Lars Ericson
DRONES in theSky
Facts about129 military drones from 34 countries
Militarydronesfromaroundthe world
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UnmannedAerial Vehicle"oroften shortenedto"drone".
UAV (UnmannedAerialVehicle)
Here is an overviewofUAV
Regulation: Thereare strict rulesand restrictions on drone flying, especially in denselypopulated areasornear airports,which canlimit theiruse.
Commercial drones areunmannedaerialvehiclesusedfor photography, videography, mapping, agriculture andinspections. They areeasytofly,equipped with high-resolutioncameras andare used by bothcompanies andindividuals forcivilian, creative and business purposes.
MilitaryUAVs (drones) areunmannedaerialvehiclesdesignedfor reconnaissance, surveillance andattack.Theyenablerisk-free operations,gatherintelligence andcarry outprecision strikes. They areusedfor bothtacticalmissions andlong-range surveillance, increasing theeffectivenessofmilitary operations.
Tactical UAVs areunmannedaerialvehiclesusedfor short- to medium-range operations in military contexts.Theyprovide real-time informationtoground forces,performingreconnaissanceand surveillance missions,supporting tactical decision-makingand improving theability of troops to actquickly andeffectively.
StrategicUAVs arelarge,long-range unmannedaerialvehicles designedfor long-range surveillanceand intelligence gathering. They canremainairborne fordaysand collectvitaldatainrealtime, supporting high-level military strategicdecision-making.
CivilianUAVs,often called drones, areusedfor commercial and community services such as mapping, inspection, agriculture, search
andrescue, andfilming. They offercost-effectiveand flexible solutions to quickly collectdataand performpractical
Summary of Size/Weight Classification
•Micro/Nano-UAV:< 500 grams
•Mini-UAV: 500 grams- 2kg
•Small UAV(SUAV):3 -25kg
•MediumUAV: 25 -150 kg
•Large UAV(MALE/HALE):> 150 kg, wingspanover5 meters
•Heavy UAV: Severaltons,over15meterswingspan
This classificationcan sometimesoverlap depending on specific applications anddesign, but it providesa good overviewofthe diversity of UAVs available, both forcivil andmilitary use. Applications of MilitaryUAVs
Militarydronescan be used fora varietyofmissions,including:
1. Reconnaissanceand Intelligence Gathering:
UAVs areoften used to gather intelligence andmonitorenemy activities. They areequippedwith cameras andvarious sensorsto provide adetailedpicture of an area in real time.
2. Surveillanceand Patrolling:
UAVs can be used to patrol borders,monitormilitarybases,or provide constant updatesonthe situationonthe ground during ongoing operations.
3. Attack Missions:
Some military UAVs,suchasthe American MQ-9 Reaper or the TurkishBayraktar TB2, arearmed andcan carry out precisionstrikes againsttargets on theground. They areusedtostrikequickly and reducethe need to put soldiers at risk.
4. Support forGroundForces:
UAVs can provide immediateinformation to ground forces and provide supportinthe form of targetingand surveillance, which increases thesituationalawareness of troops.
5. ElectronicWarfare:
Some dronesare also used forelectronicwarfare by jammingenemy communicationsystemsorcollectingsignals fromthe enemy.
Risk Reduction:Because drones areunmanned, they can perform dangerous missions without riskinghuman life. This allows operations to be carried outmoreaggressively andathigherrisks than with mannedaircraft.
Cost-effective:Military dronesare oftencheaper to manufactureand operatecomparedtotraditionalcombataircraft. They do not require thesamecomplex training forpilots andare more economically viable.
Long Rangeand Endurance:Droneslikethe RQ-4 GlobalHawk can stay in theair forseveral days,makingthemveryeffectivefor long-range surveillance andstrategic intelligence gathering.
Examples of Military UAVs
1. MQ-9 Reaper:
Oneofthe most well-knownmilitarydronesinthe world. It is armed with missilesand is used by theUnitedStatesfor bothreconnaissance andprecision strikes. TheReaper can flyfor over20hours, making it an excellenttool forlong-termoperations.
