievable. In the sunset we glide down 1500 verti-

Bivouac in the Himalayas - perfect starting point for climbing expeditions.

cal meters, where we set up camp for the at 5000 meters above the eastern flanks. tain. When we arrive, the clouds are just next night. In the moonlight “our” next We wait until the conditions are strong above the intended landing site. Markus 5000-meter peak glistens. The weath- enough down here too to reach the ther- lands immediately, while I make a small er is supposed to be good for two more mals safely. Bombing out with all the circle and check out the climbing route to the summit. I don‘t like what I see at days and we want to take advantage of heavy gear would be fatal... every chance. The first view out of the By ten o‘clock the cloud base has all. A snow-covered glacier field that I tent in the morning bodes well. At eight dropped to 4,500 meters. We launch would not like for the two of us to have o‘clock the first small cumuli are visible anyway and try to fly over to our moun- to cross, and a wall to the summit ridge that is much too steep for our gear. I decide not to land and give Markus the sigLaunching with 25 kilos in the harness would be a challenge in the Alps. nal to take off again as I fly At these altitudes, it’s an ordeal. past. A strong tail wind does not make his launch easy, but after ten minutes we meet again in the air. We‘re not ready yet to call it a day and find another mountain where we can land a little lower at 4200 meters and set up our camp. Once again it starts to snow in the afternoon and when we leave the tent at sunset there are almost ten centimeters of fresh snow. We don‘t let 15

this discourage us and at four o‘clock ters. At the top we enjoy the first rays of The next morning we set off to a posin the morning we set off over the west sunshine and the incredible view of the sible launch site with 35 kilos on our flank to the northwest ridge, where we surrounding mountains. “Our” mountain backs. At 3500 meters we set up camp fight our way to the summit through a is not marked on our map, but the GPS to wait for the announced good weather meter of deep snow for the last 200 me- shows us 4906 meters - almost exact- window. Two days with hail showers and ly one hundred meters higher snowstorms lie ahead of us. For me this Markus on the ascent with the 35-kilo rucksack. than Mont Blanc, the highest means a lot of time to think in the tent The expedition boots are not always an advantage! mountain of the Alps. Back about the risks we are taking. Estimating at camp we have breakfast. the conditions on the mountain from the The sun has now arrived here, air is almost impossible. Often we make and we can dry our belongings decisions in a few seconds that can end while sitting on a boulder and our lives. I try to justify what we‘re doing. I am firmly convinced that we are not eating. simply “just crazy”. I succeed partly, and partly not. Snow and storm At noon we fly back to the Markus is glued to this project with his valley to replenish our food typical unbreakable motivation. I can unsupplies and spend a restful derstand him well, but I set myself a pernight at a lower altitude be- sonal limit for the last days of our expefore we tackle our main des- dition: I will only land if I can immediately tination, Menthosa Peak. At launch again in case of doubt. our well-deserved dinner we When the good weather finally arrives, check the weather. It quickly we get ready for a last attempt to climb becomes clear to us that it another summit. We have picked out two will be very difficult to reach different mountains, one further north our goal. While a window of towards Menthosa Peak, the other one several days of good weath- to the southeast. At launch we can aler is expected after two days ready feel the much stronger wind, and of snow and storm, the winds later on in the air it turns out that the aloft are forecasted to con- southwest wind is even stronger than tinue blowing from southwest, predicted. The cloud base is as high as which makes a landing at 6000 never before and we fly far into the Himeters below Menthosa Peak malayas at altitudes of up to 6300 mevery risky. Despite this, we ters. The mountains around us are even still want to take a look at the more gigantic and the feeling of being exposed is even greater. But the conmountain. 16

Markus and Nico are completely on their own during their project in this remote area of our planet. In addition to their vast flying and mountaineering skills, it will take a lot of courage and commitment. Such a high performance is reserved for only a few of us.

ditions are also much more challenging. After two hours in the air I decide to turn around. Our disappointment is great when we set up camp in the evening. The dream of Menthosa Peak is over. Unfortunately we will not see our destination on this trip. And our alternate summit to the north is also unreachable.

was not one hundred percent successful. But we have learned a lot from our first attempt at this new approach to mountaineering. We will take a lot with us for our next attempts. The possibilities are endless in the Himalayas.

Like everywhere else in the world, weather and risk tolerance decide which projects are feasible. And which ones remain just dreams.

A new day The night at 4000 meters is bitterly cold. In typical fashion, Markus’mind is focused only the next day and the next summit. As if he could impose his rules on the sky, the next morning looks promising again. The wind has decreased considerably and the flight to our second alternative summit, the 6001-meter-high Deo Tibba, is a gift. We‘re able to soar up to and fly around the summit. 500 meters below the summit there is a relatively uncritical landing site - but in this weather situation the site is on the leeside, which makes take-off a gamble. The alternative is the long descent Markus Anders decided to start paragliding after a high over glaciers and large snowfields, which altitude tour in the Valais. In his fourth flying season he won would cost us at least two days. My de- the Bordairrace Series 2018 and qualified for the following cision has been made. For me the risk is Red Bull X-Alps. He crowned the 2019 season with the victory too high, as the uncertain weather could of the German Cross-Country Championship. also deprive us of the possibility to descend. Nicolas Manthos started paragliding in 2014 together I pass the radio message to Markus with Markus Anders. He is a flight instructor and lives his dream and start the long glide into the valley. of adventure as a slackliner, base jumper and wingsuit flyer. Back in Bir we are both happy that we have completed the project safely. Yes, it 17

A day with ...

Peter Mülle in the Ac Text: Christoph Kirsch | Photos: Daniel Gassner

The Achen Valley is one of those special places. Ten kilometers to the north Lake Chiemsee offers a Mediterranean flair. Ten kilometers to the south, the rugged peaks of the Wilder Kaiser Range soar into the sky. For Peter Müller, the valley between lakes and mountains has become the center of his life.


utumn is moving quickly into the Chiemgau region of Bavaria. The sun has long since disappeared behind the Geigelstein, a peak just west of skywalk’s headquarters, and the office has quickly emptied itself. Only one light shines through the windows of the spacious headquarters building on the outskirts of Marquartstein: Peter Müller sits at his desk in front of his oversized screen and types in his latest ideas for a new harness into the CAD system.

