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Bib lical Abun da nce

Bib lical Abun da nce

AS criptur a lJ ourney to Fin an cia lF ree dom

Copyright ©2025 David Kamali

All Bible verses, unless otherwise noted, are taken from the NewInternational Version (NIV) of the Bible

Scripture quotations areusedunder fairuse for educational and transformativepurposes.

Scripturequotations,unlessotherwise indicated,taken from TheHolyBible,New InternationalVersion® NIV®

Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used with permission. Allrightsreservedworld-wide.

Nopartofthispublicationmay be reproduced,stored, or transmitted in anyformorbyany means—electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording, scanning,orotherwise—withoutprior written permission from thepublisher.

Firstedition, 2025

Cover photocourtesyofJohn-Mark Smithvia Pexels

Publisher: BoD· BooksonDemand, Östermalmstorg1,114 42 Stockholm, bod@bod.se

Print: LibriPlureos GmbH, Friedensallee273, 22763 Hamburg, Tyskland

ISBN: 978-91-8080-817-0

www.kamaliliterature com

Intr oduct ion

The thiefcomes only in order to stealand kill anddestroy. Icamethat they may have andenjoy life, andhave it in abundance [to thefull, till it overflows].

—John 10:10 (AMP)

Igrew up as a Muslim in Iran in amiddle-class family.My family

was strict, and freedom was limited.Toadd to thedifficulty, my father left

us when Iwas just achild, leaving my mother to raise my brother andme alone.She worked tirelessly as ateacher, butlife was tough. There were times when food was scarce, and survival was adaily challenge

Everything changed when I turned 15. I remember my first year ofhigh

school, particularly a Wednesdayafternoon during religion class.Myteacher made astriking comment about the Quranbeing theonly righteous book, labeling the Bible as corrupt and filled with contradictions.Being acurious and strong-willedteenager in Iran,Iwas determinedtofind out why.I headedstraighttothelibrary after school, askingfor a Bible.Thelibrarian, however, laughed and said,“You know it’sillegal topossess a Bible, don’t you?”

That moment leftmebewildered.If the Bible was trulycorrupt,why was it banned?This only deepenedmycuriosity.Fortunately,I knew aman

whosoldillegal books, including those about political prisonersduring the revolution (I usedtobuy illegal booksrelatedtotherevolution from him).

I approached him one Fridaynightand asked ifhe had a Bible.His initial

reaction was suspicion, but when hesaw my eagerness,heagreed to help.

Heled me to abasement shop,where heretrieved asmall stack ofBibles from theback. I boughtone for about 20,000 IRR, roughly one or two

dollars at thetime

As I left,he warnedme,“If you ’ re caught with this, youcould be arrested or flogged.” But Iwas undeterred.Iwas determinedtoreadit

Onthebus ride home,I couldn’tstop wondering: why was this book so dangerous?That night,I startedreading. Monthslater, as I delved into the GospelofJohn,I became convinced that there was only oneman worth following: Jesus.That night,I knelt, askingJesus to be my Lord and Savior.

That moment marked aturning point.Lifebecame a “before Jesus ” and “ after Jesus”journey for me.

At 17, I moved to Sweden to reconnect with my father,wholived there.

While I soughtacceptance,I fell into the wrong crowd, ignoring the Bible’ s

warningsabout corruptcompany.Byage 20, aftercountless mistakes that wastedmytime, energy, and money,I decidedtorealignmylife withJesus.

I promised to read at leastone chapter of the Bible daily and began setting clear goals.

I discoveredmytalents and pursuedthem withfocus, and by 25, I earned abachelor’sdegreein Mathematics, another in English, and amaster’sdegreein Education.Yet, even while walkingwithGod,I lived paycheck to paycheck. I often found myselfquestioninghow biblical figures like David,

Job,Solomon,Boaz, and Abraham lived lives of prosperity while I strug-

gledfinancially.One night, in tears,I criedout to God, askingwhy Iwasn ’t experiencing thesame freedom

God answeredmethroughHis Word: “SeekfirstHis kingdom andHis righteousness, andall these things will be giventoyou as well” (Matthew6:33).