2. BayraktarTB2:
DevelopedinTurkey, this drone hasbeena game-changer in several conflicts, includingthe recent fightinginUkraine.Itisknownfor its precisionand relatively lowcost.
3. Harop(Israel):
Atype of "loitering munition" or "kamikazedrone", whichis designedtofly over atargetareaand attack when atargetisdetected.
4. Pegaz011 (Serbia):
Atactical UAV developedfor reconnaissanceand surveillance,which is an exampleofthe military drone projects underway in various parts of theworld.
MilitaryUAVsare oftendivided into different categories basedon theirusesand capabilities:
1. Tactical UAVs:
Thesedronesare used forshort- to medium-range operations and provide direct supporttoground forces.Theyare designed to gather intelligence andprovide areal-time situationalpicture.
2. StrategicUAVs:
Theseare larger,long-range UAVsusedfor strategicintelligence gatheringand long-termsurveillance. They can flyathighaltitudes andmonitorlarge areasfor severaldays.
3. Loitering Munitions:
Dronesthatare designedtocircleoveranareaand attack targets when detected.Theyare oftendisposable dronesthatsacrifice themselves to destroytheir target.
Challenges with MilitaryUAVs
TechnologicalLimitations:Military drones rely on communication with theiroperators.Ifthiscommunication is disrupted,the dronecan become inoperableorevena security risk.
Thereare many different typesofdrone designs,and thesecan be dividedintodifferent categoriesdepending on theirdesignand intendeduse.Hereare some of themostpopular drone designs and theirrespectivemodels:
1. Quadcopters
•Design: Four rotors placed symmetrically, making it stable andeasy to maneuver.
oDJI Phantomseries: Very popular forphotography andvideography.
oDJI Mavicseries: Compactand portable, ideal forbothamateursand professionals.
oParrotBebop: Alightweight andsimplequadcopter,ideal for beginners.
2. Hexacopters
•Design: Sixrotors, whichprovidesbetterstability andthe abilityto lift heavierloads compared to quadcopters.
oDJI Matrice600: Used forindustrialfilming andinspections.
oYuneec Typhoon H: Astabledrone with agood camerausedfor surveillance andphotography.
•Design: Eight rotors,which allows forlifting heavyloads and provideshighsafetyand stability,especiallyfor professionalfilmand photography missions.
oFreefly Alta 8: Used in thefilmindustrytoliftheavycameras and capture high-quality video.
oDJI AgrasMG-1: An octocopter specifically designedfor agricultureand pesticideapplication.
4. Fixed-wing UAVs
•Design: Fixedwings similar to atraditional aircraft,makingthem more efficientfor long flights.
oRQ-4GlobalHawk: Alarge,strategic UAVusedfor long-range surveillance.
oParrotDisco:A small, fixed-wing dronefor civilian usewith along flight duration.
oPegaz 011: ASerbian military UAV designedfor reconnaissance.
5. Hybrid UAVs (VTOL- Vertical Takeoffand Landing)
•Design: Combinationofbothrotor andfixed-wingdesigns,which providesthe abilitytotakeoff vertically butalsofly effectively horizontally.
oWingtraOne: AVTOLdrone used formapping andinspections.
oLockheed Martin Stalker: Ahybrid UAVwithlong flight time and silent operation forreconnaissancemissions.
6. Loitering Munitions(Kamikaze drones)
•Design: Dronesthatcircleanareaand attack targetswhendetected.
oHarop (Israel): Designed to find anddestroy radarsystems.
oKomarac-1:A Serbiankamikazedrone used forprecision attacks.
7. Microand Nano Drones
•Design: Very smalldronesusedfor discreet surveillanceorshortrange operations.
oBlack Hornet Nano:A very smallreconnaissancedrone used by military units forclose-quartersreconnaissance.
oDJI Tello:A simple andaffordablenanodrone forrecreationand education.
8. TiltrotorUAV
•Design: Rotors that can change theirangle,allowingfor bothvertical takeoffand horizontalflight.
oBellV-247 Vigilant:A tiltrotorUAV formilitary use, capableof carryingheavier loadsand longerendurance.