The days in Chiemgau are getting short. Only a few hours of sunlight remain for outdoor activities. Peter concentrates. Who knows when the first autumn storms

will put a stop to flying? Before his new de- Flying Site at the Doorstep sign can be released in a small series, a lot “Well, are you ready?” At 1:00 pm there’s a of detailed work is needed, and above all, knock on the door. It’s Dominik, who devellots of tests in the air. ops harnesses, backpacks and paragliding accessories together with Peter at skywalk. Good weather with a slight southern ex- “Sure!” answers Peter and quickly cuts off posure is reported for Thursday. Peter, the last thread. Both of them want to climb who was the last to leave the building the the Hochgern, the local mountain of all skyevening before, is also the first at skywalk walk employees. Some of them sprint up headquarters the next morning. Hardly any- as early as 5:00 am to put in training time one is in the office yet and he has enough before work or to test a new glider whenevtime to print out the patterns for his latest er the weather permits. The record time is creation on the plotter, cut the cloths and 52 minutes - including flight and landing in tapes to size and sew the harness together front of the workshop’s main gate. by hand. Working at the sewing machine is a Peter and Dominik are among the fastwelcome change from drawing on the com- est, but today they are taking their time. puter and he makes rapid progress. Climbing the 1000 vertical meters on for-

“If the paraglider fails, you throw your reserve chute. But if the seat of your harness rips, you don’t get a second chance.”


rhen Valley

Hike & Fly excursions on the Hochgern

est and woodland paths counts as working time and the two have lots to discuss. During the two-hour ascent, they have a lively discussion about the carrying comfort and suitability for everyday use of the next backpack generation. Peter complains: “For many people a hike&fly backpack is just another backpack. But you can’t compare it to a trekking backpack! Both argue how the volume can be better distributed so that the necessary volume of 55 liters can be adapted to completely different body shapes. They are also looking for new materials that ideally weigh less than 300 grams and yet can withstand high peak loads, such as when the owner yanks his backpack by the corner out of a stuffed car trunk.

The Two-Man Rule At the “Moarbichi”, the launch site below the Hochgern summit, the focus is on Peter’s new harness. Together Peter and Dominik check the geometry with the hinging points of the shoulder and back straps and take a close look at the seam pattern. Peter knows that every seam must be done right so that everything works together. “If the paraglider fails, you throw your reserve chute. But if the seat of your harness rips, you don’t get a second chance.”

Privilege of skywalk employees: Landing place right next to the office. in the morning are quite common.

“It’s good that there are two of us!” Dominik smiles as he kites his TONIC. “I saw everything. You can launch – that’s the two-man rule!” he shouts to Peter as he flies past, before heading off into the sunset with a wingover over the slope. In the evening, the light in Peter’s office once again is burning long. “The market for harnesses is huge. If you want to bring out something groundbreaking, you have to work on every detail,” he mumbles as the computer draws three-dimensional pictures on the screen...

Sewing prototypes and try them out right away. Peter and Dominik love the direct workflow.



In paragliding, such interventions in the setup are taboo. And with good reason. Even small changes in the trim can lead to massive changes in flight behavior. Paraglider manufacturers adjust their wings so that they function optimally under different aerodynamic conditions. Precalculated tolerances ensure that any changes in line length that might occur between check and trim intervals have no effect on flight characteristics or even safety. .


Text: Christoph Kirsch | Photos: skywalk

In many sports, tuning is part of the everyday life of athletes. A thicker front tire here - and the bike has more traction in the bike park, a smaller edge angle there - and the freeride ski bites like a slalom carver on hard slopes. Almost every piece of sports equipment can be adjusted to your personal preferences with just a few hand movements.



The Special Case of Brake Lines

A Look at Materials Science

Although only small forces act on the To understand line length changes, it is brake lines, length changes still happen worth taking a look at materials science. frequently. This applies especially to lines Due to their physical properties, all types made of Dyneema, which are used on al- of lines shrink to a certain extent. Facmost all models because of their low sen- tors such as buckling, bending, abrasion, sitivity to kinking on the brake lines. dirt and moisture have a reinforcing effect. Lines become slightly thicker at Investigations by the German Hang-glid- kinks, and the lost volume is recovered ing Association (DHV) have shown that from the original length by shrinking. several paragliding accidents have oc- This is especially true of Dyneema lines, curred in recent years that were caused which are widely used in paraglider conby shortening of the Dyneema control struction today due to their excellent lines due to shrinkage. The consequence properties of resistance to buckling, of this shrinkage is always a shortening of breaking loads and durability, coupled with their thin diameters and minimal the brake line travel. elastic recovery values. Shrinkage of up to eleven centimeters has been found on the equipment used If force is applied to lines, they recover in the accidents. In some cases the com- most of the lost length. However, brake plete empty travel of the brake lines was lines are only slightly stressed during used up by the line shrinkage. These para- flight. Although it sometimes feels difgliders were thus pre-braked while still ferent in hard thermals, the maximum “hands up” despite the brake lines being forces acting on the main brake lines are fully released. Test flights have shown only around 10 daN - i.e. ten kilos. In fact, that gliders pre-braked in this way can the higher line levels are only loaded by a develop an unusually aggressive tenden- fraction of that. Thus the ca. 10 kilos of cy to surge after collapses. The tendency tension on the brake handle of a MESCAL to enter a spin can also increase during amounts to only 300g on each individual turns and delay the recovery after a para- line of the uppermost brake gallery. chutal stall or full stall. The extent of the line shrinkage is strongA particular problem is that pilots do not ly dependent on how the glider is handled normally notice such line changes, partly during take-offs and landings on debecause the shrinkage process is grad- manding surfaces, on the practice slope, ual and takes place over a long period during ground handling and packing, and whether the lines get wet and dirty in the of time. process.

Do-it-yourself Easy-Trim-Check In cooperation with the DHV, skywalk has developed a method that allows every pilot to check the length of the brake lines easily and quickly. As a reference for the “Easy-Trim-Check” the A-lines are used, which are only slightly affected by length changes due to the high forces acting on them and are largely constant in length. Every pilot can easily check the length of a brake line himself by comparing it with an A-line at a defined and easily found point over the entire length from canopy to the brake line knot. Because the difference between the length of the complete A-line and the length of the entire brake line is less than one meter for almost all glider models, nothing more than a normal measurement stick is needed. For glider models where the same line material is used on the brake lines over the whole span and where the fork lines do not have extremely different lengths, it is sufficient to check the length of the brake line only at one point to derive conclusions about the shortening.








