2 minute read
Autumn reset with 3 simple steps...
By Tola Macaulay, TMacLife Ltd
The month of September usually comes with a feeling of new beginnings and a fresh sense of newness...
However, due to the pandemic, this season has been overwhelmed with feelings of uncertainty and, dare we say, a ‘new normal’ - with lockdown rules being eased, there’s a collective feeling that it’s time to get back to business.
Whether you’re just returning from holiday, are heading back to a new year of studying or are just ready and raring to get stuck into work this Autumn, here’s why we think there’s no time like the present to set some new goals...
1. Science says successful people set goals.
Researchers have found that people who set small goals and targets do much better and achieve more than those who don’t bother. So, if you
think goal setting is an unnecessary waste of time, think again! Instead of setting unrealistic resolutions for the entire year, we like setting mini goals and reassessing these on the regular. September is the perfect time to do just that.
2. The 'back to school' mindset.
For the majority of us, going back to studying at school or uni in September is sadly a distant memory. But somehow, that back to school mindset has stayed with us. For years of our lives, this was a time for a new beginning, and there’s great opportunity in captivating on this, even now. The craziness of summer, with all its staycations, lockdown bake offs, drinks and holidays, is winding down, so take the time to re-evaluate what you want to achieve this year.
That could be taking on a new fitness challenge, tuning back into your healthy diet or getting organised at work.
Find that spring in your step again, as if you’re ready and raring to kickstart a new year at school.
3. The pressure’s off.
Despite there being a collective momentum at this time of the year, it’s not the same as the unbearable pressure of January.
There’s no constant media bombardment of what you 'should' be doing, or extreme social pressure. You can focus on what YOU actually want to achieve or get done this year, not what all your friends are doing.
Setting successful goals is all about having purpose and reason, to make sure you a) stick to them, and b) reap the right rewards for all your hard work.
Don't wait until January to start something new. Now is a great time to get out of your comfort zone and try something new
TMacLife hosts a monthly fun packed ‘Female Fitness Brunch’ with a brand new topic each month. This varies from Pole Fitness to Kickboxing. Each Brunch aims to empower and encourage women no matter where they are on their fitness journey.
Our next event is on the 26th of September - you can register at: www.TMacLife.com/events
Tola Macaulay BSc MSTA MSMA is Clinical Director at TMacLife Ltd. Tola offers Sports Therapy & Personal Training Services in and around Peterborough as well as hosting inspiring monthly Female Fitness Brunches. Visit www.TMacLife.com or call 0330 043 2326.

Tola Macaulay BSc MSTA MSMA