Summary of Size/Weight Classification
Yes, dronesare oftendivided into differentcategoriesbased on size andweight,aswellastheir specific applications.Hereisa general classificationofdronesaccording to theirsizeand weight:
• Micro/Nano-UAV:< 500 grams
•Mini-UAV:500 grams- 2kg
•Small UAV(SUAV): 3- 25 kg
•MediumUAV:25- 150 kg
•Large UAV(MALE/HALE):> 150 kg,wingspanover5 meters
•Heavy UAV: Severaltons, over15meters wingspan
This classificationcan sometimesoverlap depending on specific applications anddesign, but it givesa goodoverviewofthe varietyof UAVs available, forbothcivilian andmilitary use.
1. MicroDrones(Nano andMicro-UAV)
•Size: Very small, usuallylessthan30cminwingspanordiameter.
•Weight:Usually less than 500 grams.
•Use:These dronesare oftenusedfor indoor flying, espionage,or hobby flying.Theyare smallenough to flythrough tight spaces and areveryeasytohandle.
•Example:DJI Tello, BlackHornet(militarymicro dronefor reconnaissance).
2. Mini-UAV
•Size: Afew decimeters to ameter in length or wingspan.
•Weight:Usually between 500 gramsand 2-3 kg.
•Use:Often used forcivilianpurposes such as infrastructure inspection, photography or agriculturalmonitoring. They aresmall enough to be portablebut stillhavegood range.
•Example:DJI Mavicseries, ParrotAnafi,Vrabac(military reconnaissancedrone).
3. SmallUAV (SUAV)
•Size: Between 1and 2metersinlengthorwingspan.
•Weight:Usually between 3and 25 kg.
•Uses: Thesedronesare popularfor bothmilitary andcommercial purposes,including surveillance, mapping,and agriculture. They can have advanced cameras andsensors andare oftenruggedenough for harshenvironments.
•Examples: ScanEagle(militarysurveillance),SkywalkerX8.
4. Medium-sized UAVs
•Size: Typicallybetween 2and 5metersinwingspan.
•Weight:Between 25 and150 kg.
•Uses: Thesedronesare used forlongerflights, oftenin military intelligence andsurveillance. They have alargercapacityfor sensors, cameras, andcan also carry smallerweapons in some cases.
•Examples: Pegaz011 (military reconnaissance),RQ-7 Shadow (used by theUSArmy).
•Size: Wingspanover5 meters andcan go up to 20 meters or more.
•Weight:Over150 kg andcan reach severaltons.
•Uses: They areusedinmilitaryoperationsfor long-range reconnaissanceand high-altitude intelligence gatheringmissions. They can flyfor over24hoursand collect informationoverlarge areas. TheseUAVs aresometimes also armedfor attack missions.
•Examples: MQ-9 Reaper (armed military drone), RQ-4 GlobalHawk (strategic surveillance).
6. Heavy UAVs
•Size: Wingspanof15metersormore.
•Weight:These UAVs can weighseveral tons.
•Uses: Theseare oftenusedfor military purposes andalsoinlarge civilian projects. They arecapable of extensivesurveillance, intelligence gatheringand long-termflight.
•Examples: MQ-4CTriton, HeronTP(Israelilong-range drone).
The bookdescribes 129 military drones with short descriptions of different model variantsofthe base model from 34 countries, all weighing over 100 kg. Each drone is presented with color images, detailed facts, and technical
It is acomprehensiveguide to understanding drone technology and its manufacturers globally. specifications. of manufacturers.
Additionally,the book contains general information about drones, aglossary of specific drone terms, and adirectory
Countries where drones are manufactured and are
1Argentina 12 Germany 23 Serbia
2Armenia13Greece 24 South Africa
3Australia 14 India 25 SouthKorea
4Austria 15 Indonesia 26 Spain
5Azerbaijan 16 Iran 27 Sweden
6Belarus 17 Israel 28 Switzerland
7Brazil 18 Italy29Taiwan
8Canada 19 Japan 30 Turkey
9China 20 Pakistan 31 Ukraine
10 Chech Rep. 21 Romania 32 United Arab Emirat representedinthis book "DRONES in the Sky":
11 France 22 Russia33United kingdom -34USA