The Procedure in Detail: The Easy-Trim-Check can be carried out with a helper or alone. If there are two of you, the helper on the canopy holds the innermost loops of the A-line and the brake line firmly together at the same height. > picture 1

Detailed instructions can also be found on the skywalk website at:

If no helper is available, the two loops are simply looped with a short auxiliary line and attached to a fixed point - for example on the wall of the room, a door handle or a tree. Measurements are always taken to the end of the lines. Loops and gathering systems are not taken into account! > picture 2 Ideally, the measuring point is the A-line shackle on the riser and the knot of the brake line above the brake handle. Both lines are now tensioned with the same force. A tension of five kilograms per line is completely sufficient. > picture 3 With the measurement stick, the difference between the brake knot and the line shackle of the A-line is now measured and compared with the target value. Alternatively, the target value can be marked on the brake line beforehand with a marker pen. After the measurement has been taken, it is repeated on the other side of the wing. > picture 4 Deviations of two to three centimeters are completely uncritical. In case of larger differences, however, it is absolutely necessary to adjust the length of the brake lines. For this purpose the brake knot is loosened and the brake line is adjusted to the specified value with the knot specified in the manual.> picture 5

Frequent flyers in particular and all pilots who practice often with their glider on the training slope should regularly check the brake line lengths. This is especially important for pilots who shorten the empty brake travel by a few centimeters because they expect a more direct or faster response to brake line impulses. With the “Easy-Trim-Check� every pilot can do the checks himself. If you need professional support, just knock on the door of your dealer!


adaptable controls

Until now, adaptive control systems were only known from the automotive industry. With the “Agility System”, skywalk transfers this kind of technology to paragliding. The revolutionary concept makes it possible to adjust the brake line setup individually to the pilot‘s wishes with just a few steps. The MESCAL6 is the first glider to use the Agility System.

The MESCAL6 is fully EN/LTF A approved in both modes.


You’ve got your new license in your pocket. In your logbook you’ve recorded your first thermal flights without radio contact with the flight instructor. At this stage, many new pilots think they need a new glider. But actually, the school glider you trained on still feels really familiar. Its flying characteristics are pleasantly manageable and the performance still more than adequate. So why change to another glider class? Many recreational pilots have a similar experience. The truth is that they would like to stay with their easy to fly pleasure glider. Just a bit more agility and a more direct handling would be nice.

With the patented “Agility System” skywalk is responding to this customer request. The new training and beginner glider MESCAL6 has been designed so that the pilot can choose between two different brake line configurations. The glider comes configured in “Comfort-Mode”, which is perfectly suited for training. When initiating a turn, the brake initially emphasizes the center of the wing. Control inputs produce less bank angle and the canopy turns flatter. If you have already gained experience and feel ready for the next step, you can set up “Sport-Mode” on your MESCAL6. In “Sport-Mode” brake line input affects the outer wing much earlier. The MESCAL6 reacts more spontaneously and with more bank angle. The handling is more direct and livelier to meet the demands of spoiled leisure pilots. By converting to “sport mode” the pilot can refine his feeling for the glider and take the next step without having to change to a new glider

Text: Christoph Kirsch | Photos: Tristan Shu, skywalk | Renderings: Formgeber

Agility System

class straight away.

Twenty minutes for more agility The conversion is simple and can be done by technically experienced pilots in just under 20 minutes. No tools are necessary, and there is no need to swap out lines or remove any brake lines. During the conversion, only the top lines of the brakes are adjusted to a different length using a sophisticated system. Markings make the conversion easy. In principle, the glider can even be modified immediately before flight at the launch site. A detailed description can be found in the MESCAL6 PRO GUIDE. Of course, the conversion can also be done by any skywalk dealer, who will be happy to answer all questions regarding the ideal setup.

The main difference between both modes in simulation with the same brake input is the force distribution: left ‚COMFORT‘, right ‚SPORT‘. Clearly visible is the different linkage at the trailing edge which causes a striking difference in handling and agility. The video can be viewed on YouTube.

Pilots who have already gained enough flying experience and feel ready for the next step can switch from “Comfort-Mode” to “Sport-Mode” on their MESCAL6 within a few minutes.


Explanation of all skywalk Product-Feature-Icons Which technologies will you find in your skywalk glider? JET FLAP: Our JET FLAPS extend the green arc as you approach the stall point, which substantially increases safety and also improves climb performance.

PURE PASSION FOR FLYING Innovations for flying sports since 2001 At skywalk we are full of enthusiasm for wind, nature sports and innovative technologies. That‘s why we have been developing flying gear since 2001 that sets new impulses and offers

Agility System: Adaptive system that allows you to convert between two brake line geometries - „Comfort-Mode“ and „Sport-Mode Rigid Foil: The Rigid Foil nylon wires on the leading edge help maintain its shape and ensure constant ram air pressure. Advantages: better takeoff behavior, more performance and lower canopy weight.

a maximum of user-friendliness. Away from the mainstream, with an eye on what is technically feasible - and above all on you: our customers. To improve the slow flight characteristics and thus the safety

3D-Shaping: A precise calculation of the leading edge geometry and the installation of an additional strip of fabric reduce wrinkling in this sensitive part of the glider. Advantages: exact wing shape, more performance.

of paragliders, we developed JET FLAPS in our founding year, and these remain our distinguishing feature today. With PERMAIR technology we revolutionized the safety and packing size of impact protection for harnesses, and with our “Speed-Control”, high performance pilots can glide through turbulent air without releasing the speed bar. Our “Agility Control” technology sets new standards and will be used for the first time in 2020 on our entry-level glider MESCAL6. The system allows the pilot to switch between two brake line geometries. At skywalk we are equally enthusiastic about ultra-light competition equipment as we are about ultra-safe beginner‘s gear. The following pages will give you insight into our current product range. Your skywalk R&D team

3 Line Levels: The 3-line-level concept reduces the number of lines and the resulting drag. Advantages: more performance and a better overview at launch. Shark Nose: Together with a corresponding wing design, the shark nose technology improves pressure distribution in the canopy substantially. Advantages: much more solid flying feeling and substantial performance gain, especially when gliding on bar. C-Wires: C-wires are nylon wires sewn into the glider over the anchor points of the C-level lines. Advantages: better load distribution, reduced drag, more performance. Mini Ribs: Doubling the number of cells at the trailing edge increases its shape stability substantially. Advantage: fewer vortices improve the aerodynamics and with it the performance

f.l.t.r. Stephan Gruber – Peter Müller Dominik Asteiner – Mario Eder – Alex Höllwarth

Speed Control System: Handle on rear riser which allows the pilot to even out turbulence, speed and pitch while flying on speed bar without having to release the speed bar. Loops & Hooks: Our loops and straps on the top sail make it possible to lay out the canopy in the most difficult alpine terrain. Automatic Sand Release System: Porous openings of the profile ribs at the trailing edge ensure that sand and dirt in the glider are automatically guided to the wingtip where they can trickle out. This helps preserve the material and »relieves« the trailing edge.