I realized that “seeking” meant actively pursuing answers in His Word.So,I began an intentionalstudyof the Bible’sprinciples on wealth.

Threeyears later, at theageof28, I achieved financial freedom.Now, I’m sharing my journey with you.This bookwill explore what the Bible teaches about wealth, prosperity, and financialindependence.Inthefinal chapter, you ’ll find astep-by-step guide to financial freedom thesame steps I used to breakfree from financial stress.

What is Financial Freedom?

Financial freedom means having theresources to cover your living expenses withoutconstantly worrying aboutyour nextpaycheck. It’sabout living on your terms and pursuing your God-given purpose without being burdened by financial stress.Here ’ sa simplebreakdown:

• Income >Expenses: You earn enough to cover your needsand wants without falling into debt

• Savings and Investments: You’vebuilt afinancial safety net that growsover time, reducing your relianceon work-basedincome.

• Choices: You havetheflexibilitytospend your time and money as yousee fit,whether working, traveling, or servingGod.

Financial freedom isn’tabout beingwealthy for wealth’ssake it’sabout security, peaceof mind, and theability to focus on what trulymatters.It

empowers youtoservethe Lord, support your family, and contribute to meaningful causes

WhyThis Book?

The Bible is theultimate guide tolife, including finances.Itoffers timeless wisdomon how to livea prosperous,honorable, and fulfilling life.Many people chase quickwealth through schemes, courses, or riskyinvestments, butthey ignore theprinciples laidout in Scripture

Throughoutthis book, I’ll show you how biblical figures applied God’ s principles to achieve generational wealth. Even today,wesee thelasting financial influenceof the Jewish community,whichfaithfully followsthe

teachingsof the Old Testament.

Each chapter of this bookwill guide youthrough practical applications ofGod’ s Word for your finances.Attheend of everychapter, you ’ll find simple reflection questions.Taketime to write downyouranswers, and by theend of thebook, you ’ll seeatransformation in how youapproach your finances.

My Prayerfor You

I praythat these chapters speakstoyou as youread.I pray that God answers your financial questions and blesses youabundantly, according to His purpose for your life.May youexperience His provision and use your blessings toupliftothers.When people look at your life, maythey say,“Surely, this is someone God has blessed.”

Let’sbegin this journey to financial freedom, rootedin God’seternal truth.

WhatdoestheBiblesayaboutwealth,work,andfinancialfreedom?How canyoubuildalifeofabundancewhilestayingtruetoyourfaith?

Biblical Abundance shares atransformativejourneyofapplying biblical principlestoachievefinancial independence and create lasting generationalwealth.

This book is astep-by-step roadmap rootedinScripture. Through personalstories,practicalstrategies,andtimelesswisdomfromtheWord ofGod,you’lllearnhowto:

WorkdiligentlyanddevelopGod-givenskills. Payoffdebtandescapethecycleoffinancialbondage.

Buildandgrowasidehustleorbusinesstocreatemultiplestreamsof income.

Investwiselyandcreateaportfolioforlong-termgrowth. Practicegenerosityandleavealegacyofwealthandfaithforfuture generations.


Whetheryou’rejuststartingyourfinancialjourneyoralreadyonthepath toindependence, Biblical Abundance offersbiblicalinsightandactionable steps to help youachieveyourgoals. Each chapter ends with reflective questionsandpracticalexercisestoguideyourprogress.

It’stimetoalign your finances with God’s plan.Discoverthe peace, freedom,andpurposethatcomewithwalkinginobediencetoHisWord.

KamaliisthefounderandCEOofKAMALIOrganisation,as samultifacetedentrepreneur,poet,educator,andauthorofthe Her Melanin, Her Skin, PoemlessNights, and Signal Series.He believesthateveryindividualhasauniquestoryanduseshis inspireandempoweryoungpeople.

ldsaBachelor’sdegreeinMathematicsfromLundUniversity,a Bachelor’s degree in Englishand Literature from Mid Sweden University,andaMaster’sdegreeinEducationfromLuleåUniversity hnology.

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