26 26



MESCAL Grows with your skills. The MESCAL6 is particularly easy to handle and gives you a lot of confidence from the first moment. Thanks to skywalk‘s revolutionary Agility System it is also the first glider that grows with the pilot‘s skills. The Agility System allows you to adjust the brake line geometry individually to the pilot‘s wishes with just a few steps. In “Comfort Mode” the MESCAL6 is the perfect training glider. The brakes emphasize the center of the wing: Braking impulses are directly applied, the canopy turns flatter - perfect for flights on training slopes and the first mountain flights. Student pilots can concentrate fully on the unknown medium of air. In “Sport Mode” the handling becomes more lively and agile. The brakes accentuate the outer wing: the glider banks higher, the control pressure in the effective range is lower and you can optimize your bank angle in every position while turning - experienced pilots fly high wingovers with ease. With the Agility System you can refine your feeling for the glider and increase it step by step! But the MESCAL6 inspires not only with its adaptive handling. The pilot also gets a glider that is completely stress-free from pre-launch preparations to after-landing packing.

Like its predecessors, the MESCAL6 is based on a compact wing shape with an aspect ratio of 4.8 and 38 cells - optimal for this class of airfoil. The clearly arranged line setup and the color-coded risers facilitate pre-launch preparations and easy inflation in all wind conditions. A further detail is our “ERGO-Handles”: These size-adjustable brake handles allow you to adjust them to your personal favorite position. The materials used are very robust and are forgiving if you let the canopy touch the ground. The MESCAL6 comes equipped with all the latest technologies, placing you at the cutting-edge right from the start.



Concept of the Agility System:


Depending on the mode, either the inner wing or the outer wing is articulated more strongly.

All five sizes are certified in the LTF /EN A category - whether you are flying in “comfort” or “sport” mode.













Area flat (m²)






Area projected (m²) Wingspan flat (m) Wingspan proj. (m) Aspect ratio flat

18,73 10,30 8,10 4,80

20,48 10,80 8,40 4,80

22,30 11,30 8,80 4,80

24,19 11,70 9,20 4,80

25,92 12,10 9,50 4,80

Aspect ratio projected






4,3 50-75

4,6 65-85

4,9 75-95

5,2 85-110

5,5 95-135






Glider weight (kg) Weight range (kg)




TEQUILA Its agreeable damping gives you a feeling of confidence and safety, right from your The TEQUILA is our recreational wing for- first turn in the thermals. The TEQUILA5 pilots who are just starting out, switch- is easy to center in thermals and climbs almost by itself. Brake pressure increasing classes, or working their way up. It combines amazingly simple handling es linearly and its balanced handling lets you set your bank angle precisely. with very easy-to-use performance. The We put special emphasis on the simple wing design ensures that the TEQUILA5 operation of rapid descent aids, so even is exceptionally quiet in the air. Especially in restless air, the TEQUILA5 occasional pilots can keep their cool when is a stable platform to cut a smooth line. it‘s time to get down in a hurry. Clear head. For what matters.



LTF09: B I EN: B

Cells Area flat (m²) Area projected (m²) Wingspan flat (m) Wingspan proj. (m) Aspect ratio flat Aspect ratio projected


Glider weight (kg) Weight range (kg) Extended eight range (kg)

















19,40 11,01 8,56 5,29

21,40 11,55 8,98 5,29

22,90 11,97 9,31 5,29

24,60 12,39 9,63 5,29

26,30 12,81 9,96 5,29

3,78 4,7 55-82 82-85

3,78 5,0 70-95

3,78 5,3 85-105

3,78 5,5 95-115 LTF09: 115-120B



3,78 5,9 105-135 EN: –B

CHILI A class of its own The name CHILI has long been a symbol for just the right synthesis of highest performance and balanced flying characteristics in the EN-B class. So developing a new CHILI is always the greatest challenge for our R&D team. Before we drew the first line on the drawing board for the CHILI4, we took a long look at the feedback from the CHILI community. Your wishes became our command. The CHILI4 now transmits feedback even more precisely through the brakes. The new brake system layout keeps brake line travel within an ergonomically comfortable zone. The glider is extremely stable in the air thanks to the new wing concept with a slightly higher number of cells, Shark Nose and lots of attention to detail 28

in cell construction and sail tension. This improves not only gliding performance over the entire polar curve, but also its stable flight behavior.


The characteristic thermal bite also benefits from the taught wing construction. The climb performance of the CHILI4 remains the industry benchmark!

Cells Area flat (m²) Area projected (m²) Wingspan flat (m) Wingspan proj. (m) Aspect ratio flat Aspect ratio projected


Glider weight (kg) petrol

LTF09: B I EN: B

high end intermediate


Weight range (kg)
















18,34 10,99

21,08 11,79

22,64 12,21

24,25 12,64

25,92 13,07

8,79 5,65 4,21

9,43 5,65 4,21

9,77 5,65 4,21

10,11 5,65 4,21

10,45 5,65 4,21

4,9 55-77

5,2 70-95

5,5 85-105

5,8 95-115

6,1 105-135

CAYENNE Sport Class in perfection. Sport class pilots expect a very special glider. A high-tech wing - packed with the latest innovations from the world of competition sports - that can be flown comfortably and lead the pack on epic XC days. The CAYENNE6 meets all expectations and is once again a step ahead of the crowd. For the first time in a sports class glider we have installed a highly efficient C-ris- The character of the CAYENNE6 is de- tance by 30 percent and at the same er control system. “Speed Control”, origi- signed in such a way that the full perfor- time improve stretch properties in the nally developed for our high-performance mance potential of this sport class wing diagonal direction. The unique combination of polyurethane and silicone coatgliders, works with optimally positioned is easily accessible. deflections not only on the C-, but also For the first time in paragliding, the ing makes the fabric extremely resistant on the B-level. With ergonomic handles CAYENNE6 uses the “TX-Light” material, to aging. on the rear risers and a very smooth which we developed in cooperation with High performance comfortably flown speedbar, the CAYENNE6 can be pilot- a renowned manufacturer. In addition to these four words are probably the best ed efficiently and without fatigue like the proven double ripstop threads, the way to describe the CAYENNE genes. a competition glider even in demanding TX-Light has two additional reinforcing The new CAYENNE6 is even more balconditions. Performance-reducing de- threads woven into the center of the anced than its predecessors and at formations of the profile and pitching existing ripstop weave. These additional home in all conditions. Welcome to the movements on bar are thus reduced to reinforcing threads increase tear resis- new sport class! a minimum. Inspired by our ultra-lightweight high perxc sportster LTF09: C I EN: C formance X-ALPS4, the glider remains XXS XS S M L calm in the air and is extremely pitch Cells 70 70 70 70 70 stable. We have designed the sail tension Area flat (m²) 22,00 23,43 24,90 26,93 27,97 Area projected (m²) 18,60 19,80 21,06 22,80 23,70 so that the new sport class wing transWingspan flat (m) 11,90 12,30 12,70 13,20 13,40 mits brake line impulses and weight shift Wingspan proj. (m) 9,30 9,60 9,90 10,30 10,50 Aspect ratio flat petrol 6,43 6,43 6,43 6,43 6,43 smoothly and directly. The control presAspect ratio projected 4,64 4,64 4,64 4,64 4,64 sure is pleasantly low and the control travGlider weight (kg) 4,7 5,0 5,3 5,6 5,9 Weight range (kg) 60-87 75-97 85-107 95-117 105-135 el is moderate, ideal for relaxed XC flying! lind red




MASALA Freedom. Every day. The MASALA is the glider for all Hike & Fly pilots and ambitious para-alpinists who want to carry their ultralight gear with them. The lightest member of our lightweight family packs as small as a towel and fits in the tiniest backpack. But the MASALA3 is much more than a just rapid descent aid for alpinists: Its playful handling thrills even the most pampered thermal freaks and it packs enough performance to bounce XC pilots from thermal to thermal. Certified as LFT/EN A, this lightweight glider is so easy to fly that even student pilots can step into the vertical dimension with lightweight gear from the very beginning. The small sizes XXS and XS are interest-

ing for lighter pilots and, thanks to their extended weight ranges, they are also attractive for para-alpinists and those


who like to launch from tiny peaks or soar at the coast when the wind is blowing a little stronger.

ultralight allrounder XS



















9,76 7,63

10,36 8,10

11,13 8,70

11,48 8,97

11,84 9,25

Aspect ratio flat Aspect ratio projected











Glider weight (kg) Weight range (kg) Extended weight range (kg)

2,7 55-70

3,0 55-77

3,3 70-95

3,5 85-105

3,6 95-120



Cells Area flat (m²) Area projected (m²) Wingspan flat (m) Wingspan proj. (m) lime




*with Dyneema risers, with regular-risers ca. +150 g

CUMEO It gives its pilot the same precise feedback, has the same balanced flying charThe CUMEO is our glider for all perfor- acteristics and can be steered just as inmance-hungry XC pilots who prefer to tuitively through the entire range of brake launch far away from cable cars and tote line travel. We have adapted its moderate roads - or who simply want to optimize control forces and brake line travel consequently to the needs of XC pilots who the weight and volume of their XC gear. The CUMEO interprets the concept of our want to spend hours following their dream bestseller CHILI in a lightweight fashion. route. We have trimmed weight only where XC The difference? In the rucksack - on the pilots won’t notice it, so the CUMEO is hike to launch or on the way home from just as steady and smooth in the air as your epic XC. the CHILI. Performance. Made easy.

CUMEO white



lightweight high end intermediate

LTF09: B I EN: B





Cells Area flat (m²)









Area projected (m²) Wingspan flat (m)

18,34 10,99

21,08 11,79

22,64 12,21

24,25 12,64

Wingspan proj. (m) Aspect ratio flat Aspect ratio projected

8,79 5,65 4,21

9,43 5,65 4,21

9,77 5,65 4,21

10,11 5,65 4,21

Glider weight (kg) Weight range (kg)

3,7 55-77

4,1 70-95

4,3 85-105

4,6 95-115

ARRIBA Simple. Fee. The ARRIBA is the pleasure wing in our lightweight glider range. Equipped with the genes of the TEQUILA series, the ARRIBA4 combines balanced flying characteristics with particularly easy-to-master performance and a refreshingly low weight. The ARRIBA4 is the right companion for pilots looking for an easy-tofly wing that still has enough power for relaxed XCs. The ARRIBA4 stays exceptionally quiet in the air. The glider’s smoothness and tremendous stability significantly increase your comfort, especially in rough air. The pleasant cushioning instantly conveys safety and confidence. The glider gives the pilot exactly the feedback he needs to intuitively find the best line and quickly core the thermals. Compared to its predecessor, the ARRIBA4 gained significantly in performance. Because of its pleasant characteristics, this performance is easy to fly. To ensure that you enjoy your ARRIBA4 for a long time, the combination of materials used ensures the necessary robustness in places where it is needed. Otherwise, we put each component on the scale to achieve the lowest possible weight and a compact packing size. Its friendly character makes the ARRIBA4 the perfect link between our ultra-lightweight MASALA, developed for para-alpinists, and the ARAK, our “multitool” for adventure and XC pilots. Are you looking for a lightweight, high-performance glider with pleasantly simple flying characteristics and high passive safety? Then the ARRIBA4 is your choice!


lightweight intermediate Cells Area flat (m²) Area projected (m²) Wingspan flat (m)



Wingspan proj. (m) Aspect ratio flat Aspect ratio projected Glider weight (kg) Weight range (kg) Extended weight range (kg)





















10,42 8,10 5,29 3,78 3,3

11,01 8,56 5,29 3,78 3,6

11,55 8,98 5,29 3,78 3,9

11,97 9,31 5,29 3,78 4,1

12,39 9,63 5,29 3,78 4,4

50-75 -

55-82 82-85

70-95 -



LTF09: B - B I EN: 115-120

*with Dyneema risers, with regular-risers ca. +150 g


LIGHTWEIGHT PARAGLIDERS ARAK In the choice of materials we considered extensive ground handling sessions or the needs of both frequent flyers and playful flying in the dunes. That means If you´ve always wanted to fly a glider that Hike&Fly pilots: Thanks to the innovative no limits to your flying horizon! lives up to your every demand, the ARAK is material combination, the ARAK can be your first choice! Our third model in the in- packed compactly and fits easily into termediate class cuts through traditional modern Hike & Fly rucksacks. However, categories and combines everything you the gliders is tough enough to handle want from a paraglider. The ARAK stands for easy handling, rich performance and, above all: lots of fun! LTF09: B I EN: B light mid level intermediate It is the perfect all-rounder for all pilots XXS XS S M L with high demands who are looking for a Cells 57 57 57 57 57 versatile glider. Our focus was on develArea flat (m²) 21,4 23,3 24,8 26,4 28,6 Area projected (m²) oping an easy-to-fly intermediate with 18,3 20,0 21,3 22,6 24,5 Wingspan flat (m) 10,75 11,22 11,58 11,94 12,42 playful handling that helps the pilot to Wingspan proj. (m) 8,60 8,98 9,26 9,55 9,93 keep cool in the toughest conditions. Its Aspect ratio flat 5,40 5,40 5,40 5,40 5,40 mustard petrol Aspect ratio projected 4,03 4,03 4,03 4,03 4,03 performance ensures that even the most Glider weight (kg) 4,1 4,3 4,5 4,7 5,0 demanding XC pilots achieve their ambiWeight range (kg) 50 - 75 65 - 85 75 - 95 85 - 105 95 - 120 lime red Extended weight range (kg) 75 - 80 85 - 90 95 - 100 105 - 110 120 - 125 tious goals.

The Multitool.


SPICE Long excursions. Made easy. With the SPICE, we have created a sport class glider that combines the performance of the CAYENNE with the weight of a Hike&Fly glider. It is made for XC pilots who spend a lot of time in the mountains and in the air. Materials used in the SPICE have been perfectly optimized to the requirements of XC pilots who like to fly from launch sites far away from the mainstream. The material combination used is substantially lighter compared to the CAYENNE. 32

SPICE white


LTF09: C I EN: C

lightweight xc sportster XXS




Cells Area flat (m²)

69 21,52

69 22,68

69 24,10

69 26,07

Area projected (m²) Wingspan flat (m) Wingspan proj. (m) Aspect ratio flat Aspect ratio projected





11,75 9,43 6,41

12,06 9,68 6,41

12,43 9,98 6,41

12,93 10,38 6,41





Glider weight (kg) Weight range (kg)

3,7 60-85

3,9 75-95

4,1 85-105

4,3 95-115

X-ALPS The success story continues. The X-ALPS4 was deemed by the athletes themselves to be the most powerful paraglider in the field at the Red Bull X-Alps 2019. To develop this well-balanced glider required the technological know-how of our R&D team and the intensive experience of our X-Alps athletes. We deliberately chose a 3-line concept for the X-ALPS4, which, in our view, is currently the best symbiosis of high performance, low weight and ease of use. The X-ALPS4 is a high-performance glider with a high fun factor. Its dynamically playful handling seduces you to exploit the full potential of the day, no matter how difficult the conditions. The ease of use starts at launch. The clear line setup and the redesigned Dyneema risers make it even easier to prepare for launch compared to its predecessor. Even with a slight tailwind, the canopy of the X-ALPS4 kites evenly and remains stable. That makes launching in challenging terrain even easier. In the air, the X-ALPS4 will impress you with its pronounced pitch stability. Its performance is easy to access and the glider is amazingly stress-free to fly. When flying on-bar, you can correct nick movements with the advanced Speed​​ Control extremely efficiently, and control in turbulent air at high speeds requires less effort. In thermals, the wing gives you excellent feedback via the brakes. Control pressure is lower and brake line travel is longer compared to its predecessor, which significantly increases flying comfort. The technical data with a 6.99 aspect ratio and 82 cells guarantee a real race feeling. Combined with its stable flight characteristics and low weight, the X-ALPS4 is the first choice for all Hik&Fly competition pilots as well as for uncompromising XC hunters!



ultralight performance




Cells Area flat (m²)

82 20,70

82 21,70

82 22,80

Area projected (m²) Wingspan flat (m) Wingspan proj. (m) Aspect ratio flat Aspect ratio projected




12,04 9,71 6,99

12,32 9,94 6,99

12,63 10,19 6,99










Glider weight (kg) Weight range (kg)


MINIWINGS TONIC Energetic. Direct. The TONIC2 is the fun machine in our mini-wing range. The super-compact wing with short span and short lines is A carefully selected mix of materials en- cantly increased. One thing is common to aimed at those who like to soar in strong sures the necessary robustness in dunes all sizes: The TONIC2 is extremely easy winds or close to the slope. We like to as well as low weight for Hike&Fly. A to handle, extremely fun in the air and call the TONIC2 the “go-kart” of the air special feature is the trimmer riser with extremely tough! because it converts control impulses di- which the speed window can be signifirectly and precisely and loves high banking and dynamic turns. Nevertheless, the lightweight x-wing LTF09: B/C I EN: B/C field of application is surprisingly versaXS S M tile – depending on the size you choose. 35 35 35 Cells The TONIC2 is not only a perfect strongArea flat (m²) 16,30 18,70 21,10 Area projected (m²) wind glider, but also an ideal practice 14,00 16,00 18,10 Wingspan flat (m) 8,40 9,00 9,60 glider for ground-handling, wingover and Wingspan proj. (m) 6,75 7,24 7,69 Aspect ratio flat looping training and a perfect companion 4,33 4,33 4,33 Aspect ratio projected 3,27 3,27 3,27 lind for Hike&Fly tours. It has enough perforGlider weight (kg) 2,4 2,6 2,8 mance to glide out of every valley or even Weight range - EN: B (kg) – 50 - 85 65 - 105 Weight range - EN: C (kg) 50 - 95 86 - 105 106 - 120 stay up on thermal days. mustard


TONKA Small. Light. Fast. Our TONKAs open up new horizons. They are super small, super light and super fast, which makes them predestined for alpine adventure. Each size has its own character... With only 10.2 m² of projected area, the TONKA2 XXS is the smallest and at 1.8kg also one of the lightest LTF/EN approved


paragliders. Depending on the take-off weight, the sizes XXS and XS are designed for competitive use or for fast flights to the valley. For pilots looking for less dynamics and speed, the TONKA is available in another size with just under 15 m² projected area. This is the perfect companion for ambitious Hike&Fly tours.

ultralight miniwing Cells Area flat (m²)




Area projected (m²) Wingspan flat (m) Wingspan proj. (m) Aspect ratio flat Aspect ratio projected Glider weight (kg) Weight range (kg)







12,13 10,25 7,63 5,94 4,80

14,06 11,89 8,22 6,40 4,80

17,46 14,76 9,1 6 7,13 4,80







69-73 (D)

60-85 (D)

60-90 (C)

TANDEM JOIN‘T Fly together. Enjoy together. With its huge weight range (100kg - 200kg in size S and 130kg - 225kg in size M), our tandem JOIN`T 3 is your ideal companion for both light and heavy pilot pairs. Each size offers a rich feeling in flight with maximum stability in both the high and low weight ranges. Its fine handling with smooth brake line travel is among the best in the tandem class. The JOIN’T3 is the fun-glider of the tandems – whether in commercial or private use. The fun begins at launch because the low weight of JOIN’T3 means it’s easy to kite. After a surprisingly short takeoff distance, pilot and passenger are airborne. Its direct handling will thrill you in thermals, while losing altitude over the landing site, and while showing off to your passenger with some dynamic maneuvers. Thanks to its simple flaring, point landings with JOIN’T3 are easy.

JOIN‘T3 lime



LTF09: B I EN: B S


Cells Area flat (m²)

49 37,50

49 41,20

Area projected (m²) Wingspan flat (m) Wingspan proj. (m) Aspect ratio flat

32,00 14,20 11,20

35,20 14,87 11,73

5,37 3,91 7,2

5,37 3,91 7,6



Aspect ratio projected Glider weight (kg) Weight range (kg)



The cover can be separated from the seat shell in just a few steps, reducing the weight by 50%!!

The back storage compartment offers ample space as well as a sleeve for hydration bladder.

The angle of the cockpit can be adapted to the visibility conditions.


The compartment

first time in a recreational harness. The permanant air protector combines the adThe BREEZE is a recreational harness with vantages of foam and ram air protectors. a simple design that fulfills the most di- PERMAIR offers maximum damping with verse demands. In short, it is: comfortable, minimal weight and space requirements in safe, lightweight and modular. The BREEZE the rucksack. has no seat board. Its shell encloses the A large back storage compartment with body perfectly and ensures maximum attachment for a hydration pack and a comfort. We chose a moderate height for removable cockpit provide ample storthe suspension points. In this way, the ge- age space. ometry allows an intuitive transmission of The modular design of the BREEZE makes it possible to separate the cover from control pulses and weight shifting. Security was at the top of our to-do list the seat shell in a few simple steps. The for the BREEZE. With the BREEZE, we are weight of the already lightweight recreintegrating the PERMAIR technology de- ational harness then drops from 2.1 kilos veloped for the Red Bull X-Alps for the to only 1100 grams!

offers room for

Simple. Modular. Versatile.



Thanks to our PERMAIR Technnology the BREEZE can be reduced to an extremely small packing size, which can be even further compressed by using the Inflation Bag.

modular harness

crown blue


snacks, camera,

LTF09 I max 120 kg

Pilot height (cm) Weight with Cover (kg) Weight without Cover (kg)

S 155 - 172

M 170 - 181

L 177 - 190

184 - 200


2,10 1,10

2,2 1,17

2,3 1,24

2,3 1,26

Most used harness in the Red Bull X-Alps race. With the input of the athletes we have significantly improved the comfort, everyday usability and longevity of the production version of the RANGE X-ALPS2.


The technical interior

Minimal packing size. Maximal aerodynamics. Full comfort.

of the RANGE X-ALPS2 at a glance: 1 - Power Frame

With the RANGE X-ALPS2, skywalk has defined a new class. The fully enclosed, fully EN/LTF-certified ultralight harness weighs only 1.8 kg, including protector and carabiners. This makes the new RANGE X-ALPS2 first choice for Hike & Fly athletes and XC pilots who want to go to the limit in competitions or who insist on extremely light gear. But this doesn’t mean that XC pilots have to sacrifice anything in terms of comfort and safety. skywalk‘s unique protector with PERMAIR technology combines the advantages of foam and dynamic pressure protectors. The protector is inflated before launch with the inflation bag, so it offers you maximum protection during the take-off phase. When you let the air out, the RANGE X-ALPS2 disappears into a 50-liter rucksack. skywalk‘s innovative Power Frame perfectly integrates the pilot in his seat, the easy-to-understand Get-up system with two-buckles ensures easy entry, and easily accessible straps allow individual inflight adjustment. The RANGE X-ALPS2 offers full comfort, with maximum aerodynamics and minimal packing size.




2 – reserve chute V-line channel

8 3

3 - Front rescue system 4 - carbon foot plate 4

5 - ram air nose 6 - storage compartment »seat«

1 2




7 - storage compartment »back« 8 - Lycra inside pocket

Extremely light

9 - Aerodynamic ram air fairing

with minimal space:

10 - RECCO® Reflector

The RANGE X-ALPS2 meets both require-

11 - Protector with PERMAIR technology (18cm thick | 32G).

ments with flying colors.


ultralight competition harness


Pilot height (cm) Weight (kg)

LTF09 I max 100 kg S



160 - 176 1,8

173 - 184 1,9

183 - 200 2,0



CULT Take off. Have a seat. Feel good. To create something new, sometimes you have to take an unusual route. For our allround harness CULT, we analyzed motion sequences in different sports and dealt intensively with kinematics, ergonomics and product design. The result is a harness that sets new standards with its exceptionally high level of comfort, new safety features, ease of use and sleek design. The basis for the high level of flying comfort is provided by our new Power Frame and, for the first time in a paraglider harness, the back part can be adjusted individually to the length of the pilot’s back. This ensures that the CULT clings to the pilot like a tailor-made backpack. The loops on the adjustable back, shoulder, chest and leg straps marked »+« and »-« allow you to individually adjust the damping of the harness at any time like the suspension of a modern car. Beginners and professionals immediately feel comfortable in the CULT, steering their paraglider intuitively - and thus safely. The new Power Frame ensures ideal pressure distribution and support – flying comfort guaranteed!

International standard: Designed with input from the

A RECCO reflector accelerates rescue operations.

mountain rescue: SAR loops (search and rescue) facilitate rescue by cable winch.

Variable back length adjustment: the shoulder straps can be adjusted individually to the length of the pilot’s back


crossover harness

LTF09 I max 120 kg S





Pilot height (cm) Weight (kg) Seat board (cm)

< 158 - 172 3,9 30,5x 41

M 168 - 182 4,2 33 x 44

L 178-200 > 4,9 36 x 48

RESCUE SALSA | PEPPER Return safely to earth. Our cruciform reserve chutes increase your safety decisively. Thanks to their design, they have a very short deployment time and high pendular stability two factors that can be crucial when the situation gets dicey. Large surfaces ensure a low rate of descent, and the symmetrical structure prevents system-related forward motion. This means that a stable descent with a pleasant landing is possible. Both reserve chutes have a separate lines compartment on the deployment bag, while durable materials guarantee that your rescue gear is still in top condition even after many years! The SALSA has the same structure as the PEPPER and enables an inexpensive entry into the world of square rescues. The PEPPER CROSS LIGHT is our reserve chute for weight fetishists.


square rescue chute




26,90 1350

32,50 1550

40,10 1900

Sink rate at approved max load (m/s)

20 5,1

20 5,1

24 5,0

EN certified max load (kg) LTF/EN certification

90 yes

110 yes

135 yes




26,90 990

32,50 1140

40,10 1440

Sink rate at approved max load (m/s)

20 5,2

20 5,47

24 5,47

EN certified max load (kg) LTF/EN certification

90 yes

110 yes

135 yes

Area flat (m2) Weight with inner container (g)

Volume difference between

Number of panels





PEPPER CROSS LIGHT lightweight square rescue Area flat (m2) Weight with inner container (g) Number of panels








Rucksack ALPINE Size M: 135 l | Weight: 1,045 kg, Size L: 175 l | Weight: 1,180 kg With its robust construction and many intelligent features, like a magnetic buckle on the waist belt, the ALPINE has room for pretty much everything that pilots like to take flying with them.

Rucksack HIKE Volume: 35l | Weight: 440g Volume: 55l | Weight: 480g Volume: 80l | Weight: 520g Unbeatable in packing size, weight and wearing comfort. Our HIKE offers adequate room for a lightweigt equipment, thus makes it the ideal companion for Hike & Fly adventures!

Rucksack HIKE X-ALPS Volume: 45 – 55l | Weight: 400g Hike & Fly Premium Rucksack, designed by Paul Guschlbauer and in collaboration with Salewa and skywalk brought to perfection: the carrying system anatomically encloses the shoulders perfectly, the volume can be adapted individually to the equipment, four stretchable outer pockets offer additional storage space, the material is highly water-repellent.

EASY BAG Volume: 200l | Weigth: 800g This fast packing bag lets you pack your glider and harness quickly and easily. With a volume of 200 liters it weighs just 800 grams - much less than a conventional bag.

SOFTBAG Lenght: 2,86 m | Weigth: 470 g Cell bag with optimal ventilation and many useful features. The outer compression band allows additional compression of the Softbag.



Riser Pouch

Ventilated storage bag for optimum storage. Saves space and treats your glider with care. Weight: 494g

In two different kinds: Riserbag Light: Weight 19g Riserbag Classic: Weight 29g

Brake Handles STANDARD

Compression Strap REGULAR

Available in three different versions:

High quality, padded packing strap. Unisize | Color: black | Weight: 90g

- with magnet - with swivel & snap fastener - with swivel & magnet

HIKE Lightweight, available with snap fastener or Velcro.

ERGO Adjustable size, with magnet.

Tandem Spreader REGULAR Rigid tandem spreader with aluminum bridge and two connecting loops for optimal load distribution of the passenger. Includes rescue lanyard and main carabiner with push button automatic closure and anti-twist. Weight: 269g

Compression Strap LIGHT Light, padded packing strap. Unisize | Color: white | Weight: 46g

Compression Innerbag Ventilated and compressible innerbag in 4 different sizes: - XS: for Miniwings, Weight: 100g - S: for Lightweight gliders, Weight: 142g - M: fĂźr Classic gliders, Weight: 211g - L: for Tandem gliders, Weight: 241g

Speedsystem Two-level speedsystem incl. Brummel Hooks and stopper.

Tandem Spreader SOFT


Flexible tandem spreader with two connecting loops for optimal load distribution of the passenger. Include rescue lanyard and main carabiner with push button automatic closure and anti-twist. Weight: 99g

Hip Bag

Aluminium carabiners TRIPLE LOCK Weight: 63g | Breaking load: 20kN

Austri Alpin Carabiners STRATUS INOX Weight: 130g | Breaking load: 28kN

Steel Screwlock Carabiners

Roomy, adjustable angle flight deck, unisize.

Telephone, wallets, batteries, spare line and multifunctional tools - the hip bag has room for all the important extras that you carry on a long flying day.

First Aid Kit Contains bandages, rescue blanket, tick tweezers and emergency knife. Weight: 184g

Windsock Dimensions: 95cm x 23cm

For rescue shoot connection. Weight: 63g | Breaking load: 20kN 41


BANDANA The Bandana is a versatile, high-stretch multifunction cloth. Use it as a storm hood, neck warmer or hairband - the perfect pilot accessory.

TEAM Shirt Sizes: S-XL Color: graying 100% Cotton Shirt with classic design.

SPEEDARMS Sizes: S - XL Color: petrol 100% Lycra Speedarms in the skywalk design, so that nothing flutters anymore! With thumb hole, zipper, stretchable, breathable, moisture-repellent.

skywalk Sportswear Functional sportswear in cooperation with SALEWA

SALEWA Puez Melange Dry Shirt Women / Men Sizes: XS-L / S-XL Colors: ocean / navy Quick-drying, breathable, 2-way-stretch, light.

SALEWA Pedroc Wind Jacket Sizes: S-XL Colors: navy Breathable, water repellent, light, compressible, 4-way-stretch, bodymapping, 90/10 down, high warmthto-weight ratio. 42

SALEWA Agner Hybrid Dwn Jacket Sizes: S-XL Color: green Breathable, wind- and water repellent, light, stows small in integrated compression pouch.

SALEWA Pedroc Light DST Pant Sizes: S-XL Color: black Breathable, wind- and water repellent, stretchable, durable, 4-way-stretch.

The Red Bull X-Alps collection worn by the athletes as competitive sportswear is available from your skywalk dealer or the skywalk webshop. Make sure you get your favorite limited-edition item and become part of the toughest adventure race in the world!

X-ALPS T-Shirt Women

X-ALPS Dry Longsleeve Men

Sizes: XS - M Color: ozean

Sizes: S-XL Color: poseidon melange

Quick drying, breathable, 2-way-Stretch, UV protection.

Quick-drying, breathable, UV protection, ergonomic sleeves and shoulders for a good fit.

X-ALPS Dry Shortsleeve Men Sizes: S - XL Color: grisaille melange Quick-drying, breathable, 2-way-stretch, UV protection.

X-ALPS T-Shirt Men

X-ALPS Ptc Alpha Jacket Sizes: S-L Color: malta Breathable, wind-resistant, water-repellent, moisture repellent, isolating, ergonomic sleeves and shoulders for a good fit, stows small in integrated compression pouch.

Sizes: S - XL Color: malta Quick-drying, breathable, 2-way-stretch, UV protection.

X-ALPS T-Shirt Men Sizes: S - XL Color: flintstone

X-Alps Full-Zip Hoodie Men Sizes: S-XL Color: ozean Breathable, quick-drying, tailored hood with elastic binding, 2 zipped outer pockets.

Quick-drying, breathable, 2-way-stretch, UV protection.

X-ALPS Dst Shorts Men Sizes: S - L Color: grisaille Quick-drying, breathable, abrasion resistant, 4-way-stretch, adjustable drawcord waistband, rear zipped pocket, 2 mesh inner pockets.

X-Alps Full-Zip Hoodie Women Sizes: XS-M Color: malta blue Breathable, quick-drying, tailored hood with elastic binding, 2 zipped outer pockets. 43


Red Bull X-Alps - collection



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